Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Declaration of XML wrapper classes
Adi Oltean [aoltean] 11/17/1999
TBD: Add comments.
Revision History:
Name Date Comments aoltean 11/17/1999 Created brianb 03/13/2000 Added XML support for Backup Extensions
#ifndef __VSS_XML_HXX__
#define __VSS_XML_HXX__
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
// Standard foo for file name aliasing. This code block must be after
// all includes of VSS header files.
// Forward declarations
class CXMLDocument; class CXMLNode;
// CXMLNode
class CXMLNode { // Constructors& destructors
// null constructor
CXMLNode() {};
// constructor wher toplevel document node is passed in
CXMLNode(const CXMLNode& node): m_pDoc(node.m_pDoc), m_pNode(node.m_pNode) {};
// constructor where both node and document are passed in
CXMLNode(IXMLDOMNode* pNode, IXMLDOMDocument* pDoc): m_pDoc(pDoc), m_pNode(pNode) {};
// assignment operator
void operator = (CXMLNode other) { m_pDoc = other.GetDocument(); m_pNode = other.GetNodeInterface(); }
// Attributes
bool IsEmpty() const { return (m_pNode == NULL); };
// Methods
public: // insert a node under another node
IXMLDOMNode* InsertChild ( IN IXMLDOMNode* pChildNode, IN const CComVariant& vAfter = CComVariant() ) throw(HRESULT);
// append a node after a particular child node
void AppendChild ( IN CXMLNode& childNode, OUT IXMLDOMNode** ppNewChildNode = NULL ) throw(HRESULT);
// set an attribute to a GUID value
void SetAttribute ( IN LPCWSTR wszAttributeName, IN GUID ValueId ) throw(HRESULT);
// set value of a byte array attribute by UUENCODING the data
void SetAttribute ( LPCWSTR wszAttr, const BYTE *pbVal, UINT cbVal );
// set the value of an attribute to an ASCII string
void SetAttribute ( IN LPCWSTR wszAttrName, IN LPCSTR szValue );
// set an attribute to a string value
void SetAttribute ( IN LPCWSTR wszAttributeName, IN LPCWSTR wszValue ) throw(HRESULT);
// set an attribute to an integer value
void SetAttribute ( IN LPCWSTR wszAttributeName, IN INT nValue ) throw(HRESULT);
// set an attribute to a DWORD value
void SetAttribute ( IN LPCWSTR wszAttributeName, IN DWORD dwValue ) throw(HRESULT);
// set an attribute to a LONGLONG value
void SetAttribute ( IN LPCWSTR wszAttributeName, IN LONGLONG llValue ) throw(HRESULT);
// set the text value of a node
void SetValue ( IN LPCWSTR wszValue ) throw(HRESULT);
// add text to a node
void AddText ( IN LPCWSTR wszText );
IXMLDOMDocument *GetDocument() { return m_pDoc; }
IXMLDOMNode *GetNodeInterface() { return m_pNode; }
// save the node as an XML string
BSTR SaveAsXML() throw(HRESULT);
// insert a node as a child of the current node
CXMLNode InsertNode ( CXMLNode &node ) throw(HRESULT);
// Data members
// toplevel document
CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> m_pDoc;
// node
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> m_pNode;
// CXMLDocument
class CXMLDocument: public CXMLNode { private: // node currently positioned on
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> m_pNodeCur;
// attribute map for node currently positioned on
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> m_pAttributeMap;
// level from root (0)
unsigned m_level;
// Constructors& destructors
public: // constructor where toplevel document node is passed in
CXMLDocument(IXMLDOMDocument* pDoc = NULL): m_pNodeCur(pDoc), m_pAttributeMap(NULL), CXMLNode(pDoc, pDoc), m_level(0) { }
// constructor where both toplevel node and toplevel document
// are passed in
CXMLDocument(IXMLDOMNode *pNode, IXMLDOMDocument *pDoc) : m_pNodeCur(pNode), m_level(0), m_pAttributeMap(NULL), CXMLNode(pNode, pDoc) { }
// copy constructor
CXMLDocument(const CXMLDocument& doc): CXMLNode(doc), m_pNodeCur(doc.m_pNodeCur), m_level(doc.m_level) { }
// convert a node into a document
CXMLDocument(const CXMLNode& node) : CXMLNode(node), m_level(0) { m_pNodeCur = m_pNode; }
// Methods
// return interface to toplevel document
IXMLDOMDocument* GetInterface() const { return m_pDoc; };
// set toplevel node to be the current node
void SetToplevel() { m_level = 0; m_pNode = m_pNodeCur; }
// set a particular node as the toplevel node in the document
void SetToplevelNode(CXMLNode &node) { m_level = 0; m_pNode = node.GetNodeInterface(); m_pNodeCur = m_pNode; }
// initialize the document
void Initialize() throw(HRESULT);
// create a node within the document
CXMLNode CreateNode ( IN LPCWSTR wszName, IN DOMNodeType nType = NODE_ELEMENT ) throw(HRESULT);
// reset current position to toplevel node
void ResetToDocument ( );
// reset position to the parent node
void ResetToParent ( ) throw(HRESULT);
// move to next node within the document
bool Next ( IN bool fDescend = TRUE, IN bool fAscendAllowed = TRUE ) throw(HRESULT);
// find a particular attribute of the current node
bool FindAttribute ( IN LPCWSTR wszAttrName, OUT BSTR *pbstrAttrValue ) throw(HRESULT);
// position to the next attribute in the current node
IXMLDOMNode *NextAttribute ( );
// find a particular sibling or child element
bool FindElement ( IN LPCWSTR wsz, IN bool bGotoChild );
bool FindElementOneOf ( IN LPCWSTR wsz[], IN LONG lArraySize, IN bool bGotoChild ); // load the document from an XML string
bool LoadFromXML ( IN BSTR bstrXML ) throw(HRESULT);
// load the document from a file (currently only
// used for testing purposes)
bool LoadFromFile ( IN LPCWSTR wszFile ) throw(HRESULT);
// return the curernt node
inline IXMLDOMNode *GetCurrentNode() { return m_pNodeCur; }
inline SetCurrentNode(IXMLDOMNode *pNode) { m_pNodeCur = pNode; }
// return the current level from the toplevel node
inline unsigned GetLevel() { return m_level; }
private: // is the node an element with a specific element type
bool IsNodeMatch ( LPCWSTR wszElementType ); };
#endif // __VSS_XML_HXX__