// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// File: eventlog.cxx
// Contents: Utilities to report events.
// Histories: 08/06/97 created by weiruc
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "trklib.hxx"
#include "netevent.h"
#define MAX_STRINGS 100
const extern TCHAR* g_ptszEventSource;
// Function: TrkReportRawEvent
// Synopsis: Report an event using the event logging service.
// It's "raw" because an lpRawData parameter may be passed.
// Input: [in] dwEventId
// Event id as defined in eventmsg.h.
// [in] wType
// Type of event. Choices are:
// EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS Success Audit event
// EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE Failure Audit event
// [in] ...
// Any string the caller wants to log.
// Requirement: Because this function does not copy the string parameters
// into internal buffers. So the input strings can not be
// modified when the function is being called.
// The last string parameter passed in MUST be NULL to
// mark the end of the argument list. Any arguments passed
// in after a NULL argument are going to be ignored.
HRESULT TrkReportRawEvent(DWORD dwEventId, WORD wType, DWORD cbRawData, const void *pvRawData, va_list pargs ) { HANDLE hEventLog = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; const TCHAR* rgtszStrings[MAX_STRINGS]; WORD wCounter = 0;
// initialize the insertion string array
memset(rgtszStrings, 0, sizeof(rgtszStrings));
// build the insertion string array
wCounter = 0; while(TRUE) { if(wCounter >= MAX_STRINGS) { break; } rgtszStrings[wCounter] = va_arg(pargs, const TCHAR*); if(NULL == rgtszStrings[wCounter]) { break; } else { wCounter++; } } va_end(pargs); // open registry
hEventLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, g_ptszEventSource); if(NULL == hEventLog) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); TrkLog((TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Can't open registry (%s), hr = %08x"), g_ptszEventSource, hr)); goto Exit; }
// write event log
if(!ReportEvent(hEventLog, wType, 0, dwEventId, NULL, wCounter, cbRawData, rgtszStrings, const_cast<void*>(pvRawData) )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); TrkLog((TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("ReportEvent failed. hr = %08x"), hr)); }
// close registry
if(!DeregisterEventSource(hEventLog) && S_OK == hr) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); TrkLog((TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Can't close registry (%s), hr = %08x"), g_ptszEventSource, hr)); }
return hr; }
// TrkReportInternalError
// Report an event that should never happen. The file number and line
// number are put into the hidden data blob.
HRESULT TrkReportInternalError(DWORD dwFileNo, DWORD dwLineNo, HRESULT hrErrorNo, const TCHAR* ptszData) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TCHAR tszHr[9]; struct { DWORD dwFileNo; DWORD dwLineNo; TCHAR tszData[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; } sRawData; DWORD cbRawData = 0;
sRawData.dwFileNo = dwFileNo; sRawData.dwLineNo = dwLineNo;
cbRawData = sizeof(sRawData.dwFileNo) + sizeof(sRawData.dwLineNo); if( NULL != ptszData ) { _tcsncpy( sRawData.tszData, ptszData, MAX_PATH ); cbRawData += 2 * _tcslen( ptszData ); }
// build the insertion strings
_stprintf(tszHr, TEXT("%08x"), hrErrorNo);
// This is just a special case of TrkReportEvent.
hr = TrkReportRawEventWrapper( EVENT_TRK_INTERNAL_ERROR, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, cbRawData, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&sRawData), tszHr, TRKREPORT_LAST_PARAM );
return hr; }