// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1992
// File: chinst.cxx
// Contents: DocFile child instance management code
// History: 19-Nov-91 DrewB Created
#include <dfhead.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// Permissions checked in the less-restrictive rule
// Method: CChildInstanceList::Add, private
// Synopsis: Registers an instance of a child
// Arguments: [prv] - Child
// History: 17-Oct-91 DrewB Created
#pragma code_seg(SEG_CChildInstanceList_Add)
void CChildInstanceList::Add(PRevertable *prv) { olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CChildInstanceList::Add(%p)\n", prv)); prv->_prvNext = _prvHead; _prvHead = P_TO_BP(CBasedRevertablePtr, prv); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CChildInstanceList::Add\n")); }
// Member: CChildInstanceList::FindByName, private
// Synopsis: Finds a child instance by name
// Arguments: [pdfn] - Name
// Returns: Pointer to instance or NULL
// History: 12-Nov-92 DrewB Created
#pragma code_seg(SEG_CChildInstanceList_FindByName)
PRevertable *CChildInstanceList::FindByName(CDfName const *pdfn) { PRevertable *prv;
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CChildInstanceList::FindByName:%p(%ws)\n", this, pdfn->GetBuffer())); for (prv = BP_TO_P(PRevertable *, _prvHead); prv; prv = BP_TO_P(PRevertable *, prv->_prvNext)) { if (prv->_dfn.IsEqual(pdfn)) return prv; } olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CChildInstanceList::FindByName\n")); return NULL; }
// Member: CChildInstanceList::FlushBufferedData, private
// Synopsis: Calls each child, instructing it to flush property data.
// Arguments: [recursionlevel] -- current level in hierachy below initial
// entry point.
// Returns: SCODE
// History: 5-May-1995 BillMo Created
#pragma code_seg(SEG_CChildInstanceList_FindByName)
SCODE CChildInstanceList::FlushBufferedData(int recursionlevel) { PRevertable *prv; SCODE sc = S_OK;
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CChildInstanceList::FlushBufferedData:%p\n", this));
for (prv = BP_TO_P(PRevertable *, _prvHead); prv && sc == S_OK; prv = BP_TO_P(PRevertable *, prv->_prvNext)) { sc = prv->FlushBufferedData(recursionlevel + 1); } olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CChildInstanceList::FlushBufferedData\n")); return sc; } #endif
// Method: CChildInstanceList::DeleteByName, private
// Synopsis: Removes an instance from the instance list
// and reverts it
// Arguments: [pdfn] - Name or NULL
// History: 17-Oct-91 DrewB Created
// Notes: The entry does not have to exist
// There can be multiple entries
// If name is NULL, all entries match
#pragma code_seg(SEG_CChildInstanceList_DeleteByName)
void CChildInstanceList::DeleteByName(CDfName const *pdfn) { CBasedRevertablePtr *pprv;
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CChildInstanceList::DeleteByName(%ws)\n", pdfn->GetBuffer())); for (pprv = &_prvHead; *pprv; ) if (NULL == pdfn || (*pprv)->_dfn.IsEqual(pdfn)) { (*pprv)->RevertFromAbove(); *pprv = (*pprv)->_prvNext; } else pprv = &(*pprv)->_prvNext; olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CChildInstanceList::DeleteByName\n")); }
// Method: CChildInstanceList::RemoveRv, private
// Synopsis: Removes a specific instance from the instance list
// Arguments: [prv] - Instance
// History: 17-Oct-91 DrewB Created
// Notes: The entry does not have to exist
#pragma code_seg(SEG_CChildInstanceList_RemoveRv)
void CChildInstanceList::RemoveRv(PRevertable *prvRv) { CBasedRevertablePtr *prv;
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CChildInstanceList::RemoveRv(%p)\n", prvRv)); for (prv = &_prvHead; *prv; prv = &(*prv)->_prvNext) if (*prv == prvRv) { *prv = (*prv)->_prvNext; break; } olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CChildInstanceList::RemoveRv\n")); }
// Method: CChildInstanceList::IsDenied, private
// Synopsis: Checks the parent instantiation list for a previous
// instance of the given child with DENY flags on
// Also determines whether child mode flags are
// less restrictive than the parent's
// Arguments: [pdfn] - Instance name
// [dfCheck] - Access modes to check for denial
// [dfAgainst] - Access modes to check against
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 17-Oct-91 DrewB Created
// 28-Oct-92 AlexT Converted to names
// Notes: The instance doesn't have to be in the list.
// If it isn't, it's not denied
#pragma code_seg(SEG_CChildInstanceList_IsDenied)
SCODE CChildInstanceList::IsDenied(CDfName const *pdfn, DFLAGS const dfCheck, DFLAGS const dfAgainst) { PRevertable *prv; SCODE sc = S_OK;
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CChildInstanceList::IsDenied(" "%p, %lX, %lX)\n", pdfn, dfCheck, dfAgainst));
olAssert(pdfn != NULL && aMsg("IsDenied, null name"));
// Check to see if permissions are less restrictive than
// parent permissions
// This checks to see that a child isn't specifying
// a permission that its parent doesn't
// For example, giving read permission when the parent
// doesn't
if ((~dfAgainst & dfCheck & (P_TRANSACTED(dfAgainst) ? TCANTSET : DCANTSET)) || (dfAgainst & ~dfCheck & CANTCLEAR)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDFLAG);
// Check for DENY_*
olAssert((DF_DENYALL >> DF_DENIALSHIFT) == DF_READWRITE); for (prv = BP_TO_P(PRevertable *, _prvHead); prv != NULL; prv = prv->GetNext()) { if (prv->_dfn.IsEqual(pdfn)) { // Check for existing instance with DENY_* mode
if ((((prv->GetDFlags() & DF_DENYALL) >> DF_DENIALSHIFT) & dfCheck) != 0 || // Check for instance with permission already given that
// new instance wants to deny
(((dfCheck & DF_DENYALL) >> DF_DENIALSHIFT) & prv->GetDFlags()) != 0) { sc = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; break; } } } olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CChildInstanceList::IsDenied\n")); // Fall through
EH_Err: return sc; }
// Member: CChildInstanceList::EmptyCache, public
// Synopsis: empties the stream caches
// History: 22-Jun-99 HenryLee Created
void CChildInstanceList::EmptyCache () { for (PRevertable *prv = BP_TO_P(PRevertable *, _prvHead); prv != NULL; prv = prv->GetNext()) { prv->EmptyCache(); } }