Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. {\rtf1\ansi \deff4\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f4\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;
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  3. \f4\fs20 \snext0 Normal;}{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}{\s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 \sbasedon0\snext15 footnote text;}{\*\cs16 \additive\super \sbasedon10 footnote reference;}}{\info{\author Bruce Mansfield}{\creatim\yr1996\mo5\dy8\hr10\min55}
  4. {\version1}{\edmins678}{\nofpages0}{\nofwords0}{\nofchars0}{\vern49221}}\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\formshade \fet0\sectd \linex0\endnhere {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang
  5. {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang
  6. {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain
  7. \widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_PROPPAGE1}} This is the initial property page of the top property sheet.
  8. \par \pard \widctlpar \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_PROPERTIESBUTTON}} The Properties... button invokes the property sheet for the currently selected application. The property sheet may also be invo
  9. ked by double clicking on the selected application.
  10. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_RUNASBROWSEBTN}} Rather than typing in the name of the user under whose identity this application is to run, this Browse...
  11. button maybe used to browse for the approproate user. It may be used to scan for users on this and all connected domains.
  12. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_ATBITSCHECK}} This check box determines whether the application
  13. is to be run where the data for the object being invoked is located. This is commonly known as AtBits activation, because the application is launched on the machine where the bits of the data file are located.
  14. \par \pard \widctlpar \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_RUNREMOTECK}} Use this check box to force the application to be run on a remote machine. If this is checked then a valid m
  15. achine name must be entered into the associated edit box just below this check box. This can be done either manually or via the browse button.
  16. \par \pard \widctlpar \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_EDITDEFAULTACCESSSECURITY}} Default Access Permissions defines those groups and users who are permitted to access COM/DCOM applications runnning
  17. on this machine. Using the Edit Default... button invokes the Access Control List Editor through which the user may add/remove/modify those users and groups who may access or are denied access to COM/DCOM applications running on this machine.
  18. \par \pard \widctlpar \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_SERVERLISTBOX}} This lists the COM servers registered on this machine. A list entry is the title for that server, or its AppID if the title is blank.
  19. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_RUNLOCALLYCK}} Check this if the application is to run locally.
  20. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_RUNREMOTEEDIT}} Enter the name of the remote machine where the application is to run.
  21. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_ENABLEDCOMCK}} In order for Distributed COM to be enabled on this machine this box must be checked. If it is not checked then remote clients may not activate DCOM
  22. servers on this machine.
  23. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_REFTRACKING}} Check this box if additional security for reference tracking in legacy applications is desired. . This capability means DCOM will prevent malicous user
  24. s from releasing objects. However, it is quite expensive. The authentication level cannot be set to (None) if this is checked.
  25. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_DEFAULTAUTHLEVEL}} Use this combination box to select the default RPC authentication level for COM/DCOM calls.
  26. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_DEFAULTIMPERLEVEL}} Use this combination box to select the default RPC impersonation level for COM/DCOM calls.
  27. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_ACCESSPERMISSIONBTN}}
  28. Use this button to edit the list of users and groups who are either granted access permission to this application or who are denied access permission.
  29. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_LAUNCHPERMISSIONBTN}} Use this button to edit the list of users and groups who are either granted launch permission to this application or who are denied launch
  30. permission.
  31. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_CONFIGURATIONPERMISSIONBTN}} Use this button to edit the list of users and groups who are allowed to read/modify registry configuration information for this applcation.
  32. The Security Descriptor built by this edit session will get written to the AppID key for this application as well as each CLSID key, as well as all of its subkeys, for this application.
  33. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_DEFAULTACCESSRADIO}} Check this radio button if the list of users/groups allowed to access this application should be determined via the Default Access Permissions
  34. . If this radio button is not checked, then the user may use the edit button to the right to edit the list of users/groups permitted to access or are denied access to this application.
  35. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_DEFAULTLAUNCHRADIO}} Check this radio button if the list of users/groups allowed to launch this application should be determined via the Default Launch Permissions
  36. . If this radio button is not checked, then the user may use the edit button to the right to edit the list of users/groups permitted to launch or are denied launch of this application.
  37. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_DEFAULTCONFIGURATIONRADIO}} Check this radio button if the list of users/groups allowed to read/modify registry information for this application
  38. should be determined by the Default Configuraton Permissions. If this radio button is not checked, then the user may use the edit button to the right to edit the list of users/groups permitted to read/modify registry information for this application.
  39. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_INTERACTIVEUSERRADIO}} Check this radio button if the application is to run as the interactive user.
  40. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_LAUNCHINGUSERRADIO}} Check this radio button if the application is to run with the identify of the client; that is, with the security identity of the launching user.
  41. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_RUNASUSERRADIO}} Select this radio button if the application is to be launched with the identity of the user specified below.
  42. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_SYSTEMACCOUNTRADIO}} Check this radio button if the application service is to be run as LocalSystem. This is only meaningful for a DCOM application which is
  43. to be run as a Windows NT service. If the application is not a service, this radio button is disabled. Note that the application must already be registered in the Service Control Manager database.
  44. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_RUNASUSEREDIT}} Enter the domain and account name of the user under whose identity this application is to run. This should be entered in the form <domain>\\
  45. <user>. The domain may be any valid domain or the name of this machine. If <domain> is absent then it defaults to this machine.
  46. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_RUNASPASSWORDEDIT}} Enter the password of the user under whose identity this application is to run. It is permissible for the password to be blank; howeever, t
  47. his will work only if the domain account for the user also has a blank password.
  48. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_RUNASCONFIRMEDIT}} Re-enter the password of the user under whose identity this application is to run. This edit box is used simply to confirm
  49. the password. It is a safety feature.
  50. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_EDITDEFAULTLAUNCHSECURITY}} Default Launch Permissions defines those groups and users who are permitted to launch
  51. COM/DCOM applications supported on this machine. Using the Edit Default... button invokes the Access Control List Editor through which the user may add/remove/modify those users and groups who may launch or are denied launch of COM/DCOM applications on
  52. this machine.
  53. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_EDITDEFAULTCONFIGURATIONSECURITY}} Default Configuration Permissions defines those groups and users who are permitted to read/modify registry configuraton
  54. information for COM/DCM applications. Using the Edit Default... button invokes the Access Control List Editor through which the user may define which users and groups have what access to COM/DCOM registry information.
  55. The Security Descriptor returned by the ACL editor is written to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and all of its subkeys.
  56. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_TERMINATEBTN}} Use this button to terminate the selected application in the above list box.
  57. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_STARTBTN}} Use this button to (re)start the selected service in the above list box.
  58. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_PAUSEBTN}} Use this button to pause the selected service in the above list box.
  59. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_REMOTEMACHINE}} If the application is to be run on a remote machine, this is the name of that remote machine.
  60. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_SERVERNAME}} The name of this application. This is the same as the unnamed value in the registry on the AppID key for this application.
  61. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_SERVERPATH}} This is the executable file path for this application.
  62. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_SERVERTYPE}} This is the type of this application. This will be either \ldblquote local server, \ldblquote local service\rdblquote or \ldblquote remote server
  63. \rdblquote .
  64. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_RUNNINGINSTANCES}} This is a list of the instances of this application (server or service) currently running on this machine.
  65. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_EDITACCESSRADIO}} Enable this radio button in order to edit the access permissions for this application. Otherwise the Default Access Permissions will be used.
  66. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_EDITLAUNCHRADIO}} Enable this radio button in order to edit the launch permissions for this application. Otherwise the Default Launch Permissions will be used.
  67. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_EDITCONFIGURATIONRADIO}} Enable this radio button in order to edit the configuration permissions for this application. Otherwise the Default Configuration P
  68. ermissions will be used.
  69. \par \page {\cs16\super #{\footnote \pard\plain \s15\widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\cs16\super #} IDH_REMOTEBROWSEBTN}} You may use this button to browse for the name of the desired remote machine rather than typing it in.
  70. \par }