Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of Backup Components Metadata XML wrapper classes
Brian Berkowitz [brianb] 3/13/2000
Add comments.
Revision History:
Name Date Comments brianb 03/16/2000 Created brianb 03/22/2000 Added support for PrepareForBackup and BackupComplete brianb 04/25/2000 Cleaned up Critical section stuff brianb 05/03/2000 changed for new security model ssteiner 11/10/2000 143810 Move SimulateSnapshotXxxx() calls to be hosted by VsSvc.
#include "vs_sec.hxx"
#include "vs_reg.hxx"
// Standard foo for file name aliasing. This code block must be after
// all includes of VSS header files.
const VSS_ID x_idWriterRegistry = { 0xAFBAB4A2, 0x367D, 0x4D15, {0xA5, 0x86, 0x71, 0xDB, 0xB1, 0x8F, 0x84, 0x85} };
const VSS_ID x_idWriterEventLog = { 0xeee8c692, 0x67ed, 0x4250, {0x8d, 0x86, 0x39, 0x6, 0x3, 0x7, 0xd, 0x00} };
const VSS_ID x_idWriterComREGDB = { 0x542da469, 0xd3e1, 0x473c, {0x9f, 0x4f, 0x78, 0x47, 0xf0, 0x1f, 0xc6, 0x4f} };
// guid used to identify the snapshot service itself when recording
// the snapshot set description XML stuff.
const VSS_ID idVolumeSnapshotService = { 0xe68b51c0, 0xa080, 0x4078, {0xa2, 0x79, 0x77, 0xfd, 0x4b, 0x6a, 0x41, 0xf7} };
class IVssWriterComponentsInt : public IVssWriterComponentsExt { public: // initialize
STDMETHOD(Initialize)(bool fFindToplevel) = 0;
// has document been changed
STDMETHOD(IsChanged)(bool *pbChanged) = 0;
// save document as XML
STDMETHOD(SaveAsXML)(OUT BSTR *pbstrXMLDocument) = 0; };
// Writer property structure
typedef struct _VSS_WRITER_PROP { VSS_ID m_InstanceId; VSS_ID m_ClassId; VSS_WRITER_STATE m_nState; VSS_PWSZ m_pwszName; HRESULT m_hrWriterFailure; bool m_bResponseReceived; } VSS_WRITER_PROP, *PVSS_WRITER_PROP;
// list of writer data that is gotten from ExposeWriterMetadata and
// SetContent
class CInternalWriterData { public: // constructor
CInternalWriterData() { m_pDataNext = NULL; m_pOwnerToken = NULL; }
~CInternalWriterData() { delete m_pOwnerToken; }
// initialize an element
void Initialize ( IN VSS_ID idInstance, IN VSS_ID idWriter, IN BSTR bstrWriterName, IN BSTR bstrMetadata, IN TOKEN_OWNER *pOwnerToken ) { m_idInstance = idInstance; m_idWriter = idWriter; m_bstrWriterName = bstrWriterName; m_bstrWriterMetadata = bstrMetadata; m_pOwnerToken = pOwnerToken; m_bstrWriterComponents.Empty(); m_nState = VSS_WS_STABLE; m_hrWriterFailure = S_OK; }
void SetComponents(IN BSTR bstrComponents) { m_bstrWriterComponents = bstrComponents; }
// instance id of writer
VSS_ID m_idInstance;
// class id of the writer
VSS_ID m_idWriter;
// name of the writer
CComBSTR m_bstrWriterName;
// XML writer metadata from writer
CComBSTR m_bstrWriterMetadata;
// last writer failure
// maintained in case writer is disabled
HRESULT m_hrWriterFailure;
// last writer state
// maintained in case writer is disabled
// XML writer component data
CComBSTR m_bstrWriterComponents;
// next pointer
CInternalWriterData *m_pDataNext;
// security id for client thread
TOKEN_OWNER *m_pOwnerToken; };
// class to access a component from the BACKUP_COMPONENTS document
class CVssComponent : public CVssMetadataHelper, public IVssComponent { friend class CVssWriterComponents; private: // constructor (can only be called from CVssWriterComponents)
CVssComponent ( IXMLDOMNode *pNode, IXMLDOMDocument *pDoc, CVssWriterComponents *pWriterComponents, bool bInRequestor, bool bRestore ) : CVssMetadataHelper(pNode, pDoc), m_cRef(0), m_pWriterComponents(pWriterComponents), m_bInRequestor(bInRequestor), m_bRestore(bRestore) { }
// 2nd phase constructor
void Initialize(CVssFunctionTracer &ft) { InitializeHelper(ft); }
public: // obtain logical path of component
STDMETHOD(GetLogicalPath)(OUT BSTR *pbstrPath);
// obtain component type(VSS_CT_DATABASE or VSS_CT_FILEGROUP)
// get component name
STDMETHOD(GetComponentName)(OUT BSTR *pbstrName);
// determine whether the component was successfully backed up.
STDMETHOD(GetBackupSucceeded)(OUT bool *pbSucceeded);
// get altermative location mapping count
STDMETHOD(GetAlternateLocationMappingCount)(OUT UINT *pcMappings);
// get a paraticular alternative location mapping
STDMETHOD(GetAlternateLocationMapping) ( IN UINT iMapping, OUT IVssWMFiledesc **pFiledesc );
// set the backup metadata for a component
STDMETHOD(SetBackupMetadata)(IN LPCWSTR wszData);
// get the backup metadata for a component
STDMETHOD(GetBackupMetadata)(OUT BSTR *pbstrData);
// indicate that only ranges in the file are to be backed up
STDMETHOD(AddPartialFile) ( IN LPCWSTR wszPath, IN LPCWSTR wszFilename, IN LPCWSTR wszRanges, IN LPCWSTR wszMetadata );
// get count of partial file declarations
STDMETHOD(GetPartialFileCount) ( OUT UINT *pcPartialFiles );
// get a partial file declaration
STDMETHOD(GetPartialFile) ( IN UINT iPartialFile, OUT BSTR *pbstrPath, OUT BSTR *pbstrFilename, OUT BSTR *pbstrRange, OUT BSTR *pbstrMetadata );
// determine if the component is selected to be restored
STDMETHOD(IsSelectedForRestore) ( IN bool *pbSelectedForRestore );
STDMETHOD(GetAdditionalRestores) ( OUT bool *pbAdditionalRestores );
// get count of new target specifications
STDMETHOD(GetNewTargetCount) ( OUT UINT *pcNewTarget );
STDMETHOD(GetNewTarget) ( IN UINT iNewTarget, OUT IVssWMFiledesc **ppFiledesc );
// add a directed target specification
STDMETHOD(AddDirectedTarget) ( IN LPCWSTR wszSourcePath, IN LPCWSTR wszSourceFilename, IN LPCWSTR wszSourceRangeList, IN LPCWSTR wszDestinationPath, IN LPCWSTR wszDestinationFilename, IN LPCWSTR wszDestinationRangeList );
// get count of directed target specifications
STDMETHOD(GetDirectedTargetCount) ( OUT UINT *pcDirectedTarget );
// obtain a particular directed target specification
STDMETHOD(GetDirectedTarget) ( IN UINT iDirectedTarget, OUT BSTR *pbstrSourcePath, OUT BSTR *pbstrSourceFileName, OUT BSTR *pbstrSourceRangeList, OUT BSTR *pbstrDestinationPath, OUT BSTR *pbstrDestinationFilename, OUT BSTR *pbstrDestinationRangeList );
// set restore metadata associated with the component
STDMETHOD(SetRestoreMetadata) ( IN LPCWSTR wszRestoreMetadata );
// obtain restore metadata associated with the component
STDMETHOD(GetRestoreMetadata) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrRestoreMetadata );
// set the restore target
STDMETHOD(SetRestoreTarget) ( IN VSS_RESTORE_TARGET target );
// obtain the restore target
STDMETHOD(GetRestoreTarget) ( OUT VSS_RESTORE_TARGET *pTarget );
// set failure message during pre restore event
STDMETHOD(SetPreRestoreFailureMsg) ( IN LPCWSTR wszPreRestoreFailureMsg );
// obtain failure message during pre restore event
STDMETHOD(GetPreRestoreFailureMsg) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrPreRestoreFailureMsg );
// set the failure message during the post restore event
STDMETHOD(SetPostRestoreFailureMsg) ( IN LPCWSTR wszPostRestoreFailureMsg );
// obtain the failure message set during the post restore event
STDMETHOD(GetPostRestoreFailureMsg) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrPostRestoreFailureMsg );
// set the backup stamp of the backup
STDMETHOD(SetBackupStamp) ( IN LPCWSTR wszBackupStamp );
// obtain the stamp of the backup
STDMETHOD(GetBackupStamp) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrBackupStamp );
// obtain the backup stamp that the differential or incremental
// backup is baed on
STDMETHOD(GetPreviousBackupStamp) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrBackupStamp );
// obtain backup options for the writer
STDMETHOD(GetBackupOptions) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrBackupOptions );
// obtain the restore options
STDMETHOD(GetRestoreOptions) ( IN BSTR *pbstrRestoreOptions );
// obtain count of subcomponents to be restored
STDMETHOD(GetRestoreSubcomponentCount) ( OUT UINT *pcRestoreSubcomponent );
// obtain a particular subcomponent to be restored
STDMETHOD(GetRestoreSubcomponent) ( UINT iComponent, OUT BSTR *pbstrLogicalPath, OUT BSTR *pbstrComponentName, OUT bool *pbRepair );
// obtain whether files were successfully restored
// add differenced files by last modify time
STDMETHOD(AddDifferencedFilesByLastModifyTime) ( IN LPCWSTR wszPath, IN LPCWSTR wszFilespec, IN BOOL bRecursive, IN FILETIME ftLastModifyTime ); STDMETHOD(AddDifferencedFilesByLastModifyLSN) ( IN LPCWSTR wszPath, IN LPCWSTR wszFilespec, IN BOOL bRecursive, IN BSTR bstrLsnString ); STDMETHOD(GetDifferencedFilesCount) ( OUT UINT *pcDifferencedFiles ); STDMETHOD(GetDifferencedFile) ( IN UINT iDifferencedFile, OUT BSTR *pbstrPath, OUT BSTR *pbstrFilespec, OUT BOOL *pbRecursive, OUT BSTR *pbstrLsnString, OUT FILETIME *pftLastModifyTime );
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID, void **);
STDMETHOD_ (ULONG, Release)(); private: // common routine for setting backup and restore metadata
HRESULT SetMetadata(IN bool bRestoreMetadata, IN LPCWSTR bstrMetadata);
// common routine for adding differenced files
void AddDifferencedFiles ( IN CVssFunctionTracer& ft, IN LPCWSTR wszPath, IN LPCWSTR wszFilespec, IN BOOL bRecursive, IN FILETIME ftLastModifyTime, IN BSTR bstrLsnString ); // common routine for retrieving backup and restore metadata
HRESULT GetMetadata(IN bool bRestoreMetadata, OUT BSTR *pbstrMetadata);
// get a particular element of a specific type as a file descriptor
HRESULT CVssComponent::GetFiledescElement ( IN LPCWSTR wszElement, IN UINT iMapping, // which mapping to select
OUT IVssWMFiledesc **ppFiledesc // output file descriptor
// reference count for AddRef, Release
LONG m_cRef;
// pointer to parent writer components document if changes are allowed
CVssWriterComponents *m_pWriterComponents;
// are we in the requestor
bool m_bInRequestor;
// are we in restore
bool m_bRestore; };
// components associated with a specific writer
class CVssWriterComponents : public CVssMetadataHelper, public IVssWriterComponentsInt { public: // constructor (can only be called from CVssBackupComponents)
CVssWriterComponents ( IXMLDOMNode *pNode, IXMLDOMDocument *pDoc, bool bWriteable, bool bRequestor, bool bRestore ) : CVssMetadataHelper(pNode, pDoc), m_cRef(0), m_bWriteable(bWriteable), m_bChanged(false), m_bInRequestor(bRequestor), m_bRestore(bRestore) { }
// 2nd phase construction
void Initialize(CVssFunctionTracer &ft) { InitializeHelper(ft); }
// get count of components
STDMETHOD(GetComponentCount)(OUT UINT *pcComponents);
// get information about the writer
STDMETHOD(GetWriterInfo) ( OUT VSS_ID *pidInstance, OUT VSS_ID *pidWriter );
// obtain a specific component
STDMETHOD(GetComponent) ( IN UINT iComponent, OUT IVssComponent **ppComponent );
STDMETHOD(IsChanged) ( OUT bool *pbChanged );
STDMETHOD(SaveAsXML) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrXMLDocument );
// initialize writer components document to point at writer components
// element
STDMETHOD(Initialize)(bool fFindToplevel);
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID, void **) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHOD_ (ULONG, Release)();
// indicate that document is changed
void SetChanged() { BS_ASSERT(m_bWriteable); m_bChanged = TRUE; }
private: // reference count for AddRef, Release
LONG m_cRef;
// can components be changed
bool m_bWriteable;
// is document changed
bool m_bChanged;
// are we in the requestor
bool m_bInRequestor;
// are we in restore
bool m_bRestore; };
// components associated with a specific writer
class CVssNULLWriterComponents : public IVssWriterComponentsInt { public: CVssNULLWriterComponents ( VSS_ID idInstance, VSS_ID idWriter ) { m_cRef = 0; m_idInstance = idInstance; m_idWriter = idWriter; }
// initialize
STDMETHOD(Initialize)(bool fFindToplevel) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(fFindToplevel); return S_OK; }
// get count of components
STDMETHOD(GetComponentCount)(OUT UINT *pcComponents);
// get information about the writer
STDMETHOD(GetWriterInfo) ( OUT VSS_ID *pidInstance, OUT VSS_ID *pidWriter );
// obtain a specific component
STDMETHOD(GetComponent) ( IN UINT iComponent, OUT IVssComponent **ppComponent );
STDMETHOD(IsChanged) ( OUT bool *pbChanged );
STDMETHOD(SaveAsXML) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrXMLDocument );
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID, void **) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHOD_ (ULONG, Release)();
private: // id of writer class
VSS_ID m_idWriter;
// id of writer instance
VSS_ID m_idInstance;
// reference count for AddRef, Release
LONG m_cRef; };
// state of CVssBackupComponents object
enum VSS_BACKUPCALL_STATE { x_StateUndefined = 0, x_StateInitialized, x_StateSnapshotSetCreated, x_StatePrepareForBackup, x_StatePrepareForBackupSucceeded, x_StatePrepareForBackupFailed, x_StateDoSnapshot, x_StateDoSnapshotSucceeded, x_StateDoSnapshotFailed, x_StateBackupComplete, x_StateBackupCompleteSucceeded, x_StateBackupCompleteFailed, x_StateAborting, x_StateAborted, x_StatePreRestore, x_StatePreRestoreSucceeded, x_StatePreRestoreFailed, x_StatePostRestore, x_StatePostRestoreSucceeded, x_StatePostRestoreFailed, x_StateGatheringWriterMetadata, x_StateGatheringWriterStatus };
// class used by the backup application to interact with the writer
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CVssBackupComponents : public CComObjectRoot, public IVssBackupComponents, public CVssMetadataHelper, public IDispatchImpl<IVssWriterCallback, &IID_IVssWriterCallback, &LIBID_VssEventLib, 1, 0>, public IVssCoordinatorCallback { public: friend class CVssAsyncBackup; friend class CVssAsyncCover;
// constructor
// destructor
// get count of writer components
STDMETHOD(GetWriterComponentsCount)(OUT UINT *pcComponents);
// obtain a specific writer component
STDMETHOD(GetWriterComponents) ( IN UINT iWriter, OUT IVssWriterComponentsExt **ppWriter );
// initialize for backup
STDMETHOD(InitializeForBackup)(IN BSTR bstrXML = NULL);
// set backup state for backup components document
STDMETHOD(SetBackupState) ( IN bool bSelectComponents, IN bool bBackupBootableState, IN VSS_BACKUP_TYPE backupType, IN bool bPartialFileSupport );
STDMETHOD(SetRestoreState) ( IN VSS_RESTORE_TYPE restoreType ); // initialize for restore
STDMETHOD(InitializeForRestore) ( IN BSTR bstrXML );
// gather writer metadata
STDMETHOD(GatherWriterMetadata) ( OUT IVssAsync **ppAsync );
// get count of writers
STDMETHOD(GetWriterMetadataCount) ( OUT UINT *pcWriters );
// get writer metadata for a specific writer
STDMETHOD(GetWriterMetadata) ( IN UINT iWriter, OUT VSS_ID *pidInstance, OUT IVssExamineWriterMetadata **ppMetadata );
// free XML data gathered from writers
// Called to set the context for subsequent snapshot-related operations
STDMETHOD(SetContext) ( IN LONG lContext );
// start a snapshot set
STDMETHOD(StartSnapshotSet) ( OUT VSS_ID *pSnapshotSetId );
// add a volume to a snapshot set
STDMETHOD(AddToSnapshotSet) ( IN VSS_PWSZ pwszVolumeName, IN VSS_ID ProviderId, OUT VSS_ID *pSnapshotId );
// add a component to the BACKUP_COMPONENTS document
STDMETHOD(AddComponent) ( IN VSS_ID instanceId, IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName );
// dispatch PrepareForBackup event to writers
STDMETHOD(PrepareForBackup) ( OUT IVssAsync **ppAsync );
// create the snapshot set
STDMETHOD(DoSnapshotSet) ( OUT IVssAsync** ppAsync );
// abort the backup
// dispatch the Identify event so writers can expose their metadata
STDMETHOD(GatherWriterStatus) ( OUT IVssAsync **ppAsync );
// get count of writers with status
STDMETHOD(GetWriterStatusCount) ( OUT UINT *pcWriters );
// obtain status information about writers
STDMETHOD(GetWriterStatus) ( IN UINT iWriter, OUT VSS_ID *pidInstance, OUT VSS_ID *pidWriter, OUT BSTR *pbstrWriterName, OUT VSS_WRITER_STATE *pStatus, OUT HRESULT *phrWriterFailure );
// free data gathered using GetWriterStatus
// indicate whether backup succeeded on a component
STDMETHOD(SetBackupSucceeded) ( IN VSS_ID instanceId, IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN bool bSucceded );
// set backup options for the writer
STDMETHOD(SetBackupOptions) ( IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN LPCWSTR wszBackupOptions );
// indicate that a given component is selected to be restored
STDMETHOD(SetSelectedForRestore) ( IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN bool bSelectedForRestore );
// set restore options for the writer
STDMETHOD(SetRestoreOptions) ( IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN LPCWSTR wszRestoreOptions );
// indicate that additional restores will follow
STDMETHOD(SetAdditionalRestores) ( IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN bool bAdditionalRestores );
// requestor indicates whether files were successfully restored
STDMETHOD(SetFileRestoreStatus) ( IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS status );
// add a new location target for a file to be restored
STDMETHOD(AddNewTarget) ( IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN LPCWSTR wszPath, IN LPCWSTR wszFileName, IN bool bRecursive, IN LPCWSTR wszAlternatePath ) ;
// add a new location for the ranges file in case it was restored to
// a different location
STDMETHOD(SetRangesFilePath) ( IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN UINT iPartialFile, IN LPCWSTR wszRangesFile );
// set the backup stamp that the differential or incremental
// backup is based on
STDMETHOD(SetPreviousBackupStamp) ( IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE ct, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN LPCWSTR wszPreviousBackupStamp );
// delete a set of snapshots
STDMETHOD(DeleteSnapshots) ( IN VSS_ID SourceObjectId, IN VSS_OBJECT_TYPE eSourceObjectType, IN BOOL bForceDelete, IN LONG* plDeletedSnapshots, IN VSS_ID* pNondeletedSnapshotID );
// Break the snapshot set
STDMETHOD(BreakSnapshotSet) ( IN VSS_ID SnapshotSetId );
STDMETHOD(ImportSnapshots) ( OUT IVssAsync** ppAsync );
// Get snapshot properties
STDMETHOD(GetSnapshotProperties) ( IN VSS_ID SnapshotId, OUT VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP *pProp );
// do a generic query using the coordinator
STDMETHOD(Query) ( IN VSS_ID QueriedObjectId, IN VSS_OBJECT_TYPE eQueriedObjectType, IN VSS_OBJECT_TYPE eReturnedObjectsType, IN IVssEnumObject **ppEnum );
// save BACKUP_COMPONENTS document as XML string
// signal BackupComplete event to the writers
STDMETHOD(BackupComplete)(OUT IVssAsync **ppAsync);
// add an alternate mapping on restore
STDMETHOD(AddAlternativeLocationMapping) ( IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE componentType, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN LPCWSTR wszPath, IN LPCWSTR wszFilespec, IN bool bRecursive, IN LPCWSTR wszDestination );
// add a subcomponent to be restored
STDMETHOD(AddRestoreSubcomponent) ( IN VSS_ID writerId, IN VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE componentType, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN LPCWSTR wszSubLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszSubComponentName, IN bool bRepair );
// signal PreRestore event to the writers
STDMETHOD(PreRestore)(OUT IVssAsync **ppAsync);
// signal PostRestore event to the writers
STDMETHOD(PostRestore)(OUT IVssAsync **ppAsync);
// IWriterCallback methods
// called by writer to expose its WRITER_METADATA XML document
STDMETHOD(ExposeWriterMetadata) ( IN BSTR WriterInstanceId, IN BSTR WriterClassId, IN BSTR bstrWriterName, IN BSTR strWriterXMLMetadata );
// called by the writer to obtain the WRITER_COMPONENTS document for it
STDMETHOD(GetContent) ( IN BSTR WriterInstanceId, OUT BSTR* pbstrXMLDOMDocContent );
// called by the writer to obtain the WRITER_COMPONENTS document for it
STDMETHOD(CoordGetContent) ( IN BSTR WriterInstanceId, IN ULONG cbSid, IN BYTE *pbSid, OUT BSTR* pbstrXMLDOMDocContent );
// called by the writer to update the WRITER_COMPONENTS document for it
STDMETHOD(SetContent) ( IN BSTR WriterInstanceId, IN BSTR bstrXMLDOMDocContent );
// called by the writer to update the WRITER_COMPONENTS document for it
STDMETHOD(CoordSetContent) ( IN BSTR WriterInstanceId, IN ULONG cbSid, IN BYTE *pbSid, IN BSTR bstrXMLDOMDocContent );
// called by the writer to get information about the backup
STDMETHOD(GetBackupState) ( OUT BOOL *pbBootableSystemStateBackedUp, OUT BOOL *pbAreComponentsSelected, OUT VSS_BACKUP_TYPE *pBackupType, OUT BOOL *pbPartialFileSupport, OUT LONG *plContext ); // called by the writer to get information about the backup
STDMETHOD(CoordGetBackupState) ( OUT BOOL *pbBootableSystemStateBackedUp, OUT BOOL *pbAreComponentsSelected, OUT VSS_BACKUP_TYPE *pBackupType, OUT BOOL *pbPartialFileSupport, OUT LONG *plContext ); STDMETHOD(GetRestoreState) ( OUT VSS_RESTORE_TYPE *pRestoreType ); STDMETHOD(CoordGetRestoreState) ( OUT VSS_RESTORE_TYPE *pRestoreType ); // called by the writer to indicate its status
STDMETHOD(ExposeCurrentState) ( IN BSTR WriterInstanceId, IN VSS_WRITER_STATE nCurrentState, IN HRESULT hrWriterFailure );
// Called by the requestor to check if a certain volume is supported.
STDMETHOD(IsVolumeSupported) ( IN VSS_ID ProviderId, IN VSS_PWSZ pwszVolumeName, IN BOOL * pbSupportedByThisProvider ); // called to disable writer classes
STDMETHOD(DisableWriterClasses) ( IN const VSS_ID *rgWriterClassId, IN UINT cClassId );
// called to enable specific writer classes. Note that once specific
// writer classes are enabled, only enabled classes are called.
STDMETHOD(EnableWriterClasses) ( IN const VSS_ID *rgWriterClassId, IN UINT cClassId );
// called to disable an event call to a writer instance
STDMETHOD(DisableWriterInstances) ( IN const VSS_ID *rgWriterInstanceId, IN UINT cInstanceId );
// called to expose a snapshot
STDMETHOD(ExposeSnapshot) ( IN VSS_ID SnapshotId, IN VSS_PWSZ wszPathFromRoot, IN LONG lAttributes, IN VSS_PWSZ wszExpose, OUT VSS_PWSZ *pwszExposed );
STDMETHOD(RevertToSnapshot) ( IN VSS_ID SnapshotId, IN BOOL bForceDismount ); STDMETHOD(QueryRevertStatus) ( IN VSS_PWSZ pwszVolume, OUT IVssAsync **ppAsync );
// replace writer instance ids during restore to correspond
// to those found in writer metadata
void EnableWritersForRestore();
// determine if a writer component has components selected for
// restore
bool IsComponentSelectedForRestore();
// free XML component data gathered from writers
void FreeWriterComponents();
// validatate that the object has been initialized
void ValidateInitialized(CVssFunctionTracer &ft);
// basic initialization
void BasicInit(IN CVssFunctionTracer &ft);
// internal PrepareForBackup call
HRESULT InternalPrepareForBackup(volatile LONG& finishing);
// internal BackupComplete call
HRESULT InternalBackupComplete(volatile LONG& finishing);
// internal PreRestore call
HRESULT InternalPreRestore(volatile LONG& finishing);
// internal PostRestore call
HRESULT InternalPostRestore(volatile LONG& finishing);
// internal GatherWriterMetadata call
HRESULT InternalGatherWriterMetadata(volatile LONG& finishing);
// internal GatherWriterStatus call
HRESULT InternalGatherWriterStatus(volatile LONG& finishing);
// operation called at completion of GatherWriterMetadata
// both by InternalGatherWriterMetadata and IVssAsync::Cancel
HRESULT PostGatherWriterMetadata(volatile LONG& finishing, VSS_BACKUPCALL_STATE stateSaved, HRESULT hrSuccess, bool bCheckRequiredWriters);
// called by IVssAsync::Cancel and InternalGatherWriterStatus
// at completion of GatherWriterStatus
HRESULT PostGatherWriterStatus(volatile LONG& finishing, VSS_BACKUPCALL_STATE stateSaved, HRESULT hrSuccess, bool bCheckResponses);
// called by IVssAsync::Cancel and InternalPrepareForBackup
// at completion of PrepareForBackup
HRESULT PostPrepareForBackup(volatile LONG& finishing, HRESULT hrSuccess);
// called by IVssAsync::Cancel and InternalBackupComplete
// at completion of BackupComplete
HRESULT PostBackupComplete(volatile LONG& finishing, HRESULT hrSuccess);
// called by IVssAsync::Cancel and InternalPreRestore
// at completion of PostPreRestore
HRESULT PostPreRestore(volatile LONG& finishing, HRESULT hrSuccess);
// called by IVssAsync::Cancel and InternalPostRestore
// at completion of PostRestore
HRESULT PostPostRestore(volatile LONG& finishing, HRESULT hrSuccess);
// called by IVssAsync::Cancel and IVssAsync::QueryStatus
// at completion of DoSnapshotSet
HRESULT PostDoSnapshotSet(volatile LONG& finishing, bool bRebuild, bool bFree, bool bSucceeded);
// Get an IVssCoordinator proxy for the current thread
// This performs internally an AddRef. It is caller responsibility to do a Release
void GetCoordinatorInterface( IN CVssFunctionTracer &ft, OUT CComPtr<IVssCoordinator> & ptrCoord // pass it by reference
); // position on a WRITER_COMPONENTS element
CXMLNode PositionOnWriterComponents ( IN CVssFunctionTracer &ft, IN VSS_ID *pinstanceId, IN VSS_ID writerId, IN bool bCreateIfNotThere, OUT bool &bCreated, IN UINT uStartFromIndex = 0 ) throw(HRESULT);
// position on/create a specific component,
CXMLNode FindComponent ( IN CVssFunctionTracer &ft, IN VSS_ID *pinstanceId, IN VSS_ID writerId, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentType, IN LPCWSTR wszLogicalPath, IN LPCWSTR wszComponentName, IN bool bCreate );
// rebuild component data after PrepareForBackup
void RebuildComponentData(IN CVssFunctionTracer &ft);
// get an IVssWriterCallback interface. Implements GetComponent
void GetCallbackInterface(CVssFunctionTracer &ft, IDispatch **ppDispatch);
// setup writers interface
void SetupWriter ( CVssFunctionTracer &ft, IVssWriter **ppWriter, bool bMetadataFire );
// add writer data to queue
HRESULT AddWriterData ( BSTR WriterInstanceId, BSTR WriterClassId, BSTR WriterName, BSTR bstrWriterXMLDocument, bool bReinitializing );
// add writer data to queue and validate using supplied sid
HRESULT AddWriterDataWithSid ( BSTR WriterInstanceId, PSID WriterSid, BSTR bstrWriterXMLDocument );
// get actual content for the instance
HRESULT DoGetContent ( VSS_ID idInstance, BSTR *pbstrXMLDocContent );
// find writer data with a particular instance id
CInternalWriterData *FindWriterData ( VSS_ID idInstance, bool bIsWriterId, UINT *piWriter = NULL );
// find writer data and validate the sid
void FindAndValidateWriterData ( IN VSS_ID idInstance, bool bIsWriterId, OUT UINT *piWriter );
// find writer data and validate using supplied sid
void FindAndValidateWriterDataWithSid ( IN VSS_ID idInstance, IN PSID psid, OUT UINT *piWriter );
// free all data about all writers
void FreeAllWriters();
// trim writers that are not in the backup components document
void TrimWriters();
// add a writer class to the writer class array
void AddWriterClass(const VSS_ID &id);
// remove a writer class from the writer class array
void RemoveWriterClass(const VSS_ID &id);
// is a writer class disabled
bool IsWriterClassDisabled(const VSS_ID &id);
// is a writer instance disabled
bool IsWriterInstanceDisabled(const VSS_ID &id);
// load the components XML document
void LoadComponentsDocument(BSTR bstr);
// set snapshot set description (by coordinator)
HRESULT SetSnapshotSetDescription(LPCWSTR wszXML);
// semaphore to serialize access to state-changing operations in class
HANDLE m_hOperation;
// used to indicate when an operation can be canceled
HANDLE m_hCancelEvent; // current state we are in in a callback situation
// protected by m_hOperation
// snapshot id
CComBSTR m_bstrSnapshotSetId;
// GUID form of the snapshot set ID
VSS_ID m_guidSnapshotSetId;
// Global pointer to IGlobalInterfaceTable
CVssSafeComPtr<IVssCoordinator> m_spCoordinator; // synchronization protecting m_pMetadataFirst and m_cWriters
CVssSafeCriticalSection m_csWriters;
// count of writers,
// protected by m_csWriters
UINT m_cWriters;
// # of writer instances
UINT m_cWriterInstances;
// array of writer instances participating in the backup
VSS_ID *m_rgWriterInstances;
// count of writer classes to exclude
UINT m_cWriterClasses;
// writer classes to exclude
VSS_ID *m_rgWriterClasses;
// writer data,
// protected by m_csWriters
CInternalWriterData *m_pDataFirst;
CComPtr<IVssWriterCallback> m_pCallback;
// writer properties in GatherWriterStatus, GetWriterStatus
VSS_WRITER_PROP *m_rgWriterProp;
// is this a restore
bool m_bRestore;
// has this structure been initialized
bool m_bInitialized;
// has gather writer metdata completed
bool m_bGatherWriterMetadataComplete;
// has gather writer status completed
bool m_bGatherWriterStatusComplete;
// has SetBackupState been called
bool m_bSetBackupStateCalled;
// are writer classes excluded or included
bool m_bIncludeWriterClasses;
bool m_bWritersInSequence; // root node of document
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> m_pNodeRoot;
// context used
LONG m_lContext;
// encapsulates the list of writer sids that are allowed to call back into the class
CVssSidCollection m_SidCollection;
// Used to keep track the last writer-related events
CVssDiag m_diagnose;
// has gather writer metdata been called? Do not call it twice on the same instance (BUG# 650274)
bool m_bGatherWriterMetadataCalled; };
class IVssLunInformation : public IUnknown { public: STDMETHOD(SetLunBasicType) ( IN UCHAR DeviceType, IN UCHAR DeviceTypeModifier, IN BOOL bCommandQueueing, IN LPCSTR wszVendorId, IN LPCSTR wszProductId, IN LPCSTR wszProductRevision, IN LPCSTR wszSerialNumber, IN VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE busType ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetLunBasicType) ( OUT UCHAR *pDeviceType, OUT UCHAR *pDeviceTypeModifier, OUT BOOL *pbCommandQueueing, OUT LPSTR *pstrVendorId, OUT LPSTR *pstrProductId, OUT LPSTR *pstrProductRevision, OUT LPSTR *pstrSerialNumber, OUT VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE *pBusType ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetDiskSignature) ( OUT VSS_ID *pidSignature ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetDiskSignature) ( IN VSS_ID idSignature ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(AddInterconnectAddress) ( IN VDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPE type, ULONG cbPort, const BYTE *pbPort, ULONG cbAddress, const BYTE *pbAddress ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetInterconnectAddressCount) ( OUT UINT *pcAddresses ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetInterconnectAddress) ( IN UINT iAddress, OUT VDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPE *pType, OUT ULONG *pcbPort, OUT LPBYTE *ppbPort, OUT ULONG *pcbAddress, OUT LPBYTE *ppbAddress ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetStorageDeviceIdDescriptor) ( IN STORAGE_DEVICE_ID_DESCRIPTOR *pDescriptor ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetStorageDeviceIdDescriptor) ( OUT STORAGE_DEVICE_ID_DESCRIPTOR **ppDescriptor ) = 0;
class IVssLunMapping : public IUnknown { public: STDMETHOD(AddDiskExtent) ( IN ULONGLONG startingOffset, IN ULONGLONG length ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetDiskExtentCount) ( OUT UINT *pcExtents ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetDiskExtent) ( IN UINT iExtent, OUT ULONGLONG *pllStartingOffset, OUT ULONGLONG *pllLength ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetSourceDevice) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrSourceDevice ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetSourceDevice) ( IN LPCWSTR wszSourceDevice ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetSourceLun) ( OUT IVssLunInformation **ppLun ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetDestinationLun) ( OUT IVssLunInformation **ppLun ) = 0; };
class IVssSnapshotDescription : public IUnknown { public: STDMETHOD(GetSnapshotId) ( OUT VSS_ID *pidSnapshot ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetProviderId) ( OUT VSS_ID *pidProvider ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetTimestamp) ( OUT VSS_TIMESTAMP *pTimestamp ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetTimestamp) ( IN VSS_TIMESTAMP timestamp ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetAttributes) ( OUT LONG *plAttributes ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetAttributes) ( IN LONG lAttributes ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetOrigin) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrOriginatingMachine, OUT BSTR *pbstrOriginalVolume ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetOrigin) ( IN LPCWSTR wszOriginatingMachine, IN LPCWSTR wszOriginalVolume ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(IsDynamicVolume) ( OUT bool *pbIsDynamic ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetIsDynamicVolume) ( IN bool bIsDynamic ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetServiceMachine) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrServiceMachine ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetServiceMachine) ( IN LPCWSTR wszServiceMachine ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetDeviceName) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrDeviceName ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetDeviceName) ( IN LPCWSTR wszDeviceName ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetExposure) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrExposedName, OUT BSTR *pbstrExposedPath ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetExposure) ( IN LPCWSTR wszExposedName, IN LPCWSTR wszExposedPath ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetLunCount) ( OUT UINT *pcLuns ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(AddLunMapping) ( ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetLunMapping) ( UINT iMapping, IVssLunMapping **pLunMapping ) = 0; };
// description of a snapshot set
class IVssSnapshotSetDescription : public IUnknown { public: STDMETHOD(SaveAsXML) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrXML ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetToplevelNode) ( OUT IXMLDOMNode **pNode, OUT IXMLDOMDocument **ppDoc ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetSnapshotSetId) ( OUT VSS_ID *pidSnapshotSet ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetDescription) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrDescription ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetDescription) ( IN LPCWSTR wszDescription ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetMetadata) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrMetadata ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetMetadata) ( IN LPCWSTR wszMetadata ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetContext) ( OUT LONG *plContext ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetSnapshotCount) ( OUT UINT *pcSnapshots ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetOriginalSnapshotCount) ( OUT LONG *plSnapshotsCount ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(SetOriginalSnapshotCount) ( IN LONG lSnapshotsCount ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(GetSnapshotDescription) ( IN UINT iSnapshot, OUT IVssSnapshotDescription **pSnapshot ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(FindSnapshotDescription) ( IN VSS_ID SnapshotId, OUT IVssSnapshotDescription **pSnapshot ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(AddSnapshotDescription) ( IN VSS_ID idSnapshot, IN VSS_ID idProvider ) = 0;
STDMETHOD(DeleteSnapshotDescription) ( IN VSS_ID idSnapshot ) = 0;
class CVssSnapshotSetDescription : public CVssMetadataHelper, public IVssSnapshotSetDescription { public: // constructor
CVssSnapshotSetDescription() : m_cRef(0) { }
CVssSnapshotSetDescription ( IXMLDOMNode *pNode, IXMLDOMDocument *pDoc ) : CVssMetadataHelper(pNode, pDoc), m_cRef(0) { }
// 2nd phase of initialization
void Initialize(CVssFunctionTracer &ft) { InitializeHelper(ft); }
void LoadFromXML(LPCWSTR wszXML);
STDMETHOD(GetToplevelNode) ( IXMLDOMNode **ppNode, IXMLDOMDocument **ppDoc );
STDMETHOD(GetSnapshotSetId) ( OUT VSS_ID *pidSnapshotSet );
STDMETHOD(GetDescription) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrDescription );
STDMETHOD(SetDescription) ( IN LPCWSTR wszDescription );
STDMETHOD(GetMetadata) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrMetadata );
STDMETHOD(SetMetadata) ( IN LPCWSTR wszMetadata );
STDMETHOD(GetContext) ( OUT LONG *plContext );
STDMETHOD(GetSnapshotCount) ( OUT UINT *pcSnapshots );
STDMETHOD(GetOriginalSnapshotCount) ( OUT LONG *pcSnapshots );
STDMETHOD(SetOriginalSnapshotCount) ( IN LONG cSnapshots );
STDMETHOD(GetSnapshotDescription) ( IN UINT iSnapshot, OUT IVssSnapshotDescription **pSnapshot );
STDMETHOD(FindSnapshotDescription) ( IN VSS_ID SnapshotId, OUT IVssSnapshotDescription **pSnapshot );
STDMETHOD(AddSnapshotDescription) ( IN VSS_ID idSnapshot, IN VSS_ID idProvider );
STDMETHOD(DeleteSnapshotDescription) ( IN VSS_ID idSnapshot );
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID, void **);
STDMETHOD_ (ULONG, Release)();
private: LONG m_cRef; };
class CVssSnapshotDescription : public CVssMetadataHelper, public IVssSnapshotDescription { friend class CVssSnapshotSetDescription;
private: // can only be called by CVssSnapshotSetDescription
CVssSnapshotDescription ( IXMLDOMNode *pNode, IXMLDOMDocument *pDoc ) : CVssMetadataHelper(pNode, pDoc), m_cRef(0) { }
// 2nd phase of initialization
void Initialize(CVssFunctionTracer &ft) { InitializeHelper(ft); }
public: STDMETHOD(GetSnapshotId) ( OUT VSS_ID *pidSnapshot );
STDMETHOD(GetProviderId) ( OUT VSS_ID *pidProvider );
STDMETHOD(GetTimestamp) ( OUT VSS_TIMESTAMP *pTimestamp );
STDMETHOD(SetTimestamp) ( IN VSS_TIMESTAMP timestamp );
STDMETHOD(GetAttributes) ( OUT LONG *plAttributes );
STDMETHOD(SetAttributes) ( IN LONG lAttributes );
STDMETHOD(GetOrigin) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrOriginatingMachine, OUT BSTR *pbstrOriginalVolume );
STDMETHOD(SetOrigin) ( IN LPCWSTR wszOriginatingMachine, IN LPCWSTR wszOriginalVolume );
STDMETHOD(IsDynamicVolume) ( OUT bool *pbIsDynamic );
STDMETHOD(SetIsDynamicVolume) ( IN bool bIsDynamic );
STDMETHOD(GetServiceMachine) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrServiceMachine );
STDMETHOD(SetServiceMachine) ( IN LPCWSTR wszServiceMachine );
STDMETHOD(GetDeviceName) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrDeviceName );
STDMETHOD(SetDeviceName) ( IN LPCWSTR wszDeviceName );
STDMETHOD(GetExposure) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrExposedName, OUT BSTR *pbstrExposedPath );
STDMETHOD(SetExposure) ( IN LPCWSTR wszExposedName, IN LPCWSTR wszExposedPath );
STDMETHOD(GetLunCount) ( OUT UINT *pcLuns );
STDMETHOD(AddLunMapping) ( );
STDMETHOD(GetLunMapping) ( UINT iMapping, IVssLunMapping **ppLunMapping );
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID, void **);
STDMETHOD_ (ULONG, Release)();
private: LONG m_cRef; };
class CVssLunMapping : public CVssMetadataHelper, public IVssLunMapping { friend class CVssSnapshotDescription;
private: // can only be called by CVssSnapshotDescription
CVssLunMapping ( IXMLDOMNode *pNode, IXMLDOMDocument *pDoc ) : CVssMetadataHelper(pNode, pDoc), m_cRef(0) { }
// 2nd phase of initialization
void Initialize(CVssFunctionTracer &ft) { InitializeHelper(ft); }
STDMETHOD(AddDiskExtent) ( IN ULONGLONG startingOffset, IN ULONGLONG length );
STDMETHOD(GetDiskExtentCount) ( OUT UINT *pcExtents );
STDMETHOD(GetDiskExtent) ( IN UINT iExtent, OUT ULONGLONG *pllStartingOffset, OUT ULONGLONG *pllLength );
STDMETHOD(GetSourceDevice) ( OUT BSTR *pbstrSourceDevice );
STDMETHOD(SetSourceDevice) ( IN LPCWSTR wszSourceDevice );
STDMETHOD(GetSourceLun) ( OUT IVssLunInformation **ppLun );
STDMETHOD(GetDestinationLun) ( OUT IVssLunInformation **ppLun );
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID, void **);
STDMETHOD_ (ULONG, Release)();
HRESULT GetLunInformation ( IN LPCWSTR wszElement, OUT IVssLunInformation **ppLun );
LONG m_cRef; };
class CVssLunInformation : public CVssMetadataHelper, public IVssLunInformation { friend class CVssLunMapping;
private: // can only be called by CVssLunMapping
CVssLunInformation ( IXMLDOMNode *pNode, IXMLDOMDocument *pDoc ) : CVssMetadataHelper(pNode, pDoc), m_cRef(0) { }
// 2nd phase of initialization
void Initialize(CVssFunctionTracer &ft) { InitializeHelper(ft); }
public: STDMETHOD(SetLunBasicType) ( IN UCHAR DeviceType, IN UCHAR DeviceTypeModifier, IN BOOL bCommandQueueing, IN LPCSTR szVendorId, IN LPCSTR szProductId, IN LPCSTR szProductRevision, IN LPCSTR szSerialNumber, IN VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE busType );
STDMETHOD(GetLunBasicType) ( OUT UCHAR *pDeviceType, OUT UCHAR *pDeviceTypeModifier, OUT BOOL *pbCommandQueueing, OUT LPSTR *pstrVendorId, OUT LPSTR *pstrProductId, OUT LPSTR *pstrProductRevision, OUT LPSTR *pstrSerialNumber, OUT VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE *pBusType );
STDMETHOD(GetDiskSignature) ( OUT VSS_ID *pidSignature );
STDMETHOD(SetDiskSignature) ( IN VSS_ID idSignature );
STDMETHOD(AddInterconnectAddress) ( IN VDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPE type, IN ULONG cbPort, IN const BYTE *pbPort, IN ULONG cbAddress, IN const BYTE *pbAddress );
STDMETHOD(GetInterconnectAddressCount) ( OUT UINT *pcAddresses );
STDMETHOD(GetInterconnectAddress) ( IN UINT iAddress, OUT VDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPE *pType, OUT ULONG *pcbPort, OUT LPBYTE *ppbPort, OUT ULONG *pcbAddress, OUT LPBYTE *ppbInterconnectAddress );
STDMETHOD(SetStorageDeviceIdDescriptor) ( IN STORAGE_DEVICE_ID_DESCRIPTOR *pDescriptor );
STDMETHOD(GetStorageDeviceIdDescriptor) ( OUT STORAGE_DEVICE_ID_DESCRIPTOR **ppDescriptor );
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID, void **);
STDMETHOD_ (ULONG, Release)();
private: LONG m_cRef; };
__declspec(dllexport) HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE CreateVssSnapshotSetDescription ( IN VSS_ID idSnapshotSet, IN LONG lContext, OUT IVssSnapshotSetDescription **ppSnapshotSet );
__declspec(dllexport) HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE LoadVssSnapshotSetDescription ( IN LPCWSTR wszXML, OUT IVssSnapshotSetDescription **ppSnapshotSet );