// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: dirfunc.hxx
// Contents: Inline functions for Directory code
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 28-Oct-92 PhilipLa Created
#ifndef __DIRFUNC_HXX__
#define __DIRFUNC_HXX__
#include <page.hxx>
inline void CDirEntry::Init(MSENTRYFLAGS mse) { msfAssert(sizeof(CDirEntry) == DIRENTRYSIZE);
memset(this, 0, sizeof(CDirEntry));
msfAssert(mse <= 0xff); _mse = (BYTE) mse; _bflags = 0;
_dfn.Set((WORD)0, (BYTE *)NULL); _sidLeftSib = _sidRightSib = _sidChild = NOSTREAM;
if (STORAGELIKE(_mse)) { _clsId = IID_NULL; _dwUserFlags = 0; } if (STREAMLIKE(_mse)) { _sectStart = ENDOFCHAIN; _ulSize.QuadPart = 0; } }
inline BOOL CDirEntry::IsFree(VOID) const { return _mse == 0; }
inline BOOL CDirEntry::IsEntry(CDfName const * pdfn) const { return !IsFree() && pdfn->IsEqual(&_dfn); }
inline void CDirEntry::SetLeftSib(const SID sid) { _sidLeftSib = sid; }
inline void CDirEntry::SetRightSib(const SID sid) { _sidRightSib = sid; }
inline void CDirEntry::SetChild(const SID sid) { _sidChild = sid; }
inline void CDirEntry::SetName(const CDfName *pdfn) { _dfn.Set(pdfn->GetLength(), pdfn->GetBuffer()); }
inline void CDirEntry::ZeroName() { _dfn.Zero(); }
inline void CDirEntry::SetStart(const SECT sect) { msfAssert(STREAMLIKE(_mse)); _sectStart=sect; }
inline void CDirEntry::SetSize(const ULONGLONG ulSize) #else
inline void CDirEntry::SetSize(const ULONG ulSize) #endif
{ msfAssert(STREAMLIKE(_mse)); _ulSize.QuadPart=ulSize; }
inline void CDirEntry::SetFlags(const MSENTRYFLAGS mse) { msfAssert(mse <= 0xff); _mse = (const BYTE) mse; }
inline void CDirEntry::SetBitFlags(BYTE bValue, BYTE bMask) { _bflags = (_bflags & ~bMask) | (bValue & bMask); }
inline void CDirEntry::SetColor(DECOLOR color) { SetBitFlags((BYTE) color, DECOLORBIT); }
inline void CDirEntry::SetTime(WHICHTIME tt, TIME_T nt) { msfAssert((tt == WT_CREATION) || (tt == WT_MODIFICATION)); _time[tt] = nt; } inline void CDirEntry::SetAllTimes(TIME_T atm, TIME_T mtm, TIME_T ctm) {
_time[WT_MODIFICATION] = mtm; _time[WT_CREATION] = ctm; }
inline void CDirEntry::SetClassId(GUID cls) { msfAssert(STORAGELIKE(_mse)); _clsId = cls; }
inline void CDirEntry::SetUserFlags(DWORD dwUserFlags, DWORD dwMask) { msfAssert(STORAGELIKE(_mse)); _dwUserFlags = (_dwUserFlags & ~dwMask) | (dwUserFlags & dwMask); }
inline SID CDirEntry::GetLeftSib(VOID) const { return _sidLeftSib; }
inline SID CDirEntry::GetRightSib(VOID) const { return _sidRightSib; }
inline SID CDirEntry::GetChild(VOID) const { return _sidChild; }
inline GUID CDirEntry::GetClassId(VOID) const { msfAssert(STORAGELIKE(_mse)); return _clsId; }
inline CDfName const * CDirEntry::GetName(VOID) const { return &_dfn; }
inline SECT CDirEntry::GetStart(VOID) const { msfAssert(STREAMLIKE(_mse)); return _sectStart; }
inline ULONGLONG CDirEntry::GetSize(BOOL fLarge) const #else
inline ULONG CDirEntry::GetSize(VOID) const #endif
{ msfAssert(STREAMLIKE(_mse)); #ifdef LARGE_STREAMS
return (fLarge) ? _ulSize.QuadPart : _ulSize.LowPart; #else
return _ulSize.LowPart; #endif
inline MSENTRYFLAGS CDirEntry::GetFlags(VOID) const { return (MSENTRYFLAGS) _mse; }
inline BYTE CDirEntry::GetBitFlags(VOID) const { return _bflags; }
inline DECOLOR CDirEntry::GetColor(VOID) const { return((DECOLOR) (GetBitFlags() & DECOLORBIT)); }
inline TIME_T CDirEntry::GetTime(WHICHTIME tt) const { msfAssert((tt == WT_CREATION) || (tt == WT_MODIFICATION)); return _time[tt]; } inline void CDirEntry::GetAllTimes(TIME_T *patm, TIME_T *pmtm, TIME_T *pctm) {
*patm = *pmtm = _time[WT_MODIFICATION]; *pctm = _time[WT_CREATION]; }
inline DWORD CDirEntry::GetUserFlags(VOID) const { msfAssert(STORAGELIKE(_mse)); return _dwUserFlags; }
inline CDirEntry * CDirSect::GetEntry(DIROFFSET iEntry) { return &(_adeEntry[iEntry]); }
// Method: CDirVector::CDirVector, public
// Synopsis: Default constructor
// History: 20-Apr-92 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
inline CDirVector::CDirVector() : CPagedVector(SIDDIR) { _cbSector = 0; }
// Method: CDirVector::GetTable, public
// Synopsis: Return a pointer to a DirSect for the given index
// into the vector.
// Arguments: [iTable] -- index into vector
// Returns: Pointer to CDirSect indicated by index
// History: 27-Dec-91 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
inline SCODE CDirVector::GetTable( const DIRINDEX iTable, const DWORD dwFlags, CDirSect **ppds) { SCODE sc;
sc = CPagedVector::GetTable(iTable, dwFlags, (void **)ppds);
if (sc == STG_S_NEWPAGE) { (*ppds)->Init(_cbSector); } return sc; }
inline DIRINDEX CDirectory::SidToTable(SID sid) const { return (DIRINDEX)(sid / _cdeEntries); }
inline SCODE CDirectory::GetName(const SID sid, CDfName *pdfn) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_NONE, &pde)); *pdfn = *(CDfName *)pde->GetName(); ReleaseEntry(sid); Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectory::GetStart, public
// Synposis: Retrieves the starting sector of a directory entry
// Arguments: [sid] -- Stream ID of stream in question
// Returns: Starting sector of stream
// Algorithm: Return the starting sector of the stream. If the
// identifier is SIDFAT, return 0. If the identifier
// is SIDDIR, return 1. Otherwise, return the starting
// sector of the entry in question.
// History: 18-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 15-May-92 AlexT Made inline, restricted sid.
// Notes:
inline SCODE CDirectory::GetStart(const SID sid, SECT *psect) { msfAssert(sid <= MAXREGSID); SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_NONE, &pde)); *psect = pde->GetStart(); ReleaseEntry(sid); Err: return sc; }
inline SCODE CDirectory::GetSize( const SID sid, #ifdef LARGE_STREAMS
ULONGLONG * pulSize) #else
ULONG * pulSize) #endif
{ SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_NONE, &pde));
*pulSize = pde->GetSize(IsLargeSector()); #else
*pulSize = pde->GetSize(); #endif
ReleaseEntry(sid); Err: return sc; }
inline SCODE CDirectory::GetChild(const SID sid, SID * psid) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_NONE, &pde)); *psid = pde->GetChild(); ReleaseEntry(sid); Err: return sc; }
inline SCODE CDirectory::GetFlags( const SID sid, MSENTRYFLAGS *pmse) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_NONE, &pde)); *pmse = pde->GetFlags(); ReleaseEntry(sid);
Err: return sc; }
inline SCODE CDirectory::GetClassId(const SID sid, GUID *pcls) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_NONE, &pde)); *pcls = pde->GetClassId(); ReleaseEntry(sid); Err: return sc; }
inline SCODE CDirectory::GetUserFlags(const SID sid, DWORD *pdwUserFlags) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_NONE, &pde)); *pdwUserFlags = pde->GetUserFlags(); ReleaseEntry(sid);
Err: return sc; }
inline SCODE CDirectory::GetTime( const SID sid, WHICHTIME tt, TIME_T *ptime) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_NONE, &pde)); *ptime = pde->GetTime(tt == WT_ACCESS ? WT_MODIFICATION : tt); ReleaseEntry(sid); Err: return sc; }
inline SCODE CDirectory::GetAllTimes( const SID sid, TIME_T *patm, TIME_T *pmtm, TIME_T *pctm) { SCODE sc; CDirEntry *pde;
msfChk(GetDirEntry(sid, FB_NONE, &pde)); pde->GetAllTimes(patm, pmtm, pctm); ReleaseEntry(sid); Err: return sc; }
inline SID CDirectory::PairToSid( DIRINDEX iTable, DIROFFSET iEntry) const { return (SID)((iTable * _cdeEntries) + iEntry); }
inline SCODE CDirectory::SidToPair( SID sid, DIRINDEX* pipds, DIROFFSET* pide) const { *pipds = (DIRINDEX)(sid / _cdeEntries); *pide = (DIROFFSET)(sid % _cdeEntries); return S_OK; }
inline void CDirectory::SetParent(CMStream *pms) { _pmsParent = P_TO_BP(CBasedMStreamPtr, pms); _dv.SetParent(pms); }
inline SCODE CDirectory::IsEntry(SID const sidParent, CDfName const *pdfn, SEntryBuffer *peb) { return FindEntry(sidParent, pdfn, DEOP_FIND, peb); }
// Method: CDirectory::Flush, private
// Synopsis: Write a dirsector out to the parent
// Arguments: [sid] -- SID of modified dirEntry
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm: Convert SID into table number, then write that
// table out to the parent Multistream
// History: 18-Feb-92 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
inline SCODE CDirectory::Flush(VOID) { return _dv.Flush(); }
// Member: CDirectory::GetNumDirSects, public
// Synopsis: Return the size of the directory in sectors
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: Size of directory chain in sectors
// History: 01-Jun-94 PhilipLa Created
inline ULONG CDirectory::GetNumDirSects(void) const { return _cdsTable; }
// Member: CDirectory::GetNumDirEntries, public
// Synopsis: Return the size of the directory in Entries.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: Size of directory chain in Directory Entries.
// History: 14-Feb-97 BChapman Created
inline ULONG CDirectory::GetNumDirEntries(void) const { return (_cdsTable * _cdeEntries); }
// Member: CDirectory::IsLargeSector, public
// Synopsis: Return true if this is a large sector docfile
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: true if _cdeEntries > 4
// History: 03-Sep-98 HenryLee Created
inline BOOL CDirectory::IsLargeSector () const { return (_cdeEntries > (HEADERSIZE / DIRENTRYSIZE)); }
#endif // #ifndef __DIRFUNC_HXX__