// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: inplace.cpp
// Contents: Implementation of OLE inplace editing API's
// Classes: CFrame implementation, used to store per-window info
// Functions: OleCreateMenuDescriptor
// OleSetMenuDescriptor
// OleDestroyMenuDescriptor
// OleTranslateAccelerator
// IsAccelerator
// FrameWndFilterProc
// MessageFilterProc
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 31-Mar-94 ricksa Fixed menu merge bug & added some comments
// 23-Feb-94 alexgo added call tracing
// 11-Jan-94 alexgo added VDATEHEAP macros to every function
// 31-Dec-93 ChrisWe fixed casts in OutputDebugStrings
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo merged changes with shipped 16bit 2.01a
// (RC9). Also removed lots of bad inlining.
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port, made globals static
// 07-Dec-92 srinik Converted frame filter implementatio
// into a C++ class implementation.
// So, most of the code is rewritten.
// 09-Jul-92 srinik author
// Notes: REVIEW32: we need to do something about the new
// focus management policy for NT (re TonyWi's mail)
#include <le2int.h>
#pragma SEG(inplace)
#include "inplace.h"
// to keep the code bases common
// REVIEW32: we may want to clean this up a bit
// we'd be faster if we used an atom instead of a string!
static const OLECHAR szPropFrameFilter[] = OLESTR("pFrameFilter");
static WORD wSignature; // = (WORD) { 'S', 'K' }
static HHOOK hMsgHook = NULL; static PCFRAMEFILTER pFrameFilter = NULL;
// the values for these globals are set in ole2.cpp
UINT uOmPostWmCommand; UINT uOleMessage;
#define OM_CLEAR_MENU_STATE 0 // lParam is NULL
#define OM_COMMAND_ID 1 // LOWORD(lParam) contains
// the command ID
// Function: IsHmenuEqual
// Synopsis: Test whether two menu handles are equal taking into
// account whether one might be a Win16 handle.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 31-May-94 Ricksa Created
inline BOOL IsHmenuEqual(HMENU hmenu1, HMENU hmenu2) {
#ifdef _WIN64
// Sundown v-thief ( in accordance with Jerry Shea's feedback ):
// At this time - 07/98 - all the bits of the HMENUs have to be equal
return hmenu1 == hmenu2;
#else // !_WIN64
if (HIWORD(hmenu1) == 0 || HIWORD(hmenu2) == 0) {
return LOWORD(hmenu1) == LOWORD(hmenu2); } else {
return hmenu1 == hmenu2; }
#endif // !_WIN64
// Class: CPaccel
// Purpose: Handles enumeration of ACCEL table for IsAccelerator
// Interface: InitLPACCEL - Initialize object
// operator-> Get pointer to current ACCEL in enumeration
// Next - bump current pointer
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 14-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
// Notes: This class also guarantees clean up of the
// allocated accelerator table & to localize the differences
// between Win16 & Win32 within this class.
class CPaccelEnum : public CPrivAlloc { public: CPaccelEnum(void);
inline ~CPaccelEnum(void);
BOOL InitLPACCEL(HACCEL haccel, int cAccel);
LPACCEL operator->(void);
void Next(void);
LPACCEL _lpaccel;
LPACCEL _lpaccelBase; };
// Function: CPaccelEnum::CPaccelEnum
// Synopsis: Initialize object to zero
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 14-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
inline CPaccelEnum::CPaccelEnum(void) : _lpaccel(NULL) { // In Win32, we allocate the memory so we need to keep track of the
// base of the memory that we allocated.
_lpaccelBase = NULL; }
// Function: CPaccelEnum::~CPaccelEnum
// Synopsis: Free resources connected with resource table
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 14-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
inline CPaccelEnum::~CPaccelEnum(void) { PrivMemFree(_lpaccelBase); }
// Function: CPaccelEnum::InitLPACCEL
// Synopsis: Initialize Accelerator table pointer
// Arguments: [haccel] - handle to accelerator table
// [cAccel] - count of entries in the table
// Returns: TRUE - table was allocated successfully
// FALSE - table could not be allocated
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 14-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
inline BOOL CPaccelEnum::InitLPACCEL(HACCEL haccel, int cAccel) { // Allocate the memory for the table. If that succeeds, then copy
// the accelerator table. Note that if _lpaccelBase gets allocated,
// but CopyAcceleratorTable fails, the memory will be cleaned up
// in the destructor.
if (((_lpaccelBase = (LPACCEL) PrivMemAlloc(cAccel * sizeof(ACCEL))) != NULL) && (CopyAcceleratorTable(haccel, _lpaccelBase, cAccel) == cAccel)) { _lpaccel = _lpaccelBase; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Function: CPaccelEnum::operator->
// Synopsis: Return pointer to accelerator table
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 14-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
inline LPACCEL CPaccelEnum::operator->(void) { AssertSz((_lpaccel != NULL), "CPaccelEnum::operator-> _lpaccel NULL!"); return _lpaccel; }
// Function: CPaccelEnum::Next
// Synopsis: Bump enumeration pointer
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 14-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
inline void CPaccelEnum::Next(void) { AssertSz((_lpaccel != NULL), "CPaccelEnum::Next _lpaccel NULL!"); _lpaccel++; }
// Function: OleCreateMenuDescriptor
// Synopsis: creates a descriptor from a combined menu (for use in
// dispatching menu messages)
// Effects:
// Arguments: [hmenuCombined] -- handle the combined menu
// [lpMenuWidths] -- an array of 6 longs with the
// the number of menus in each
// group
// Requires:
// Returns: handle to an OLEMENU
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm: Allocates space for enough ole menu items (total of all the
// combined menues) and then fills in each ole menu item from
// the combined menu
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes: if hmenuCombined is NULL, we still allocate the ole menu
// descriptor handle
#pragma SEG(OleCreateMenuDescriptor)
STDAPI_(HOLEMENU) OleCreateMenuDescriptor (HMENU hmenuCombined, LPOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS lplMenuWidths) { OLETRACEIN((API_OleCreateMenuDescriptor, PARAMFMT("hmenuCombined= %h, lplMenuWidths= %tw"), hmenuCombined, lplMenuWidths)); VDATEHEAP();
int iGroupCnt, n; int iMenuCnt = 0; HGLOBAL hOleMenu; LPOLEMENU lpOleMenu; LPOLEMENUITEM lpMenuList; DWORD dwOleMenuItemsSize = 0;
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p _IN OleCreateMenuDescriptor ( %lx , " "%p )\n", NULL, hmenuCombined, lplMenuWidths));
if (hmenuCombined) { GEN_VDATEPTRIN_LABEL( lplMenuWidths, OLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS, (HOLEMENU)NULL, errRtn, hOleMenu );
iMenuCnt = 0; for (iGroupCnt = 0; iGroupCnt < 6; iGroupCnt++) { iMenuCnt += (int) lplMenuWidths->width[iGroupCnt]; }
if (iMenuCnt == 0) { hOleMenu = NULL; goto errRtn; }
dwOleMenuItemsSize = (iMenuCnt-1) * sizeof(OLEMENUITEM); }
hOleMenu = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_SHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(OLEMENU) + dwOleMenuItemsSize);
if (!hOleMenu) { goto errRtn; }
if (! (lpOleMenu = (LPOLEMENU) GlobalLock(hOleMenu))) { GlobalFree(hOleMenu); hOleMenu = NULL; goto errRtn; }
lpOleMenu->wSignature = wSignature; lpOleMenu->hmenuCombined = PtrToUlong(hmenuCombined); lpOleMenu->lMenuCnt = (LONG) iMenuCnt;
if (! hmenuCombined) { goto Exit; }
lpMenuList = lpOleMenu->menuitem;
for (iMenuCnt = 0, iGroupCnt = 0; iGroupCnt < 6; iGroupCnt++) { lpOleMenu->MenuWidths.width[iGroupCnt] = lplMenuWidths->width[iGroupCnt]; for (n = 0; n < lplMenuWidths->width[iGroupCnt]; n++) { lpMenuList->fObjectMenu = (iGroupCnt % 2); if (GetSubMenu(hmenuCombined, iMenuCnt) != NULL) { lpMenuList->fwPopup = MF_POPUP; lpMenuList->item = PtrToUlong(GetSubMenu( hmenuCombined, iMenuCnt)); } else { lpMenuList->fwPopup = NULL; lpMenuList->item = GetMenuItemID ( hmenuCombined, iMenuCnt); }
lpMenuList++; iMenuCnt++; } }
Exit: GlobalUnlock(hOleMenu);
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p OUT OleCreateMenuDescriptor ( %lx )\n", NULL, hOleMenu));
OLETRACEOUTEX((API_OleCreateMenuDescriptor, RETURNFMT("%h"), hOleMenu));
return (HOLEMENU) hOleMenu; }
// Function: OleSetMenuDescriptor
// Synopsis: Called by the SetMenu method on the IOleInPlace frame
// interface. This API adds(removes) the FrameWndFilterProc
// to the Frame window of the container. And then sets and
// removes the main(frame) menu bar
// Effects:
// Arguments: [holemenu] -- a handle to the composite menu descriptor
// [hwndFrame] -- a handle to the container's frame window
// [hwndActiveObject] -- a handle to the object's in-place
// window
// [lpFrame] -- pointer to the container's
// IOleInPlaceFrame implementation
// [lpActiveObj] -- pointer to in-place object
// Requires:
// Returns: HRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm: check arguments, then create a new frame filter object
// and attach it to the frame (replacing any that might
// already be there).
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(OleSetMenuDescriptor)
STDAPI OleSetMenuDescriptor ( HOLEMENU holemenu, HWND hwndFrame, HWND hwndObject, LPOLEINPLACEFRAME lpFrame, LPOLEINPLACEACTIVEOBJECT lpObject ) { OLETRACEIN((API_OleSetMenuDescriptor, PARAMFMT("holemenu= %h, hwndFrame= %h, hwndObject= %h, lpFrame= %p, lpObject= %p"), holemenu, hwndFrame, hwndObject, lpFrame, lpObject));
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p _IN OleSetMenuDescriptor ( %lx , %lx ," "%lx , %p , %p )\n", NULL, holemenu, hwndFrame, hwndObject, lpFrame, lpObject));
// The Frame window parameter always needs to be valid since
// we use it for both hook and unhook of menus
if (hwndFrame == NULL || !IsWindow(hwndFrame)) { LEDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "ERROR in OleSetMenuDesciptor: bad hwndFrame\n")); error = ResultFromScode(OLE_E_INVALIDHWND); goto errRtn; }
if (holemenu != NULL) { if (hwndObject == NULL || !IsWindow(hwndObject)) { LEDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "ERROR in OleSetMenuDesciptor: bad hwndFrame\n")); error = ResultFromScode(OLE_E_INVALIDHWND); goto errRtn; }
if (lpFrame && lpObject) { // the caller wants us to provide the support for
// context sensitive help, let's validat the pointers
VDATEIFACE_LABEL(lpFrame, errRtn, error); VDATEIFACE_LABEL(lpObject, errRtn, error); CALLHOOKOBJECT(S_OK,CLSID_NULL,IID_IOleInPlaceFrame, (IUnknown **)&lpFrame); CALLHOOKOBJECT(S_OK,CLSID_NULL,IID_IOleInPlaceActiveObject, (IUnknown **)&lpObject); }
if (!(lpOleMenu = wGetOleMenuPtr(holemenu))) { error = ResultFromScode(E_HANDLE); goto errRtn; }
// OleMenuPtr gets released down below by wReleaseOleMenuPtr
// Allocate memory for the copy
DWORD dwSize = (DWORD) GlobalSize(holemenu);
lpOleMenuCopy = (LPOLEMENU) PrivMemAlloc(dwSize);
if (lpOleMenuCopy == NULL) { wReleaseOleMenuPtr(holemenu); error = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto errRtn; }
memcpy(lpOleMenuCopy, lpOleMenu, dwSize); }
// if there is a frame filter get rid off it.
if (pFrameFilter = (PCFRAMEFILTER) wGetFrameFilterPtr(hwndFrame)) { // be sure to remove our window proc hook
pFrameFilter->SafeRelease(); }
// Add a new frame filter
if (holemenu) { error = CFrameFilter::Create (lpOleMenuCopy, (HMENU)UlongToPtr(lpOleMenu->hmenuCombined), hwndFrame, hwndObject, lpFrame, lpObject);
if (FAILED(error)) { PrivMemFree(lpOleMenuCopy); }
wReleaseOleMenuPtr(holemenu); }
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p OUT OleSetMenuDescriptor ( %lx )\n", NULL, error ));
OLETRACEOUT((API_OleSetMenuDescriptor, error));
return error; }
// Function: OleDestroyMenuDescriptor
// Synopsis: Releases the menu descriptor allocated by
// OleCreateMenuDescriptor
// Effects:
// Arguments: [holemenu] -- the menu descriptor
// Requires:
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm: does a global lock and verifies that holemenu is
// really a menu descriptor handle (via wGetOleMenuPtr),
// then unlock's and free's.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(OleDestroyMenuDescriptor)
STDAPI OleDestroyMenuDescriptor (HOLEMENU holemenu) { OLETRACEIN((API_OleDestroyMenuDescriptor, PARAMFMT("holemenu= %h"), holemenu));
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p _IN OleDestroyMenuDescriptor ( %lx )\n", NULL, holemenu));
// make sure that it is a valid handle
if (! (lpOleMenu = wGetOleMenuPtr(holemenu))) { error = ResultFromScode(E_HANDLE); } else { wReleaseOleMenuPtr(holemenu); GlobalFree((HGLOBAL) holemenu); error = NOERROR; }
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p OUT OleDestroyMenuDescriptor ( %lx )\n", NULL, error));
OLETRACEOUT((API_OleDestroyMenuDescriptor, error));
return error; }
// Function: wSysKeyToKey (internal)
// Synopsis: Converts a message from a WM_SYSKEY to a WM_KEY message
// if the alt key was not held down
// Effects:
// Arguments: [lpMsg] -- the message to convert
// Requires:
// Returns: UINT -- the new message
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo removed inlining
// Notes: original notes:
// if the ALT key is down when a key is pressed, then the 29th bit of the
// LPARAM will be set
// If the message was not made with the ALT key down, convert the message
// from a WM_SYSKEY* to a WM_KEY* message.
static UINT wSysKeyToKey(LPMSG lpMsg) { VDATEHEAP();
UINT message = lpMsg->message;
if (!(HIWORD(lpMsg->lParam) & 0x2000) && (message >= WM_SYSKEYDOWN && message <= WM_SYSDEADCHAR)) { message -= (WM_SYSKEYDOWN - WM_KEYDOWN); }
return message; }
// Function: OleTranslateAccelerator
// Synopsis: Called by an inplace object to allow a container to attempt
// to handle an accelerator
// Effects:
// Arguments: [lpFrame] -- pointer to IOleInPlaceFrame where the
// keystroke might be sent
// [lpFrameInfo] -- pointer to and OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO
// from the container with it's accelerator
// table
// [lpmsg] -- the keystroke
// Requires:
// Returns: HRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm: We call SendMessage to store the accelerator cmd
// (to handle degenerate lookups on the container) and
// then ask the container to handle
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(OleTranslateAccelerator)
STDAPI OleTranslateAccelerator(LPOLEINPLACEFRAME lpFrame, LPOLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO lpFrameInfo, LPMSG lpMsg) { OLETRACEIN((API_OleTranslateAccelerator, PARAMFMT("lpFrame= %p, lpFrameInfo= %to, lpMsg= %tm"), lpFrame, lpFrameInfo, lpMsg));
WORD cmd; BOOL fFound; HRESULT error;
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p _IN OleTranslateAccelerator ( %p , %p " ", %p )\n", NULL, lpFrame, lpFrameInfo, lpMsg)); CALLHOOKOBJECT(S_OK,CLSID_NULL,IID_IOleInPlaceFrame, (IUnknown **)&lpFrame);
// Validate parameters -- the best that we can!
// Note: the macro's VDATEPTR* were not used because they return
// immediately & break the tracing semantics
if (!IsValidInterface(lpFrame) || !IsValidPtrIn(lpFrameInfo, sizeof(OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO)) || !IsValidPtrIn(lpMsg, sizeof(MSG))) { error = ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG); goto exitRtn; }
// Search the (container) frame's table of accelerators. Remember that
// the container may be (actually most likely) is in a separate
// process.
fFound = IsAccelerator(lpFrameInfo->haccel, lpFrameInfo->cAccelEntries, lpMsg, &cmd);
if (!fFound && lpFrameInfo->fMDIApp) { // If no accelerator was found and the app is a MDI app,
// then we see if there is a mdi accelerator found.
fFound = IsMDIAccelerator(lpMsg, &cmd); }
if (fFound) { // Found some kind of for the container accelerator.
// uOleMessage is set in ole2.cpp -- it is a private message
// between OLE applications.
// This SendMessage tells the message filter that is on the
// frame window what the command translated to. This will
// be used in menu collision processing.
SSSendMessage(lpFrameInfo->hwndFrame, uOleMessage, OM_COMMAND_ID, MAKELONG(cmd, 0));
// Send the command and the message to the container. The
// result tells the caller whether the container really
// used the command.
error = lpFrame->TranslateAccelerator(lpMsg, cmd);
} else if (wSysKeyToKey(lpMsg) == WM_SYSCHAR) { // Eat the message if it is "Alt -". This is supposed
// to bring the MDI system menu down. But we can not
// support it. And we also don't want the message to
// be Translated by the object application either.
// So, we return as if it has been accepted by the
// container as an accelerator.
// If the container wants to support this it can
// have an accelerator for this. This is not an
// issue for SDI apps, because it will be thrown
// away by USER anyway.
// This is the original support as it appeared in
// the 16-bit version of OLE and the first 32-bit
// release. To fix the problem, remove the comment
// tags from the else case below and comment the
// code out in the _DEBUG #ifdef below. This new
// code will walk back up through the objects
// parent windows until a window is found that
// contains a system menu, at which point the
// message is sent.
if (lpMsg->wParam != OLESTR('-')) { SSSendMessage(lpFrameInfo->hwndFrame, lpMsg->message, lpMsg->wParam, lpMsg->lParam); } // else
// {
// HWND hWndCurrent = lpMsg->hwnd;
// while ( hWndCurrent &&
// !(GetWindowLong(hWndCurrent, GWL_STYLE) & WS_SYSMENU))
// {
// hWndCurrent = GetParent(hWndCurrent);
// }
// if (hWndCurrent)
// {
// SSSendMessage(hWndCurrent,
// lpMsg->message,
// lpMsg->wParam, lpMsg->lParam);
// }
// }
#ifdef _DEBUG
else { OutputDebugString( TEXT("OleTranslateAccelerator: Alt+ - key is discarded\r\n")); } #endif
error = NOERROR; } else { error = ResultFromScode(S_FALSE); }
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p OUT OleTranslateAccelerator ( %lx )\n", NULL, error));
OLETRACEOUT((API_OleTranslateAccelerator, error));
return error; }
// Function: IsAccelerator
// Synopsis: determines whether [lpMsg] is an accelerator in the [hAccel]
// Effects:
// Arguments: [hAccel] -- the accelerator table
// [cAccelEntries] -- the number of entries in the accelerator
// table
// [lpMsg] -- the keystroke message that we should
// see if it's an accelerator
// [lpCmd] -- where to return the corresponding command
// ID if an accelerator is found (may be NULL)
// Requires:
// Returns: TRUE if accelerator is found, FALSE otherwise or on error
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
STDAPI_(BOOL) IsAccelerator (HACCEL hAccel, int cAccelEntries, LPMSG lpMsg, WORD FAR* lpwCmd) { OLETRACEIN((API_IsAccelerator, PARAMFMT("hAccel= %h, cAccelEntries= %d, lpMsg= %tm, lpwCmd= %p"), hAccel, cAccelEntries, lpMsg, lpwCmd));
WORD cmd = NULL; WORD flags; BOOL fFound = FALSE; BOOL fVirt; UINT message;
// Safe place for pointer to accelerator table
CPaccelEnum cpaccelenum;
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p _IN IsAccelerator ( %lx , %d , %p , %p )\n", NULL, hAccel, cAccelEntries, lpMsg, lpwCmd));
if (! cAccelEntries) { // no accelerators so we can stop here.
goto errRtn; }
// Change message type from WM_SYS type to WM_KEY type if the ALT
// key is not pressed.
message = wSysKeyToKey(lpMsg);
// Figure out whether this message is one that can possibly contain
// an accelerator.
switch (message) { case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: // wParam in this message is virtual key code
fVirt = TRUE; break;
case WM_CHAR: case WM_SYSCHAR: // wParam is the character
fVirt = FALSE; break;
default: goto errRtn; }
// Get a pointer to the accerator table
if ((hAccel == NULL) || !cpaccelenum.InitLPACCEL(hAccel, cAccelEntries)) { // Handle is NULL or we could not lock the resource so exit.
goto errRtn; }
do { // Get the flags from the accelerator table entry to save
// a pointer dereference.
flags = cpaccelenum->fVirt;
// if the key in the message and the table aren't the same,
// or if the key is virtual and the accel table entry is not or
// vice versa (if key is not virtual & accel table entry is
// not), we can skip checking the accel entry immediately.
if ((cpaccelenum->key != (WORD) lpMsg->wParam) || ((fVirt != 0) != ((flags & FVIRTKEY) != 0))) { goto Next; }
if (fVirt) { // If shift down & shift not requested in accelerator
// table or if shift not down and shift not set,
// we skip this table entry.
if ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) != ((flags & FSHIFT) != 0)) { goto Next; }
// Likewise if control key down & control key not
// set in accelerator table or if control not down
// and it was set in the accelerator table, we skip
// skip this entry in the table.
if ((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) != ((flags & FCONTROL) != 0)) { goto Next; } }
// If the ALT key is down and the accel table flags do not
// request the ALT flags or if the alt key is not down and
// the ALT is requested, this item does not match.
if ((GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0) != ((flags & FALT) != 0)) { goto Next; }
// We have gotten a match in the table.
// we get the command out of the table and record that we found
// something.
cmd = cpaccelenum->cmd; fFound = TRUE;
goto errRtn;
Next: cpaccelenum.Next();
} while (--cAccelEntries);
errRtn: // Common exit
if (lpwCmd) { // If caller wants to get back the command that they
// requested, we assign it at this point.
*lpwCmd = cmd; }
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p OUT IsAccelerator ( %lu )\n", NULL, fFound));
OLETRACEOUTEX((API_IsAccelerator, RETURNFMT("%B"), fFound));
// Return the result of the search.
return fFound; }
// Function: IsMDIAccelerator
// Synopsis: determines wither [lpMsg] is an accelerator for MDI window
// commands
// Effects:
// Arguments: [lpMsg] -- the keystroke to look at
// [lpCmd] -- where to put the command ID
// Requires:
// Returns: BOOL
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm: Make sure message is a key down message. Then make sure
// that the control key is up or toggled and the ALT key is
// down. Then if F4 is pressed set the system command to
// close or if the F6 or tab keys are pressed send the
// appropriate window switch message.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port, fixed fall-through bug
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(IsMDIAccelerator)
BOOL IsMDIAccelerator(LPMSG lpMsg, WORD FAR* lpCmd) { VDATEHEAP();
BOOL fResult = FALSE;
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p _IN IsMDIAccelerator ( %p , %p )\n", NULL, lpMsg, lpCmd));
// This can be an accelerator only if this is some kind of key down.
if (lpMsg->message != WM_KEYDOWN && lpMsg->message != WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { goto IsMDIAccelerator_exit; }
if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0) { // All MIDI accelerators have the control key up (or toggled),
// so we can exit here if it isn't down.
goto IsMDIAccelerator_exit; }
switch ((WORD)lpMsg->wParam) { case VK_F4: *lpCmd = SC_CLOSE; fResult = TRUE; break; // this break was not in the 16bit code, but
// it looks like it must be there (otherwise
// this info is lost)
case VK_F6: case VK_TAB: fResult = TRUE;
break; }
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p OUT IsMDIAccelerator ( %lu ) [ %lu ] \n", NULL, fResult, *lpCmd));
return fResult; }
// Function: FrameWndFilterProc
// Synopsis: The callback proc for the container's frame window
// Effects:
// Arguments: [hwnd] -- the window handle
// [msg] -- the msg causing the notification
// [uParam] -- first param
// [lParam] -- second param
// Requires:
// Returns: LRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm: Gets the CFrame object (if available) and asks it
// to deal with the window message
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(FrameWndFilterProc)
STDAPI_(LRESULT) FrameWndFilterProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam) { VDATEHEAP();
PCFRAMEFILTER pFrameFilter; LRESULT lresult;
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p _IN FrameWndFilterProc ( 0x%p , %u ," " %u , %ld )\n", NULL, hwnd, msg, PtrToUlong((void*)uParam), PtrToLong((void*)lParam)));
if (!(pFrameFilter = (PCFRAMEFILTER) wGetFrameFilterPtr(hwnd))) { lresult = SSDefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, uParam, lParam); } else { // stabilize the frame filter
CStabilize FFstabilize((CSafeRefCount *)pFrameFilter);
if (msg == WM_SYSCOMMAND) { lresult = pFrameFilter->OnSysCommand(uParam, lParam); } else { lresult = pFrameFilter->OnMessage(msg, uParam, lParam); } }
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p OUT FrameWndFilterProc ( %lu )\n", NULL, PtrToUlong((void*)lresult)));
return lresult; }
// Function: CFrameFilter::Create
// Synopsis: Allocates and initializes a CFrame object (which handles
// all of the real processing work for event callbacks)
// Effects:
// Arguments: [lpOleMenu] -- pointer to the ole menu descriptor
// [hmenuCombined] -- the combined menu handle
// [hwndFrame] -- handle to the container's frame
// (where the CFrame should be installed)
// [hwndActiveObj] -- handle to the in-place object's window
// [lpFrame] -- pointer to the container's
// IOleInPlaceFrame implementation
// Requires:
// Returns: HRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm: Allocates the object and installs a pointer to it as
// a property on the window
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(CFrameFilter_Create)
HRESULT CFrameFilter::Create(LPOLEMENU lpOleMenu, HMENU hmenuCombined, HWND hwndFrame, HWND hwndActiveObj, LPOLEINPLACEFRAME lpFrame, LPOLEINPLACEACTIVEOBJECT lpActiveObj) { VDATEHEAP();
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::Create ( %lx , %p ," " %lx , %lx , %p , %p )\n", NULL, lpOleMenu, hmenuCombined, hwndFrame, hwndActiveObj, lpFrame, lpActiveObj));
CFrameFilter * pFF = new CFrameFilter(hwndFrame, hwndActiveObj);
if (!pFF) { goto errRtn; }
pFF->m_lpOleMenu = lpOleMenu; pFF->m_hmenuCombined = hmenuCombined;
// If the following pointers are NON-NULL, it means that the container
// wants us to use our message filter to deal with the F1 key. So,
// remember the pointers.
if (lpFrame && lpActiveObj) { // these addref's should not be outgoing calls, so
// no need to stabilize around them. (unless, of
// course, the container made an outgoing call for
// frame->AddRef, but that would be really weird).
(pFF->m_lpFrame = lpFrame)->AddRef(); (pFF->m_lpObject = lpActiveObj)->AddRef(); }
// Hook the frame wnd proc
if (!(pFF->m_lpfnPrevWndProc = (WNDPROC) SetWindowLongPtr (hwndFrame, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) FrameWndFilterProc))) { goto errRtn; }
if (!SetProp (hwndFrame, szPropFrameFilter, (HANDLE) pFF)) { goto errRtn; }
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::Create ( %lx )\n", NULL, NOERROR )); return NOERROR;
errRtn: if (pFF) { pFF->SafeRelease(); }
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::Create ( %lx )\n", NULL, ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY)));
return ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// Member: CFrameFilter::CFrameFilter
// Synopsis: Constructor for the frame filter object
// Effects:
// Arguments: [hwndFrame] -- the container's frame
// [hwndActiveObj] -- the inplace object's window
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(CFrameFilter_ctor)
CFrameFilter::CFrameFilter (HWND hwndFrame, HWND hwndActiveObj) : CSafeRefCount(NULL) { VDATEHEAP();
m_hwndFrame = hwndFrame; m_hwndObject = hwndActiveObj; m_lpFrame = NULL; m_lpObject = NULL; m_lpfnPrevWndProc = NULL; m_fObjectMenu = FALSE; m_fCurItemPopup = FALSE; m_fInMenuMode = FALSE; m_fGotMenuCloseEvent = FALSE; m_uCurItemID = NULL; m_cAltTab = NULL; m_hwndFocusOnEnter = NULL; m_fDiscardWmCommand = FALSE; m_cmdId = NULL; m_fRemovedWndProc = FALSE; }
// Member: CFrameFileter::~CFrameFilter
// Synopsis: destroys the object
// Effects:
// Arguments: void
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(CFrameFilter_dtor)
CFrameFilter::~CFrameFilter(void) { VDATEHEAP();
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::~CFrameFilter ( )\n", this));
// remove the FrameWndFilterProc hook. We do this *before*
// the Releases since those releases may make outgoing calls
// (we'd like to be in a 'safe' state).
// REVIEW32: We may want to check to see if we're the current
// window proc before blowing it away. Some apps (like Word)
// go ahead and blow away the wndproc by theselves without calling
// OleSetMenuDescriptor(NULL);
if (m_lpFrame != NULL) { // OleUnInitialize could have been called.
// In such case we do not want to call releas
// on OLeObject.
COleTls tls; if(tls->cOleInits > 0) { SafeReleaseAndNULL((IUnknown **)&m_lpFrame); SafeReleaseAndNULL((IUnknown **)&m_lpObject); } else { m_lpObject = NULL; m_lpFrame = NULL; } }
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::~CFrameFilter ( )\n", this)); }
// Member: CFrameFilter::RemoveWndProc
// Synopsis: un-installs our window proc for inplace-processing
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires: none
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 04-Aug-94 alexgo author
// Notes:
void CFrameFilter::RemoveWndProc() { LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::RemoveWndProc ( )\n", this));
if( m_fRemovedWndProc == FALSE) { m_fRemovedWndProc = TRUE;
if (m_lpfnPrevWndProc) { // If the sub-classing has already been removed, then
// don't bother to remove it again. This happens
// to be the case with Word 6 and inplace embeddings.
// and Word95 with SnapGraphics.
// if somebody comes along later (after us) and
// sub-classes the window, we won't be able to remove
// ourselves so we just avoid it.
if (GetWindowLongPtr(m_hwndFrame, GWLP_WNDPROC) == (LONG_PTR)FrameWndFilterProc) {
SetWindowLongPtr (m_hwndFrame, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) m_lpfnPrevWndProc);
// We remove the window property at the
// same time as the sub-classing since
// the window property is the flag as to
// whether we are doing sub-classing. The
// problem this solves is that what if
// OleSetMenuDescriptor is called while we
// have the menu subclassed? We won't remove
// this property until the outer most sub
// classing is exited which if we are setting
// a new sub-class will remove the new
// sub-class' window property. Therefore, it
// will look like the window is not sub-classed
// at all.
HANDLE h = RemoveProp (m_hwndFrame, szPropFrameFilter); // We must not free 'h'. It's not a real handle.
} }
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::RemoveWndProc ( )\n", this));
// Member: CFrameFilter::OnSysCommand
// Synopsis: Process system messages
// Effects:
// Arguments: [uParam] -- the first message argument
// [lParam] -- the second message argument
// Requires: the 'this' pointer must have been stabilized before
// calling this function.
// Returns: LRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm: big switch to deal with the different types of messages
// see comments below
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo removed inlining
// Notes: FrameWndFilterProc currently does the work of stabilizing
// the framefilter's 'this' pointer.
#pragma SEG(CFrameFilter_OnSysCommand)
LRESULT CFrameFilter::OnSysCommand(WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam) { VDATEHEAP();
UINT uParamTmp = ((UINT)uParam & 0xFFF0); LRESULT lresult;
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::OnSysCommand ( %lu ," " %ld )\n", this, PtrToUlong((void*)uParam), PtrToLong((void*)lParam)));
// this lets the sending app continue processing
if (SSInSendMessage()) {
SSReplyMessage(NULL); }
switch (uParamTmp) { case SC_KEYMENU: case SC_MOUSEMENU: OnEnterMenuMode(); SSCallWindowProc((WNDPROC) m_lpfnPrevWndProc, m_hwndFrame, WM_SYSCOMMAND, uParam, lParam);
// By this time menu processing would've been completed.
if (! m_fGotMenuCloseEvent) { // Can happen if user cancelled menu mode when MDI
// window's system menu is down. Hence generate
// the message here
SSSendMessage(m_hwndFrame, WM_MENUSELECT, 0, MAKELONG(-1,0)); }
// We can not set m_fObjectMenu to FALSE yet, 'cause we
// could be recieving the WM_COMMAND (if a menu item is
// selected), which gets posted by the windows' menu
// processing code.
// We will clear the flag when we get OM_CLEAR_MENU_STATE
// message. Even if WM_COMMAND got generated, this message
// will come after that
PostMessage (m_hwndFrame, uOleMessage, OM_CLEAR_MENU_STATE, 0L); OnExitMenuMode(); lresult = 0L; goto errRtn;
OnEnterAltTabMode(); lresult = SSCallWindowProc((WNDPROC)m_lpfnPrevWndProc, m_hwndFrame, WM_SYSCOMMAND, uParam, lParam); OnExitAltTabMode();
goto errRtn;
default: break; }
lresult = SSCallWindowProc((WNDPROC)m_lpfnPrevWndProc, m_hwndFrame, WM_SYSCOMMAND, uParam, lParam);
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::OnSysCommand ( %lx )\n", this, PtrToLong((void*)lresult)));
return lresult; }
// Member: CFrameFilter::OnEnterMenuMode
// Synopsis: called by the SysCommand processing, puts us into in
// InMenuMode, sets the focus and installs our message filter
// hook.
// Effects:
// Arguments: void
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 23-Feb-94 alexgo restored OLE32 in GetModuleHandle
// 31-Dec-93 erikgav removed hardcoded "OLE2" in GetModuleHandle
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo removed inlining
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes: REVIEW32: We may need to update this to reflect new
// focus management policies.
#pragma SEG(CFrameFilter_OnEnterMenuMode)
void CFrameFilter::OnEnterMenuMode() { VDATEHEAP();
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::OnEnterMenuMode ( )\n", this ));
if (m_fInMenuMode) { goto errRtn; }
m_fInMenuMode = TRUE; m_fGotMenuCloseEvent = FALSE; m_hwndFocusOnEnter = SetFocus(m_hwndFrame);
if (!m_lpFrame) { goto errRtn; }
// REVIEW32: hMsgHook is a static (formerly global) variable for
// the whole dll. This may cause problems on NT (with threads, etc)
// (what happens if we haven't yet unhooked a previous call and
// we get here again????)
if (hMsgHook = (HHOOK) SetWindowsHookEx (WH_MSGFILTER, (HOOKPROC) MessageFilterProc, //GetModuleHandle(NULL),
GetModuleHandle(TEXT("OLE32")), GetCurrentThreadId())) { pFrameFilter = this; }
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::OnEnterMenuMode ( )\n", this ));
// Member: CFrameFilter::OnExitMenuMode
// Synopsis: takes us out of InMenuMode
// Effects:
// Arguments: void
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm: Resets the focus and unhooks our callback function
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo removed inlining
// Notes: REVIEW32:: see OnEnterMenuMode
#pragma SEG(CFrameFilter_OnExitMenuMode)
void CFrameFilter::OnExitMenuMode() { VDATEHEAP();
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::OnExitMenuMode ( )\n", this));
if (m_fInMenuMode) {
m_fInMenuMode = FALSE; m_fGotMenuCloseEvent = TRUE; m_uCurItemID = NULL;
if (hMsgHook) { UnhookWindowsHookEx(hMsgHook); hMsgHook = NULL; pFrameFilter = NULL; }
SetFocus(m_hwndFocusOnEnter); m_hwndFocusOnEnter = NULL; }
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::OnExitMenuMode ( )\n", this)); }
// Member: CFrameFileter::OnEnterAltTabMode
// Synopsis: enters AltTab mode and sets the focus
// Effects:
// Arguments: void
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo removed inlining
// Notes: REVIEW32: we may need to modify to implement new
// focus management policy
void CFrameFilter::OnEnterAltTabMode(void) { VDATEHEAP();
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::OnEnterAltTabMode ( )\n", this ));
if (m_cAltTab == NULL) {
m_fInMenuMode = TRUE; // this will prevent SetFocus from getting
// delegated to the object
m_hwndFocusOnEnter = SetFocus(m_hwndFrame); m_fInMenuMode = FALSE; }
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::OnEnterAltTabMode ( )\n", this )); }
// Member: CFrameFilter::OnExitAltTabMode
// Synopsis: exits alt-tab mode and sets the focus
// Effects:
// Arguments: void
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo removed inlining
// Notes:
void CFrameFilter::OnExitAltTabMode() { VDATEHEAP();
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::OnExitAltTabMode ( )\n", this ));
Assert(m_cAltTab != NULL);
if (--m_cAltTab == 0) { // The m_hwndFocusOnEnter would've been set to NULL if we are
// going to ALT-TAB out into some other process. In that case
// we would have got WM_ACTIVATEAPP and/or WM_KILLFOCUS.
if (m_hwndFocusOnEnter) { SetFocus(m_hwndFocusOnEnter); m_hwndFocusOnEnter = NULL; } }
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::OnExitAltTabMode ( )\n", this )); }
// Member: CFrameFilter::OnMessage
// Synopsis: Handles window message processing
// Effects:
// Arguments: [msg] -- the window message
// [uParam] -- the first argument
// [lParam] -- the second argument
// Requires:
// Returns: LRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm: a big switch to deal with the different commands
// see comments below
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo removed inlining
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(CFrameFilter_OnMessage)
LRESULT CFrameFilter::OnMessage(UINT msg, WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam) { VDATEHEAP(); LRESULT lresult;
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::OnMessage ( %u , %u ," " %ld )\n", this, msg, PtrToUlong((void*)uParam), PtrToLong((void*)lParam)));
// We come to this routine only if the message is not WM_SYSCOMMAND
switch (msg) { case WM_SETFOCUS: if (m_fInMenuMode) { lresult = SSDefWindowProc (m_hwndFrame, msg, uParam, lParam); goto errRtn; } break;
case WM_MENUSELECT: if (m_fInMenuMode) { HMENU hmenu = (HMENU) lParam; UINT fwMenu = HIWORD(uParam); UINT uItem = 0;
// There is a subtle difference in the message between
// Win16 & Win32 here. In Win16, the item is either
// an item id or a menu handle for a pop up menu.
// In Win32, the item is an item id or an offset
// in a menu if it is a popup menu handle. To minimize
// changes, we map this field as was appropriate for
// Win16.
if ( (fwMenu & MF_POPUP) && (hmenu != 0) ) { uItem = (UINT) PtrToUlong(GetSubMenu(hmenu, (int) LOWORD(uParam))); } else { uItem = LOWORD(uParam); }
m_uCurItemID = uItem; m_fCurItemPopup = fwMenu & MF_POPUP;
if (hmenu == 0 && fwMenu == 0xFFFF) { // end of menu processing
// We can not set m_fObjectMenu to FALSE yet,
// because we could be recieving the
// WM_COMMAND (if a menu item is selected),
// which is posted by the windows' menu
// processing code, and will be recieved at
// a later time.
// There is no way to figure whether the user
// has selected a menu (which implies that
// WM_COMMAND is posted), or ESCaped out of
// menu selection.
// This problem is handled by posting a
// message to ourselves to clear the flag.
// See CFrameFilter::OnSysCommand() for
// more details...
m_fGotMenuCloseEvent = TRUE; SSSendMessage(m_hwndObject, msg, uParam, lParam); } else { if (fwMenu & MF_SYSMENU) { m_fObjectMenu = FALSE; // if it is top level menu, see whose
// menu it is
} else if (IsHmenuEqual(hmenu, m_hmenuCombined)) { // set m_fObjectMenu
IsObjectMenu (uItem, fwMenu);
// this flag must not be modified
// when nested menus are selected.
if (m_fObjectMenu) { lresult = SSSendMessage(m_hwndObject, msg, uParam, lParam); goto errRtn; } } // else
} // if (m_fInMenuMode)
case WM_MEASUREITEM: case WM_DRAWITEM: if (m_fInMenuMode && m_fObjectMenu) { lresult = SSSendMessage(m_hwndObject, msg, uParam, lParam); goto errRtn; } break;
case WM_ENTERIDLE: { WCHAR wstr[10];
// We need to post this message if the server is
// SnapGraphics. See bug #18576.
GetClassName(m_hwndObject, wstr, 10); if (0 == lstrcmpW(OLESTR("MGX:SNAP2"), wstr)) { PostMessage(m_hwndObject, msg, uParam, lParam); } else { SSSendMessage(m_hwndObject, msg, uParam, lParam); } } break;
case WM_INITMENU: m_fObjectMenu = FALSE; if (m_fInMenuMode && IsHmenuEqual(m_hmenuCombined, (HMENU)uParam)) { SSSendMessage(m_hwndObject, msg, uParam, lParam); } break;
case WM_INITMENUPOPUP: if (!m_fInMenuMode) { // Accelarator translation....
if (! ((BOOL) HIWORD(lParam))) { // if not a system menu, see whether windows
// generated WM_INITMENUPOPUP for object's
// menu because of menu collision. If so
// fix it and route it to container
// menu collisions can occur with combined
// menus (from object and container)
if (IsMenuCollision(uParam, lParam)) { lresult = 0L; goto errRtn; } } }
if (m_fObjectMenu) { lresult = SSSendMessage(m_hwndObject, msg, uParam, lParam); goto errRtn; } break;
case WM_SYSCHAR: if (SSInSendMessage()) { SSReplyMessage(NULL); } break;
case WM_COMMAND: // End of menu processing or accelartor translation.
// Check whether we should give the message to the object
// or not.
// If the LOWORD of lParam is NON-NULL, then the message
// must be from a control, and the control must belong to
// the container app.
// REVIEW32: what about app-specific commands with NULL
// lParams???
if (LOWORD(lParam) == 0) { m_cmdId = 0;
if (m_fDiscardWmCommand) { m_fDiscardWmCommand = FALSE; lresult = 0L; goto errRtn; }
if (m_fObjectMenu) { m_fObjectMenu = FALSE; lresult = PostMessage(m_hwndObject, msg, uParam,lParam); goto errRtn; } } break;
case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: case WM_KILLFOCUS: // If in ALT-TAB mode, we get these messages only if we are
// going to ALT-TAB out in to some other task. In this case,
// on exit from ALT-TAB mode we wouldn't want to set
// focus back to the window that had the focus on
// entering the ALT-TAB mode.
if (m_cAltTab) { m_hwndFocusOnEnter = NULL; } break;
default: if (msg == uOleMessage) { switch(uParam) { case OM_CLEAR_MENU_STATE: m_fObjectMenu = FALSE; break;
case OM_COMMAND_ID: // this message is sent by
// OleTranslateAccelerator, before it actually
// calls the lpFrame->TranslateAccelerator
// method.
// We remember the command id here, later it
// gets used if the container's calling of
// TranslateAccelerator results in a
// WM_INITMENUPOPUP for the object because
// of command id collision. In that case we
// scan the menu list to see whether there is
// any container menu which has the same
// command id, if so we generate
// WM_INITMENUPOPUP for that menu.
m_cmdId = LOWORD(lParam); break;
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Unexpected OLE private message"); break; } // switch
lresult = 0L; goto errRtn; } // if (msg == uOleMessage)
else if (m_fInMenuMode && (msg == uOmPostWmCommand)) { // if the current selection is a popup menu then
// return its menu handle else post the command
// and return NULL.
if (m_fCurItemPopup) { lresult = m_uCurItemID; goto errRtn; }
HWND hwnd;
hwnd = m_hwndFrame; if (m_fObjectMenu) { hwnd = m_hwndObject; } PostMessage (hwnd, WM_COMMAND, m_uCurItemID, 0L);
m_fObjectMenu = FALSE; lresult = 0L; goto errRtn; } // else if
break; // default
} // switch
lresult = SSCallWindowProc ((WNDPROC) m_lpfnPrevWndProc, m_hwndFrame, msg, uParam, lParam);
errRtn: LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::OnMessage ( %lu )\n", this, lresult));
return lresult; }
// Member: CFrameFilter::IsObjectMenu
// Synopsis: This gets called when WM_MENUSELECT is sent for a
// top level (either POPUP or normal) menu item. Figures
// out whether [uMenuItem] really belongs to the in-place object
// Effects:
// Arguments: [uMenuItem] -- the menu in question
// [fwMenu] -- the menu type
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm: Searchs through our ole menu descriptor to find a match
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo removed inlining
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(CFrameFilter_IsObjectMenu)
void CFrameFilter::IsObjectMenu(UINT uMenuItem, UINT fwMenu) { VDATEHEAP(); int i, iMenuCnt; LPOLEMENUITEM lpMenuList;
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::IsObjectMenu ( %u , " "%u )\n", this, uMenuItem, fwMenu));
if (m_hmenuCombined == NULL) { goto errRtn; }
m_fObjectMenu = FALSE;
lpMenuList = m_lpOleMenu->menuitem; iMenuCnt = (int) m_lpOleMenu->lMenuCnt;
for (i = 0; i < iMenuCnt; i++) { // Are the types of the menus the same?
if ((fwMenu & MF_POPUP) == lpMenuList[i].fwPopup) { HMENU hmenuMenuListItem = (HMENU)UlongToPtr(lpMenuList[i].item); // Are we dealing with a menu handle?
if (fwMenu & MF_POPUP) { // See if windows handles are equal
if (IsHmenuEqual((HMENU)IntToPtr(uMenuItem), hmenuMenuListItem)) { m_fObjectMenu = lpMenuList[i].fObjectMenu; break; } } // Are item handles equal?
else if (uMenuItem == lpMenuList[i].item) { m_fObjectMenu = lpMenuList[i].fObjectMenu; // If the menu isn't hilited, another menu with a duplicate
// menu ID must have been selected. The duplicate menu was
// probably created by the other application.
if (!(GetMenuState(m_hmenuCombined, uMenuItem, MF_BYCOMMAND) & MF_HILITE)) { m_fObjectMenu = !m_fObjectMenu; } break; } } }
errRtn: LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::IsObjectMenu ( )\n", this )); }
// Member: CFrameFilter::IsMenuCollision
// Synopsis: Determines if we've had a menu collission. This gets called
// as a result of WM_INITMENUPOPUP during accelerator translation
// Effects:
// Arguments: [uParam] -- the first window message argument
// [lParam] -- the second argument
// Requires:
// Returns: BOOL
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo changed Assert(hmenuPopup) to an if
// in merging with 16bit RC9 sources
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo removed inlining
// Notes:
BOOL CFrameFilter::IsMenuCollision(WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fRet; int iCntrMenu, iObjMenu, iMenuCnt; BOOL fGenerateWmCommand; HMENU hmenuPopup; LPOLEMENUITEM lpMenuList; VDATEHEAP(); LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::IsMenuCollision ( %u ," " %ld )\n", this, uParam, lParam )); if (m_hmenuCombined == NULL) { fRet = FALSE; goto errRtn; } if (m_lpOleMenu == NULL) { fRet = FALSE; goto errRtn; } hmenuPopup = (HMENU) uParam; iObjMenu = (int) LOWORD(lParam); lpMenuList = m_lpOleMenu->menuitem; iMenuCnt = (int) m_lpOleMenu->lMenuCnt; if (iObjMenu >= iMenuCnt) { fRet = FALSE; goto errRtn; } if( hmenuPopup != (HMENU)UlongToPtr(lpMenuList[iObjMenu].item) ) { // this could be the container's popmenu, not associated
// with the frame
fRet = FALSE; goto errRtn; } Assert(lpMenuList[iObjMenu].fwPopup); if (! lpMenuList[iObjMenu].fObjectMenu) { fRet = FALSE; // container's pop-up menu
goto errRtn; } // Otherwise the popup menu belongs to the object. This can only
// happen because of id collision. Start scanning the menus starting
// from the next top level menu item to look for a match in
// container's menus (while scanning skip object's menus)
// It is possible that the colliding command id may not be associated
// with any of the container's menus. In that case we must send
// WM_COMMAND to the container.
fGenerateWmCommand = TRUE; m_fDiscardWmCommand = FALSE; iCntrMenu = iObjMenu + 1; while (iCntrMenu < iMenuCnt) { if (! lpMenuList[iCntrMenu].fObjectMenu) { if (lpMenuList[iCntrMenu].fwPopup & MF_POPUP) { HMENU hmenuListItem = (HMENU)UlongToPtr(lpMenuList[iCntrMenu].item); if (GetMenuState(hmenuListItem, m_cmdId, MF_BYCOMMAND) != -1) { // We found match in the container's
// menu list Generate WM_INITMENUPOPUP
// for the corresponding popup
SSCallWindowProc ((WNDPROC) m_lpfnPrevWndProc, m_hwndFrame, WM_INITMENUPOPUP, lpMenuList[iCntrMenu].item /*uParam*/, MAKELONG(iCntrMenu, HIWORD(lParam))); // We have sent WM_INITMENUPOPUP to
// the container.
// Now rechek the menu state. If
// disabled or grayed then
// don't generate WM_COMMAND
if (GetMenuState(hmenuListItem, m_cmdId, MF_BYCOMMAND) & (MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED)) { fGenerateWmCommand = FALSE; } break; } } else { // top-level, non-popup container menu
HMENU hmenuCombined = (HMENU)UlongToPtr(m_lpOleMenu->hmenuCombined); if (GetMenuItemID(hmenuCombined, iCntrMenu) == m_cmdId) { // No need to generate
// Chek the menu state. If disabled or
// grayed then don't generate
if (GetMenuState(hmenuCombined, m_cmdId, MF_BYCOMMAND) & (MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED)) { fGenerateWmCommand = FALSE; } break; } } } iCntrMenu++; } // Check the object's colliding menu's status
if (GetMenuState((HMENU)UlongToPtr(lpMenuList[iObjMenu].item), m_cmdId, MF_BYCOMMAND) & (MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED)) { // Then windows is not going to genearte WM_COMMAND for the
// object's menu, so we will generate
// the command and send it to the container
if (fGenerateWmCommand) { SSCallWindowProc ((WNDPROC) m_lpfnPrevWndProc, m_hwndFrame, WM_COMMAND, m_cmdId, MAKELONG(0, 1)); /* not from control */ // & and as result of
// accelerator
m_cmdId = NULL; } } else { // Wait for WM_COMMAND generated by windows to come to our
// frame filter wndproc which would have been sent to the
// container anyway because we have not set the m_fObjectMenu
// flag.
// But we need to throw it away if the container's menu
// associated with the command is disabled or grayed
if (! fGenerateWmCommand) { m_fDiscardWmCommand = TRUE; } } fRet = TRUE; errRtn: LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::IsMenuCollision " "( %lu )\n", this, fRet)); return fRet; }
// Member: CFrameFilter::DoContextSensitiveHelp
// Synopsis: Calls IOIPF->ContextSensitive help on both the container
// and the object.
// Effects:
// Arguments: void
// Requires:
// Returns: FALSE if we're in popup menu mode, TRUE otherwise
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// 07-Dec-93 alexgo removed inlining
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(CFrameFilter_DoContextSensitiveHelp)
BOOL CFrameFilter::DoContextSensitiveHelp(void) { VDATEHEAP(); BOOL fRet;
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::DoContextSensitiveHelp" " ( )\n", this ));
if (m_fCurItemPopup) { fRet = FALSE; } else { m_lpFrame->ContextSensitiveHelp(TRUE); m_lpObject->ContextSensitiveHelp (TRUE);
PostMessage (m_hwndFrame, WM_COMMAND, m_uCurItemID, 0L); fRet = TRUE; }
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::DoContextSensitiveHelp" " ( %lu )\n", this, fRet));
return fRet; }
// Member: CFrameFilter::GetActiveObject
// Synopsis: Returns the IOleInplaceActiveObject interface pointer
// Effects:
// Arguments: lplpOIAO
// Requires:
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 28-Jul-94 bobday created for WinWord hack
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(CFrameFilter_GetActiveObject)
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CFrameFilter::GetActiveObject" " ( %p )\n", this, lplpOIAO ));
*lplpOIAO = m_lpObject;
if ( m_lpObject ) { m_lpObject->AddRef(); }
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CFrameFilter::GetActiveObject" " ( %lx ) [ %p ]\n", this, NOERROR , *lplpOIAO ));
return NOERROR; }
// Function: wGetFrameFilterPtr
// Synopsis: Gets the CFrame object from the window
// Effects:
// Arguments: [hwndFrame] -- the window to get the CFrame object from
// Requires:
// Returns: pointer to the frame filter
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
inline PCFRAMEFILTER wGetFrameFilterPtr(HWND hwndFrame) { VDATEHEAP();
return (PCFRAMEFILTER) GetProp (hwndFrame, szPropFrameFilter); }
// Function: wGetOleMenuPtr
// Synopsis: Locks a handle to an ole menu and returns the pointer
// (after some error checking)
// Effects:
// Arguments: [holemenu]
// Requires:
// Returns: pointer to the ole menu
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
if (! (holemenu && (lpOleMenu = (LPOLEMENU) GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) holemenu)))) { return NULL; }
if (lpOleMenu->wSignature != wSignature) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Error - handle is not a HOLEMENU"); GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) holemenu); return NULL; }
return lpOleMenu; }
// Function: wReleaseOleMenuPtr
// Synopsis: calls GlobalUnlock
// Effects:
// Arguments: [holemenu] -- handle to the ole menu
// Requires:
// Returns: void
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
inline void wReleaseOleMenuPtr(HOLEMENU holemenu) { VDATEHEAP();
GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) holemenu); }
// Function: MessageFilterProc
// Synopsis: The message filter installed when entering menu mode;
// handles context sensitive help
// Effects:
// Arguments: [nCode] -- hook code
// [wParam] -- first arg
// [lParam] -- second arg
// Requires:
// Returns: LRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(MessageFilterProc)
STDAPI_(LRESULT) MessageFilterProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { VDATEHEAP(); LRESULT lresult; LPMSG lpMsg = (LPMSG) lParam;
LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p _IN MessageFilterProc ( %d , %ld , %lu )\n", NULL, nCode, (LONG)wParam, lParam));
// If it is not the F1 key then let the message (wihtout modification)
// go to the next proc in the hook/filter chain.
if (lpMsg && lpMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && lpMsg->wParam == VK_F1 && pFrameFilter) { if (pFrameFilter->DoContextSensitiveHelp()) { // Change message value to be WM_CANCELMODE and then
// call the next hook. When the windows USER.EXE's
// menu processing code sees this message it will
// bring down menu state and come out of its
// menu processing loop.
lpMsg->message = WM_CANCELMODE; lpMsg->wParam = NULL; lpMsg->lParam = NULL; } else { lresult = TRUE; // otherwise throw away this message.
goto errRtn; } }
lresult = CallNextHookEx (hMsgHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
errRtn: LEDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "%p OUT MessageFilterProc ( %ld )\n", NULL, lresult));
return lresult; }