// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994.
// File: apinot.cxx
// Contents: Implementation of non-API thunks
// History: 11-Mar-94 BobDay Created
#include "headers.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <thunkapi.hxx>
#include <wownt32.h>
#include "olethk32.hxx"
#include "apinot.hxx"
#include "tlsthk.hxx"
// The following is a global static used by OLE32 to call back into
// this DLL. There is no static data associated with the static, so
// it merely defines a virtual interface that OLE32 can use.
OleThunkWOW g_thkOleThunkWOW;
// The following API is exported from WOW32.DLL. There is no global include
// file that it exists in yet.
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI WOWFreeMetafile( HANDLE h32 );
// Function: CoInitializeNot, public
// Synopsis: Thunks for the 16-bit applications call to CoInitialize
// Arguments: [lpmalloc] - Parameter from the 16-bit world
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 11-Mar-94 BobDay Created
STDAPI_(DWORD) CoInitializeNot( LPMALLOC lpMalloc ) { HRESULT hresult;
hresult = CoInitializeWOW( lpMalloc, &g_thkOleThunkWOW );
return (DWORD)hresult; }
// Function: OleInitializeNot, public
// Synopsis: Thunks for the 16-bit applications call to OleInitialize
// Arguments: [lpmalloc] - Parameter from the 16-bit world
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 11-Mar-94 BobDay Created
STDAPI_(DWORD) OleInitializeNot( LPMALLOC lpMalloc ) { HRESULT hresult;
hresult = OleInitializeWOW( lpMalloc, &g_thkOleThunkWOW );
return (DWORD)hresult; }
// Function: RegisterDelayedClassFactories
// Synopsis: This function is called to actually do the registration of
// the delayed class factories.
// Effects: When the application specific 'trigger' is hit
// (ie OleRegGetUserType for WordPerfect), this routine is
// called to actually do all of the delayed class factory
// registrations.
// Arguments: (none)
// Requires:
// Returns: nothing
// History: 4-18-95 kevinro Created
void RegisterDelayedClassFactories() { thkDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "_IN RegisterDelayedClassFactories()\n"));
PThreadData pdata; IUnknown *punk; HRESULT hr; DelayedRegistrationTable *pTable = NULL; DelayRegistration *pdelayed; DWORD dwReg;
int i; //
// Get the thread specific data and table to determine if there are
// any delayed registrations. If not, just call the real routine.
pdata = TlsThkGetData();
if (pdata == NULL) { goto exitRtn; }
if ((pTable = pdata->pDelayedRegs) == NULL) { goto exitRtn; }
for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_DELAYED_REGISTRATIONS ; i++) { pdelayed = &(pTable->_Entries[i]);
if((pdelayed->_punk != NULL) && (pdelayed->_dwRealKey == 0)) { hr = CoRegisterClassObject(pdelayed->_clsid, pdelayed->_punk, pdelayed->_dwClsContext, pdelayed->_flags, &(pdelayed->_dwRealKey)); if (FAILED(hr)) { thkDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "RegisterDelayedClassFactory gets %x\n",hr)); } } }
thkDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "OUT RegisterDelayedClassFactories()\n"));
} //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CoRevokeClassObjectNot
// Synopsis: Unregisters a class object that might have been delayed
// Effects: The 16-bit API CoRevokeClassObject has been directed to this
// routine. This routine will check the list of interfaces that
// have been registered, and will try to determine if the key
// needs to be translated.
// Arguments: [dwKey] -- Key to revoke
// History: 4-18-95 kevinro Created
// Notes:
HRESULT CoRevokeClassObjectNot( DWORD dwKey) { thkDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "_IN CoRevokeClassObjectNot(dwKey = %x)\n", dwKey));
PThreadData pdata; IUnknown *punk; HRESULT hr; DelayedRegistrationTable *pTable = NULL;
DWORD dwReg = ~dwKey;
// Get the thread specific data and table to determine if there are
// any delayed registrations. If not, just call the real routine.
pdata = TlsThkGetData();
if (pdata == NULL) { goto exitRtn; }
if ((pTable = pdata->pDelayedRegs) == NULL) { goto exitRtn; }
// the 'fake' key is really the bitwise not of the index
if ( dwReg >= MAX_DELAYED_REGISTRATIONS) { goto exitRtn; }
if(pTable->_Entries[dwReg]._punk != NULL) { punk = pTable->_Entries[dwReg]._punk; pTable->_Entries[dwReg]._punk = NULL;
dwKey = pTable->_Entries[dwReg]._dwRealKey; pTable->_Entries[dwReg]._dwRealKey = 0;
// The class object table normally does an addref on the class factory.
// We are also holding an addref on the punk. Release it.
if (punk != NULL) { punk->Release();
// If the real key is zero, then we never did actually finish
// the registration. In this case, we return S_OK, because we
// are faking the app out anyway. This might happen if the app
// decides to shutdown for some reason without triggering the
// operation that causes us to register its class objects
if (dwKey == 0) { hr = S_OK; goto exitNow; } } }
hr = CoRevokeClassObject(dwKey);
exitNow: thkDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"OUT CoRevokeClassObjectNot():%x\n",hr)); return(hr);
} //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CoRegisterClassObjectDelayed
// Synopsis: Delay the registration of class objects. Some applications,
// such as Word Perfect 6.1, register their class objects then
// do peek message operations BEFORE they are fully initialized.
// This causes problems because we can call in and do
// CreateInstance calls before they are ready for them. This
// wonderful hack will delay the registration of class objects
// until someone calls RegisterClassObjectsNow(), which is
// called when we know it is safe.
// Novell knows about this hack, and promised not to change
// the 16-bit code on us.
// Effects: Store all of the registration information in an array, and
// return a special key value.
// Arguments: ( Same as CoRegisterClassObject)
// Requires: The associated routine CoUnregisterClassObjectDelayed needs
// to be called in the CoRevokeClassObject path to check to see
// if the key being passed in is a special key. That way we
// can translate the key before calling the real routine.
// The special key value is not of the key
// Returns: S_OK or E_UNEXPECTED
// History: 4-14-95 kevinro Created
// Notes:
HRESULT CoRegisterClassObjectDelayed( REFCLSID refclsid, LPUNKNOWN punk, DWORD dwClsContext, DWORD flags, DWORD *pdwReg) { thkDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"_IN CoRegisterClassObjectDelayed\n")); PThreadData pdata; int i; DelayedRegistrationTable *pTable = NULL;
// Assume this is going to fail
HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; *pdwReg = 0;
pdata = TlsThkGetData(); if (pdata == NULL) { goto exitRtn; }
if ((pTable = pdata->pDelayedRegs) == NULL) { pTable = pdata->pDelayedRegs = new DelayedRegistrationTable(); }
if (pTable != NULL) { for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_DELAYED_REGISTRATIONS ; i++) { if(pTable->_Entries[i]._punk == NULL) { pTable->_Entries[i]._punk = punk; pTable->_Entries[i]._clsid = refclsid; pTable->_Entries[i]._dwClsContext = dwClsContext; pTable->_Entries[i]._flags = flags; //
// The class object table normally does an
// addref on the class factory. We will hang on to this
// to keep the class factory and the 3216 proxy alive
punk->AddRef(); *pdwReg = ~i; hr = S_OK; break; } } }
exitRtn: thkDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"OUT CoRegisterClassObjectDelayed() : %x\n",hr)); return(hr); }
// Function: CoRegisterClassObjectNot, public
// Synopsis: Thunks for the 16-bit applications call CoRegisterClassObject
// Here we check for the registered class objects to set the
// thread's compatability bits.
// Arguments: [refclsid] - CLSID for the class to register
// [punk] - ClassFactory interface
// [dwClsContext] - Class context
// [flags] - flags
// [lpdwreg] - register
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 18-Jul-94 BobDay Created
EXTERN_C const CLSID CDECL CLSID_EXCEL5_WORKSHEET = { 0x020810, 0, 0, {0xC0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x46}};
EXTERN_C const CLSID CDECL CLSID_WORD6_DOCUMENT = { 0x020900, 0, 0, {0xC0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x46}};
EXTERN_C const CLSID CDECL CLSID_WPWIN61 = { 0x89FE3FE3, 0x9FF6, 0x101B, {0xB6, 0x78, 0x04, 0x02, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x70, 0x02}};
EXTERN_C const CLSID CDECL CLSID_WPWIN61_FILE = { 0x1395F281, 0x4326, 0x101b, {0x8B, 0x9A, 0xCE, 0x29, 0x3E, 0xF3, 0x84, 0x49}};
EXTERN_C const CLSID CDECL CLSID_IKITARO_130 = { 0x02B501, 0, 0, {0xC0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x46}};
STDAPI_(DWORD) CoRegisterClassObjectNot( REFCLSID refclsid, LPUNKNOWN punk, DWORD dwClsContext, DWORD flags, LPDWORD lpdwreg ) { //
// Excel didn't AddRef the IOleObjectClientSite returned from
// the IOleObject::GetClientSite method.
if ( IsEqualCLSID(refclsid,CLSID_EXCEL5_WORKSHEET) ) { DWORD dw;
dw = TlsThkGetAppCompatFlags(); TlsThkSetAppCompatFlags(dw | OACF_CLIENTSITE_REF);
thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN,"AppCompatFlag: OACF_CLIENTSITE_REF enabled\n")); }
// WinWord didn't call OleSetMenuDescriptor(NULL) during
// IOleInPlaceFrame::RemoveMenus. We do it for them.
// Also WinWord thinks GDI objects like palettes and bitmaps can be
// transferred on HGLOBALs during GetData calls. In order to thunk
// them properly, we need to patch up the STGMEDIUMS given to use
// by word. This is controlled by OACF_USEGDI.
// YAWC: Word chokes and dies because it fails to disconnect some of its
// objects. During shutdown of a link, for example, cleaning up the stdid
// table causes WORD to fault.
else if ( IsEqualCLSID(refclsid,CLSID_WORD6_DOCUMENT) ) { DWORD dw;
dw = TlsThkGetAppCompatFlags(); TlsThkSetAppCompatFlags(dw | OACF_RESETMENU | OACF_USEGDI | OACF_NO_UNINIT_CLEANUP);
thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN,"AppCompatFlag: OACF_RESETMENU enabled\n")); thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN,"AppCompatFlag: OACF_USEGDI enabled\n")); thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN,"AppCompatFlag: OACF_NO_UNINIT_CLEANUP enabled\n")); } else if ( IsEqualCLSID(refclsid,CLSID_WPWIN61) ) { thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN,"WordPerfect hack triggered\n")); thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN,"Intercepting CoRegisterClassObject(WPWIN61)\n"));
return CoRegisterClassObjectDelayed( refclsid,punk,dwClsContext,flags,lpdwreg);
} else if ( IsEqualCLSID(refclsid,CLSID_WPWIN61_FILE) ) { thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN,"WordPerfect hack triggered\n")); thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN,"Intercepting CoRegisterClassObject(WPWIN61_FILE)\n")); return CoRegisterClassObjectDelayed( refclsid,punk,dwClsContext,flags,lpdwreg); } else if ( IsEqualCLSID(refclsid,CLSID_IKITARO_130) ) { // Note: Ikitaro queries for IViewObject and uses it as IViewObject2
DWORD dw = TlsThkGetAppCompatFlags(); thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN,"Ikitaro hack triggered\n")); TlsThkSetAppCompatFlags(dw | OACF_IVIEWOBJECT2); }
return (DWORD)CoRegisterClassObject( refclsid, punk, dwClsContext, flags, lpdwreg ); }
// Function: OleRegGetUserTypeNot
// Synopsis: Adds a hook for a WordPerfect hack. Check out the functions
// CoRegisterClassObjectDelayed and
// RegisterDelayedClassFactories for details. In essence, when
// this function is called for the WPWIN61 classID, we know
// that it is safe to register all of the delayed class objects.
// This determination was done by debugging Wordperfect. When
// they call this API, then are actually done initializing the
// internals of their app.
// Effects:
// History: 4-18-95 kevinro Created
// Notes:
STDAPI_(DWORD) OleRegGetUserTypeNot(REFCLSID clsid,DWORD dwFormOfType,LPOLESTR *pszUserType) { //
// Wordperfect has a bug. When they call OleRegGetUserType for their
// classid, we know that it is safe to register their class objects for
// real.
// See CoRegisterClassObjectDelayed for details
if ( IsEqualCLSID(clsid,CLSID_WPWIN61) ) { thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN,"Registering WordPerfects class objects\n")); RegisterDelayedClassFactories(); } return OleRegGetUserType(clsid,dwFormOfType,pszUserType); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: OleThunkWOW::LoadProcDll, public
// Synopsis: Callback function for 32-bit OLE to load a 16-bit DLL
// Arguments: [pszDllName] - Name of 16-bit DLL
// [lpvpfnGetClassObject] - returned 16:16 address of
// "DllGetClassObject"
// [lpvpfnCanUnloadNow] - returned 16:16 address of
// "DllCanUnloadNow"
// [lpvhmodule] - returned 16-bit hmodule
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 11-Mar-94 BobDay Created
STDMETHODIMP OleThunkWOW::LoadProcDll( LPCTSTR pszDllName, LPDWORD lpvpfnGetClassObject, LPDWORD lpvpfnCanUnloadNow, LPDWORD lpvhmodule ) { HRESULT hr; UINT uiSize; VPSTR vpstr16; VPVOID vplpds16; LOADPROCDLLSTRUCT UNALIGNED *lplpds16; char string[256];
// Ensure that Interop is enabled
Win4Assert(gfIteropEnabled); // Ensure that callbacks are allowed on this thread
uiSize = lstrlen(pszDllName) + 1;
vpstr16 = STACKALLOC16(uiSize*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (vpstr16 == 0) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
hr = Convert_LPOLESTR_to_VPSTR(pszDllName, vpstr16, uiSize, uiSize*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto EH_vpstr16; }
vplpds16 = STACKALLOC16(sizeof(LOADPROCDLLSTRUCT)); if (vplpds16 == 0) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto EH_vpstr16; }
lplpds16->vpDllName = vpstr16; lplpds16->vpfnGetClassObject = 0; lplpds16->vpfnCanUnloadNow = 0; lplpds16->vhmodule = 0;
hr = CallbackTo16( gdata16Data.fnLoadProcDll, vplpds16 );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { lplpds16 = FIXVDMPTR(vplpds16, LOADPROCDLLSTRUCT); *lpvpfnGetClassObject = lplpds16->vpfnGetClassObject; *lpvpfnCanUnloadNow = lplpds16->vpfnCanUnloadNow; *lpvhmodule = lplpds16->vhmodule; RELVDMPTR(vplpds16); thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "Loaded COM DLL: %ws with HMODULE: 0x%x\n", pszDllName, *lpvhmodule)); } else { hr = CO_E_DLLNOTFOUND; }
EH_vpstr16: STACKFREE16(vpstr16,uiSize*sizeof(TCHAR));
Exit: return hr; }
// Member: OleThunkWOW::UnloadProcDll, public
// Synopsis: Callback function for 32-bit OLE to unload a 16-bit DLL
// Arguments: [vhmodule] - 16-bit hmodule
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 11-Mar-94 BobDay Created
STDMETHODIMP OleThunkWOW::UnloadProcDll( HMODULE vhmodule ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Ensure that Interop is enabled and callbacks are
// not allowed on this thread
if(gfIteropEnabled && TlsThkGetThkMgr()->AreCallbacksAllowed()) hr = CallbackTo16(gdata16Data.fnUnloadProcDll, HandleToUlong(vhmodule));
return(hr); }
// Member: OleThunkWOW::CallGetClassObject, public
// Synopsis: Callback function for 32-bit OLE to call 16-bit
// DllGetClassObject
// Arguments: [vpfnGetClassObject] - 16:16 address of DllGetClassObject
// [rclsid] - CLSID of object
// [riid] - IID of interface on object
// [ppv] - returned object interface
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 11-Mar-94 BobDay Created
STDMETHODIMP OleThunkWOW::CallGetClassObject( DWORD vpfnGetClassObject, REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR *ppv ) { DWORD dwResult; VPVOID vpcgcos16; CALLGETCLASSOBJECTSTRUCT UNALIGNED *lpcgcos16; VPVOID iface16; IIDIDX iidx; IUnknown *punkThis32; CThkMgr *pThkMgr; ThreadData *ptd;
// Ensure that Interop is enabled
Win4Assert(gfIteropEnabled); // Ensure that callbacks are allowed on this thread
ptd = TlsThkGetData(); if (ptd == NULL) { thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "WARNING: CallGetClassObject refused\n"));
dwResult = (DWORD)E_FAIL; goto Exit; } pThkMgr = ptd->pCThkMgr;
vpcgcos16 = STACKALLOC16(sizeof(CALLGETCLASSOBJECTSTRUCT)); if (vpcgcos16 == 0) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
lpcgcos16->vpfnGetClassObject = vpfnGetClassObject; lpcgcos16->clsid = rclsid; lpcgcos16->iid = riid; lpcgcos16->iface = 0;
dwResult = CallbackTo16( gdata16Data.fnCallGetClassObject, vpcgcos16 );
if ( SUCCEEDED(dwResult) ) { lpcgcos16 = FIXVDMPTR(vpcgcos16, CALLGETCLASSOBJECTSTRUCT); iface16 = lpcgcos16->iface;
iidx = IidToIidIdx(riid);
// We're on the way out creating a proxy so set the state
// appropriately
// Get a 32-bit proxy object for the 16-bit object
punkThis32 = pThkMgr->FindProxy3216(NULL, iface16, NULL, iidx, FALSE, NULL);
// Set the out param
*(IUnknown **)ppv = punkThis32;
// As this is an OUT parameter, release the actual 16-bit interface
// This could be the last release on the 16-bit interface, if the
// proxy was not successfully created
if(punkThis32 == NULL) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
RELVDMPTR(vpcgcos16); } else { // need to map dwResult only for failure cases (see hmMappings)
dwResult = TransformHRESULT_1632( dwResult ); }
Exit: return dwResult; }
// Member: OleThunkWOW::CallCanUnloadNow, public
// Synopsis: Callback function for 32-bit OLE to call 16-bit
// CanUnloadNow
// Arguments: [vpfnCanUnloadNow] - 16:16 address of DllCanUnloadNow
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 11-Mar-94 BobDay Created
STDMETHODIMP OleThunkWOW::CallCanUnloadNow( DWORD vpfnCanUnloadNow) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Ensure that Interop is enabled and callbacks are
// not allowed on this thread
if(gfIteropEnabled && TlsThkGetThkMgr()->AreCallbacksAllowed()) hr = CallbackTo16(gdata16Data.fnCallCanUnloadNow, vpfnCanUnloadNow);
return(hr); }
// Member: OleThunkWOW::GetThunkManager, public
// Synopsis: Callback function for 32-bit OLE to retrieve the thunkmanager
// Arguments: [ppThkMgr] - Thunk manager return
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 11-May-94 JohannP Created
STDMETHODIMP OleThunkWOW::GetThunkManager(IThunkManager **ppThkMgr) { thkDebugOut((DEB_THUNKMGR, "%sIn OleThunkWOW::GetThunkManager\n", NestingLevelString()));
thkAssert(ppThkMgr != NULL);
IUnknown *pUnk = TlsThkGetThkMgr(); thkAssert(pUnk && "Invalid Thunkmanager");
*ppThkMgr = (IThunkManager *)pUnk; pUnk->AddRef();
thkDebugOut((DEB_THUNKMGR, "%sOut OleThunkWOW::GetThunkManager: (%p)\n", NestingLevelString(), pUnk));
return NOERROR; }
// Member: OleThunkWOW::WinExec16, public
// Synopsis: Callback function for 32-bit OLE to run an application
// Arguments: [pszCommandLine] - command line for WinExec
// [usShow] - fShow for WinExec
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 27-Jul-94 AlexT Created
STDMETHODIMP OleThunkWOW::WinExec16( LPCOLESTR pszCommandLine, USHORT usShow ) { HRESULT hr; UINT uiSize; VPSTR vpstr16; VPVOID vplpds16; WINEXEC16STRUCT UNALIGNED *lpwes16; ULONG ulRet;
// Ensure that Interop is enabled
Win4Assert(gfIteropEnabled); // Ensure that callbacks are allowed on this thread
uiSize = lstrlenW(pszCommandLine) + 1;
vpstr16 = STACKALLOC16(uiSize*2); if (vpstr16 == 0) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
hr = Convert_LPOLESTR_to_VPSTR(pszCommandLine, vpstr16, uiSize, uiSize*2); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto EH_vpstr16; }
vplpds16 = STACKALLOC16(sizeof(WINEXEC16STRUCT)); if (vplpds16 == 0) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto EH_vpstr16; }
lpwes16 = FIXVDMPTR(vplpds16, WINEXEC16STRUCT);
lpwes16->vpCommandLine = vpstr16; lpwes16->vusShow = usShow;
ulRet = CallbackTo16( gdata16Data.fnWinExec16, vplpds16 ); thkDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "CallbackTo16(WinExec16) returned %ld\n", ulRet));
// According to the Windows spec, return values greater than 31 indicate
// success.
if (ulRet > 31) { hr = S_OK; } else if (0 == ulRet) { // 0 indicates lack of some kind of resource
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ulRet); }
STACKFREE16(vplpds16, sizeof(WINEXEC16STRUCT));
EH_vpstr16: STACKFREE16(vpstr16, uiSize*2);
Exit: return hr; }
// Method: OleThunkWOW::ConvertHwndToFullHwnd
// Synopsis: Converts a 16 bit HWND into a 32-bit HWND
// Effects: Since OLE32 doesn't directly link to WOW, this function allows
// the DDE layer to access the routine that maps 16 bit HWND to
// full 32-bit HWND's.
// Arguments: [hwnd] -- HWND to convert
// History: 8-03-94 kevinro Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP_(HWND) OleThunkWOW::ConvertHwndToFullHwnd(HWND hwnd) { return(FULLHWND_32((USHORT)hwnd)); }
// Method: OleThunkWOW::FreeMetaFile
// Synopsis: Calls wow to delete a metafile that has memory reserved in
// the 16 bit address space
// Effects: Since OLE32 doesn't directly link to WOW, this function allows
// the DDE layer to access the routine in WOW
// Arguments: [hmf] -- HANDLE to delete
// History: 8-03-94 kevinro Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) OleThunkWOW::FreeMetaFile(HANDLE hmf) { return(WOWFreeMetafile(hmf)); }
// Member: OleThunkWOW::YieldTask16, public
// Synopsis: Callback function for 32-bit OLE to yield
// History: 08-Aug-94 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP OleThunkWOW::YieldTask16(void) { WOWYield16(); return S_OK; }
// Member: OleThunkWOW::DirectedYield, public
// Synopsis: Does a directed yield in the VDM.
// History: 08-Aug-94 Rickhi Created
STDMETHODIMP OleThunkWOW::DirectedYield(DWORD dwCalleeTID) { WORD hTask16 = WOWHandle16((void *)dwCalleeTID, WOW_TYPE_HTASK);
thkDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "WOWDirectedYield16(%x)\n", hTask16));
thkDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "WOWDirectedYield16() returned\n"));
return S_OK; }
// Method: OleThunkWOW::PrepareForCleanup
// Synopsis: Prepares OLETHK32 for OLE32.DLL's cleanup.
// Effects: It does this by taking all of the remaining 3216 proxies
// and marking them such that no callbacks into the 16-bit
// world are possible.
// Arguments: -none-
// History: 24-Aug-94 bobday Created
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP_(void) OleThunkWOW::PrepareForCleanup(void) { CThkMgr *pcthkmgr;
if ( TlsThkGetData() != NULL ) { pcthkmgr = (CThkMgr*)TlsThkGetThkMgr();
// Tell the thkmgr to prepare for cleaning itself up
pcthkmgr->PrepareForCleanup(); } }
// Method: OleThunkWOW::GetAppCompatibilityFlags
// Synopsis: Used to return the current THK app compatibility flags to
// OLE32.DLL
// Arguments: [void] --
// Requires:
// Returns: Flags defined in ih\thunkapi.hxx
// History: 1-11-96 kevinro Created
STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) OleThunkWOW::GetAppCompatibilityFlags(void) { return(TlsThkGetAppCompatFlags()); }