// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993 - 1997.
// File: epoptppg.cpp
// Contents: Implements the classes CRpcOptionsPropertyPage
// Classes:
// Methods: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::CRpcOptionsPropertyPage
// CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::~CRpcOptionsPropertyPage
// History: 02-Dec-96 RonanS Created.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "olecnfg.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "Epoptppg.h"
#include "Epprops.h"
#include "TChar.h"
#include "util.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CRpcOptionsPropertyPage property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CRpcOptionsPropertyPage, CPropertyPage)
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::CRpcOptionsPropertyPage
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::CRpcOptionsPropertyPage() : CPropertyPage(CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CRpcOptionsPropertyPage)
m_bChanged = FALSE;
// make distinguished ednpoint data description for default settings
m_epSysDefault = new CEndpointData; m_nSelected = -1; }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::~CRpcOptionsPropertyPage
// Synopsis: Destructor
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::~CRpcOptionsPropertyPage() { ClearProtocols();
// remove distinguished default settings descriptor
if (m_epSysDefault) delete m_epSysDefault; }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::DoDataExchange
// Synopsis: Standard method for dialog data exchange. MFC uses this to
// transfer data between the controls and the C++ classes memeber variables.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CRpcOptionsPropertyPage)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LSTPROTSEQ, m_lstProtseqs); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CMDUPDATE, m_btnUpdate); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CMDREMOVE, m_btnRemove); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CMDCLEAR, m_btnClear); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CMDADD, m_btnAdd); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CRpcOptionsPropertyPage, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CRpcOptionsPropertyPage)
// CRpcOptionsPropertyPage message handlers
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnInitDialog
// Synopsis: This standard MFC method will be called when the dialog is to be initialised.
// It is called when the WIN32 Window object receives a WM_INITDIALOG message.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
BOOL CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); // setup image list control for dialog (for use with listview)
m_imgNetwork.Create( IDB_IMGNETWORK, 16, 0, RGB(255,255,255)); m_lstProtseqs.SetImageList(&m_imgNetwork, LVSIL_SMALL); ASSERT(m_imgNetwork.GetImageCount() == 2);
RefreshEPList(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
const TCHAR szEndpointText[] = TEXT("Endpoint"); const int lenEndpoint = (sizeof(szEndpointText) / sizeof(TCHAR)) -1;
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::InitData
// Synopsis: Method to initialise options
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::InitData(CString AppName, HKEY hkAppID) { // read DCOM endpoint data from the registry
HKEY hkEndpoints = NULL;
// try to allocate a buffer.
LONG lErr = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; DWORD dwcbBuffer = 1024 * sizeof(TCHAR); TCHAR* pszBuffer = new TCHAR[1024]; ASSERT(pszBuffer != NULL); if (pszBuffer) { // try to read values into default sized buffer
lErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkAppID, TEXT("Endpoints"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pszBuffer, &dwcbBuffer);
// if buffer is not big enough, extend it and reread
if (lErr == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { delete pszBuffer; lErr = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; pszBuffer = new TCHAR[(dwcbBuffer/sizeof(TCHAR)) + 1]; if (pszBuffer) { lErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkAppID, TEXT("Endpoints"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pszBuffer, &dwcbBuffer); } } }
if ((lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwcbBuffer > 0) && (dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ)) { // parse each string
TCHAR * lpszRegEntry = pszBuffer;
while(*lpszRegEntry) { // caclulate length of entry
int nLenEntry = _tcslen(lpszRegEntry);
// ok its a valid endpoint so parse it
TCHAR* pszProtseq = NULL; TCHAR* pszEndpointData = NULL; TCHAR* pszTmpDynamic = NULL; CEndpointData::EndpointFlags nDynamic;
pszProtseq = _tcstok(lpszRegEntry, TEXT(", "));
pszTmpDynamic = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(", ")); nDynamic = (CEndpointData::EndpointFlags) _ttoi(pszTmpDynamic);
pszEndpointData = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(", "));
// at this point we should have the protseq, endpoint and flags
// .. so add the entry
// ignore result as we will continue even if one fails
AddEndpoint(new CEndpointData(pszProtseq, nDynamic, pszEndpointData)); lpszRegEntry += nLenEntry + 1; } } else if ((lErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (lErr != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) g_util.PostErrorMessage();
delete pszBuffer; m_bChanged = FALSE; SetModified(FALSE);
// select first item
if (!m_colProtseqs.GetCount()) // add default item
m_nSelected = 0; }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnClearEndpoints
// Synopsis: Clears endpoint list and restores default settings
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnClearEndpoints() { // clear protocol list
ClearProtocols(); m_bChanged = TRUE;
m_colProtseqs.AddTail(m_epSysDefault); m_nSelected = 0;
RefreshEPList(); SetModified(TRUE); SetFocus(); }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnRemoveEndpoint
// Synopsis: Updates display after removal of endpoint
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnRemoveEndpoint() { if (m_nSelected != (-1)) { if (m_colProtseqs.GetCount() == 1) OnClearEndpoints(); else { // get the corresponding endpoint data object
CEndpointData * pData = (CEndpointData*) m_lstProtseqs.GetItemData(m_nSelected); POSITION pos = m_colProtseqs. Find(pData, NULL);
if (pos) { // remove item
m_colProtseqs.RemoveAt(pos); if (pData != m_epSysDefault) delete pData;
// update item focus
if (m_nSelected >= m_colProtseqs.GetCount()) m_nSelected = -1;
m_bChanged = TRUE; SetModified(TRUE); RefreshEPList(); SetFocus(); } } } }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnUpdateEndpoint
// Synopsis: Called to process update command btn on existing endpoint
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnUpdateEndpoint() { // if there's a current selection (should always be the case)
if (m_nSelected != -1) { // get the corresponding endpoint data object
CEndpointData * pData = (CEndpointData*) m_lstProtseqs.GetItemData(m_nSelected); if (pData != m_epSysDefault) { CEndpointDetails ced; ced.SetOperation( CEndpointDetails::opUpdateProtocol); ced.SetEndpointData(pData); if (ced.DoModal() == IDOK) { pData = ced.GetEndpointData(pData); m_bChanged = TRUE; SetModified(TRUE); RefreshEPList(); } SetFocus(); } } }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnAddEndpoint
// Synopsis: Called to process add endpoint command button
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnAddEndpoint() { CEndpointDetails ced;
ced.SetOperation( CEndpointDetails::opAddProtocol);
if (ced.DoModal() == IDOK) { // create new endpoint
CEndpointData *pNewEndpoint = new CEndpointData(); ASSERT(pNewEndpoint);
pNewEndpoint = ced.GetEndpointData(pNewEndpoint); ASSERT(pNewEndpoint);
// check if protseq is already in collection
pos = m_colProtseqs.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CEndpointData *pEPD = (CEndpointData*)m_colProtseqs.GetNext(pos); if (pEPD -> m_pProtocol == pNewEndpoint -> m_pProtocol) { delete pNewEndpoint; pNewEndpoint = NULL;
AfxMessageBox((UINT)IDS_DUPLICATE_PROTSEQ); break; } }
// only add the endpoint if its not already in collection
if (pNewEndpoint) { // reset old hilited item
if (m_nSelected != -1) { m_lstProtseqs.SetItemState(m_nSelected, 0, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED); m_lstProtseqs.Update(m_nSelected); }
// add new endpoint
// set new item in list
CString sTmp;
if (pNewEndpoint -> m_pProtocol) sTmp .LoadString(pNewEndpoint -> m_pProtocol -> nResidDesc);
// insert item and store pointer to its associated CEndpointData
int nImageNum = (pNewEndpoint -> m_nDynamicFlags != CEndpointData::edDisableEP) ? 0 : 1; m_nSelected = m_lstProtseqs.InsertItem(0, sTmp, nImageNum);
if (m_nSelected != -1) { m_lstProtseqs.SetItemData(m_nSelected, (DWORD_PTR)pNewEndpoint); UpdateSelection(); m_bChanged = TRUE; SetModified(TRUE); } } } SetFocus(); }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::ClearProtocols
// Synopsis: Clears protocol list
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::ClearProtocols() { // clean up endpoint data collection
pos = m_colProtseqs.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CEndpointData *pEPD = (CEndpointData*)m_colProtseqs.GetNext(pos); if (pEPD != m_epSysDefault) delete pEPD; }
m_colProtseqs.RemoveAll(); m_nSelected = -1; }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::RefreshEPList
// Synopsis: Refreshes display from protocol list
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::RefreshEPList() { POSITION pos = m_colProtseqs.GetHeadPosition(); // clear the list controls current contents
while (pos != NULL) { CString sTmp; CEndpointData *pEPD = (CEndpointData*)m_colProtseqs.GetNext(pos);
if (pEPD -> m_pProtocol) sTmp .LoadString(pEPD -> m_pProtocol -> nResidDesc);
// insert item and store pointer to its associated CEndpointData
int nImageNum = (pEPD -> m_nDynamicFlags != CEndpointData::edDisableEP) ? 0 : 1; m_lstProtseqs.InsertItem(0, sTmp, nImageNum); m_lstProtseqs.SetItemData(0, (DWORD_PTR)pEPD); }
UpdateSelection(); }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::AddEndpoint
// Synopsis: This method adds a new endpoint to the collection
// of endpoints (m_colProtSeqs). If the collection justs consists of
// the default endpoint, it removes it first.
// Arguments: pED - The new endpoint object to add
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::AddEndpoint(CEndpointData* pED) { // remove default item if present
if ((m_colProtseqs.GetCount() == 1) && (m_colProtseqs.GetHead() == m_epSysDefault)) { m_colProtseqs.RemoveAll(); if (m_lstProtseqs.GetItemCount()) m_lstProtseqs.DeleteItem(0); } // add new item
m_colProtseqs.AddTail(pED); m_bChanged = TRUE; }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnSelectProtseq
// Synopsis: This method is called when an element is selected from the listview
// containing the list of protocols and endpoints.
// It updates the buttons and controls to reflect the current selection
// Arguments: Standard args for ListCtrl callbacks
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnSelectProtseq(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { m_nSelected = m_lstProtseqs.GetNextItem(-1, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED);
UpdateSelection(); *pResult = 0; }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::UpdateSelection
// Synopsis: Updates UI after protocol has been selected
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::UpdateSelection() { // check to see what buttons should be enabled
if ((m_colProtseqs.GetCount() == 1) && (m_colProtseqs.GetHead() == m_epSysDefault)) { m_btnClear.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_btnRemove.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_btnUpdate.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { m_btnClear.EnableWindow(TRUE); if (m_nSelected == -1) { m_btnRemove.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_btnUpdate.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { // get the corresponding endpoint data object
CEndpointData * pData = (CEndpointData*) m_lstProtseqs.GetItemData(m_nSelected); m_btnRemove.EnableWindow(TRUE); m_btnUpdate.EnableWindow(TRUE); } }
// set up initial selection
if (m_nSelected != (-1)) { m_lstProtseqs.SetItemState(m_nSelected, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED); m_lstProtseqs.Update(m_nSelected); } UpdateData(FALSE); }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnSetActive
// Synopsis: Called when page is activated
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
BOOL CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnSetActive() { BOOL bRetval = CPropertyPage::OnSetActive();
PostMessage(WM_SETFOCUS); return bRetval; }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnSetFocus
// Synopsis: Called when page gets focus
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd) { CPropertyPage::OnSetFocus(pOldWnd); m_lstProtseqs.SetFocus(); if (m_nSelected != (-1)) { m_lstProtseqs.SetItemState(m_nSelected, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); m_lstProtseqs.Update(m_nSelected); } else { TRACE(TEXT("Invalid state")); }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnKillFocus
// Synopsis: Called when page loses focus
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd) { CPropertyPage::OnKillFocus(pNewWnd); }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnKillActive
// Synopsis: Called when page is deactivated
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
BOOL CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnKillActive() { return CPropertyPage::OnKillActive(); }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnHelpInfo
// Synopsis: Called to display help info on items
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
BOOL CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo) { if(-1 != pHelpInfo->iCtrlId) { WORD hiWord = 0x8000 | CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::IDD; WORD loWord = (WORD) pHelpInfo->iCtrlId; DWORD dwLong = MAKELONG(loWord,hiWord);
WinHelp(dwLong, HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP); TRACE1("Help Id 0x%lx\n", dwLong); return TRUE; } else { return CPropertyPage::OnHelpInfo(pHelpInfo); } }
void CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::OnPropertiesProtseq(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { m_nSelected = m_lstProtseqs.GetNextItem(-1, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED);
OnUpdateEndpoint(); UpdateSelection(); *pResult = 0; }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::ValidateChanges
// Synopsis: To be called to validate the endpoint set before saving
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 02-Dec-96 Ronans Created
BOOL CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::ValidateChanges() { UpdateData(TRUE);
// only validate if data has changed
if (m_bChanged) { // validate endpoint entries
} return TRUE; }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::UpdateChanges
// Synopsis: Called to update the changes to registry
// Arguments: None
// Returns: BOOL success flag
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 27-Oct-97 Ronans Created
BOOL CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::UpdateChanges(HKEY hkAppID) { ASSERT(hkAppID != NULL);
// only write the keys if there have been changes
if (m_bChanged) { // write the DCOM endpoint data to the registry if necessary
// delete old key
lErr = RegDeleteValue(hkAppID, TEXT("Endpoints"));
// if we successfully deleted the old value (or
// there was no old value) then write the new values
if ((lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (lErr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { POSITION pos = NULL; int inxEP = 0; int nLenRegString = 0; TCHAR * lpszBuffer , *lpszBuffer2;
// calculate string length
pos = m_colProtseqs.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CEndpointData *pEPD = (CEndpointData*)m_colProtseqs.GetNext(pos); ASSERT(pEPD != NULL);
if (pEPD != m_epSysDefault) { // create string for saving
CString sKeyValue; sKeyValue.Format(TEXT("%s,%d,%s"), (LPCTSTR)(pEPD -> m_szProtseq), pEPD -> m_nDynamicFlags, (LPCTSTR) pEPD -> m_szEndpoint); nLenRegString += sKeyValue.GetLength() + 1; } }
// if the combined string length is zero, we don't need to write anything
if (nLenRegString) { lpszBuffer2 = lpszBuffer = new TCHAR[nLenRegString+1];
pos = m_colProtseqs.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CEndpointData *pEPD = (CEndpointData*)m_colProtseqs.GetNext(pos);
if (pEPD != m_epSysDefault) { // create string for saving
CString sKeyValue; sKeyValue.Format(TEXT("%s,%d,%s"), (LPCTSTR)(pEPD -> m_szProtseq), pEPD -> m_nDynamicFlags, (LPCTSTR) pEPD -> m_szEndpoint); lstrcpy(lpszBuffer2, sKeyValue); lpszBuffer2 += sKeyValue.GetLength() + 1; // skip over trailing null
} } *lpszBuffer2 = 0;
// write out the string
lErr = RegSetValueEx(hkAppID, (LPCTSTR)TEXT("Endpoints"), NULL, REG_MULTI_SZ, (BYTE*)(LPCTSTR)lpszBuffer, (nLenRegString + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
delete lpszBuffer; } } else g_util.PostErrorMessage();
SetModified(FALSE); }
return TRUE; }
// Member: CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::CancelChanges
// Synopsis: Called to cancel the changes to registry
// Arguments: None
// Returns: BOOL success flag
// Algorithm: N/A
// History: 27-Oct-97 Ronans Created
BOOL CRpcOptionsPropertyPage::CancelChanges() { return TRUE; }