Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Object resolver client side class implementations. CClientOxid, CClientOid, CClientSet classes are implemented here.
Mario Goertzel [MarioGo]
Revision History:
MarioGo 04-03-95 Combined many smaller .cxx files MarioGo 01-05-96 Locally unique IDs
extern error_status_t ComplexPingInternal( IN handle_t hRpc, IN SETID *pSetId, IN USHORT SequenceNum, IN ULONG cAddToSet, IN ULONG cDelFromSet, IN OID AddToSet[], IN OID DelFromSet[], OUT USHORT *pPingBackoffFactor );
class CTestBindingPPing : public CParallelPing { public: CTestBindingPPing(WCHAR *pBindings) : _pBindings(pBindings) {}
BOOL NextCall(PROTSEQINFO *pProtseqInfo) { if (*_pBindings) { pProtseqInfo->pvUserInfo = _pBindings; pProtseqInfo->hRpc = TestBindingGetHandle(_pBindings); _pBindings = OrStringSearch(_pBindings, 0) + 1; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
void ReleaseCall(PROTSEQINFO *pProtseqInfo) { if (pProtseqInfo->hRpc) { RpcBindingFree(&pProtseqInfo->hRpc); } } private: WCHAR * _pBindings; };
// CClientOid methods
CClientOid::~CClientOid() { ASSERT(gpClientLock->HeldExclusive()); ASSERT(!In()); ASSERT(Out()); ASSERT(_pOxid); ASSERT(_pSet);
_pOxid->Release(); _pSet->Release();
gpClientOidTable->Remove(this); }
// CClientOxid methods.
ORSTATUS CClientOxid::GetInfo( IN BOOL fApartment, OUT OXID_INFO *pInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the OXID_INFO structure for this oxid.
The gpClientLock is held and there should also be a reference held by the calling routine upon entry to this method.
fApartment - TRUE iif the client is apartment model.
pInfo - Will contain the standard info, a single _expanded_ string binding and complete security bindings. MIDL_user_allocated.
Return Value:
OR_NOMEM - Unable to allocate a parameter.
OR_OK - Normally.
--*/ { USHORT protseq; PWSTR pwstrT; ORSTATUS status = OR_OK; DUALSTRINGARRAY *psa; BOOL bNoEndpoint = FALSE;
if (0 == _wProtseq) { // Local server
protseq = ID_LPC;
pwstrT = FindMatchingProtseq(protseq, _oxidInfo.psa->aStringArray);
ASSERT(pwstrT != 0);
if (0 != pwstrT) { psa = GetStringBinding(pwstrT, _oxidInfo.psa->aStringArray + _oxidInfo.psa->wSecurityOffset);
if (0 == psa) { status = OR_NOMEM; } } else { status = OR_BADOXID; } } else { // Remote server, find a string binding to use.
psa = 0; PWSTR pwstrBinding = 0;
// First, check if there is a known good binding to use.
if (_iStringBinding != 0xFFFF) { pwstrBinding = &_oxidInfo.psa->aStringArray[_iStringBinding]; } else { pwstrT = NULL; if (_pMachineName) { pwstrT = FindMatchingProtseq(_pMachineName, _wProtseq, _oxidInfo.psa->aStringArray); }
if (pwstrT) { pwstrBinding = pwstrT; _iStringBinding = (USHORT)(pwstrT - _oxidInfo.psa->aStringArray); } else { // no stringbinding for the Protseq and machine name we succeeded on
// previously. Ping all these guys in parallel and see if any work
CTestBindingPPing ping(_oxidInfo.psa->aStringArray); RPC_STATUS rpcstatus = RPC_S_OK; gpClientLock->UnlockExclusive(); for (;;) { rpcstatus = ping.Ping(); if ( RPC_S_UNKNOWN_IF == rpcstatus ) { if ( ! bNoEndpoint ) { for ( ULONG ProtseqIndex = 0; ProtseqIndex < ping.HandleCount(); ProtseqIndex++ ) { RPC_BINDING_HANDLE tmpBinding; rpcstatus = RpcBindingCopy( ping.Info(ProtseqIndex)->hRpc, &tmpBinding); if (rpcstatus != RPC_S_OK) break; RpcBindingFree( &(ping.Info(ProtseqIndex)->hRpc)); rpcstatus = RpcBindingReset(tmpBinding); if (rpcstatus != RPC_S_OK) { RpcBindingFree(&tmpBinding); break; } ping.Info(ProtseqIndex)->hRpc = tmpBinding; } if (rpcstatus == RPC_S_OK) { bNoEndpoint = TRUE; continue; } } } break; } gpClientLock->LockExclusive();
if (rpcstatus == RPC_S_OK) { pwstrBinding = (WCHAR*) ping.GetWinner()->pvUserInfo; _iStringBinding = (USHORT)(pwstrBinding - _oxidInfo.psa->aStringArray); }
ping.Reset(); }
if (0 != pwstrBinding) { // Found a binding
ASSERT(pwstrBinding == &_oxidInfo.psa->aStringArray[_iStringBinding]); psa = GetStringBinding(pwstrBinding, _oxidInfo.psa->aStringArray + _oxidInfo.psa->wSecurityOffset); if (0 == psa) { status = OR_NOMEM; } } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Unable to find a binding for oxid %p (to %S)\n", this, _oxidInfo.psa->aStringArray + 1));
if (status == OR_OK) status = OR_BADOXID; } }
if (status == OR_OK) { // copy all the data into the OXID_INFO
memcpy(pInfo, &_oxidInfo, sizeof(_oxidInfo)); pInfo->psa = psa; }
return(status); }
ORSTATUS CClientOxid::UpdateInfo(OXID_INFO *pInfo) { DUALSTRINGARRAY *pdsaT;
ASSERT(pInfo); ASSERT(gpClientLock->HeldExclusive());
if (pInfo->psa) { ASSERT(dsaValid(pInfo->psa));
pdsaT = new(sizeof(USHORT) * pInfo->psa->wNumEntries) DUALSTRINGARRAY;
if (!pdsaT) { return(OR_NOMEM); }
dsaCopy(pdsaT, pInfo->psa);
delete _oxidInfo.psa; } else { pdsaT = _oxidInfo.psa; }
// copy in the new data
memcpy(&_oxidInfo, pInfo, sizeof(_oxidInfo)); _oxidInfo.psa = pdsaT;
ASSERT(dsaValid(_oxidInfo.psa)); return(OR_OK); }
void CClientOxid::Reference() /*++
Routine Description:
As as CReferencedObject::Reference except that it knows to pull the oxid out of the plist when the refcount was 0.
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL fRemove = (this->References() == 0);
// We may remove something from a PList more then once;
// it won't hurt anything. This avoids trying to remove
// more often then necessary.
if (fRemove) { CPListElement * t = Remove(); ASSERT(t == &this->_plist || t == 0); } }
DWORD CClientOxid::Release() /*++
Routine Description:
Overrides CReferencedObject::Release since OXIDs must wait for a timeout period before being deleted.
Return Value:
0 - object fully released.
non-zero - object nt fully released by you.
{ ASSERT(gpClientLock->HeldExclusive());
LONG c = CReferencedObject::Dereference();
if (c == 0) { Insert(); }
ASSERT(c >= 0);
return(c); }
// CClientSet methods
ORSTATUS CClientSet::RegisterObject(CClientOid *pOid) /*++
Routine Description:
Adds a new oid to the set of oids owned by this set.
pOid - A pointer to the OID to add to the set. The caller gives his reference to this set.
Return Value:
{ ORSTATUS status;
ASSERT(_blistOids.Member(pOid) == FALSE);
status = _blistOids.Insert(pOid);
if (status == OR_OK) { ObjectUpdate(pOid); _cFailedPings = 0; }
VALIDATE((status, OR_NOMEM, 0));
return(status); }
ORSTATUS CClientSet::PingServer() /*++
Routine Description:
Performs a nice simple ping of the remote set.
Exactly and only one thread may call this method on a given instance of a CClientSet at a time.
No lock held when called.
Overview of state transitions on a CClientOid during a complex ping:
In() Out() Actions before ping; after ping FALSE FALSE A ; C A U FALSE TRUE R ; R U TRUE FALSE N ; N TRUE TRUE R ; C R U
Before: A - Added to list of IDs to be added. N - Ignored R - Added to list of IDs to be removed.
// States may change during the call.
After: C - Check if ping call was successful. If not, skip next action. R - If the Out() state is still TRUE, remove it. N - ignored A - Set In() state to TRUE U - If Out() state changed during the call, set _fChange.
If three pings fail in a row, all Out()==TRUE OIDs are actually Released() and no new pings are made until ObjectUpdate() is called again.
Return Value:
OR_OK - Pinged okay
OR_NOMEM - Resource allocation failed
OR_I_PARTIAL_UPDATE - Pinged okay, but more pings are needed to fully update the remote set.
Other - Error from RPC.
--*/ { ORSTATUS status; ULONG cAdds = 0; ULONG cDels = 0; ULONG i; WCHAR* pPrincipal = NULL; WCHAR* pMachineNameFromBindings = NULL; DWORD cFailedUnsecureCPings = 0;
CToken *pToken;
if (_fSecure) { pToken = (CToken *)Id2(); ASSERT(pToken != 0); pToken->Impersonate(); }
if (_fChange) { USHORT wBackoffFactor; OID *aAdds = 0; OID *aDels = 0; CClientOid **apoidAdds; CClientOid **apoidDels = 0; CClientOid *pOid;
// Since we own a shared lock, nobody can modify the contents
// of the set or change the references on an OID in the set
// while we do this calculation.
ASSERT(_fChange); _fChange = FALSE;
DWORD debugSize = _blistOids.Size(); ASSERT(debugSize);
CBListIterator oids(&_blistOids);
while (pOid = (CClientOid *)oids.Next()) { if (pOid->Out() == FALSE) { if (pOid->In() == FALSE) { // Referenced and not in set, add it.
cAdds++; } } else { // Not referenced, remove it.
cDels++; } }
ASSERT(debugSize == _blistOids.Size()); oids.Reset(&_blistOids);
DWORD cbAlloc = (sizeof(OID) * (cAdds + cDels)) + (sizeof(CClientOid*) * (cAdds + cDels)); PVOID pvMem; // Alloc no more than 16k on the stack.
if (cbAlloc < 0x4000) { pvMem = NULL; aAdds = (OID *) alloca(cbAlloc); } else { pvMem = PrivMemAlloc(cbAlloc); aAdds = (OID *) pvMem; }
if (!aAdds) { gpClientLock->UnlockShared(); if (_fSecure) { pToken = (CToken *)Id2(); ASSERT(pToken != 0); pToken->Revert(); } return OR_NOMEM; }
apoidAdds = (CClientOid **) ( aAdds + cAdds); aDels = (OID *)( apoidAdds + cAdds); apoidDels = (CClientOid **)(aDels + cDels);
DWORD debugAdds = cAdds; DWORD debugDels = cDels;
cAdds = cDels = 0;
while (pOid = (CClientOid *)oids.Next()) { if (pOid->Out() == FALSE) { if (pOid->In() == FALSE) { // Referenced and not yet added
aAdds[cAdds] = pOid->Id(); apoidAdds[cAdds] = pOid; cAdds++; } } else { aDels[cDels] = pOid->Id(); apoidDels[cDels] = pOid; cDels++; } }
ASSERT(debugSize == _blistOids.Size()); ASSERT(debugAdds == cAdds); ASSERT(debugDels == cDels);
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "OR: Pinging set %p on %S, (%d, %d)\n", this, _pMid->PrintableName(), cAdds, cDels));
// Allocate a connection if needed
if ( FALSE == _pMid->IsLocal() && 0 == _hServer ) { _hServer = _pMid->GetBinding();
if (!_hServer) { _iBinding = 0; status = OR_NOMEM; } else { if (_pMid->IsSecure()) { // set security on the binding handle.
_fSecure = TRUE; RPC_SECURITY_QOS qos; pMachineNameFromBindings = ExtractMachineName( _pMid->GetStringBinding() ); if (pMachineNameFromBindings) { pPrincipal = new WCHAR[lstrlenW(pMachineNameFromBindings) + (sizeof(RPCSS_SPN_PREFIX) / sizeof(WCHAR)) + 1]; if (pPrincipal) { lstrcpyW(pPrincipal, RPCSS_SPN_PREFIX); lstrcatW(pPrincipal, pMachineNameFromBindings); } delete pMachineNameFromBindings; } USHORT wAuthnSvc = _pMid->GetAuthnSvc(); qos.Version = RPC_C_SECURITY_QOS_VERSION; qos.Capabilities = RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES_DEFAULT; qos.IdentityTracking = RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY_DYNAMIC; qos.ImpersonationType = RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY; // AuthnSvc is unsigned long and 0xFFFF will get 0 extended
status = RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx(_hServer, pPrincipal, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, wAuthnSvc != 0xFFFF ? wAuthnSvc : RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT, NULL, 0, &qos); if (status != RPC_S_OK) _fSecure = FALSE; delete pPrincipal; } else { _fSecure = FALSE; status = OR_OK; } } } else { status = OR_OK; }
if (OR_OK == status) { if (_pMid->IsLocal()) { // For local pings, do it all in one call.
for (;;) { _sequence++; status = ComplexPingInternal( _hServer, &_setid, _sequence, cAdds, cDels, aAdds, aDels, &wBackoffFactor ); if (status == OR_BADSET) { // Restart loop, allocating new set
ASSERT(_setid); _sequence = 0; _setid = 0; continue; } else if (status == OR_BADOID) { // This is really okay, all Dels must be deleted,
// and if the add failed now, it will always fail.
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Client specified unknown OID(s). %p %p %p\n", this, aAdds, apoidAdds));
status = OR_OK; } break; } } else { //
// _ComplexPing is typed as taking USHORT's for the count of Adds and
// Dels -- astoundingly there are people in the world who seem to be
// using more object references than a USHORT can hold. Rather than
// changing the protocol, we separate the adds\dels into USHRT_MAX
// size chunks.
// However, this is not necessary for local pings, which is why that case
// is handled separately above.
ULONG cAddsTotal = 0; ULONG cDelsTotal = 0; ULONG cCallsNeeded; cCallsNeeded = max((ULONG)ceil((double)cAdds / (double)MAX_PING_CHUNK_SIZE), (ULONG)ceil((double)cDels / (double)MAX_PING_CHUNK_SIZE)); // Loop the necessary # of times. Certain conditions can cause us
// re-start the loop, eg security errors, or bad set errors.
for (i = 0; i < cCallsNeeded; i++) { // Figure out how many adds\dels we are doing on this
// iteration. Remember that the # of adds\dels are
// independent of each other.
USHORT cAddsPerCall; USHORT cDelsPerCall; OID* pAddsPerCall; OID* pDelsPerCall;
if (cAddsTotal < cAdds) { // More adds to do.
cAddsPerCall = (USHORT)(min(cAdds - (i * MAX_PING_CHUNK_SIZE), MAX_PING_CHUNK_SIZE)); } else cAddsPerCall = 0; // done with adds
if (cDelsTotal < cDels) { // More dels to do.
cDelsPerCall = (USHORT)(min(cDels - (i * MAX_PING_CHUNK_SIZE), MAX_PING_CHUNK_SIZE)); } else cDelsPerCall = 0; // done with dels
// Setup pointers
pAddsPerCall = (cAddsPerCall > 0) ? aAdds + (i * MAX_PING_CHUNK_SIZE) : NULL; pDelsPerCall = (cDelsPerCall > 0) ? aDels + (i * MAX_PING_CHUNK_SIZE) : NULL; ASSERT(_hServer); ASSERT((cAddsPerCall > 0) || (cDelsPerCall > 0)); ASSERT(pAddsPerCall || pDelsPerCall);
// Update totals
cAddsTotal += cAddsPerCall; cDelsTotal += cDelsPerCall; _sequence++; status = ComplexPing( _hServer, &_setid, _sequence, cAddsPerCall, cDelsPerCall, pAddsPerCall, pDelsPerCall, &wBackoffFactor ); if (status == OR_OK) { // Keep going -- might have more chunks to process
} else if (status == OR_BADOID) { // This is really okay, all Dels must be deleted,
// and if the add failed now, it will always fail.
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Client specified unknown OID(s). %p %p %p\n", this, aAdds, apoidAdds));
status = OR_OK; } else if (status == OR_NOMEM || status == RPC_S_OUT_OF_RESOURCES || status == RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY) { // On these errors we quit immediately. No retry attempts
// even if there are further chunks to process.
break; } else if (status == RPC_S_ACCESS_DENIED || status == RPC_S_SEC_PKG_ERROR) { _fSecure = FALSE; // if unsecure pings fail more than once,
// then most likely the server rebooted
// and the setid was allocated to a different user
// on another machine. Not much we can do.
// Or, this is a DDOS attack.
// Bail in either case.
if (cFailedUnsecureCPings++ > 3) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Server %S (set %p) has failed 3 complex pings...\n", _pMid->PrintableName(), this)); RPC_STATUS mystatus = RpcBindingFree(&_hServer); ASSERT(mystatus == RPC_S_OK && _hServer == 0); _sequence--; break; } status = RpcBindingSetAuthInfo(_hServer, 0, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE, RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE, 0, 0); if (status == RPC_S_OK) { // Restart loop using unsecure calls
i = -1; // restart loop from beginning
cAddsTotal = 0; cDelsTotal = 0; } } else if (status == OR_BADSET) { // Set invalid; reallocate (don't free the binding).
ASSERT(_setid); KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Set %p invalid; recreating..\n", this));
_setid = 0; _sequence = 0; cAddsTotal = 0; cDelsTotal = 0; i = -1; // reset loop
} else { // Assume communication failure, free binding, and exit the
// loop (we'll re-allocate a new binding on the next ping)
RPC_STATUS mystatus = RpcBindingFree(&_hServer); ASSERT(mystatus == RPC_S_OK && _hServer == 0); _sequence--; break; } } } }
this->Reference(); // Keep set alive until we finish
if (status == OR_OK) { // Success, process the adds
for (i = 0; i < cAdds; i++) { pOid = apoidAdds[i];
if (FALSE != pOid->Out()) { // NOT referenced now, make sure it gets deleted next period.
ObjectUpdate(pOid); } }
// Process deletes.
for (i = 0; i < cDels; i++) { pOid = apoidDels[i];
if (FALSE != pOid->Out()) { // Well what do you yah know, we can _finally_ delete an oid.
CClientOid *pT = (CClientOid *)_blistOids.Remove(pOid); ASSERT(pT == pOid);
DWORD t = pOid->Release(); ASSERT(t == 0); } else { // We deleted from the set but now somebody is referencing it.
// Make sure we re-add it next time.
ObjectUpdate(pOid); } }
_cFailedPings = 0; } else { _fChange = TRUE; }
DWORD c = this->Release(); if (c) { ASSERT(_blistOids.Size()); this->Insert(); } else { ASSERT(cAdds == 0 && cDels != 0); } // Set (this) pointer maybe invalid
gpClientLock->UnlockExclusive(); if (pvMem) PrivMemFree(pvMem); } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "OR: Pinging set %p on %S.\n", this, _pMid->PrintableName()));
ASSERT(_setid != 0);
if (_pMid->IsLocal()) { ASSERT(_cFailedPings == 0); ASSERT(_hServer == 0); status = _SimplePing(0, &_setid); // Somewhat overactive assert. We usually hit this assert when
// the machine is overstressed and the worker threads get
// behind. Sometimes it can also be a sign of a hung process
// on the machine. Commenting it out until we can figure
// out a way to make it more discerning.
//ASSERT(status == OR_OK);
} else { ASSERT(_hServer); if (_cFailedPings <= 3) { status = SimplePing(_hServer, &_setid); if (status != OR_OK) { _cFailedPings++; if (_cFailedPings > 3) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Server %S (set %p) has failed 3 pings...\n", _pMid->PrintableName(), this)); } } else { _cFailedPings = 0; } } else { status = OR_OK; } } this->Insert(); pToken->Revert(); }
// Set (this) maybe invalid.
#if DBG
if (status != OR_OK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: ping %p failed %d\n", this, status)); } #endif
return(status); }