/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1987-1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
symtable.hxx MIDL Compiler Symbol Table Definition
This class centralizes access to the symbol table throughout the compiler.
DonnaLi 08-24-1990 Created.
#ifndef __SYMTABLE_HXX__
#define __SYMTABLE_HXX__
#include "dict.hxx"
enum name_t { NAME_UNDEF = 0x0000, NAME_DEF = 0x0001, // for types
NAME_PROC = 0x0002, // for procedures (including temp names)
NAME_LABEL = 0x0004, // for enum labels
NAME_ID = 0x0008, // for any named instance of a type
NAME_MEMBER = 0x0010, // for fields and parameters
NAME_INTERFACE = 0x0020, // for importing and imported interfaces
NAME_FILE = 0x0040, // for imported file names
// all tags share the same namespace
NAME_TAG = 0x0180, // for struct tags (including temp names)
NAME_ENUM = 0x0280, // for enum tags (including temp names)
NAME_UNION = 0x0380, // for union tags (including temp names)
NAME_MASK = 0x00ff, // mask for unique part
} ; typedef name_t NAME_T;
NAME: SymKey
SYNOPSIS: Defines the key to the symbol table.
NOTES: Why can't we use NAME_TAG for struct, union, and enum tags? They live in the same name space.
HISTORY: Donnali 08-24-1990 Initial creation Donnali 12-04-1990 Port to Dov's generic dictionary
class SymKey { char * name; // lexeme that serves as key to the SymTable
NAME_T kind; // identifies which kind of lexeme
public: SymKey() { name = 0; kind = NAME_UNDEF; } SymKey(char * NewName, NAME_T NewKind) { name = NewName; kind = NewKind; } SymKey( SymKey * pNewKey ) { *this = *pNewKey; } char * GetString() { return name; } void SetString(char * psz) { name = psz; } NAME_T GetKind() { return kind; } void SetKind(NAME_T k) { kind = k; } void Print(void) { printf("<%s,%d>", name, kind); }
friend class SymTable; friend class CaselessDictionary; friend class CaselessList; friend class GlobalSymTable; friend class CaselessEntry; };
class SymEntry;
class CaselessEntry { private: SymEntry * pSymEntry; unsigned hash; public: CaselessEntry(SymEntry * pItem); int Compare(CaselessEntry * pEntry2);
friend class CaselessDictionary; friend class GlobalSymTable; friend class SymTable; friend class CaselessList; friend class CaselessEntry; };
class named_node;
class CaselessListElement { public: CaselessListElement * pNext; CaselessEntry * pEntry;
CaselessListElement(CaselessEntry * p) { pEntry = p; pNext = NULL; } };
class CaselessList { private: CaselessListElement * pHead; public: CaselessList() { pHead = NULL; } ~CaselessList(); CaselessEntry * Add(CaselessEntry * pEl); CaselessEntry * Find(CaselessEntry * pEntry); CaselessEntry * Delete(CaselessEntry * pEntry); CaselessEntry * DeleteExact(CaselessEntry *pEntry); };
NAME: SymTable
SYNOPSIS: Defines the symbol table.
INTERFACE: SymTable () Constructor. SymInsert () Inserts a symbol into the symbol table. SymDelete () Deletes a symbol from the symbol table. SymSearch () Searches the symbol table for a symbol. EnterScope () Transition from current scope to inner scope. ExitScope () Transition from current scope to outer scope.
HISTORY: Donnali 08-24-1990 Initial creation Donnali 12-04-1990 Port to Dov's generic dictionary
class SymTable : public Dictionary { SymTable * pPrevScope; // pointer to container symbol table
BOOL fHasFwds; CaselessList caseless_list;
SymTable() { pPrevScope = (SymTable *)0; fHasFwds = FALSE; } virtual named_node * SymInsert(SymKey, SymTable *, named_node *); virtual named_node * SymDelete(SymKey); virtual named_node * SymSearch(SymKey); STATUS_T EnterScope(SymKey, SymTable **); STATUS_T ExitScope(SymTable **); void DiscardScope(); void SetHasFwds() { fHasFwds = TRUE; }
SSIZE_T Compare (pUserType pL, pUserType pR);
virtual void Print(pUserType pItem);
void * operator new ( size_t size ) { return AllocateOnceNew( size ); } void operator delete( void * ptr ) { AllocateOnceDelete( ptr ); }
class CaselessDictionary : public Dictionary { public: CaselessDictionary() { }
SSIZE_T Compare (pUserType pL, pUserType pR);
void * operator new ( size_t size ) { return AllocateOnceNew( size ); } void operator delete( void * ptr ) { AllocateOnceDelete( ptr ); } };
class GlobalSymTable: public SymTable { private: CaselessDictionary * pCaselessDictionary; public: GlobalSymTable() { pCaselessDictionary = new CaselessDictionary; } virtual named_node * SymInsert(SymKey, SymTable *, named_node *); virtual named_node * SymDelete(SymKey); virtual named_node * SymSearch(SymKey); };
class CSNODE { public: BOOL fStackValue; class CSNODE * pNext; CSNODE(BOOL f, CSNODE * p) { fStackValue = f; pNext = p; } };
class CaseStack { private: CSNODE * pHead; public: CaseStack() { pHead = NULL; } void Push(BOOL fVal) { pHead = new CSNODE(fVal, pHead); } void Pop(BOOL &fVal) { if (!pHead) { // default to case sensitive mode
fVal = TRUE; return; } fVal = pHead->fStackValue; CSNODE * pTemp = pHead; pHead = pTemp->pNext; delete pTemp; } };
extern CaseStack gCaseStack; extern BOOL gfCaseSensitive;
#endif // __SYMTABLE_HXX__