// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: dffuncs.hxx
// Contents: CDocFile inline functions
// In a separate file to avoid circular dependencies
// History: 06-Nov-92 DrewB Created
#ifndef __DFFUNCS_HXX__
#define __DFFUNCS_HXX__
#include <dfbasis.hxx>
#include <cdocfile.hxx>
#include <sstream.hxx>
// Member: CDocFile::operator new, public
// Synopsis: Unreserved object allocator
// Arguments: [size] -- byte count to allocate
// [pMalloc] -- allocator
// History: 25-May-93 AlexT Created
inline void *CDocFile::operator new(size_t size, IMalloc * const pMalloc) { return(CMallocBased::operator new(size, pMalloc)); }
// Member: CDocFile::operator new, public
// Synopsis: Reserved object allocator
// Arguments: [size] -- byte count to allocate
// [pdfb] -- basis
// History: 25-May-93 AlexT Created
inline void *CDocFile::operator new(size_t size, CDFBasis * const pdfb) { olAssert(size == sizeof(CDocFile));
return pdfb->GetFreeList(CDFB_DIRECTDOCFILE)->GetReserved(); }
// Member: CDocFile::ReturnToReserve, public
// Synopsis: Reserved object return
// Arguments: [pdfb] -- basis
// History: 25-May-93 AlexT Created
inline void CDocFile::ReturnToReserve(CDFBasis * const pdfb) { CDocFile::~CDocFile(); pdfb->GetFreeList(CDFB_DIRECTDOCFILE)->ReturnToReserve(this); }
// Member: CDocFile::Reserve, public
// Synopsis: Reserve instances
// Arguments: [cItems] -- count of items
// [pdfb] -- basis
// History: 25-May-93 AlexT Created
inline SCODE CDocFile::Reserve(UINT cItems, CDFBasis * const pdfb) { return pdfb->Reserve(cItems, CDFB_DIRECTDOCFILE); }
// Member: CDocFile::Unreserve, public
// Synopsis: Unreserve instances
// Arguments: [cItems] -- count of items
// [pdfb] -- basis
// History: 25-May-93 AlexT Created
inline void CDocFile::Unreserve(UINT cItems, CDFBasis * const pdfb) { pdfb->Unreserve(cItems, CDFB_DIRECTDOCFILE); }
// Member: CDocFile::CDocFile, public
// Synopsis: Empty object ctor
// Arguments: [dl] - LUID
// [pdfb] - Basis
// History: 30-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline CDocFile::CDocFile(DFLUID dl, CDFBasis *pdfb) : PDocFile(dl), _pdfb(P_TO_BP(CBasedDFBasisPtr, pdfb)) { _cReferences = 0; _sig = CDOCFILE_SIG; }
// Member: CDocFile::CDocFile, public
// Synopsis: Handle-setting construction
// Arguments: [pms] - MultiStream to use
// [sid] - SID to use
// [dl] - LUID
// [pdfb] - Basis
// History: 29-Jan-92 DrewB Created
inline CDocFile::CDocFile(CMStream *pms, SID sid, DFLUID dl, CDFBasis *pdfb) : PDocFile(dl), _pdfb(P_TO_BP(CBasedDFBasisPtr, pdfb)) { _stgh.Init(pms, sid); _cReferences = 0; _sig = CDOCFILE_SIG; }
// Member: CDocFile::~CDocFile, public
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 19-Dec-91 DrewB Created
inline CDocFile::~CDocFile(void) { olAssert(_cReferences == 0); _sig = CDOCFILE_SIGDEL; if (_stgh.IsValid()) { if (_stgh.IsRoot()) DllReleaseMultiStream(_stgh.GetMS()); } }
// Member: CDocFile::GetReservedDocfile, public
// Synopsis: Gets a previously reserved object
// History: 09-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline CDocFile *CDocFile::GetReservedDocfile(DFLUID luid) { CDFBasis *pdfb = BP_TO_P(CDFBasis *, _pdfb); return new(pdfb) CDocFile(luid, pdfb); }
// Member: CDocFile::GetReservedStream, public
// Synopsis: Gets a previously reserved object
// History: 09-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline CDirectStream *CDocFile::GetReservedStream(DFLUID luid) { return new(_pdfb) CDirectStream(luid); }
// Member: CDocFile::GetHandle, public
// Synopsis: Returns the handle
// History: 05-Aug-92 DrewB Created
inline CStgHandle *CDocFile::GetHandle(void) { return &_stgh; }
// Member: CDocFile::DecRef, public
// Synopsis: Decrements the ref count
// History: 23-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDocFile::DecRef(void) { AtomicDec(&_cReferences); }
// Member: CDocFile::ReturnDocFile, public
// Synopsis: Returns a child to the freelist
// Arguments: [pdf] - Docfile
// History: 23-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDocFile::ReturnDocFile(CDocFile *pdf) { olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CDocFile::ReturnDocFile:%p(%p)\n", this, pdf)); // Force ref count to zero without freeing memory
pdf->DecRef(); pdf->ReturnToReserve(BP_TO_P(CDFBasis *, _pdfb)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CDocFile::ReturnDocFile\n")); }
// Member: CDocFile::ReturnStream, public
// Synopsis: Returns a stream to the freelist
// Arguments: [pstm] - Stream
// History: 23-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDocFile::ReturnStream(CDirectStream *pstm) { olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CDocFile::ReturnStream:%p(%p)\n", this, pstm)); // Force ref count to zero without freeing memory
pstm->DecRef(); pstm->ReturnToReserve(BP_TO_P(CDFBasis *, _pdfb)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CDocFile::ReturnStream\n")); }
#endif // #ifndef __DFFUNCS_HXX__