// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994.
// File: thop16.cxx
// Contents: Thop implementations for 16->32
// History: 22-Feb-94 DrewB Created
#include "headers.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ole2.h>
#include <valid.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "struct16.hxx"
// Function: EXECUTE_THOP1632, public
// Synopsis: Debugging version of thop dispatch routine
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking info
// Returns: Appropriate status
// History: 24-Feb-94 DrewB Created
#if DBG == 1
DWORD EXECUTE_THOP1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkDebugOut((DEB_THOPS, "%sIn ExThop1632: %s (0x%02X), s16 %p, s32 %p\n", NestingLevelString(), ThopName(*pti->pThop), *pti->pThop, pti->s16.pbCurrent, pti->s32.pbCurrent)); DebugIncrementNestingLevel(); // Local variable
DWORD dwRet;
// Sanity check
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) < THOP_LASTOP); dwRet = (*aThopFunctions1632[*((pti)->pThop) & THOP_OPMASK])(pti);
DebugDecrementNestingLevel(); thkDebugOut((DEB_THOPS, "%sOut ExThop1632\n", NestingLevelString())); return(dwRet); } #endif
#if DBG == 1
DWORD EXECUTE_ENUMTHOP1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkDebugOut((DEB_THOPS, "%sIn ExEnumThop1632: %s (0x%02X), s16 %p, s32 %p\n", NestingLevelString(), EnumThopName(*pti->pThop), *pti->pThop, pti->s16.pbCurrent, pti->s32.pbCurrent)); DebugIncrementNestingLevel();
// Local variable
DWORD dwRet; dwRet = (*aThopEnumFunctions1632[*(pti)->pThop])(pti); DebugDecrementNestingLevel(); thkDebugOut((DEB_THOPS, "%sOut ExEnumThop1632\n", NestingLevelString())); return(dwRet); } #endif
// Generated by the tool, in tc1632.cxx
DWORD ThunkCall1632( THUNKINFO * );
// Function: FixedThopHandler, public
// Synopsis: Generic function which handles the high-level details
// of thop execution for thops that operate on known-size
// data
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [thop] - Thop being executed
// [cb16] - 16-bit size
// [pfn1632] - 16->32 conversion routine
// [cb32] - 32-bit size
// [pfn3216] - 32->16 conversion routine
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 05-Apr-94 DrewB Created
// Notes: Automatically increments pThop
DWORD FixedThopHandler1632(THUNKINFO *pti, THOP thop, UINT cb16, FIXEDHANDLERROUTINE pfn1632, UINT cb32, FIXEDHANDLERROUTINE pfn3216) { DWORD dwResult; VPVOID vp16; BYTE *pb16; BYTE *pb32;
if ((thop & (THOP_IN | THOP_OUT)) != 0) { pb32 = NULL;
GET_STACK16(pti, vp16, VPVOID); if ( vp16 != 0 ) { pb16 = (BYTE *)ValidatePtr16(pti, vp16, cb16, thop); if (pb16 != NULL) { pb32 = (BYTE *)STACKALLOC32(cb32); if (pb32 == NULL) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else if ((thop & THOP_IN) != 0) { (pfn1632)(pb16, pb32, cb16, cb32); }
TO_STACK32(pti, pb32, BYTE *);
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if ((thop & THOP_OUT) != 0 && vp16 != 0) { pb16 = (BYTE *)WOWFIXVDMPTR(vp16, cb16);
if (SUCCEEDED(dwResult)) { (pfn3216)(pb32, pb16, cb32, cb16); } else if ((thop & THOP_IN) == 0) { // Zero out-only parameters on failure
memset(pb16, 0, cb16); }
if (pb32 != NULL) { STACKFREE32(pb32, cb32); } } else { (pfn1632)(PTR_STACK16(&pti->s16, cb16), PTR_STACK32(&pti->s32), cb16, cb32); SKIP_STACK16(&pti->s16, cb16); SKIP_STACK32(&pti->s32, cb32);
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti); }
return dwResult; }
// Handler-based thunks
// These thunks use the fixed-size generic thop handler to do their work
// Handle straight copy
DWORD Thop_Copy_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { THOP thopSize;
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_COPY);
thopSize = *++pti->pThop; return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *(pti->pThop-1), thopSize, FhCopyMemory, thopSize, FhCopyMemory); }
DWORD Thop_ShortToLong_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_SHORTLONG);
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, sizeof(SHORT), FhShortToLong, sizeof(LONG), FhLongToShort); }
DWORD Thop_WordToDword_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_WORDDWORD);
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, sizeof(WORD), FhWordToDword, sizeof(DWORD), FhDwordToWord); }
DWORD Thop_GdiHandle_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_HGDI);
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, sizeof(HAND16), FhGdiHandle1632, sizeof(HANDLE), FhGdiHandle3216); }
DWORD Thop_UserHandle_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_HUSER);
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, sizeof(HAND16), FhUserHandle1632, sizeof(HANDLE), FhUserHandle3216); }
DWORD Thop_HACCEL_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_HACCEL);
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, sizeof(HAND16), FhHaccel1632, sizeof(HANDLE), FhHaccel3216); }
DWORD Thop_HTASK_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_HTASK);
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, sizeof(HAND16), FhHtask1632, sizeof(HANDLE), FhHtask3216); }
DWORD Thop_HRESULT_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_HRESULT);
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, sizeof(HRESULT), FhHresult1632, sizeof(HRESULT), FhHresult3216); }
DWORD Thop_NULL_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_NULL);
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, sizeof(void *), FhNull, sizeof(void *), FhNull); }
DWORD Thop_RECT_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_RECT);
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, sizeof(RECT16), FhRect1632, sizeof(RECT), FhRect3216); }
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_BINDOPTS);
PEEK_STACK16(pti, vpbo16, VPVOID); pbo = (BIND_OPTS UNALIGNED *)GetReadPtr16(pti, vpbo16, sizeof(BIND_OPTS)); if (pbo != NULL) { cb = pbo->cbStruct; WOWRELVDMPTR(vpbo16); } else { // Doesn't really matter, since pti->scResult was set to error
// by GetReadPtr16
cb = sizeof(BIND_OPTS); }
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, cb, FhCopyMemory, cb, FhCopyMemory); }
DWORD Thop_SIZE_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_SIZE);
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, sizeof(SIZE16), FhSize1632, sizeof(SIZE), FhSize3216); }
DWORD Thop_MSG_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_MSG);
return FixedThopHandler1632(pti, *pti->pThop, sizeof(MSG16), FhMsg1632, sizeof(MSG), FhMsg3216); }
// Function: Thop_ERROR_1632, public
// Synopsis: Any Thop type which should just fail with an error
// should go be directed here.
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 23-Feb-94 BobDay Created
DWORD Thop_ERROR_1632 ( THUNKINFO *pti ) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_ERROR);
thkAssert( FALSE && "Hey we hit an ERROR Thop in 16->32" );
// Function: ThunkInString1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts an in-parameter string
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 24-Aug-94 DrewB Created
DWORD ThunkInString1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { DWORD dwResult; VPSTR vpstr; LPOLESTR lpstrDest; OLECHAR *ptcStackText;
dwResult = (DWORD)S_OK; ptcStackText = NULL;
GET_STACK16(pti, vpstr, VPSTR);
if (vpstr == 0) { lpstrDest = NULL; } else { ptcStackText = (OLECHAR *)STACKALLOC32(CWCSTRINGPREALLOC* sizeof(OLECHAR)); if (ptcStackText == NULL) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { lpstrDest = Convert_VPSTR_to_LPOLESTR( pti, vpstr, ptcStackText, CWCSTRINGPREALLOC ); } }
thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "In1632 LPSTR: %p -> %p '%ws'\n", vpstr, lpstrDest, lpstrDest));
TO_STACK32(pti, lpstrDest, LPOLESTR );
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if (lpstrDest != NULL) { Convert_VPSTR_to_LPOLESTR_free( ptcStackText, lpstrDest ); }
if (ptcStackText != NULL) { STACKFREE32(ptcStackText, CWCSTRINGPREALLOC*sizeof(OLECHAR)); }
return( dwResult ); }
// Function: Thop_LPSTR_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts 16-bit LPSTR to 32-bit LPSTR pointer
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 23-Feb-94 BobDay Created
DWORD Thop_LPSTR_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_LPSTR); //
// We have only input LPSTRs
thkAssert( (*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == THOP_IN && "LPSTR must be input only!" );
return ThunkInString1632(pti); }
// Function: ConvertTaskString3216, public
// Synopsis: Converts a task-memory string
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk info
// [pos32] - String
// [vpstrPreAlloc] - Preallocated string or NULL
// [cchPreAlloc] - Preallocated size or zero
// [pvpstr16] - String
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [pti]
// [pvpstr16]
// History: 14-May-94 DrewB Created
// Notes: Frees preallocation if successful and:
// Name is too large or
// Name is NULL
// Always frees source string if non-zero and valid
SCODE ConvertTaskString3216(THUNKINFO *pti, LPOLESTR pos32, VPSTR vpstrPreAlloc, UINT cchPreAlloc, VPSTR UNALIGNED *pvpstr16) { VPVOID vpstr16; UINT cch; SCODE sc;
sc = S_OK;
if (pos32 == NULL) { vpstr16 = 0; } else { if (IsBadStringPtrW(pos32, CCHMAXSTRING)) { sc = E_INVALIDARG; } else { cch = lstrlenW(pos32)+1;
if (cch > cchPreAlloc) { // Our prealloc buffer is too small, so try and get a
// new one
// Allow for each Unicode character to take two
// bytes in case of multibyte expansion
vpstr16 = (VPSTR)TaskMalloc16( cch*2 ); if (vpstr16 == 0) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { vpstr16 = vpstrPreAlloc; }
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { sc = Convert_LPOLESTR_to_VPSTR(pos32, vpstr16, cch, cch*2); if (FAILED(sc) && vpstr16 != vpstrPreAlloc) { TaskFree16(vpstr16); } }
TaskFree32(pos32); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { // If there was a preallocated string we didn't use,
// free it
if (vpstrPreAlloc != 0 && vpstrPreAlloc != vpstr16) { TaskFree16(vpstrPreAlloc); }
*pvpstr16 = vpstr16; }
return sc; }
// Function: ThunkOutString1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts an out param string or filename
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// [fFile] - Filename or plain string
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 24-Aug-94 DrewB Created
DWORD ThunkOutString1632(THUNKINFO *pti, BOOL fFile) { DWORD dwResult; VPVOID vpvpstr16; VPSTR vpstr16; VPSTR UNALIGNED *lpvpstr16; LPOLESTR *lplpstr32; LPOLESTR lpstr = NULL;
GET_STACK16(pti, vpvpstr16, VPSTR);
lplpstr32 = NULL; if ( vpvpstr16 != 0 ) { lpvpstr16 = (VPSTR UNALIGNED *)GetWritePtr16(pti, vpvpstr16, sizeof(VPSTR)); if ( lpvpstr16 != NULL ) { WOWRELVDMPTR(vpvpstr16);
lplpstr32 = &lpstr;
vpstr16 = (VPSTR)TaskMalloc16(CBSTRINGPREALLOC); if (vpstr16 == 0) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } }
TO_STACK32(pti, lplpstr32, LPOLESTR FAR *);
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if ( lplpstr32 != NULL ) { if ( SUCCEEDED(dwResult) ) { SCODE sc;
if (fFile) { UINT cch;
// The string pointed to by lpstr is ours so we
// can do the long->short conversion in place
// without worrying about trashing the memory
// The short path name should always be able
// to fit in the long path name's buffer since
// the file names that we are thunking are always
// absolute paths
cch = lstrlenW(lpstr)+1;
// Ignore failures; if we can't convert the name
// then we simply pass on what we were given
GetShortPathName(lpstr, lpstr, cch); }
sc = ConvertTaskString3216(pti, lpstr, vpstr16, CWCSTRINGPREALLOC, &vpstr16); if (FAILED(sc)) { dwResult = sc; } }
if (FAILED(dwResult)) { TaskFree16(vpstr16); vpstr16 = 0; }
lpvpstr16 = FIXVDMPTR( vpvpstr16, VPSTR ); *lpvpstr16 = vpstr16;
#if DBG==1
thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "%sOut1632 LPLPSTR: %p -> %p '%s'\n", NestingLevelString(), lpstr, vpstr16, vpstr16 != 0 ? WOWFIXVDMPTR(vpstr16, 0) : "<null>")); if (vpstr16 != 0) { WOWRELVDMPTR(vpstr16); } #endif
RELVDMPTR( vpvpstr16 ); } else { thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "Out1632 LPLPSTR NULL\n")); }
return( dwResult ); }
// Function: Thop_LPLPSTR_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts 32-bit LPSTR to 16-bit LPSTR pointer
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 25-Feb-94 BobDay Created
DWORD Thop_LPLPSTR_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_LPLPSTR); //
// We don't have anything but unmodified LPLPSTRs
thkAssert( (*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == 0 && "LPLPSTR must be unmodified only!" );
return ThunkOutString1632(pti, FALSE); }
// Function: Thop_BUFFER_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts 16-bit block of memory to 32-bit block of memory
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 25-Feb-94 BobDay Created
// 14-Mar-95 KentCe Buffer copy not required for Win95.
// Notes: WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! For an out parameter this expects
// three parameters on the stack in the following format and order:
// VOID * pointer to buffer
// DWORD count of bytes in buffer
// DWORD * count of bytes returned in the buffer
#define WATCH_VALUE 0xfef1f0
DWORD Thop_BUFFER_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { DWORD dwResult; BOOL fThopInput; BOOL fThopOutput; VPVOID vp16; LPVOID lp16; LPVOID lp32; DWORD dwCount; VPVOID vp16CountOut; DWORD dwCountOut32 = 0; DWORD * pdwCountOut32 = &dwCountOut32; #if DBG == 1
DWORD dwWatch; #endif
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_BUFFER);
fThopInput = IS_THOP_IN(pti); fThopOutput = IS_THOP_OUT(pti);
// We only have in and out BUFFER thops
thkAssert((fThopInput || fThopOutput) && (fThopInput != fThopOutput) && "BUFFER must be in or out only!" );
GET_STACK16(pti, vp16, VPVOID); GET_STACK16(pti, dwCount, DWORD);
if (fThopOutput) { // Get the pointer to the returned value off the stack
GET_STACK16(pti, vp16CountOut, VPVOID); }
lp32 = NULL;
if (vp16 == 0) { // lp32 is already NULL
} else if (dwCount == 0) { // If the count is zero then we can pass any valid 32-bit
// pointer
#if DBG == 1
// In debug, make sure that no data is written back to the
// memory we pass on
dwWatch = WATCH_VALUE; lp32 = &dwWatch; #else
lp32 = &dwResult; #endif
} else { lp16 = ValidatePtr16(pti, vp16, dwCount, *pti->pThop);
if ( lp16 != NULL ) { lp32 = (LPVOID)CoTaskMemAlloc( dwCount ); if ( lp32 == NULL ) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { if ( fThopInput ) { memcpy( lp32, lp16, dwCount ); } }
thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "1632 BUFFER: %p -> %p, %u\n", vp16, lp32, dwCount));
TO_STACK32(pti, lp32, LPVOID ); TO_STACK32(pti, dwCount, DWORD );
if (fThopOutput) { TO_STACK32(pti, pdwCountOut32, LPVOID ); }
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if (fThopOutput) { // If the pointer in sixteen bit land is non-null then return the
// count of bytes written to the buffer.
DWORD UNALIGNED *lpdw16 = (DWORD UNALIGNED *) ValidatePtr16(pti, vp16CountOut, sizeof(DWORD), *pti->pThop);
if (lpdw16 != NULL) { *lpdw16 = dwCountOut32; WOWRELVDMPTR(vp16CountOut); }
if ( SUCCEEDED(dwResult) ) { if (dwCountOut32 > 0 && vp16 != 0) { lp16 = (LPVOID)WOWFIXVDMPTR( vp16, dwCountOut32 );
memcpy( lp16, lp32, dwCountOut32 );
WOWRELVDMPTR(vp16); } } }
#if DBG == 1
if (lp32 != NULL && dwCount == 0) { thkAssert(dwWatch == WATCH_VALUE); } #endif
// Now free the buffer
if ( lp32 != NULL && dwCount > 0 ) { CoTaskMemFree( lp32 ); }
return( dwResult ); }
// Function: Thop_SNB_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts 16-bit SNB to 32-bit SNB pointer
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 23-Feb-94 BobDay Created
DWORD Thop_SNB_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { DWORD dwResult; BOOL fThopInput; BOOL fThopOutput; VPVOID snb16; VPSTR *lpvpstr; VPSTR UNALIGNED *lpvpstrTemp; VPSTR vpstr; SNB snb32; UINT cStr; UINT cStrTemp; LPOLESTR *lplpstr; UINT cbStrings; OLECHAR *pocStr; LPSTR lpstr16;
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_SNB);
fThopInput = IS_THOP_IN(pti); fThopOutput = IS_THOP_OUT(pti);
// We don't have anything but unmodified SNBs
thkAssert( !fThopInput && !fThopOutput && "SNB must be unmodified only!" );
GET_STACK16(pti, snb16, VPVOID);
snb32 = NULL; if ( snb16 != 0 ) { //
// Count the strings in the 16-bit snb
lpvpstr = (VPSTR FAR *)GetReadPtr16( pti, snb16, sizeof(VPSTR) ); if ( lpvpstr != 0 ) { lpvpstrTemp = lpvpstr; cStr = 0; cbStrings = 0; do { cStr++; vpstr = *lpvpstrTemp++;
if ( vpstr == 0 ) { break; }
lpstr16 = GetStringPtr16(pti, vpstr, CCHMAXSTRING, &cStrTemp); if ( lpstr16 == 0 ) { WOWRELVDMPTR(snb16); lpvpstr = NULL; break; // Leave with snb32 still NULL
cbStrings += cStrTemp; } while ( TRUE ); }
if ( lpvpstr != NULL ) { thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "In1632 SNB: %d strings\n", cStr));
// Allocate space for the 32-bit snb
snb32 = (LPOLESTR FAR *)CoTaskMemAlloc( cStr*sizeof(LPOLESTR) + cbStrings*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (snb32 == NULL) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { pocStr = (OLECHAR *)((BYTE *)snb32+cStr*sizeof(LPOLESTR));
// Now convert the strings
lpvpstrTemp = lpvpstr; lplpstr = snb32; cStrTemp = cStr - 1;
while ( cStrTemp > 0 ) { --cStrTemp;
vpstr = *lpvpstrTemp++;
thkAssert( vpstr != 0 && "Loop is processing end of snb\n" );
// Guaranteed to use pocStr as storage since cbStrings is
// large enough to contain all the strings
*lplpstr = Convert_VPSTR_to_LPOLESTR( pti, vpstr, pocStr, cbStrings );
if (*lplpstr == NULL) { CoTaskMemFree(snb32); snb32 = NULL; break; }
#if DBG == 1
thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "In1632 SNB: %p '%s' -> " "%p '%ws'\n", vpstr, WOWFIXVDMPTR(vpstr, 0), *lplpstr, *lplpstr)); WOWRELVDMPTR(vpstr); #endif
pocStr += lstrlenW(pocStr)+1; lplpstr++; }
// Terminate SNB
*lplpstr = NULL;
thkAssert(*lpvpstrTemp == 0);
WOWRELVDMPTR(snb16); } } }
thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "In1632 SNB: %p -> %p\n", snb16, snb32));
TO_STACK32(pti, snb32, SNB );
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
// Free SNB memory if necessary
if ( snb32 != 0 ) { CoTaskMemFree(snb32); }
return( dwResult ); }
// Function: ThunkInterface1632, private
// Synopsis: Handles interface thunking for THOP_IFACE and
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [iidx] - Interface index or IID
// [thop] - Thop being executed
// [punkOuter] - Controlling IUnknown or NULL
// Returns: status code
// History: Mar 14,97 Gopalk Rewritten to support aggregation and
// proper thunking of IN/OUT interfaces
// Notes: Assumes caller has already adjusted pti->pThop
DWORD ThunkInterface1632(THUNKINFO *pti, IIDIDX iidx, THOP thop, IUnknown *punkOuter) { // Local variables
VPVOID vpv; DWORD dwResult, dwStatus; IUnknown *punkThis32In; IUnknown *punkThis32Out; VPVOID vpvOut; VPVOID vpvIn; VPVOID UNALIGNED *pvpvOut; VPVOID vpvPreAlloc = NULL; THUNK1632OBJ UNALIGNED *pto; PROXYHOLDER *pph; PROXYHOLDER *pAggHolder = NULL; SAggHolder aggHolderNode; BOOL bUnlinkAggHolder = FALSE; BOOL bExtraAddRef;
// Validate the IID of the interface
thkAssert(IIDIDX_IS_IID(iidx) || (IIDIDX_INDEX(iidx) >= 0 && IIDIDX_INDEX(iidx) <= THI_COUNT));
// Initialize
dwResult = (DWORD) S_OK; punkThis32In = NULL; pph = NULL;
// Retrieve interface pointer
GET_STACK16(pti, vpv, VPVOID);
// Assert invariant
thkAssert(iidx!=THI_COUNT || vpv==NULL);
// Check for valid OUT parameter. It also verifies IN-OUT case as well
if((thop & THOP_OUT) && vpv) { pvpvOut = (VPVOID UNALIGNED *)GetWritePtr16(pti, vpv, sizeof(VPVOID)); if(!pvpvOut) { thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "WARNING: ThunkInterface1632 - bad pointer %p\n", vpv)); pti->scResult = E_INVALIDARG; return (DWORD) E_INVALIDARG; }
// Check if the interface needs to be thunked IN as well.
// In other words, IN-OUT paramenter case
if(thop & THOP_IN) vpvIn = *pvpvOut; else vpvIn = NULL;
// Release the VMD pointer
WOWRELVDMPTR(vpv); } else { // It must be IN parameter or a NULL OUT parameter
vpvIn = vpv; }
// Check if interface needs to be thunked IN
if(thop & THOP_IN) { if (vpvIn) { // Validate the interface
if(IsValidInterface16(pti, vpvIn)) { if((thop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_IFACENOADDREF) { // vpvIn represents an interface that is used by the
// 32-bit side without addrefing it.
// Classic example: IOleCacheControl::OnRun
// Aggregate it with the identity of the interface on which
// the current call is being made to ensure that lifetime of proxy
// is controlled by it.
VPVOID vpvThis16;
// Obtain the 16-bit interface on which the current call is
// being made
thkAssert(punkOuter); vpvThis16 = pti->pThkMgr->LookupProxy1632(punkOuter); thkAssert(vpvThis16);
// Obtain its holder
pto = FIXVDMPTR(vpvThis16, THUNK1632OBJ); pph = pto->pphHolder; thkAssert(pto->punkThis32 == punkOuter); RELVDMPTR(vpvThis16);
// Assert that holder exists
thkAssert(pph); } else { thkAssert(pph == NULL); }
if((thop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_UNKOUTER) { // Aggregation is being carried out
// Assert that interface is only being thunked IN
thkAssert(!(thop & THOP_OUT)); thkAssert(iidx == THI_IUnknown);
// Either find the actual 32-bit identity or generate a
// new 32-bit proxy identity for the 16-bit identity
punkThis32In = pti->pThkMgr->CreateOuter32(vpvIn, &pAggHolder, &dwStatus); aggHolderNode.pph = pAggHolder; bUnlinkAggHolder = TRUE; TlsThkLinkAggHolder(&aggHolderNode); // We use this pAggHolder for proxies of inner unk(s). Since
// we cannot put it in the proxy table (as it is private
// and we do not want other thunk calls to use it), we put
// it in a linked list in the TLS. The holder gets used by
// calls to FindAggregate() when the pUnkInner is being
// thunked out. The holder is revoked from the list when
// the ThunkInterface call for the pUnkOuter unwinds.
} else { // Find/Generate the proxy for the 16-bit interface to be thunked IN
bExtraAddRef = FALSE; if ( ( (pti->pvfn == (VTBLFN) OleIsCurrentClipboard) && (TlsThkGetAppCompatFlags() & OACF_WORKSCLIPOBJ) ) || ( (TlsThkGetAppCompatFlags() & OACF_TEXTARTDOBJ) && (pti->iidx == THI_IDataAdviseHolder) && (iidx == THI_IDataObject) && (pti->dwMethod == 3) ) ){ bExtraAddRef = TRUE; }
punkThis32In = pti->pThkMgr->FindProxy3216(NULL, vpvIn, pph, iidx, bExtraAddRef, &dwStatus); } if(punkThis32In) { thkAssert(!((thop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_UNKOUTER) || (dwStatus == FST_CREATED_NEW) || (dwStatus == FST_SHORTCUT)); } else { thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "WARNING: ThunkInterface1632 - Can't create proxy for %p\n", vpvIn)); pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return (DWORD) E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "WARNING: ThunkInterface1632 - invalid interface %p\n", vpvIn)); pti->scResult = E_INVALIDARG; return (DWORD) E_INVALIDARG; } } else { // No interface to be thunked IN
punkThis32In = NULL; }
thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "%sIn1632 %s %p -> %p\n", NestingLevelString(), IidIdxString(iidx), vpvIn, punkThis32In)); }
// Check if interface needs to be thunked OUT
if((thop & THOP_OUT) && vpv) { // Preallocate a proxy for the out parameter
vpvPreAlloc = pti->pThkMgr->CanGetNewProxy1632(iidx); if(vpvPreAlloc) { // Assert that no interface is being thunked IN for
// pure OUT parameter case
thkAssert((thop & THOP_IN) || !punkThis32In);
// Use a local variable for OUT parameter
punkThis32Out = punkThis32In;
// Push the OUT/IN-OUT parameter onto the stack
TO_STACK32(pti, &punkThis32Out, IUnknown **); // Corel Draw 5.0 HACK
// Some apps seem to call through the OUT parameter in the
// nested calls before the following call returns
// Set the temporary proxy's this pointer to point to
// 32-bit out pointer pushed onto the satck
pto = FIXVDMPTR(vpvPreAlloc, THUNK1632OBJ); pto->punkThis32 = (IUnknown *)&punkThis32Out; RELVDMPTR(vpvPreAlloc);
// Set the 16-bit OUT parameter to the preallocated proxy
*FIXVDMPTR(vpv, VPVOID) = vpvPreAlloc; RELVDMPTR(vpv); } else { thkDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "WARNING: ThunkInterface1632 - Cannot preallocate proxy\n")); pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; dwResult = (DWORD) E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
} else { // Assert invariant
thkAssert((vpv && punkThis32In) || (!vpv && !punkThis32In));
TO_STACK32(pti, punkThis32In, IUnknown *); }
if(SUCCEEDED((SCODE)dwResult)) { // Execute the next THOP operation
dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti); }
if((thop & THOP_OUT) && vpv) { vpvOut = 0;
if(SUCCEEDED((SCODE)dwResult) && punkThis32Out) { // Obtain 16-bit proxy for the 32-bit interface
if(punkOuter) { //Get the holder that was linked into TLS when the pUnkOuter
//was being thunked in.
pAggHolder = (TlsThkGetAggHolder())->pph; vpvOut = pti->pThkMgr->FindAggregate1632(vpvPreAlloc, punkOuter, punkThis32Out, iidx, pAggHolder, &dwStatus); } else { vpvOut = pti->pThkMgr->FindProxy1632(vpvPreAlloc, punkThis32Out, NULL, iidx, &dwStatus); }
if(vpvOut) {
if((thop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_UNKINNER) { if (dwStatus != FST_SHORTCUT) { THUNK1632OBJ UNALIGNED *pProxy1632; // Obtain the holder
pProxy1632 = FIXVDMPTR(vpvOut, THUNK1632OBJ); pph = pProxy1632->pphHolder;
// Assert invariants in debug builds
thkAssert(pph->dwFlags & PH_AGGREGATEE); thkAssert(dwStatus == FST_CREATED_NEW);
// Mark the proxy as representing inner unknown
pProxy1632->grfFlags = PROXYFLAG_PUNKINNER; } }
// Either the preallocated proxy was used and freed
vpvPreAlloc = NULL; } else { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; dwResult = (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // Release the actual 32-bit interface. If a proxy to the
// 32-bit interface could not be created above, this could
// be the last release on the 32-bit interface
punkThis32Out->Release(); }
// Set the OUT parameter
pvpvOut = FIXVDMPTR(vpv, VPVOID); *pvpvOut = vpvOut; RELVDMPTR(vpv);
thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "%sOut1632 %s %p -> %p\n", NestingLevelString(), IidIdxString(iidx), punkThis32Out, vpvOut)); } if(punkThis32In) { if((thop & THOP_INOUT) == THOP_INOUT) { // IN-OUT parameter.
// Release the 16-bit side interface
ReleaseOnObj16(vpvIn); } else { // Just an IN parameter
thkAssert(thop & THOP_IN);
#if DBG==1
// Ensure that the following is not the last release
// on the IN parameter
THKSTATE thkstate;
// Remember the current thunk state
thkstate = pti->pThkMgr->GetThkState();
// Set the thunk state to THKSTATE_VERIFYINPARAM
pti->pThkMgr->SetThkState(THKSTATE_VERIFY16INPARAM); #endif
// Release the 32-bit side interface
punkThis32In->Release(); #if DBG==1
// Restore previous thunk state
pti->pThkMgr->SetThkState(thkstate); #endif
} }
// Cleanup
if(vpvPreAlloc) { // Free preallocated proxy as it was not used
pti->pThkMgr->FreeNewProxy1632(vpvPreAlloc, iidx); }
if (bUnlinkAggHolder) TlsThkUnlinkAggHolder();
return dwResult; }
// Function: Thop_IFACEGEN_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks interfaces out through ppvs from 16->32
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 23-Feb-94 DrewB Created
DWORD Thop_IFACEGEN_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { IIDIDX iidx; THOP thop, thopOp, thopWeakOffset; VPVOID vpvIid; IUnknown *punkOuter; IID UNALIGNED const *piid;
thop = *pti->pThop++; thopOp = thop & THOP_OPMASK;
thkAssert(thopOp == THOP_IFACEGEN || thopOp == THOP_IFACEGENOWNER);
// The current thop byte indicates how many bytes to look
// back in the stack to find the IID which identifies the
// interface being returned
INDEX_STACK16(pti, vpvIid, VPVOID, *pti->pThop, sizeof(VPVOID)); pti->pThop++;
piid = (IID const *)GetReadPtr16(pti, vpvIid, sizeof(IID const)); if (piid == NULL) { pti->scResult = E_INVALIDARG; } else { #if DBG == 1
if (!IsValidIid(*piid)) { pti->scResult = E_INVALIDARG; } else #endif
{ iidx = IidToIidIdx(*piid); }
if (FAILED(pti->scResult)) return pti->scResult;
punkOuter = NULL; if (thopOp == THOP_IFACEGENOWNER) { // Obtain the outer unknown that is being passed to the 32 bit world
thopWeakOffset = *pti->pThop++; INDEX_STACK32(pti, punkOuter, IUnknown *, thopWeakOffset); if(punkOuter) { // Aggregation across 16-32 boundary
// Assert that the IID requested is IID_IUnknown
thkAssert(iidx == THI_IUnknown || (pti->iidx==THI_IPSFactoryBuffer && pti->dwMethod==3)); // Change thop to indicate that inner unknown is being thunked
if(iidx == THI_IUnknown) thop = (thop & THOP_IOMASK) | THOP_UNKINNER; } }
return ThunkInterface1632(pti, iidx, thop, punkOuter); }
// Function: Thop_OIFI_1632, public
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 26-May-94 DrewB Created
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_OIFI); thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == THOP_OUT);
// OIFIs are out-only parameters for their contents
// However, cb is in/out, so we need to copy cb on the way in
// Furthermore, cb may not be set to a valid value, in which
// case the documentation mentions that it should be assumed
// that this is an OLE 2.0 OIFI
// This thop simply ignores cb on the way in and always sets
// it to the OLE 2.0 size
// Since we're out-only, this always works since the number of
// fields we thunk is the size of the structure that we give out
// If OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO is extended, this thop will break
// Assert that OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO is what we expect it to be
thkAssert(sizeof(OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO) == 20);
GET_STACK16(pti, vpoifi16, VPVOID);
poifi32 = NULL; if (vpoifi16 != 0) { poifi16 = (OIFI16 UNALIGNED *) GetWritePtr16(pti, vpoifi16, sizeof(OIFI16)); if (NULL != poifi16) { poifi32 = &oifi32;
// OIFI's may be an out only parameters but if the "cb" field is
// "in" RPC doesn't slice up structs, so the whole thing is "in"
// as well. We are Thoping here but if we want this to match
// the RPC sematics then we need to copy all the fields.
poifi32 = &oifi32; poifi32->cb = sizeof(OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO); poifi32->fMDIApp = (BOOL)poifi16->fMDIApp; poifi32->hwndFrame = HWND_32(poifi16->hwndFrame); poifi32->cAccelEntries = (UINT)poifi16->cAccelEntries;
if (poifi16->haccel == NULL) { poifi32->haccel = NULL; } else { // WOW will clean up any dangling accelerator tables when
// tasks die
poifi32->haccel = HACCEL_32(poifi16->haccel); if (poifi32->haccel == NULL) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_UNEXPECTED; } }
WOWRELVDMPTR(vpoifi16); } }
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if (poifi32 != NULL) { poifi16 = FIXVDMPTR(vpoifi16, OIFI16);
if (SUCCEEDED(dwResult)) { poifi16->cb = sizeof(OIFI16); poifi16->fMDIApp = (WORD)poifi32->fMDIApp; poifi16->hwndFrame = HWND_16(poifi32->hwndFrame); poifi16->cAccelEntries = ClampULongToUShort(poifi32->cAccelEntries);
if (poifi32->haccel == NULL) { poifi16->haccel = NULL; } else { // WOW will clean up any dangling accelerator tables when
// tasks die
poifi16->haccel = HACCEL_16(poifi32->haccel); if (poifi16->haccel == NULL) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_UNEXPECTED; } }
#if DBG == 1
if (SUCCEEDED(dwResult)) { thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "Out1632 OIFI: " "%p {%d, %d, 0x%p, 0x%p, %d} -> " "%p {%d, %d, 0x%04X, 0x%04X, %d}\n", poifi32, poifi32->cb, poifi32->fMDIApp, poifi32->hwndFrame, poifi32->haccel, poifi32->cAccelEntries, vpoifi16, poifi16->cb, (BOOL)poifi16->fMDIApp, (DWORD)poifi16->hwndFrame, (DWORD)poifi16->haccel, poifi16->cAccelEntries)); } #endif
if (FAILED(dwResult)) { memset(poifi16, 0, sizeof(OIFI16)); }
RELVDMPTR(vpoifi16); }
return dwResult; }
// Function: Thop_STGMEDIUM_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts 32-bit STGMEDIUM to 16-bit STGMEDIUM returned
// structure
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 23-Feb-94 BobDay Created
DWORD Thop_STGMEDIUM_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { DWORD dwResult; BOOL fThopInput; BOOL fThopOutput; VPVOID vpstgmedium16; STGMEDIUM UNALIGNED *lpstgmedium16; STGMEDIUM *lpstgmedium32; STGMEDIUM stgmedium32; DWORD dwSize; SCODE sc; BOOL fReleaseParam; SHORT fTransferOwnership; FORMATETC *pfe; THOP thopFeOffset; BOOL fReversedTYMED_NULL = FALSE;
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_STGMEDIUM);
fThopInput = IS_THOP_IN(pti); fThopOutput = IS_THOP_OUT(pti);
// We currently don't have any unmodified or inout thops for STGMEDIUMs
thkAssert( (fThopInput || fThopOutput) && (fThopInput != fThopOutput) && "STGMEDIUM must be input or output only" );
// +2 thop byte indicates whether there's a FORMATETC to look at
// or not
// We need to reference this now before the stack is modified
// by argument recovery
thopFeOffset = *(pti->pThop+2); if (thopFeOffset > 0) { INDEX_STACK32(pti, pfe, FORMATETC *, thopFeOffset); } else { pfe = NULL; }
GET_STACK16(pti, vpstgmedium16, VPVOID);
// Next thop byte indicates whether there's an ownership transfer
// argument or not
pti->pThop++; fReleaseParam = (BOOL)*pti->pThop++;
if (fReleaseParam) { GET_STACK16(pti, fTransferOwnership, SHORT); } else { fTransferOwnership = FALSE; }
// Skip FORMATETC offset thop
lpstgmedium32 = NULL;
if ( vpstgmedium16 != 0 ) { if ( fThopInput ) { // This code supports GetDataHere() passing TYMED_NULL. It then
// behaves like GetData(). This is not per the OLE spec.
// According to every OLE spec TYMED_NULL is an invalid type in
// GetDataHere(). But AlexGo says that 16bit inproc servers
// did support this, especially the Default Handler / Clipboard.
lpstgmedium16 = (STGMEDIUM FAR *)GetReadPtr16(pti, vpstgmedium16, sizeof(STGMEDIUM));
thkAssert(lpstgmedium16); // To fix a prefix bug... vpstgmedium should never be invalid, but
// if it is, we'll get back NULL, so we'll return E_UNEXPECTED.
if (lpstgmedium16) { if (lpstgmedium16->tymed == TYMED_NULL && !fTransferOwnership) { WOWRELVDMPTR(vpstgmedium16); memset(&stgmedium32, 0, sizeof(stgmedium32)); thkAssert( TYMED_NULL == 0 ); // Don't need to set tymed to 0
fThopInput = FALSE; fThopOutput = TRUE; fReversedTYMED_NULL = TRUE; } else { WOWRELVDMPTR(vpstgmedium16); sc = ConvertStgMed1632(pti, vpstgmedium16, &stgmedium32, pfe, fTransferOwnership, &dwSize); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { lpstgmedium32 = &stgmedium32; } } } else { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
if ( fThopOutput ) { thkAssert( fThopOutput );
lpstgmedium16 = (STGMEDIUM FAR *)GetWritePtr16(pti, vpstgmedium16, sizeof(STGMEDIUM)); if ( lpstgmedium16 != NULL ) { lpstgmedium32 = &stgmedium32; WOWRELVDMPTR(vpstgmedium16); }
// 32->16 sets tymed to TYMED_NULL before passing
// on the STGMEDIUM because some apps incorrectly check for this
// I'm assuming this isn't necessary for 16->32 because 32-bit
// apps can't rely on tymed being NULL since nothing in the 32-bit
// code sets it that way for out parameters
// DrewB 5/30
} }
TO_STACK32(pti, lpstgmedium32, STGMEDIUM FAR *);
if (fReleaseParam) { TO_STACK32(pti, (BOOL)fTransferOwnership, BOOL); }
dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if ( lpstgmedium32 != NULL) { if ( fThopInput ) { if (!fTransferOwnership || FAILED(dwResult)) { sc = CleanStgMed32(pti, lpstgmedium32, vpstgmedium16, dwSize, TRUE, pfe); if (FAILED(sc)) { dwResult = (DWORD)sc; } } else if (SUCCEEDED(dwResult)) { lpstgmedium16 = FIXVDMPTR(vpstgmedium16, STGMEDIUM); if (lpstgmedium16->pUnkForRelease == NULL) { RELVDMPTR(vpstgmedium16); sc = CleanStgMed16(pti, vpstgmedium16, lpstgmedium32, 0, FALSE, pfe); thkAssert(SUCCEEDED(sc)); } else { RELVDMPTR(vpstgmedium16); } } } else { thkAssert( fThopOutput );
if (SUCCEEDED(dwResult)) { sc = ConvertStgMed3216(pti, lpstgmedium32, vpstgmedium16, pfe, FALSE, &dwSize); if (FAILED(sc)) { dwResult = (DWORD)sc; ReleaseStgMedium(lpstgmedium32); } else if (lpstgmedium32->pUnkForRelease == NULL) { sc = CleanStgMed32(pti, lpstgmedium32, vpstgmedium16, dwSize, FALSE, pfe); thkAssert(SUCCEEDED(sc)); } }
// Clear the [out] parameters if the call failed.
// Unless it had previously been an [in] parameter.
// We don't want to erase the caller's [in] argument.
if (FAILED(dwResult) && !fReversedTYMED_NULL) { lpstgmedium16 = FIXVDMPTR(vpstgmedium16, STGMEDIUM); memset(lpstgmedium16, 0, sizeof(STGMEDIUM)); RELVDMPTR(vpstgmedium16); } } }
return dwResult; }
// Function: ConvertStatStg3216, public
// Synopsis: Converts a STATSTG
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk info
// [pss32] - STATSTG
// [vpss16] - STATSTG
// [vpstrPreAlloc] - Preallocated string memory or NULL
// [cchPreAlloc] - Amount preallocated
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [vpss16]
// History: 14-May-94 DrewB Created
// Notes: Assumes input STATSTG memory is valid
// Assumes task memory for the string
SCODE ConvertStatStg3216(THUNKINFO *pti, STATSTG *pss32, VPVOID vpss16, VPSTR vpstrPreAlloc, UINT cchPreAlloc) { STATSTG UNALIGNED *pss16; SCODE sc; VPSTR vpstr16;
sc = ConvertTaskString3216(pti, pss32->pwcsName, vpstrPreAlloc, cchPreAlloc, &vpstr16); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { pss16 = FIXVDMPTR(vpss16, STATSTG); memcpy(pss16, pss32, sizeof(STATSTG)); pss16->pwcsName = (LPOLESTR)vpstr16; RELVDMPTR(vpss16); }
return sc; }
// Function: Thop_STATSTG_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts 32-bit STATSTG to 16-bit STATSTG returned structure
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 23-Feb-94 BobDay Created
DWORD Thop_STATSTG_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { DWORD dwResult; VPVOID vpstatstg16; STATSTG UNALIGNED *lpstatstg16; VPSTR vpstr; STATSTG statstg32; STATSTG *lpstatstg32;
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_STATSTG);
// We currently don't have any input thops for STATSTGs
thkAssert( (*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == THOP_OUT && "STATSTG must be output only" );
GET_STACK16(pti, vpstatstg16, VPVOID);
lpstatstg32 = NULL;
lpstatstg16 = (STATSTG FAR *)GetWritePtr16( pti, vpstatstg16, sizeof(STATSTG) ); if ( lpstatstg16 != NULL ) { statstg32.pwcsName = NULL; lpstatstg32 = &statstg32;
vpstr = (VPSTR)TaskMalloc16(CBSTRINGPREALLOC); if (vpstr == 0) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
WOWRELVDMPTR(vpstatstg16); }
TO_STACK32(pti, lpstatstg32, STATSTG FAR *);
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if ( lpstatstg32 != NULL ) { if ( SUCCEEDED(dwResult) ) { SCODE sc;
sc = ConvertStatStg3216(pti, &statstg32, vpstatstg16, vpstr, CWCSTRINGPREALLOC); if (FAILED(sc)) { dwResult = sc; } }
if (FAILED(dwResult)) { TaskFree16(vpstr);
lpstatstg16 = FIXVDMPTR(vpstatstg16, STATSTG); memset(lpstatstg16, 0, sizeof(STATSTG)); RELVDMPTR(vpstatstg16); } }
return dwResult; }
// Function: Thop_DVTARGETDEVICE_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts 16-bit DVTARGETDEVICE to 32-bit DVTARGETDEVICE
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 23-Feb-94 BobDay Created
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_DVTARGETDEVICE);
// We currently don't have any output thops for DVTARGETDEVICEs
thkAssert( (*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == THOP_IN && "DVTARGETDEVICE must be input only" );
// Processing for a DVTARGETDEVICE FAR * as input
GET_STACK16(pti, vpdv16, VPVOID);
lpdv32 = NULL;
if ( vpdv16 != 0 ) { sc = ConvertDvtd1632(pti, vpdv16, ArStack32, FrStack32, &lpdv32, &uiSize); if (FAILED(sc)) { pti->scResult = sc; } }
TO_STACK32(pti, lpdv32, DVTARGETDEVICE FAR *); pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if (lpdv32 != NULL) { FrStack32(lpdv32, uiSize); }
return dwResult; }
// Function: Thop_FORMATETC_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts 16-bit FORMATETC to 32-bit FORMATETC and back
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 24-Feb-94 BobDay Created
DWORD Thop_FORMATETC_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { DWORD dwResult; BOOL fThopInput; BOOL fThopOutput; VPVOID vpformatetc16; FORMATETC16 UNALIGNED *lpformatetc16; LPFORMATETC lpformatetc32; FORMATETC formatetc32; DVTARGETDEVICE *lpdv32; SCODE sc;
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_FORMATETC);
fThopInput = IS_THOP_IN(pti); fThopOutput = IS_THOP_OUT(pti);
// We have only input and output thops, not both, or neither
thkAssert( (fThopInput || fThopOutput) && (fThopInput != fThopOutput) && "formatetc must be input or output only" );
lpdv32 = NULL;
GET_STACK16(pti, vpformatetc16, VPVOID);
if ( vpformatetc16 == 0 ) { lpformatetc32 = NULL; } else { lpformatetc32 = &formatetc32;
if ( fThopInput ) { sc = ConvertFetc1632(pti, vpformatetc16, lpformatetc32, FALSE); if (FAILED(sc)) { pti->scResult = sc; } } else { thkAssert( fThopOutput ); //
// The below memset is needed at least for the DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC
// case. This allows it to be cleaned up because all its pointers
// will be null.
memset( &formatetc32, 0, sizeof(formatetc32) ); lpformatetc16 = (LPFORMATETC16)GetWritePtr16(pti, vpformatetc16, sizeof(FORMATETC16)); WOWRELVDMPTR(vpformatetc16); } }
TO_STACK32(pti, lpformatetc32, LPFORMATETC); pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if ( fThopInput ) { if (lpformatetc32 != NULL && lpformatetc32->ptd != NULL) { TaskFree32(lpformatetc32->ptd); } }
if ( fThopOutput && vpformatetc16 != NULL) { if (SUCCEEDED(dwResult)) { sc = ConvertFetc3216(pti, lpformatetc32, vpformatetc16, TRUE); if (FAILED(sc)) { dwResult = sc; } }
if (FAILED(dwResult)) { lpformatetc16 = FIXVDMPTR(vpformatetc16, FORMATETC16); memset(lpformatetc16, 0, sizeof(FORMATETC16)); RELVDMPTR(vpformatetc16); } }
return dwResult; }
// Function: Thop_LOGPALETTE_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts 16-bit LOGPALLETE to 32-bit LOGPALETTE
// and converts 32-bit LOGPALETTE returned to 16-bit structure
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 23-Feb-94 BobDay Created
DWORD Thop_LOGPALETTE_1632 ( THUNKINFO *pti ) { DWORD dwResult; UINT uiSize; LPLOGPALETTE lplogpal32; VPVOID vplogpal16; LOGPALETTE UNALIGNED *lplogpal16; VPVOID vp16; LPVOID UNALIGNED *lp16;
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_LOGPALETTE);
// It must be either an input or output LOGPALETTE
thkAssert( ((*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == THOP_IN || (*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == THOP_OUT) && "Hey, LOGPALETTE can't be input and output!" );
lplogpal32 = NULL;
if ( (*pti->pThop & THOP_IN) != 0 ) { //
// Processing for a LPLOGPALETTE as input
GET_STACK16(pti, vplogpal16, VPVOID);
if ( vplogpal16 != 0 ) { // Copy over the input LOGPALETTE structure
lplogpal16 = (LPLOGPALETTE)GetReadPtr16( pti, vplogpal16, sizeof(LOGPALETTE) );
if ( lplogpal16 != NULL ) { uiSize = CBPALETTE(lplogpal16->palNumEntries);
lplogpal16 = (LPLOGPALETTE)GetReadPtr16(pti, vplogpal16, uiSize); if ( lplogpal16 != NULL ) { lplogpal32 = (LPLOGPALETTE)CoTaskMemAlloc(uiSize); if ( lplogpal32 == NULL ) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { memcpy( lplogpal32, lplogpal16, uiSize ); }
WOWRELVDMPTR(vplogpal16); } } }
TO_STACK32(pti, lplogpal32, LPLOGPALETTE); pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if ( lplogpal32 ) { CoTaskMemFree( lplogpal32 ); } } else { //
// Processing for LPLPLOGPALETTE as output
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OUT) != 0);
GET_STACK16(pti, vp16, VPVOID);
vplogpal16 = (VPVOID)TaskMalloc16(CBPALETTE(NPALETTEPREALLOC)); if (vplogpal16 == 0) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
TO_STACK32(pti, &lplogpal32, LPLOGPALETTE *);
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if ( SUCCEEDED(dwResult) && lplogpal32 != NULL ) { //
// Copy the returned LOGPALETTE into 16-bit memory
uiSize = CBPALETTE(lplogpal32->palNumEntries); if (uiSize > CBPALETTE(NPALETTEPREALLOC)) { TaskFree16(vplogpal16); vplogpal16 = (VPVOID)TaskMalloc16(uiSize); if ( vplogpal16 == 0 ) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (vplogpal16 != 0) { lplogpal16 = (LPLOGPALETTE)WOWFIXVDMPTR(vplogpal16, uiSize); if ( lplogpal16 == NULL ) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_UNEXPECTED; vplogpal16 = 0; } else { memcpy( lplogpal16, lplogpal32, uiSize );
WOWRELVDMPTR(vplogpal16); } }
TaskFree32( lplogpal32 ); } else { TaskFree16(vplogpal16); vplogpal16 = 0; }
// Update the value pointed to by the parameter on the 16-bit stack
lp16 = FIXVDMPTR(vp16, LPVOID); if ( lp16 == NULL ) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_UNEXPECTED; } else { *lp16 = (LPVOID)vplogpal16; RELVDMPTR(vp16); } } return dwResult; }
// Function: Thop_CRGIID_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts 16-bit CRGIID to 32-bit CRGIID structure
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 23-Feb-94 BobDay Created
DWORD Thop_CRGIID_1632( THUNKINFO *pti ) { DWORD dwResult; DWORD dwCount; VPVOID vpiid16; IID UNALIGNED *lpiid16; IID *lpiid32;
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_CRGIID);
// We currently don't have any output thops for CRGIIDs
thkAssert( (*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == 0 && "CRGIID must be unmodified only" );
GET_STACK16(pti, dwCount, DWORD); GET_STACK16(pti, vpiid16, VPVOID);
lpiid32 = NULL;
if ( vpiid16 != 0 ) { lpiid16 = (IID UNALIGNED *)GetReadPtr16( pti, vpiid16, dwCount*sizeof(IID) ); if ( lpiid16 != NULL ) { lpiid32 = (IID FAR *)CoTaskMemAlloc( dwCount * sizeof(IID) ); if ( lpiid32 == NULL ) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { memcpy( lpiid32, lpiid16, dwCount*sizeof(IID) ); }
WOWRELVDMPTR(vpiid16); } }
TO_STACK32(pti, dwCount, DWORD); TO_STACK32(pti, lpiid32, IID FAR *);
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if ( lpiid32 != NULL ) { CoTaskMemFree( lpiid32 ); } return( dwResult ); }
// Function: Thop_INTERFACEINFO_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts an INTERFACEINFO
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 19-May-94 DrewB Created
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_INTERFACEINFO); thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_INOUT) == THOP_IN);
pii32 = NULL; punk32 = NULL;
GET_STACK16(pti, vpii16, VPVOID); if (vpii16 != 0) { pii16 = (INTERFACEINFO16 UNALIGNED *) GetReadPtr16(pti, vpii16, sizeof(INTERFACEINFO16)); if (pii16 != NULL) { if (pii16->pUnk != NULL) { vpvUnk16 = pii16->pUnk;
punk32 = pti->pThkMgr->FindProxy3216(NULL, vpvUnk16, NULL, INDEX_IIDIDX(THI_IUnknown), FALSE, NULL); if (punk32 == NULL) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
pii16 = FIXVDMPTR(vpii16, INTERFACEINFO16); }
pii32 = &ii32; pii32->pUnk = punk32; pii32->iid = pii16->iid; pii32->wMethod = pii16->wMethod;
thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "In1632 INTERFACEINFO: %p -> %p {%p (%p), %s, %u}\n", vpii16, pii32, pii32->pUnk, pii16->pUnk, IidOrInterfaceString(&pii32->iid), pii32->wMethod)); } }
TO_STACK32(pti, pii32, INTERFACEINFO *);
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if(punk32) { // Release the 32-bit interface as it is an IN parameter
punk32->Release(); }
return dwResult; }
// Function: Thop_RETURNTYPE_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks the return value of a call
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 24-Feb-94 DrewB Created
// Notes: This thunk assumes that the return value will always fit
// in 32 bits and that the thops for it are only one thop
// long. This fits the existing APIs and methods
DWORD Thop_RETURNTYPE_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { THOP thops[2]; DWORD dwResult; ALIAS alias; VPVOID vpvPreAlloc = NULL; IIDIDX iidx;
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_RETURNTYPE); thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == 0);
pti->fResultThunked = TRUE;
// Remember return type thop
thops[0] = *pti->pThop++; if ((thops[0] & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_COPY || (thops[0] & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_IFACE || (thops[0] & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_ALIAS32) { thops[1] = *pti->pThop++; }
// Preallocate any necessary resources
switch(thops[0]) { case THOP_IFACE | THOP_IN: iidx = INDEX_IIDIDX(thops[1]); if ((vpvPreAlloc = pti->pThkMgr->CanGetNewProxy1632(iidx)) == NULL) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } break;
case THOP_ALIAS32: thkAssert(thops[1] == ALIAS_CREATE);
// The value used for preallocation doesn't really matter
// as long as it's unique and not INVALID_VALUE
// In our case we know that we won't have to deal with nested
// preallocations so uniqueness is not as much of an issue
// By using INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, we can be sure that there
// won't already be an entry with that value already in the
// alias table since we're aliasing handles
alias = gAliases32.AddValue((DWORD)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (alias == INVALID_ALIAS) { pti->scResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } break; }
dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
// Now that we have the return value thunk it from 32->16
// We must use pti->scResult to check for failure rather than
// dwResult because dwResult may not be an SCODE
switch(thops[0]) { case THOP_COPY: // Only handle DWORD copies
thkAssert(thops[1] == sizeof(DWORD)); break;
case THOP_SHORTLONG: // For boolean results, not necessary to clamp
dwResult = (DWORD)(SHORT)*(LONG *)&dwResult; break;
case THOP_IFACE | THOP_IN: // Thunking an interface as a return value is completly broken
// First, such an interface needs to be thunked as an OUT parameter
// which I am fixing below. Second, the IID of the interface being
// thunked needs to be in the THOP string for proper thunking of
// interface. The only known case where an interface is returned
// is IRpcStubBuffer::IsIIDSupported() and the interface returned
// is of type IRpcStubBuffer, not IUnknown. As this method is not
// used in the curremt COM code, I am not changing THOP strings
// to reflect the IID of the interface being thunked
// Gopalk Mar 27, 97
if (dwResult != 0) { if (FAILED(pti->scResult)) { dwResult = 0; } else { IUnknown *punk = (IUnknown *) dwResult; dwResult = (DWORD)pti->pThkMgr->FindProxy1632(vpvPreAlloc, (IUnknown *)dwResult, NULL, iidx, NULL); // Release actual interface as it is an OUT parameter
// This could be the last release on the interface if the
// above call failed;
punk->Release(); thkAssert(dwResult);
thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "Ret1632 %s %p\n", inInterfaceNames[thops[1]].pszInterface, dwResult)); } } else { pti->pThkMgr->FreeNewProxy1632(vpvPreAlloc, iidx); } break;
case THOP_ALIAS32: if (dwResult != 0) { if (FAILED(pti->scResult)) { dwResult = 0; } else { gAliases32.SetValue(alias, dwResult);
thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "Ret1632 ALIAS32: 0x%08lX -> 0x%04lX\n", dwResult, alias));
dwResult = (DWORD)alias; } } break;
default: thkAssert(!"Unhandled 1632 return type"); break; }
return dwResult; }
// Function: Thop_IFACE_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks a known interface pointer
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 24-Feb-94 DrewB Created
DWORD Thop_IFACE_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { IIDIDX iidx; THOP thop, thopOp, thopWeakOffset; IUnknown *punkOuter;
thop = *pti->pThop++; thopOp = thop & THOP_OPMASK;
thkAssert( thopOp == THOP_IFACE || thopOp == THOP_IFACEOWNER || thopOp == THOP_IFACENOADDREF || thopOp == THOP_UNKOUTER);
iidx = INDEX_IIDIDX(*pti->pThop++);
// There's a bit of a special case here in that IMalloc is
// not thunked so it doesn't have a real index but it's used
// in thop strings so it has a fake index to function as a placeholder
// The fake index is THI_COUNT so allow that in the assert
thkAssert(IIDIDX_INDEX(iidx) >= 0 && IIDIDX_INDEX(iidx) <= THI_COUNT); thkAssert(thopOp != THOP_UNKOUTER || iidx == THI_IUnknown);
punkOuter = NULL; if ( thopOp == THOP_IFACEOWNER || thopOp == THOP_IFACENOADDREF) { thopWeakOffset = *pti->pThop++; INDEX_STACK32(pti, punkOuter, IUnknown *, thopWeakOffset); if(punkOuter && (thopOp==THOP_IFACEOWNER)) { // Aggregation across 16-32 boundary
// Assert invariants
thkAssert(iidx == THI_IRpcProxyBuffer || iidx == THI_IRpcProxy); // Change thop to indicate that inner unknown is being thunked
thop = (thop & THOP_IOMASK) | THOP_UNKINNER; } }
return ThunkInterface1632(pti, iidx, thop, punkOuter); }
// Function: OLESTREAM_Callback, private
// Synopsis: Handles callbacks into 16-bit world for OLESTREAM methods
// Arguments: [dwMethod] - Index of method to invoke
// [lposo] - Pointer to 32 LPOLESTREAM
// [lpv] - Pointer to 32 bit buffer
// [dwCount] - Size of 32 bit buffer
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 11-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// 29-May-94 TerryRu Converted to call WOWCallBackEx directly.
DWORD OLESTREAM_Callback( DWORD dwMethod, LPOLESTREAM lpos, LPVOID lpv, DWORD dwCount ) { const DWORD cbStack = sizeof( DWORD ) + sizeof( VPVOID ) + sizeof( VPVOID );
BYTE b32Args[cbStack]; DWORD dwResult;
VPVOID vpvVtbl16; VTBLFN vpfn16;
VPVOID vpolestream16; LPOLESTREAMOBJECT lposo;
VPVOID vp16; LPVOID lp16;
lposo = (LPOLESTREAMOBJECT)lpos; vpolestream16 = lposo->vpolestream16;
// Get pointer to 16 bit this pointer
vpvVtbl16 = (VPVOID)*FIXVDMPTR( vpolestream16, VPVOID ); RELVDMPTR(vpolestream16); vpfn16 = (VTBLFN)*FIXVDMPTR( vpvVtbl16+dwMethod*sizeof(VPVOID), VPVOID ); RELVDMPTR(vpvVtbl16+dwMethod*sizeof(VPVOID));
// now thop the IN 32 bit-block of memory to 16 bit block
vp16 = WgtAllocLock( GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwCount, NULL ); if ( vp16 == NULL ) { return (DWORD) E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if ( dwMethod == OLESTREAM_PUT ) { lp16 = WOWFIXVDMPTR( vp16, dwCount ); memcpy( lp16, lpv, dwCount ); WOWRELVDMPTR(vp16); }
// setup 32 bit arguements.
*(DWORD *)(b32Args) = dwCount; *(VPVOID *)(b32Args+4) = vp16; *(VPVOID *)(b32Args+8) = vpolestream16;
if ( !CallbackTo16Ex( (DWORD)vpfn16, WCB16_PASCAL, cbStack, b32Args, &dwResult) ) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_UNEXPECTED; }
if ( dwMethod == OLESTREAM_GET ) {
lp16 = WOWFIXVDMPTR( vp16, dwCount ); memcpy( (LPVOID) lpv, lp16, dwCount ); WOWRELVDMPTR(vp16);
thkDebugOut((DEB_INVOKES, "OLESTREAM_Callback returns 0x%08lX\n", dwResult));
return dwResult; }
// Function: OLESTREAM_Get_Proxy, private
// Synopsis: Handles callbacks into 16-bit world for OLESTREAM::Get
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 11-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// 29-May-94 TerryRu Now calls OLESTREAM::Get using Pascal
// calling conventions.
DWORD OLESTREAM_Get_Proxy( LPOLESTREAM lpos, void FAR * lpv, DWORD dwCount ) { return OLESTREAM_Callback( OLESTREAM_GET, lpos, lpv, dwCount ); }
// Function: OLESTREAM_Put_Proxy, private
// Synopsis: Handles callbacks into 16-bit world for OLESTREAM::Put
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 11-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// 29-May-94 TerryRu Now call OLESTREAM::Put using pascal
// calling conventions.
DWORD OLESTREAM_Put_Proxy( LPOLESTREAM lpos, const void FAR* lpv, DWORD dwCount ) { return OLESTREAM_Callback( OLESTREAM_PUT, lpos,(LPVOID) lpv, dwCount ); }
// Function: Thop_OLESTREAM_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks an OLESTREAM parameter from 16-bit to 32-bit
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 14-Mar-94 BobDay Created
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_OLESTREAM);
// Ignore the THOP_INPUT/THOP_OUTPUT, it is always just an interface
osObject.os.lpstbl = &osVtbl; GET_STACK16(pti, osObject.vpolestream16, VPVOID);
pti->pThop++; return EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti); }
// Function: Thop_RPCOLEMESSAGE_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts 16-bit RPCOLEMESSAGE to 32-bit RPCOLEMESSAGE
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 23-Feb-94 BobDay Created
// 28-May-94 JohannP Rewritten
// 13-Aug-94 Rickhi made it work for GetBuffer when the
// buffer size grows, commented better
// CODEWORK: this routine is inefficient. since it cant tell why it was
// called (GetBuffer/SendReceive/Invoke/FreeBuffer) it always
// copies the data, when it only really needs to in Invoke and
// in SendReceive.
// Context: This routine will "Thop" a client side RPCOLEMESSGE (aka "rom")
// three times. The first time for the "getbuffer" call, the second
// time for the "SendRecieve", and the third time for the "freebuffer".
// This make it confusing, some calls allocate a buffer but don't
// free it. Other calls free a buffer they didn't allocate. A good
// way to see what is happening is to step through several calls to
// this routine with a debugger and note the pointer values.
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_RPCOLEMESSAGE);
// We currently have only INOUT RPCOLEMESSAGE
thkAssert( (*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == (THOP_IN | THOP_OUT) && "RPCOLEMESSAGE must be input/output only" );
// Processing for a RPCOLEMESSAGE FAR * as input/output
GET_STACK16(pti, vprom16, VPVOID);
prom32 = NULL; if ( vprom16 != 0 ) { // Copy over the input RPCOLEMESSAGE structure
prom16 = (RPCOLEMESSAGE UNALIGNED *) GetReadWritePtr16( pti, vprom16, sizeof(RPCOLEMESSAGE) ); if ( prom16 != NULL ) { // Note: ROM_THUNK_FIELD(prom) holds the pointer to the 32 bit rom
// in case the buffer is not NULL
// Note: this assert is not valid when a fault happens on the
// server side. In that case, the return buffer is NULLed
// by the 16bit stub but the THUNK_FIELD is non-null.
//thkAssert((prom16->Buffer == NULL &&
// ROM_THUNK_FIELD(prom16) == NULL) ||
// (prom16->Buffer != NULL &&
// ROM_THUNK_FIELD(prom16) != NULL));
if (prom16->Buffer != NULL) { prom32 = (RPCOLEMESSAGE *)ROM_THUNK_FIELD(prom16);
if ( prom32->Buffer != NULL ) { // we use the min size of the two buffers because when
// the stub (server side) calls GetBuffer he is supplying
// the old pBuffer with the new (and potentially larger)
// cbBuffer
DWORD cbSizeMin = (prom16->cbBuffer <= prom32->cbBuffer) ? prom16->cbBuffer : prom32->cbBuffer;
lp16 = (LPVOID)GetReadPtr16(pti, (VPVOID)prom16->Buffer, cbSizeMin); if (lp16 == NULL) { prom32 = NULL; } else { memcpy( prom32->Buffer, lp16, prom32->cbBuffer ); WOWRELVDMPTR((VPVOID)prom16->Buffer); } }
if (prom32) { // the stub might be asking for a larger buffer for output
// parameters than it was given for input parameters. We have
// to figure that out here by comparing the 16bit size with
// the 32bit size.
fAllocNew = (prom32->cbBuffer < prom16->cbBuffer); prom32->cbBuffer = prom16->cbBuffer; } else { fAllocNew = FALSE; } } else { rom32 = *prom16; prom32 = &rom32; }
WOWRELVDMPTR(vprom16); } }
TO_STACK32(pti, prom32, PRPCOLEMESSAGE); pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti);
if ( prom32 != NULL ) { prom16 = (RPCOLEMESSAGE UNALIGNED *) GetReadWritePtr16( pti, vprom16, sizeof(RPCOLEMESSAGE) ); if ( prom16 == NULL ) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_UNEXPECTED; } else { if (SUCCEEDED(dwResult)) { if (prom32->Buffer == NULL) { // RELEASE THE BUFFER AND ROM:
// Free the 16 bit buffer, copy the 32 bit rom into
// the 16 bit rom and free the 32bit rom, if it was
// allocated
if (prom16->Buffer != 0) { TaskFree16((VPVOID)prom16->Buffer); }
*prom16 = *prom32;
if (prom32 != &rom32) { TaskFree32(prom32); prom32 = NULL; } ROM_THUNK_FIELD(prom16) = NULL; } else { // ALLOCATE AND/OR COPYBACK THE BUFFER AND ROM:
// Create a message to save the 32-bit message in
// Use the existing one in the thunk field if we can
if (ROM_THUNK_FIELD(prom16) == NULL) { pr32 = (RPCOLEMESSAGE *) TaskMalloc32(sizeof(RPCOLEMESSAGE)); } else { pr32 = (RPCOLEMESSAGE *)ROM_THUNK_FIELD(prom16); } *pr32 = *prom32;
// Allocate an output buffer and copy the buffer back
if ( (prom16->Buffer == NULL) || (prom16->cbBuffer < prom32->cbBuffer) || fAllocNew) { if (prom16->Buffer != NULL) { TaskFree16((VPVOID) prom16->Buffer); }
pBuffer = (LPVOID)TaskMalloc16(prom32->cbBuffer ); } else { pBuffer = prom16->Buffer; }
*prom16 = *prom32; prom16->Buffer = pBuffer; ROM_THUNK_FIELD(prom16) = pr32;
if (prom16->Buffer == NULL) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { lp16 = (LPVOID)GetReadPtr16(pti, (VPVOID)prom16->Buffer, prom16->cbBuffer); if ( lp16 == NULL ) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_UNEXPECTED; } else { memcpy( lp16, prom32->Buffer, prom32->cbBuffer ); WOWRELVDMPTR((VPVOID)prom16->Buffer); } } } }
WOWRELVDMPTR(vprom16); } }
return dwResult; }
// Function: Thop_ALIAS32_1632, public
// Synopsis: Handles 16-bit aliases to 32-bit quantities
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 27-May-94 DrewB Created
DWORD Thop_ALIAS32_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { ALIAS alias; DWORD dwValue; THOP thopAction;
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_ALIAS32); thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == 0);
GET_STACK16(pti, alias, ALIAS);
// Second byte indicates how the alias should be handled
thopAction = *pti->pThop++;
if (alias != 0) { switch(thopAction) { case ALIAS_RESOLVE: dwValue = gAliases32.AliasValue(alias); break;
case ALIAS_REMOVE: dwValue = gAliases32.AliasValue(alias); gAliases32.RemoveAlias(alias); break;
default: thkAssert(!"Default hit in Thop_ALIAS32_1632"); dwValue = 0; break; } } else { dwValue = 0; }
thkDebugOut((DEB_ARGS, "In1632 ALIAS32: 0x%04X -> 0x%08lX\n", alias, dwValue));
TO_STACK32(pti, dwValue, DWORD);
return EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti); }
// Function: Thop_ENUM_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks Enum::Next parameters
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// Notes: This thunk is the start of a 2-byte thop. The next thop
// byte references a function in the enumerator table, rather
// than the standard thop table.
DWORD Thop_ENUM_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_ENUM); thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == 0);
// Get then next thop byte and execute it as a Enum thop
pti->pThop++; return EXECUTE_ENUMTHOP1632(pti); }
// Function: CallbackProcessing_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks IOleObject::Draw pfnContinue & DWORD parameters
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 3-Mar-94 BobDay Created
typedef struct tagCallbackControl { DWORD dwContinue; VPVOID vpfn16; } CALLBACKCONTROL;
BOOL CallbackProcessing_1632( DWORD dwContinue ) { DWORD dwResult; CALLBACKCONTROL *lpcbc;
lpcbc = (CALLBACKCONTROL *)dwContinue;
// The callback function must be FAR PASCAL
// It's declared CALLBACK in the methods so this is ensured
dwResult = CallbackTo16( lpcbc->vpfn16, lpcbc->dwContinue );
return (BOOL)((WORD)dwResult); // Ignore HIWORD
// Function: Thop_CALLBACK_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks IOleObject::Draw pfnContinue & DWORD parameters
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 3-Mar-94 BobDay Created
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_CALLBACK); thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == 0);
GET_STACK16(pti, vpfn16, VPVOID); GET_STACK16(pti, dwContinue, DWORD);
if ( vpfn16 == 0 ) { TO_STACK32(pti, NULL, LPVOID); TO_STACK32(pti, dwContinue, DWORD); } else { cbc.vpfn16 = vpfn16; cbc.dwContinue = dwContinue;
TO_STACK32(pti, CallbackProcessing_1632, LPVOID); TO_STACK32(pti, (DWORD)&cbc, DWORD); }
pti->pThop++; return EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti); }
// Function: Thop_CLSCONTEXT_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts a class context flags DWORD
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 29-Jun-94 DrewB Created
DWORD Thop_CLSCONTEXT_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { DWORD dwClsContext;
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_CLSCONTEXT); thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == 0);
GET_STACK16(pti, dwClsContext, DWORD);
// When passing a 16-bit class context on to 32-bits,
// add on a flag to indicate that this is a 16-bit request
// in the inproc server case
if (dwClsContext & CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) { dwClsContext |= CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER16; }
TO_STACK32(pti, dwClsContext, DWORD);
pti->pThop++; return EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti); }
// Function: Thop_FILENAME_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts a filename string
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 24-Aug-94 DrewB Created
DWORD Thop_FILENAME_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_FILENAME);
// Can be in or out only
thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == THOP_IN || (*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == THOP_OUT);
if ((*pti->pThop & THOP_IN) != 0) { // No special processing is necessary for filenames going
// from 16->32 since it isn't possible for 16-bit code to
// generate a filename which can't be handled in 32-bits
return ThunkInString1632(pti); } else { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OUT) != 0);
// Convert filenames going from 32->16 to short filenames
// to avoid any possible problems with non-8.3 names.
return ThunkOutString1632(pti, TRUE); } }
// Function: Thop_SIZEDSTRING_1632, public
// Synopsis: Converts strings which cannot exceed a given length
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 02-Sep-94 DrewB Created
DWORD Thop_SIZEDSTRING_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_OPMASK) == THOP_SIZEDSTRING); thkAssert((*pti->pThop & THOP_IOMASK) == THOP_IN);
// For 16->32, there are no limits on string length so
// thunk the string normally
// Advance once to account for the length byte
// ThunkInString will advance again
pti->pThop++; return ThunkInString1632(pti); }
#define THOP_FN(x) Thop_ ## x ## _1632
DWORD (*CONST aThopFunctions1632[])(THUNKINFO *) = {
// x = Implemented
// ? = Mysteriously not needed
// = Left to do
// ^
// |
// +===+
// |
// v
ThunkCall1632, // x Terminating THOP
Thop_ShortToLong_1632, // x SHORTLONG
Thop_WordToDword_1632, // x WORDDWORD
Thop_Copy_1632, // x COPY
Thop_UserHandle_1632, // x HUSER
Thop_GdiHandle_1632, // x HGDI
Thop_ERROR_1632, // x IFACECLEAN
Thop_ERROR_1632, // x UNKINNER
Thop_ERROR_1632, // x ERROR
// Function: General_Enum_1632, private
// Synopsis: Thunking for standard OLE enumerator interface ::Next member
// function.
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// [uiSize32] - 32-bit information size
// [uiSize16] - 16-bit information size
// [pfnCallback] - Data thunking callback
// [pfnCleanup] - Thunking cleanup
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// Notes: This handler is called from many IXXXEnum::Next handlers thop
// thunks to do the standard sorts of "buffer of structures"
// processing.
DWORD General_Enum_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, UINT uiSize32, UINT uiSize16, SCODE (*pfnCallback)( THUNKINFO *, LPVOID, VPVOID), void (*pfnCleanup)( THUNKINFO *, LPVOID, VPVOID) ) { DWORD dwResult; ULONG ulCount; VPVOID vpstruct16; VPVOID vpfetched16; LPVOID lpstruct32; LPVOID lpstruct32Iterate; VPVOID vpstruct16Iterate; ULONG ulFetched32; ULONG *lpfetched32; ULONG UNALIGNED *lpfetched16; ULONG ulIterate; LPVOID lp16; BOOL fError; SCODE sc;
dwResult = (DWORD)S_OK;
GET_STACK16(pti, ulCount, ULONG ); GET_STACK16(pti, vpstruct16, VPVOID ); GET_STACK16(pti, vpfetched16, VPVOID );
ulFetched32 = 0; lpfetched32 = &ulFetched32; lp16 = NULL; lpstruct32 = NULL;
if ( vpstruct16 != 0 ) { if ( ulCount == 0 ) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_INVALIDARG; } else { //
// Verify we have write access to the 16-bit memory.
lp16 = GetWritePtr16(pti, vpstruct16, uiSize16*ulCount); if ( lp16 == NULL ) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_INVALIDARG; } else { if ( ulCount > MAX_ALLOCA_STRUCT ) { lpstruct32 = (LPVOID)CoTaskMemAlloc( ulCount * uiSize32 ); if (lpstruct32 == NULL) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { lpstruct32 = (LPVOID)STACKALLOC32( ulCount * uiSize32 ); if (lpstruct32 == NULL) { dwResult = (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
WOWRELVDMPTR(vpstruct16); } } }
if (SUCCEEDED(dwResult)) { TO_STACK32(pti, ulCount, ULONG); TO_STACK32(pti, lpstruct32, LPVOID); TO_STACK32(pti, lpfetched32, ULONG FAR *);
pti->pThop++; dwResult = EXECUTE_THOP1632(pti); }
if ( SUCCEEDED(dwResult) ) { if ( vpstruct16 != 0 ) { // Some apps (MsWorks3 is one) return S_FALSE and do not return
// the number of elements retrieved. The only thing we can
// do is ignore the enumeration since we don't know how many
// were actually set. Of course, we can't ignore all enumerations
// when the return is S_FALSE so we only handle the case
// where S_FALSE was returned on a enumeration of one element,
// in which we can be sure there isn't any valid data
if (dwResult == (DWORD)S_FALSE && ulCount == 1) { ulFetched32 = 0; }
// Iterate through all of the structures, converting them
// into 16-bit
fError = FALSE; ulIterate = 0; vpstruct16Iterate = vpstruct16; lpstruct32Iterate = lpstruct32;
while ( ulIterate < ulFetched32 ) { //
// Callback to the callback function to do any specific
// processing
sc = (*pfnCallback)( pti, lpstruct32Iterate, vpstruct16Iterate );
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { fError = TRUE; dwResult = sc; }
vpstruct16Iterate = (VPVOID)((DWORD)vpstruct16Iterate + uiSize16); lpstruct32Iterate = (LPVOID)((DWORD)lpstruct32Iterate + uiSize32);
ulIterate++; }
if ( fError ) { //
// Cleanup all these guys
ulIterate = 0; vpstruct16Iterate = vpstruct16; lpstruct32Iterate = lpstruct32;
while ( ulIterate <= ulFetched32 ) { (*pfnCleanup)( pti, lpstruct32Iterate, vpstruct16Iterate ); vpstruct16Iterate = (VPVOID)((DWORD)vpstruct16Iterate + uiSize16); lpstruct32Iterate = (LPVOID)((DWORD)lpstruct32Iterate + uiSize32);
ulIterate++; } } } }
if (FAILED(dwResult) && lp16 != NULL) { memset(lp16, 0, ulCount*uiSize16); }
// Free up any space we've allocated
if (lpstruct32 != NULL) { if ( ulCount > MAX_ALLOCA_STRUCT ) { CoTaskMemFree( lpstruct32 ); } else { STACKFREE32(lpstruct32, ulCount*uiSize32); } }
if ( vpfetched16 != 0 ) { lpfetched16 = FIXVDMPTR( vpfetched16, ULONG); *lpfetched16 = ulFetched32; RELVDMPTR(vpfetched16); }
return dwResult; }
// Function: Callback_STRING_1632, public
// Synopsis: Prepares the LPOLESTR for the copy back into 16-bit address
// space.
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: SCODE indicating success/failure
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
SCODE Callback_STRING_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { VPSTR vpstr; VPSTR UNALIGNED *pvpstr16; SCODE sc;
vpstr = 0; sc = ConvertTaskString3216(pti, *(LPOLESTR *)lp32, NULL, 0, &vpstr);
pvpstr16 = FIXVDMPTR(vp16, VPSTR); *pvpstr16 = vpstr; RELVDMPTR(vp16);
return sc; }
// Function: Cleanup_STRING_1632, public
// Synopsis: Cleans up the any STRINGs returned (either to 16-bit or 32-bit)
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: nothing, should NEVER fail
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
void Cleanup_STRING_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { VPSTR UNALIGNED *lpvpstr16; VPSTR vpstr16;
lpvpstr16 = FIXVDMPTR( vp16, VPSTR ); vpstr16 = *lpvpstr16; RELVDMPTR(vp16);
if ( vpstr16 != 0 ) { TaskFree16( vpstr16 ); } }
// Function: Thop_Enum_STRING_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks IEnumSTRING::Next parameters
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// Notes: This thunk is 2nd part of a 2-byte thop.
DWORD Thop_Enum_STRING_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { return General_Enum_1632(pti, sizeof(LPOLESTR), sizeof(VPSTR), Callback_STRING_1632, Cleanup_STRING_1632 ); }
// Function: Callback_UNKNOWN_1632, public
// Synopsis: Prepares the UNKNOWN structure for the copy back into 16-bit
// address space.
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: SCODE indicating success/failure
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
SCODE Callback_UNKNOWN_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { VPVOID vpunknown16; SCODE sc = S_OK;
vpunknown16 = pti->pThkMgr->FindProxy1632(NULL, *(LPUNKNOWN *)lp32, NULL, INDEX_IIDIDX(THI_IUnknown), NULL); // Release the actual 32-bit IUnknown as it is a OUT parameter
// This could be the last release on the interface if the
// above call failed;
(*((LPUNKNOWN *) lp32))->Release(); if(!vpunknown16) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
*FIXVDMPTR( vp16, VPVOID ) = vpunknown16; RELVDMPTR(vp16);
return sc; }
// Function: Cleanup_UNKNOWN_1632, public
// Synopsis: Cleans up the any UNKNOWNs returned (either to 16-bit
// or 32-bit)
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: nothing, should NEVER fail
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
void Cleanup_UNKNOWN_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { LPUNKNOWN lpunknown32; VPVOID vpunknown16;
vpunknown16 = *FIXVDMPTR( vp16, VPVOID ); RELVDMPTR(vp16); lpunknown32 = *(LPUNKNOWN *)lp32;
if(vpunknown16) { // Release the proxy to 32-bit interface
pti->pThkMgr->ReleaseProxy1632(vpunknown16); } }
// Function: Thop_Enum_UNKNOWN_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks IEnumUNKNOWN::Next parameters
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// Notes: This thunk is 2nd part of a 2-byte thop.
DWORD Thop_Enum_UNKNOWN_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { return General_Enum_1632(pti, sizeof(LPUNKNOWN), sizeof(LPUNKNOWN), Callback_UNKNOWN_1632, Cleanup_UNKNOWN_1632 ); }
// Function: Callback_STATSTG_1632, public
// Synopsis: Prepares the STATSTG structure for the copy back into 16-bit
// address space.
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: SCODE indicating success/failure
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
SCODE Callback_STATSTG_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { (FIXVDMPTR(vp16, STATSTG))->pwcsName = NULL; RELVDMPTR(vp16); return ConvertStatStg3216(pti, (STATSTG *)lp32, vp16, NULL, 0); }
// Function: Cleanup_STATSTG_1632, public
// Synopsis: Cleans up the any STATSTGs returned (either to 16-bit
// or 32-bit)
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: nothing, should NEVER fail
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
void Cleanup_STATSTG_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { STATSTG UNALIGNED *lpstatstg16; VPVOID vpstr;
lpstatstg16 = FIXVDMPTR( vp16, STATSTG ); vpstr = (VPVOID)lpstatstg16->pwcsName; RELVDMPTR(vp16);
if ( vpstr != 0) { TaskFree16( vpstr ); } }
// Function: Thop_Enum_STATSTG_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks IEnumSTATSTG::Next parameters
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// Notes: This thunk is 2nd part of a 2-byte thop.
DWORD Thop_Enum_STATSTG_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { return General_Enum_1632(pti, sizeof(STATSTG), sizeof(STATSTG), Callback_STATSTG_1632, Cleanup_STATSTG_1632 ); }
// Function: Callback_FORMATETC_1632, public
// Synopsis: Prepares the FORMATETC structure for the copy back into 16-bit
// address space.
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: SCODE indicating success/failure
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
SCODE Callback_FORMATETC_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { (FIXVDMPTR(vp16, FORMATETC16))->ptd = NULL; RELVDMPTR(vp16); return ConvertFetc3216(pti, (FORMATETC *)lp32, vp16, TRUE); }
// Function: Cleanup_FORMATETC_1632, public
// Synopsis: Cleans up the any FORMATETCs returned (either to 16-bit
// or 32-bit)
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: nothing, should NEVER fail
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
void Cleanup_FORMATETC_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { FORMATETC16 UNALIGNED *lpformatetc16; VPVOID vptd;
lpformatetc16 = FIXVDMPTR( vp16, FORMATETC16 ); vptd = lpformatetc16->ptd; RELVDMPTR(vp16);
if (vptd != 0) { TaskFree16(vptd); } }
// Function: Thop_Enum_FORMATETC_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks IEnumFORMATETC::Next parameters
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// Notes: This thunk is 2nd part of a 2-byte thop.
DWORD Thop_Enum_FORMATETC_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { return General_Enum_1632(pti, sizeof(FORMATETC), sizeof(FORMATETC16), Callback_FORMATETC_1632, Cleanup_FORMATETC_1632 ); }
// Function: Callback_STATDATA_1632, public
// Synopsis: Prepares the STATDATA structure for the copy back into 16-bit
// address space.
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: SCODE indicating success/failure
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
SCODE Callback_STATDATA_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { SCODE sc; LPSTATDATA lpstatdata32; STATDATA16 UNALIGNED *lpstatdata16; VPVOID vpadv16;
sc = S_OK;
lpstatdata32 = (LPSTATDATA)lp32;
if (lpstatdata32->pAdvSink != NULL) { // We don't know whether it's an AdviseSink or
// an AdviseSink2, so pass AdviseSink2 since it's
// a superset of AdviseSink and will work for both
vpadv16 = pti->pThkMgr->FindProxy1632(NULL, lpstatdata32->pAdvSink, NULL, INDEX_IIDIDX(THI_IAdviseSink2), NULL);
// Release the actual 32-bit IAdviseSink as it is a OUT parameter
// This could be the last release on the interface if the
// above call failed;
if(!vpadv16) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { vpadv16 = 0; }
lpstatdata16 = FIXVDMPTR( vp16, STATDATA16 ); lpstatdata16->formatetc.ptd = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { // If this fails the AdviseSink proxy will be cleaned up in
// the cleanup function later
sc = ConvertFetc3216(pti, &lpstatdata32->formatetc, vp16+FIELD_OFFSET(STATDATA16, formatetc), TRUE); }
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { lpstatdata16->advf = lpstatdata32->advf; lpstatdata16->pAdvSink = vpadv16; lpstatdata16->dwConnection = lpstatdata32->dwConnection; }
return sc; }
// Function: Cleanup_STATDATA_1632, public
// Synopsis: Cleans up the any STATDATAs returned (either to 16-bit
// or 32-bit)
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: nothing, should NEVER fail
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
void Cleanup_STATDATA_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { STATDATA *lpstatdata32; STATDATA16 UNALIGNED *lpstatdata16; LPADVISESINK lpadv32; VPVOID vptd;
lpstatdata32 = (STATDATA FAR *)lp32; lpadv32 = lpstatdata32->pAdvSink;
lpstatdata16 = FIXVDMPTR( vp16, STATDATA16 ); vptd = lpstatdata16->formatetc.ptd; RELVDMPTR(vp16);
if(lpstatdata16->pAdvSink) { // Release the proxy to 32-bit interface
pti->pThkMgr->ReleaseProxy1632((VPVOID) lpstatdata32->pAdvSink); }
if (vptd != 0) { TaskFree16(vptd); } }
// Function: Thop_Enum_STATDATA_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks IEnumSTATDATA::Next parameters
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// Notes: This thunk is 2nd part of a 2-byte thop.
DWORD Thop_Enum_STATDATA_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { return General_Enum_1632(pti, sizeof(STATDATA), sizeof(STATDATA16), Callback_STATDATA_1632, Cleanup_STATDATA_1632 ); }
// Function: Callback_MONIKER_1632, public
// Synopsis: Prepares the MONIKER structure for the copy back into 16-bit
// address space.
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: SCODE indicating success/failure
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
SCODE Callback_MONIKER_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { VPVOID vpmoniker16; SCODE sc = S_OK;
vpmoniker16 = pti->pThkMgr->FindProxy1632(NULL, *(LPMONIKER *)lp32, NULL, INDEX_IIDIDX(THI_IMoniker), NULL); // Release the actual 32-bit IMoniker as it is a OUT parameter
// This could be the last release on the interface if the
// above call failed;
(*(LPMONIKER *)lp32)->Release();
if(!vpmoniker16) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
*FIXVDMPTR(vp16, VPVOID) = vpmoniker16; RELVDMPTR(vp16);
return sc; }
// Function: Cleanup_MONIKER_1632, public
// Synopsis: Cleans up the any MONIKERs returned (either to 16-bit
// or 32-bit)
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: nothing, should NEVER fail
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
void Cleanup_MONIKER_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { LPMONIKER lpmoniker32; VPVOID vpmoniker16;
vpmoniker16 = *FIXVDMPTR( vp16, VPVOID ); RELVDMPTR(vp16); lpmoniker32 = *(LPMONIKER *)lp32;
if(vpmoniker16) { pti->pThkMgr->ReleaseProxy1632(vpmoniker16); } }
// Function: Thop_Enum_MONIKER_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks IEnumMONIKER::Next parameters
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// Notes: This thunk is 2nd part of a 2-byte thop.
DWORD Thop_Enum_MONIKER_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { return General_Enum_1632(pti, sizeof(LPMONIKER), sizeof(LPMONIKER), Callback_MONIKER_1632, Cleanup_MONIKER_1632 ); }
// Function: Callback_OLEVERB_1632, public
// Synopsis: Prepares the OLEVERB structure for the copy back into 16-bit
// address space.
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: SCODE indicating success/failure
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
SCODE Callback_OLEVERB_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { SCODE sc; OLEVERB *lpoleverb32; OLEVERB UNALIGNED *lpoleverb16; VPSTR vpstr;
lpoleverb32 = (LPOLEVERB)lp32; vpstr = 0; sc = ConvertTaskString3216(pti, lpoleverb32->lpszVerbName, NULL, 0, &vpstr); lpoleverb16 = FIXVDMPTR(vp16, OLEVERB); lpoleverb16->lpszVerbName = (LPOLESTR)vpstr; if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { lpoleverb16->lVerb = lpoleverb32->lVerb; lpoleverb16->fuFlags = lpoleverb32->fuFlags; lpoleverb16->grfAttribs = lpoleverb32->grfAttribs; } RELVDMPTR(vp16);
return sc; }
// Function: Cleanup_OLEVERB_1632, public
// Synopsis: Cleans up the any OLEVERBs returned (either to 16-bit
// or 32-bit)
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunking state information
// [lp32] - Pointer to 32-bit returned structure
// [lp16] - Pointer to 16-bit output structure
// Returns: nothing, should NEVER fail
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
void Cleanup_OLEVERB_1632( THUNKINFO *pti, LPVOID lp32, VPVOID vp16 ) { OLEVERB UNALIGNED *lpoleverb16; VPVOID vpstr;
lpoleverb16 = FIXVDMPTR( vp16, OLEVERB ); vpstr = (VPVOID)lpoleverb16->lpszVerbName; RELVDMPTR(vp16);
if ( vpstr != 0 ) { TaskFree16( vpstr ); } }
// Function: Thop_Enum_OLEVERB_1632, public
// Synopsis: Thunks IEnumOLEVERB::Next parameters
// Arguments: [pti] - Thunk state information
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 1-Mar-94 BobDay Created
// Notes: This thunk is 2nd part of a 2-byte thop.
DWORD Thop_Enum_OLEVERB_1632(THUNKINFO *pti) { return General_Enum_1632(pti, sizeof(OLEVERB), sizeof(OLEVERB), Callback_OLEVERB_1632, Cleanup_OLEVERB_1632 ); }
#define THOP_EFN(x) Thop_Enum_ ## x ## _1632
DWORD (*CONST aThopEnumFunctions1632[])(THUNKINFO *) = { THOP_EFN(STRING), // STRING