Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Process objects represent local clients and servers. These objects live as context handles.
There are relativly few of these objects in the universe.
Mario Goertzel [MarioGo]
Revision History:
MarioGo 02-11-95 Bits 'n pieces MarioGo 01-06-96 Based on CReferencedObject Ronans 01-20-97 Added custom protseq array entries to CProcess TarunA 10-30-98 Added PID of the client process to CProcess
#ifndef __PROCESS_HXX
#define __PROCESS_HXX
typedef struct tagScmProcessRegistration { GUID ProcessGUID; DWORD RegistrationToken; DWORD ReadinessStatus; CTime TimeOfLastPing; } ScmProcessReg;
void SCMRemoveRegistration( CProcess * pProcess, GUID & Guid, DWORD Reg );
void SCMRemoveRegistration( ScmProcessReg * pScmProcessReg );
void SCMProcessCleanup( const CProcess *pProcess );
void SCMCleanupROTEntries( void *pvFirstEntry );
void DragDropRunDown( void *creator );
// forward decls
class CClassReg; class CSCMProcessControl;
// bit flags for _dwFlags of CProcess
typedef enum tagPROCESSFLAGS { PROCESS_SUSPENDED = 0x0000001, // process is suspended for all activations
PROCESS_RETIRED = 0x0000002, // process is retired (til it dies) for all activations
PROCESS_SPI_DIRTY = 0x0000004, // process state has changed since last SCMProcessInfo was cached
PROCESS_RUNDOWN = 0x0000008, // process has been rundown
PROCESS_PAUSED = 0x0000010, // process has been paused
PROCESS_NEEDSBINDINGS = 0x0000020, // process needs current OR bindings at first opportunity
PROCESS_INITIALIZING = 0x0000040 // process is currently running long-running init code
// Note on above flags: PROCESS_SUSPENDED and PROCESS_PAUSED look suspiciously identical; why
// keep both? The basic reason is that the a process may only be suspended by a custom activator
// (or the SCM itself, if it so decides), and that a process may only be paused by the process
// itself (which in current usage means in response to a user action). We keep both flags in
// order to tell the difference; certain scenarios (com+ process pooling/recycling) need the
// ability to discriminate between the two cases.
class CProcess : public CReferencedObject /*++
Class Description:
An instance of this class is created for each process using the OR as either a client or server.
The process object is referenced by server OXIDs and has one implicit reference by the actual process (which is dereferenced during the context rundown). Instances of these objects are managed by the RPC runtime as context handles.
_pToken - A pointer to the CToken instance of the process.
_csCallbackLock - use to serialize callback to LazyUseProtseq
_hProcess - An RPC binding handle back to the process.
_pdsaLocalBindings - The string bindings of the process, including local only protseqs
_pdsaRemoteBindings - A subset of _pdsaLocalBindings not containing any local-only protseqs
_blistOxids - A CBList containing pointers to the CServerOxid's owned by this process, if any.
_blistOids - A CBList of pointers to CClientOid's which this process is using and referencing, if any.
_listClasses - A CBList of registration handles for classes that a server process has registered.
_fReadCustomProtseqs - a flag to indicate if the server has been queried for custom protseq and endpoints (specific to the server)
_pcpaCustomProtseqs - a pointer to a counted array of custom protseqs
_dwFlags -- state bits for this process
_pSCMProcessInfo -- pointer to the current SCMProcessInfo struct for ourself
_ftCreated - the filetime that this object was created.
--*/ { friend CSCMProcessControl;
DWORD _cClientReferences;
CToken *_pToken; WCHAR *_pwszWinstaDesktop; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE _hProcess; BOOL _fCacheFree; DUALSTRINGARRAY *_pdsaLocalBindings; DUALSTRINGARRAY *_pdsaRemoteBindings; ULONG _ulClasses; ScmProcessReg *_pScmProcessReg; DUALSTRINGARRAY *_pdsaCustomProtseqs; void *_pvRunAsHandle; DWORD _procID; volatile DWORD _dwFlags; void* _pSCMProcessInfo; GUID _guidProcessIdentifier; HANDLE _hProcHandle; FILETIME _ftCreated; DWORD64 _dwCurrentBindingsID; DWORD _dwAsyncUpdatesOutstanding; // for debug purposes?
void *_pvFirstROTEntry;
BOOL _fReadCustomProtseqs; CBList _blistOxids; CBList _blistOids; CList _listClasses;
DWORD _cDropTargets; #if DBG
// Debug members used to monitor and track rundown callbacks
ULONG _cRundowns; CTime _timeFirstRundown; #endif
RPC_BINDING_HANDLE CreateBindingHandle(void); BOOL EnsureBindingHandle(); // These two functions should be used in tandem.
RPC_BINDING_HANDLE AllocateBinding(); void FreeBinding(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE);
static void RPC_ENTRY AsyncRpcNotification(RPC_ASYNC_STATE* pAsync, void* pContext, RPC_ASYNC_EVENT Event);
void BindingsUpdateNotify(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hBinding, DWORD64 dwBindingsID, DUALSTRINGARRAY* pdsaNewBindings, DUALSTRINGARRAY* pdsaSecBindings, HRESULT hrReturn);
static void RPC_ENTRY AsyncRundownReturnNotification(RPC_ASYNC_STATE* pAsync, void* pContext, RPC_ASYNC_EVENT Event);
void RundownOidNotify(CServerOxid* pOwningOxid, ULONG cOids, CServerOid* aOids[], BYTE aRundownStatus[], HRESULT hrReturn); static void ExamineRpcAsyncCompleteCallReturnCode(RPC_STATUS status);
void FlagsOn(DWORD dwOn); void FlagsOff(DWORD dwOff); public:
CProcess(IN CToken*& pToken, IN WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, IN DWORD procID, OUT ORSTATUS &status);
DUALSTRINGARRAY *GetLocalBindings(void);
DUALSTRINGARRAY *GetRemoteBindings(void);
RPC_BINDING_HANDLE GetBindingHandle();
ORSTATUS AddOxid(CServerOxid *);
BOOL RemoveOxid(CServerOxid *);
ORSTATUS AddRemoteOxid(CClientOxid *);
void RemoveRemoteOxid(CClientOxid *);
BOOL IsOwner(CServerOxid *);
ORSTATUS AddOid(CClientOid *);
CClientOid *RemoveOid(CClientOid *);
// These are methods to record per-class SCM registrations
// in traditional local servers and services
void AddClassReg(GUID & Guid, DWORD Reg);
void RemoveClassReg(DWORD Reg);
void RevokeClassRegs();
// These are methods to record per-process SCM registration info
// for the new COM+ unified surrogate for startup, shutdown and rundown
void SetProcessReg(ScmProcessReg *pProcessReg);
ScmProcessReg* GetProcessReg();
ScmProcessReg* RemoveProcessReg();
void RevokeProcessReg();
void SetProcessReadyState(DWORD dwState);
RPC_STATUS RundownOids(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hRpc, CServerOxid* pOwningOxid, ULONG cOids, CServerOid* aOids[]);
ORSTATUS UseProtseqIfNeeded(USHORT cClientProtseqs, USHORT aProtseqs[]);
ORSTATUS UpdateResolverBindings(DWORD64 dwBindingsID, DUALSTRINGARRAY* pdsaResolverBindings); void Rundown(); BOOL HasBeenRundown() { return (_dwFlags & PROCESS_RUNDOWN); }; void NotifyRPCRundown() { FlagsOn(PROCESS_RUNDOWN); }; CToken *GetToken() { return(_pToken); }
WCHAR *WinstaDesktop() { return(_pwszWinstaDesktop); }
void ClientReference() { InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&_cClientReferences); }
DWORD ClientRelease() { return InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&_cClientReferences); }
DWORD GetPID() { return _procID; }
void SetRunAsHandle(void *pvRunAsHandle); HANDLE GetProcessHandle() { return _hProcHandle; }
BOOL SetProcessHandle(HANDLE hProcHandle, DWORD dwLaunchedPID);
GUID* GetGuidProcessIdentifier() { return &_guidProcessIdentifier; };
void Cleanup();
// Not sure yet if (un)suspending an already (un)suspended process
// is a valid or possible thing to do. Assert on these two cases.
void Suspend() { ASSERT(!IsSuspended()); FlagsOn(PROCESS_SUSPENDED | PROCESS_SPI_DIRTY); } void Unsuspend() { ASSERT(IsSuspended()); FlagsOff(PROCESS_SUSPENDED); FlagsOn(PROCESS_SPI_DIRTY); } BOOL IsSuspended() { return (_dwFlags & PROCESS_SUSPENDED); }
// Note: no accessor method provided to "un-retire" a process.
void Retire(); BOOL IsRetired() { return (_dwFlags & PROCESS_RETIRED); } void Pause() { ASSERT(!IsPaused()); FlagsOn(PROCESS_PAUSED | PROCESS_SPI_DIRTY); } void Resume() { ASSERT(IsPaused()); FlagsOff(PROCESS_PAUSED); FlagsOn(PROCESS_SPI_DIRTY); } BOOL IsPaused() { return (_dwFlags & PROCESS_PAUSED); }
void BeginInit() { FlagsOn(PROCESS_INITIALIZING | PROCESS_SPI_DIRTY); } void EndInit() { FlagsOff(PROCESS_INITIALIZING); FlagsOn(PROCESS_SPI_DIRTY); } BOOL IsInitializing() { return (_dwFlags & PROCESS_INITIALIZING); }
// Although we track the paused bit for the benefit of any custom activators that might care about
// it, it does not influence our choice of servers. So if two potential servers are running, and
// one is paused, then to the scm both appear equally suitable. We have to do it this way to
// support various com+ scenarios.
BOOL AvailableForActivations() { return !(_dwFlags & (PROCESS_SUSPENDED | PROCESS_RETIRED)); }
// Returns TRUE if this process needs updated bindings.
BOOL NeedsORBindings() { return _dwFlags & PROCESS_NEEDSBINDINGS; }; void BindingsUpdated() { FlagsOff(PROCESS_NEEDSBINDINGS); };
const FILETIME* GetFileTimeCreated() { return &_ftCreated; }
BOOL SPIDirty() { return _dwFlags & PROCESS_SPI_DIRTY; }
HRESULT SetSCMProcessInfo(void* pSPI);
void* GetSCMProcessInfo() { //ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldSharedOrExclusive();
// should not be called unless we are not not dirty
ASSERT(_pSCMProcessInfo && !(_dwFlags & (PROCESS_SPI_DIRTY | PROCESS_RUNDOWN))); return _pSCMProcessInfo; };
void SetFirstROTEntry(void *pvFirstROTEntry) { ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive()); _pvFirstROTEntry = pvFirstROTEntry; }
void* GetFirstROTEntry() { return _pvFirstROTEntry; }
void IncDropTargets() { InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&_cDropTargets); } void DecDropTargets() { ASSERT (_cDropTargets>0); InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&_cDropTargets); }
class CClassReg : public CListElement { public : GUID _Guid; DWORD _Reg;
CClassReg( GUID & Guid, DWORD reg ) : _Guid(Guid), _Reg(reg) {} };
extern CRITICAL_SECTION gcsFastProcessLock;
extern CBList *gpProcessList; extern CSharedLock* gpProcessListLock;
CProcess *ReferenceProcess(PVOID key, BOOL fNotContext); void ReleaseProcess(CProcess *pProcess); BOOL VerifyNewProcess(DWORD dwPID);
#endif // __PROCESS_HXX