/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991-2001
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Description :
Provides RPC server side context handle management
History :
stevez 01-15-91 First bits into the bucket. Kamen Moutafov [kamenm] Sep 2000 Threw away all of Steve's bits and buckets, and rewrote it to fix or pave the road for the fixing of the following design bugs: - non-serialized context handles are unusable, and mixing serialized and non-serialized doesn't work - stealing context handles - gradual rundown of context handles - poor scalability of the context handle code (high cost of individual context handles) and contention on the context list
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <precomp.hxx>
#include <context.hxx>
#include <SContext.hxx>
#include <HndlSvr.hxx>
#include <CtxColl.hxx>
#include <OSFPcket.hxx>
inline ServerContextHandle * AllocateServerContextHandle ( IN void *CtxGuard ) { if ((GetRandomLong() % 9999) == 0) return NULL;
return new ServerContextHandle(CtxGuard); }
if ((GetRandomLong() % 9999) == 0) \ s = RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
#define GENERATE_ADD_TO_COLLECTION_FAILURE(scall, ctx, status) \
if ((GetRandomLong() % 9999) == 0) \ { \ scall->RemoveFromActiveContextHandles(ctx); \ status = RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY; \ } \
#define GENERATE_LOCK_FAILURE(ctx, th, wcptr, status) \
if ((GetRandomLong() % 9999) == 0) \ { \ ctx->Lock.Unlock(wcptr); \ th->FreeWaiterCache(wcptr); \ status = RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY; \ } \
inline ServerContextHandle * AllocateServerContextHandle ( IN void *CtxGuard ) { return new ServerContextHandle(CtxGuard); } #define GENERATE_STATUS_FAILURE(s)
#define GENERATE_ADD_TO_COLLECTION_FAILURE(scall, ctx, status)
#define GENERATE_LOCK_FAILURE(ctx, th, wcptr, status)
WIRE_CONTEXT NullContext; // all zeros
// per process variable defining what is the synchronization mode
// for new context handles that don't have NDR level default
unsigned int DontSerializeContext = 0;
inline BOOL DoesContextHandleNeedExclusiveLock ( IN unsigned long Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determines if a context handle needs exclusive lock or shared lock.
Flags - the flags given to the runtime by NDR.
Return Value: non-zero if the context handle needs exclusive lock. FALSE otherwise. There is no failure for this function.
--*/ { // make sure exactly one flag is set
switch (Flags & RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_FLAGS) { case RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_SERIALIZE: // serialize is Exclusive
return TRUE;
case RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DONT_SERIALIZE: // non-serialized is Shared
return FALSE; }
return (DontSerializeContext == 0); }
inline ContextCollection * GetContextCollection ( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the context collection from the call object and throws exception if this fails
BindingHandle - the scall
Return Value: The collection. If getting the collection fails, an exception is thrown
--*/ { RPC_STATUS RpcStatus; ContextCollection *CtxCollection;
RpcStatus = ((SCALL *)BindingHandle)->GetAssociationContextCollection(&CtxCollection); if (RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { RpcpRaiseException(RpcStatus); }
return CtxCollection; }
void DestroyContextCollection ( IN ContextCollection *CtxCollection ) /*++
Routine Description:
Destroys all context handles in the collection, regardless of guard value. The context handles are rundown before destruction in case they aren't used. If they are, the rundown needed flag is set
CtxCollection - the collection of context handles.
--*/ { DestroyContextHandlesForGuard((PVOID)CtxCollection, TRUE, // Rundown context handle
NULL // nuke all contexts, regardless of guard value
delete CtxCollection; }
void NDRSRundownContextHandle ( IN ServerContextHandle *ContextHandle ) /*++
Routine Description: Runs down a context handle by calling the user's rundown routine
Arguments: ContextHandle - the context handle
Notes: This routine will only touch the UserRunDown and UserContext members of Context. This allows caller to make up ServerContextHandles on the fly and just fill in those two members. --*/
{ // Only contexts which have a rundown and
// are valid are cleaned up.
if ((ContextHandle->UserRunDown != NULL) && ContextHandle->UserContext) { RpcTryExcept { (*ContextHandle->UserRunDown)(ContextHandle->UserContext); } RpcExcept(I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { #if DBG
DbgPrint("Routine %p threw an exception %lu (0x%08lX) - this is illegal\n", ContextHandle->UserRunDown, RpcExceptionCode(), RpcExceptionCode()); ASSERT(!"The rundown routine is not allowed to throw fatal exceptions") #endif
} RpcEndExcept } }
void DestroyContextHandlesForGuard ( IN PVOID CtxCollectionPtr, IN BOOL RundownContextHandle, IN void *CtxGuard OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description: Each context handle in this association with the specified guard *and* a zero refcount will be cleaned up in a way determined by RundownContextHandle (see comment for RundownContextHandle below)
Arguments: Context - the context for the association RundownContextHandle - if non-zero, rundown the context handle If zero, just cleanup the runtime part and the app will cleanup its part CtxGuard - the guard for which to cleanup context handles. If NULL, all context handles will be cleaned.
Notes: Access to a context handle with lifetime refcount only is implicitly synchronized as this function will be called from two places - the association rundown, and RpcServerUnregisterIfEx. In the former case all connections are gone, and nobody can come and start using the context handle. In the second, the interface is unregistered, and again nobody can come and start using the context handle. Therefore each context handle with lifetime refcount only (and for the specified guard) is synrchronized. This is not true however for the list itself. In the association rundown case some context handles may be used asynchronously for parked calls, and we need to synchronize access to the list. If this is called from RpcServerUnregisterIfEx, then all context handles must have zero refcount as before unregistering the interface we must have waited for all calls to complete. --*/ { ContextCollection *CtxCollection = (ContextCollection *)CtxCollectionPtr; LIST_ENTRY *NextListEntry; ServerContextHandle *CurrentContextHandle;
// N.B. It may seem like there is a race condition here b/n the two
// callers of this function - RpcServerUnregisterIfEx & the destructor
// of the association, as they can be called independently, and start
// partying on the same list. However, the RpcServerUnregisterIfEx
// branch will either take the association mutex, or will add a
// refcount on the association, so that the association can
// never be destroyed while this function is called by the
// RpcServerUnregisterIfEx branch, and it is implicitly
// synchronized as far as destruction is concerned. We still
// need to synchronize access to the list
// for each user created context for this assoication, check
// whether it fits our criteria for destruction, and if yes,
// destroy it. This is an abnormal case, so we don't care about
// performance
NextListEntry = NULL; while ((CurrentContextHandle = CtxCollection->GetNext(&NextListEntry)) != NULL) { // if we were asked to clean up for a specific context
// guard, check whether there is a match
if (CtxGuard && (CtxGuard != CurrentContextHandle->CtxGuard)) { // there is no match - move on to the next
continue; }
// NextListEntry is valid even after destruction of the current
// context handle - we don't need to worry about that
ASSERT((CurrentContextHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextRemovedFromCollectionMask) == 0); CurrentContextHandle->Flags |= ServerContextHandle::ContextRemovedFromCollectionMask | ServerContextHandle::ContextNeedsRundown;
// remove the lifetime reference. If the refcount drops to 0, we can
// do the cleanup.
if (CurrentContextHandle->RemoveReference() == 0) { if (RundownContextHandle) { NDRSRundownContextHandle(CurrentContextHandle); }
delete CurrentContextHandle; }
// N.B. Don't touch the CurrentContextHandle below this. We have released
// our refcount
#if DBG
// enforce it on checked
CurrentContextHandle = NULL; #endif
CtxCollection->Unlock(); }
void FinishUsingContextHandle ( IN SCALL *CallObject, IN ServerContextHandle *ContextHandle, IN BOOL fUserDeletedContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Perform functions commonly needed when execution returns from the server manager routine - if the context is in the list of active context handles, unlock it and remove it. Decrease the refcount, and if 0, remove the context from the collection, and if rundown as asked for, fire the rundown.
CallObject - the server-side call object (the scall) ContextHandle - the context handle fUserDeletedContext - non-zero if the user has deleted the context handle (i.e. set UserContext to NULL) --*/ { ServerContextHandle *RemovedContextHandle; ContextCollection *CtxCollection = NULL; long LocalRefCount; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus; SWMRWaiter *WaiterCache; THREAD *Thread; BOOL fRemoveLifeTimeReference;
RemovedContextHandle = CallObject->RemoveFromActiveContextHandles(ContextHandle);
if (fUserDeletedContext) { RpcStatus = CallObject->GetAssociationContextCollection(&CtxCollection); // the getting of the collection must succeed here, as we have already
// created it, and we're simply getting it
ASSERT(RpcStatus == RPC_S_OK);
fRemoveLifeTimeReference = FALSE; CtxCollection->Lock(); // if the context is still in the collection, remove it and take
// down the lifetime reference
if ((ContextHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextRemovedFromCollectionMask) == 0) { ContextHandle->Flags |= ServerContextHandle::ContextRemovedFromCollectionMask; fRemoveLifeTimeReference = TRUE; CtxCollection->Remove(ContextHandle); } CtxCollection->Unlock();
// do it outside the lock
if (fRemoveLifeTimeReference) { LocalRefCount = ContextHandle->RemoveReference(); ASSERT(LocalRefCount); } }
// if we were able to extract it from the list of active context handles, it must
// have been active, and thus needs unlocking
if (RemovedContextHandle) { WaiterCache = NULL; ContextHandle->Lock.Unlock(&WaiterCache); Thread = ThreadSelf(); if (Thread) { Thread->FreeWaiterCache(&WaiterCache); } else { SWMRLock::FreeWaiterCache(&WaiterCache); } }
LocalRefCount = ContextHandle->RemoveReference(); if (LocalRefCount == 0) { // if we were asked to rundown by the rundown code, do it.
if (ContextHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextNeedsRundownMask) { NDRSRundownContextHandle(ContextHandle); }
ASSERT (ContextHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextRemovedFromCollectionMask);
delete ContextHandle; } }
ServerContextHandle * FindAndAddRefContextHandle ( IN ContextCollection *CtxCollection, IN WIRE_CONTEXT *WireContext, IN PVOID CtxGuard, OUT BOOL *ContextHandleNewlyCreated ) /*++
Routine Description:
Attempts to find the context handle for the given wire buffer, and if found, add a refcount to it, and return it.
CtxCollection - the context handle collection. WireContext - the on-the-wire representation of the context CtxGuard - the context guard - if NULL, then any context handle matches. If non-NULL, the context handle that matches the wire context must have the same context guard in order for it to be considered a match. ContextHandleNewlyCreated - a pointer to a boolean variable that will be set to non-zero if the context handle had the newly created flag set, or to FALSE if it didn't. If the return value is NULL, this is undefined.
Return Value: The found context handle. NULL if no matching context handle was found.
Notes: The newly created flag is always taken down regardless of other paremeters.
--*/ { ServerContextHandle *ContextHandle; BOOL LocalContextHandleNewlyCreated = FALSE;
ContextHandle = CtxCollection->Find(WireContext);
// if we have found a context handle, and is from the same interface, or
// we don't care from what interface it is, get it
if (ContextHandle && ( (ContextHandle->CtxGuard == CtxGuard) || (CtxGuard == NULL) ) ) { ASSERT(ContextHandle->ReferenceCount); // the only two flags that can be possibly set here are ContextAllocState and/or
// ContextNewlyCreated. ContextAllocState *must* be ContextCompletedAlloc.
// ASSERT that
ASSERT(ContextHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextAllocState); ASSERT((ContextHandle->Flags & ~(ServerContextHandle::ContextAllocState | ServerContextHandle::ContextNewlyCreatedMask)) == 0); ContextHandle->AddReference(); if (ContextHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextNewlyCreatedMask) { LocalContextHandleNewlyCreated = TRUE; } // take down the ContextNewlyCreated flag. Since we know that the only other
// flag that can be set at this point is ContextNewlyCreated, a simple assignment
// is sufficient
ContextHandle->Flags = ServerContextHandle::ContextCompletedAlloc; } else { ContextHandle = NULL; }
*ContextHandleNewlyCreated = LocalContextHandleNewlyCreated; return ContextHandle; }
void NDRSContextHandlePostDispatchProcessing ( IN SCALL *SCall, ServerContextHandle *CtxHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
Performs post dispatch processing needed for in only context handles. If the context handle was NULL on input, just delete it. Else, finish using it.
BindingHandle - the server-side binding handle (the scall) CtxHandle - the context handle --*/ { if ((CtxHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextAllocState) == ServerContextHandle::ContextPendingAlloc) { CODE_COVERAGE_CHECK; // [in] only context handle that didn't get set
delete CtxHandle; } else { FinishUsingContextHandle(SCall, CtxHandle, FALSE // fUserDeletedContextHandle
); } }
void NDRSContextEmergencyCleanup ( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle, IN OUT NDR_SCONTEXT hContext, IN NDR_RUNDOWN UserRunDownIn, IN PVOID UserContext, IN BOOL ManagerRoutineException) /*++
Routine Description:
Perform emergency cleanup if the manager routine throws an exception, or marshalling fails, or an async call is aborted. In the process, if the context handle was actively used, it must finish using it.
BindingHandle - the server-side binding handle (the scall) hContext - the hContext created during unmarshalling. UserRunDownIn - if hContext is non-NULL, the user rundown from there will be used. This parameter will be used only if hContext is NULL. UserContext - the user context returned from the user. This will be set only in case 9 (see below). For all other cases, it will be 0 ManagerRoutineException - non-zero if the exception was thrown from the manager routine.
Notes: Here's the functionality matrix for this function:
NDR will not call runtime in cases 1, 4 and 8
User C Exc Handle Clea- Run- Finish Further use of N Unm Mar From: tx(To:) ept Type hCtx nup down UsingCH context handle on the client: -- ---- --- ----- ------- --- ------ ---- ----- ----- ------ ----------------------------- 1 N NA NA NA NA NA NA N N N *As if the call was never made 2a Y N NULL NA Y NA !NULL Y N N *As if the call was never made 2b Y N !NULL NA Y NA !NULL N N Y *As if the call was never made 4 Y Y Any NULL N Any Any N N N *New context on the server 5a Y Y NULL !NULL N Any Marker Y Y N *As if the call was never made 5b Y Y !NULL !NULL N Any Marker N N N *To: value on the server 6a Y N NULL NULL N !ret !NULL Y N N *As if the call was never made 6b Y N !NULL NULL N !ret !NULL Y N Y *Invalid context from the server 7a Y N NULL !NULL N !ret !NULL Y Y N *As if the call was never made 7b Y N !NULL !NULL N !ret !NULL N N Y To: value on the server 8 Y N NA NULL N ret NULL N N N *NA (i.e. no retval) 9 Y N NA !NULL N ret NULL N Y N *NA (i.e. no retval)
N.B. This routine throws exceptions on failure. Only datagram context handles have failure paths (aside from claiming critical section failures) --*/ { ServerContextHandle *ContextHandle = (ServerContextHandle *)hContext; ContextCollection *CtxCollection; SCALL *SCall = (SCALL *)BindingHandle; BOOL ContextHandleNewlyCreated; DictionaryCursor cursor; PVOID Buffer;
LogEvent(SU_EXCEPT, EV_DELETE, ContextHandle, UserContext, ManagerRoutineException, 1, 0);
// N.B. The following code doesn't make sense unless you have gone
// through the notes in the comments. Please, read the notes before you
// read this code
if (ManagerRoutineException) { ASSERT(ContextHandle != NULL);
// Cases 2a, 2b
// Detect case 2a and cleanup runtime stuff for it
if ((ContextHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextAllocState) == ServerContextHandle::ContextPendingAlloc) { // case 2a started with NULL context handle - no need to call
// FinishUsingContextHandle
delete ContextHandle; } else { // case 2b - we started with a non-NULL context handle - we need to finish
// using it
FinishUsingContextHandle(SCall, ContextHandle, FALSE // fUserDeletedContext
); } } else if (ContextHandle == NULL) { ServerContextHandle TempItem(NULL);
// Case 9
// This must be a return value context handle, which the user has set to !NULL,
// but we encountered marshalling problems before marshalling it. In this
// case, simply rundown the user context.
// create a temp context we can use for rundowns
TempItem.UserRunDown = UserRunDownIn; TempItem.UserContext = UserContext;
NDRSRundownContextHandle(&TempItem); } else if (ContextHandle == CONTEXT_HANDLE_AFTER_MARSHAL_MARKER) { // Cases 5a, 5b.
// The context handle has been marshalled. Since we have released
// all reference to the context handle, we cannot touch it. We need
// to go back and search for the context handle again. It may have
// been deleted either through a rundown, or by an attacker guessing
// the context handle. Either way we want to handle it gracefully
// Once we find the context handle (and get a lock on it), we need
// to check if it has been used in the meantime, and if not, we
// can proceed with the cleanup. If yes, just ignore it.
CtxCollection = GetContextCollection(BindingHandle); // this must succeed as we have already obtained the collection once
// during umarshalling
// in case 5b, we won't find anything, since we don't put buffers in
// the collection. In this case, the loop will exit, and we'll be fine
SCall->ActiveContextHandles.Reset(cursor); while ((Buffer = SCall->ActiveContextHandles.Next(cursor)) != 0) { // if this is not a buffer
if (((ULONG_PTR)Buffer & SCALL::DictionaryEntryIsBuffer) == 0) { CODE_COVERAGE_CHECK; continue; }
Buffer = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)Buffer & (~(SCALL::DictionaryEntryIsBuffer)));
ContextHandle = FindAndAddRefContextHandle(CtxCollection, (WIRE_CONTEXT *)Buffer, NULL, // CtxGuard
&ContextHandleNewlyCreated );
if (ContextHandle) { if (ContextHandleNewlyCreated) { // Case 5a
// this context handle was newly created - it cannot be used
// by anybody, and it cannot be in the active calls collection
// Therefore, it is safe to set the flag without holding the
// lock and to call FinishUsingContextHandle, which will decrement
// the ref count and will rundown & cleanup the context handle
ContextHandle->Flags |= ServerContextHandle::ContextNeedsRundown; FinishUsingContextHandle(SCall, ContextHandle, TRUE // fUserDeletedContext
); } else { CODE_COVERAGE_CHECK; // somebody managed to use the context handle - just finish off using it
FinishUsingContextHandle(SCall, ContextHandle, FALSE // fUserDeletedContext
); } } } } else if ((ContextHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextAllocState) == ServerContextHandle::ContextPendingAlloc) { // Cases 6a, 7a
UserContext = ContextHandle->UserContext;
if (UserContext) { // if we're in case 7a
NDRSRundownContextHandle(ContextHandle); }
// cases 6a, 7a
delete ContextHandle; } else if (UserContext == NULL) { // Case 6b
// this is the case where we have transition from !NULL to NULL
// and marshalling hasn't passed yet
ASSERT((ContextHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextAllocState) == ServerContextHandle::ContextCompletedAlloc);
FinishUsingContextHandle(SCall, ContextHandle, TRUE // fUserDeletedContext
); } else { UserContext = ContextHandle->UserContext;
// Cases 7b
ASSERT(UserContext != NULL); ASSERT((ContextHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextAllocState) == ServerContextHandle::ContextCompletedAlloc);
// the context handle was actively used - finish using it
FinishUsingContextHandle(SCall, ContextHandle, FALSE // fUserDeletedContext
); } }
void ByteSwapWireContext( IN WIRE_CONTEXT *WireContext, IN unsigned char *DataRepresentation ) /*++
Routine Description:
If necessary, the wire context will be byte swapped in place.
WireContext - Supplies the wire context be byte swapped and returns the resulting byte swapped context.
DataRepresentation - Supplies the data representation of the supplied wire context.
Notes: The wire context is guaranteed only 4 byte alignment. --*/ { if ( ( DataConvertEndian(DataRepresentation) != 0 ) && ( WireContext != 0 ) ) { WireContext->ContextType = RpcpByteSwapLong(WireContext->ContextType); ByteSwapUuid((class RPC_UUID *)&WireContext->ContextUuid); } }
NDR_SCONTEXT RPC_ENTRY NDRSContextUnmarshall ( IN void *pBuff, IN unsigned long DataRepresentation ) { return(NDRSContextUnmarshall2(I_RpcGetCurrentCallHandle(), pBuff, DataRepresentation, RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_GUARD, RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_FLAGS)); }
NDR_SCONTEXT RPC_ENTRY NDRSContextUnmarshallEx( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle, IN void *pBuff, IN unsigned long DataRepresentation ) { return(NDRSContextUnmarshall2(BindingHandle, pBuff, DataRepresentation, RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_GUARD, RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_FLAGS)); }
// make sure the public structure and our private ones agree on where is the user context
C_ASSERT(FIELD_OFFSET(ServerContextHandle, UserContext) == ((LONG)(LONG_PTR)&(((NDR_SCONTEXT)0)->userContext)));
NDR_SCONTEXT RPC_ENTRY NDRSContextUnmarshall2 ( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle, IN void *pBuff, IN unsigned long DataRepresentation, IN void *CtxGuard, IN unsigned long Flags ) /*++
Routine Description: Translate a NDR context to a handle The stub calls this routine to lookup a NDR wire format context into a context handle that can be used with the other context functions provided for the stubs use.
BindingHandle - the server side binding handle (scall) pBuff - pointer to the on-the-wire represenation of the context handle DataRepresentation - specifies the NDR data representation CtxGuard - non-NULL and interface unique id for strict context handles. NULL for non-strict context handles Flags - the flags for this operation.
Return Value: A handle usable by NDR. Failures are reported by throwing exceptions. --*/
{ ServerContextHandle *ContextHandle; ServerContextHandle *TempContextHandle; ContextCollection *CtxCollection; WIRE_CONTEXT *WireContext; THREAD * Thread; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus; BOOL fFound; SCALL *SCall; SWMRWaiter *WaiterCache; BOOL Ignore;
ByteSwapWireContext((WIRE_CONTEXT *) pBuff, (unsigned char *) &DataRepresentation);
// even if we don't put it in the collection, make sure that
// we call this function to force creating the collection
// if it isn't there. If it fails, it will throw an exception
CtxCollection = GetContextCollection(BindingHandle);
WireContext = (WIRE_CONTEXT *)pBuff; if (!WireContext || WireContext->IsNullContext()) { // Allocate a new context
ContextHandle = AllocateServerContextHandle(CtxGuard); if (ContextHandle == NULL) { RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCRuntime, RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY, EEInfoDLNDRSContextUnmarshall2_30, sizeof(ServerContextHandle));
RpcRaiseException(RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY); }
#if DBG
if (CtxGuard == RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_GUARD) RpcpInterfaceForCallDoesNotUseStrict(BindingHandle); #endif
// we don't put it in the active context handle list, because
// non of the APIs work on newly created context handles.
// We don't put it in the context collection either, allowing
// us to put it on unmarshalling only if it is non-zero.
} else { SCall = (SCALL *)BindingHandle;
// Currently, passing duplicate context handles to a method is not permited.
// Here we enforce this rule by verifying that the wire context we are unmarshalling
// isn't already in our list of unmarshaled context handles. If it is, we return
if (SCall->ActiveContextHandles.Size()){ DictionaryCursor cursor; ServerContextHandle *CtxHandle = NULL; SCall->ActiveContextHandles.Reset(cursor); while ((CtxHandle = SCall->ActiveContextHandles.Next(cursor)) != 0){ if (RpcpMemoryCompare(WireContext, &(CtxHandle->WireContext), sizeof(WIRE_CONTEXT)) == 0){ RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCRuntime, RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH, EEInfoDLNDRSContextUnmarshall2_60, WireContext->GetDebugULongLong1(), WireContext->GetDebugULongLong2() ); RpcpRaiseException(RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH); } } } ContextHandle = FindAndAddRefContextHandle(CtxCollection, WireContext, CtxGuard, &Ignore // ContextHandleNewlyCreated
if (!ContextHandle) { RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCRuntime, RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH, EEInfoDLNDRSContextUnmarshall2_10, WireContext->GetDebugULongLong1(), WireContext->GetDebugULongLong2() ); RpcpRaiseException(RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH); }
RpcStatus = SCall->AddToActiveContextHandles(ContextHandle); GENERATE_ADD_TO_COLLECTION_FAILURE(SCall, ContextHandle, RpcStatus) if (RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { // remove the refcount and kill if it is the last one
// Since this is not in the collection, no unlock
// attempt will be made
FinishUsingContextHandle(SCall, ContextHandle, FALSE // fUserDeletedContext
RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCRuntime, RpcStatus, EEInfoDLNDRSContextUnmarshall2_50);
RpcpRaiseException(RpcStatus); }
Thread = RpcpGetThreadPointer(); ASSERT(Thread);
// here it must have been found. Find out what mode do we want this locked
// in.
if (DoesContextHandleNeedExclusiveLock(Flags)) { Thread->GetWaiterCache(&WaiterCache, SCall, swmrwtWriter); RpcStatus = ContextHandle->Lock.LockExclusive(&WaiterCache); } else { Thread->GetWaiterCache(&WaiterCache, SCall, swmrwtReader); RpcStatus = ContextHandle->Lock.LockShared(&WaiterCache); }
// in rare cases the lock operation may yield a cached waiter.
// Make sure we handle it
GENERATE_LOCK_FAILURE(ContextHandle, Thread, &WaiterCache, RpcStatus)
if (RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { // first, we need to remove the context handle from the active calls
// collection. This is necessary so that when we finish using it, it
// doesn't attempt to unlock the handle (which it will attempt if the
// handle is in the active contexts collection).
TempContextHandle = SCall->RemoveFromActiveContextHandles(ContextHandle); ASSERT(TempContextHandle);
FinishUsingContextHandle(SCall, ContextHandle, FALSE // fUserDeletedContext
RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCRuntime, RpcStatus, EEInfoDLNDRSContextUnmarshall2_40);
RpcpRaiseException(RpcStatus); }
// did we pick a deleted context? Since we have a refcount, it can't go away
// but it may very well have been marked deleted while we were waiting to get a lock
// on the context handle. Check, and bail out if this is the case. This can
// happen either if we encountered a rundown while waiting for the context
// handle lock, or if an exclusive user before us deleted the context handle
if (ContextHandle->Flags & ServerContextHandle::ContextRemovedFromCollection) { CODE_COVERAGE_CHECK; // since the context handle is in the active contexts collection,
// this code will unlock it
FinishUsingContextHandle(SCall, ContextHandle, FALSE // fUserDeletedContext
RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCRuntime, RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH, EEInfoDLNDRSContextUnmarshall2_20, WireContext->GetDebugULongLong1(), WireContext->GetDebugULongLong2() ); RpcpRaiseException(RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH); } }
return ((NDR_SCONTEXT) ContextHandle); }
void RPC_ENTRY NDRSContextMarshallEx ( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle, IN OUT NDR_SCONTEXT hContext, OUT void *pBuffer, IN NDR_RUNDOWN userRunDownIn ) { NDRSContextMarshall2(BindingHandle, hContext, pBuffer, userRunDownIn, RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_GUARD, RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_FLAGS); }
void RPC_ENTRY NDRSContextMarshall ( IN OUT NDR_SCONTEXT hContext, OUT void *pBuff, IN NDR_RUNDOWN userRunDownIn ) { NDRSContextMarshall2(I_RpcGetCurrentCallHandle(), hContext, pBuff, userRunDownIn, RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_GUARD, RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_FLAGS); }
void RPC_ENTRY NDRSContextMarshall2( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle, IN OUT NDR_SCONTEXT hContext, OUT void *pBuff, IN NDR_RUNDOWN UserRunDownIn, IN void *CtxGuard, IN unsigned long ) /*++
Routine Description: Marshall the context handle. If set to NULL, it will be destroyed.
BindingHandle - the server side binding handle (the scall) hContext - the NDR handle of the context handle pBuff - buffer to marshell to UserRunDownIn - user function to be called when the rundown occurs CtxGuard - the magic id used to differentiate contexts created on different interfaces
--*/ { RPC_STATUS RpcStatus; ServerContextHandle *ContextHandle = (ServerContextHandle *)hContext; ContextCollection *CtxCollection; SCALL *SCall; BOOL fUserDeletedContextHandle; WIRE_CONTEXT *WireContext;
SCall = (SCALL *)BindingHandle;
// 0 for the flags is ContextPendingAlloc. If this is a new context, it
// cannot have ContextNeedsRundown, because it's not in the collection.
// It cannot have ContextRemovedFromCollection for the same reason.
// Therefore, testing for 0 is sufficient to determine if this is a new
// context
if (ContextHandle->Flags == 0) { if (ContextHandle->UserContext == NULL) { // NULL to NULL - just delete the context handle
ContextHandle->WireContext.CopyToBuffer(pBuff); delete ContextHandle; } else { // the context handle was just created - initialize the members that
// weren't initialized before and insert it in the list
ContextHandle->Flags = ServerContextHandle::ContextNewlyCreated | ServerContextHandle::ContextCompletedAlloc; // UserContext was already set by NDR
ContextHandle->UserRunDown = UserRunDownIn; ASSERT(CtxGuard == ContextHandle->CtxGuard);
// create the UUID
RpcStatus = UuidCreate((UUID *)&ContextHandle->WireContext.ContextUuid);
if (RpcStatus == RPC_S_OK) { RpcStatus = SCall->AddToActiveContextHandles( (ServerContextHandle *) ((ULONG_PTR) pBuff | SCALL::DictionaryEntryIsBuffer)); GENERATE_ADD_TO_COLLECTION_FAILURE(SCall, (ServerContextHandle *)((ULONG_PTR) pBuff & SCALL::DictionaryEntryIsBuffer), RpcStatus); }
if ((RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) && (RpcStatus != RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)) { // run down the context handle
NDRSRundownContextHandle(ContextHandle); // in a sense, marshalling failed
delete ContextHandle;
RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCRuntime, RpcStatus, EEInfoDLNDRSContextMarshall2_10); RpcpRaiseException(RpcStatus); }
CtxCollection = GetContextCollection(BindingHandle); // the context collection must have been created during
// marshalling. This cannot fail here
ASSERT(CtxCollection); CtxCollection->Lock(); CtxCollection->Add(ContextHandle); CtxCollection->Unlock(); }
return; }
fUserDeletedContextHandle = (ContextHandle->UserContext == NULL);
if (fUserDeletedContextHandle) { WireContext = (WIRE_CONTEXT *)pBuff; WireContext->SetToNull(); } else { ContextHandle->WireContext.CopyToBuffer(pBuff); }
FinishUsingContextHandle(SCall, ContextHandle, fUserDeletedContextHandle); }
void RPC_ENTRY I_RpcSsDontSerializeContext ( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
By default, context handles are serialized at the server. One customer who doesn't like that is the spooler. They make use of a single context handle by two threads at a time. This API is used to turn off serializing access to context handles for the process. It has been superseded by shared/exclusive access to the context, and must not be used anymore.
--*/ { DontSerializeContext = 1; }
ServerContextHandle * NDRSConvertUserContextToContextHandle ( IN SCALL *SCall, IN PVOID UserContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Finds the context handle corresponding to the specified UserContext and returns it.
SCall - the server side call object (the SCall)
UserContext - the user context as given to the user by NDR. For in/out parameters, this will be a pointer to the UserContext field in the ServerContextHandle. For in parameters, this will be a value equal to the UserContext field in the ServerContextHandle. We don't know what type of context handle is this, so we have to search both, giving precedence to in/out as they are more precise.
Return Value:
NULL if the UserContext couldn't be matched to any context handle. The context handle pointer otherwise.
--*/ { DictionaryCursor cursor; ServerContextHandle *CurrentCtxHandle = NULL; ServerContextHandle *UserContextMatchingCtxHandle = NULL;
if (SCall->InvalidHandle(SCALL_TYPE)) return (NULL);
SCall->ActiveContextHandles.Reset(cursor); while ((CurrentCtxHandle = SCall->ActiveContextHandles.Next(cursor)) != 0) { // make sure this is not a buffer pointer for some reason
ASSERT (((ULONG_PTR)CurrentCtxHandle & SCALL::DictionaryEntryIsBuffer) == 0); if (&CurrentCtxHandle->UserContext == UserContext) { return CurrentCtxHandle; }
if (CurrentCtxHandle->UserContext == UserContext) { UserContextMatchingCtxHandle = CurrentCtxHandle; } }
// if we didn't find anything, this will be NULL and this is what we will
// return
return UserContextMatchingCtxHandle; }
RPCRTAPI RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcSsContextLockExclusive ( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE ServerBindingHandle, IN PVOID UserContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Lock the specified context for exclusive use.
ServerBindingHandle - the server side binding handle (the SCall)
UserContext - the user context as given to the user by NDR. For in/out parameters, this will be a pointer to the UserContext field in the ServerContextHandle. For in parameters, this will be a value equal to the UserContext field in the ServerContextHandle. We don't know what type of context handle is this, so we have to search both, giving precedence to in/out as they are more precise.
Return Value:
RPC_S_OK, ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE if the ServerBindingHandle or the UserContext are invalid, a Win32 error if the locking failed, or ERROR_MORE_WRITES if two readers attempted to upgrade to Exclusive and one was evicted from its read lock (see the comment in SWMR::ConvertToExclusive)
--*/ { ServerContextHandle *ContextHandle; SCALL *SCall = (SCALL *)ServerBindingHandle; SWMRWaiter *WaiterCache; THREAD *ThisThread; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus;
if (SCall == NULL) { SCall = (SCALL *) RpcpGetThreadContext(); // if there is still no context, it will be handled by
// NDRSConvertUserContextToContextHandle below.
ContextHandle = NDRSConvertUserContextToContextHandle(SCall, UserContext);
if (ContextHandle == NULL) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
// try to get a waiter for the locking
ThisThread = ThreadSelf(); if (ThisThread == NULL) return RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
WaiterCache = NULL;
// we cannot allocate a waiter from the thread,
// because by definition we already have a lock, and
// the waiter for this lock may come from the thread.
// Since the thread tends to overwrite the previous
// waiter on recursive allocation, we don't want to
// do that.
RpcStatus = ContextHandle->Lock.ConvertToExclusive(&WaiterCache);
// if a waiter was produced, store it. Conversion
// operations can produce spurious waiters because of
// race conditions
return RpcStatus; }
RPCRTAPI RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcSsContextLockShared ( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE ServerBindingHandle, IN PVOID UserContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Lock the specified context for shared use.
ServerBindingHandle - the server side binding handle (the SCall)
UserContext - the user context as given to the user by NDR. For in/out parameters, this will be a pointer to the UserContext field in the ServerContextHandle. For in parameters, this will be a value equal to the UserContext field in the ServerContextHandle. We don't know what type of context handle is this, so we have to search both, giving precedence to in/out as they are more precise.
Return Value:
RPC_S_OK, ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE if the ServerBindingHandle or the UserContext are invalid, a Win32 error if the locking failed
--*/ { ServerContextHandle *ContextHandle; SCALL *SCall = (SCALL *)ServerBindingHandle; SWMRWaiter *WaiterCache; THREAD *ThisThread; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus;
if (SCall == NULL) { SCall = (SCALL *) RpcpGetThreadContext(); // if there is still no context, it will be handled by
// NDRSConvertUserContextToContextHandle below.
ContextHandle = NDRSConvertUserContextToContextHandle(SCall, UserContext);
if (ContextHandle == NULL) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
// try to get a waiter for the locking
ThisThread = ThreadSelf(); if (ThisThread == NULL) return RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
WaiterCache = NULL; // we cannot allocate a waiter from the thread,
// because by definition we already have a lock, and
// the waiter for this lock may come from the thread.
// Since the thread tends to overwrite the previous
// waiter on recursive allocation, we don't want to
// do that.
RpcStatus = ContextHandle->Lock.ConvertToShared(&WaiterCache, TRUE // fSyncCacheUsed
// if a waiter was produced, store it. Conversion
// operations can produce spurious waiters because of
// race conditions
return RpcStatus; }