// File: PrpSetup.cxx
// Purpose: This file builds to an executable which installs the
// IProp DLL in the System(32) directory. This is provided
// for the use of applications which re-distribute that DLL.
// Usage: PrpSetup [/u] [/c]
// The /u option indicates that an un-install should be performed.
// The /c option indicates that console output is desired.
// History: 10/30/96 MikeHill Get "iprop.dl_" from the exe's resources.
// --------
// Includes
// --------
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// -------------
// Global values
// -------------
// Name-related information for the DLL
const LPTSTR tszResourceType = TEXT( "FILE" ); // Resource type
const LPTSTR tszCompressedFilename = TEXT( "IPROP.DL_" ); // Temp file name
const LPTSTR tszTargetFilename = TEXT( "IPROP.DLL" ); // Final file name
// The reg key where we keep the DLL's install ref-count.
const LPTSTR tszRegSharedDLLs = TEXT( "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\SharedDLLs" );
// Registration functions in IProp DLL.
const LPTSTR tszRegistrationFunction = TEXT( "DllRegisterServer" ); const LPTSTR tszUnregistrationFunction = TEXT( "DllUnregisterServer" );
// ------------
// Return Codes
// ------------
// Function: Register
// Synopsis: This function registers or de-registers the IProp DLL.
// Inputs: [BOOL] fUninstall (in)
// If true, call DllUnregisterServer, otherwise call
// DllRegisterServer
// Returns: [HRESULT]
HRESULT Register( BOOL fUninstall ) { HRESULT hr; HINSTANCE hinst = NULL;
// A function pointer for the registration function
// Load the DLL
hinst = LoadLibrary( tszTargetFilename ); if( NULL == hinst ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto Exit; }
// Get the registration function
pfnRegistration = (FNREGISTRATION*) GetProcAddress( hinst, fUninstall ? tszUnregistrationFunction : tszRegistrationFunction ); if( NULL == pfnRegistration ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto Exit; }
// Register or De-register IProp.
hr = (*pfnRegistration)(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( NULL != hinst ) FreeLibrary( hinst );
return( hr ); }
// Function: main()
// Synopsis: This program loads/removes IProp.DLL into/from the
// System directory. A ref-count of the number of installs
// of this DLL is kept in the Registry. The DLL is
// also registered/deregistered.
HRESULT __cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) { // File names and paths
TCHAR tszSystemPath[_MAX_PATH+1]; // Path to System(32) directory
TCHAR tszTempFilename[_MAX_PATH+1]; // Used by VerInstallFile()
UINT cbTempFilename = sizeof( tszTempFilename ) - sizeof(TCHAR); TCHAR tszTargetPathAndFile[_MAX_PATH+1]; // E.g. "C:\Win\System32\IProp.dll"
TCHAR tszTempPath[_MAX_PATH+1]; // E.g. "C:\Temp\"
// E.g. "C:\Temp\iprop.dl_"
TCHAR tszTempPathAndFile[_MAX_PATH+1] = {""};
// Index into argv
int nArgIndex; // User-settable flags.
BOOL fConsole = FALSE; BOOL fInstall = FALSE; BOOL fUninstall = FALSE;
// Registry data
HKEY hkey; DWORD dwRegValueType; DWORD dwRefCount; DWORD cbRefCountSize = sizeof( dwRefCount ); DWORD dwDisposition;
// Handles for reading "iprop.dl_" out of the resources
HRSRC hrsrcIProp = NULL; // Handle to the "iprop.dl_" resource.
HGLOBAL hglobIProp = NULL; // Handle to the "iprop.dl_" data.
LPVOID lpvIProp = NULL; // Pointer to the "iprop.dl_" data.
HMODULE hmodCurrent = NULL; // Our module handle
HANDLE hfileIProp = NULL; // Handle to "%TEMP%\iprop.dl_" file
// Misc.
// -----------------
// Process the Input
// -----------------
for( nArgIndex = 1; nArgIndex < argc; nArgIndex++ ) { if( // Is this argument an option?
( argv[nArgIndex][0] == '/' || argv[nArgIndex][0] == '-' ) && // and is it more than one character?
argv[nArgIndex][1] != '\0' && // and is it exactly two characters?
argv[nArgIndex][2] == '\0' ) { // See if it's an argument we recognize.
switch( argv[nArgIndex][1] ) { // Installation
case 'i': case 'I':
fInstall = TRUE; break;
// Uninstall
case 'u': case 'U':
fUninstall = TRUE; break;
// Console output
case 'c': case 'C':
fConsole = TRUE; break; } } // if( ( argv[nArgIndex][0] == '/' ...
} // for( nArgIndex = 1; nArgIndex < argc; nArgIndex++ )
// Did we get an illegal command-line combination?
if( fInstall && fUninstall ) { nReturnCode = RETURN_ARGUMENT_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// Did the user fail to tell us what to do? If so,
// display usage information.
if( !fInstall && !fUninstall ) { _tprintf( TEXT("\n") ); _tprintf( TEXT(" Installation program for the Microsoft OLE Property Set Implementation\n") ); _tprintf( TEXT(" Usage: IProp [/i | /u] [/c]\n") ); _tprintf( TEXT(" Options: /i => Install\n") TEXT(" /u => Uninstall\n") TEXT(" /c => Console output\n") ); _tprintf( TEXT(" Examples: IProp /i\n") TEXT(" IProp /u /c\n") ); nReturnCode = RETURN_SUCCESS; goto Exit; }
// ----------
// Initialize
// ----------
// Find the target installation directory.
if( GetSystemDirectory( tszSystemPath, sizeof(tszSystemPath) - sizeof(TCHAR)) == 0 ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); nReturnCode = RETURN_COULDNT_INSTALL_DLL; goto Exit; } // Determine the target's total path & filename.
_tcscpy( tszTargetPathAndFile, tszSystemPath ); _tcscat( tszTargetPathAndFile, TEXT("\\") ); _tcscat( tszTargetPathAndFile, tszTargetFilename );
// Generate the filename we'll use for the compressed
// IProp DLL file ("iprop.dl_"); get the temp directory
// and post-pend a filename to it.
if( !GetTempPath( sizeof(tszTempPath), tszTempPath )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); nReturnCode = RETURN_COULDNT_CREATE_TEMP_FILE; goto Exit; }
_tcscpy( tszTempPathAndFile, tszTempPath ); _tcscat( tszTempPathAndFile, tszCompressedFilename );
// Open the registry key that holds this DLL's ref-count.
hr = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // Open key
tszRegSharedDLLs, // Name of subkey
0L, // Reserved
NULL, // Class
0, // Options
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // SAM desired
NULL, // Security attributes
&hkey, // Result
&dwDisposition ); // "Created" or "Opened"
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != hr ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( hr ); nReturnCode = RETURN_COULDNT_ACCESS_REGISTRY; goto Exit; }
// Attempt to read our ref-count
hr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, // Open key
tszTargetPathAndFile, // Value name
NULL, // Reserved
&dwRegValueType, // Out: value type
(LPBYTE) &dwRefCount, // Out: value
&cbRefCountSize ); // In: buf size, out: data size
if( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == hr ) // This entry didn't already exist.
dwRefCount = 0;
else if( ERROR_SUCCESS != hr ) { // There was a real error during the Query attempt.
else if ( REG_DWORD != dwRegValueType ) { // This is an invalid entry. We won't abort, we'll just
// re-initialize it to zero, and at the end we'll overwrite
// whatever was already there.
dwRefCount = 0; }
if( fConsole ) { if( fUninstall ) _tprintf ( TEXT("Uninstalling \"%s\"\n"), tszTargetPathAndFile ); else _tprintf( TEXT("Installing \"%s\"\n"), tszTargetPathAndFile ); }
// ------------------------------
// Installation or Uninstallation
// ------------------------------
if( fUninstall ) { // We're doing an Un-Install
// Should we actually delete it? We haven't done a dec-ref yet,
// so in the normal case, on the last delete, the RefCount will
// currently be 1.
if( dwRefCount <= 1 ) { // Yes - we need to do a delete. First unregister the IProp
// DLL. If there's an error we'll abort. So we might leave
// an unused file on the machine, but that's better than
// possibly deleting a file that is still in use by another
// app.
hr = Register( fUninstall ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { nReturnCode = RETURN_COULDNT_REGISTER_DLL; goto Exit; }
// And delete the file
if( !DeleteFile( tszTargetPathAndFile ) && ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != GetLastError() ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); nReturnCode = RETURN_COULDNT_DELETE_DLL; goto Exit; }
if( fConsole ) _tprintf( TEXT("Removed IProp.DLL\n") );
// Zero-out the ref count. We'll delete it from the
// registry later
dwRefCount = 0; } else { // We don't need to delete it, just dec-ref it.
if( fConsole ) _tprintf( TEXT("IProp.DLL not removed (reference count is now %d)\n"), dwRefCount ); } } // if( fUninstall )
else { // We're doing an Install
DWORD dwSize; // Size of "iprop.dl_".
DWORD cbWritten = 0;
if( fConsole ) _tprintf( TEXT("Extracting \"%s\"\n"), tszTempPathAndFile );
// Get our module handle;
hmodCurrent = GetModuleHandle( NULL ); if( NULL == hmodCurrent ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); nReturnCode = RETURN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto Exit; }
// Get the resource which is actually the compressed IProp DLL
hrsrcIProp = FindResource( hmodCurrent, tszCompressedFilename, tszResourceType ); if( NULL == hrsrcIProp ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); nReturnCode = RETURN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto Exit; }
// Get the size of "iprop.dl_"
dwSize = SizeofResource( hmodCurrent, hrsrcIProp ); if( 0 == dwSize ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); nReturnCode = RETURN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto Exit; }
// Get "iprop.dl_" into a memory buffer.
hglobIProp = LoadResource( hmodCurrent, hrsrcIProp ); if( NULL == hglobIProp ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); nReturnCode = RETURN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto Exit; }
// Get a pointer to the "iprop.dl_" data.
lpvIProp = LockResource( hglobIProp ); if( NULL == lpvIProp ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); nReturnCode = RETURN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto Exit; }
// Create a temporary file, which will be "iprop.dl_"
hfileIProp = CreateFile( tszTempPathAndFile, // E.g. "C:\Temp\iprop.dl_"
GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // Requested access
FILE_SHARE_READ, // Sharing mode
NULL, // No security attributes
CREATE_ALWAYS, // Overwrite existing
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // Default attributes
NULL ); // No template file
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hfileIProp ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); nReturnCode = RETURN_COULDNT_CREATE_TEMP_FILE; goto Exit; } // Write the contents of "iprop.dl_"
if( !WriteFile( hfileIProp, lpvIProp, dwSize, &cbWritten, NULL )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); nReturnCode = RETURN_COULDNT_CREATE_TEMP_FILE; goto Exit; }
// We must close the file, or VerInstallFile won't open it.
CloseHandle( hfileIProp ); hfileIProp = NULL;
// Install the file.
hr = VerInstallFile( 0, // Flags
tszCompressedFilename, // Source filename
tszTargetFilename, // Dest filename
tszTempPath, // Source location
tszSystemPath, // Target location
tszSystemPath, // Location of old version
tszTempFilename, // Out: name of temp file
&cbTempFilename); // In: size of buf, Out: name
// If VerInstallFile left a temporary file, delete it now.
if( hr & VIF_TEMPFILE ) { TCHAR tszDeleteTempFile[_MAX_PATH+1];
_tcscpy( tszDeleteTempFile, tszSystemPath ); _tcscat( tszDeleteTempFile, TEXT("\\") ); _tcscat( tszDeleteTempFile, tszTempFilename ); DeleteFile( tszDeleteTempFile ); }
// If the file was installed successfully, register it.
if( 0 == hr ) { hr = Register( fUninstall ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { nReturnCode = RETURN_COULDNT_REGISTER_DLL; goto Exit; } }
// If the error wasn't "newer version exists", then we
// have a fatal error.
else if( 0 == (hr & VIF_SRCOLD) ) { nReturnCode = RETURN_COULDNT_INSTALL_DLL; goto Exit; } else if( fConsole ) { _tprintf( TEXT("A newer version of the file is already installed\n") ); }
// Do an add-ref.
} // if( fUninstall ) ... else
// ------------------
// Save the Ref-Count
// ------------------
// Did we actually delete the DLL?
if( 0 == dwRefCount ) { // Delete our entry from the SharedDlls entry
hr = RegDeleteValue( hkey, tszTargetPathAndFile ); if( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == hr ) hr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
else if( ERROR_SUCCESS != hr ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hr); nReturnCode = RETURN_COULDNT_ACCESS_REGISTRY; goto Exit; } } else { // Otherwise, put the new ref-count in the registry.
hr = RegSetValueEx( hkey, // Open key
tszTargetPathAndFile, // Value name
0, // Reserved
REG_DWORD, // Value type
(LPBYTE) &dwRefCount, // Value buffer
sizeof( dwRefCount )); // Size of value
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != hr ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hr); nReturnCode = RETURN_COULDNT_ACCESS_REGISTRY; goto Exit; } } // if( 0 == dwRefCount ) ... else
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fConsole ) { // We only succeeded if hr is 0; VerInstallFile might return
// a bitmapped error that doesn't look like an HRESULT error
// code.
if( 0 == hr ) _tprintf( TEXT("%s successful\n"), fUninstall ? TEXT("Uninstall") : TEXT("Install") ); else _tprintf( TEXT("%s failed. Return code = %d (%08X)\n"), nReturnCode, fUninstall ? TEXT("Uninstall") : TEXT("Install"), hr ); }
// Remove the temporary file (we initialized this to "", so this
// call should always return success or file-not-found).
DeleteFile( tszTempPathAndFile );
// Free all the handles we've used.
if( hfileIProp ) CloseHandle( hfileIProp ); if( lpvIProp ) GlobalUnlock( lpvIProp );
return( nReturnCode ); }