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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993.
// File: stopwtch.cxx
// Contents: StopWatch timer
// Classes: CStopWatch
// Functions:
// History: 30-June-93 t-martig Created
extern "C" { #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
}; #include <windows.h>
#include <stopwtch.hxx>
// Member: CStopWatch::Resolution, public
// Synopsis: Inquires performance timer resolution
// Returns: Performance counter ticks / second
// History: 30-June-93 t-martig Created
CStopWatch::CStopWatch () { QueryPerformanceFrequency (&liFreq); }
// Member: CStopWatch::Reset, public
// Synopsis: Starts measurement cycle
// History: 30-June-93 t-martig Created
void CStopWatch::Reset () { QueryPerformanceCounter (&liStart); // BUGBUG - test for error !
// Member: CStopWatch::Read, public
// Synopsis: Reads stop watch timer
// Returns: Time since call of CStopWatch::Reset (in microseconds)
// History: 30-June-93 t-martig Created
ULONG CStopWatch::Read () { LARGE_INTEGER liNow, liDelta, liRemainder;
QueryPerformanceCounter (&liNow); // BUGBUG - test for error
liDelta = RtlLargeIntegerSubtract (liNow, liStart); liDelta = RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply (liDelta, 1000000); liDelta = RtlLargeIntegerDivide (liDelta, liFreq, &liRemainder);
return liDelta.LowPart; }
// Member: CStopWatch::Resolution, public
// Synopsis: Inquires performance timer resolution
// Returns: Performance counter ticks / second
// History: 30-June-93 t-martig Created
ULONG CStopWatch::Resolution () { return liFreq.LowPart; }