Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Copyright (c) 1996 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
This file contains the ndr async uuid implementation.
Author :
Ryszard K. Kott (ryszardk) Oct 1997
Revision History :
#ifndef __ASYNCU64_H__
#define __ASYNCU64_H__
#include "asyncu.h"
RPC_STATUS NdrpFinishDcomAsyncClientCall( PMIDL_STUB_DESC pStubDescriptor, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat, unsigned char * StartofStack );
HRESULT MulNdrpSetupBeginClientCall( CStdAsyncProxyBuffer * pAsyncPB, void * StartofStack, NDR_PROC_CONTEXT * pContext, REFIID riid );
HRESULT MulNdrpSetupFinishClientCall( CStdAsyncProxyBuffer * pAsyncPB, void * StartofStack, REFIID riid, unsigned long AsyncProcNum, NDR_PROC_CONTEXT * pContext);
HRESULT Ndr64pSetupBeginStubCall( CStdAsyncStubBuffer * pAsyncSB, NDR_PROC_CONTEXT * pContext, REFIID riid );
HRESULT Ndr64pSetupFinishStubCall( CStdAsyncStubBuffer * pAsyncSB, unsigned long StackSize, REFIID riid );
HRESULT Ndr64pBeginDcomAsyncStubCall( struct IRpcStubBuffer * pThis, struct IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel, PRPC_MESSAGE pRpcMsg, ulong * pdwStubPhase );
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Ndr64pAsyncProxyAddRef( CStdAsyncProxyBuffer * pAsyncPB );
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Ndr64pAsyncProxyRelease( CStdAsyncProxyBuffer * pAsyncPB );
HRESULT Ndr64pAsyncProxyLock( CStdAsyncProxyBuffer * pAsyncPB );
void Ndr64pAsyncProxyUnlock( CStdAsyncProxyBuffer * pAsyncPB );
HRESULT Ndr64pAsyncProxyCleanup( CStdAsyncProxyBuffer * pAsyncPB );
HRESULT Ndr64pSetupBeginServerCall( CStdAsyncStubBuffer * pAsyncPB, void * StartofStack, unsigned short StackSize, REFIID riid );
void Ndr64pCloneInOutArgs( NDR_DCOM_ASYNC_MESSAGE * pAsyncMsg, PPARAM_DESCRIPTION FinishParams, int FinishParamCount );
void Ndr64pFreeDcomAsyncMsg( PNDR_DCOM_ASYNC_MESSAGE pAsyncMsg );
HRESULT Ndr64pAsyncStubSignal( CStdAsyncStubBuffer * pAsyncSB );
HRESULT Ndr64pAsyncStubAddRef( CStdAsyncStubBuffer * pAsyncSB );
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Ndr64pAsyncStubRelease( CStdAsyncStubBuffer * pAsyncSB );
HRESULT Ndr64pAsyncStubLock( CStdAsyncStubBuffer * pAsyncSB );
void Ndr64pAsyncStubUnlock( CStdAsyncStubBuffer * pAsyncSB );
HRESULT Ndr64pAsyncStubCleanup( CStdAsyncStubBuffer * pAsyncSB );
BOOL Ndr64pDcomAsyncSend( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, ISynchronize * pSynchronize );
BOOL Ndr64pDcomAsyncClientSend( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, IUnknown * punkOuter );
void Ndr64DcomAsyncReceive( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg );
#define NdrHrFromWin32Error( exc ) NdrStubErrorHandler( exc )
#endif // __ASYNCU64_H__