Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Stub/OR interface
Mario Goertzel [mariogo] Feb-02-1995
Revision Hist:
MarioGo 02-10-95 Bits 'n pieces MarioGo 01-31-96 New local and remote interfaces TarunA 10-12-98 OXIDs are referenced on OID basis (Client side) TarunA 10-31-98 Added PID of the process connecting
a-sergiv 07-09-99 Impersonate for the entire duration of ResolveClientOXID for ncacn_http protocol (to fix a bad COM Internet Services bug) --*/
#include <or.hxx>
extern "C" { #include <inc.hxx>
#define SECURITY_WIN32 // Used by security.h
#include <security.h>
// These variables hold the list of channel hooks registered for the machine.
// They are updated as the registry changes.
LONG s_cChannelHook = 0; GUID *s_aChannelHook = NULL; HANDLE s_hChannelHook = NULL;
// Definition of single instance of this class:
CRpcSecurityCallbackManager* gpCRpcSecurityCallbackMgr; CPingSetQuotaManager* gpPingSetQuotaManager;
extern BOOL gbDynamicIPChangesEnabled;
// forward declaration
error_status_t AllocateReservedIdsInternal(IN ULONG cIdsToAlloc, OUT ID aIdsAllocated[], OUT ULONG* pcIdsAllocated); BOOL CheckLocalCall( IN handle_t hClient ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks that the RPC client calling us on the specified binding handle is calling from a process on the local machine.
hClient - Rpc binding handle of the call in progress.
Return Value:
TRUE -- client is local to this machine FALSE -- client is not local or an error occurred --*/ { UINT type; RPC_STATUS status;
if (!hClient) return FALSE; status = I_RpcBindingInqTransportType(hClient, &type); if (status != RPC_S_OK) return FALSE;
// The original CheckLocalCall implementation allowed for
// TRANSPORT_TYPE_WMSG. I'm sure we shouldn't accept them,
// but I'd like to know if we ever receive such a call so
// I can investigate. Hence this assert.
return TRUE; }
BOOL RetrievePIDForLocalClient( IN handle_t hClient, IN DWORD* pdwPid) /*++
Routine Description:
Queries RPC for the process id of a local client.
hClient - Rpc binding handle of the call in progress.
pdwPid - where to store the process id of the client
Return Value:
TRUE -- success, client's pid is stored in *pdwPid FALSE -- error occurred
--*/ { RPC_STATUS status; ASSERT(pdwPid); status = I_RpcBindingInqLocalClientPID(hClient, pdwPid); if (status != RPC_S_OK) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
CProcess* CheckLocalSecurity( IN handle_t hClient, IN PHPROCESS phProcess, IN BOOL fNotContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks that a local client is correctly calling one of RPCSS RPC entry points. "Correct" is defined by: 1) is using a local transport, ie, LPC, and 2) is a registered COM client (ie, has previously called _Connect and obtained a valid context handle).
hClient - Rpc binding handle of the call in progress.
pProcess - Context handle passed in by the client. Must not be zero.
fNotContext - should be FALSE if the context handle was not passed as an explicit context_handle attribute in an RPC call to RPCSS. It should be TRUE otherwise. If TRUE is passed here, the returned CProcess* ptr will have an extra refcount added to it which the client must later release using the ReleaseProcess function.
Return Value:
Either A validated CProcess* pointer for the client.
-- OR -- NULL -- something is wrong or client cannot be trusted.
--*/ { //
// RPC security callback function has already checked by this point that
// the call is coming from a local client.
// Validate client's context handle.
CProcess* pProcess = ReferenceProcess(phProcess, fNotContext); if (pProcess) { DWORD dwPid;
if (!RetrievePIDForLocalClient(hClient, &dwPid)) { if (fNotContext) ReleaseProcess(pProcess); return NULL; } // This check is overkill, RPC does something much like
// this in their internal context_handle checks. But
// hey, defense-in-depth right? (and it's cheap to check)
if (dwPid != pProcess->GetPID()) { ASSERT(!"Should not get here"); if (fNotContext) ReleaseProcess(pProcess); return NULL; } }
return pProcess; }
// LocalInterfaceOnlySecCallback
// RPC security callback function for RPC interfaces that should
// only ever be called by local clients (this is our semantic, not
// RPC's).
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY LocalInterfaceOnlySecCallback( IN RPC_IF_HANDLE Interface, IN void *Context ) { ASSERT(Interface); ASSERT(Context);
if (!CheckLocalCall(Context)) return RPC_S_ACCESS_DENIED;
return RPC_S_OK; }
// Update the channel hook list if it has changed in the registry.
void UpdateChannelHooks( LONG *pcChannelHook, GUID **paChannelHook ) { BOOL fSuccess; BOOL fUpdate = FALSE; DWORD result; HKEY hKey; DWORD lType; DWORD lDataSize; GUID *aChannelHook; LONG cChannelHook; DWORD i; DWORD lExtent; WCHAR wExtent[39]; DWORD j;
// Lock
// If the handle hasn't been created, create it.
if (s_hChannelHook == NULL) { // Nothing can be done if the event can't be created.
s_hChannelHook = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); fUpdate = TRUE; }
// If the handle has been created, see if it has been signalled.
else { result = WaitForSingleObject(s_hChannelHook, 0); fUpdate = result == WAIT_OBJECT_0; }
// Reread the registry if necessary.
if (fUpdate) { // Register for changes.
// Open the channel hook key.
result = RegOpenKeyEx( s_hOle, L"ChannelHook", NULL, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey ); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Find out how many values exist.
cChannelHook = 0; RegQueryInfoKey( hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, (DWORD *) &cChannelHook, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// If there are no channel hooks, throw away the old data.
if (cChannelHook == 0) { delete s_aChannelHook; s_aChannelHook = NULL; s_cChannelHook = 0; aChannelHook = NULL; }
// Reuse the existing array.
else if (cChannelHook <= s_cChannelHook) aChannelHook = s_aChannelHook;
// Allocate memory for them.
else aChannelHook = new GUID[cChannelHook];
// If there is not enough memory, don't make changes.
if (aChannelHook != NULL) {
// Enumerate over the channel hook ids.
j = 0; for (i = 0; i < (DWORD)cChannelHook; i++) {
// Get the next key.
lExtent = sizeof(wExtent) / sizeof(WCHAR); result = RegEnumValueW( hKey, i, wExtent, &lExtent, NULL, &lType, NULL, NULL );
// Convert it to a GUID. Note that lExtent is set to
// the length in characters not bytes despite what
// the documentation says.
if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS && lExtent == 38 && lType == REG_SZ && GUIDFromString( wExtent, &aChannelHook[j] )) j += 1; }
// Save the new channel hook array.
if (aChannelHook != s_aChannelHook) delete s_aChannelHook; s_aChannelHook = aChannelHook; s_cChannelHook = j; }
// Close the registry key.
RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
// There are no channel hooks. Throw away the old data.
else { delete s_aChannelHook; s_aChannelHook = NULL; s_cChannelHook = 0; } }
// Return the current channel hook list.
*paChannelHook = (GUID *) MIDL_user_allocate( s_cChannelHook * sizeof(GUID) ); if (*paChannelHook != NULL) { *pcChannelHook = s_cChannelHook; memcpy( *paChannelHook, s_aChannelHook, s_cChannelHook * sizeof(GUID) ); } else *pcChannelHook = 0;
// Unlock
gpClientLock->UnlockExclusive(); }
// Manager (server-side) calls to the local OR interface. lclor.idl
error_status_t _Connect( IN handle_t hClient, IN WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, OUT PHPROCESS *phProcess, OUT DWORD *pTimeoutInSeconds, OUT DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppdsaOrBindings, OUT MID *pLocalMid, IN ULONG cIdsToReserve, OUT ID aIdsReserved[], OUT ULONG *pcIdsReserved, OUT DWORD *pfConnectFlags, OUT WCHAR **pLegacySecurity, OUT DWORD *pAuthnLevel, OUT DWORD *pImpLevel, OUT DWORD *pcServerSvc, OUT USHORT **aServerSvc, OUT DWORD *pcClientSvc, OUT SECPKG **aClientSvc, OUT LONG *pcChannelHook, OUT GUID **paChannelHook, OUT DWORD *pThreadID, OUT DWORD *pScmProcessID, OUT ULONG64 *pSignature, OUT GUID *pguidRPCSSProcessIdentifier ) { ORSTATUS status; CProcess *pProcess; CToken *pToken; BOOL fRet; DWORD dwClientPid;
// Ensure this is a local client calling
if (!CheckLocalCall(hClient)) return OR_NOACCESS;
// Get PID of the caller
if (!RetrievePIDForLocalClient(hClient, &dwClientPid)) return OR_NOACCESS;
// Parameter validation
if (!pwszWinstaDesktop || !phProcess || !pTimeoutInSeconds || !ppdsaOrBindings || !pLocalMid || !aIdsReserved || !pcIdsReserved || !pfConnectFlags || !pLegacySecurity || !pAuthnLevel || !pImpLevel || !pcServerSvc || !aServerSvc || !pcClientSvc || !aClientSvc ||!pcChannelHook || !paChannelHook || !pThreadID || !pScmProcessID || !pSignature) { return OR_BADPARAM; }
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "OR: Client connected\n"));
*pfConnectFlags = 0; *pSignature = 0;
// Fill in security parameters.
if (s_fEnableDCOM == FALSE) *pfConnectFlags |= CONNECT_DISABLEDCOM; if (s_fCatchServerExceptions) *pfConnectFlags |= CONNECT_CATCH_SERVER_EXCEPTIONS; if (s_fBreakOnSilencedServerExceptions) *pfConnectFlags |= CONNECT_BREAK_ON_SILENCED_SERVER_EXCEPTIONS; if (s_fMutualAuth) *pfConnectFlags |= CONNECT_MUTUALAUTH; if (s_fSecureRefs) *pfConnectFlags |= CONNECT_SECUREREF;
*pAuthnLevel = s_lAuthnLevel; *pImpLevel = s_lImpLevel; // Get legacy security settings
fRet = GetLegacySecurity(pLegacySecurity); if (!fRet) { return OR_NOMEM; }
// Get client\server svcs
fRet = GetClientServerSvcs(pcClientSvc, aClientSvc, pcServerSvc, aServerSvc); if (!fRet) { return OR_NOMEM; }
// Fill in channel hooks.
UpdateChannelHooks( pcChannelHook, paChannelHook );
// This fails during setup but RPCSS can function anyway.
status = StartListeningIfNecessary(); if (status != OR_OK) { return(status); }
// Do client specific stuff
status = CopyMyOrBindings(ppdsaOrBindings, NULL); if (status != OR_OK) { return(status); }
status = LookupOrCreateTokenForRPCClient(hClient, FALSE, &pToken, NULL); if (status != OR_OK) { MIDL_user_free(*ppdsaOrBindings); *ppdsaOrBindings = 0; return(status); }
pProcess = new CProcess(pToken, pwszWinstaDesktop, dwClientPid, status); if (pProcess && status == OR_OK) { *phProcess = (void *)pProcess; } else { if (pProcess) { ReleaseProcess(pProcess); } else { status = OR_NOMEM; } }
if (status != OR_OK) { MIDL_user_free(*ppdsaOrBindings); *ppdsaOrBindings = 0; *phProcess = 0; *pSignature = 0; if (pToken) pToken->Release(); return(status); }
*pSignature = (ULONG64)pProcess; *pTimeoutInSeconds = BaseTimeoutInterval; *pLocalMid = gLocalMid;
ASSERT( (*phProcess == 0 && *ppdsaOrBindings == 0) || status == OR_OK);
AllocateReservedIdsInternal(cIdsToReserve, aIdsReserved, pcIdsReserved);
*pThreadID = InterlockedExchangeAdd((long *)&gNextThreadID,1); *pScmProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId(); *pguidRPCSSProcessIdentifier = *(pProcess->GetGuidProcessIdentifier());
return(status); }
error_status_t AllocateReservedIdsInternal( IN ULONG cIdsToAlloc, OUT ID aIdsAllocated[], OUT ULONG* pcIdsAllocated) { DWORD i; BOOL fResult; if (cIdsToAlloc > 10) // || cIdsToAlloc < 0)
{ cIdsToAlloc = 10; }
for (i = 0; i < cIdsToAlloc; i++) { fResult = AllocateId(&(aIdsAllocated[i])); if (!fResult) break; }
*pcIdsAllocated = i;
// Return OR_OK as long as we were able to allocate
// at least one id. Callers must recognize via *pcIdsAllocated
// that not all requested ids were allocated.
return (i > 0) ? OR_OK : OR_NOMEM; }
error_status_t _AllocateReservedIds( IN handle_t hClient, IN PHPROCESS phProcess, IN ULONG cIdsToAlloc, OUT ID aIdsAllocated[], OUT ULONG *pcIdsAllocated ) /*++
Routine Description:
// Called by local clients to reserve a range of IDs which will
// not conflict with any other local IDs.
hClient - the connection of the client.
phProcess - context handle of the caller
cIdsToReserve - Number of IDs to reserve.
pidReservedBase - Starting value of the reserved IDs. The lower DWORD of this can be increatmented to generate cIdsToReserve unique IDs.
Return Value:
--*/ { // Ensure this is a local client calling
CProcess* pProcess = CheckLocalSecurity(hClient, phProcess); if (!pProcess) return OR_NOACCESS;
// Parameter validation
if (!aIdsAllocated || !pcIdsAllocated) return OR_BADPARAM;
return AllocateReservedIdsInternal( cIdsToAlloc, aIdsAllocated, pcIdsAllocated); }
RPC_STATUS NegotiateDCOMVersion( IN OUT COMVERSION *pVersion ) /*++
Routine Description:
// Called when we receive a COMVERSION from a remote machine
// to determine which DCOM protocol level to talk.
pVersion - version of the remote machine. Modified if necessary by this routine to be the lower of the two versions.
Return Value:
--*/ { // Parameter validation
if (!pVersion) return OR_BADPARAM;
if (pVersion->MajorVersion == COM_MAJOR_VERSION) { if (pVersion->MinorVersion > COM_MINOR_VERSION) { // since the client has a lower minor version number,
// use the lower of the two.
pVersion->MinorVersion = COM_MINOR_VERSION; }
return OR_OK; } return RPC_E_VERSION_MISMATCH; }
error_status_t _ClientResolveOXID( IN handle_t hClient, IN PHPROCESS phProcess, IN OXID *poxidServer, IN DUALSTRINGARRAY *pdsaServerBindings, IN LONG fApartment, OUT OXID_INFO *poxidInfo, OUT MID *pDestinationMid, OUT unsigned long *pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, OUT unsigned char **pucMarshaledTargetInfo, OUT USHORT *pusAuthnSvc ) /*++
Routine Description:
Discovers the OXID_INFO for an oxid. Will find local OXIDs without any help. It needs OR bindings in order to discover remote OXIDs.
phProcess - The context handle of the process.
poxidServer - The OXID (a uuid) to resolve.
pdsaServerBindings - Compressed string bindings to the OR on the server's machine.
fApartment - non-zero if the client is aparment model. REVIEW: What to do with mixed model clients? What to do when auto registering an OID?
poxidInfo - If successful this will contain information about the oxid and an expanded string binding to the server oxid's process.
pulAuthnSvc - if successful this will contain the exact id (ie, will not be snego) of the authn svc used to talk to the server.
Return Value:
OR_NOMEM - Common.
OR_BADOXID - Unable to resolve it.
OR_OK - Success.
--*/ { CProcess* pProcess = CheckLocalSecurity(hClient, phProcess); if (!pProcess) return OR_NOACCESS; // Parameter validation done below in ResolveClientOXID
return ResolveClientOXID( hClient, poxidServer, pdsaServerBindings, fApartment, 0, NULL, poxidInfo, pDestinationMid, FALSE, RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE, 0, NULL, NULL, pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, pucMarshaledTargetInfo, pusAuthnSvc); }
error_status_t ResolveClientOXID( handle_t hClient, OXID *poxidServer, DUALSTRINGARRAY *pdsaServerBindings, LONG fApartment, USHORT wProtseqId, WCHAR *pMachineName, OXID_INFO *poxidInfo, MID *pDestinationMid, BOOL fUnsecure, USHORT wAuthnSvc, unsigned long ulMarshaledTargetInfoLengthIn, unsigned char *pMarshaledTargetInfoIn, BOOL* pIsLocalOxid, unsigned long *pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, unsigned char **pucMarshaledTargetInfo, USHORT* pusAuthnSvc ) /*++
Routine Description:
Discovers the OXID_INFO for an oxid. Will find local OXIDs without any help. It needs OR bindings in order to discover remote OXIDs.
hClient - rpc handle of the client (caller has already been verified as being a valid local client) poxidServer - The OXID (a uuid) to resolve.
pdsaServerBindings - Compressed string bindings to the OR on the server's machine.
fApartment - non-zero if the client is aparment model. REVIEW: What to do with mixed model clients? What to do when auto registering an OID?
poxidInfo - If successful this will contain information about the oxid and an expanded string binding to the server oxid's process.
fUnsecure - if TRUE, activation was done unsecurely so set MID appropriately.
wAuthnSvc - Hint of authentication service that might work or RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE if no hint.
pusAuthnSvc - if successful this will contain the exact id (ie, will not be snego) of the authn svc used to talk to the server.
Return Value:
OR_NOMEM - Common.
OR_BADOXID - Unable to resolve it.
OR_OK - Success.
--*/ { CClientOxid *pOxid = NULL; CServerOxid *pServerOxid; CMid *pMid; ORSTATUS status = OR_OK; BOOL fReference; BOOL fServerApartment = FALSE; BOOL fResolved = FALSE; BOOL fLazyReleaseNewCopyOfpOxid = FALSE; DWORD i = 0; WCHAR *pPrincipal = NULL; WCHAR *pMachineNameFromBindings = NULL; BOOL fImpersonating = FALSE; unsigned long ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength = 0; unsigned char* pMarshaledTargetInfo = NULL;
// Parameter validation
if (!poxidServer || !pdsaServerBindings || !poxidInfo || !pDestinationMid || !pusAuthnSvc) { return OR_BADPARAM; }
if (! dsaValid(pdsaServerBindings)) { return(OR_BADPARAM); }
// If wProtseqId == ID_DCOMHTTP, we should impersonate
// because RPC will read some info from HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
// Sometimes ole32 will call us with 0 wProtseqId, in
// which cases we'll have to look at pdsaServerBindings.
if(wProtseqId == ID_DCOMHTTP) { fImpersonating = (RpcImpersonateClient(hClient) == RPC_S_OK); } else if(wProtseqId == 0) { if(pdsaServerBindings && pdsaServerBindings->aStringArray && *(pdsaServerBindings->aStringArray) == ID_DCOMHTTP) { fImpersonating = (RpcImpersonateClient(hClient) == RPC_S_OK); } }
// Attempt to lookup MID and OXID
CMidKey midkey(pdsaServerBindings);
pMid = (CMid *)gpMidTable->Lookup(midkey);
if (0 == pMid) { BOOL fMidInitOkay = FALSE;
fReference = TRUE; pMid = new(pdsaServerBindings->wNumEntries * sizeof(WCHAR)) CMid(pdsaServerBindings, FALSE, 0, &fMidInitOkay); if (pMid && fMidInitOkay) { gpMidTable->Add(pMid); pMid->SetAuthnSvc(wAuthnSvc); status = pMid->SetMarshaledTargetInfo(ulMarshaledTargetInfoLengthIn, pMarshaledTargetInfoIn); } else { // No mem, or failed to init
if (pMid) { delete pMid; pMid = NULL; } status = OR_NOMEM; } } else { fReference = FALSE; }
if (status == OR_OK) { CId2Key oxidkey(*poxidServer, pMid->Id());
pOxid = (CClientOxid *)gpClientOxidTable->Lookup(oxidkey);
if (0 == pOxid) { if (!fReference) { pMid->Reference(); fReference = TRUE; }
// Need to allocate the OXID. First step is too resolve it
// either locally or remotely.
if (pMid->IsLocal()) { // Local OXID, lookup directly
CIdKey key(*poxidServer); pServerOxid = (CServerOxid *)gpServerOxidTable->Lookup(key);
if (pServerOxid) { status = pServerOxid->GetInfo(poxidInfo, TRUE); fServerApartment = pServerOxid->Apartment(); // reset the protseq id so we use LRPC.
wProtseqId = 0; pMachineName = NULL; } else { status = OR_BADOXID; } ASSERT(status != OR_OK || dsaValid(poxidInfo->psa)); gpServerLock->UnlockShared();
} else if (0 == poxidInfo->psa) { // Remote OXID, call ResolveOxid
handle_t hRemoteOr; USHORT iBinding;
poxidInfo->psa = 0;
ASSERT(!pMachineName); status = OR_NOMEM;
hRemoteOr = pMid->GetBinding();
if (hRemoteOr) { if (pMid->IsSecure()) { i = 0;
// Form server principal name
pMachineNameFromBindings = ExtractMachineName( pMid->GetStringBinding() ); if (pMachineNameFromBindings) { pPrincipal = new WCHAR[lstrlenW(pMachineNameFromBindings) + (sizeof(RPCSS_SPN_PREFIX) / sizeof(WCHAR)) + 1]; if (pPrincipal) { lstrcpyW(pPrincipal, RPCSS_SPN_PREFIX); lstrcatW(pPrincipal, pMachineNameFromBindings); } delete pMachineNameFromBindings; } // It is possible that we already impersonated above,
// so it might be unnecessary to do it here.
if(!fImpersonating) { status = RpcImpersonateClient(hClient); if (status != RPC_S_OK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Unable to impersonate for resolve %d\n", status)); } } } else { i = s_cRpcssSvc+1; }
// The loop index has the following meanings:
// 0 - Try pMid->GetAuthnSvc
// 1 through s_cRpcssSvc - Try s_aRpcssSvc
// s_cRpcssSvc+1 - Try unsecure
USHORT wFirstSvc = pMid->GetAuthnSvc(); for (; i < s_cRpcssSvc + 2; i++) { BOOL bSetSecurityCallBack = FALSE; USHORT usAuthSvcFromCallback;
// Choose an authentication service.
if (i < s_cRpcssSvc+1) { if (i == 0) wAuthnSvc = wFirstSvc; else { // Skip this authentication service if already
// tried.
wAuthnSvc = s_aRpcssSvc[i-1].wId; if (wAuthnSvc == wFirstSvc) continue; }
// See if the server uses this authentication service.
if (ValidAuthnSvc( pMid->GetStrings(), wAuthnSvc )) { RPC_SECURITY_QOS qos; qos.Version = RPC_C_SECURITY_QOS_VERSION; qos.Capabilities = RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES_MUTUAL_AUTH; qos.IdentityTracking = RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY_DYNAMIC; qos.ImpersonationType = RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE; if (wAuthnSvc == RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE) { // if using snego, we need to know what sec pkg is eventually negotiated:
if (gpCRpcSecurityCallbackMgr->RegisterForRpcAuthSvcCallBack(hRemoteOr)) bSetSecurityCallBack = TRUE; }
// Set the security info
// AuthnSvc is unsigned long and 0xFFFF gets 0 extended
status = RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx(hRemoteOr, pPrincipal, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, wAuthnSvc != 0xFFFF ? wAuthnSvc : RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT, NULL, 0, &qos); if (status != RPC_S_OK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: RpcBindingSetAuthInfo to %d failed!! %d\n", wAuthnSvc, status));
if (bSetSecurityCallBack) { // Get rid of our callback registration
unsigned long ulIgnore = 0; unsigned char *pucIgnore = NULL; // Get rid of our callback registration
gpCRpcSecurityCallbackMgr->GetSecurityContextDetailsAndTurnOffCallback(hRemoteOr, NULL, &ulIgnore, &pucIgnore); if (ulIgnore) { MIDL_user_free(pucIgnore); } } continue; } } else continue; }
// Force the binding handle unsecure.
else if (pMid->IsSecure()) { wAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE; status = RpcBindingSetAuthInfo(hRemoteOr, 0, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE, RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE, 0, 0); if (status != RPC_S_OK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: RpcBindingSetAuthInfo to NONE failed!! %d\n", status)); } }
// try calling ResolveOxid2 first, if that fails,
// try ResolveOxid.
status = ResolveOxid2(hRemoteOr, poxidServer, cMyProtseqs, aMyProtseqs, &poxidInfo->psa, &poxidInfo->ipidRemUnknown, &poxidInfo->dwAuthnHint, &poxidInfo->version );
if (status == RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE) { // must be a downlevel server (COMVERSION == 5.1), try calling on
// the old ResolveOXID method.
// REVIEW if it's a downlevel server what does this mean wrt
// bug 406902 and the snego mess? I think we're still okay.
poxidInfo->version.MajorVersion = COM_MAJOR_VERSION; poxidInfo->version.MinorVersion = COM_MINOR_VERSION_1; poxidInfo->dwFlags = 0;
status = ResolveOxid(hRemoteOr, poxidServer, cMyProtseqs, aMyProtseqs, &poxidInfo->psa, &poxidInfo->ipidRemUnknown, &poxidInfo->dwAuthnHint ); } // At this point we are done making calls on the binding handle
// Turn off the security callback no matter what the result of
// the call was
if (bSetSecurityCallBack) { if (status == OR_OK) { if (!gpCRpcSecurityCallbackMgr->GetSecurityContextDetailsAndTurnOffCallback(hRemoteOr, &usAuthSvcFromCallback, &ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, &pMarshaledTargetInfo)) { // something went wrong. Basically we don't trust what the callback
// told us. Fall back on the original behavior
bSetSecurityCallBack = FALSE; } } else { // call did not go through; just cancel the callback registration
gpCRpcSecurityCallbackMgr->GetSecurityContextDetailsAndTurnOffCallback(hRemoteOr, NULL, &ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, &pMarshaledTargetInfo); bSetSecurityCallBack = FALSE; } }
if (status == OR_OK) { status = NegotiateDCOMVersion(&poxidInfo->version); } else { if (ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength) { MIDL_user_free(pMarshaledTargetInfo); } }
if (status == OR_OK) { // Remember which auth.svc got used:
if (bSetSecurityCallBack) { // we should not have set it unless we're using snego, and we
// should have gotten something other than snego back
// Set the negotiated pkg; if we got back Kerberos, then cache
// Snego. This will partially fix the fact that we are
// hard-coding the authn svc for all future users of this mid
if (usAuthSvcFromCallback == RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS) pMid->SetAuthnSvc( RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE ); else pMid->SetAuthnSvc( usAuthSvcFromCallback ); pMid->SetMarshaledTargetInfo(ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, pMarshaledTargetInfo); } else { // Just use whatever was set on the call
pMid->SetAuthnSvc( wAuthnSvc ); if (ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength) { MIDL_user_free(pMarshaledTargetInfo); } }
if (dsaValid(poxidInfo->psa)) { wProtseqId = poxidInfo->psa->aStringArray[0]; } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Server %s returned a bogus string array: %p\n", pMid->PrintableName(), poxidInfo->psa));
ASSERT(0); if (poxidInfo->psa) { MIDL_user_free(poxidInfo->psa); poxidInfo->psa = 0; } status = OR_BADOXID; } break; } else if (status != RPC_S_ACCESS_DENIED && status != RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_SERVICE && status != RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHZ_SERVICE && status != RPC_S_SEC_PKG_ERROR ) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Remote resolve OXID failed %d\n", status));
break; } }
RpcBindingFree(&hRemoteOr); delete pPrincipal; pPrincipal = NULL; } } // Else it's a remote MID, but we were given the OXID info
// and protseq id from the SCM after a remote activation.
else fResolved = TRUE;
if ( OR_OK == status && (pMid->GetAuthnSvc() == RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE || TRUE == fUnsecure) ) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "OR: Machine %S, unsecure retry ok, assuming no sec\n", pMid->PrintableName())); pMid->SecurityFailed(); }
if (status == OR_OK) { // Lookup the oxid again to make sure it hasn't been added in the meantime.
pOxid = (CClientOxid *)gpClientOxidTable->Lookup(oxidkey);
if (0 == pOxid) { ASSERT(dsaValid(poxidInfo->psa)); pOxid = new CClientOxid(*poxidServer, pMid, wProtseqId, pMachineName, fServerApartment);
if (0 != pOxid) { status = pOxid->UpdateInfo(poxidInfo);
if (OR_OK == status) { gpClientOxidTable->Add(pOxid); } else { // Will release mid, will also remove it (unnecessarily)
// from the table.
delete pOxid; pOxid = NULL; } } else { status = OR_NOMEM; pMid->Release(); // May actually go away..
} } else { // Release our now extra reference on the MID
DWORD t = pMid->Release(); ASSERT(t > 0); pOxid->Reference(); }
MIDL_user_free(poxidInfo->psa); poxidInfo->psa = 0; } else { // Resolve failed, get rid of our extra reference.
pMid->Release(); } } else { // Found the OXID, must also have found the MID
ASSERT(fReference == FALSE);
fResolved = TRUE;
if ( poxidInfo->psa ) { MIDL_user_free(poxidInfo->psa); poxidInfo->psa = 0; }
pOxid->Reference(); } }
ASSERT( (status != OR_OK) || (pOxid && pMid) );
if ( status == OR_OK && pOxid->IsLocal() == FALSE) { if (fResolved) *poxidServer = 0; }
if(NULL != pIsLocalOxid) { if((status == OR_OK) && pOxid->IsLocal()) *pIsLocalOxid = TRUE; else *pIsLocalOxid = FALSE; }
if (status == OR_OK) { *pDestinationMid = pMid->Id();
*pusAuthnSvc = pMid->GetAuthnSvc(); if (pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength && pucMarshaledTargetInfo) { status = pMid->GetMarshaledTargetInfo(pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, pucMarshaledTargetInfo); }
// GetInfo may release the lock
status = pOxid->GetInfo(fApartment, poxidInfo); }
if (pOxid) { pOxid->Release(); } gpClientLock->UnlockExclusive();
return(status); }
void FreeServerOids( CProcess *pProcess, ULONG cServerOidsToFree, OID aServerOidsToFree[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
Frees the OIDs passed in.
phProcess - The context handle of the process. Since this is called from SCM directly this function CAN BE called on the same process by more then one thread at a time.
cServerOidsToFree - Count of entries in aServerOidsToFree
aServerOidsToFree - OIDs allocated by the server process and no longer needed.
--*/ { // KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID,
// "OR: FreeServerOids: pProcess:%x cOids:%x pOids:%x\n",
// pProcess,
// cServerOidsToFree,
// aServerOidsToFree));
if (cServerOidsToFree) { CServerOid *pOid; CServerOxid *pOxid;
for (ULONG i = 0; i < cServerOidsToFree; i++) { CIdKey oidkey(aServerOidsToFree[i]);
pOid = (CServerOid *)gpServerOidTable->Lookup(oidkey); if (pOid && pOid->IsRunningDown() == FALSE) { pOxid = pOid->GetOxid(); ASSERT(pOxid); if (pProcess->IsOwner(pOxid)) { if (pOid->References() == 0) { pOid->Remove(); pOid->SetRundown(TRUE); delete pOid; } else { pOid->Free(); } } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Process %p tried to free OID %p it didn't own\n", pProcess, pOid)); } } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Process %p freed OID %p that didn't exist\n", pProcess, &aServerOidsToFree[i])); } } } }
error_status_t _BulkUpdateOIDs( IN handle_t hClient, IN PHPROCESS phProcess, IN ULONG cOidsToBeAdded, IN OXID_OID_PAIR aOidsToBeAdded[], OUT LONG aStatusOfAdds[], IN ULONG cOidsToBeRemoved, IN OID_MID_PAIR aOidsToBeRemoved[], IN ULONG cServerOidsToFree, IN OID aServerOidsToFree[], IN ULONG cServerOidsToUnPin, IN OID aServerOidsToUnPin[], IN ULONG cClientOxidsToFree, IN OXID_REF aClientOxidsToFree[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
Updates the set of remote OIDs in use by a process.
An OID maybe removed before it is added. This means that the client was using it and is no longer using it. In this case a single delete from set ping is made to keep the object alive. This is only needed if the client has remarshalled a pointer to the object.
phProcess - Context handle for the process.
cOidsToBeAdded - Count of aOidsToBeAdded and aStatusOfAdds
aOidsToBeAdded - OID-OXID-MID pairs representing the oids and the owning oxids to add.
aStatusOfAdds - Some adds may succeed when other fail. OR_NOMEM - couldn't allocate storage OR_BADOXID - OXID doesn't exist. OR_OK (0) - added to set
cOidsToBeRemoved - Count of entries in aOidsToBeRemoved.
aOidsToBeRemoved - OID-MID pairs to be removed.
cServerOidsToFree - Count of entries in aServerOidsToFree
aServerOidsToFree - OIDs allocated by the client process and no longer needed.
cServerOidsToUnPin - Count of entries in aServerOidsToUnPin
aServerOidsToUnPin - OIDs that the client process previously told us were pinned\locked, and now no longer are.
cClientOxidsToFree - COunt of enties in aClientOxidsToFree
aClientOxidsToFree - OXIDs owned by a process (due to a direct or indirect call to ClientResolveOxid) which are no longer in use by the client.
Return Value:
OR_OK - All updates completed ok.
OR_PARTIAL_UPDATE - At least one entry in aStatusOfAdds is not OR_OK
--*/ { CProcess *pProcess; CClientOxid *pOxid; CClientOid *pOid; CClientSet *pSet; CMid *pMid; CToken *pToken; BOOL fPartial = FALSE; BOOL fNewSet = FALSE; DUALSTRINGARRAY *pdsa = NULL; ULONG i;
pProcess = CheckLocalSecurity(hClient, phProcess); if (!pProcess) return OR_NOACCESS;
// Parameter validation. If zero is passed for the size-of-array param
// then we don't care about the array param itself (since we never
// look at it)
if (!(cOidsToBeAdded > 0 ? (aOidsToBeAdded != NULL) : TRUE) || !(cOidsToBeAdded > 0 ? (aStatusOfAdds != NULL) : TRUE) || !(cOidsToBeRemoved > 0 ? (aOidsToBeRemoved != NULL) : TRUE) || !(cServerOidsToFree > 0 ? (aServerOidsToFree != NULL): TRUE) || !(cServerOidsToUnPin > 0 ? (aServerOidsToUnPin != NULL): TRUE) || !(cClientOxidsToFree > 0 ? (aClientOxidsToFree != NULL) : TRUE)) { return OR_BADPARAM; }
if (cOidsToBeAdded || cOidsToBeRemoved) { ORSTATUS status = CopyMyOrBindings(&pdsa, NULL); if (status != RPC_S_OK) { return status; } gpClientLock->LockExclusive(); }
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Process Adds.
for (i = 0; i < cOidsToBeAdded; i++) { fNewSet = FALSE; // Lookup up the oxid owning this new oid.
CId2Key oxidkey(aOidsToBeAdded[i].oxid, aOidsToBeAdded[i].mid);
pOxid = (CClientOxid *)gpClientOxidTable->Lookup(oxidkey);
if (0 == pOxid) { OXID_INFO infoT; ORSTATUS status; MID mid;
infoT.psa = 0;
USHORT usAuthnSvc; status = _ClientResolveOXID(hClient, phProcess, &aOidsToBeAdded[i].oxid, pdsa, TRUE, &infoT, &mid, NULL, NULL, &usAuthnSvc);
if (status == OR_OK) { ASSERT(infoT.psa); ASSERT(mid == gLocalMid); MIDL_user_free(infoT.psa); pOxid = (CClientOxid *)gpClientOxidTable->Lookup(oxidkey); if (pOxid == 0) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "OR: Auto resolving oxid %p failed, wrong machine\n", &oxidkey));
status = OR_BADOXID; } }
if (status != OR_OK) { aStatusOfAdds[i] = OR_BADOXID; fPartial = TRUE; continue; } }
// Find or create the set.
CId2Key setkey(aOidsToBeAdded[i].mid, (ID)pProcess->GetToken());
pSet = (CClientSet *)gpClientSetTable->Lookup(setkey);
if (pSet == 0) { pSet = new CClientSet(pOxid->GetMid(), pProcess->GetToken());
if (pSet == 0) { aStatusOfAdds[i] = OR_NOMEM; fPartial = TRUE; continue; } else { gpClientSetTable->Add(pSet); pSet->Insert(); fNewSet = TRUE; } }
// Find or create the oid. If we create it, add a reference
// to the oxid for the new oid.
CId3Key oidkey(aOidsToBeAdded[i].oid, aOidsToBeAdded[i].mid, pProcess->GetToken());
pOid = (CClientOid *)gpClientOidTable->Lookup(oidkey);
if (0 == pOid) { pOid = new CClientOid(aOidsToBeAdded[i].oid, aOidsToBeAdded[i].mid, pProcess->GetToken(), pOxid, pSet ); if (fNewSet) { if (!pOid) { pSet->Remove(); } // pOid either owns a refernce now or we need to
// cleanup the set anyway.
pSet->Release(); }
if (pOid) {
aStatusOfAdds[i] = pSet->RegisterObject(pOid);
if (aStatusOfAdds[i] == OR_OK) { gpClientOidTable->Add(pOid); } else { if (fNewSet) { pSet->Remove(); } pOid->ClientRelease(); pOid->Release(); pOid = 0; fPartial = TRUE; continue; } } else { aStatusOfAdds[i] = OR_NOMEM; fPartial = TRUE; continue; }
} else { ASSERT(fNewSet == FALSE); pOid->ClientReference(); }
// If this fails it will release the oid.
aStatusOfAdds[i] = pProcess->AddOid(pOid); if (aStatusOfAdds[i] != OR_OK) { fPartial = TRUE; } } // for oids to add
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Process deletes
for (i = 0; i < cOidsToBeRemoved; i++) { CId3Key oidkey(aOidsToBeRemoved[i].oid, aOidsToBeRemoved[i].mid, pProcess->GetToken());
pOid = (CClientOid *)gpClientOidTable->Lookup(oidkey);
if (pOid) { CClientOid *pT = pProcess->RemoveOid(pOid);
if (pT == 0) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Client process %p tried to remove oid %p which" "it didn't own\n", pProcess, &aOidsToBeRemoved[i])); } else ASSERT(pT == pOid); } else KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "OR: Client %p removed an OID that doesn't exist\n", pProcess));
} // for oids to delete
if (cOidsToBeAdded || cOidsToBeRemoved) { gpClientLock->UnlockExclusive(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Process server oid deletes
if (cServerOidsToFree > 0) { gpServerLock->LockExclusive(); FreeServerOids(pProcess, cServerOidsToFree, aServerOidsToFree); gpServerLock->UnlockExclusive(); }
// Process server oid unpins. We do not have an array of individual
// status update values for this operation; if the client gets back
// a success code from BulkUpdateOids, it can assume that all of the
// requested unpins were executed correctly.
// Also note that it is *always* safe to unpin an oid even if it should
// remain pinned; the worse that can happen is extra rundown calls.
if (cServerOidsToUnPin > 0) { gpServerLock->LockExclusive();
for (i = 0; i < cServerOidsToUnPin; i++) { CServerOid* pOid;
CIdKey key(aServerOidsToUnPin[i]);
pOid = (CServerOid *)gpServerOidTable->Lookup(key);
// Only unpin the oid if the calling process owns it. Don't
// assert if we didn't find it, since under stress we may
// be executing this code after the owning process\apt died.
if (pOid && pProcess->IsOwner(pOid->GetOxid())) { if (pOid->IsPinned()) { pOid->SetPinned(FALSE); } } }
gpServerLock->UnlockExclusive(); }
// Done
if (pdsa) { MIDL_user_free(pdsa); }
if (fPartial) { return(OR_PARTIAL_UPDATE); }
return(OR_OK); }
error_status_t ServerAllocateOIDsInternal( IN CProcess* pProcess, IN OXID *poxidServer, IN ULONG cOidsReturn, IN OID aOidsReturn[], IN ULONG cOids, OUT OID aOids[], OUT PULONG pOidsAllocated ) /*++
Routine Description:
Function for registering additional OIDs on behalf of an existing OXID.
pProcess - The process containing the OXID and OIDs.
poxidServer - The OXID associated with the OIDs.
cOidsReturn - Count of aOidsReturn
aOidsReturn - Array of OIDs the process is no longer using.
cOids - Count of aOids
aOids - The OIDs to register within the OXID.
pOidsAllocate - Contains the number of OIDs actually allocated when this function returns success.
Return Value:
OR_OK - Success. At least one OID was allocated (caller should check *pOidsAllocated for the actual number allocated, it may be less than he requested).
OR_BADOXID - Cannot find the specified OXID
OR_NOMEM - Out of memory resource failure
--*/ { ORSTATUS status = OR_OK; CServerOxid *pOxid; CServerOid *pOid;
// Parameter validation
if (!poxidServer || !(cOidsReturn > 0 ? (aOidsReturn != NULL) : TRUE) || !((cOids > 0 ? (aOids != NULL) : TRUE) || !pOidsAllocated)) { return OR_BADPARAM; }
CIdKey oxidkey(*poxidServer);
pOxid = (CServerOxid *)gpServerOxidTable->Lookup(oxidkey);
if (0 == pOxid) { gpServerLock->UnlockExclusive(); status = OR_BADOXID; return(status); }
if (cOidsReturn) { // free the Oids returned
FreeServerOids(pProcess, cOidsReturn, aOidsReturn); }
*pOidsAllocated = 0;
for (ULONG i = 0; i < cOids; i++) { ID id; if (AllocateId(&id)) { pOid = new CServerOid(pOxid, id); if (NULL != pOid) { (*pOidsAllocated)++; aOids[i] = id; gpServerOidTable->Add(pOid);
// The server doesn't want to keep the OID alive.
// This will cause the OID to rundown in six minutes
// unless a set references it in the meantime...
pOid->Release(); } else { // out-of-mem
break; } } else { // failed to allocate id
break; } }
// If caller asked us to allocate oids, and we were able to allocate at least
// one, return OR_OK (ole32 will handle this). If not able to allocate any
// of the requested oids, return OR_NOMEM.
// If caller didn't ask for any oids to be allocated, just return OR_OK.
if (cOids > 0) { return (((*pOidsAllocated) > 0) ? OR_OK : OR_NOMEM); }
return OR_OK; }
error_status_t _ServerAllocateOIDs( IN handle_t hClient, IN PHPROCESS phProcess, IN OXID *poxidServer, IN ULONG cOidsReturn, IN OID aOidsReturn[], IN ULONG cOids, OUT OID aOids[], OUT PULONG pOidsAllocated ) /*++
Routine Description:
RPC entry point for registering additional OIDs on behalf of an existing OXID. Does a security check and delegates to the internal helper function. See ServerAllocateOIDsInternal for parameter descriptions and a more detailed functional description.
--*/ { CProcess* pProcess = CheckLocalSecurity(hClient, phProcess); if (!pProcess) return OR_NOACCESS;
return ServerAllocateOIDsInternal( pProcess, poxidServer, cOidsReturn, aOidsReturn, cOids, aOids, pOidsAllocated); }
error_status_t _ServerAllocateOXIDAndOIDs( IN handle_t hClient, IN PHPROCESS phProcess, OUT OXID *poxidServer, IN LONG fApartment, IN ULONG cOids, OUT OID aOids[], OUT PULONG pOidsAllocated, IN OXID_INFO *poxidInfo, // No bindings
IN DUALSTRINGARRAY *pdsaStringBindings, // Expanded
IN DUALSTRINGARRAY *pdsaSecurityBindings, // Compressed
OUT DWORD64 *pdwBindingsID, OUT DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppdsaOrBindings ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocates an OXID and 0 or more OIDs from the OR.
phProcess - The context handle of the process containing the OXID.
poxidServer - The OXID to register. May only register once.
cOids - Count of apOids
apOid - The OIDs to register within the OXID.
pcOidsAllocated - The number of OIDs actually allocated. Usually the same as cOids unless a resource failure occures. Maybe 0.
poxidInfo - The OXID_INFO structure for the OXID without bindings.
pdsaStringBindings - Expanded string binding of the server.
pdsaSecurityBindings - The compressed security bindings of the server.
pOidsAllocated - The number of OIDs actually allocated. >= 0 and <= cOids.
pdwBindingsID -- The id of the bindings returned in ppdsaOrBindings
ppdsaOrBindings -- The current resolver bindings. Normally this is not ever allocated, unless dynamic address tracking is enabled.
Return Value:
OR_OK - success. Returned even if some OID allocations fail. See the pOidsAllocated parameter.
OR_NOMEM - Allocation of OXID failed.
OR_ACCESS_DENIDED - Raised if non-local client
OR_BADPARAM - if string arrays are incorrect.
--*/ { ORSTATUS status = OR_OK; CServerOxid *pNewOxid; CProcess *pProcess = NULL;
pProcess = CheckLocalSecurity(hClient, phProcess); if (!pProcess) return OR_NOACCESS;
// Parameter validation
if (!poxidServer || !(cOids > 0 ? (aOids != NULL) : TRUE) || !pOidsAllocated || !poxidInfo || !pdsaStringBindings || !pdsaSecurityBindings || !pdwBindingsID || !ppdsaOrBindings) { return OR_BADPARAM; }
// Save the string bindings back to the process
if (!dsaValid(pdsaStringBindings) ) { status = OR_BADPARAM; }
if (!dsaValid(pdsaSecurityBindings)) { status = OR_BADPARAM; }
if (status == OR_OK) { status = pProcess->ProcessBindings(pdsaStringBindings, pdsaSecurityBindings); } *pdwBindingsID = 0; *ppdsaOrBindings = NULL;
if (status != OR_OK) { gpServerLock->UnlockExclusive(); return(status); }
ID id; if (AllocateId(&id)) { pNewOxid = new CServerOxid(pProcess, fApartment, poxidInfo, id ); if (0 == pNewOxid) { gpServerLock->UnlockExclusive(); return(OR_NOMEM); } } else { // Failed to allocate new id
gpServerLock->UnlockExclusive(); return(OR_NOMEM); }
// Add to process and lookup table.
status = pProcess->AddOxid(pNewOxid);
VALIDATE((status, OR_NOMEM, 0));
pNewOxid->Release(); // process has a reference now or failed
if (status == OR_OK) { *poxidServer = pNewOxid->Id(); status = ServerAllocateOIDsInternal( pProcess, poxidServer, 0, NULL, cOids, aOids, pOidsAllocated); } if (status == OR_OK && gbDynamicIPChangesEnabled) { if (ppdsaOrBindings && pProcess->NeedsORBindings()) { // If doing dynamic IP changes, give process the current
// OR bindings
status = CopyMyOrBindings(ppdsaOrBindings, pdwBindingsID); if (status == OR_OK) { pProcess->BindingsUpdated(); } } }
return(status); }
error_status_t _ServerFreeOXIDAndOIDs( IN handle_t hClient, IN PHPROCESS phProcess, IN OXID oxidServer, IN ULONG cOids, IN OID aOids[])
{ CServerOxid *pOxid; CServerOid *pOid; CProcess *pProcess = NULL; ORSTATUS status; UINT i;
pProcess = CheckLocalSecurity(hClient, phProcess); if (!pProcess) return OR_NOACCESS;
// Parameter validation
if (!(cOids > 0 ? (aOids != NULL) : TRUE)) return OR_BADPARAM;
CIdKey oxidkey(oxidServer);
pOxid = (CServerOxid *)gpServerOxidTable->Lookup(oxidkey);
if (0 != pOxid) { if (pProcess->RemoveOxid(pOxid) == TRUE) { // Found the OXID and this caller owns it.
status = OR_OK; } else { // Found but not owned by this caller.
status = OR_NOACCESS; } } else { // Oxid not found.
status = OR_BADOXID; }
// Note pOxid maybe invalid once the last OID is removed.
if (status == OR_OK) { for (i = 0; i < cOids; i++) { CIdKey key(aOids[i]); // PERF REVIEW
pOid = (CServerOid *)gpServerOidTable->Lookup(key);
if ( (0 != pOid) && (pOid->IsRunningDown() == FALSE) && (pOid->GetOxid() == pOxid) ) { if (pOid->References() == 0) { // Unreferenced by any sets; run it down now..
pOid->Remove(); pOid->SetRundown(TRUE); delete pOid; } // else - marking it as Free() not need as Oxid is
// now marked as not running.
} else { ASSERT(pOid == 0 || pOxid == pOid->GetOxid()); } } }
return(status); }
// Manager (server-side) calls to the remote OR interface. objex.idl
error_status_t _ResolveOxid( IN handle_t hRpc, IN OXID *poxid, IN USHORT cRequestedProtseqs, IN USHORT aRequestedProtseqs[], OUT DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppdsaOxidBindings, OUT IPID *pipidRemUnknown, OUT DWORD *pAuthnHint ) { COMVERSION ComVersion; // just forward to the new manager routine (parameter
// validation done by callee)
return _ResolveOxid2(hRpc, poxid, cRequestedProtseqs, aRequestedProtseqs, ppdsaOxidBindings, pipidRemUnknown, pAuthnHint, &ComVersion); }
// Manager (server-side) calls to the remote OR interface. objex.idl
error_status_t _ResolveOxid2( IN handle_t hRpc, IN OXID *poxid, IN USHORT cRequestedProtseqs, IN USHORT aRequestedProtseqs[], OUT DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppdsaOxidBindings, OUT IPID *pipidRemUnknown, OUT DWORD *pAuthnHint, OUT COMVERSION *pComVersion ) {
ORSTATUS status; BOOL fDidLazy; CServerOxid *pServerOxid; OXID_INFO oxidInfo;
// Parameter validation. Note that it would be exceedingly odd for
// a client to request zero protseqs, but we handle this anyway.
if (!poxid || !(cRequestedProtseqs > 0 ? (aRequestedProtseqs != NULL) : TRUE) || !ppdsaOxidBindings || !pipidRemUnknown || !pipidRemUnknown || !pAuthnHint || !pComVersion) { return OR_BADPARAM; }
oxidInfo.psa = 0;
// No security check required (possible?). OXID info is not private.
#if DBG
UINT fLocal; status = I_RpcBindingIsClientLocal(hRpc, &fLocal);
if (status != OR_OK) { fLocal = FALSE; } ASSERT(fLocal == FALSE); // Shouldn't be called locally...
fDidLazy = FALSE;
// intersect allowed protseqs with those
// requested by the client.
// NOTE: we are modifying memory passed in. This will not cause side
// effects because this call is always in the context of an RPC, and
// aRequestedProtseqs is an IN parameter and therefore will not change
// in the calling process.
gpClientLock->LockExclusive(); USHORT cAllowedProtseqs = 0; for (USHORT iReqProtseq=0; iReqProtseq < cRequestedProtseqs; iReqProtseq++) { for (USHORT iAllowProtseq=0; iAllowProtseq < cMyProtseqs; iAllowProtseq++) { if (aRequestedProtseqs[iReqProtseq] == aMyProtseqs[iAllowProtseq]) { // this protocol is in the allowed list, shift it up
// if necessary.
aRequestedProtseqs[cAllowedProtseqs] = aRequestedProtseqs[iReqProtseq]; cAllowedProtseqs++; break; } } }
cRequestedProtseqs = cAllowedProtseqs; gpClientLock->UnlockExclusive();
for (;;) { CIdKey key(*poxid);
pServerOxid = (CServerOxid *)gpServerOxidTable->Lookup(key); if (!pServerOxid) { status = OR_BADOXID; break; }
status = pServerOxid->GetRemoteInfo(&oxidInfo, cRequestedProtseqs, aRequestedProtseqs); // Work around: original intersection of clients requested protocols
// with this SCM's did'nt match. But we know that client
// does'nt send it's entire set, just one so break here
// Note: W2K sends all protocols on both activations and ResolveOxid
// calls; NT4 only sends one protocol on activations, and all on
// ResolveOxid calls.
if ((cRequestedProtseqs == 0) && (status == OR_I_NOPROTSEQ)) { break; }
if ( status == OR_I_NOPROTSEQ && FALSE == fDidLazy ) { // Ask the server to start listening, but only try this once.
fDidLazy = TRUE;
status = pServerOxid->LazyUseProtseq(cRequestedProtseqs, aRequestedProtseqs );
ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive()); // Changed during UseProtseq!
if (status == OR_OK) { continue; } } else if (status == OR_I_NOPROTSEQ) { // We didn't manage to use a matching protseq.
// Since we can call on any protocol this is possible
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Failed to use a matching protseq: %p %p\n", pServerOxid, aRequestedProtseqs));
status = OR_NOSERVER; } break; }
if (status == OR_OK) { *pipidRemUnknown = oxidInfo.ipidRemUnknown; *ppdsaOxidBindings = oxidInfo.psa; *pAuthnHint = oxidInfo.dwAuthnHint; *pComVersion = oxidInfo.version; } else { // Work around: original intersection of clients requested protocols
// with this SCM's did'nt match. But we know that client
// does'nt send it's entire set, just one, so send back
// an empty set but o.k activation result for bindings
// Note: W2K sends all protocols on both activations and ResolveOxid
// calls; NT4 only sends one protocol on activations, and all on
// ResolveOxid calls.
if ((cRequestedProtseqs == 0) && (status == OR_I_NOPROTSEQ)) { *pipidRemUnknown = oxidInfo.ipidRemUnknown; *ppdsaOxidBindings = NULL; *pAuthnHint = oxidInfo.dwAuthnHint; *pComVersion = oxidInfo.version; status = OR_OK; } } return(status); }
error_status_t _SimplePing( IN handle_t hRpc, IN SETID *pSetId ) { ORSTATUS status; CServerSet *pServerSet; BOOL fShared = TRUE;
// Parameter validation
if (!pSetId) return OR_BADPARAM;
if (*pSetId == 0) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "Client %p simple pinged with a setid of 0\n", hRpc, pSetId));
return(OR_BADSET); }
pServerSet = (CServerSet *)gpServerSetTable->Lookup(*pSetId);
if (pServerSet) { fShared = pServerSet->Ping(TRUE); // The lock maybe exclusive now.
status = OR_OK; } else { status = OR_BADSET; }
// See if another set in the table needs to rundown.
// PERF REVIEW - how often should I do this? 0 mod 4?
// Similar code in worker threads.
ID setid = gpServerSetTable->CheckForRundowns();
if (setid) { if (fShared) { gpServerLock->ConvertToExclusive(); fShared = FALSE; }
gpServerSetTable->RundownSetIfNeeded(setid); }
return(status); }
error_status_t ComplexPingInternal( IN handle_t hRpc, IN SETID *pSetId, IN USHORT SequenceNum, IN ULONG cAddToSet, IN ULONG cDelFromSet, IN OID AddToSet[], IN OID DelFromSet[], OUT USHORT *pPingBackoffFactor ) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes a complex (delta to set) ping for a given set. This call will create the set if necessary. The call will only be processed if the caller is in fact the creator of the set.
if set is not allocated lookup security info if possible allocate set else lookup set
if found or created a set do a standard ping, updating time stamp and sequence number. else return failure.
if oids to add, add each one. ignore unknown OIDs if resource allocation fails, abort.
if oids to delete, process each one. ignore unknown OIDs
if resource failure in adds, return OR_BADOID else return success.
hRpc - Handle (SCONN/SCALL) of client. Used to check security. If it is NULL the call is local and is assumed to be secure.
REVIEW: Since the OR _only_ uses NT system security providers it is assumed that impersonation will work. Other security providers will not.
We need a generic way to ask for a token and compare tokens in a security provider independent way.
pSetId - The setid to ping. If it is NULL a new set will be created, otherwise, it is assumed to be a set previously allocated by a call with a NULL setid to this server.
SequenceNum - A sequence number shared between the client and server to make sure old and out-of-order pings are not processed in a non-healthy way. Note that pings are usually datagram RPC calls which are marked as idempotent.
cAddToSet cDelFromSet - The count of element in AddTo/DelFromSet parameter.
AddToSet DelFromSet - OID mostly likly belonging to servers on this machine to Add/Remove from the set of OIDs in use by this client.
pPingBackoffFactor - Maybe set by servers which want to reduce the ping load on the server. Serves only as a HINT for the client. Clients do not to ping more offten then: (1<<*pPingBackoffFactor)*BasePingInterval seconds. Clients may choose to assume this parameter is always 0.
Return Value:
OR_OK - completed normally
OR_BADSET - non-zero and unknown setid.
OR_NOMEM - unable to allocate a resource. Note that on the first ping a set maybe allocated (setid is non-zero after call) but some OIDs failed to be allocated.
OR_BADOID - everything went okay, but some OIDs added where not recognized.
{ CServerSet *pServerSet; BOOL fProcessPing; BOOL fBad = FALSE; PSID psid = 0; ORSTATUS status = OR_OK;
// Parameter validation.
if (!pSetId || !(cAddToSet > 0 ? (AddToSet != NULL) : TRUE) || !(cDelFromSet > 0 ? (DelFromSet != NULL) : TRUE) || !pPingBackoffFactor) { return OR_BADPARAM; }
// Lookup the set
if (0 != *pSetId) { pServerSet = (CServerSet *)gpServerSetTable->Lookup(*pSetId); if (0 == pServerSet) { status = OR_BADSET; }
if (status == OR_OK) { if (pServerSet->CheckSecurity(hRpc) != TRUE) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Security check on set failed! (%d)\n", GetLastError()));
status = OR_NOACCESS; } } } else if (hRpc == 0) { // Local client
psid = 0; pServerSet = gpServerSetTable->Allocate(SequenceNum, psid, hRpc == 0, *pSetId);
if (0 == pServerSet) status = OR_NOMEM; else status = OR_OK;
} else { HANDLE hT; BOOL f; // Unallocated set, lookup security info and allocate the set.
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "OR: New client started pinging: %p\n", hRpc));
status = RpcImpersonateClient(hRpc);
if (status == RPC_S_OK) { f = OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_IMPERSONATE | TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &hT);
if (!f) { status = GetLastError(); } else { status = RPC_S_OK; }
if (status != RPC_S_OK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Unsecure client started pinging: %d %p\n", status, hRpc));
status = OR_OK; } else { ULONG needed = DEBUG_MIN(1, 24); PTOKEN_USER ptu;
do { ptu = (PTOKEN_USER)alloca(needed); ASSERT(ptu);
f = GetTokenInformation(hT, TokenUser, (PBYTE)ptu, needed, &needed);
} while ( f == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER);
if (f) { ASSERT(needed > sizeof(SID)); psid = new(needed - sizeof(SID)) SID; if (psid) { f = CopySid(needed, psid, ptu->User.Sid); ASSERT(f == TRUE); } else { status = OR_NOMEM; } } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Error %d from GetTokenInformation\n", GetLastError()));
ASSERT(0); // Why did this happen. Either return failure to client or
// continue and make the set unsecure.
status = OR_NOMEM; }
CloseHandle(hT); }
// Allocate the set
if (status == OR_OK) { ASSERT(gpPingSetQuotaManager); if (gpPingSetQuotaManager->IsUserQuotaExceeded(psid)) status = OR_NORESOURCE; if (OR_OK == status) { if (!gpPingSetQuotaManager->ManageQuotaForUser(psid, TRUE)) { status = OR_NOMEM; } else { pServerSet = gpServerSetTable->Allocate(SequenceNum, psid, hRpc == 0, *pSetId); if (0 == pServerSet) { gpPingSetQuotaManager->ManageQuotaForUser(psid, FALSE); status = OR_NOMEM; } } } } }
if (status != OR_OK) { VALIDATE((status, OR_NOMEM, OR_BADSET, OR_NOACCESS, OR_NORESOURCE, 0)); gpServerLock->UnlockExclusive();
if (psid) delete psid;
return(status); }
fProcessPing = pServerSet->CheckAndUpdateSequenceNumber(SequenceNum);
if (fProcessPing) { // Do regular ping
*pPingBackoffFactor = 0;
// Process Add's
for (int i = cAddToSet; i ; i--) { status = pServerSet->AddObject(AddToSet[i - 1]);
if (status == OR_BADOID) { fBad = TRUE; } else if ( status != OR_OK ) { break; } }
// Process Deletes - even some adds failed!
for (i = cDelFromSet; i; i--) { // Removing can't fail, no way to cleanup.
pServerSet->RemoveObject(DelFromSet[i - 1]); } }
if (status == OR_OK && fBad) { return(OR_BADOID); }
return(status); }
error_status_t _ComplexPing( IN handle_t hRpc, IN SETID *pSetId, IN USHORT SequenceNum, IN USHORT cAddToSet, IN USHORT cDelFromSet, IN OID AddToSet[], IN OID DelFromSet[], OUT USHORT *pPingBackoffFactor ) /*--
Routine Description:
This is the exposed RPC entry point for this function. We simply call the internal function below. See description for ComplexPingInternal. The reason for a separate function is because the RPC method is typed to to take USHORT's, but internally it is more convienent to pass ULONG's.
Arguments: See argument list for ComplexPingInternal
--*/ { return ComplexPingInternal(hRpc, pSetId, SequenceNum, cAddToSet, cDelFromSet, AddToSet, DelFromSet, pPingBackoffFactor); }
error_status_t _ServerAlive( RPC_ASYNC_STATE *pAsync, RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hServer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Ping API for the client to validate a binding. Used when the client is unsure of the correct binding for the server. (Ie. If the server has multiple IP addresses).
hServer - RPC call binding
Return Value:
--*/ { error_status_t RetVal = OR_OK; RPC_STATUS rpcstatus; RegisterAuthInfoIfNecessary(); rpcstatus = RpcAsyncCompleteCall(pAsync, &RetVal); return (rpcstatus == RPC_S_OK) ? RetVal : rpcstatus; }
error_status_t _ServerAlive2( RPC_ASYNC_STATE *pAsync, RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hServer, COMVERSION *pComVersion, DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppdsaOrBindings, DWORD *pReserved ) /*++
Routine Description:
Ping API for the client to validate a binding. Used when the client is unsure of the correct binding or authentication service for the server. (Ie. If the server has multiple IP addresses).
hServer - RPC call binding
Return Value:
--*/ { error_status_t RetVal = OR_OK; RPC_STATUS rpcstatus = RPC_S_OK;
// Parameter validation
if (!pComVersion || !ppdsaOrBindings || !pReserved) return OR_BADPARAM;
RegisterAuthInfoIfNecessary(); pComVersion->MajorVersion = COM_MAJOR_VERSION; pComVersion->MinorVersion = COM_MINOR_VERSION; *pReserved = 0;
RetVal = CopyMyOrBindings(ppdsaOrBindings, NULL); if (RetVal == OR_OK) { rpcstatus = RpcAsyncCompleteCall(pAsync, &RetVal); } return (rpcstatus == RPC_S_OK) ? RetVal : rpcstatus; }
error_status_t _Disconnect( handle_t hClient, PHPROCESS *pphProcess ) /*++
Routine Description:
Ole32 disconnect api. Used by ole32 to tell us they are being completely uninitialized in the calling process. This lets us cleanup the context handle in an orderly fashion w/o waiting around for a context rundown (which would happen, eventually, but might be much later).
hClient -- [in] RPC call binding handle pphProcess -- [in,out] context handle.
Return Value:
RPC_S_OK -- context handle cleaned up other -- error occurred
--*/ { // Ensure this is a local client calling
CProcess* pProcess = CheckLocalSecurity(hClient, *pphProcess); if (!pProcess) return OR_NOACCESS;
// Call the rundown routine (Disconnect is effectively an
// orderly context rundown).
// Note: don't touch pProcess after this point, it may have
// already been freed.
pProcess = NULL;
// Zero out the context handle so that RPC knows that
// it has been freed.
*pphProcess = NULL;
return RPC_S_OK; };
void __RPC_USER PHPROCESS_rundown(LPVOID ProcessKey) { CProcess *pProcess = ReferenceProcess(ProcessKey, FALSE);
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "OR: Client died\n"));
pProcess->NotifyRPCRundown(); //
// This revokes OLE class registrations which were not revoked by this
// dead process. This must be done here rather then CProcess::Rundown
// because these things have references to the CProcess object.
return; }
void CRpcSecurityCallback::SetMarshaledTargetInfo(unsigned long ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, unsigned char *pMarshaledTargetInfo) { // I don't expect any existing creds
ASSERT( (_ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength == 0) && (_pMarshaledTargetInfo == NULL)); //clear any existing creds (just in case)
if (_ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength) { SECURITY_STATUS status = FreeContextBuffer(_pMarshaledTargetInfo); #if DBG == 1
if (SEC_E_OK != status) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"SCM: FreeContextBuffer Failed %0x%x\n")); #endif
} _ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength = ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength; _pMarshaledTargetInfo = pMarshaledTargetInfo; ASSERT( ((_ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength == 0) && (_pMarshaledTargetInfo == NULL)) || ((_ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength != 0) && (_pMarshaledTargetInfo != NULL)) ); }
ORSTATUS CRpcSecurityCallback::GetMarshaledTargetInfo(unsigned long *pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, unsigned char **pucMarshaledTargetInfo) { ASSERT( ((_ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength == 0) && (_pMarshaledTargetInfo == NULL)) || ((_ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength != 0) && (_pMarshaledTargetInfo != NULL)) ); ORSTATUS status=OR_OK; *pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength = 0; *pucMarshaledTargetInfo = NULL; if (_ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength) { *pucMarshaledTargetInfo = (unsigned char *) MIDL_user_allocate(_ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength * sizeof(char)); if (*pucMarshaledTargetInfo) { memcpy(*pucMarshaledTargetInfo, _pMarshaledTargetInfo, _ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength); *pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength = _ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength; SECURITY_STATUS status = FreeContextBuffer(_pMarshaledTargetInfo); #if DBG == 1
if (SEC_E_OK != status) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"SCM: FreeContextBuffer Failed %0x%x\n")); #endif
_pMarshaledTargetInfo = NULL; _ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength = 0; } else status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } return status; } CRpcSecurityCallback::~CRpcSecurityCallback() { if (_ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength) { SECURITY_STATUS status = FreeContextBuffer(_pMarshaledTargetInfo); #if DBG == 1
if (SEC_E_OK != status) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL,"SCM: FreeContextBuffer Failed %0x%x\n")); #endif
} _ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength = 0; _pMarshaledTargetInfo = NULL; }
// Function: CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::RegisterForRpcAuthSvcCallBack
// Synopsis: Register the security callback with RPC. A return value of
// TRUE means the calling thread may make a call on the supplied
// binding handle, then call the the RetrieveAuthSvc method
// for the negotiated authentication svc used on the rpc call.
// Parameters: hRpc -- the binding handle for which the calling thread wants
// the negotiated auth. svc.
// Algorithm: Register the security callback with RPC. Create a new list
// element to represent this particular callback, and add to to
// the list of callbacks.
// Notes: There is a limitation: a thread can only be registered for one
// callback at a time. This should be ok for expected usage.
BOOL CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::RegisterForRpcAuthSvcCallBack(handle_t hRpc) { RPC_STATUS status; CRpcSecurityCallback* pNewCallback;
ASSERT(hRpc != 0 && "Callbacks are meant to be used only for remote calls!");
// Create a new list element to represent this callback
pNewCallback = new CRpcSecurityCallback(hRpc, GetCurrentThreadId()); if (!pNewCallback) return FALSE; // out-of-memory, not much we can do
// Try to register the callback
status = RpcBindingSetOption(hRpc, RPC_C_OPT_SECURITY_CALLBACK, (ULONG_PTR)CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::RpcSecurityCallbackFunction); ASSERT(status == RPC_S_OK); // this should never fail AFAIK
if (status != RPC_S_OK) { // again, not much we can do
delete pNewCallback; return FALSE; }
// Okay now we got all we need; add it to the list
_plistlock->LockExclusive(); _CallbackList.Insert(pNewCallback); _plistlock->UnlockExclusive();
return TRUE; };
// Function: CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::GetSecurityContextDetailsAndTurnOffCallback
// Synopsis: Tries to retrieve the negotiated authentication service for the
// call just completed on the supplied binding handle. Also
// turns off callbacks on the binding handle.
// Parameters: pusAuthSvc -- if the rpc call was made, this must be a valid ptr;
// if that is the case, then upon a return value of TRUE, it
// will contain the auth. svc used for the call; a value of NULL
// passed here means the caller doesn't care about the result, he
// just wants things cleaned up (typically this means either the
// call failed or was never made).
// Returns: TRUE -- if everything worked
// FALSE -- something is wrong or you passed a NULL pusAuthSvc
// Algorithm: Use the caller's thread id to search for the callback result
BOOL CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::GetSecurityContextDetailsAndTurnOffCallback(handle_t hRpc, USHORT* pusAuthSvc, unsigned long *pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, unsigned char **pucMarshaledTargetInfo) { RPC_STATUS status; CRpcSecurityCallback* pCallback; DWORD dwCurrentThread = GetCurrentThreadId(); USHORT usAuthSvc; BOOL bRet = FALSE; _plistlock->LockExclusive();
// No matter what happens after this, we should turn off callbacks for the handle
// Look for the callback result for the calling thread
for (pCallback = (CRpcSecurityCallback*)_CallbackList.First(); pCallback; pCallback = (CRpcSecurityCallback*)pCallback->Next() ) { if (dwCurrentThread == pCallback->GetRegisteredThreadId()) { // found it
break; } };
// Given the normal usage of this stuff, we should always find a result
ASSERT(pCallback && "Didn't find rpc sec. callback result; this is unexpected"); if (!pCallback) { _plistlock->UnlockExclusive(); return FALSE; };
usAuthSvc = pCallback->GetAuthSvcResult(); if (pusAuthSvc) { ASSERT(pCallback->WasAuthSvcSet() && "Caller is retrieving auth svc before it was set"); *pusAuthSvc = usAuthSvc; } status = pCallback->GetMarshaledTargetInfo(pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, pucMarshaledTargetInfo); // The callback's work is done, so remove it from the list and delete it
_CallbackList.Remove(pCallback); delete pCallback;
// Check list to see if other threads also had registered callbacks on the
// same handle. We will record the result for them in case we turned off the
// callback above before they got recorded. In fact, any time two or more threads
// register for a callback on the same handle we will hit this scenario.
// I don't think this is 100% foolproof, but it constitutes a best-faith effort
for (pCallback = (CRpcSecurityCallback*)_CallbackList.First(); pCallback; pCallback = (CRpcSecurityCallback*)pCallback->Next() ) { if (hRpc == pCallback->RegisteredHandle()) { // found a match
ASSERT(dwCurrentThread != pCallback->GetRegisteredThreadId()); pCallback->SetAuthSvc(usAuthSvc); } };
_plistlock->UnlockExclusive(); bRet = ((status == OR_OK) && (pusAuthSvc ? (*pusAuthSvc != ERROR_AUTHNSVC_VALUE) : FALSE)); if (!bRet) { if(*pucMarshaledTargetInfo) { MIDL_user_free(*pucMarshaledTargetInfo); *pucMarshaledTargetInfo = NULL; *pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength = 0; } } return bRet; };
// Function: CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::TurnOffCallback
// Synopsis: Function to turn off the callback on an rpc binding handle
// Parameters: hRpc -- the binding handle to turn off callbacks on
BOOL CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::TurnOffCallback(handle_t hRpc) { RPC_STATUS status; status = RpcBindingSetOption(hRpc, RPC_C_OPT_SECURITY_CALLBACK, (ULONG_PTR) NULL );
ASSERT(status == RPC_S_OK && "RpcBindingSetOption failed when turning off security callback");
return TRUE; };
// Function: CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::StoreCallbackResult
// Synopsis: This is a helper function for the callback function; no one
// else should use it obviously.
// Parameters: usAuthSvc -- the negotiated authentication service for the rpc
// call that the calling thread presumably just completed.
void CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::StoreCallbackResult(USHORT usAuthSvc) { CRpcSecurityCallback* pCallback; DWORD dwCurrentThread = GetCurrentThreadId();
// Only need a shared lock for this
for (pCallback = (CRpcSecurityCallback*)_CallbackList.First(); pCallback; pCallback = (CRpcSecurityCallback*)pCallback->Next() ) { if (dwCurrentThread == pCallback->GetRegisteredThreadId()) { // found it
break; } };
ASSERT(pCallback); // we should always find it
pCallback->SetAuthSvc(usAuthSvc); _plistlock->UnlockShared();
return; };
void CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::StoreMarshaledTargetInfo(unsigned long ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, unsigned char *pMarshaledTargetInfo) { CRpcSecurityCallback* pCallback; DWORD dwCurrentThread = GetCurrentThreadId();
// Only need a shared lock for this
for (pCallback = (CRpcSecurityCallback*)_CallbackList.First(); pCallback; pCallback = (CRpcSecurityCallback*)pCallback->Next() ) { if (dwCurrentThread == pCallback->GetRegisteredThreadId()) { // found it
break; } };
ASSERT(pCallback); // we should always find it
pCallback->SetMarshaledTargetInfo(ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, pMarshaledTargetInfo); _plistlock->UnlockShared();
return; };
// Function: CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::RpcSecurityCallbackFunction
// Synopsis: This is a callback function; we use this by setting it on a
// binding handle (using the RPC_C_OPT_SECURITY_CALLBACK option)
// so that RPC will call us back; this gives us a chance to
// determine what authentication svc was negotiated when using
// snego. Also used to obtain the credman creds used in the call
// Parameters: pvContext -- an opaque parameter
// Algorithm: call I_RpcBindingInqWireIdForSnego, I_RpcBindingInqMarshalledTargetInfo
// passing it the opaque pvContext parameter.
// Notes: it would be nice if we could get some info in this callback
// as to *which* handle the callback is for, but unfortunately
// kamenm was explicit on this point: pvContext is to remain
// opaque. :)
void RPC_ENTRY CRpcSecurityCallbackManager::RpcSecurityCallbackFunction(void* pvContext) { RPC_STATUS status; UCHAR ucWireId; unsigned char *pMarshaledTargetInfo = NULL; unsigned long ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength = 0; // Call back to get the authsvc:
status = I_RpcBindingInqWireIdForSnego((RPC_BINDING_HANDLE)pvContext, &ucWireId);
ASSERT(status != RPC_S_SEC_PKG_ERROR); // RPC should not have called us back
// in the first place, so assert on this
ASSERT(status != RPC_S_INVALID_BINDING); // RPC folks say this can be returned for the
// following reasons: 1) unauthenticated call;
// 2) invalid context; 3) snego was not used in
// the first place. None of these should apply
// to us, so assert
if (status == RPC_S_OK) { ASSERT( (ucWireId != RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE) && "We're supposed to get back the real deal not snego");
gpCRpcSecurityCallbackMgr->StoreCallbackResult(ucWireId); } else { // something went wrong (most likely in the lower level security code).
gpCRpcSecurityCallbackMgr->StoreCallbackResult(ERROR_AUTHNSVC_VALUE); } status = I_RpcBindingInqMarshalledTargetInfo((RPC_BINDING_HANDLE)pvContext, &ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, &pMarshaledTargetInfo); ASSERT(status != RPC_S_SEC_PKG_ERROR); ASSERT(status != RPC_S_INVALID_BINDING); if (status == RPC_S_OK) { gpCRpcSecurityCallbackMgr->StoreMarshaledTargetInfo(ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, pMarshaledTargetInfo); } return; };
DWORD CPingSetQuotaManager::_dwPerUserPingSetQuota = 1000;
// Function: CPingSetQuotaManager::ManageQuotaForUser
// Synopsis: This function manages the pingset quota for the user indicated by
// pSID. fAlloc = TRUE means alloc pingset quota, else deduct quota
BOOL CPingSetQuotaManager::ManageQuotaForUser(PSID pSid, BOOL fAlloc) { CUserPingSetCount *pNode = NULL; RPC_STATUS status = OR_NOMEM; // first see if have the user in the list
_plistlock->LockExclusive(); for (pNode = (CUserPingSetCount*)_UserPingSetCountList.First(); pNode; pNode = (CUserPingSetCount*)pNode->Next() ) { if (pNode->IsEqual(pSid)) { // found it
break; } }; if (pNode) { // Have one, munge count
if (fAlloc) { pNode->Increment(); } else { pNode->Decrement(); // last ping set for this user, delete node
if (pNode->GetCount() == 0) { _UserPingSetCountList.Remove(pNode); delete pNode; } } status = OR_OK; } else { // Don't have one, add.
ASSERT( fAlloc == TRUE ); pNode = new CUserPingSetCount(status, pSid); if (pNode && (status == OR_OK) ) { // start with 1
pNode->Increment(); _UserPingSetCountList.Insert(pNode); } } _plistlock->UnlockExclusive(); return (OR_OK == status); }
// Function: CPingSetQuotaManager::IsUserQuotaExceeded
// Synopsis: This function determines if the quota is above limit for a given user
// pSID. returns TRUE if the limit is reached, FALSE otherwise
BOOL CPingSetQuotaManager::IsUserQuotaExceeded(PSID pSid) { CUserPingSetCount *pNode = NULL; // first see if have the user in the list
_plistlock->LockShared(); for (pNode = (CUserPingSetCount*)_UserPingSetCountList.First(); pNode; pNode = (CUserPingSetCount*)pNode->Next() ) { if (pNode->IsEqual(pSid)) { // found it
break; } }; if (pNode) { DWORD dw = pNode->GetCount(); if (dw >= _dwPerUserPingSetQuota ) { _plistlock->UnlockShared(); return TRUE; } } _plistlock->UnlockShared(); return FALSE; }
void CPingSetQuotaManager::SetPerUserPingSetQuota(DWORD dwQuota) { _dwPerUserPingSetQuota = dwQuota; }