Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Low level output routines for midl.
Sep-18-1993 VibhasC Created.
#pragma warning ( disable : 4127 )
* include files ***************************************************************************/
#include "becls.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#if 0
A few general rules followed throughout the file.
1. Never emit tab other than thru the stream. 2. Never emit a new line other than thru the stream. 3. Emitting a new line is the responsibility of the entity that wants itself to be emitted on a new line. Therefore, say each local variable in the stub needs to be on a new line, then the routine responsible for emitting the local variable will be responsible for setting the new line.
#endif // 0
* local definitions ***************************************************************************/
#define NDR_IF_ALLOC_RTN_NAME "NdrSH_IfAlloc"
#define NDR_IF_ALLOC_REF_RTN_NAME "NdrSH_IfAllocRef"
#define NDR_IF_ALLOC_COPY_RTN_NAME "NdrSH_IfAllocCopy"
#define NDR_IF_ALLOC_SET_RTN_NAME "NdrSH_IfAllocSet"
#define NDR_IF_COPY_RTN_NAME "NdrSH_IfCopy"
#define NDR_COPY_RTN_NAME "NdrSH_Copy"
#define NDR_CONF_STRING_HDR_MARSHALL "NdrSH_MarshConfStringHdr"
#define NDR_C_CTXT_HDL_MARSHALL "NdrSH_MarshCCtxtHdl"
#define NDR_S_CTXT_HDL_MARSHALL "NdrSH_MarshSCtxtHdl"
#define NDR_IF_FREE_RTN_NAME "NdrSH_IfFree"
#define NDR_CONF_STR_M_RTN_NAME "NdrSH_ConfStringMarshall"
#define NDR_CONF_STR_UN_RTN_NAME "NdrSH_ConfStringUnMarshall"
#define NDR_MAP_COMM_FAULT_RTN_NAME "NdrMapCommAndFaultStatus"
* local data ***************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************
* externs ***************************************************************************/ void Out_UPDecision( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pPtrInBuffer, expr_node * pPtrInMemory ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_UP_DECISION_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE );
pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg )); pPtrInBuffer = MakeRefExprOutOfDeref( pPtrInBuffer ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pPtrInBuffer ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeCastExprPtrToPtrToUChar(pPtrInMemory) ) );
Out_If( pCCB, pProc ); }
void Out_TLUPDecision( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * , expr_node * pPtrInMemory ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_TLUP_DECISION_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE );
pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeCastExprPtrToPtrToUChar( pPtrInMemory) ) );
Out_If( pCCB, pProc ); }
void Out_TLUPDecisionBufferOnly( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * , expr_node * pPtrInMemory ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_TLUP_DECISION_RTN_B_ONLY ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE );
pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeCastExprPtrToPtrToUChar( pPtrInMemory ) ) );
Out_If( pCCB, pProc ); }
void Out_IfAlloc( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pPtrInMemory, expr_node * , expr_node * pExprCount ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_IF_ALLOC_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE ); pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg ));
pPtrInMemory = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pPtrInMemory ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeCastExprPtrToPtrToUChar( pPtrInMemory ) )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExprCount )); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void Out_If_IfAlloc( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pPtrInMemory, expr_node * , expr_node * pExprCount ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_IF_ALLOC_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE ); pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg ));
pPtrInMemory = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pPtrInMemory ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeCastExprPtrToPtrToUChar( pPtrInMemory ) )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExprCount )); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); Out_If( pCCB, pProc ); // pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 );
void Out_If_IfAllocRef( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pPtrInMemory, expr_node * , expr_node * pExprCount ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_IF_ALLOC_REF_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE ); pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg ));
pPtrInMemory = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pPtrInMemory ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeCastExprPtrToPtrToUChar( pPtrInMemory ) )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExprCount )); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); Out_If( pCCB, pProc ); // pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 );
void Out_Alloc( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pPtrInMemory, expr_node * , expr_node * pExprCount ) { expr_proc_call * pProc; expr_node * pExpr;
if( pCCB->MustCheckAllocationError() ) { expr_node * pStubMsg = pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE ); pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc = new expr_proc_call( ENGINE_CHECKED_ALLOC_RTN_NAME ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg ) ); } else pProc = new expr_proc_call( STUB_MSG_ALLOCATE_RTN_NAME ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExprCount )); pExpr = new expr_assign( pPtrInMemory, pProc ); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pExpr->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); } void Out_IfAllocSet( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pPtrInMemory, expr_node * , expr_node * pExprCount ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_IF_ALLOC_SET_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE ); pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg ));
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeCastExprPtrToPtrToUChar( pPtrInMemory ))); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExprCount )); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void Out_AllocSet( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pPtrInMemory, expr_node * pBuffer, expr_node * pExprCount ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( MIDL_MEMSET_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pExpr; Out_Alloc( pCCB, pPtrInMemory, pBuffer, pExprCount );
pExpr = new expr_u_deref( pPtrInMemory ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExprCount ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_constant(0L) ) ); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void Out_IfCopy( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pPtrInMemory, expr_node * , expr_node * pExprCount ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_IF_COPY_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE );
pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg ));
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeCastExprPtrToPtrToUChar( pPtrInMemory ) )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExprCount )); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void Out_IfAllocCopy( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pPtrInMemory, expr_node * , expr_node * pExprCount ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_IF_ALLOC_COPY_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE );
pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg ));
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeCastExprPtrToPtrToUChar( pPtrInMemory ))); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExprCount )); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void Out_Copy( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pSource, expr_node * pExprCount, expr_node * pAssign ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_COPY_RTN_NAME );
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pDest )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pSource )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExprCount )); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine();
if( pAssign ) { Out_PlusEquals( pCCB, pAssign, pProc ); } else { pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); } } void Out_IfFree( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pSrc ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_IF_FREE_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE ); pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeCastExprPtrToUChar( pSrc ) ) ); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void Out_ConfStringHdr( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pSize, expr_node * pLength, BOOL fMarsh ) { PNAME pName;
expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( pName ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pDest ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pSize ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pLength ) );
pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); } void Out_CContextMarshall( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pSource ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_C_CTXT_HDL_MARSHALL ); expr_node * pExpr;
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pSource ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pDest ) ); pExpr = new expr_assign( pDest, pProc ); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pExpr->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); } void Out_SContextMarshall( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pSource, expr_node * pRDRtn ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_S_CTXT_HDL_MARSHALL ); expr_node * pExpr;
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pSource ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pDest ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pRDRtn ) ); pExpr = new expr_assign( pDest, pProc ); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pExpr->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); } void Out_CContextUnMarshall( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pSource, expr_node * pHandle, expr_node * pDRep ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_C_CTXT_HDL_UNMARSHALL ); expr_node * pExpr;
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pDest ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pHandle ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pSource ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pDRep ) );
pExpr = new expr_assign( pSource, pProc ); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pExpr->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); } void Out_SContextUnMarshall( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pSource, expr_node * pDRep ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_S_CTXT_HDL_UNMARSHALL ); expr_node * pExpr;
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pSource ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pDRep ) ); pExpr = new expr_assign( pDest, pProc ); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pExpr->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void Out_RaiseException( CCB * pCCB, PNAME pExceptionName) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( "RpcRaiseException" ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_variable( pExceptionName ) ) ); pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); } void Out_RpcTryFinally( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "RpcTryFinally" ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); } void Out_RpcFinally( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '}' ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "RpcFinally" ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write('{'); } void Out_RpcEndFinally( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '}' ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "RpcEndFinally" ); pStream->NewLine(); } void Out_RpcTryExcept( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "RpcTryExcept" ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); }
void Out_RpcExcept( CCB * pCCB, char * pFilterString ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write('}'); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "RpcExcept( " ); pStream->Write( pFilterString ); pStream->Write( " )" ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); }
void Out_RpcEndExcept( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '}' ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "RpcEndExcept" ); } void Out_CallNdrMapCommAndFaultStatus( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pAddrOfStubMsg, expr_node * StatRes, expr_node * pCommExpr, expr_node * pFaultExpr ) { node_skl * pType; expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_MAP_COMM_FAULT_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pExpr; expr_variable * pExceptionCode = new expr_variable( "RpcExceptionCode()",0);
pAddrOfStubMsg = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( PSTUB_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME, pAddrOfStubMsg );
pCommExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastPtrToType( pType, pCommExpr ); pFaultExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastPtrToType( pType, pFaultExpr );
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pAddrOfStubMsg )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pCommExpr )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pFaultExpr )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExceptionCode )); pExpr = new expr_assign( StatRes, pProc );
Out_If( pCCB, pExpr ); Out_RaiseException( pCCB, ((RESOURCE * )StatRes)->GetResourceName() ); Out_Endif(pCCB); } void Out_CallToXmit( CCB * pCCB, PNAME XmittedTypeName, expr_node * pPresented, expr_node * pTransmitted ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); char * p = new char [strlen( XmittedTypeName )+10+1];
strcpy( p, XmittedTypeName ); strcat( p, "_to_xmit" ); expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( p ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pPresented ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pTransmitted ) ));
pStream->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 ); }
void Out_CallFromXmit( CCB * pCCB, PNAME XmittedTypeName, expr_node * pPresented, expr_node * pTransmitted ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); char * p = new char [strlen( XmittedTypeName )+10+1];
strcpy( p, XmittedTypeName ); strcat( p, "_from_xmit" ); expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( p ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pTransmitted )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pPresented ) );
pStream->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 ); } void Out_CallFreeXmit( CCB * pCCB, PNAME XmittedTypeName, expr_node * pTransmitted ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); char * p = new char [strlen( XmittedTypeName )+15+1];
strcpy( p, XmittedTypeName ); strcat( p, "_free_xmit" ); expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( p );
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pTransmitted ) );
pStream->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 ); } void Out_CallFreeInst( CCB * pCCB, PNAME XmittedTypeName, expr_node * pPresented ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); char * p = new char [strlen( XmittedTypeName )+15+1];
strcpy( p, XmittedTypeName ); strcat( p, "_free_inst" ); expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( p );
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pPresented ) );
pStream->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 ); }
void Out_StringMarshall( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pMemory, expr_node * pCount, expr_node * pSize ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_CONF_STR_M_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE ); ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeCastExprPtrToUChar( pMemory ) ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pCount ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pSize ) ); pStream->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 ); } void Out_StringUnMarshall( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pMemory, expr_node * pSize ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( NDR_CONF_STR_UN_RTN_NAME ); expr_node * pStubMsg= pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE ); ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStubMsg = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pStubMsg ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pStubMsg )); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( MakeCastExprPtrToPtrToUChar( pMemory ) )) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pSize ) ); pStream->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 ); }
char * MakeRtnName( char * pBuffer, // if 0 it means allocate anew buffer and return.
char * pName, int Code ) { char * p;
switch( Code ) { case NC_SIZE_RTN_NAME: p = "Sizing"; break; case NC_MARSHALL_RTN_NAME: p = "Marshall"; break; case NC_UNMARSHALL_RTN_NAME: p = "UnMarshall"; break; case NC_MEMSIZE_RTN_NAME: p = "MemSize"; break; case NC_FREE_RTN_NAME: p = "Free"; break; }
if( !pBuffer ) { pBuffer = new char[ strlen( pName ) + // name of structure
1 + // underscore.
strlen( p ) + // name of rtn
1 // 0 terminator.
]; }
sprintf( pBuffer, "%s_%s", pName, p );
return pBuffer; }
void Out_TypeAlignSizePrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& I ) { TYPE_ENCODE_INFO *p; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
// The iterator items are really a set of name pointers.
pStream->NewLine(); while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, p ) ) { GenStdMesPrototype( pCCB, p->pName, TYPE_ALIGN_SIZE_CODE, (p->Flags == TYPE_ENCODE_WITH_IMPL_HANDLE));
pStream->Write(';'); pStream->NewLine(); }
} void Out_TypeEncodePrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& I ) { TYPE_ENCODE_INFO *p; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
// The iterator items are really a set of name pointers.
pStream->NewLine(); while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, p ) ) { GenStdMesPrototype( pCCB, p->pName, TYPE_ENCODE_CODE, (p->Flags == TYPE_ENCODE_WITH_IMPL_HANDLE)); pStream->Write(';'); pStream->NewLine(); }
} void Out_TypeDecodePrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& I ) { TYPE_ENCODE_INFO *p; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
// The iterator items are really a set of name pointers.
pStream->NewLine(); while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, p ) ) { GenStdMesPrototype( pCCB, p->pName, TYPE_DECODE_CODE, (p->Flags == TYPE_ENCODE_WITH_IMPL_HANDLE)); pStream->Write(';'); pStream->NewLine(); } }
void Out_TypeFreePrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& I ) { // Freeing is not supported for the v1 interpreter
if ( ! ( pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2 ) ) return;
TYPE_ENCODE_INFO *p; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
// The iterator items are really a set of name pointers.
pStream->NewLine(); while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, p ) ) { GenStdMesPrototype( pCCB, p->pName, TYPE_FREE_CODE, (p->Flags == TYPE_ENCODE_WITH_IMPL_HANDLE)); pStream->Write(';'); pStream->NewLine(); } }