Copyright (c) 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains routines for the generation of the new NDR format strings for the code generation procedure class.
DKays Oct-1993 Created. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "becls.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "szbuffer.h"
#include "walkctxt.hxx"
#include <malloc.h>
extern CMD_ARG * pCommand;
void CG_PROC::GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Interpreted procedure format string descriptions.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ {
CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_PARAM * pParam; FORMAT_STRING * pProcFormatString; CG_NDR * pOldCGNodeContext; short ParamNum; long ServerBufferSize; long ClientBufferSize; long BufSize; BOOL fServerMustSize; BOOL fClientMustSize; INTERPRETER_OPT_FLAGS InterpreterOptFlags;
MIDL_ASSERT( !pCommand->IsNDR64Run() );
// make sure that call-as proc targets get processed when necessary.
CG_PROC * pCallAs = GetCallAsCG(); if (pCallAs) pCallAs->GenNdrFormat(pCCB); SetupFormatStrings(pCCB);
if ( ! (GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2) ) { // Generate -Os or -Oi format string.
GenNdrFormatV1( pCCB ); UnsetupFormatStrings(pCCB); return; }
if ( GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) { UnsetupFormatStrings(pCCB); return; }
pCCB->SetInObjectInterface( IsObject() );
pOldCGNodeContext = pCCB->SetCGNodeContext( this );
// If this procedure uses an explicit handle then set the
// NdrBindDescriptionOffset to 0 so that it will not try to output it's
// description when given the GenNdrParamOffLine method in the loop below.
// It's description must be part of the procedure description.
if ( GetHandleUsage() == HU_EXPLICIT ) { CG_HANDLE * pHandle = GetHandleClassPtr();
pHandle->SetNdrBindDescriptionOffset( 0 );
if ( pHandle->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL ) { // The context handle directs the call.
((CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE *)pHandle)->SetCannotBeNull(); } }
GetMembers( Iterator );
ParamNum = 0;
ServerBufferSize = 0; ClientBufferSize = 0;
fServerMustSize = FALSE; fClientMustSize = FALSE;
pCCB->SetInterpreterOutSize( 0 );
// Generate the offline portion of the format string for all of the params.
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pParam ) ) { CG_NDR * pChild; CG_NDR * pOldPlaceholder;
pChild = (CG_NDR *) pParam->GetChild();
// Ignore the following type of arguments that don't go on wire:
// - async handles
// - primitive handles
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PRIMITIVE_HDL || ( (CG_PARAM*) pParam)->IsAsyncHandleParam() ) continue;
pParam->SetParamNumber( ParamNum++ );
pCCB->SetCurrentParam( (CG_PARAM *) pParam ); pOldPlaceholder = pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pParam );
pChild->GenNdrParamOffline( pCCB ); // A procedure's buffer size does not depend on pipe arguments
if (pChild->IsPipeOrPipeReference()) { if (pChild->GetChild()->HasAFixedBufferSize()) pParam->SetInterpreterMustSize(FALSE); else // There must be a union in there somewhere
pParam->SetInterpreterMustSize(TRUE); } else {
BufSize = pChild->FixedBufferSize( pCCB );
if ( BufSize != -1 ) { //
// If either the client's or server's fixed buffer size gets too
// big then we force the parameter to be sized.
if ( (pParam->IsParamIn() && ((ClientBufferSize + BufSize) >= 65356)) || (pParam->IsParamOut() && ((ServerBufferSize + BufSize) >= 65356)) ) { fClientMustSize = TRUE; fServerMustSize = TRUE; } else { pParam->SetInterpreterMustSize( FALSE ); if ( pParam->IsParamIn() ) ClientBufferSize += BufSize; if ( pParam->IsParamOut() ) ServerBufferSize += BufSize; } } else { if ( pParam->IsParamIn() ) fClientMustSize = TRUE; if ( pParam->IsParamOut() ) fServerMustSize = TRUE; } }
pCCB->SetCurrentParam( 0 ); pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pOldPlaceholder ); }
// Generate the format string for the return type if needed.
if ( GetReturnType() ) { CG_NDR * pChild; CG_NDR * pOldPlaceholder;
GetReturnType()->SetParamNumber( ParamNum++ ); pChild = (CG_NDR *) GetReturnType()->GetChild();
pCCB->SetCurrentParam( GetReturnType() ); pOldPlaceholder = pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( GetReturnType() );
pChild->GenNdrParamOffline( pCCB );
BufSize = pChild->FixedBufferSize( pCCB );
if ( BufSize != -1 ) { if ( (ServerBufferSize + BufSize) >= 65536 ) { fServerMustSize = TRUE; } else { ServerBufferSize += BufSize; GetReturnType()->SetInterpreterMustSize( FALSE ); } } else fServerMustSize = TRUE;
pCCB->SetCurrentParam( 0 ); pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pOldPlaceholder ); }
pCCB->SetCurrentParam( 0 ); pProcFormatString = pCCB->GetProcFormatString();
SetFormatStringOffset( pProcFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
// Generate procedure description stuff for the interpreter if needed.
if ( (pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) || HasAPicklingAttribute() ) { GenNdrFormatProcInfo( pCCB );
// Client side constant buffer size.
pProcFormatString->PushShort( ClientBufferSize );
// Server side constant buffer size.
pProcFormatString->PushShort( ServerBufferSize ); }
InterpreterOptFlags.ServerMustSize = (unsigned char) fServerMustSize; InterpreterOptFlags.ClientMustSize = (unsigned char) fClientMustSize; InterpreterOptFlags.HasReturn = (unsigned char) (GetReturnType() != 0 ? 1 : 0); InterpreterOptFlags.HasPipes = (unsigned char) HasPipes(); InterpreterOptFlags.Unused = (unsigned char) 0; InterpreterOptFlags.HasAsyncUuid = (unsigned char) HasAsyncUUID(); InterpreterOptFlags.HasAsyncHandle = (unsigned char) HasAsyncHandle(); InterpreterOptFlags.HasExtensions = (unsigned char) ( HasDeny() || HasNotify() || HasNotifyFlag() || HasComplexReturnType() );
short floatmask = 0;
if ( pCommand->Is64BitEnv() ) { floatmask = GetFloatArgMask( pCCB );
InterpreterOptFlags.HasExtensions = (unsigned char) InterpreterOptFlags.HasExtensions || (0 != floatmask); }
// New procedure flags.
pProcFormatString->PushOi2ProcFlagsByte( *((char *)&InterpreterOptFlags) );
// Number of parameters.
pProcFormatString->PushByte( ParamNum );
if ( InterpreterOptFlags.HasExtensions ) { // Extensions layout:
// size<1>
// flags<1>
// client correlation cache size hint<2>
// server correlation cache size hint<2>
// notify routine index<2>
INTERPRETER_OPT_FLAGS2 InterpreterOptFlags2;
InterpreterOptFlags2.Unused = 0; InterpreterOptFlags2.HasNewCorrDesc = ( unsigned char )HasDeny(); if ( InterpreterOptFlags2.HasNewCorrDesc ) { InterpreterOptFlags2.ClientCorrCheck = ( unsigned char )HasClientCorr(); InterpreterOptFlags2.ServerCorrCheck = ( unsigned char )HasServerCorr(); } else { InterpreterOptFlags2.ClientCorrCheck = 0; InterpreterOptFlags2.ServerCorrCheck = 0; } InterpreterOptFlags2.HasNotify = ( unsigned char )HasNotify(); InterpreterOptFlags2.HasNotify2 = ( unsigned char )HasNotifyFlag();
InterpreterOptFlags2.HasComplexReturn = ( unsigned char )HasComplexReturnType();
if ( pCommand->Is64BitEnv() ) { pProcFormatString->PushByte( sizeof(NDR_PROC_HEADER_EXTS64) ); } else { pProcFormatString->PushByte( sizeof(NDR_PROC_HEADER_EXTS) ); } pProcFormatString->PushExtProcFlagsByte( *((char *)&InterpreterOptFlags2) );
node_proc* pProcThis = (node_proc*) GetType(); pProcFormatString->PushShort( short( pProcThis->GetClientCorrelationCount() ) ); // client
pProcFormatString->PushShort( short( pProcThis->GetServerCorrelationCount() ) ); //server
printf ( "Client hint is %16d, Server hint is %16d, for %s\n", pProcThis->GetClientCorrelationCount(), pProcThis->GetServerCorrelationCount(), pProcThis->GetSymName() ); #endif
if( HasNotify() || HasNotifyFlag() ) GetNotifyTableOffset( pCCB );
pProcFormatString->PushShort( (short)uNotifyTableOffset ); // notify index
if ( pCommand->Is64BitEnv() ) { pProcFormatString->PushShort( floatmask ); } }
SetFormatStringParamStart( pProcFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
pCCB->SetInterpreterOutSize( 0 );
ITERATOR_INIT( Iterator ); //
// Now generate the param info at the end of the format string.
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pParam ) ) { CG_NDR * pChild; CG_NDR * pOldPlaceholder;
if (pParam->IsAsyncHandleParam()) continue;
pChild = (CG_NDR *) pParam->GetChild();
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pChild = (CG_NDR *) pChild->GetChild();
pOldPlaceholder = pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pParam );
pChild->GenNdrParamDescription( pCCB );
pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pOldPlaceholder ); }
if ( GetReturnType() ) { CG_NDR * pChild; CG_NDR * pOldPlaceholder; pChild = (CG_NDR *) GetReturnType()->GetChild();
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pChild = (CG_NDR *) pChild->GetChild();
pOldPlaceholder = pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( GetReturnType() );
pChild->GenNdrParamDescription( pCCB );
pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pOldPlaceholder ); }
pCCB->SetCGNodeContext( pOldCGNodeContext );
pCCB->SetInObjectInterface( FALSE );
SetFormatStringEndOffset( pProcFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
// save delta, in case the routine is optimized
short usParamStartDelta = (short) ( GetFormatStringParamStart() - GetFormatStringOffset() );
pProcFormatString->OptimizeFragment( this );
// Set param start!!!
SetFormatStringParamStart( GetFormatStringOffset() + usParamStartDelta );
// For interpreted procs we add some comments to the procedure format
// strings to make the stubs easier to read.
if ( ! (pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) ) return;
char * pComment; long FormatOffset; short Bytes;
Bytes = short(32 + strlen( GetSymName() ) ); pComment = new char[Bytes];
sprintf( pComment, "\n\t/* Procedure %s */\n\n", GetSymName() ); pProcFormatString->AddComment( GetFormatStringOffset(), pComment );
GetMembers( Iterator );
FormatOffset = GetFormatStringParamStart();
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pParam ) ) { if ( pParam->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PRIMITIVE_HDL || pParam->IsAsyncHandleParam() ) continue; Bytes = short( 32 + strlen( pParam->GetSymName() ) ); pComment = new char[Bytes]; sprintf( pComment, "\n\t/* Parameter %s */\n\n", pParam->GetSymName() ); pProcFormatString->AddComment( FormatOffset, pComment ); FormatOffset += 6; }
if ( GetReturnType() ) { pProcFormatString->AddComment( FormatOffset, "\n\t/* Return value */\n\n" ); } UnsetupFormatStrings(pCCB); }
void CG_PROC::GenNdrFormatProcInfo( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
The layout is:
handle type<1> Oi and pickling flags <1> [ rpc flags<4> ] proc num <2> stack size<2> [ explicit handle description <> ] [ notify table offset<2> ] --*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pProcFormatString; SetupFormatStrings(pCCB); pProcFormatString = pCCB->GetProcFormatString();
if ( IsObject() ) { pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_AUTO_HANDLE ); } else { if ( pCCB->IsInCallback() ) { pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_CALLBACK_HANDLE ); } else { if ( GetHandleUsage() == HU_IMPLICIT ) { //
// Implicit handle type.
if ( IsAutoHandle() ) pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_AUTO_HANDLE ); if ( IsPrimitiveHandle() ) pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_BIND_PRIMITIVE ); if ( IsGenericHandle() ) { pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_BIND_GENERIC );
// implicit generic handle needs to be registered.
pCCB->RegisterGenericHandleType( GetHandleClassPtr()->GetHandleType() ); } } else pProcFormatString->PushByte( 0 ); } }
unsigned char OiFlags = 0;
// Indicate if there is a need to init the full ptr or rpcss packages.
if ( HasFullPtr() ) OiFlags |= Oi_FULL_PTR_USED;
if ( MustInvokeRpcSSAllocate() ) OiFlags |= Oi_RPCSS_ALLOC_USED;
if ( IsObject() ) { OiFlags |= Oi_OBJECT_PROC;
if ( (GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) && (GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2) ) OiFlags |= Oi_OBJ_USE_V2_INTERPRETER; }
if ( GetCGID() == ID_CG_ENCODE_PROC ) { if ( HasEncode() ) OiFlags |= ENCODE_IS_USED; if ( HasDecode() ) OiFlags |= DECODE_IS_USED;
// are overloaded. In -Oicf mode, the new routines are always used
// and the bit specifics comm/fault options (which overriden also).
// In pre-Oicf comm/fault is not supported.
if ( GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2 ) { if ( HasStatuses() ) OiFlags |= PICKLING_HAS_COMM_OR_FAULT; } else { OiFlags |= Oi_USE_NEW_INIT_ROUTINES; } } else { // Always do this.
if ( HasStatuses() ) OiFlags |= Oi_HAS_COMM_OR_FAULT; }
pProcFormatString->PushOldProcFlagsByte( OiFlags );
pProcFormatString->PushLong( (long) TranslateOpBitsIntoUnsignedInt() );
// Proc num.
pProcFormatString->PushShort( (short) GetProcNum() );
long Size = GetTotalStackSize( pCCB );
// Use a push ushort offset or size method which outputs a #ifdef for
// the various platforms, for which stack offsets are often different.
pProcFormatString->PushUShortStackOffsetOrSize( Size );
// Output explicit handle description.
if ( GetHandleUsage() == HU_EXPLICIT && !IsObject() ) { CG_NDR * pOldPlaceholder; CG_HANDLE * pHandle;
pHandle = GetHandleClassPtr();
pOldPlaceholder = pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( GetHandleUsagePtr() );
pHandle->GenNdrHandleFormat( pCCB );
pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pOldPlaceholder );
// Patch up a pointer to context handle's offset<2> field.
if ( pHandle->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL ) { CG_NDR * pNdr; CG_NDR * pPointer;
// Get the handle param's first child node.
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) GetHandleUsagePtr()->GetChild(); pPointer = 0;
while ( pNdr->IsPointer() ) { pPointer = pNdr; pNdr = (CG_NDR *) GetChild(); } if ( pPointer ) { long OffsetField; OffsetField = pPointer->GetFormatStringOffset() + 2;
pCCB->GetFormatString()->PushShortOffset( pHandle->GetFormatStringOffset() - OffsetField, OffsetField ); } } } UnsetupFormatStrings(pCCB); }
// ##########################################################################
// ----- Interpreted client stub generation. -----###########################
// ##########################################################################
void CG_PROC::GenNdrSingleClientCall( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
This is the top level routine for generating code for the single NDR call case on the client side.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ { ISTREAM * pStream; CG_ITERATOR Iterator; expr_node * pFinalExpr; CG_PARAM * pLastParam; bool fIsErrorStatus = false;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
// Generate the format string.
if ( pCommand->IsNDRRun() ) { GenNdrFormat( pCCB ); } else { pCCB->GetNdr64Format()->Generate( this ); }
if ( GetReturnType() || HasComplexReturnType() ) { if ( HasAsyncHandle() ) { if ( !HasComplexReturnType() && GetReturnType()->GetChild()->GetCGID() != ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL ) { fIsErrorStatus = GetReturnType()->GetChild()->GetCGID() == ID_CG_ERROR_STATUS_T; } if ( fIsErrorStatus || GetCGID() == ID_CG_OBJECT_PROC ) { pStream->Write( "CLIENT_CALL_RETURN " RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( " = {0};" ); pStream->NewLine( 2 ); } } else { if ( HasComplexReturnType() ) { ( (node_proc *) GetType() ) ->GetReturnType()->PrintType(PRT_DECL, pStream); } else pStream->Write( "CLIENT_CALL_RETURN " );
pStream->Write( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine( 2 ); } }
pLastParam = 0;
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pLastParam ) ) ;
// If we have a complex return type the "last parameter" is actually the
// return value so we need the one before that.
if ( pLastParam && HasComplexReturnType() ) { CG_PARAM *pPrevLastParam = NULL;
ITERATOR_INIT( Iterator ); while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pPrevLastParam ) ) if ( pPrevLastParam->GetSibling() == pLastParam ) break;
pLastParam = pPrevLastParam; }
// Now emit code for x86 or ia64.
if ( pCommand->Is64BitEnv() ) { // Emit code for IA64 platform
pFinalExpr = GenCoreNdrSingleClientCall( pCCB, PROC_PLATFORM_IA64) ; } else { // x86
pFinalExpr = GenCoreNdrSingleClientCall( pCCB, PROC_PLATFORM_X86 ); }
pFinalExpr->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 ); pStream->NewLine();
if ( GetReturnType() || HasComplexReturnType() ) { if ( HasAsyncHandle() ) { if ( !fIsErrorStatus && GetCGID() != ID_CG_OBJECT_PROC ) { return; } }
pStream->Write("return "); //
// Complex return types
if ( HasComplexReturnType() ) { pStream->Write( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ";" ); pStream->NewLine(); return; }
CG_NDR* pNdr = (CG_NDR *) GetReturnType()->GetChild(); node_skl* pType = GetReturnType()->GetType();
// Base type return value.
if ( pNdr->IsSimpleType() ) { switch ( ((CG_BASETYPE *)pNdr)->GetFormatChar() ) { case FC_FLOAT : pType->PrintType( PRT_CAST_TO_TYPE, pStream ); pStream->Write( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ".Float;" ); break; case FC_DOUBLE : pType->PrintType( PRT_CAST_TO_TYPE, pStream ); pStream->Write( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ".Double;" ); break; default : pType->PrintType( PRT_CAST_TO_TYPE, pStream ); pStream->Write( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ".Simple;" ); break; }
pStream->NewLine(); return; }
// A by-value struct or union.
if ( pNdr->IsStruct() || pNdr->IsUnion() ) { expr_node * pExpr;
pExpr = new expr_variable( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ".Pointer" );
pExpr = MakeDerefExpressionOfCastPtrToType( pType, pExpr );
pExpr->Print( pStream );
pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); return; }
// Otherwise pointer or array.
pType->PrintType( PRT_CAST_TO_TYPE, pStream ); pStream->Write( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ".Pointer;" ); pStream->NewLine(); } }
// ##########################################################################
// ----- Interpreted server stub generation. -----###########################
// ##########################################################################
void CG_PROC::GenNdrSingleServerCall( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
This is the top level routine for generating code for the single NDR call case on the server side. It actually ends up being 3 calls.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ { ISTREAM * pStream; // CG_PARAM * pParam;
expr_proc_call * pCallExpr; char FormatStringExpr[80];
// On the server side we just use the format string that was generated
// during client stub generation if such generation occured.
if ( pCommand->IsNDRRun() ) { if ( GetFormatStringOffset() == -1 ) GenNdrFormat( pCCB ); } else { pCCB->GetNdr64Format()->Generate( this ); }
pCCB->SetCGNodeContext( this );
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
// Output the server stub locals. There are two locals : the stub
// descriptor and the param struct.
GenNdrInterpretedServerLocals( pCCB );
// Make the single unmarshall call.
pCallExpr = new expr_proc_call( S_NDR_UNMARSHALL_RTN_NAME );
// Rpc message.
pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_variable( PRPC_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ) ) );
// Stub message.
pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_u_address ( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ) ) ) );
// Stub descriptor.
pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_u_address ( new expr_variable( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetStubDescName() ) ) ) );
sprintf( FormatStringExpr, "&%s[%d]", PROC_FORMAT_STRING_STRING_FIELD, GetFormatStringOffset() );
// Format string pointer.
pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_variable( FormatStringExpr ) ) );
// Parameter structure pointer.
if ( ! IsNullCall() ) { pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_u_address ( new expr_variable( "ParamStruct" ) ) ) ); } else { pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_variable( "0" ) ) ); }
// Print the unmarshall call.
pCallExpr->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 );
// Now make the call to the manager.
GenNdrInterpretedManagerCall( pCCB );
// Make the single marshall call.
pCallExpr = new expr_proc_call( S_NDR_MARSHALL_RTN_NAME );
// Stub message.
pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_u_address ( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ) ) ) );
// Format string pointer.
pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_variable( FormatStringExpr ) ) );
pStream->NewLine( 2 );
// Print the marshall routine call.
pCallExpr->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void CG_PROC::GenNdrInterpretedServerLocals( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
This routine outputs the two local variables for an interpreted server stub. The two locals are the stub message and the param struct.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ { ISTREAM * pStream;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
// Stub message local.
pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME " " STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ";" ); pStream->NewLine();
// Generate the param struct for non-null calls only.
if ( ! IsNullCall() ) { GenNdrInterpreterParamStruct( pCCB );
pStream->Write( PARAM_STRUCT_TYPE_NAME " ParamStruct;" ); pStream->NewLine(); } }
void CG_PROC::GenNdrInterpreterParamStruct( CCB * pCCB) { BOOL f64 = pCommand->Is64BitEnv();
if ( f64) GenNdrInterpreterParamStruct64( pCCB); else GenNdrInterpreterParamStruct32( pCCB ); }
void CG_PROC::GenNdrInterpreterParamStruct64( CCB * pCCB ) { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; ISTREAM * pStream; CG_PARAM * pParam; CG_PARAM * pParamPrev; CG_RETURN * pReturn; CG_NDR * pNdr; long PadNumber; char Buffer[80]; long PrevEndOffset;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
// Register size is 8 for 64b platform.
pStream->Write( "#pragma pack(8)" ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( PARAM_STRUCT_TYPE_NAME ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->NewLine();
PadNumber = 0;
GetMembers( Iterator );
if ( IsObject() ) { pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetThisDeclarator()->PrintType( PRT_PARAM_OR_ID_DECLARATION, pStream, (node_skl *)0 ); PrevEndOffset = 8; } else PrevEndOffset = 0;
pParamPrev = 0;
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pParam ) ) { pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pParam->GetChild();
if ( pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pNdr->GetChild();
// IA64 does not align every big struct to 16b boundary.
// Only __int128 etc. would be aligned to 16 (and objects embedding it).
// OPTIMIZE: The code below is correct, as GetStackOffset with PrevEndOffset
// is a check for alignment of 16, but pParam->GetMemAlign() would be better.
if ( (pParam->GetStackSize() > 8) && PrevEndOffset > 0 ) { long CurrentIA64Offset;
if ( pParamPrev ) { PrevEndOffset = pParamPrev->GetStackOffset( pCCB, I386_STACK_SIZING ) + pParamPrev->GetStackSize(); if ( PrevEndOffset & 7 ) PrevEndOffset += 8 - (PrevEndOffset & 7); }
// The additional pad for 16b aligned objects can only be
// a full register as the prev param is already padded.
CurrentIA64Offset = pParam->GetStackOffset( pCCB, I386_STACK_SIZING );
if ( CurrentIA64Offset - PrevEndOffset ) { sprintf( Buffer, "char Pad%d[8];", PadNumber++ ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine(); } }
// For reasons lost to the ages if we have a pointer to a
// context handle then it's type gets munged from TYPE* to
// NDR_SCONTEXT. This is fine except that it causes type
// mismatch errors in the server stub. Special case it here.
bool print = true;
if ( pNdr->IsPointer() ) { CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE *pHandle = dynamic_cast<CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE *> ( pNdr->GetChild() );
if ( pHandle ) { pStream->WriteFormat( "%s *%s;", pHandle->GetHandleType()->GetSymName(), pParam->GetSymName()); pStream->NewLine(); print = false; } }
// Print the field declaration.
if (print) { pParam->GetResource()->GetType()->PrintType( PRT_PARAM_OR_ID_DECLARATION, pStream, (node_skl *)0 ); }
// Generate some padding if needed.
if ( pParam->GetStackSize() & 7 ) { long Pad = 8 - (pParam->GetStackSize() & 7);
sprintf( Buffer, "char Pad%d[%d];", PadNumber++, Pad ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine(); }
pParamPrev = pParam; } // while params
// Add the return type if one is present.
if ( ( pReturn = GetReturnType() ) != 0 ) { pReturn->GetResource()->GetType()->PrintType( PRT_PARAM_OR_ID_DECLARATION, pStream, (node_skl *)0 ); // Possibly we could add a padding after the return type member
// but it would not be used anyway.
pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( "#pragma pack()" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void CG_PROC::GenNdrInterpreterParamStruct32( CCB * pCCB ) { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; ISTREAM * pStream; CG_PARAM * pParam; CG_PARAM * pParamPrev; CG_RETURN * pReturn; CG_NDR * pNdr; long Pad; long PadNumber; char Buffer[80];
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->Write( "#pragma pack(4)" ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( PARAM_STRUCT_TYPE_NAME ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->NewLine();
PadNumber = 0;
GetMembers( Iterator );
if ( IsObject() ) { pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetThisDeclarator()->PrintType( PRT_PARAM_OR_ID_DECLARATION, pStream, (node_skl *)0 ); }
pParamPrev = 0;
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pParam ) ) { pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pParam->GetChild();
if ( pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pNdr->GetChild();
// For reasons lost to the ages if we have a pointer to a
// context handle then it's type gets munged from TYPE* to
// NDR_SCONTEXT. This is fine except that it causes type
// mismatch errors in the server stub. Special case it here.
bool print = true;
if ( pNdr->IsPointer() ) { CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE *pHandle = dynamic_cast<CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE *> ( pNdr->GetChild() );
if ( pHandle ) { pStream->WriteFormat( "%s *%s;", pHandle->GetHandleType()->GetSymName(), pParam->GetSymName()); pStream->NewLine(); print = false; } }
// Print the field declaration.
if (print) { pParam->GetResource()->GetType()->PrintType( PRT_PARAM_OR_ID_DECLARATION, pStream, (node_skl *)0 ); }
// Generate some padding if needed.
if ( pParam->GetStackSize() & 3 ) { Pad = 4 - (pParam->GetStackSize() & 3);
sprintf( Buffer, "char Pad%d[%d];", PadNumber++, Pad ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine(); }
pParamPrev = pParam; } // while params
// Add the return type if one is present.
if ( ( pReturn = GetReturnType() ) != 0 ) { pReturn->GetResource()->GetType()->PrintType( PRT_PARAM_OR_ID_DECLARATION, pStream, (node_skl *)0 ); }
pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( "#pragma pack()" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void CG_PROC::GenNdrInterpretedManagerCall( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
This routine outputs the call to the manager for interpreted stubs.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_PARAM * pParam; // CG_RETURN * pReturn;
expr_proc_call * pCall; expr_node * pExpr; if ( GetCallAsName() ) { pCall = new expr_proc_call( GenMangledCallAsName( pCCB ) ); } else pCall = new expr_proc_call( GetType()->GetSymName() );
GetMembers( Iterator );
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pParam ) ) { CG_NDR * pNdr; char * pName; expr_node * pExpr;
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pParam->GetChild();
pName = new char[80];
strcpy( pName, "pParamStruct->" ); strcat( pName, pParam->GetResource()->GetResourceName() );
pExpr = new expr_variable( pName );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param ( pExpr ) ); }
// epv stuff
expr_node * pExprTemp;
if( pCCB->IsMEpV() && (GetCGID() != ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC) ) { unsigned short M, m; CSzBuffer Buffer; char * pTemp;
pCCB->GetVersion( &M, &m );
Buffer.Set("(("); Buffer.Append(pCCB->GetInterfaceName()); Buffer.Append(pCCB->GenMangledName()); Buffer.Append("_"); Buffer.Append(pCCB->IsOldNames() ? "SERVER_EPV" : "epv_t"); Buffer.Append(" *)("); Buffer.Append(PRPC_MESSAGE_MANAGER_EPV_NAME); Buffer.Append("))");
pTemp = new char [ strlen( Buffer ) + 1 ]; strcpy( pTemp, Buffer );
pExprTemp = new expr_variable( pTemp );//this has the rhs expr for the
// manager epv call. Sneaky !
pCall = (expr_proc_call *)new expr_pointsto( pExprTemp, pCall ); }
// end epv stuff
// async methods don't have return values
if ( GetReturnType() && !HasAsyncHandle() ) { CG_NDR * pC = (CG_NDR *) GetReturnType()->GetChild();
if( pC->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( "NDRSContextValue" );
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_variable( "pParamStruct->" RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ) ) );
// cast the proc call to this type.
pExpr = MakeDerefExpressionOfCastPtrToType( GetReturnType()->GetType(), pProc ); pExpr = new expr_assign (pExpr, pCall ); } else { pExpr = new expr_assign( new expr_variable( "pParamStruct->" RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ), pCall ); } } else pExpr = pCall;
pExpr->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 );
pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); }
void CG_PROC::GenNdrThunkInterpretedServerStub( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
if ( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetCGID() == ID_CG_INHERITED_OBJECT_INTERFACE ) pStream->Write( "static " );
pStream->Write( "void __RPC_API" );
pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( '_' ); pStream->Write( GetType()->GetSymName() ); // if ( IsObject() )
pStream->Write( "_Thunk" ); pStream->Write( '(' ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( PSTUB_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME " " PSTUB_MESSAGE_PAR_NAME " )" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
GenNdrInterpreterParamStruct( pCCB );
pStream->Write( PARAM_STRUCT_TYPE_NAME " * pParamStruct;" ); pStream->NewLine( 2 );
pStream->Write( "pParamStruct = (" PARAM_STRUCT_TYPE_NAME " *) " ); pStream->Write( PSTUB_MESSAGE_PAR_NAME "->StackTop;" ); pStream->NewLine();
GenNdrInterpretedManagerCall( pCCB );
pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( '}' ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void CG_PROC::GenNdrOldInterpretedServerStub( CCB * pCCB ) { #ifdef TEMPORARY_OI_SERVER_STUBS
// This code is being generated temporarily to enable easier debugging
// of server side -Oi stubs. Normally server side stubs do not exist. And
// the server side runtime calls the Server side interpreter directly. This
// causes debugging problems if we want to breakpoint on a method on an
// interface. Therefore till we get the system converted to -Oi and the
// stress stabilizes, we will emit a server side procedure which will
// enable breakpointing per interface proc.
// This emits just the server side prolog for -Oi.
S_GenProlog( pCCB );
// Emit the call to NdrStubCall or NdrServerCall.
PNAME pProcName = IsObject() ? S_OBJECT_NDR_CALL_RTN_NAME : S_NDR_CALL_RTN_NAME; expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( pProcName ); ITERATOR ParamList; expr_node * pParam;
// Set the parameters.
pCCB->GetListOfParamResources( ParamList );
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ParamList, pParam ) ) { pProc->SetParam( pParam ); }
// Emit the call to the interpreter.
pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); Out_IndentDec( pCCB ); Out_ProcClosingBrace( pCCB );
// Generate the function header.
S_GenProlog( pCCB );
// Do the single call code generation. This includes the
// declarations of the three server locals : the stub message, the
// return variable if needed, and the parameter structure.
GenNdrSingleServerCall( pCCB );
// Generate end stuff.
Out_IndentDec( pCCB ); Out_ProcClosingBrace( pCCB );
// Param format string generation.
void CG_PARAM::GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Calls the parameter's child node to generate it's format string.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ { MIDL_ASSERT( !pCommand->IsNDR64Run() );
if ( GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
// The invisible fault/comm status param added by means of acf definition
// doesn't go on wire, so it has no format string representation.
if ( IsExtraStatusParam() ) return;
// [async_handle] This parameter is the invisible xxx_AsyncHandle and does not go
// on the wire, so it has no format representation.
if ( IsAsyncHandleParam() ) return; //
// Call the param child to generate it's format string.
((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->GenNdrFormat( pCCB );
// Set the param node's format string offset equal to the child.
SetFormatStringOffset( ((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->GetFormatStringOffset() ); }
// Individual NDR routine calls output.
void CG_PARAM::GenNdrMarshallCall( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Outputs a parameter's ndr marshall routine call.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ { ISTREAM * pStream; CG_NDR * pChild; FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; PNAME pParamName; ID_CG ParamId; long NameIndex; long FormatOffset; BOOL fTakeAddress; BOOL fDereference; unsigned short WireAlign;
// BUG BUG, this needs to be cleaned up for NDR64
MIDL_ASSERT( !pCommand->IsNDR64Run() );
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pChild = (CG_NDR *)GetChild();
ParamId = pChild->GetCGID();
pParamName = GetResource()->GetResourceName();
if ( IsParamPartialIgnore() && ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT ) ) { Out_PartialIgnoreClientMarshall( pCCB, pParamName ); return; }
if ( (ParamId == ID_CG_PRIMITIVE_HDL) || ((ParamId == ID_CG_PTR) && (((CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild())->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PRIMITIVE_HDL)) ) return;
// For a generic handle, get the handle data type and then continue.
if ( ParamId == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) { pChild = (CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild(); ParamId = pChild->GetCGID(); }
// Since a ref pointer is not shipped, we must use it's child to figure
// out the alignment action and next alignment state.
if ( pChild->IsPointer() && ( !pChild->IsInterfacePointer() ) && (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_STRING_PTR) && (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_STRUCT_STRING_PTR) && (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR) && (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_SIZE_PTR) && (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR) && (((CG_POINTER *)pChild)->GetPtrType() == PTR_REF) ) { CG_NDR * pPtrChild = (CG_NDR *) pChild->GetChild();
if ( ! pChild->IsPipeOrPipeReference() ) { WireAlign = pPtrChild->GetWireAlignment(); } } else { // We shouldn't do that for pipe and object pipe args
if ( ! pChild->IsPipeOrPipeReference() ) { WireAlign = pChild->GetWireAlignment(); } }
// For context handles, generate an optimized code for the client side and
// also an optimize code for common context handles at the server side but
// except that for new context handle flavors the call is slightly different.
if ( (ParamId == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL) || ((ParamId == ID_CG_PTR) && (((CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild())->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL)) ) { if ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT ) { Out_CContextHandleMarshall( pCCB, pParamName, (ParamId == ID_CG_PTR) ); } else { CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE * pContextHandle;
pContextHandle = (ParamId == ID_CG_PTR) ? (CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE *) pChild->GetChild() : (CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE *) pChild;
pCCB->RegisterContextHandleType( pContextHandle->GetHandleType() );
if ( pContextHandle->HasNewContextFlavor() ) { Out_SContextHandleNewMarshall( pCCB, pParamName, pContextHandle->GetRundownRtnName(), pContextHandle->GetFormatStringOffset() ); } else { Out_SContextHandleMarshall( pCCB, pParamName, pContextHandle->GetRundownRtnName() ); } }
return; }
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_ENUM || pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_INT3264 ) { expr_proc_call * pCall; FORMAT_CHARACTER fc; expr_node * pExpr;
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_ENUM ) fc = ((CG_ENUM *)pChild)->GetFormatChar(); else fc = ((CG_BASETYPE *)pChild)->GetSignedFormatChar();
pCall = new expr_proc_call( "NdrSimpleTypeMarshall" );
pExpr = new expr_u_address ( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ) ); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName(PSTUB_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME , pExpr);
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) );
pExpr = new expr_u_address ( new expr_variable( pParamName ) ); pExpr = MakeCastExprPtrToUChar( pExpr );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) );
// Don't emit names like FC_ENUM16 or FC_INT3264 as constants are not public.
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_constant( (long)fc ) ) );
pCall->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
return; }
if ( pChild->IsSimpleType() ) { pStream->NewLine();
OutputNdrAlignment( pCCB, WireAlign );
// Now make the assignment expression and increment with cast, like :
// *((<type> *)_StubMsg.Buffer)++ = <var>;
expr_node * pExpr; expr_variable * pBufVar; expr_variable * pVar;
pBufVar = new expr_variable( STUB_MSG_BUFFER_VAR_NAME );
pVar = new expr_variable( pParamName );
pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastPtrToType( pChild->GetType(), pBufVar );
pExpr = new expr_post_incr( pExpr ); pExpr = new expr_u_deref( pExpr ); pExpr = new expr_assign( pExpr, pVar );
pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine();
return; }
if ( pChild->IsPointerToBaseType() && (((CG_POINTER *)pChild)->GetPtrType() == PTR_REF) && (((CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild())->GetCGID() != ID_CG_ENUM) && (((CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild())->GetCGID() != ID_CG_INT3264) ) { CG_POINTER * pPointer; CG_NDR * pBasetype; expr_node * pExpr; expr_variable * pBufVar; expr_variable * pVar;
pPointer = (CG_POINTER *) pChild;
pBasetype = (CG_NDR *) pPointer->GetChild();
if ( pBasetype->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pBasetype = (CG_NDR *) pBasetype->GetChild();
pBufVar = new expr_variable( STUB_MSG_BUFFER_VAR_NAME );
pVar = new expr_variable( pParamName );
OutputNdrAlignment( pCCB, WireAlign );
// Now make the assignment expression and increment with cast, like :
// *((<type>)_StubMsg.Buffer)++ = *<var>;
pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastPtrToType( pBasetype->GetType(), pBufVar );
pExpr = new expr_post_incr( pExpr ); pExpr = new expr_u_deref( pExpr ); pExpr = new expr_assign( pExpr, new expr_u_deref(pVar) );
pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine();
return; }
GenNdrTopLevelAttributeSupport( pCCB ); pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
FormatOffset = pChild->GetFormatStringOffset(); NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset );
// If the param is a by-value struct or union then set the fTakeAddress
// flag.
fTakeAddress = pChild->IsStruct() || pChild->IsUnion() || pChild->IsXmitRepOrUserMarshal();
// If the param is an array and we're in the server stub then we
// must dereference it.
fDereference = (pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_SERVER) && pChild->IsArray();
// If the param is an omitted cs_tag param, the marshalling code takes
// care of handling the call to the tag routine to get the actual value.
// Also, since we don't have the parameter on the stack we don't have a
// name to pass to Marshall so just pass "0" (NULL)
if ( IsOmittedParam() ) { PNAME pNewName = (PNAME) alloca( sizeof("0 /* */") + strlen(pParamName) ); strcpy( pNewName, "0 /* "); strcat( pNewName, pParamName ); strcat( pNewName, " */"); pParamName = pNewName; fTakeAddress = FALSE; // Probably don't need these but be safe
fDereference = FALSE; }
// For ref pointers with no funky attributes, we optimize by calling
// the pointee's routine directly.
if ( pChild->IsPointer() && ((CG_POINTER *)pChild)->IsBasicRefPointer() ) { CG_POINTER * pPointer;
pPointer = (CG_POINTER *) pChild;
switch ( pPointer->GetCGID() ) { case ID_CG_STRING_PTR : if ( ((CG_STRING_POINTER *)pPointer)->IsStringableStruct() ) break;
FormatOffset = pPointer->GetFormatStringOffset() + 2; NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset ); break;
case ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR : if ( ((CG_STRING_POINTER *)pPointer)->IsStringableStruct() ) break;
FormatOffset = pPointer->GetPointeeFormatStringOffset(); NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset ); break;
default : FormatOffset = pPointer->GetPointeeFormatStringOffset(); NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset ); break; } }
Out_NdrMarshallCall( pCCB, pNdrRoutineNames[NameIndex], pParamName, FormatOffset, fTakeAddress, fDereference ); }
void CG_PARAM::GenNdrUnmarshallCall( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Outputs a parameter's ndr unmarshall routine call.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ {
// BUG BUG, this needs to be cleaned up for NDR64
MIDL_ASSERT( !pCommand->IsNDR64Run() );
ISTREAM * pStream; CG_NDR * pChild; FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; PNAME pParamName; ID_CG ParamId; long NameIndex; long FormatOffset; BOOL fMustAllocFlag = FALSE; BOOL fTakeAddress = TRUE;
unsigned short WireAlign;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pChild = (CG_NDR *)GetChild();
ParamId = pChild->GetCGID(); pParamName = GetResource()->GetResourceName();
if ( IsParamPartialIgnore() && ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_SERVER ) ) { Out_PartialIgnoreServerUnmarshall( pCCB, pParamName ); return; }
if ( (ParamId == ID_CG_PRIMITIVE_HDL) || ((ParamId == ID_CG_PTR) && (((CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild())->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PRIMITIVE_HDL)) ) return;
// For a generic handle, get the handle data type and then continue.
if ( ParamId == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) { pChild = (CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild(); ParamId = pChild->GetCGID(); }
BOOL IsOutOnly;
IsOutOnly = ! IsParamIn() || (GetCGID() == ID_CG_RETURN);
// Since a ref pointer is not shipped, we must use it's child to figure
// out the alignment action and next alignment state.
if ( pChild->IsPointer() && (!pChild->IsInterfacePointer()) && (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_STRING_PTR) && (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_STRUCT_STRING_PTR) && (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR) && (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_SIZE_PTR) && (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR) && (((CG_POINTER *)pChild)->GetPtrType() == PTR_REF) ) { CG_NDR * pPtrChild = (CG_NDR *) pChild->GetChild();
if ( ! (IsExtraStatusParam() || pChild->IsPipeOrPipeReference()) ) { WireAlign = pPtrChild->GetWireAlignment(); } } else { // We should not do that for pipe or object pipe args
// However, we do not support -Os pipes as yet.
if ( ! pChild->IsPipeOrPipeReference() ) { WireAlign = pChild->GetWireAlignment(); } }
// For context handles, generate an optimized code for the client side and
// also an optimize code for common context handles at the server side but
// except that for new context handle flavors the call is slightly different.
if ( (ParamId == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL) || ( (ParamId == ID_CG_PTR) && (((CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild())->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL) ) ) { if ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT ) { BOOL Initialize;
Initialize = IsOutOnly && (ParamId == ID_CG_PTR);
Out_CContextHandleUnmarshall( pCCB, pParamName, Initialize, GetCGID() == ID_CG_RETURN ); } else { CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE * pContextHandle;
pContextHandle = (ParamId == ID_CG_PTR) ? (CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE *) pChild->GetChild() : (CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE *) pChild;
if ( pContextHandle->HasNewContextFlavor() || pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().IsNdr50orLaterRequired() ) { Out_SContextHandleNewUnmarshall( pCCB, pParamName, IsOutOnly, pContextHandle->GetFormatStringOffset() ); } else { Out_SContextHandleUnmarshall( pCCB, pParamName, IsOutOnly ); } }
return; }
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_ENUM || pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_INT3264 ) { expr_proc_call * pCall; FORMAT_CHARACTER fc; expr_node * pExpr;
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_ENUM ) fc = ((CG_ENUM *)pChild)->GetFormatChar(); else fc = ((CG_BASETYPE *)pChild)->GetSignedFormatChar();
pCall = new expr_proc_call( "NdrSimpleTypeUnmarshall" );
pExpr = new expr_u_address(new expr_variable(STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME)); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName(PSTUB_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME , pExpr);
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) );
pExpr = new expr_u_address ( new expr_variable( pParamName ) ); pExpr = MakeCastExprPtrToUChar( pExpr );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_constant( (long)fc ) ) );
pCall->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
return; }
if ( pChild->IsSimpleType() ) { pStream->NewLine();
OutputNdrAlignment( pCCB, WireAlign ); Out_CheckUnMarshallPastBufferEnd( pCCB, pChild->GetWireSize() ); pStream->NewLine();
// Now make the assignment expression and increment with cast, like :
// <var> = *((<type> *)_StubMsg.Buffer)++;
expr_node * pExpr; expr_variable * pBufVar; expr_variable * pVar;
pBufVar = new expr_variable( STUB_MSG_BUFFER_VAR_NAME );
pVar = new expr_variable( pParamName );
pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastPtrToType( pChild->GetType(), pBufVar );
pExpr = new expr_post_incr( pExpr ); pExpr = new expr_u_deref( pExpr ); pExpr = new expr_assign( pVar, pExpr );
pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine();
return; }
if ( pChild->IsPointerToBaseType() && (((CG_POINTER *)pChild)->GetPtrType() == PTR_REF) && (((CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild())->GetCGID() != ID_CG_ENUM) && (((CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild())->GetCGID() != ID_CG_INT3264) ) { CG_POINTER * pPointer; CG_NDR * pBasetype; expr_node * pExpr; expr_variable * pBufVar; expr_variable * pVar;
pPointer = (CG_POINTER *) pChild;
pBasetype = (CG_NDR *) pPointer->GetChild();
if ( pBasetype->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pBasetype = (CG_NDR *) pBasetype->GetChild(); pBufVar = new expr_variable( STUB_MSG_BUFFER_VAR_NAME ); pVar = new expr_variable( pParamName ); if ( IsExtraStatusParam() ) { // For the extra (invisible) fault/comm status parameter, that
// does *not* go on the wire, we need to generate an assignment
// when unmarshaling on the client (the arg can only be [out]).
// The value to be assigned is error_status_ok, which maps to 0.
pExpr = new expr_constant( (long)0 ); pExpr = new expr_assign( new expr_u_deref( pVar ), pExpr ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); } else { // For other types generate unmarshaling assignment.
OutputNdrAlignment( pCCB, WireAlign );
// Now make the assignment of the pointer to the current buffer
// pointer (server) or copy the incomming referent's value (client)
// and increment the buffer pointer.
pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastPtrToType( pBasetype->GetType(), pBufVar ); if ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_SERVER ) { pExpr = new expr_assign( pVar, pExpr ); } else { pExpr = new expr_post_incr( pExpr ); pExpr = new expr_assign( new expr_u_deref( pVar ), new expr_u_deref( pExpr ) ); } pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); if ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_SERVER ) { pStream->Write( STUB_MSG_BUFFER_VAR_NAME " += " ); pExpr = new expr_sizeof( pBasetype->GetType() );
// pExpr = new expr_b_arithmetic( OP_PLUS, pBufVar, pExpr );
// pExpr = new expr_assign( pBufVar, pExpr );
pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ";" ); pStream->NewLine(); } }
return; }
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_BC_PTR ) GenNdrTopLevelAttributeSupport( pCCB ); pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
// If this is a by-value structure or union then use the mangled
// local pointer variable to the same type.
if ( pChild->IsStruct() || pChild->IsUnion() || pChild->IsXmitRepOrUserMarshal() ) { if ( !( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT && IsParamIn() ) ) { char * pName = new char[strlen(pParamName) + 10];
strcpy( pName, LOCAL_NAME_POINTER_MANGLE ); strcat( pName, pParamName );
pParamName = pName; }
// If this is a regular structure or an encapsulated struct (union)
// being returned, then zero it out.
if( (GetCGID() == ID_CG_RETURN) && (pChild->IsStruct() || pChild->IsUnion()) ) { Out_MemsetToZero( pCCB, new expr_variable( pParamName, 0 ), new expr_sizeof( pChild->GetType() ) );
} }
FormatOffset = pChild->GetFormatStringOffset(); NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset );
// For ref pointers with no funky attributes, we optimize by calling
// the pointee's routine directly.
if ( pChild->IsPointer() && ((CG_POINTER *)pChild)->IsBasicRefPointer() ) { CG_POINTER * pPointer;
pPointer = (CG_POINTER *) pChild;
switch ( pPointer->GetCGID() ) { case ID_CG_STRING_PTR : if ( ((CG_STRING_POINTER *)pPointer)->IsStringableStruct() ) break;
FormatOffset = pPointer->GetFormatStringOffset() + 2; NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset ); break;
case ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR : if ( ((CG_STRING_POINTER *)pPointer)->IsStringableStruct() ) break;
FormatOffset = pPointer->GetPointeeFormatStringOffset(); NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset ); break;
default : FormatOffset = pPointer->GetPointeeFormatStringOffset(); NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset ); break; } }
// If the param is an omitted cs_tag param, the marshalling code takes
// care of handling the call to the tag routine to get the actual value.
// Also, since we don't have the parameter on the stack we don't have a
// name to pass to Unmarshall so just pass "0" (NULL)
if ( IsOmittedParam() ) { PNAME pNewName = (PNAME) alloca( sizeof("0 /* */") + strlen(pParamName) ); strcpy( pNewName, "0 /* "); strcat( pNewName, pParamName ); strcat( pNewName, " */"); pParamName = pNewName; fTakeAddress = FALSE; }
Out_NdrUnmarshallCall( pCCB, pNdrRoutineNames[NameIndex], pParamName, FormatOffset, fTakeAddress, fMustAllocFlag ); }
void CG_PARAM::GenNdrBufferSizeCall( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Outputs a parameter's ndr buffer sizing routine call.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ {
// BUG BUG, this needs to be cleaned up for NDR64
MIDL_ASSERT( !pCommand->IsNDR64Run() );
CG_NDR * pChild; FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; PNAME pParamName; ID_CG ParamId; long NameIndex; long FormatOffset; BOOL fTakeAddress; BOOL fDereference;
pChild = (CG_NDR *)GetChild(); ParamId = pChild->GetCGID(); pParamName = GetResource()->GetResourceName();
if ( IsParamPartialIgnore() && ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT ) ) { Out_PartialIgnoreClientBufferSize( pCCB, pParamName ); return; }
// Primitive handle contributes no size.
if ( (ParamId == ID_CG_PRIMITIVE_HDL) || ((ParamId == ID_CG_PTR) && (((CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild())->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PRIMITIVE_HDL)) ) return;
// For a generic handle, get the handle data type and then continue.
if ( ParamId == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) { pChild = (CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild(); ParamId = pChild->GetCGID(); }
if ( ParamId == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL || ((ParamId == ID_CG_PTR) && (((CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild())->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL)) ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( STUB_MSG_LENGTH_VAR_NAME " += 20;" ); pStream->NewLine();
return; }
if ( pChild->IsSimpleType() ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( STUB_MSG_LENGTH_VAR_NAME " += 16;" ); pStream->NewLine();
return; }
if ( pChild->IsPointerToBaseType() ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( STUB_MSG_LENGTH_VAR_NAME " += 24;" ); pStream->NewLine();
return; }
GenNdrTopLevelAttributeSupport( pCCB ); pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
FormatOffset = pChild->GetFormatStringOffset(); NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset ); //
// If the param is a by-value struct or union then set the fTakeAddress
// flag.
fTakeAddress = pChild->IsStruct() || pChild->IsUnion() || pChild->IsXmitRepOrUserMarshal();
// If the param is an array and we're in the server stub then we
// must dereference it.
fDereference = (pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_SERVER) && pChild->IsArray();
// For ref pointers with no funky attributes, we optimize by calling
// the pointee's routine directly.
if ( pChild->IsPointer() && ((CG_POINTER *)pChild)->IsBasicRefPointer() ) { CG_POINTER * pPointer;
pPointer = (CG_POINTER *) pChild;
switch ( pPointer->GetCGID() ) { case ID_CG_STRING_PTR : if ( ((CG_STRING_POINTER *)pPointer)->IsStringableStruct() ) break;
FormatOffset = pPointer->GetFormatStringOffset() + 2; NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset ); break;
case ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR : if ( ((CG_STRING_POINTER *)pPointer)->IsStringableStruct() ) break;
FormatOffset = pPointer->GetPointeeFormatStringOffset(); NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset ); break;
default : if ( ID_CG_CS_TAG == pPointer->GetChild()->GetCGID() ) { ParamId = ID_CG_CS_TAG; break; }
FormatOffset = pPointer->GetPointeeFormatStringOffset(); NameIndex = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( FormatOffset ); break; } }
if ( ID_CG_CS_TAG == ParamId ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( STUB_MSG_LENGTH_VAR_NAME " += 4; /* " ); pStream->Write( pParamName ); pStream->Write( " */" ); pStream->NewLine();
return; }
Out_NdrBufferSizeCall( pCCB, pNdrRoutineNames[NameIndex], pParamName, FormatOffset, fTakeAddress, fDereference, FALSE ); // _StubMsg
void GenDontCallFreeInstAssign( CCB * pCCB, int SetupValue ) /*++
a helper routine for GenNdrFreeCall. Generates an assignment that sets or resets StubMsg.fDontCallFreeInst. --*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( ".fDontCallFreeInst = " ); pStream->Write( SetupValue ? "1;" : "0;" ); }
void CG_PARAM::GenNdrFreeCall( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Outputs a parameter's ndr free routine call.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ {
// BUG BUG, this needs to be cleaned up for NDR64
MIDL_ASSERT( !pCommand->IsNDR64Run() );
CG_PROC * pProc; CG_NDR * pChild; FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; PNAME pParamName; long Index; BOOL fTakeAddress; BOOL fDereference;
pProc = (CG_PROC *) pCCB->GetCGNodeContext();
// If the proc uses RpcSs then don't emit any freeing code.
if ( pProc->MustInvokeRpcSSAllocate() ) return;
pChild = (CG_NDR *) GetChild();
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pChild = (CG_NDR *) pChild->GetChild();
// Check if we need to make a call to an NDR freeing routine for this data.
if ( pChild->ShouldFreeOffline() || IsParamPartialIgnore() ) { if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pChild = (CG_NDR *) pChild->GetChild();
GenNdrTopLevelAttributeSupport( pCCB ); pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
Index = (long) pFormatString->GetFormatChar( pChild->GetFormatStringOffset() );
pParamName = GetResource()->GetResourceName();
// If the param is a by-value struct or union then set the fTakeAddress
// flag.
fTakeAddress = pChild->IsStruct() || pChild->IsUnion() || pChild->IsXmitRepOrUserMarshal();
fDereference = FALSE;
if ( GetDontCallFreeInst() ) GenDontCallFreeInstAssign( pCCB, 1 );
Out_NdrFreeCall( pCCB, pNdrRoutineNames[Index], pParamName, pChild->GetFormatStringOffset(), fTakeAddress, fDereference );
if ( GetDontCallFreeInst() ) GenDontCallFreeInstAssign( pCCB, 0 ); }
// Now generate any needed inline freeing.
pChild->GenFreeInline( pCCB ); }
void CG_PARAM::GenNdrTopLevelAttributeSupport( CCB * pCCB, BOOL fForClearOut ) /*++
Routine Description :
Outputs the assignment(s) to the stub message MaxCount, ActualCount, and/or Offset fields, for support of top level conformant and/or varying arrays, attributed pointers, and non-encapsulated unions for mixed model stubs.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ { CG_NDR * pChild; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); expr_node * pExpr; expr_node * pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr; expr_node * pFirstIsExpr; expr_node * pLengthIsExpr; ID_CG ParamId;
pChild = (CG_NDR *)GetChild(); ParamId = pChild->GetCGID();
// Skip over pointers and generic handles.
while ( ParamId == ID_CG_PTR || ParamId == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) { pChild = (CG_NDR *) pChild->GetChild(); ParamId = pChild->GetCGID(); }
// Multidimensional conformant/varying arrays and sized pointers of
// sized pointers need some special handling.
if ( (pChild->IsArray() && ((CG_ARRAY *)pChild)->IsMultiConfOrVar()) || (pChild->IsPointer() && ((CG_POINTER *)pChild)->IsMultiSize()) ) { CSzBuffer Buffer;
if ( (ParamId == ID_CG_CONF_ARRAY) || (ParamId == ID_CG_CONF_VAR_ARRAY) || (ParamId == ID_CG_SIZE_PTR) || (ParamId == ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR) ) */ { Buffer.Set(pChild->IsArray() ? "(unsigned long) " : ""); Buffer.Append("_maxcount_"); Buffer.Append(GetType()->GetSymName());
if ( pChild->IsPointer() ) pExpr = new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".SizePtrCountArray" ); else pExpr = new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".MaxCount" );
pExpr = new expr_assign( pExpr, new expr_variable( Buffer ) ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); } /*
if ( (ParamId == ID_CG_CONF_VAR_ARRAY) || (ParamId == ID_CG_VAR_ARRAY) || (ParamId == ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR) ) */ { Buffer.Set(pChild->IsArray() ? "(unsigned long) " : ""); Buffer.Append("_offset_"); Buffer.Append(GetType()->GetSymName());
if ( pChild->IsPointer() ) pExpr = new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".SizePtrOffsetArray" ); else pExpr = new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".Offset" );
pExpr = new expr_assign( pExpr, new expr_variable( Buffer ) ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine();
Buffer.Set(pChild->IsArray() ? "(unsigned long) " : ""); Buffer.Append("_length_"); Buffer.Append(GetType()->GetSymName());
if ( pChild->IsPointer() ) pExpr = new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".SizePtrLengthArray" ); else pExpr = new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".ActualCount" );
pExpr = new expr_assign( pExpr, new expr_variable( Buffer ) ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); }
return; }
// We check here if the parameter is a top level attributed array or
// pointer, a non-encapsulated union or a pointer to a non-encapsulated
// union. If it isn't, then return.
switch ( ParamId ) { case ID_CG_CONF_ARRAY : case ID_CG_CONF_VAR_ARRAY : case ID_CG_VAR_ARRAY : case ID_CG_CONF_STRING_ARRAY : case ID_CG_SIZE_PTR : case ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR : case ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR : case ID_CG_UNION : break;
case ID_CG_BC_PTR : if ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_SERVER ) return;
{ ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); expr_node *pExpr, *pSizeExpr; CG_BYTE_COUNT_POINTER * pByteCount;
pByteCount = (CG_BYTE_COUNT_POINTER *) pChild;
pSizeExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( "unsigned long", new expr_variable( pByteCount->GetByteCountParam()->GetSymName() ) );
pExpr = new expr_assign( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".MaxCount" ), pSizeExpr );
pStream->NewLine(); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); }
if ( ! pIfPointer->GetIIDExpr() ) return;
if ( pCommand->Is64BitEnv() ) { // _StubMsg.MaxCount = (ULONG_PTR) ( riid );
pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".MaxCount = (ULONG_PTR) ( " ); } else { // _StubMsg.MaxCount = (unsigned long) ( riid );
pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".MaxCount = (unsigned long) ( " ); }
pIfPointer->GetIIDExpr()->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( " );" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
default : return; } pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine();
switch ( pChild->GetCGID() ) { case ID_CG_CONF_ARRAY : pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr = ((CG_CONFORMANT_ARRAY *)pChild)->GetSizeIsExpr(); pFirstIsExpr = NULL; pLengthIsExpr = NULL; break;
case ID_CG_CONF_VAR_ARRAY : pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr = ((CG_CONFORMANT_VARYING_ARRAY *)pChild)->GetSizeIsExpr(); pFirstIsExpr = ((CG_CONFORMANT_VARYING_ARRAY *)pChild)->GetFirstIsExpr(); pLengthIsExpr = ((CG_CONFORMANT_VARYING_ARRAY *)pChild)->GetLengthIsExpr(); break;
case ID_CG_VAR_ARRAY : pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr = NULL; pFirstIsExpr = ((CG_VARYING_ARRAY *)pChild)->GetFirstIsExpr(); pLengthIsExpr = ((CG_VARYING_ARRAY *)pChild)->GetLengthIsExpr(); break;
case ID_CG_CONF_STRING_ARRAY : pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr = ((CG_CONFORMANT_STRING_ARRAY *)pChild)->GetSizeIsExpr(); pFirstIsExpr = NULL; pLengthIsExpr = NULL; break;
case ID_CG_SIZE_PTR : pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr = ((CG_SIZE_POINTER *)pChild)->GetSizeIsExpr(); pFirstIsExpr = NULL; pLengthIsExpr = NULL; break;
case ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR : pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr = ((CG_SIZE_LENGTH_POINTER *)pChild)->GetSizeIsExpr(); pFirstIsExpr = ((CG_SIZE_LENGTH_POINTER *)pChild)->GetFirstIsExpr(); pLengthIsExpr = ((CG_SIZE_LENGTH_POINTER *)pChild)->GetLengthIsExpr(); break;
case ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR : pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr = ((CG_SIZE_STRING_POINTER *)pChild)->GetSizeIsExpr(); pFirstIsExpr = NULL; pLengthIsExpr = NULL; break;
case ID_CG_UNION : case ID_CG_PTR : pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr = GetSwitchExpr(); pFirstIsExpr = NULL; pLengthIsExpr = NULL; break; }
if ( pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr ) { pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr = MakeAttrExprWithNullPtrChecks( pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr ); pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( "unsigned long", pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr );
pExpr = new expr_assign( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".MaxCount" ), pSizeOrSwitchIsExpr ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); } if ( pFirstIsExpr ) { //
// For NdrClearOutParams we ignore the first_is() & length_is()
// attributes in case these are [out] and therefore unitialized.
if ( fForClearOut ) { pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".Offset = 0;" ); pStream->NewLine(); } else { pFirstIsExpr = MakeAttrExprWithNullPtrChecks( pFirstIsExpr );
pFirstIsExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( "unsigned long", pFirstIsExpr );
pExpr = new expr_assign( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".Offset" ), pFirstIsExpr ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); }
// Create a LengthIsExpr if one does not already exist.
if ( ! pLengthIsExpr ) { expr_node * pSize;
if ( pChild->IsPointer() ) { // Size/length pointer.
pSize = ((CG_SIZE_LENGTH_POINTER *)pChild)->GetSizeIsExpr(); } else { // Conformant varying or varying array.
pSize = ((CG_ARRAY *)pChild)->GetSizeIsExpr(); }
pLengthIsExpr = new expr_b_arithmetic( OP_MINUS, pSize, pFirstIsExpr ); } } if ( pLengthIsExpr ) { //
// For NdrClearOutParams we ignore the first_is() & length_is()
// attributes in case these are [out] and therefore unitialized.
if ( fForClearOut ) { pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".ActualCount" " = (unsigned long) " ); pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".MaxCount;" ); pStream->NewLine(); } else { pLengthIsExpr = MakeAttrExprWithNullPtrChecks( pLengthIsExpr );
pLengthIsExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( "unsigned long", pLengthIsExpr );
pExpr = new expr_assign( new expr_variable(STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".ActualCount"), pLengthIsExpr ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ";" ); pStream->NewLine(); } } }
expr_node * CG_PROC::GenCoreNdrSingleClientCall( CCB * pCCB, PROC_CALL_PLATFORM Platform )
Routine Description:
Creates the real expression for the ndr single client call.
Platform - x86, IA64, alpha, etc. An explicit enum type is used to indicate platform.
Return Value:
None. Notes:
On risc machines, the compiler passes the parameters in registers, therefore the client stub is passed the parameters in registers. The interpreter needs arguments on the stack. In order to force a spill of the parameters from the registers to the stack, we need to pass addr all the parameters to NdrClientCall.
stub_proc( p1, p2, p3 ) { ... NdrClientCall( STUB_DESC *, FORMAT_STRING *, &p1, &p2, &p3 ); ... }
On Alpha the varargs is simply weird. The code generated needs to be
stub_proc( p1, p2, p3 ) { ... NdrClientCall( STUB_DESC *, FORMAT_STRING *, vlist.a0 ); ... }
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { char FormatStringExpr[80]; expr_proc_call * pCallExpr; expr_node * pExpr; CG_PARAM * pParam; PNAME pFormatName; OPTIM_OPTION OptimOptions;
OptimOptions = GetOptimizationFlags();
// Now construct the expression for the Ndr call.
if ( HasAsyncUUID() ) { if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) pCallExpr = new expr_proc_call( C_NDR64_CALL_RTN_NAME_DCOM_ASYNC ); else pCallExpr = new expr_proc_call( C_NDR_CALL_RTN_NAME_DCOM_ASYNC ); } else if ( HasAsyncHandle() ) { if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) pCallExpr = new expr_proc_call( C_NDR64_CALL_RTN_NAME_ASYNC ); else pCallExpr = new expr_proc_call( C_NDR_CALL_RTN_NAME_ASYNC ); } else { if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) pCallExpr = new expr_proc_call ( C_NDR64_CALL_RTN_NAME ); else { if ( OptimOptions & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2 ) pCallExpr = new expr_proc_call( C_NDR_CALL_RTN_NAME_V2 ); else pCallExpr = new expr_proc_call( C_NDR_CALL_RTN_NAME ); } }
if ( ! pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) { //
// Stub Descriptor
pExpr = new expr_variable( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetStubDescName() ); pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName(PSTUB_DESC_STRUCT_TYPE_NAME, pExpr);
pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) );
sprintf( FormatStringExpr, "(PFORMAT_STRING) &%s[%d]", PROC_FORMAT_STRING_STRING_FIELD, GetFormatStringOffset() );
pFormatName = new char [strlen( FormatStringExpr) + 1]; strcpy( pFormatName, FormatStringExpr ); pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_variable( pFormatName ) ) );
} else { pExpr = new expr_variable ( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetProxyInfoName() ); pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName(PMIDL_PROXY_INFO_TYPE_NAME, pExpr);
pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) );
pExpr = new expr_constant( (long) ProcNum );
pCallExpr->SetParam ( new expr_param ( pExpr ) );
if ( HasComplexReturnType() && !HasAsyncHandle() ) { pExpr = new expr_variable( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ); pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ); } else { pExpr = new expr_constant( (long) 0 ); }
pCallExpr->SetParam ( new expr_param ( pExpr ) ); }
// If this is an object interface the first param is an implicit
// this param.
if( IsObject() ) { pExpr = new expr_variable("This"); if( PROC_PLATFORM_IA64 != Platform ) { pExpr = new expr_u_address( pExpr ); } pExpr = MakeCastExprPtrToUChar( pExpr ); pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) ); } /************************************************************************
If this is a risc platform, then if there are actual parameters, take the address of each of them else if it is not an object interface, push a 0 else do nothing. since we have already pushed &this. else // if this is not a risc platform
if there are actual parameters take address of first. else if it is non object procedure, push a 0, else do nothing since for an object proc we have already pushed &this. ************************************************************************/ if ( PROC_PLATFORM_IA64 == Platform ) {
ITERATOR I; if ( GetMembers(I)) { while (ITERATOR_GETNEXT(I, pParam)) { // Don't include cs_tag params when there is a tag routine
if ( GetCSTagRoutine() && pParam->IsSomeCSTag() ) continue;
// Don't push the fake parameter that was added for complex
// return types
if ( HasComplexReturnType() && NULL == pParam->GetSibling() ) continue;
pExpr = new expr_variable( pParam->GetResource()->GetResourceName()); pCallExpr->SetParam(new expr_param(pExpr)); } } else if ( !IsObject() ) { pExpr = new expr_constant( 0L ); pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) ); }
} else if( !IsObject() ) { pParam = (CG_PARAM *) GetChild();
// Make sure that this is not a cs_tag parameter that is being
// omitted because there is a tag routine,
if ( GetCSTagRoutine() ) { while ( pParam && pParam->IsSomeCSTag() ) pParam = (CG_PARAM *) pParam->GetSibling(); }
if( pParam ) { pExpr = new expr_u_address ( new expr_variable( pParam->GetResource()->GetResourceName()));
pExpr = MakeCastExprPtrToUChar( pExpr ); pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) ); } else { pExpr = new expr_constant( 0L ); pExpr = MakeCastExprPtrToUChar( pExpr ); pCallExpr->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) ); } }
// Assign the return value if one exists.
expr_node * pFinalExpr; if ( GetReturnType() && !HasComplexReturnType() ) { if ( HasAsyncHandle() ) { bool fIsErrorStatus = false; if ( GetReturnType()->GetChild()->GetCGID() != ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL ) { fIsErrorStatus = GetReturnType()->GetChild()->GetType()->GetBasicType()->NodeKind() == NODE_E_STATUS_T; } if ( fIsErrorStatus || GetCGID() == ID_CG_OBJECT_PROC ) { pFinalExpr = new expr_assign( new expr_variable( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ), pCallExpr ); } else { pFinalExpr = pCallExpr; } } else { pFinalExpr = new expr_assign( new expr_variable( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ), pCallExpr ); } } else pFinalExpr = pCallExpr; return pFinalExpr; }
void CG_PROC::SetupFormatStrings( CCB * pCCB ) { if (!cRefSaved++) { if(!pSavedProcFormatString) { pSavedProcFormatString = pCCB->GetProcFormatString(); pSavedFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString(); } } }
void CG_PROC::UnsetupFormatStrings(CCB * pCCB ) { if (cRefSaved) cRefSaved--; if (!cRefSaved) { pCCB->SetProcFormatString(pSavedProcFormatString); pCCB->SetFormatString(pSavedFormatString); } }
// --------------------------------------------------
// Routine used for generation of NT 3.5 and NT 3.51
// procedure format strings.
// --------------------------------------------------
void CG_PROC::GenNdrFormatV1( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the procedure format strings usable on NT 3.5 and NT 3.51 systems.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
--*/ { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_PARAM * pParam; FORMAT_STRING * pProcFormatString; CG_NDR * pOldCGNodeContext; short ParamNum;
SetupFormatStrings(pCCB); if ( GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) { UnsetupFormatStrings(pCCB); return; }
pCCB->SetInObjectInterface( IsObject() );
pOldCGNodeContext = pCCB->SetCGNodeContext( this );
// If this procedure uses an explicit handle then set the
// NdrBindDescriptionOffset to 0 so that it will not try to output it's
// description when given the GenNdrParamOffLine method in the loop below.
// It's description must be part of the procedure description.
if ( GetHandleUsage() == HU_EXPLICIT ) { CG_HANDLE * pHandle = GetHandleClassPtr();
pHandle->SetNdrBindDescriptionOffset( 0 );
if ( pHandle->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL ) { // The context handle directs the call.
((CG_CONTEXT_HANDLE *)pHandle)->SetCannotBeNull(); } }
GetMembers( Iterator );
ParamNum = 0;
// Generate the offline portion of the format string for all of the params.
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pParam ) ) { CG_NDR * pChild; CG_NDR * pOldPlaceholder;
if (pParam->IsAsyncHandleParam()) continue;
pParam->SetParamNumber( ParamNum++ );
pChild = (CG_NDR *) pParam->GetChild();
pCCB->SetCurrentParam( (CG_PARAM *) pParam ); pOldPlaceholder = pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pParam );
pChild->GenNdrParamOffline( pCCB );
pCCB->SetCurrentParam( 0 ); pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pOldPlaceholder ); }
// Generate the format string for the return type if needed.
if ( GetReturnType() ) { CG_NDR * pChild; CG_NDR * pOldPlaceholder;
GetReturnType()->SetParamNumber( ParamNum ); pChild = (CG_NDR *) GetReturnType()->GetChild();
pCCB->SetCurrentParam( GetReturnType() ); pOldPlaceholder = pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( GetReturnType() );
pChild->GenNdrParamOffline( pCCB );
pCCB->SetCurrentParam( 0 ); pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pOldPlaceholder ); }
pProcFormatString = pCCB->GetProcFormatString();
SetFormatStringOffset( pProcFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
// Generate procedure description stuff for the interpreter if needed.
if ( (pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) || HasAPicklingAttribute() ) GenNdrFormatProcInfo( pCCB );
ITERATOR_INIT( Iterator );
SetFormatStringParamStart( pProcFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
// Now generate the param info at the end of the format string.
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pParam ) ) { CG_NDR * pChild; CG_NDR * pOldPlaceholder;
if ( pParam->IsExtraStatusParam() || pParam->IsAsyncHandleParam() ) continue;
pChild = (CG_NDR *) pParam->GetChild();
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pChild = (CG_NDR *) pChild->GetChild();
// Ouput the param directional attribute.
if ( ! pParam->IsParamOut() ) { if ( pParam->GetDontCallFreeInst() ) pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_IN_PARAM_NO_FREE_INST ); else if ( pChild->IsSimpleType() || pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PRIMITIVE_HDL ) pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_IN_PARAM_BASETYPE ); else pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_IN_PARAM ); } else { if ( pParam->IsParamPartialIgnore() ) { pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_PARTIAL_IGNORE_PARAM ); }
else { if ( ! pParam->IsParamIn() ) pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_OUT_PARAM );
if ( pParam->IsParamIn() && pParam->IsParamOut() ) pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_IN_OUT_PARAM ); } } pOldPlaceholder = pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pParam );
pChild->GenNdrParamDescriptionOld( pCCB );
pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pOldPlaceholder ); }
if ( GetReturnType() ) { CG_NDR * pChild; CG_NDR * pOldPlaceholder; pChild = (CG_NDR *) GetReturnType()->GetChild();
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pChild = (CG_NDR *) pChild->GetChild();
if ( pChild->IsSimpleType() ) pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_RETURN_PARAM_BASETYPE ); else pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_RETURN_PARAM );
pOldPlaceholder = pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( GetReturnType() );
pChild->GenNdrParamDescriptionOld( pCCB );
pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pOldPlaceholder ); } else { pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_END ); pProcFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_PAD ); }
pCCB->SetCGNodeContext( pOldCGNodeContext );
pCCB->SetInObjectInterface( FALSE );
SetFormatStringEndOffset( pProcFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
// save delta, in case the routine is optimized
short usParamStartDelta = (short) ( GetFormatStringParamStart() - GetFormatStringOffset() );
pProcFormatString->OptimizeFragment( this );
// Set param start!!!
SetFormatStringParamStart( GetFormatStringOffset() + usParamStartDelta ); UnsetupFormatStrings(pCCB); }