// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: olescm.cxx
// Contents: Functions shared between OLE32 and the SCM
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 10-03-95 kevinro Created
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2sp.h>
#include <ole2com.h>
static const WCHAR wszOle32Dll[] = L"OLE32.DLL";
#define OLE32_DLL wszOle32Dll
#define OLE32_BYTE_LEN sizeof(OLE32_DLL)
#define OLE32_CHAR_LEN (sizeof(OLE32_DLL) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1)
// Threading Model Registry Constants
const WCHAR wszDllThreadModel[] = L"ThreadingModel";
const WCHAR wszAptModel[] = L"Apartment"; const WCHAR wszBothModel[] = L"Both"; const WCHAR wszFreeModel[] = L"Free"; const WCHAR wszNeutralModel[] = L"Neutral";
// Thread model match table. The table's first index is the threading
// model of the process and can be either APT_THREADED or
// FREE_THREADED. The second index is any one of the types of threading
// model's for DLLs.
BOOL afThreadModelMatch[2][4] = {{TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE}, {FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE}};
// Function: CompareDllName
// Synopsis: Give a DLL path, this sees if the path is equal to a given
// DLL name or the last component of the is the same as the
// DLL name.
// Arguments: [pwszPath] -- DLL path
// [pwszDllName] -- name of DLL to compare with
// Returns: TRUE - The input path is equal or its last component is equal
// to the input Dll name.
// FALSE - Not equal at all.
// History: 6-15-95 ricksa Created
// Notes: This is a helper function used by the routines that convert
// ole2.dll to ole32.dll and to convert paths that end in ole32.dll
// into ole32.dll.
BOOL wCompareDllName(LPCWSTR pwszPath, LPCWSTR pwszDllName, DWORD dwDllNameLen) { BOOL fResult = TRUE;
if (lstrcmpiW(pwszDllName, pwszPath) != 0) { // Check if the last component is the same path
DWORD dwPathLen = lstrlenW(pwszPath);
if (dwPathLen > dwDllNameLen) { // Point to the last where the slash would be if the substitute
// path is the last component
LPCWSTR pwszLastComponent = pwszPath + dwPathLen - (dwDllNameLen + 1);
// Is there a slash in that position
if ((*pwszLastComponent == '\\') || (*pwszLastComponent == '/')) { // Point to where the last component should be
// Does the last component match?
if (lstrcmpiW(pwszLastComponent, pwszDllName) == 0) { goto CompareDllName_Exit; } } }
fResult = FALSE; }
return fResult; }
// Function: wThreadModelMatch
// Synopsis: Determines whether caller and DLL thread models match
// Arguments: [dwCallerThreadModel] - Caller thread model
// [dwDllThreadModel] - DLL thread model
// Returns: TRUE - DLL can be loaded caller
// FALSE - DLL cannot be loaded into caller.
// Algorithm: If the caller's thread model is apartment, then check
// whether the DLL is one of apartment, single threaded or
// both threaded. If it is, then return TRUE. Otherwise,
// for free threading return TRUE if the DLL model is either
// both or free threaded. If neither of the above is TRUE
// then return FALSE.
// History: 10-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
BOOL wThreadModelMatch( DWORD dwCallerThreadModel, DWORD dwDllThreadModel, DWORD dwContext) { BOOL fResult = afThreadModelMatch[dwCallerThreadModel] [dwDllThreadModel];
if (dwContext & CLSCTX_PS_DLL) { fResult = TRUE; }
return fResult; }
// Function: wQueryStripRegValue
// Synopsis: Get the DLL information for a 32 bit DLL and
// strip off any leading and trailing "
// Arguments: [hkey] - class handle
// [pwszSubKey] - key to open
// [pwszValue] - where to return data
// [pcbValue] - length of above buffer in bytes
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS - read DLL path information
// Other - registry entries could not be found
// Algorithm: Read the value requested.
// If first character is not ", exit
// Otherwise, copy data after quote to beginning of buffer.
// History: 05-Jan-94 BillMo Created
// 26-Sep-95 BruceMa Support environment variable expansion
// for shell viewers
LONG wQueryStripRegValue(HKEY hKey, // handle of key to query
LPCWSTR pwszSubKey, // address of name of subkey to query
LPWSTR pwszValue, // address of buffer for returned string
PLONG pcbValue) // address of buffer for size of returned string
{ HKEY hSubKey; DWORD dwType; LONG lErr ;
Win4Assert(pwszValue != NULL); Win4Assert(pcbValue != NULL);
// Open the subkey if there is a string
if (pwszSubKey != NULL) { lErr = RegOpenKeyExW(hKey, pwszSubKey, NULL, KEY_READ, &hSubKey); } else { hSubKey = hKey; lErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Read the value into the user's buffer
if (lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lErr = RegQueryValueExW(hSubKey, NULL , NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *) pwszValue, (ULONG *) pcbValue); if (lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { WCHAR *pwszScan = pwszValue; // used to scan along string
WCHAR *pwszDest = pwszValue; // used as destination when copying
// if the name is quoted then ...
if (*pwszScan == '\"') { pwszScan++;
// copy all non-quote characters down to base of buffer
// until end of quoted string
while (*pwszScan != '\0' && *pwszScan != '\"') { *pwszDest++ = *pwszScan++; }
// terminate string and get length in bytes including nul
*pwszDest++ = '\0'; *pcbValue = (int)(pwszDest - pwszValue) * sizeof(WCHAR); }
// find first non-white space character
pwszScan = pwszValue; while (_istspace(*pwszScan)) pwszScan++;
// if there are no non-white space characters this will be true
if (*pwszScan == L'\0') { lErr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; *pcbValue = 0; }
// If the value type is REG_EXPAND_SZ then do environment variable
// expansion
if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { // Expand any embedded environemnt variable expressions
lstrcpyW(wszTemp, pwszValue); *pcbValue = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(wszTemp, pwszValue,MAX_PATH); } }
// Only close the sub key if we actually opened it.
if (hSubKey != hKey) { RegCloseKey(hSubKey); }
} return lErr; }
// Function: GetDllInfo
// Synopsis: Get the DLL information for a 32 bit DLL
// Arguments: [hClsRegEntry] - class handle
// [pwszKey] - key to open
// [pwszDllName] - where to return DLL path
// [pclDllName] - length of above buffer
// [pulDllThreadType] - where to return DLL threading information
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS - read DLL path information
// Other - registry entries could not be found
// Algorithm: Open the DLL key. Then read the DLL path name. Finally read
// the threading model information if it is specified.
// History: 09-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
LONG wGetDllInfo( HKEY hClsRegEntry, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPWSTR pwszDllName, LONG* pclDllName, ULONG* pulDllThreadType) { HKEY hDllEntry = NULL;
// Attempt to open the specified registry key.
LONG lerr = RegOpenKeyExW(hClsRegEntry, pwszKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hDllEntry); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lerr) { //
// Try to read the DLL name.
lerr = wQueryStripRegValue(hDllEntry, NULL, pwszDllName, pclDllName); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lerr) { //
// A DLL name is registered. If the DLL is OLE32.DLL, then we
// know all about and don't have to dig more info from the
// the registry. Otherwise, we do need to keep digging.
if (wCompareDllName(pwszDllName, OLE32_DLL, OLE32_CHAR_LEN)) { memcpy(pwszDllName, OLE32_DLL, OLE32_BYTE_LEN); *pclDllName = OLE32_CHAR_LEN; *pulDllThreadType = BOTH_THREADED; } else { //
// Assume there is no registry entry.
*pulDllThreadType = SINGLE_THREADED;
// Buffer to hold entry for the registry data.
WCHAR wszModelBuf[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cdwModelBuf = sizeof(wszModelBuf); DWORD dwRegEntType;
// Read the DLL threading model from the registry.
lerr = RegQueryValueExW(hDllEntry, wszDllThreadModel, NULL, &dwRegEntType, (LPBYTE) &wszModelBuf[0], &cdwModelBuf);
// If there is a thread model descriptor, set the thread
// type accordingly.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lerr) { if (REG_SZ != dwRegEntType) { Win4Assert(L"ThreadingModel Key Type incorrect"); } else if (0 == lstrcmpiW(wszAptModel, wszModelBuf)) { //
// An APARTMENT model object.
*pulDllThreadType = APT_THREADED; } else if (0 == lstrcmpiW(wszBothModel, wszModelBuf)) { //
// A BOTH model object.
*pulDllThreadType = BOTH_THREADED; } else if (lstrcmpiW(wszFreeModel, wszModelBuf) == 0) { //
// A FREE_THREADED model object.
*pulDllThreadType = FREE_THREADED; } else if (0 == lstrcmpiW(wszNeutralModel, wszModelBuf)) { //
*pulDllThreadType = NEUTRAL_THREADED; } else { Win4Assert(L"ThreadingModel Value incorrect"); } }
// When we get to this point, we got a DLL entry so we remap
// any errors to success because they only mean that we could
// not get a model from the registry.
lerr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } RegCloseKey(hDllEntry); }
return lerr; }