// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996.
// File: tldap.cxx
// Contents: Command line test utility for LDAP link tracking db
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 18-Nov-96 BillMo Created.
// Notes:
// Codework:
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "teststub.cxx"
#include <trksvr.hxx>
#if DBG
class CTestSvrSvc { public:
void Initialize() { _svc.Initialize(STANDALONE_DEBUGGABLE_PROCESS); }
void UnInitialize(HRESULT hr) { _svc.UnInitialize(hr); }
void DoSwitch(TCHAR ** &tszArgs, int & cArgs, BOOL & fError);
void DoAdd(TCHAR * pszKey, TCHAR * ptszNew, TCHAR * ptszBirth); void DoDelete(TCHAR * ptszKey); void DoModify(TCHAR * ptszKey, TCHAR * ptszNew, TCHAR * ptszBirth); void DoQuery(TCHAR * ptszKey); void DoTouch(TCHAR * ptszKey); void DoFill(TCHAR * ptszNum); void DoPurge(); void DoCachePurge(); void DoVolumeTable(); void DoShorten(); void DoRunTests(); void DoIdt();
void TryCreateVolume(const CMachineId & mcid, const CVolumeSecret & secret, CVolumeId * pVolumeId);
inline CIntraDomainTable & idt() { return(_svc._idt); }
inline CVolumeTable & voltab() { return(_svc._voltab); }
CTrkSvrSvc _svc;
void CTestSvrSvc::TryCreateVolume(const CMachineId & mcid, const CVolumeSecret & secret, CVolumeId * pVolumeId) { __try { voltab().CreateVolume(mcid, secret, pVolumeId); } __except(BreakOnDebuggableException()) { printf("Exception %08X caught\n", GetExceptionCode()); } }
void CTestSvrSvc::DoAdd(TCHAR * ptszKey, TCHAR * ptszNew, TCHAR * ptszBirth) { __try { BOOL f = idt().Add(CDomainRelativeObjId(ptszKey), CDomainRelativeObjId(ptszNew), CDomainRelativeObjId(ptszBirth)); printf("Add returns %s\n", f ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } __except (BreakOnDebuggableException()) { printf("Exception %08X caught\n", GetExceptionCode()); } }
void CTestSvrSvc::DoDelete(TCHAR * ptszKey) { __try { BOOL f = idt().Delete(CDomainRelativeObjId(ptszKey)); printf("Delete returns %s\n", f ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } __except (BreakOnDebuggableException()) { printf("Exception %08X caught\n", GetExceptionCode()); }
void CTestSvrSvc::DoModify(TCHAR * ptszKey, TCHAR * ptszNew, TCHAR * ptszBirth) { __try { BOOL f = idt().Modify(CDomainRelativeObjId(ptszKey), CDomainRelativeObjId(ptszNew), CDomainRelativeObjId(ptszBirth)); printf("Modify returns %s\n", f ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } __except (BreakOnDebuggableException()) { printf("Exception %08X caught\n", GetExceptionCode()); }
void CTestSvrSvc::DoQuery(TCHAR * ptszKey) { __try { CDomainRelativeObjId ldNew; CDomainRelativeObjId ldBirth;
BOOL f = idt().Query(CDomainRelativeObjId(ptszKey), &ldNew, &ldBirth); printf("Query returns %s\n", f ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); if (f) { ldNew.DebugPrint(TEXT("ldNew=")); ldBirth.DebugPrint(TEXT("ldBirth=")); } } __except (BreakOnDebuggableException()) { printf("Exception %08X caught\n", GetExceptionCode()); }
void CTestSvrSvc::DoTouch(TCHAR * ptszKey) { __try { BOOL f = idt().Touch(CDomainRelativeObjId(ptszKey)); printf("Touch returns %s\n", f ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } __except (BreakOnDebuggableException()) { printf("Exception %08X caught\n", GetExceptionCode()); }
class CName { public: CName(int i) { _tsz[0] = i/(26*26) + TEXT('a'); _tsz[1] = (i%(26*26))/26 + TEXT('a'); _tsz[2] = i%26 + TEXT('a'); _tsz[3] = 0; }
operator TCHAR * () { return(_tsz); } private: TCHAR _tsz[10]; };
void CTestSvrSvc::DoFill(TCHAR * ptszNum) { int cEntries;
_stscanf(ptszNum, TEXT("%d"), &cEntries);
__try { for (int i=0; i<cEntries; i++) { CDomainRelativeObjId ldNew, ldBirth; idt().Add(CDomainRelativeObjId(CName(i)), ldNew, ldBirth); } } __except (BreakOnDebuggableException()) { printf("Exception %08X caught\n", GetExceptionCode()); } }
void CTestSvrSvc::DoPurge() { int cEntries;
__try { idt().PurgeAll(); voltab().PurgeAll(); } __except (BreakOnDebuggableException()) { printf("Exception %08X caught\n", GetExceptionCode()); } }
void CTestSvrSvc::DoCachePurge() { const int size = 64000000; LPDWORD p, pOrig;
p = pOrig = (LPDWORD)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, size); if (p) { for (int i=0; i<size/sizeof(*p); i++) { *p++ = 0; } GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)pOrig); } else printf("couldn't alloc 64M"); }
#define Check(exp) TrkAssert(exp)
void CTestSvrSvc::DoVolumeTable() { // test out volume table functionality
HRESULT hr; CMachineId mcid1("mcid1"); CMachineId mcid2("mcid2"); CMachineId mcid3("mcid3"); CMachineId mcid4("mcid4"); CVolumeSecret secret1; CVolumeSecret secret2; CVolumeSecret secret3; CVolumeSecret secret4; CVolumeId volume1; CVolumeId volume2; CVolumeId volume3; CVolumeId volume4; SequenceNumber seq; FILETIME ft;
UuidCreate((GUID*)&volume1); UuidCreate((GUID*)&volume2); UuidCreate((GUID*)&volume3); UuidCreate((GUID*)&volume4); UuidCreate((GUID*)&secret1); UuidCreate((GUID*)&secret2); UuidCreate((GUID*)&secret3); UuidCreate((GUID*)&secret4);
// Check Queries
// check non-existent volume
hr = voltab().QueryVolume(mcid1, volume1, &seq, &ft); Check(hr == TRK_S_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND);
// exception when setting seq number on non-existent volume
hr = voltab().SetSequenceNumber(volume1, seq); Check(hr != S_OK);
hr = voltab().QueryVolume(mcid1, volume1, &seq, &ft); Check(hr == TRK_S_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND);
// exception when setting seq number on non-existent volume
hr = voltab().SetSequenceNumber(volume1, seq); Check(hr != S_OK);
// create a volume
TryCreateVolume(mcid1, secret1, & volume1);
// check we can query it if it is us
hr = voltab().QueryVolume(mcid1, volume1, &seq, &ft); Check(hr == S_OK);
// check we can't query it if it isn't us
hr = voltab().QueryVolume(mcid2, volume1, &seq, &ft); Check(hr == TRK_S_VOLUME_NOT_OWNED);
// Check Claims
// claim a non-existent volume
hr = voltab().ClaimVolume(mcid1, volume2, secret1, secret1, &seq, &ft); Check(hr == TRK_S_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND);
// claim an existent volume using the wrong secret
hr = voltab().ClaimVolume(mcid2, volume1, secret2, secret2, &seq, &ft); Check(hr == TRK_E_VOLUME_ACCESS_DENIED);
// claim an existent volume using the right secret
hr = voltab().ClaimVolume(mcid2, volume1, secret1, secret1, &seq, &ft); Check(hr == S_OK);
// check the query fails from the original machine
hr = voltab().QueryVolume(mcid1, volume1, &seq, &ft); Check(hr == TRK_S_VOLUME_NOT_OWNED);
// check the query succeeds from the new machine
hr = voltab().QueryVolume(mcid2, volume1, &seq, &ft); Check(hr == S_OK);
// Check sequence numbers
SequenceNumber seq2 = seq; seq ++; hr = voltab().SetSequenceNumber(volume1, seq); Check(hr == S_OK);
SequenceNumber seq3; hr = voltab().QueryVolume(mcid2, volume1, &seq3, &ft); Check(hr == S_OK);
Check(seq3 == seq); Check(seq2 + 1 == seq);
class CSegString { public: CSegString(int length); ~CSegString();
private: };
class CSegment { public: CSegment() { _fInitialized = FALSE; } ~CSegment();
const CDomainRelativeObjId Current(); const CDomainRelativeObjId New(); const CDomainRelativeObjId Birth();
private: BOOL _fInitialized; };
class COrder { public: COrder(int iLength, int iCurrent) : _iLength(iLength) { } ~COrder();
BOOL GetSegment(CSegment * pSegment);
int _iLength;
class COrderEnum { public: COrderEnum(int length); ~COrderEnum();
BOOL GetOrder(COrder * pOrder);
private: int _iCurrent; int _iEnd; int _iLength; };
COrderEnum::COrderEnum(int iLength) { _iLength = iLength; _iCurrent = 1; _iEnd = 1;
while (iLength) { _iEnd *= iLength; iLength --; } }
BOOL COrderEnum::GetOrder(COrder * pOrder) { if (_iCurrent > _iEnd) { return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
void CTestSvrSvc::DoIdt() { int cChanges=0;
CDomainRelativeObjId droidCurrent, droidBirth, droidNew;
memcpy( &droidCurrent, "12345678", 8 ); droidBirth = droidCurrent; memcpy( &droidNew, "87654321", 8 );
_svc.MoveNotify(droidCurrent, droidBirth, droidNew, &cChanges);
CDomainRelativeObjId droidNewRead, droidBirthRead;
idt().Query(droidBirth, &droidNewRead, &droidBirthRead);
Check( droidNewRead == droidNew );
#if 0
// Each letter represents a (volume,oid) pair
// Various string lengths:
// Length 1:
// a->b a (1 order A)
// Length 2:
// a->b a, b->c a (2 orders AB, BA)
// Length 3:
// a->b a, b->c a, c->d a (6 orders ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA)
// Each combination could have a non-matching birth id which should prevent shortening and search
// Each segment can be created either through replication (directly to idt) or
// through MoveNotify.
// Each segment can be shortened through MoveNotify or Search
// three lengths
for (int l=1; l<=3; l++) { COrderEnum oe(l); COrder o;
while (oe.GetOrder(&o)) { CSegString ss(l); // make segment string of length l
BOOL fFirst = TRUE; CSegment seg, segFirst, segLast; int index;
while (-1 != (index = o.GetIndex())) { seg = ss[index];
if (fFirst) { segFirst = seg; fFirst = FALSE; }
TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION Notification; Notification.ldCurrent = seg.Current(); Notification.ldNew = seg.New(); Notification.ldBirth = seg.Birth();
segLast = seg; }
CDomainRelativeObjId ldNew, ldBirth;
idt().Query(segFirst.Birth(), &ldNew, &ldBirth);
Check(ldNew == segLast.Current()); } }
#endif // #if 0
void CTestSvrSvc::DoRunTests() { DoVolumeTable(); DoIdt(); }
void CTestSvrSvc::DoSwitch(TCHAR ** &tszArgs, int & cArgs, BOOL & fError) {
if (cArgs == 0) { return; } switch (tszArgs[0][1]) { case TEXT('a'): case TEXT('A'): if (cArgs >= 4) { DoAdd(tszArgs[1], tszArgs[2], tszArgs[3]); cArgs -= 4; tszArgs += 4; fError = FALSE; } break; case TEXT('d'): case TEXT('D'): if (cArgs >= 2) { DoDelete(tszArgs[1]); cArgs -= 2; tszArgs += 2; fError = FALSE; } break; case TEXT('m'): case TEXT('M'): if (cArgs >= 4) { DoModify(tszArgs[1], tszArgs[2], tszArgs[3]); cArgs -= 4; tszArgs += 4; fError = FALSE; } break; case TEXT('q'): case TEXT('Q'): if (cArgs >= 2) { DoQuery(tszArgs[1]); cArgs -= 2; tszArgs += 2; fError = FALSE; } break; case TEXT('t'): case TEXT('T'): if (cArgs >= 2) { DoTouch(tszArgs[1]); cArgs -= 2; tszArgs += 2; fError = FALSE; } break;
case TEXT('f'): case TEXT('F'): if (cArgs >= 2) { DoFill(tszArgs[1]); cArgs -= 2; tszArgs += 2; fError = FALSE; } break;
case TEXT('p'): case TEXT('P'): if (cArgs >= 1) { DoPurge(); cArgs -= 1; tszArgs += 1; fError = FALSE; } break; case TEXT('c'): case TEXT('C'): DoCachePurge(); cArgs -= 1; tszArgs += 1; fError = FALSE; break;
case TEXT('r'): case TEXT('R'): DoRunTests(); cArgs -= 1; tszArgs += 1; fError = FALSE; break;
case TEXT('i'): case TEXT('I'): printf("Type a command line switch at the prompt (control-c to exit.)\n"); do {
TCHAR buf[256]; TCHAR * tszArgs2[16]; TCHAR ** tszArgsI = tszArgs2; int cArgsI=0; BOOL fError2;
printf("> ");
TCHAR * p = buf; while (*p) { tszArgs2[cArgsI++] = p++; while (*p && *p != TEXT(' ')) p++; if (*p == ' ') { *p = 0; p++; } } DoSwitch(tszArgsI, cArgsI, fError2); } while (TRUE); break; default: break; } }
EXTERN_C int __cdecl _tmain(int cArgs, TCHAR **tszArgs ) { BOOL fError = FALSE; HRESULT hr; LARGE_INTEGER liFreq; CTestSvrSvc test;
__try { TrkDebugCreate( TRK_DBG_FLAGS_WRITE_TO_DBG | TRK_DBG_FLAGS_WRITE_TO_STDOUT, "TLDAP" ); g_Debug = 0xffffffff & ~TRKDBG_WORKMAN; test.Initialize();
cArgs--; tszArgs++; redo: if (cArgs == 0) { fError = TRUE; } while (!fError && cArgs > 0) { fError = TRUE; if (tszArgs[0][0] == '-' || tszArgs[0][0] == '/') { test.DoSwitch(tszArgs, cArgs, fError); } }
if (fError) { printf("Usage: \n"); printf(" Operation Params\n"); printf(" --------- ------\n"); printf(" Add -a <key> <cur> <birthid>\n"); printf(" Delete -d <key>\n"); printf(" Modify -m <key> <cur> <birthid>\n"); printf(" Query -q <key>\n"); printf(" Touch -t <key>\n"); printf(" Fill -f <number of entries> // aaa,aab,aac ...\n"); printf(" Purge -p 'purge all server database state'\n"); printf(" Cache Purge -c\n"); printf(" Run tests -r\n"); printf(" Interactive -i\n"); } hr = S_OK; } __except (BreakOnDebuggableException()) { printf("Exception number %08X caught\n", GetExceptionCode()); hr = GetExceptionCode(); }
return(0); }
EXTERN_C int __cdecl _tmain(int cArgs, TCHAR **tszArgs ) { printf("Retail build of tldap.exe doesn't run\n"); return(0); } #endif