// Copyright (C) 1991, Microsoft Corporation.
// File: assert.cxx
// Contents: Debugging output routines for idsmgr.dll
// Functions: Assert
// PopUpError
// History: 23-Jul-91 KyleP Created.
// 09-Oct-91 KevinRo Major changes and comments added
// 18-Oct-91 vich moved debug print routines out
// 10-Jun-92 BryanT Switched to w4crt.h instead of wchar.h
// 30-Sep-93 KyleP DEVL obsolete
#pragma hdrstop
// This one file **always** uses debugging options
#if DBG == 1
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dprintf.h> // w4printf, w4dprintf prototypes
#include <debnot.h>
#include <olesem.hxx>
#include <windows.h>
#include <netevent.h>
#include <stackwalk.h>
#include <asrtcfg.h>
#include <privguid.h>
#include <memapi.hxx>
unsigned long Win4InfoLevel = DEF_INFOLEVEL; unsigned long Win4InfoMask = 0xffffffff; BOOL gAssertOnCreate = TRUE; int ForceAV();
// Function: _asdprintf
// Synopsis: Calls vdprintf to output a formatted message.
// History: 18-Oct-91 vich Created
inline void __cdecl _asdprintf( char const *pszfmt, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, pszfmt);
vdprintf(DEB_FORCE, "Assert", pszfmt, va);
// Class: CAssertInfo
// Synopsis: Data type to trake assertion and logging parameters
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
class CAssertInfo : public IAssertConfig { public: CAssertInfo() : _dwFlags(ASSRTCFG_POPUP | ASSRTCFG_DEBUGMESSAGE) {}
// IUnknown
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, PVOID * ppv) { if ((IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) || (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IAssertConfig))) { *ppv = this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } else { return E_NOINTERFACE; } }
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() { return 1;} STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() { return 1;}
// IConfigAssert
STDMETHOD(SetBreak)(BOOL f) { SetFlag(f, ASSRTCFG_BREAK); return S_OK;} STDMETHOD(SetPopup)(BOOL f) { SetFlag(f, ASSRTCFG_POPUP); return S_OK;} STDMETHOD(SetDebuggerMessage)(BOOL f) { SetFlag(f, ASSRTCFG_DEBUGMESSAGE); return S_OK;} STDMETHOD(SetPrintStack)(BOOL f) { SetFlag(f, ASSRTCFG_PRINTSTACK); return S_OK;} STDMETHOD(SetUseAV)(BOOL f) { SetFlag(f, ASSRTCFG_USEAV); return S_OK;} STDMETHOD(SetLog)(ASSRTLOGINFO *pLogInfo) { _logInfo = *pLogInfo; return S_OK;} STDMETHOD(SetContextString)(char *psz){ _pszContext = psz; return S_OK;} STDMETHOD(SetThreshold)(ULONG cTh) { _cThreshold = cTh; return S_OK;}
// helpers
void Win4AssertEx(char const * szFile, int iLine, char const * szMessage); int PopUpError(char const *szMsg, int iLine, char const *szFile); void ComposeErrorMessage(char const *szMsg, int iLine, char const *szFile); void AppendToFile(char *pszFileName, char const *pwszData); void FatalErrorHandler(char *errmsg); void LogAssertionFailure(char const * szMessage); private:
void SetFlag(BOOL f, DWORD bit) { _dwFlags = f ? _dwFlags | bit : _dwFlags & ~bit; } char *GetStack(); BOOL GetBreak() {return _dwFlags | ASSRTCFG_BREAK;} BOOL GetPopup() {return _dwFlags | ASSRTCFG_POPUP;} BOOL GetDebugMessage() {return _dwFlags | ASSRTCFG_DEBUGMESSAGE;} void BreakIntoDebugger() { if (_dwFlags & ASSRTCFG_USEAV) ForceAV(); else DebugBreak(); }
DWORD _dwFlags; // what to do when an assertion fails
ASSRTLOGINFO _logInfo; // if/where to write a log entry
char *_pszContext; // user supplied context string for the log
char _errMessage[128]; // generated error string
ULONG _cThreshold; // number of assertion to ignore
ULONG _cAssrtFail; // number of assertion failures so far
CAssertInfo gAssertInfo;
// Method: Win4AssertEx
// Synopsis: Called on assertion failure. Takes appropriate action based
// on member variables
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
void CAssertInfo::Win4AssertEx( char const * szFile, int iLine, char const * szMessage) { _cAssrtFail++; if (_cAssrtFail < _cThreshold) { return; } ComposeErrorMessage(szMessage, iLine, szFile);
BOOL fBrokeAlready = FALSE;
if (_dwFlags & ASSRTCFG_DEBUGMESSAGE) { DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId();
_asdprintf("%s\n%s\n", _errMessage, szMessage); }
if (_logInfo.dwDest & ASSRTLOG_FILE) { AppendToFile(_logInfo.pszFileName, szMessage); }
if (_logInfo.dwDest & ASSRTLOG_NTEVENTLOG) { LogAssertionFailure(szMessage); }
if (_dwFlags & ASSRTCFG_POPUP) { int id = PopUpError(szMessage, iLine, szFile);
if (id == IDCANCEL) { fBrokeAlready = TRUE; BreakIntoDebugger(); } }
if ((_dwFlags & ASSRTCFG_BREAK) && !fBrokeAlready) { BreakIntoDebugger(); }
// Method: PopUpError
// Synopsis: Displays a dialog box using provided text,
// and presents the user with the option to
// continue or cancel.
// Arguments:
// szMsg -- The string to display in main body of dialog
// iLine -- Line number of file in error
// szFile -- Filename of file in error
// Returns:
// IDCANCEL -- User selected the CANCEL button
// IDOK -- User selected the OK button
int CAssertInfo::PopUpError(char const *szMsg, int iLine, char const *szFile) {
int id; WCHAR wszWinsta[64]; HWINSTA hWinsta; DWORD Size;
hWinsta = GetProcessWindowStation(); Size = sizeof(wszWinsta); wszWinsta[0] = 0;
if ( hWinsta ) { (void) GetUserObjectInformation( hWinsta, UOI_NAME, wszWinsta, Size, &Size ); }
// This makes popups from non-interactive servers/services (including
// rpcss) visible.
if ( wszWinsta[0] && (lstrcmpiW(wszWinsta,L"Winsta0") != 0) ) dwMessageFlags |= MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION | MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY;
id = MessageBoxA(NULL,(char *) szMsg, (LPSTR) _errMessage, dwMessageFlags);
// If id == 0, then an error occurred. There are two possibilities
// that can cause the error: Access Denied, which means that this
// process does not have access to the default desktop, and everything
// else (usually out of memory). Oh well.
return id; }
// Method: ComposeErrorMessage
// Synopsis: Put together a message that contains useful info about the
// context of the error
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
void CAssertInfo::ComposeErrorMessage( char const *szMsg, int iLine, char const *szFile) {
static char szModuleName[128];
DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); char * pszModuleName;
BOOL bStatus;
if (GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szModuleName, 128)) { pszModuleName = strrchr(szModuleName, '\\'); if (!pszModuleName) { pszModuleName = szModuleName; } else { pszModuleName++; } } else { pszModuleName = "Unknown"; }
wsprintfA(_errMessage,"Process: %s File: %s line %u, thread id %d.%d", pszModuleName, szFile, iLine, pid, tid); }
// Method: AppendToFile
// Synopsis: Write assertion failures to a log file.
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
void CAssertInfo::AppendToFile(char *pszFileName, char const *pwszData) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(pszFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FatalErrorHandler("Could not open log File."); }
DWORD ret = SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, 0, FILE_END); if (ret == -1) { FatalErrorHandler("Could not set file pointer."); } DWORD dwBytesWritten; BOOL ok = WriteFile(hFile, _errMessage, lstrlenA(_errMessage), &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
if (!ok) { FatalErrorHandler("Could not write to log File."); } ok = WriteFile(hFile, "\n", 1, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
if (!ok) { FatalErrorHandler("Could not write to log File."); }
ok = WriteFile(hFile, pwszData, lstrlenA(pwszData), &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
if (!ok) { FatalErrorHandler("Could not write to log File."); }
ok = WriteFile(hFile, "\n", 1, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
if (!ok) { FatalErrorHandler("Could not write to log File."); }
if (_dwFlags & ASSRTCFG_PRINTSTACK) { char *psz = GetStack(); if (psz) { ok = WriteFile(hFile, psz, lstrlenA(psz), &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
if (!ok) { FatalErrorHandler("Could not write to log File."); } PrivMemFree(psz); } } if (_pszContext) { ok = WriteFile(hFile, pwszData, lstrlenA(pwszData), &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
if (!ok) { FatalErrorHandler("Could not write to log File."); } ok = WriteFile(hFile, "\n", 1, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
if (!ok) { FatalErrorHandler("Could not write to log File."); }
} CloseHandle(hFile); }
// Function: GetStackExceptionFilter
// Synopsis: Walk stack and store in a string variable
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
extern HRESULT CStackWalkerCF_CreateInstance (IUnknown *pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void** ppv);
LONG GetStackExceptionFilter(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS lpep, char **ppStack) { HRESULT hr; LONG lRet = EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; IStackWalker* pIStackWalker = NULL; IStackWalkerStack* pIStack = NULL;
*ppStack = NULL; DWORD dwFault = lpep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode; if (dwFault != 0xceadbeef) { lRet = EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; goto Cleanup; }
hr = CStackWalkerCF_CreateInstance (NULL, IID_IStackWalker, (void**) &pIStackWalker); if (FAILED (hr)) goto Cleanup;
hr = pIStackWalker->Attach (NULL); if (FAILED (hr)) goto Cleanup;
pIStack = pIStackWalker->CreateStackTrace (lpep->ContextRecord, NULL, 0); if (!pIStack) goto Cleanup;
SIZE_T nLen = pIStack->Size (20);
WCHAR * szStack = new WCHAR[nLen]; if (szStack) { if (pIStack->GetStack (nLen, szStack, 20)) { *ppStack = (char *) PrivMemAlloc(nLen); if (*ppStack) { wcstombs(*ppStack, szStack, lstrlenW(szStack)); } }
delete [] szStack; }
if (pIStackWalker) pIStackWalker->Release();
if (pIStack) pIStack->Release(); return lRet; }
// Method: GetStack
// Synopsis: Throws and exception so the filter can get stack info
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
char *CAssertInfo::GetStack() { char *pStack = NULL; __try { RaiseException(0xceadbeef, 0, 0, NULL); } __except(GetStackExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), &pStack)) { } return pStack; }
// Method: FatalErrorHandler
// Synopsis: Called when the assertion code itself cannot allocate
// enough resources to log the assertion failure.
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
void CAssertInfo::FatalErrorHandler(char *szMessage) { BOOL fBrokeAlready = FALSE;
lstrcpyA(_errMessage, "Fatal error while processing assertion failure"); _asdprintf("%s\n%s\n", _errMessage, szMessage);
if (_dwFlags & ASSRTCFG_POPUP) { int id = PopUpError(szMessage, __LINE__, __FILE__);
if (id == IDCANCEL) { fBrokeAlready = TRUE; BreakIntoDebugger(); } }
if (_dwFlags & ASSRTCFG_BREAK && !fBrokeAlready) { BreakIntoDebugger(); }
// Method: LogAssertionFailure
// Synopsis: Write and assertion failure to the NT event log
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
void CAssertInfo::LogAssertionFailure(char const * szMessage) { HANDLE LogHandle; char const * Strings[3]; // array of message strings.
Strings[0] = _errMessage; Strings[1] = szMessage; Strings[2] = _pszContext ? _pszContext : "";
// Get the log handle, then report the event.
LogHandle = RegisterEventSource( NULL, L"DCOM" );
if ( LogHandle ) { ReportEventA( LogHandle, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0, // event category
EVENT_DCOM_ASSERTION_FAILURE, NULL, 3, // 3 strings passed
0, // 0 bytes of binary
Strings, // array of strings
NULL ); // no raw data
// clean up the event log handle
DeregisterEventSource(LogHandle); } else { FatalErrorHandler("Could not register as event source"); } }
// Function: vdprintf
// Synopsis: Prints debug output using a pointer to the
// variable information. Used primarily by the
// xxDebugOut macros
// Arguements:
// ulCompMask -- Component level mask used to determine
// output ability
// pszComp -- String const of component prefix.
// ppszfmt -- Pointer to output format and data
// This semaphore is *outside* vdprintf because the compiler isn't smart
// enough to serialize access for construction if it's function-local and
// protected by a guard variable.
// KyleP - 20 May, 1993
COleStaticMutexSem g_mxsVdprintf; BOOL g_mxsVdprintfInitialized = TRUE;
STDAPI_(void) vdprintf( unsigned long ulCompMask, char const *pszComp, char const *ppszfmt, va_list pargs) { if ((ulCompMask & DEB_FORCE) == DEB_FORCE || ((ulCompMask | Win4InfoLevel) & Win4InfoMask)) { if ((Win4InfoLevel & (DEB_DBGOUT | DEB_STDOUT)) != DEB_STDOUT) { if (! (ulCompMask & DEB_NOCOMPNAME)) { DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
if (g_mxsVdprintfInitialized) LOCK (g_mxsVdprintf); w4dprintf( "%d.%03dp> ", pid, tid ); w4dprintf("%s: ", pszComp); w4vdprintf(ppszfmt, pargs);
if (g_mxsVdprintfInitialized) UNLOCK (g_mxsVdprintf); } } } }
// Function: ForceAV
// Synopsis: Cause and Access Violation
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
int ForceAV() { return *((int *) 0); }
// Function: _Win4Assert, private
// Synopsis: Display assertion information
// Effects: Called when an assertion is hit.
// History: 12-Jul-91 AlexT Created.
// 05-Sep-91 AlexT Catch Throws and Catches
// 19-Oct-92 HoiV Added events for TOM
STDAPI_(void) Win4AssertEx( char const * szFile, int iLine, char const * szMessage) { gAssertInfo.Win4AssertEx(szFile, iLine, szMessage); }
// Function: SetWin4InfoLevel(unsigned long ulNewLevel)
// Synopsis: Sets the global info level for debugging output
// Returns: Old info level
EXPORTIMP unsigned long APINOT SetWin4InfoLevel( unsigned long ulNewLevel) { unsigned long ul;
ul = Win4InfoLevel; Win4InfoLevel = ulNewLevel; return(ul); }
// Function: _SetWin4InfoMask(unsigned long ulNewMask)
// Synopsis: Sets the global info mask for debugging output
// Returns: Old info mask
EXPORTIMP unsigned long APINOT SetWin4InfoMask( unsigned long ulNewMask) { unsigned long ul;
ul = Win4InfoMask; Win4InfoMask = ulNewMask; return(ul); }
// Function: ReadINIFile
// Synopsis: Get a paremeter value from the win.ini file
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
BOOL ReadINIFile(char * pszKey, BOOL * pVal) { static char szValue[128]; if (GetProfileStringA("CairOLE Assertions", // section
pszKey, // key
"", // default value
szValue, // return buffer
128)) { *pVal = (lstrcmpiA(szValue, "yes") == 0) ; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// Function: AssertDebugInit
// Synopsis: Initialize the assertion data structure using the win.ini file
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
void AssertDebugInit() {
#define ASSERT_SET(key) \
{ \ BOOL val; \ if (ReadINIFile(#key, &val)) \ { \ gAssertInfo.Set##key(val); \ } \ } \
static char szValue[128]; ASSERT_SET(Break); ASSERT_SET(Popup); ASSERT_SET(DebuggerMessage); ASSERT_SET(PrintStack); ASSERT_SET(UseAV); ASSRTLOGINFO logInfo; memset(&logInfo, 0, sizeof(logInfo)); if (GetProfileStringA("CairOLE Assertions", // section
"Log_File", // key
"", // default value
logInfo.pszFileName, // return buffer
MAX_PATH)) { if (lstrcmpA("", logInfo.pszFileName) != 0) { logInfo.dwDest |= ASSRTLOG_FILE; } } if (GetProfileStringA("CairOLE Assertions", // section
"Log_NtEventLog", // key
"", // default value
szValue, // return buffer
128)) {
logInfo.dwDest |= (lstrcmpiA(szValue, "yes") == 0 )? ASSRTLOG_NTEVENTLOG : 0; } if (logInfo.dwDest) { gAssertInfo.SetLog(&logInfo); } if (GetProfileStringA("CairOLE Assertions", // section
"AssertOnCreate", // key
"", // default value
szValue, // return buffer
128)) { gAssertOnCreate = FALSE; } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CoGetAssertConfig
// Synopsis: CI for CAssertInfo. gAssertInfo is a singleton,
// so just to a QI
// History: 27-Jan-99 MattSmit Created
HRESULT CoGetAssertConfig(REFIID riid, PVOID *ppv) { return gAssertInfo.QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
int assertDontUseThisName(void) { return 1; }
#endif // DBG == 1