// File: log.cxx
// Contents: The code for the logging servers client logging methods
// Functions: Log::Log()
// Log::Log(int, char *[])
// Log::~Log()
// Log::Info(inc, char *[])
// Log::WriteVar(PCHAR, USHORT, PCHAR, ...)
// Log::WriteVar(LPWSTR, USHORT, LPWSTR, ...)
// Log::WriteVarList(PCHAR, USHORT, PCHAR, va_list)
// Log::WriteVarList(LPWSTR, USHORT, LPWSTR, va_list)
// Log::WriteVarList(PCHAR, USHORT, USHORT, PVOID, PCHAR, va_list)
// LPWSTR, va_list)
// Log::WriteData(PCHAR, ...)
// Log::WriteData(LPWSTR, ...)
// Log::WriteData(USHORT, PVOID, PCHAR, ...)
// Log::WriteData(USHORT, PVOID, LPWSTR, ...)
// Log::WriteDataList(PCHAR, va_list)
// Log::WriteDataList(LPWSTR, va_list)
// Log::WriteDataList(USHORT, PVOID, PCHAR, va_list)
// Log::WriteDataList(USHORT, PVOID, LPWSTR, va_list)
// History: 24-Sep-90 DaveWi Initial Coding
// 15-Aug-91 AliceSe set local logging if error binding
// 25-Sep-91 BryanT Converted to C 7.0
// 17-Oct-91 SarahJ DCR 525 - changed status parm of
// WriteVar methods to USHORT and validated
// parm to be in expected range
// 31-Oct-91 SarahJ Now takes /L or /mL for server parm
// 10-Feb-92 BryanT Win32 work and cleanup
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Added WriteVarList, WriteDataList, and
// changed existing WriteVar and WriteData
// methods to call them
// 1-Aug-92 DwightKr Renamed CPCHAR as CPPSZ. CPCHAR
// conflicted with the 297 version of
// windows.h
// 31-Oct-92 SarahJ Removed references to tester name
#include <pch.cxx>
// BUGBUG Precompiled header does not work on Alpha for some unknown reason and
// so we temporarily remove it.
// #pragma hdrstop
// Set up a table of the status text values
// Function: IncLogStats(), static
// Synopsis: Increments the appropriate member of the passed-in LogStats
// struct based on value of the usStatus passed in.
// Effects: Maintains correct status of the LogStats struct so we can
// keep a running count of the log records written.
// Arguments: [out] LogStats& stStats - structure to modify
// [in] ULONG usStat - code tells which field to increment
// Returns: nothing
// Modifies: stStats
// History: 11-Jun-92 DonCl first version
// Notes: Used by different overloaded versions of WriteVar()
static VOID IncLogStats(LogStats& stStats, USHORT usStats) { switch(usStats) { case LOG_PASS: stStats.ulPass++; break;
case LOG_FAIL: stStats.ulFail++; break;
case LOG_WARN: stStats.ulWarn++; break;
case LOG_ABORT: stStats.ulAbort++; break;
case LOG_INFO: stStats.ulInfo++; break;
case LOG_START: stStats.ulStart++; break;
case LOG_DONE: stStats.ulDone++; break;
// No default, if code is unrecognized, there is no appropriate error
// action to take.
} }
// Member: Log::Log(DWORD)
// Synopsis: The log file is not opened if this constructor is used -
// the user must subsequently call the Info() method.
// Arguments: [fUseUnicode] - whether we should use WCHARs
// Modifies: fInfoSet
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
Log :: Log(DWORD dwCharType) : fInfoSet(FALSE), ulLastError(NO_ERROR) { if(LOG_ANSI == dwCharType) { fIsUnicode = FALSE; } else if(LOG_UNICODE == dwCharType) { fIsUnicode = TRUE; } else { ulLastError = (ULONG) E_INVALIDARG; return; }
// zero out the _LogStats member
memset((VOID *)(&_stLogStats), 0, sizeof(LogStats)); }
// Member: Log::Log(int, char *[], DWORD)
// Synopsis: Log constructor with command line data given
// Arguments: [argc] - Argument count
// [argv] - Argument array
// [fUseUnicode] - whether we should use WCHARs
// Returns: Results from Info()
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// Jun-11-92 DonCl added line to zero out LogStats struct
Log :: Log(int argc, char *argv[], DWORD dwCharType) : fInfoSet(FALSE), ulLastError(NO_ERROR) { if(LOG_ANSI == dwCharType) { fIsUnicode = FALSE; } else if(LOG_UNICODE == dwCharType) { fIsUnicode = TRUE; } else { ulLastError = (ULONG) E_INVALIDARG; return; }
// zero out the _LogStats member
memset((VOID *)(&_stLogStats), 0, sizeof(LogStats));
ulLastError = Info(argc, argv); }
// Synopsis: Log constructor with internal data given
// Arguments: [pszSrvr] - Name of logging server
// [pszTest] - Name of this test
// [pszName] - Name of test runner
// [pszSubPath] - Users log file qualifer
// [pszObject] - Name of invoking object
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// Jun-11-92 DonCl added line to zero out LogStats struct
// BUGBUG wszName unused - left until all components can co-ordinate
// with this. SarahJ
Log :: Log(PCHAR pszSrvr, PCHAR pszTest, PCHAR pszName, PCHAR pszSubPath, PCHAR pszObject) : fIsUnicode(FALSE), ulLastError(NO_ERROR) { memset((VOID *)(&_stLogStats), 0, sizeof(LogStats)); // zero out
// Print warning if server name given
if(NULL != pszSrvr) { fprintf(stderr, "Remote server not supported with this version of " "log.lib. Continuing.\n"); }
ulLastError = SetInfo(NULL, pszTest, pszSubPath, pszObject); if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = LogOpen() || WriteVar((PCHAR) NULL, LOG_START); } }
// Synopsis: Log constructor with internal data given
// Arguments: [wszSrvr] - Name of logging server
// [wszTest] - Name of this test
// [wszName] - Name of test runner
// [wszSubPath] - Users log file qualifer
// [wszObject] - Name of invoking object
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// Jun-11-92 DonCl added line to zero out LogStats struct
// BUGBUG wszName unused - left until all components can co-ordinate
// with this. SarahJ
Log :: Log(LPWSTR wszSrvr, LPWSTR wszTest, LPWSTR wszName, LPWSTR wszSubPath, LPWSTR wszObject) : fIsUnicode(TRUE), ulLastError(NO_ERROR)
{ memset((VOID *)(&_stLogStats), 0, sizeof(LogStats)); // zero out
// Print warning if server name given
if(NULL != wszSrvr) { fprintf(stderr, "Remote server not supported with this version of " "log.lib. Continuing.\n"); }
ulLastError = SetInfo(NULL, wszTest, wszSubPath, wszObject); if (ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = LogOpen() || WriteVar((LPWSTR) NULL, LOG_START); } }
// Member: Log::~Log()
// Synopsis: Destroy the Log Object
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
Log :: ~Log() { if(fInfoSet != FALSE) { if(FALSE == fIsUnicode) { if(WriteVar((PCHAR) NULL, LOG_DONE) != NO_ERROR) { LogPrintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to log \"%s\" status\n", LOG_DONE_TXT); } } else { if(WriteVar((LPWSTR) NULL, LOG_DONE) != NO_ERROR) { LogPrintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to log \"%ls\" status\n", wLOG_DONE_TXT); } } FreeLogging(); // Make sure memory is freed & file closed
} }
// Member: Log::Info(int, char *[])
// Synopsis: Parse the command line and set the appropriate member variables
// Arguments: [argc] - Argument count
// [argv] - Argument vector
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 30-Oct-92 SarahJ Updated parms to SetInfo
ULONG Log :: Info(int argc, char *argv[]) { USHORT usNdx; // Index into cmnd line args
PCHAR pszTest = NULL; // Name of this test
PCHAR pszSubPath = NULL; // Users log file qualifer
PCHAR pszObject = NULL; // Name of invoking object
PCHAR pch; // Temporary pointer into a string
// All the argv processing is still done in CHARs
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { //
// For every command line switch, check its validity and parse its
// value. This version allows / or - for switches. If there are
// no command line switches, this loop is skipped. This is for the
// case when Log() is called with no messages.
for(usNdx = 1; usNdx < (unsigned short) argc; ++usNdx) { char *szArg = argv[ usNdx]; pch = szArg;
// check for / -
if(*szArg == '/' || *szArg == '-') { register int i = 1; pch++;
// Check if next char is m, ie handed down from manager code.
// If so skip m
if (*pch == 'm' || *pch == 'M') { pch++; i++; }
++pch; // Skip next char and check for :
if(*pch++ == ':') { switch(toupper(szArg[i])) { case 'O': // Object name found
pszObject = (PCHAR)pch; break;
case 'P': // Directory Path switch found
pszSubPath = (PCHAR)pch; break;
case 'L': // Logging server name found
fprintf(stderr, "Logging server not supported with " "this version of log.lib. Continuing.\n"); break;
case 'T': // Test name found
pszTest = (PCHAR)pch; break;
default: // Skip this unknown argument
break; } } } }
// If no test name was given, set pszTest to the apps base name.
char szName[_MAX_FNAME];
if(pszTest == NULL || *pszTest == NULLTERM) { _splitpath(argv[0], NULL, NULL, szName, NULL); pszTest = szName; }
// Here is where the WCHAR additions are
if(FALSE == fIsUnicode) { ulLastError = SetInfo(NULL, pszTest, pszSubPath, pszObject); } else { // Convert the PCHARs to LPWSTRs
// This one is guaranteed to be set to something
LPWSTR wszTest = MbNameToWcs(pszTest); LPWSTR wszSubPath = MbNameToWcs(pszSubPath); LPWSTR wszObject = MbNameToWcs(pszObject);
if(NO_ERROR == ulLastError) { ulLastError = SetInfo(NULL, wszTest, wszSubPath, wszObject); }
delete wszTest; delete wszSubPath; delete wszObject; }
// This was not here before, but it seems the log should be opened by now
if(NO_ERROR == ulLastError) { ulLastError = LogOpen() || (FALSE == fIsUnicode) ? WriteVar((PCHAR) NULL, LOG_START) : WriteVar((LPWSTR) NULL, LOG_START);
return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteVarList(PCHAR, USHORT, PCHAR, va_list)
// Synopsis: The WriteVar and WriteData methods allow the user to log
// info in various forms.
// Arguments: [pszVar] - Variation
// [usStat] - Status
// [pszFormat] - Format string (like printf)
// [vaArgs] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns: NO_ERROR if successful or ERROR_INVALID_DATA otherwise
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 17-Oct-91 SarahJ Added check for LOG_MAX_STATUS
// 11-Jun-92 DonCl Added call to IncLogStats()
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Stolen from WriteVar method, renamed,
// made to operate on va_lists.
ULONG Log :: WriteVarList(PCHAR pszVar, USHORT usStat, PCHAR pszFormat, va_list vaArgs) { CHK_UNICODE(FALSE);
#if defined(WIN32)
CTCLock clMemLock (hMtxSerialize); // Serialize access to this object
ulLastError = NO_ERROR;
IncLogStats(_stLogStats, usStat);
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { if(fInfoSet) { // verify that the status is in allowed range
if(usStat > LOG_MAX_STATUS) { LogPrintf(stderr, "ERROR: Illegal status parameter %u for " "Variation %s\n", usStat, pszVar); ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; return ulLastError; }
ulLastError = SetStrData(pszFormat, vaArgs) || SetVariation((const char *)pszVar) || SetStatus(aStatus[usStat]) || SetBinData(0, (PVOID)NULL);
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = LogData(); // Send data to the log file
} } else { ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteVarList(LPWSTR, USHORT, LPWSTR, va_list)
// Synopsis: The WriteVar and WriteData methods allow the user to log
// info in various forms.
// Arguments: [wszVar] - Variation
// [usStat] - Status
// [wszFormat] - Format string (like printf)
// [vaArgs] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns: NO_ERROR if successful or ERROR_INVALID_DATA otherwise
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 17-Oct-91 SarahJ Added check for LOG_MAX_STATUS
// 11-Jun-92 DonCl Added call to IncLogStats()
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Stolen from WriteVar method, renamed,
// made to operate on va_lists.
ULONG Log :: WriteVarList(LPWSTR wszVar, USHORT usStat, LPWSTR wszFormat, va_list vaArgs) { CHK_UNICODE(TRUE);
#if defined(WIN32)
CTCLock clMemLock (hMtxSerialize); // Serialize access to this object
ulLastError = NO_ERROR;
IncLogStats(_stLogStats, usStat);
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { if(fInfoSet) { // verify that the status is in allowed range
if(usStat > LOG_MAX_STATUS) { LogPrintf(stderr, L"ERROR: Illegal status parameter %u " L"for Variation %ls\n", usStat, wszVar); ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; return ulLastError; }
ulLastError = SetStrData(wszFormat, vaArgs) || SetVariation((LPCWSTR) wszVar) || SetStatus(waStatus[usStat]) || SetBinData(0, (PVOID) NULL);
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = LogData(); // Send data to the log file
} } else { ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteVar(PCHAR, USHORT, PCHAR, ...)
// Synopsis: The WriteVar and WriteData methods allow the user to log
// info in various forms.
// Arguments: [pszVar] - Variation
// [usStat] - Status
// [pszFormat] - Format string (like printf)
// [...] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns: NO_ERROR if successful or ERROR_INVALID_DATA otherwise
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 17-Oct-91 SarahJ Added check for LOG_MAX_STATUS
// 11-Jun-92 DonCl Added call to IncLogStats()
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Modified to call WriteVarList
ULONG Log :: WriteVar(PCHAR pszVar, USHORT usStat, PCHAR pszFormat, ...) { CHK_UNICODE(FALSE);
va_list pMarker;
if(pszFormat != NULL) { va_start(pMarker, pszFormat); }
ulLastError = WriteVarList(pszVar, usStat, pszFormat, pMarker);
if(pszFormat != NULL) { va_end(pMarker); }
return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteVar(LPWSTR, USHORT, LPWSTR, ...)
// Synopsis: The WriteVar and WriteData methods allow the user to log
// info in various forms.
// Arguments: [wszVar] - Variation
// [usStat] - Status
// [wszFormat] - Format string (like printf)
// [...] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns: NO_ERROR if successful or ERROR_INVALID_DATA otherwise
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 17-Oct-91 SarahJ Added check for LOG_MAX_STATUS
// 11-Jun-92 DonCl Added call to IncLogStats()
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Modified to call WriteVarList
ULONG Log :: WriteVar(LPWSTR wszVar, USHORT usStat, LPWSTR wszFormat, ...) { CHK_UNICODE(TRUE);
va_list pMarker;
if(wszFormat != NULL) { va_start(pMarker, wszFormat); }
ulLastError = WriteVarList(wszVar, usStat, wszFormat, pMarker);
if(wszFormat != NULL) { va_end(pMarker); }
return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteVarList(PCHAR, USHORT, USHORT, PVOID, PCHAR, va_list)
// Synopsis: Write data to the log file that contains binary data with
// or without an accompanying string.
// Arguments: [pszVar] - Variation
// [usStat] - Status code
// [usBytes] - #bytes binary data
// [pvData] - The binary data
// [pszFormat] - printf style format
// [vaArgs] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns:
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 11-Jun-92 DonCl Added call to IncLogStats()
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Stolen from WriteVar, renamed, supports
// va_list type now.
ULONG Log :: WriteVarList(PCHAR pszVar, USHORT usStat, USHORT usBytes, PVOID pvData, PCHAR pszFormat, va_list vaArgs ) { CHK_UNICODE(FALSE);
#if defined(WIN32)
CTCLock clMemLock (hMtxSerialize); // Serialize access to this object
ulLastError = NO_ERROR;
IncLogStats(_stLogStats, usStat);
if (ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { if (fInfoSet) { // verify that the status is in allowed range
if (usStat > LOG_MAX_STATUS) { LogPrintf(stderr, "ERROR: Illegal status parameter %u for " "Variation %s\n", usStat, pszVar); ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; return ulLastError; }
// Note if pszFormat is NULL, SetStrData will ignore vaArgs
ulLastError = SetStrData(pszFormat, vaArgs);
if (ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = SetVariation((const char *) pszVar) || SetStatus(aStatus[usStat]) || SetBinData(usBytes, pvData);
if (ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = LogData(); // Send data to the log file
} } } else { ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteVarList(LPWSTR, USHORT, USHORT, PVOID,
// LPWSTR, va_list)
// Synopsis: Write data to the log file that contains binary data with
// or without an accompanying string.
// Arguments: [wszVar] - Variation
// [usStat] - Status code
// [usBytes] - #bytes binary data
// [pvData] - The binary data
// [wszFormat] - printf style format
// [vaArgs] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns:
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 11-Jun-92 DonCl Added call to IncLogStats()
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Stolen from WriteVar, renamed, supports
// va_list type now.
ULONG Log :: WriteVarList(LPWSTR wszVar, USHORT usStat, USHORT usBytes, PVOID pvData, LPWSTR wszFormat, va_list vaArgs ) { CHK_UNICODE(TRUE);
#if defined(WIN32)
CTCLock clMemLock (hMtxSerialize); // Serialize access to this object
ulLastError = NO_ERROR;
IncLogStats(_stLogStats, usStat);
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { if(fInfoSet) { // verify that the status is in allowed range
if(usStat > LOG_MAX_STATUS) { LogPrintf(stderr, L"ERROR: Illegal status parameter %u " L"for Variation %ls\n", usStat, wszVar); ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; return ulLastError; }
// Note if wszFormat is NULL, SetStrData will ignore vaArgs
ulLastError = SetStrData(wszFormat, vaArgs);
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = SetVariation((LPCWSTR) wszVar) || SetStatus(waStatus[usStat]) || SetBinData(usBytes, pvData);
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = LogData(); // Send data to the log file
} } } else { ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteVar(PCHAR, USHORT, USHORT, PVOID, PCHAR, ...)
// Synopsis: Write data to the log file that contains binary data with
// or without an accompanying string.
// Arguments: [pszVar] - Variation
// [usStat] - Status code
// [usBytes] - #bytes binary data
// [pvData] - The binary data
// [pszFormat] - printf style format
// [...] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns:
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 11-Jun-92 DonCl Added call to IncLogStats()
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Modified to call WriteVarList
ULONG Log :: WriteVar(PCHAR pszVar, USHORT usStat, USHORT usBytes, PVOID pvData, PCHAR pszFormat, ... ) { CHK_UNICODE(FALSE);
va_list pMarker;
if(pszFormat != NULL) { va_start(pMarker, pszFormat); }
ulLastError = WriteVarList(pszVar, usStat, usBytes, pvData, pszFormat, pMarker);
if(pszFormat != NULL) { va_end(pMarker); }
return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteVar(LPWSTR, USHORT, USHORT, PVOID, LPWSTR, ...)
// Synopsis: Write data to the log file that contains binary data with
// or without an accompanying string.
// Arguments: [wszVar] - Variation
// [usStat] - Status code
// [usBytes] - #bytes binary data
// [pvData] - The binary data
// [wszFormat] - printf style format
// [...] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns:
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 11-Jun-92 DonCl Added call to IncLogStats()
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Modified to call WriteVarList
ULONG Log :: WriteVar(LPWSTR wszVar, USHORT usStat, USHORT usBytes, PVOID pvData, LPWSTR wszFormat, ... ) { CHK_UNICODE(TRUE);
va_list pMarker;
if(wszFormat != NULL) { va_start(pMarker, wszFormat); }
ulLastError = WriteVarList(wszVar, usStat, usBytes, pvData, wszFormat, pMarker);
if(wszFormat != NULL) { va_end(pMarker); }
return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteDataList(PCHAR, va_list)
// Synopsis: Write a string to the Log file.
// Arguments: [pszFormat] - a printf-like format string
// [vaArgs] - The data to print out.
// Returns: NO_ERROR if successful
// Any error code from Log::SetStrData() or Log::LogData
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Stolen from WriteData, renamed, made
// to work on a va_list
ULONG Log :: WriteDataList(PCHAR pszFormat, va_list vaArgs) { CHK_UNICODE(FALSE);
#if defined(WIN32)
CTCLock clMemLock (hMtxSerialize); // Serialize access to this object
ulLastError = NO_ERROR;
if (ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { if (fInfoSet) { // Note if pszFormat is NULL, SetStrData will ignore vaArgs
ulLastError = SetStrData(pszFormat, vaArgs);
if (ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = LogData(); // Send data to the log file
} } else { ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } return(ulLastError); }
// Member: Log::WriteDataList(LPWSTR, va_list)
// Synopsis: Write a string to the Log file.
// Arguments: [wszFormat] - a printf-like format string
// [vaArgs] - The data to print out.
// Returns: NO_ERROR if successful
// Any error code from Log::SetStrData() or Log::LogData
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Stolen from WriteData, renamed, made
// to work on a va_list
ULONG Log :: WriteDataList(LPWSTR wszFormat, va_list vaArgs) { CHK_UNICODE(TRUE);
#if defined(WIN32)
CTCLock clMemLock (hMtxSerialize); // Serialize access to this object
ulLastError = NO_ERROR;
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { if(fInfoSet) { // Note if wszFormat is NULL, SetStrData will ignore vaArgs
ulLastError = SetStrData(wszFormat, vaArgs);
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = LogData(); // Send data to the log file
} } else { ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteData(PCHAR, ...)
// Synopsis: Write a string to the Log file.
// Arguments: [pszFormat] - a printf-like format string
// [...] - The data to print out.
// Returns: NO_ERROR if successful
// Any error code from Log::SetStrData() or Log::LogData
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Modified to call WriteDataList
ULONG Log :: WriteData(PCHAR pszFormat, ...) { CHK_UNICODE(FALSE);
va_list pMarker;
if (pszFormat != NULL) { va_start(pMarker, pszFormat); }
ulLastError = WriteDataList(pszFormat, pMarker);
if (pszFormat != NULL) { va_end(pMarker); }
return(ulLastError); }
// Member: Log::WriteData(LPWSTR, ...)
// Synopsis: Write a string to the Log file.
// Arguments: [wszFormat] - a printf-like format string
// [...] - The data to print out.
// Returns: NO_ERROR if successful
// Any error code from Log::SetStrData() or Log::LogData
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Modified to call WriteDataList
ULONG Log :: WriteData(LPWSTR wszFormat, ...) { CHK_UNICODE(TRUE);
va_list pMarker;
if(wszFormat != NULL) { va_start(pMarker, wszFormat); }
ulLastError = WriteDataList(wszFormat, pMarker);
if(wszFormat != NULL) { va_end(pMarker); }
return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteDataList(USHORT, PVOID, PCHAR, va_list)
// Synopsis: Write data to the log file that contains binary data
// and possibly a string.
// Arguments: [usBytes] - #bytes binary data
// [pvData] - The binary data
// [pszFormat] - printf style format
// [vaArgs] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns: NO_ERROR If successful
// Any error code from Log::SetSetData, Log::SetBinData, or
// Log::LogData
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Stolen from WriteData, renamed, made
// to support va_list
ULONG Log :: WriteDataList(USHORT usBytes, PVOID pvData, PCHAR pszFormat, va_list vaArgs) { CHK_UNICODE(FALSE);
#if defined(WIN32)
CTCLock clMemLock (hMtxSerialize); // Serialize access to this object
ulLastError = NO_ERROR;
if (ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { if (fInfoSet) { // Set up to log the string data
// Note if pszFormat is NULL, SetStrData will ignore vaArgs
ulLastError = SetStrData(pszFormat, vaArgs);
if (ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { // Set up to log the binary data
ulLastError = SetBinData(usBytes, pvData);
if (ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = LogData(); // Send data to the log file
} } } else { ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } return(ulLastError); }
// Member: Log::WriteDataList(USHORT, PVOID, LPWSTR, va_list)
// Synopsis: Write data to the log file that contains binary data
// and possibly a string.
// Arguments: [usBytes] - #bytes binary data
// [pvData] - The binary data
// [wszFormat] - printf style format
// [vaArgs] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns: NO_ERROR If successful
// Any error code from Log::SetSetData, Log::SetBinData, or
// Log::LogData
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Stolen from WriteData, renamed, made
// to support va_list
ULONG Log :: WriteDataList(USHORT usBytes, PVOID pvData, LPWSTR wszFormat, va_list vaArgs) { CHK_UNICODE(TRUE);
#if defined(WIN32)
CTCLock clMemLock (hMtxSerialize); // Serialize access to this object
ulLastError = NO_ERROR;
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { if(fInfoSet) { // Set up to log the string data
// Note if wszFormat is NULL, SetStrData will ignore vaArgs
ulLastError = SetStrData(wszFormat, vaArgs);
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { // Set up to log the binary data
ulLastError = SetBinData(usBytes, pvData);
if(ulLastError == NO_ERROR) { ulLastError = LogData(); // Send data to the log file
} } } else { ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::WriteData(USHORT, PVOID, PCHAR, ...)
// Synopsis: Write data to the log file that contains binary data
// and possibly a string.
// Arguments: [usBytes] - #bytes binary data
// [pvData] - The binary data
// [pszFormat] - printf style format
// [...] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns: NO_ERROR If successful
// Any error code from Log::SetSetData, Log::SetBinData, or
// Log::LogData
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Modified to call WriteDataList
ULONG Log :: WriteData(USHORT usBytes, PVOID pvData, PCHAR pszFormat, ...) { CHK_UNICODE(FALSE);
va_list pMarker;
if (pszFormat != NULL) { va_start(pMarker, pszFormat); }
ulLastError = WriteDataList(usBytes, pvData, pszFormat, pMarker);
if (pszFormat != NULL) { va_end(pMarker); }
return(ulLastError); }
// Member: Log::WriteData(USHORT, PVOID, LPWSTR, ...)
// Synopsis: Write data to the log file that contains binary data
// and possibly a string.
// Arguments: [usBytes] - #bytes binary data
// [pvData] - The binary data
// [wszFormat] - printf style format
// [...] - Data for pszStrFmt
// Returns: NO_ERROR If successful
// Any error code from Log::SetSetData, Log::SetBinData, or
// Log::LogData
// Modifies: ulLastError
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 3-Jul-92 DeanE Modified to call WriteDataList
ULONG Log :: WriteData(USHORT usBytes, PVOID pvData, LPWSTR wszFormat, ...) { CHK_UNICODE(TRUE);
va_list pMarker;
if(wszFormat != NULL) { va_start(pMarker, wszFormat); }
ulLastError = WriteDataList(usBytes, pvData, wszFormat, pMarker);
if(wszFormat != NULL) { va_end(pMarker); }
return ulLastError; }
// Member: Log::GetLogStats(), public
// Synopsis: returns _stLogStats structure inside log object
// Effects: Returns actual reference to the real thing.
// Arguments: [out] LogStats& stStats - structure to fill in.
// Returns: nothing, except stStats now is value of structure.
// Modifies: stStats
// History: 11 Jun 92 DonCl first version
// Notes:
VOID Log::GetLogStats(LogStats& stStats) { stStats = _stLogStats; }
// Function: MbNametoWcs(PCHAR *)
// Synopsis: Given a pointer to a CHAR string, return a WCHAR copy
// Arguments: [pszName] CHAR string to copy
// Returns: <nothing>
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
LPWSTR Log :: MbNameToWcs(PCHAR pszName) { LPWSTR wszName = NULL; if(pszName != NULL) { size_t sizLen = strlen(pszName); if((wszName = new WCHAR[sizLen + 1]) == NULL) { ulLastError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { if (mbstowcs(wszName, pszName, sizLen) == (size_t)0) { delete[] wszName; ulLastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } wszName[sizLen] = wNULLTERM; } } return wszName; }