// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: pbstream.hxx
// Contents: CPubStream definition
// Classes: CPubStream
// History: 16-Jan-92 PhilipLa Created.
// 12-Jun-96 MikeHill Moved the body of the FlushNoException
// method to the new Write method (except for
// the Commit). Made Flush & FlushNoException
// inline.
// 21-Jun-96 MikeHill Declare CPubMappedStream::_pb as based.
// 01-Jul-96 MikeHill - Adjust signatures for Win32 SEH removal.
// - Added _powner member to CPubMappedStream.
// 11-Feb-97 Danl - Make CPubMappedStream inherit from
// IMappedStream and stub IUnknowns.
#ifndef __PBSTREAM_HXX__
#define __PBSTREAM_HXX__
#include <msf.hxx>
#include <revert.hxx>
#include <psstream.hxx>
#include <smalloc.hxx>
class CPubDocFile; class CPubStream; SAFE_DFBASED_PTR (CBasedPubStreamPtr, CPubStream); SAFE_DFBASED_PTR (CBasedMappedStreamPtr, IMappedStream);
// Class: CPubMappedStream
// Purpose: Structure that lives in shared memory for
// mapped stream implementation.
// History: 1-May-95 BillMo Created.
// Notes:
class CPubMappedStream {
public: CPubMappedStream(CPubStream *pst) { _pb = NULL; _cbUsed = 0; _cbOriginalStreamSize = 0; _fDirty = FALSE; _fLowMem = FALSE; _fChangePending = FALSE; _pst = P_TO_BP(CBasedPubStreamPtr, pst); _powner = NULL; }
~CPubMappedStream() { msfAssert(_pb == NULL); }
VOID Open(IN NTPROP np, OUT LONG *phr); VOID Close(OUT LONG *phr); VOID ReOpen(IN OUT VOID **ppv, OUT LONG *phr); VOID Quiesce(VOID); VOID Map(IN BOOLEAN fCreate, OUT VOID **ppv); VOID Unmap(IN BOOLEAN fFlush, IN OUT VOID **ppv); VOID Flush(OUT LONG *phr);
ULONG GetSize(OUT LONG *phr); VOID SetSize(IN ULONG cb, IN BOOLEAN fPersistent, IN OUT VOID **ppv, OUT LONG *phr); NTSTATUS Lock(IN BOOLEAN fExclusive); NTSTATUS Unlock(VOID); VOID QueryTimeStamps(OUT STATPROPSETSTG *pspss, BOOLEAN fNonSimple) const; BOOLEAN QueryModifyTime(OUT LONGLONG *pll) const; BOOLEAN QuerySecurity(OUT ULONG *pul) const;
BOOLEAN IsWriteable(VOID) const; BOOLEAN IsModified(VOID) const; VOID SetModified(OUT LONG *phr); HANDLE GetHandle(VOID) const;
#if DBG
BOOLEAN SetChangePending(BOOLEAN fChangePending); BOOLEAN IsNtMappedStream(VOID) const; #endif
inline IMalloc * GetMalloc(VOID); inline VOID Cleanup(VOID); HRESULT Write ();
#if DBG
inline ULONG BytesCommitted(VOID) { return _cbUsed; } VOID DfpdbgFillUnusedMemory(VOID); VOID DfpdbgCheckUnusedMemory(VOID); #else
VOID DfpdbgFillUnusedMemory(VOID) {} VOID DfpdbgCheckUnusedMemory(VOID) {} #endif
CBasedPubStreamPtr _pst; CBasedBytePtr _pb; ULONG _cbUsed; ULONG _cbOriginalStreamSize; BOOLEAN _fDirty; BOOLEAN _fLowMem; BOOLEAN _fChangePending; CBasedBytePtr _powner; // Owner of this mapped stream.
}; // class CPubMappedstream
// Class: CPubStream
// Purpose: Public stream interface
// Interface: See below
// History: 16-Jan-92 PhilipLa Created.
class CPubStream : public PRevertable { public:
CPubStream(CPubDocFile *ppdf, DFLAGS df, CDfName const *pdfn); ~CPubStream();
void Init(PSStream *psParent, DFLUID dlLUID); inline void vAddRef(void); void vRelease(void);
// PRevertable
void RevertFromAbove(void); #ifdef NEWPROPS
SCODE FlushBufferedData(int recursionlevel); #endif
SCODE Stat(STATSTGW *pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag); #ifdef LARGE_STREAMS
inline SCODE ReadAt(ULONGLONG ulOffset, #else
inline SCODE ReadAt(ULONG ulOffset, #endif
inline SCODE WriteAt(ULONGLONG ulOffset, #else
inline SCODE WriteAt(ULONG ulOffset, #endif
inline SCODE GetSize(ULONGLONG *pcb); inline SCODE SetSize(ULONGLONG cb); #else
inline SCODE GetSize(ULONG *pcb); inline SCODE SetSize(ULONG cb); #endif
inline PSStream *GetSt(void) const; #ifdef NEWPROPS
inline CPubMappedStream & GetMappedStream(void); inline const CPubMappedStream & GetConstMappedStream(void); #endif
inline SCODE CheckReverted(void) const; inline ULONG GetTransactedDepth () const;
inline void SetClean(void); inline void SetDirty(void);
SCODE Commit(DWORD dwFlags);
inline void EmptyCache ();
private: CBasedSStreamPtr _psParent; CBasedPubDocFilePtr _ppdfParent; BOOL _fDirty; LONG _cReferences; #ifdef NEWPROPS
CPubMappedStream _PubMappedStream; #endif
// Member: CPubStream::CheckReverted, public
// Synopsis: Returns revertedness
// History: 11-Aug-92 DrewB Created
inline SCODE CPubStream::CheckReverted(void) const { return P_REVERTED(_df) ? STG_E_REVERTED : S_OK; }
// Member: CPubStream::AddRef, public
// Synopsis: Increments the ref count
// History: 26-Feb-92 DrewB Created
inline void CPubStream::vAddRef(void) { InterlockedIncrement(&_cReferences); }
// Member: CPubStream::GetSt, public
// Synopsis: Returns _psParent
// History: 26-Feb-92 DrewB Created
inline PSStream *CPubStream::GetSt(void) const { return BP_TO_P(PSStream *, _psParent); }
// Member: CPubStream::GetMappedStream, public
// Synopsis: Returns this as a CPubMappedStream
// History: 26-May-95 BillMo Created
inline CPubMappedStream & CPubStream::GetMappedStream(void) { return _PubMappedStream; }
inline const CPubMappedStream & CPubStream::GetConstMappedStream(void) { return _PubMappedStream; } #endif
// Member: CPubStream::SetClean, public
// Synopsis: Resets the dirty flag
// History: 11-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline void CPubStream::SetClean(void) { _fDirty = FALSE; }
// Member: CPubStream::SetDirty, public
// Synopsis: Sets the dirty flag
// History: 11-Nov-92 DrewB Created
inline void CPubStream::SetDirty(void) { _fDirty = TRUE; _ppdfParent->SetDirty(); }
// Method: CPubStream::ReadAt, public
// Synopsis: Read from a stream
// Arguments: [ulOffset] - Byte offset to read from
// [pb] - Buffer
// [cb] - Count of bytes to read
// [pcbRead] - Return number of bytes actually read
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [pcbRead]
// History: 16-Jan-92 PhilipLa Created.
inline SCODE CPubStream::ReadAt(ULONGLONG ulOffset, #else
inline SCODE CPubStream::ReadAt(ULONG ulOffset, #endif
if (SUCCEEDED(sc = CheckReverted())) if (!P_READ(_df)) sc = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; else sc = _psParent->ReadAt(ulOffset,pb,cb,pcbRead); return sc; }
// Method: CPubStream::WriteAt, public
// Synopsis: Write to a stream
// Arguments: [ulOffset] - Byte offset to write at
// [pb] - Buffer
// [cb] - Count of bytes to write
// [pcbWritten] - Return number of bytes actually written
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [pcbWritten]
// History: 16-Jan-92 PhilipLa Created.
inline SCODE CPubStream::WriteAt(ULONGLONG ulOffset, #else
inline SCODE CPubStream::WriteAt(ULONG ulOffset, #endif
VOID const HUGEP *pb, ULONG cb, ULONG STACKBASED *pcbWritten) { SCODE sc;
if (SUCCEEDED(sc = CheckReverted())) if (!P_WRITE(_df)) sc = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; else { sc = _psParent->WriteAt(ulOffset,pb,cb,pcbWritten); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) SetDirty(); } return sc; }
// Member: CPubStream::GetSize, public
// Synopsis: Gets the size of the stream
// Arguments: [pcb] - Stream size return
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [pcb]
// History: 30-Apr-92 DrewB Created
inline SCODE CPubStream::GetSize(ULONGLONG *pcb) #else
inline SCODE CPubStream::GetSize(ULONG *pcb) #endif
{ SCODE sc;
if (SUCCEEDED(sc = CheckReverted())) _psParent->GetSize(pcb); return sc; }
// Member: CPubStream::SetSize, public
// Synposis: Set the size of a linear stream
// Arguments: [ulNewSize] -- New size for stream
// Returns: Error code returned by MStream call.
// Algorithm: Pass call up to parent.
// History: 29-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 16-Jan-92 PhilipLa Moved from CSStream to CPubStream
inline SCODE CPubStream::SetSize(ULONGLONG ulNewSize) #else
inline SCODE CPubStream::SetSize(ULONG ulNewSize) #endif
{ SCODE sc;
if (SUCCEEDED(sc = CheckReverted())) if (!P_WRITE(_df)) sc = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; else { sc = _psParent->SetSize(ulNewSize); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) SetDirty(); } return sc; }
// Member: CPubStream::EmptyCache, public
// Synposis: empties the stream cache for compaction
// History: 29-Jul-99 HenryLee Created.
inline void CPubStream::EmptyCache () { _psParent->EmptyCache(); }
// Member: CPubStream::GetTransactedDepth, public
// Synopsis: Returns transaction depth level from parent
// History: 11-Aug-92 DrewB Created
inline ULONG CPubStream::GetTransactedDepth() const { return _ppdfParent->GetTransactedDepth(); }
// Member: CPubMappedStream::GetMalloc, public
// Synposis: Get the allocator for the stream.
inline IMalloc * CPubMappedStream::GetMalloc(void) { return &g_smAllocator; }
inline VOID CPubMappedStream::Cleanup(VOID) { if (!_fLowMem) GetMalloc()->Free(BP_TO_P(BYTE *, _pb)); _pb = NULL; }
#endif //__PBSTREAM_HXX__