// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Microsoft Windows
// File: timer.cxx
// Contents: Code for a timer.
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 18-Nov-96 BillMo Created.
// Notes:
// Codework:
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "trklib.hxx"
BOOL LoadPersistentFileTime( const TCHAR * ptszStaticRegName, CFILETIME * pcft );
void UpdatePersistentFileTime( const TCHAR * ptszStaticRegName, const CFILETIME & cft );
void RemovePersistentFileTime( const TCHAR * ptszStaticRegName );
// Method: CNewTimer::Initiliaze
// Synopsis: Initialize the object and create the timer but don't set it
// yet.
// Inputs: [pTimerCallback] (in)
// Who to call when the timer fires.
// [pWorkManager] (in)
// The WorkManager with which the timer will be registered
// [ptszName] (in, optional)
// If specified, the timer is persistent, and the name is
// used to store the timer information in the registry.
// If not specified the timer is not persistent.
// If data already exists in the registry for this name, it
// is used the next time the timer is set.
// [ulTimerContext] (in)
// Passed to pTimerCallback->Timer.
// [ulPeriodInSeconds] (in)
// The length of this timer when it's set.
// [retrytype] (in)
// From the TimerRetryType enumeration. Can
// be no_retry, retry_randomly, or retry_with_backoff.
// [ulLowerRetryTime] (in)
// Only valid when retrytype isn't no_retry.
// [ulUpperRetryTime] (in)
// Only valid when retrytype isn't no_retry.
// [ulMaxLifetime] (in)
// Only valid when retrytype isn't no_retry.
// Returns: Void
void CNewTimer::Initialize( PTimerCallback *pTimerCallback, const TCHAR *ptszName, ULONG ulTimerContext, ULONG ulPeriodInSeconds, TimerRetryType retrytype, ULONG ulLowerRetryTime, ULONG ulUpperRetryTime, ULONG ulMaxLifetime ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; CFILETIME cftLastTimeSet;
TrkAssert( ulLowerRetryTime <= ulUpperRetryTime ); TrkAssert( NO_RETRY == retrytype || 0 != ulLowerRetryTime && 0 != ulUpperRetryTime ); TrkAssert( NO_RETRY != retrytype || 0 == ulMaxLifetime );
// Initialize our critical section. _fIntitializeCalled is used to
// indicate that this has been done.
_cs.Initialize(); _fInitializeCalled = TRUE;
// Keep the parameters
_pTimerCallback = pTimerCallback; _ptszName = ptszName; _ulTimerContext = ulTimerContext; _ulPeriodInSeconds = ulPeriodInSeconds; _RetryType = retrytype; _ulLowerRetryTime = ulLowerRetryTime; _ulUpperRetryTime = ulUpperRetryTime; _ulMaxLifetime = ulMaxLifetime;
#if DBG
// Set the workitem signature for use in debug outputs.
_stprintf( _tszWorkItemSig, TEXT("CTimer:%p"), this ); if( NULL != ptszName ) { _tcscat( _tszWorkItemSig, TEXT("/") ); _tcscat( _tszWorkItemSig, ptszName ); } TrkAssert( _tcslen(_tszWorkItemSig) < ELEMENTS(_tszWorkItemSig) ); #endif
// Create the NT timer.
Status = NtCreateTimer( &_hTimer, TIMER_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, SynchronizationTimer ); // this sort of timer becomes un-signalled
// when a wait is satisfied
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { _hTimer = NULL; TrkRaiseNtStatus(Status); }
// If this is a persistent timer, load the persisted state from the
// registry.
// Register a work item with the Win32 thread pool.
_hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx = TrkRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx( _hTimer, ThreadPoolCallbackFunction, static_cast<PWorkItem*>(this), INFINITE, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION | WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT );
if( NULL == _hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Failed RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx in CNewTimer::Initialize (%lu) for %s)"), GetLastError(), GetTimerName() )); TrkRaiseLastError(); } else TrkLog(( TRKDBG_TIMER, TEXT("Registered timer %s with thread pool (%p/%p)"), GetTimerName(), this, *reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR*>(this) ));
} // CNewTimer::Initialize
// Method: CNewTimer::SetTimer
// Synopsis: Start the timer. If _cftDue isn't already set, we'll use
// _ulPeriodInSeconds (or _ulCurrentRetryTime) to set it. If this
// is a persistent timer, the registry is updated.
void CNewTimer::SetTimer() { NTSTATUS Status; CFILETIME cftNow, cftMax(0);
TrkAssert(NULL != _hTimer); TrkAssert(sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER) == sizeof(_cftDue));
// If we're already running and not in retry mode, then there's nothing
// to be done.
if( _fRunning && 0 == _ulCurrentRetryTime ) return;
// Has the due time already been determined?
if( 0 == _cftDue ) { // Are we in retry mode?
if( 0 != _ulCurrentRetryTime ) { _cftDue = cftNow; _cftDue.IncrementSeconds( _ulCurrentRetryTime ); } else { _cftDue = cftNow; _cftDue.IncrementSeconds( _ulPeriodInSeconds ); _cftSet = cftNow; } }
// We already have a non-zero due time. That doesn't mean that we're running,
// though, it might be a persistent timer that's been initialized but not
// started.
else if( _fRunning ) { TrkAssert( 0 != _ulCurrentRetryTime );
// This timer was in retry mode but is now being started again.
// Restart as if it was being started for the first time.
_ulCurrentRetryTime = 0; _cftDue = _cftSet = cftNow; _cftDue.IncrementSeconds( _ulPeriodInSeconds ); }
if( 0 < _ulMaxLifetime ) { cftMax = _cftSet; cftMax.IncrementSeconds( _ulMaxLifetime );
if( cftNow > cftMax ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_TIMER, TEXT("Stopping timer %s/%p due to liftime limit"), (NULL == _ptszName) ? TEXT("") : _ptszName, this )); Cancel(); return; }
else if( _cftDue > cftMax ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_TIMER, TEXT("Shortening timer %s/%p due to lifetime limit"), (NULL == _ptszName) ? TEXT("") : _ptszName, this )); _cftDue = cftMax; } }
// Set the timer, but not if it's currently firing. When the timer
// fires, the DoWork method is called, but that method doesn't hold
// the lock while it calls the Timer callback. Thus, if
// _fTimerSignalInProgress is true, some other thread is currently
// in the callback. When it complets, it will set this timer.
if( !_fTimerSignalInProgress ) { Status = NtSetTimer ( _hTimer, //IN HANDLE TimerHandle,
FALSE, //IN BOOLEAN ResumeTimer,
TrkAssert(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); }
_fRunning = TRUE;
} // CNewTimer::SetTimer
// Method: CNewTimer::Cancel
// Synopsis: Cancel the timer and remove its persistent state from the
// registry (if it's a persistent timer).
void CNewTimer::Cancel() { NTSTATUS Status;
TrkAssert( _fInitializeCalled );
Lock(); __try { Status = NtCancelTimer(_hTimer, NULL); TrkAssert(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
_fRunning = FALSE; _ulCurrentRetryTime = 0; _cftDue = _cftSet = 0;
} __finally { Unlock(); }
// Method: CNewTimer::DebugStringize
// Synopsis: Stringize the current state of the timer.
#if DBG
void CNewTimer::DebugStringize( ULONG cch, TCHAR *ptsz ) const { ULONG cchUsed = 0; TCHAR *ptszTimerState;
TrkAssert( _fInitializeCalled );
Lock(); __try { if( _fRunning ) { if( 0 != _ulCurrentRetryTime ) ptszTimerState = TEXT("retrying"); else ptszTimerState = TEXT("running"); } else ptszTimerState = TEXT("stopped");
cchUsed = _stprintf( ptsz, TEXT("Timer %s/%p is %s "), NULL == _ptszName ? TEXT("") : _ptszName, this, ptszTimerState );
if( _fRunning ) { LONGLONG llDelta; llDelta = static_cast<LONGLONG>(_cftDue - CFILETIME()) / (10*1000*1000);
if( 0 <= llDelta && 120 >= llDelta ) cchUsed += _stprintf( &ptsz[cchUsed], TEXT("(expires in %I64i seconds)"), llDelta ); else { cchUsed += _stprintf( &ptsz[cchUsed], TEXT("(expires on ") ); _cftDue.Stringize( cch-cchUsed, &ptsz[cchUsed] ); cchUsed += _tcslen( &ptsz[cchUsed] ); cchUsed += _stprintf( &ptsz[cchUsed], TEXT(" UTC)") ); } }
TrkAssert( cch >= cchUsed ); } __finally { Unlock(); } } #endif
// Method: CNewTimer::DoWork
// Synopsis: This method is called by the work manager when the NT timer
// is signaled. We call pTimerCallback->Timer so that the timer
// event can be handled. That Timer method returns a status
// that tells us what we should do next. The returned status
// is a TimerContinuation, that can be Continue (causes
// a recurring timer to be set again), Break (causes a recurring
// timer to be stopped), or Retry.
void CNewTimer::DoWork() { TrkAssert( _fInitializeCalled );
PTimerCallback::TimerContinuation continuation;
Lock(); { // We were obviously running recently, or we wouldn't have been called.
// But if we're not running now, we must have been canceled after the
// timer object was signaled (waking the WaitForMultiple) but before
// entry into this routine.
if( !_fRunning ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Timer %s/%p stopped while firing"), NULL == _ptszName ? TEXT("") : _ptszName, this )); Unlock(); return; }
// For now, we're no longer running. If someone calls Set* while we're in
// the Timer callback below, this will be set true.
_fRunning = FALSE; _cftDue = 0;
// Show that the timer has fired and is being processed. This is used
// by SetTimer so that it knows that we're in a call to the Timer
// callback.
_fTimerSignalInProgress = TRUE; } TrkAssert( 1 == GetLockCount() ); Unlock();
// Call the timer handler. On return, it tells us how we should
// proceed.
continuation = _pTimerCallback->Timer( _ulTimerContext ); // continuation : {Break, Continue, Retry}
Lock(); __try // __except
{ // We're no longer in the timer callback.
_fTimerSignalInProgress = FALSE;
// If, while we were in the Timer callback, another thread came along
// and set the timer, then that takes priority over the
// continuation that was just returned. In such an case, _fRunning
// will have been set to TRUE.
if( _fRunning ) { TrkAssert( 0 != _cftDue ); TrkAssert( NULL != _hTimer );
// Show that we're not in retry mode
_ulCurrentRetryTime = 0;
// _cftDue was set in the SetTimer call already
Status = NtSetTimer ( _hTimer, //IN HANDLE TimerHandle,
FALSE, //IN BOOLEAN ResumeTimer,
TrkAssert(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); }
else if( PTimerCallback::BREAK_TIMER == continuation ) { // Break out of this timer; stop it even if it's a recurring timer.
Cancel(); }
else if( PTimerCallback::CONTINUE_TIMER == continuation ) { // Continue with this timer; stop it if it's a single shot, set it again
// if it's recurring.
_ulCurrentRetryTime = 0; // If we were retrying, we aren't any longer
if( _fRecurring ) SetTimer(); else Cancel(); }
{ TrkAssert( PTimerCallback::RETRY_TIMER == continuation ); TrkAssert( _ulLowerRetryTime <= _ulUpperRetryTime );
if( 0 == _ulUpperRetryTime || NO_RETRY == _RetryType ) { TrkAssert( !TEXT("Attempted to retry a timer with no retry times set") ); Cancel(); }
if( RETRY_WITH_BACKOFF == _RetryType ) { if( 0 == _ulCurrentRetryTime ) _ulCurrentRetryTime = _ulLowerRetryTime; else if( (MAXULONG/2) < _ulCurrentRetryTime ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Questionable retry time") )); TrkAssert( FALSE ); _ulCurrentRetryTime = MAXULONG; } else _ulCurrentRetryTime *= 2;
if( _ulCurrentRetryTime > _ulUpperRetryTime ) _ulCurrentRetryTime = _ulUpperRetryTime;
} else // PTimerCallback::RETRY_RANDOMLY == _RetryType
_ulCurrentRetryTime = _ulLowerRetryTime + ( QuasiRandomDword() % (_ulUpperRetryTime - _ulLowerRetryTime) );
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_TIMER, TEXT("Retrying timer %s/%p for %d seconds"), (NULL == _ptszName) ? TEXT("") : _ptszName, this, _ulCurrentRetryTime ));
// Set the timer with the just-calculated retry period
} // else if( CONTINUE_TIMER == continuation ) ... else
} __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { // The exception may have been in the timer, but more likely
// was in the PTimerCallback::Timer routine. As a cure-all,
// just reset the timer to an arbitrary value (we don't want
// to re-use _ulPeriodInSeconds, because it may be zero).
TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Unexpected timer exception") )); TrkAssert( FALSE );
__try { _ulPeriodInSeconds = TRKDAY; Cancel(); SetTimer(); } __except( BreakOnDebuggableException() ) { } }
} // CNewTimer::DoWork
// Method: CNewTimer::SaveToRegistry
// Synopsis: Save the timer's state to the registry, using _ptszName
// as a value name.
void CNewTimer::SaveToRegistry() { LONG lErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// If this isn't a persistent timer, then there's nothing to do.
if( NULL == _ptszName ) return;
Lock(); __try { lErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_tszKeyNameLinkTrack, &hk );
PersistentState persist;
persist.cftSet = _cftSet; persist.cftDue = _cftDue; persist.ulCurrentRetryTime = _ulCurrentRetryTime;
if ( lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
lErr = RegSetValueEx( hk, _ptszName, 0, REG_BINARY, (CONST BYTE *)&persist, sizeof(persist) ); RegCloseKey(hk); } } __finally { Unlock(); }
// Method: CNewTimer::LoadFromRegistry
// Synopsis: Load this timer's previously persisted state from the
// registry.
void CNewTimer::LoadFromRegistry() {
// If this isn't a persistent timer, then there's nothing to do.
if( NULL == _ptszName ) return;
Lock(); __try { // Open the main link-tracking key.
l = RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_tszKeyNameLinkTrack, &hk); if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hk = NULL; } else { // The main link-tracking key exists. See if we can open this
// timer's value.
PersistentState persist; DWORD cbData = sizeof(persist); DWORD dwType = 0;
l = RegQueryValueEx( hk, _ptszName, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)&persist, &cbData );
if (l == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwType == REG_BINARY && cbData == sizeof(persist)) {
// This timer has a persistent value in the registry. Override
// the caller-provided timeout.
_cftDue = persist.cftDue; _cftSet = persist.cftSet; _ulCurrentRetryTime = persist.ulCurrentRetryTime; } else { RegDeleteValue( hk, _ptszName ); l = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } // if (l == ERROR_SUCCESS)
} // if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) ... else
} __finally { if( NULL != hk ) RegCloseKey(hk);
Unlock(); }
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS && l != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Ignoring error %08x in timer %s LoadFromRegistry"), l, _ptszName )); }
return; }
// Method: CNewTimer::RemoveFromRegistry
// Synopsis: Remove this timer's persistent state from the registry.
void CNewTimer::RemoveFromRegistry() { LONG lErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hk = NULL;
if( NULL == _ptszName ) return;
Lock(); __try { lErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_tszKeyNameLinkTrack, &hk );
if ( lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lErr = RegDeleteValue( hk, _ptszName ); RegCloseKey(hk);
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr && ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND != lErr && ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != lErr ) { TrkLog((TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't delete timer's static reg name (\"%s\", %08x)"), _ptszName, lErr )); } } } __finally { Unlock(); }
// CNewTimer::UnInitialize
// Unregister the timer handle from the thread pool, cancel the timer,
// and release it.
void CNewTimer::UnInitialize() { if( _fInitializeCalled ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_TIMER, TEXT("Uninitializing timer %s/%p"), GetTimerName(), this ));
// Take the timer out of the thread pool, which must be
// done before closing the timer.
if( NULL != _hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx ) { if( !TrkUnregisterWait( _hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Failed UnregisterWait for CNewTimer (%s/%p, %lu)"), NULL == _ptszName ? TEXT("") : _ptszName, this, GetLastError() )); } else { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_TIMER, TEXT("Unregistered wait for timer (%s/%p)"), NULL == _ptszName ? TEXT("") : _ptszName, this )); } _hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx = NULL; }
// Close the timer handle
TrkVerify( NT_SUCCESS( NtCancelTimer(_hTimer, NULL) )); NtClose(_hTimer);
// Delete the CNewTimer critical section.
_fInitializeCalled = FALSE;
} }