// File: olesem.cxx
// Contents: Implementation of semaphore classes for use in OLE code
// Functions: COleStaticMutexSem::Destroy
// COleStaticMutexSem::Request
// COleStaticMutexSem::Init
// COleDebugMutexSem::COleDebugMutexSem
// History: 14-Dec-95 Jeffe Initial entry, derived from
// sem32.hxx by AlexT.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntexapi.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <debnot.h>
#include <olesem.hxx>
// Global state for the mutex package
// List of initialized static mutexes (which must be destroyed
// during DLL exit). We know that PROCESS_ATTACH and PROCESS_DETACH
// are thread-safe, so we don't protect this list with a critical section.
COleStaticMutexSem * g_pInitializedStaticMutexList = NULL;
#if DBG
// Flag used to indicate if we're past executing the C++ constructors
// during DLL initialization
// Semaphore used to protect the creation of other semaphores
BOOL gfOleMutexCreationSemOkay = FALSE; CRITICAL_SECTION g_OleMutexCreationSem;
// Critical section used as the backup lock when a COleStaticMutexSem
// cannot be faulted in.
BOOL gfOleGlobalLockOkay = FALSE; CRITICAL_SECTION g_OleGlobalLock;
// Just cache the calculated spin count. Keep from calling NtQuerySystemInformation
// a lot.
DWORD g_dwComSpinCount = -1;
// Function: CalculateSpinCount()
// Synopsis: Calculate the spin count to use in a critical section.
// We use 500 * the number of processors on the system. Note
// that spin counts are ignored on single proc systems, since
// it just don't help.
// History: 28-Feb-02 JohnDoty Created.
DWORD CalculateSpinCount() { if (g_dwComSpinCount == -1) { DWORD dwSpinCount = 500; SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION si = {0}; NTSTATUS status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemBasicInformation,&si,sizeof(si),NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) dwSpinCount = 500 * si.NumberOfProcessors;
g_dwComSpinCount = dwSpinCount; }
return g_dwComSpinCount; }
// Member: COleStaticMutexSem::Destroy
// Synopsis: Releases a semaphore's critical section.
// History: 14-Dec-1995 Jeffe
void COleStaticMutexSem::Destroy() { #if LOCK_PERF==1
gLockTracker.ReportContention(this, _cs.LockCount, _cs.DebugInfo->ContentionCount, 0 , 0); //entry,contention counts for writes & reads.
if (_fInitialized) { DeleteCriticalSection (&_cs); _fInitialized = FALSE; } }
// Member: COleStaticMutexSem::Request
// Synopsis: Acquire the semaphore. If another thread already has it,
// wait until it is released. Initialize the semaphore if it
// isn't already initialized.
// History: 14-Dec-1995 Jeffe
void COleStaticMutexSem::Request(const char *pszFile, DWORD dwLine, const char *pszLockName) { if (!_fInitialized && !_fUsingGlobal) { EnterCriticalSection (&g_OleMutexCreationSem); if (!_fInitialized && !_fUsingGlobal) { Init(); if (!_fInitialized) _fUsingGlobal = TRUE; } LeaveCriticalSection (&g_OleMutexCreationSem); }
#if LOCK_PERF==1
gLockTracker.WriterWaiting(pszFile, dwLine, pszLockName, this); #endif
// What do we do if either of these fail?
if (!_fUsingGlobal) EnterCriticalSection (&_cs); else EnterCriticalSection (&g_OleGlobalLock);
#if LOCK_PERF==1
gLockTracker.WriterEntered(pszFile, dwLine, pszLockName, this); //the tracker takes cares of recursive Lock calls.
Win4Assert((((_dwTid == 0 && _cLocks == 0) || (_dwTid == GetCurrentThreadId() && _cLocks > 0)) || (g_fDllState == DLL_STATE_PROCESS_DETACH)) && "Inconsistent State!"); Win4Assert(!(_fTakeOnce && _cLocks > 1) && "Lock taken more than once on same thread.");
#if DBG==1 || LOCK_PERF==1
if(_dwTid != GetCurrentThreadId()) { if (g_fDllState != DLL_STATE_PROCESS_DETACH) { Win4Assert (_cLocks == 0); } else { _cLocks = 0; } _dwTid = GetCurrentThreadId(); } #endif
// only stamp the file on the
// 0 -> 1 transition
if (++_cLocks == 1) { _pszFile = pszFile; _dwLine = dwLine; } }
// Member: COleStaticMutexSem::AssertHeld
// Synopsis: Check to see if this thread owns the lock, and optionally owns
// cLocks amount of locks. If not raise an assertion warning.
// History: 16-Aug-1996 mattsmit
// Notes: Debug builds only
#if DBG==1
void COleStaticMutexSem::AssertHeld(DWORD cLocks) { Win4Assert(_dwTid == GetCurrentThreadId() && "Lock not held by current thread.");
if (cLocks == 0) { Win4Assert(_cLocks > 0 && "Lock held by thread with a nonpositive lock count"); } else { Win4Assert(_cLocks == cLocks && "Incorrect amount of locks"); } } #endif
// Member: COleStaticMutexSem::AssertNotHeld
// Synopsis: Check to see if this does not thread own the lock. If it does,
// raise an assertion warning.
// History: 16-Aug-1996 mattsmit
// Notes: Debug builds only
#if DBG==1
void COleStaticMutexSem::AssertNotHeld() { Win4Assert(_dwTid != GetCurrentThreadId() && "Lock held by current thread."); } #endif
// Member: COleStaticMutexSem::AssertTakenOnlyOnce
// Synopsis: Turn on flag to insure this lock is taken only once
// History: 16-Aug-1996 mattsmit
// Notes: Debug builds only
#if DBG==1
void COleStaticMutexSem::AssertTakenOnlyOnce() { _fTakeOnce = TRUE; } #endif
// Member: COleStaticMutexSem::Init
// Synopsis: Initialize semaphore's critical section
// History: 14-Dec-1995 Jeffe
HRESULT COleStaticMutexSem::Init() { NTSTATUS status;
if (_fInitialized) return S_OK;
if (_fUseSpincount) { DWORD dwSpinCount = CalculateSpinCount();
status = RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&_cs, dwSpinCount); } else { status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection (&_cs); }
_fInitialized = NT_SUCCESS(status); if (!_fAutoDestruct) { //
// We don't need to protect this list with a mutex, since it's only
// manipulated during DLL attach/detach, which is single threaded by
// the platform.
pNextMutex = g_pInitializedStaticMutexList; g_pInitializedStaticMutexList = this; } #if LOCK_PERF==1
gLockTracker.RegisterLock(this, FALSE /*bReadWrite*/); #endif
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) return S_OK; else return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(status); }
// Member: COleStaticMutexSem::Release
// Synopsis: Release the semaphore.
// History: 14-Dec-1995 Jeffe
void COleStaticMutexSem::Release() { AssertHeld();
if (--_cLocks == 0) { Win4Assert((_cContinuous == 0) || (g_fDllState == DLL_STATE_PROCESS_DETACH));
#if DBG==1 || LOCK_PERF==1
_dwTid = 0; #endif
Win4Assert(_cContinuous==0); } #if LOCK_PERF==1
gLockTracker.WriterLeaving(this); #endif
if (!_fUsingGlobal) LeaveCriticalSection (&_cs); else LeaveCriticalSection (&g_OleGlobalLock); }
// Member: CMutexSem2::CMutexSem2
// Synopsis: Mutex semaphore constructor. This is a 2-phase constructed object.
// You must call CMutexSem2::Init to fully initialize the object.
// Effects: Initializes the semaphores data
// History: 19-Mar-01 danroth Created.
CMutexSem2::CMutexSem2(void) : m_fCsInitialized(FALSE) { }
BOOL CMutexSem2::FInit() { if (m_fCsInitialized == FALSE) // guard against re-entry
{ NTSTATUS status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection(&m_cs); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { m_fCsInitialized = TRUE; } } return m_fCsInitialized; };
// Member: CMutexSem2::~CMutexSem2, public
// Synopsis: Mutex semaphore destructor
// Effects: Releases semaphore data
// History: 19-Mar-01 danroth Created.
CMutexSem2::~CMutexSem2(void) { if (m_fCsInitialized == TRUE) { #ifdef _DEBUG
NTSTATUS status = #endif
RtlDeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs); // if RtlDeleteCriticalSection fails, tough luck--we leak.
#ifdef _DEBUG // But I'm asserting for it to see if we ever really hit it.
Win4Assert(NT_SUCCESS(status)); #endif
} }
// Member: CMutexSem2::Request, public
// Synopsis: Enter critical section
// Effects: Asserts correct owner
// History: 19-Mar-01 danroth Created.
void CMutexSem2::Request(void) { Win4Assert(m_fCsInitialized == TRUE); if (m_fCsInitialized == TRUE) EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
// Member: CMutexSem2::Release, public
// Synopsis: Release semaphore
// Effects: Leave critical section
// History: 19-Mar-01 danroth Created.
void CMutexSem2::Release(void) { Win4Assert(m_fCsInitialized == TRUE); if (m_fCsInitialized == TRUE) LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); }