Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Code for using registry usage mapping information (for broken HID keyboards that return incorrect usages) to fix usages on the fly.
INF example: ------------ The following line in the device instance's AddReg section of an inf for a keyboard will create a key resulting in the usage value 0x0203 being mapped to 0x0115 :
Kernel mode
Revision History:
Nov-98 : created by Ervin Peretz
#include "kbdhid.h"
#include <hidclass.h>
VOID LoadKeyboardUsageMappingList(PDEVICE_EXTENSION devExt) { NTSTATUS status; HANDLE hRegDriver; UsageMappingList *mapList = NULL; KIRQL oldIrql;
* Open the driver registry key * ( HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Class/<GUID>/<#n> ) */ status = IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey( devExt->PDO, PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DRIVER, KEY_READ, &hRegDriver); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)){ UNICODE_STRING usageMappingsKeyName; HANDLE hRegUsageMappings;
* See if the Usage Mappings subkey exists. */ RtlInitUnicodeString(&usageMappingsKeyName, L"UsageMappings"); status = OpenSubkey( &hRegUsageMappings, hRegDriver, &usageMappingsKeyName, KEY_READ);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)){
* The registry DOES contain usage mappings * for this keyboard. */ UsageMappingList *mapListEntry, *lastMapListEntry = NULL; ULONG keyIndex = 0;
* The key value information struct is variable-length. * The actual length is equal to: * the length of the base PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION struct + * the length of the name of the key (4 wide chars) + * the length of the value (4 wchars + terminator = 5 wchars). */ UCHAR keyValueBytes[sizeof(KEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION)+4*sizeof(WCHAR)+5*sizeof(WCHAR)]; PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION keyValueInfo = (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION)keyValueBytes; ULONG actualLen;
do { status = ZwEnumerateValueKey( hRegUsageMappings, keyIndex, KeyValueFullInformation, keyValueInfo, sizeof(keyValueBytes), &actualLen); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)){ /*
* Add this usage mapping to the mapping list. */ USHORT sourceUsage, mappedUsage; PWCHAR valuePtr; WCHAR nameBuf[5]; WCHAR valueBuf[5];
if(keyValueInfo->Type == REG_SZ && keyValueInfo->DataLength == (4+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) && keyValueInfo->NameLength <= (4+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) {
* keyValueInfo->Name is not NULL-terminated. * So copy it into a buffer and null-terminate. */
memcpy(nameBuf, keyValueInfo->Name, 4*sizeof(WCHAR)); nameBuf[4] = L'\0'; valuePtr = (PWCHAR)(((PCHAR)keyValueInfo)+keyValueInfo->DataOffset); memcpy(valueBuf, valuePtr, 4*sizeof(WCHAR)); valueBuf[4] = L'\0';
sourceUsage = (USHORT)LAtoX(nameBuf); mappedUsage = (USHORT)LAtoX(valueBuf); }
* Create and queue a new map list entry. */ mapListEntry = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(UsageMappingList)); if (mapListEntry){ mapListEntry->sourceUsage = sourceUsage; mapListEntry->mappedUsage = mappedUsage; mapListEntry->next = NULL; if (lastMapListEntry){ lastMapListEntry->next = mapListEntry; lastMapListEntry = mapListEntry; } else { mapList = lastMapListEntry = mapListEntry; } } else { ASSERT(!(PVOID)"mem alloc failed"); break; }
keyIndex++; } } while (NT_SUCCESS(status));
ZwClose(hRegUsageMappings); }
ZwClose(hRegDriver); }
KeAcquireSpinLock(&devExt->usageMappingSpinLock, &oldIrql); devExt->usageMapping = mapList; KeReleaseSpinLock(&devExt->usageMappingSpinLock, oldIrql);
VOID FreeKeyboardUsageMappingList(PDEVICE_EXTENSION devExt) { UsageMappingList *mapList; KIRQL oldIrql;
KeAcquireSpinLock(&devExt->usageMappingSpinLock, &oldIrql);
mapList = devExt->usageMapping; devExt->usageMapping = NULL;
KeReleaseSpinLock(&devExt->usageMappingSpinLock, oldIrql);
while (mapList){ UsageMappingList *thisEntry = mapList; mapList = thisEntry->next; ExFreePool(thisEntry); }
USHORT MapUsage(PDEVICE_EXTENSION devExt, USHORT kbdUsage) { UsageMappingList *mapList; KIRQL oldIrql;
KeAcquireSpinLock(&devExt->usageMappingSpinLock, &oldIrql);
mapList = devExt->usageMapping; while (mapList){ if (mapList->sourceUsage == kbdUsage){ kbdUsage = mapList->mappedUsage; break; } else { mapList = mapList->next; } }
KeReleaseSpinLock(&devExt->usageMappingSpinLock, oldIrql);
return kbdUsage; }
NTSTATUS OpenSubkey( OUT PHANDLE Handle, IN HANDLE BaseHandle, IN PUNICODE_STRING KeyName, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess ) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; NTSTATUS status;
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, KeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, BaseHandle, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) NULL );
status = ZwOpenKey(Handle, DesiredAccess, &objectAttributes);
return status; }
ULONG LAtoX(PWCHAR wHexString) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert a hex string (without the '0x' prefix) to a ULONG.
wHexString - null-terminated wide-char hex string (with no "0x" prefix)
Return Value:
ULONG value
--*/ { ULONG i, result = 0;
for (i = 0; wHexString[i]; i++){ if ((wHexString[i] >= L'0') && (wHexString[i] <= L'9')){ result *= 0x10; result += (wHexString[i] - L'0'); } else if ((wHexString[i] >= L'a') && (wHexString[i] <= L'f')){ result *= 0x10; result += (wHexString[i] - L'a' + 0x0a); } else if ((wHexString[i] >= L'A') && (wHexString[i] <= L'F')){ result *= 0x10; result += (wHexString[i] - L'A' + 0x0a); } else { ASSERT(0); break; } }
return result; }