* * ******************* * * GDI SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: bltmm.c * * Contains the low-level memory-mapped IO blt functions. This module * mirrors 'bltio.c'. * * Hopefully, if you're basing your display driver on this code, to * support all of DrvBitBlt and DrvCopyBits, you'll only have to implement * the following routines. You shouldn't have to modify much in * 'bitblt.c'. I've tried to make these routines as few, modular, simple, * and efficient as I could, while still accelerating as many calls as * possible that would be cost-effective in terms of performance wins * versus size and effort. * * Note: In the following, 'relative' coordinates refers to coordinates * that haven't yet had the offscreen bitmap (DFB) offset applied. * 'Absolute' coordinates have had the offset applied. For example, * we may be told to blt to (1, 1) of the bitmap, but the bitmap may * be sitting in offscreen memory starting at coordinate (0, 768) -- * (1, 1) would be the 'relative' start coordinate, and (1, 769) * would be the 'absolute' start coordinate'. * * Copyright (c) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
* VOID vMmImageTransferMm16 * * Low-level routine for transferring a bitmap image via the data transfer * register using 16 bit writes and entirely memory-mapped I/O. * * NOTE: Upon entry, there must be 1 guaranteed free empty FIFO! * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMmImageTransferMm16( // Type FNIMAGETRANSFER
PDEV* ppdev, BYTE* pjSrc, // Source pointer
LONG lDelta, // Delta from start of scan to start of next
LONG cjSrc, // Number of bytes to be output on every scan
LONG cScans, // Number of scans
ULONG ulCmd) // Accelerator command - shouldn't include bus size
{ BYTE* pjMmBase; LONG cwSrc;
ASSERTDD(cScans > 0, "Can't handle non-positive count of scans"); ASSERTDD((ulCmd & (BUS_SIZE_8 | BUS_SIZE_16 | BUS_SIZE_32)) == 0, "Shouldn't specify bus size in command -- we handle that");
pjMmBase = ppdev->pjMmBase;
MM_CMD(ppdev, pjMmBase, ulCmd | BUS_SIZE_16);
cwSrc = (cjSrc) >> 1; // Floor
if (cjSrc & 1) { do { if (cwSrc > 0) { MM_TRANSFER_WORD(ppdev, pjMmBase, pjSrc, cwSrc); }
// Make sure we do only a byte read of the last odd byte
// in the scan so that we'll never read past the end of
// the bitmap:
MM_PIX_TRANS(ppdev, pjMmBase, *(pjSrc + cjSrc - 1)); pjSrc += lDelta;
} while (--cScans != 0); } else { do { MM_TRANSFER_WORD(ppdev, pjMmBase, pjSrc, cwSrc); pjSrc += lDelta;
} while (--cScans != 0); }
* VOID vMmImageTransferMm32 * * Low-level routine for transferring a bitmap image via the data transfer * register using 32 bit writes and entirely memory-mapped I/O. * * NOTE: Upon entry, there must be 1 guaranteed free empty FIFO! * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMmImageTransferMm32( // Type FNIMAGETRANSFER
PDEV* ppdev, BYTE* pjSrc, // Source pointer
LONG lDelta, // Delta from start of scan to start of next
LONG cjSrc, // Number of bytes to be output on every scan
LONG cScans, // Number of scans
ULONG ulCmd) // Accelerator command - shouldn't include bus size
{ BYTE* pjMmBase; LONG cdSrc; LONG cjEnd; ULONG d;
ASSERTDD(cScans > 0, "Can't handle non-positive count of scans"); ASSERTDD((ulCmd & (BUS_SIZE_8 | BUS_SIZE_16 | BUS_SIZE_32)) == 0, "Shouldn't specify bus size in command -- we handle that");
pjMmBase = ppdev->pjMmBase;
MM_CMD(ppdev, pjMmBase, ulCmd | BUS_SIZE_32);
cdSrc = cjSrc >> 2; cjEnd = cdSrc << 2;
switch (cjSrc & 3) { case 3: do { if (cdSrc > 0) MM_TRANSFER_DWORD(ppdev, pjMmBase, pjSrc, cdSrc);
d = (ULONG) (*(pjSrc + cjEnd)) | (*(pjSrc + cjEnd + 1) << 8) | (*(pjSrc + cjEnd + 2) << 16); MM_TRANSFER_DWORD(ppdev, pjMmBase, &d, 1); pjSrc += lDelta;
} while (--cScans != 0); break;
case 2: do { if (cdSrc > 0) MM_TRANSFER_DWORD(ppdev, pjMmBase, pjSrc, cdSrc);
d = (ULONG) (*(pjSrc + cjEnd)) | (*(pjSrc + cjEnd + 1) << 8); MM_TRANSFER_DWORD(ppdev, pjMmBase, &d, 1); pjSrc += lDelta;
} while (--cScans != 0); break;
case 1: do { if (cdSrc > 0) MM_TRANSFER_DWORD(ppdev, pjMmBase, pjSrc, cdSrc);
d = (ULONG) (*(pjSrc + cjEnd)); MM_TRANSFER_DWORD(ppdev, pjMmBase, &d, 1); pjSrc += lDelta;
} while (--cScans != 0); break;
case 0: do { MM_TRANSFER_DWORD(ppdev, pjMmBase, pjSrc, cdSrc); pjSrc += lDelta;
} while (--cScans != 0); break; }
* VOID vMmFillSolid * * Fills a list of rectangles with a solid colour. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMmFillSolid( // Type FNFILL
PDEV* ppdev, LONG c, // Can't be zero
RECTL* prcl, // List of rectangles to be filled, in relative
// coordinates
ULONG rop4, // rop4
RBRUSH_COLOR rbc, // Drawing colour is rbc.iSolidColor
POINTL* pptlBrush) // Not used
{ BYTE* pjMmBase = ppdev->pjMmBase; ULONG ulHwForeMix;
ASSERTDD(c > 0, "Can't handle zero rectangles");
ulHwForeMix = gaulHwMixFromRop2[(rop4 >> 2) & 0xf];
// It's quite likely that we've just been called from GDI, so it's
// even more likely that the accelerator's graphics engine has been
// sitting around idle. Rather than doing a FIFO_WAIT(3) here and
// then a FIFO_WAIT(5) before outputing the actual rectangle,
// we can avoid an 'in' (which can be quite expensive, depending on
// the card) by doing a single FIFO_WAIT(8) right off the bat:
IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 8); MM_PIX_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, ALL_ONES); MM_FRGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, FOREGROUND_COLOR | ulHwForeMix); MM_FRGD_COLOR(ppdev, pjMmBase, rbc.iSolidColor);
while(TRUE) { MM_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left); MM_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top); MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->right - prcl->left - 1); MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->bottom - prcl->top - 1);
if (--c == 0) return;
prcl++; IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 5); } }
* VOID vMmFastPatRealize * * This routine transfers an 8x8 pattern to off-screen display memory, * so that it can be used by the S3 pattern hardware. * \**************************************************************************/
PDEV* ppdev, RBRUSH* prb, // Points to brush realization structure
POINTL* pptlBrush, // Brush origin for aligning realization
BOOL bTransparent) // FALSE for normal patterns; TRUE for
// patterns with a mask when the background
// mix is LEAVE_ALONE.
{ BRUSHENTRY* pbe; LONG iBrushCache; LONG x; LONG y; LONG i; LONG xShift; LONG yShift; BYTE* pjSrc; BYTE* pjDst; LONG cjLeft; LONG cjRight; BYTE* pjPattern; LONG cwPattern;
ULONG aulBrush[TOTAL_BRUSH_SIZE]; // Temporary buffer for aligning brush. Declared
// as an array of ULONGs to get proper dword
// alignment. Also leaves room for brushes that
// are up to 32bpp. Note: this takes up 1/4k!
BYTE* pjMmBase = ppdev->pjMmBase;
ASSERTDD(!(bTransparent && ppdev->iBitmapFormat == BMF_24BPP), "s3 diamond 968 at 24bpp doesn't support transparent FastPatRealize");
pbe = prb->pbe; if ((pbe == NULL) || (pbe->prbVerify != prb)) { // We have to allocate a new off-screen cache brush entry for
// the brush:
iBrushCache = ppdev->iBrushCache; pbe = &ppdev->abe[iBrushCache];
iBrushCache++; if (iBrushCache >= ppdev->cBrushCache) iBrushCache = 0;
ppdev->iBrushCache = iBrushCache;
// Update our links:
pbe->prbVerify = prb; prb->pbe = pbe; }
// Load some variables onto the stack, so that we don't have to keep
// dereferencing their pointers:
x = pbe->x; y = pbe->y;
// Because we handle only 8x8 brushes, it is easy to compute the
// number of pels by which we have to rotate the brush pattern
// right and down. Note that if we were to handle arbitrary sized
// patterns, this calculation would require a modulus operation.
// The brush is aligned in absolute coordinates, so we have to add
// in the surface offset:
xShift = pptlBrush->x + ppdev->xOffset; yShift = pptlBrush->y + ppdev->yOffset;
prb->ptlBrushOrg.x = xShift; // We have to remember the alignment
prb->ptlBrushOrg.y = yShift; // that we used for caching (we check
// this when we go to see if a brush's
// cache entry is still valid)
xShift &= 7; // Rotate pattern 'xShift' pels right
yShift &= 7; // Rotate pattern 'yShift' pels down
prb->bTransparent = bTransparent;
// I considered doing the colour expansion for 1bpp brushes in
// software, but by letting the hardware do it, we don't have
// to do as many OUTs to transfer the pattern.
if (prb->fl & RBRUSH_2COLOR) { // We're going to do a colour-expansion ('across the plane')
// bitblt of the 1bpp 8x8 pattern to the screen. But first
// we'll align it properly by copying it to a temporary buffer
// (which we'll conveniently pack word aligned so that we can do a
// REP OUTSW...)
pjSrc = (BYTE*) &prb->aulPattern[0]; // Copy from the start of the
// brush buffer
pjDst = (BYTE*) &aulBrush[0]; // Copy to our temp buffer
pjDst += yShift * sizeof(WORD); // starting yShift rows down
i = 8 - yShift; // for 8 - yShift rows
do { *pjDst = (*pjSrc >> xShift) | (*pjSrc << (8 - xShift)); pjDst += sizeof(WORD); // Destination is word packed
pjSrc += sizeof(WORD); // Source is word aligned too
} while (--i != 0);
pjDst -= 8 * sizeof(WORD); // Move to the beginning of the source
ASSERTDD(pjDst == (BYTE*) &aulBrush[0], "pjDst not back at start");
for (; yShift != 0; yShift--) { *pjDst = (*pjSrc >> xShift) | (*pjSrc << (8 - xShift)); pjDst += sizeof(WORD); // Destination is word packed
pjSrc += sizeof(WORD); // Source is word aligned too
if (bTransparent) { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 3);
MM_PIX_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, CPU_DATA); MM_FRGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, LOGICAL_1); MM_BKGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, LOGICAL_0); } else { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 5);
MM_PIX_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, CPU_DATA); MM_FRGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, FOREGROUND_COLOR | OVERPAINT); MM_BKGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, BACKGROUND_COLOR | OVERPAINT); MM_FRGD_COLOR(ppdev, pjMmBase, prb->ulForeColor); MM_BKGD_COLOR(ppdev, pjMmBase, prb->ulBackColor); }
IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 4);
MM_ABS_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, x); MM_ABS_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, y); MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, 7); // Brush is 8 wide
MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, 7); // Brush is 8 high
pjPattern = (BYTE*) &aulBrush[0]; MM_TRANSFER_WORD_ALIGNED(ppdev, pjMmBase, pjPattern, 8); // Each word transferred
// comprises one row of the
// pattern, and there are
// 8 rows in the pattern
CHECK_DATA_COMPLETE(ppdev); } else { ASSERTDD(!bTransparent, "Shouldn't have been asked for transparency with a non-1bpp brush");
// We're going to do a straight ('through the plane') bitblt
// of the Xbpp 8x8 pattern to the screen. But first we'll align
// it properly by copying it to a temporary buffer:
cjLeft = CONVERT_TO_BYTES(xShift, ppdev); // Number of bytes pattern
// is shifted to the right
cjRight = CONVERT_TO_BYTES(8, ppdev) - // Number of bytes pattern
cjLeft; // is shifted to the left
pjSrc = (BYTE*) &prb->aulPattern[0]; // Copy from brush buffer
pjDst = (BYTE*) &aulBrush[0]; // Copy to our temp buffer
pjDst += yShift * CONVERT_TO_BYTES(8, ppdev); // starting yShift rows
i = 8 - yShift; // down for 8 - yShift rows
do { RtlCopyMemory(pjDst + cjLeft, pjSrc, cjRight); RtlCopyMemory(pjDst, pjSrc + cjRight, cjLeft);
pjDst += cjLeft + cjRight; pjSrc += cjLeft + cjRight;
} while (--i != 0);
pjDst = (BYTE*) &aulBrush[0]; // Move to the beginning of destination
for (; yShift != 0; yShift--) { RtlCopyMemory(pjDst + cjLeft, pjSrc, cjRight); RtlCopyMemory(pjDst, pjSrc + cjRight, cjLeft);
pjDst += cjLeft + cjRight; pjSrc += cjLeft + cjRight;
IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 6);
MM_ABS_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, x); MM_ABS_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, y); MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, 7); // Brush is 8 wide
MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, 7); // Brush is 8 high
pjPattern = (BYTE*) &aulBrush[0]; cwPattern = CONVERT_TO_BYTES((TOTAL_BRUSH_SIZE / 2), ppdev); MM_TRANSFER_WORD_ALIGNED(ppdev, pjMmBase, pjPattern, cwPattern);
* VOID vMmFillPatFast * * This routine uses the S3 pattern hardware to draw a patterned list of * rectangles. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMmFillPatFast( // Type FNFILL
PDEV* ppdev, LONG c, // Can't be zero
RECTL* prcl, // List of rectangles to be filled, in relative
// coordinates
ULONG rop4, // rop4
RBRUSH_COLOR rbc, // rbc.prb points to brush realization structure
POINTL* pptlBrush) // Pattern alignment
{ BOOL bTransparent; ULONG ulHwForeMix; BRUSHENTRY* pbe; // Pointer to brush entry data, which is used
// for keeping track of the location and status
// of the pattern bits cached in off-screen
// memory
BYTE* pjMmBase = ppdev->pjMmBase;
ASSERTDD(c > 0, "Can't handle zero rectangles"); ASSERTDD(ppdev->flCaps & CAPS_HW_PATTERNS, "Shouldn't use fast patterns when can't do hw patterns");
bTransparent = (((rop4 >> 8) & 0xff) != (rop4 & 0xff));
// The S3's pattern hardware requires that we keep an aligned copy
// of the brush in off-screen memory. We have to update this
// realization if any of the following are true:
// 1) The brush alignment has changed;
// 2) The off-screen location we thought we had reserved for our
// realization got overwritten by a different pattern;
// 3) We had realized the pattern to do transparent hatches, but
// we're now being asked to do an opaque pattern, or vice
// versa (since we use different realizations for transparent
// vs. opaque patterns).
// To handle the initial realization of a pattern, we're a little
// tricky in order to save an 'if' in the following expression. In
// DrvRealizeBrush, we set 'prb->ptlBrushOrg.x' to be 0x80000000 (a
// very negative number), which is guaranteed not to equal 'pptlBrush->x
// + ppdev->xOffset'. So our check for brush alignment will also
// handle the initialization case (note that this check must occur
// *before* dereferencing 'prb->pbe' because that pointer will be
// NULL for a new pattern).
if ((rbc.prb->ptlBrushOrg.x != pptlBrush->x + ppdev->xOffset) || (rbc.prb->ptlBrushOrg.y != pptlBrush->y + ppdev->yOffset) || (rbc.prb->pbe->prbVerify != rbc.prb) || (rbc.prb->bTransparent != bTransparent)) { vMmFastPatRealize(ppdev, rbc.prb, pptlBrush, bTransparent); } else if (ppdev->flCaps & CAPS_RE_REALIZE_PATTERN) { // The initial revs of the Vision chips have a bug where, if
// we have not just drawn the pattern to off-screen memory,
// we have to draw some sort of 1x8 rectangle before using
// the pattern hardware (note that a LEAVE_ALONE rop will not
// work).
IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 7);
MM_PIX_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, ALL_ONES); MM_FRGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, SRC_DISPLAY_MEMORY | OVERPAINT); MM_ABS_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, ppdev->ptlReRealize.x); MM_ABS_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, ppdev->ptlReRealize.y); MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, 0); MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, 7); MM_CMD(ppdev, pjMmBase, RECTANGLE_FILL | DRAWING_DIR_TBLRXM | DRAW | DIR_TYPE_XY | LAST_PIXEL_ON | MULTIPLE_PIXELS | WRITE); }
ASSERTDD(rbc.prb->bTransparent == bTransparent, "Not realized with correct transparency");
pbe = rbc.prb->pbe;
ulHwForeMix = gaulHwMixFromRop2[(rop4 >> 2) & 0xf];
if (!bTransparent) { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 4);
MM_ABS_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, pbe->x); MM_ABS_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, pbe->y); MM_PIX_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, ALL_ONES); MM_FRGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, SRC_DISPLAY_MEMORY | ulHwForeMix); } else { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 7); MM_FRGD_COLOR(ppdev, pjMmBase, rbc.prb->ulForeColor); MM_RD_MASK(ppdev, pjMmBase, 1); // Pick a plane, any plane
MM_ABS_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, pbe->x); MM_ABS_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, pbe->y); MM_PIX_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, DISPLAY_MEMORY); MM_FRGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, FOREGROUND_COLOR | ulHwForeMix); MM_BKGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, BACKGROUND_COLOR | LEAVE_ALONE); }
do { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 5);
MM_DEST_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left); MM_DEST_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top); MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->right - prcl->left - 1); MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->bottom - prcl->top - 1); MM_CMD(ppdev, pjMmBase, PATTERN_FILL | BYTE_SWAP | DRAWING_DIR_TBLRXM | DRAW | WRITE);
prcl++; } while (--c != 0); }
* VOID vMmXfer1bpp * * This routine colour expands a monochrome bitmap, possibly with different * Rop2's for the foreground and background. It will be called in the * following cases: * * 1) To colour-expand the monochrome text buffer for the vFastText routine. * 2) To blt a 1bpp source with a simple Rop2 between the source and * destination. * 3) To blt a true Rop3 when the source is a 1bpp bitmap that expands to * white and black, and the pattern is a solid colour. * 4) To handle a true Rop4 that works out to be two Rop2's between the * pattern and destination. * * Needless to say, making this routine fast can leverage a lot of * performance. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMmXfer1bpp( // Type FNXFER
PDEV* ppdev, LONG c, // Count of rectangles, can't be zero
RECTL* prcl, // List of destination rectangles, in relative
// coordinates
ROP4 rop4, // rop4
SURFOBJ* psoSrc, // Source surface
POINTL* pptlSrc, // Original unclipped source point
RECTL* prclDst, // Original unclipped destination rectangle
XLATEOBJ* pxlo) // Translate that provides colour-expansion information
{ ULONG ulHwForeMix; ULONG ulHwBackMix; LONG dxSrc; LONG dySrc; LONG cx; LONG cy; LONG lSrcDelta; BYTE* pjSrcScan0; BYTE* pjSrc; LONG cjSrc; LONG xLeft; LONG yTop; LONG xBias; BYTE* pjMmBase = ppdev->pjMmBase;
ASSERTDD(c > 0, "Can't handle zero rectangles"); ASSERTDD(pptlSrc != NULL && psoSrc != NULL, "Can't have NULL sources"); ASSERTDD(((((rop4 & 0xff00) >> 8) == (rop4 & 0xff)) || (rop4 == 0xaacc)), "Expect weird rops only when opaquing");
// Note that only our text routine calls us with a '0xaacc' rop:
ulHwForeMix = gaulHwMixFromRop2[rop4 & 0xf]; ulHwBackMix = (rop4 != 0xaacc) ? ulHwForeMix : LEAVE_ALONE;
IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 5);
MM_PIX_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, CPU_DATA); MM_FRGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, FOREGROUND_COLOR | ulHwForeMix); MM_BKGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, BACKGROUND_COLOR | ulHwBackMix); MM_FRGD_COLOR(ppdev, pjMmBase, pxlo->pulXlate[1]); MM_BKGD_COLOR(ppdev, pjMmBase, pxlo->pulXlate[0]);
dxSrc = pptlSrc->x - prclDst->left; dySrc = pptlSrc->y - prclDst->top; // Add to destination to get source
lSrcDelta = psoSrc->lDelta; pjSrcScan0 = psoSrc->pvScan0;
do { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 5);
// We'll byte align to the source, but do word transfers
// (implying that we may be doing unaligned reads from the
// source). We do this because it may reduce the total
// number of word outs/writes that we'll have to do to the
// display:
yTop = prcl->top; xLeft = prcl->left;
xBias = (xLeft + dxSrc) & 7; // This is the byte-align bias
if (xBias != 0) { // We could either align in software or use the hardware to do
// it. We'll use the hardware; the cost we pay is the time spent
// setting and resetting one scissors register:
MM_SCISSORS_L(ppdev, pjMmBase, xLeft); xLeft -= xBias; }
cx = prcl->right - xLeft; cy = prcl->bottom - yTop;
MM_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, xLeft); MM_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, yTop); MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cx - 1); MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cy - 1);
cjSrc = (cx + 7) >> 3; // # bytes to transfer
pjSrc = pjSrcScan0 + (yTop + dySrc) * lSrcDelta + ((xLeft + dxSrc) >> 3); // Start is byte aligned (note
// that we don't have to add
// xBias)
ppdev->pfnImageTransfer(ppdev, pjSrc, lSrcDelta, cjSrc, cy, (RECTANGLE_FILL | WAIT | DRAWING_DIR_TBLRXM | DRAW | LAST_PIXEL_ON | MULTIPLE_PIXELS | WRITE | BYTE_SWAP));
if (xBias != 0) { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 1); // Reset the clipping if we used it
MM_ABS_SCISSORS_L(ppdev, pjMmBase, 0); }
prcl++; } while (--c != 0); }
* VOID vMmXfer4bpp * * Does a 4bpp transfer from a bitmap to the screen. * * NOTE: The screen must be 8bpp for this function to be called! * * The reason we implement this is that a lot of resources are kept as 4bpp, * and used to initialize DFBs, some of which we of course keep off-screen. * \**************************************************************************/
// XLATE_BUFFER_SIZE defines the size of the stack-based buffer we use
// for doing the translate. Note that in general stack buffers should
// be kept as small as possible. The OS guarantees us only 8k for stack
// from GDI down to the display driver in low memory situations; if we
// ask for more, we'll access violate. Note also that at any time the
// stack buffer cannot be larger than a page (4k) -- otherwise we may
// miss touching the 'guard page' and access violate then too.
VOID vMmXfer4bpp( // Type FNXFER
PDEV* ppdev, LONG c, // Count of rectangles, can't be zero
RECTL* prcl, // List of destination rectangles, in relative
// coordinates
ULONG rop4, // rop4
SURFOBJ* psoSrc, // Source surface
POINTL* pptlSrc, // Original unclipped source point
RECTL* prclDst, // Original unclipped destination rectangle
XLATEOBJ* pxlo) // Translate that provides colour-expansion information
{ LONG dx; LONG dy; LONG cx; LONG cy; LONG lSrcDelta; BYTE* pjSrcScan0; BYTE* pjScan; BYTE* pjSrc; BYTE* pjDst; LONG cxThis; LONG cxToGo; LONG xSrc; LONG iLoop; BYTE jSrc; ULONG* pulXlate; LONG cwThis; BYTE* pjBuf; BYTE ajBuf[XLATE_BUFFER_SIZE]; BYTE* pjMmBase = ppdev->pjMmBase;
ASSERTDD(ppdev->iBitmapFormat == BMF_8BPP, "Screen must be 8bpp"); ASSERTDD(psoSrc->iBitmapFormat == BMF_4BPP, "Source must be 4bpp"); ASSERTDD(c > 0, "Can't handle zero rectangles"); ASSERTDD(((rop4 & 0xff00) >> 8) == (rop4 & 0xff), "Expect only a rop2");
dx = pptlSrc->x - prclDst->left; dy = pptlSrc->y - prclDst->top; // Add to destination to get source
lSrcDelta = psoSrc->lDelta; pjSrcScan0 = psoSrc->pvScan0;
IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 6); MM_PIX_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, ALL_ONES); MM_FRGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, SRC_CPU_DATA | gaulHwMixFromRop2[rop4 & 0xf]);
while(TRUE) { cx = prcl->right - prcl->left; cy = prcl->bottom - prcl->top;
MM_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left); MM_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top); MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cx - 1); MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cy - 1);
pulXlate = pxlo->pulXlate; xSrc = prcl->left + dx; pjScan = pjSrcScan0 + (prcl->top + dy) * lSrcDelta + (xSrc >> 1);
do { pjSrc = pjScan; cxToGo = cx; // # of pels per scan in 4bpp source
do { cxThis = XLATE_BUFFER_SIZE; // We can handle XLATE_BUFFER_SIZE number
// of pels in this xlate batch
cxToGo -= cxThis; // cxThis will be the actual number of
// pels we'll do in this xlate batch
if (cxToGo < 0) cxThis += cxToGo;
pjDst = ajBuf; // Points to our temporary batch buffer
// We handle alignment ourselves because it's easy to
// do, rather than pay the cost of setting/resetting
// the scissors register:
if (xSrc & 1) { // When unaligned, we have to be careful not to read
// past the end of the 4bpp bitmap (that could
// potentially cause us to access violate):
iLoop = cxThis >> 1; // Each loop handles 2 pels;
// we'll handle odd pel
// separately
jSrc = *pjSrc;
while (iLoop-- != 0) { *pjDst++ = (BYTE) pulXlate[jSrc & 0xf]; jSrc = *(++pjSrc); *pjDst++ = (BYTE) pulXlate[jSrc >> 4]; }
if (cxThis & 1) { *pjDst++ = (BYTE) pulXlate[jSrc & 0xf]; *pjDst = 0; } } else { iLoop = (cxThis + 1) >> 1; // Each loop handles 2 pels
do { jSrc = *pjSrc++;
*pjDst++ = (BYTE) pulXlate[jSrc >> 4]; *pjDst++ = (BYTE) pulXlate[jSrc & 0xf];
} while (--iLoop != 0); }
// The number of bytes we'll transfer is equal to the number
// of pels we've processed in the batch. Since we're
// transferring words, we have to round up to get the word
// count:
cwThis = (cxThis + 1) >> 1; pjBuf = ajBuf; MM_TRANSFER_WORD_ALIGNED(ppdev, pjMmBase, pjBuf, cwThis);
} while (cxToGo > 0);
pjScan += lSrcDelta; // Advance to next source scan. Note
// that we could have computed the
// value to advance 'pjSrc' directly,
// but this method is less
// error-prone.
} while (--cy != 0);
if (--c == 0) return;
prcl++; IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 4); } }
* VOID vMmXferNative * * Transfers a bitmap that is the same colour depth as the display to * the screen via the data transfer register, with no translation. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMmXferNative( // Type FNXFER
PDEV* ppdev, LONG c, // Count of rectangles, can't be zero
RECTL* prcl, // Array of relative coordinates destination rectangles
ROP4 rop4, // rop4
SURFOBJ* psoSrc, // Source surface
POINTL* pptlSrc, // Original unclipped source point
RECTL* prclDst, // Original unclipped destination rectangle
XLATEOBJ* pxlo) // Not used
{ LONG dx; LONG dy; LONG cx; LONG cy; LONG lSrcDelta; BYTE* pjSrcScan0; BYTE* pjSrc; LONG cjSrc; BYTE* pjMmBase = ppdev->pjMmBase;
ASSERTDD((pxlo == NULL) || (pxlo->flXlate & XO_TRIVIAL), "Can handle trivial xlate only"); ASSERTDD(psoSrc->iBitmapFormat == ppdev->iBitmapFormat, "Source must be same colour depth as screen"); ASSERTDD(c > 0, "Can't handle zero rectangles"); ASSERTDD(((rop4 & 0xff00) >> 8) == (rop4 & 0xff), "Expect only a rop2");
dx = pptlSrc->x - prclDst->left; dy = pptlSrc->y - prclDst->top; // Add to destination to get source
lSrcDelta = psoSrc->lDelta; pjSrcScan0 = psoSrc->pvScan0;
IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 6); MM_PIX_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, ALL_ONES); MM_FRGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, SRC_CPU_DATA | gaulHwMixFromRop2[rop4 & 0xf]);
while(TRUE) { MM_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left); MM_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top);
cx = prcl->right - prcl->left; MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cx - 1);
cy = prcl->bottom - prcl->top; MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cy - 1);
cjSrc = CONVERT_TO_BYTES(cx, ppdev); pjSrc = pjSrcScan0 + (prcl->top + dy) * lSrcDelta + CONVERT_TO_BYTES((prcl->left + dx), ppdev);
ppdev->pfnImageTransfer(ppdev, pjSrc, lSrcDelta, cjSrc, cy, (RECTANGLE_FILL | WAIT | DRAWING_DIR_TBLRXM | DRAW | LAST_PIXEL_ON | SINGLE_PIXEL | WRITE | BYTE_SWAP));
if (--c == 0) return;
prcl++; IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 4); } }
* VOID vMmCopyBlt * * Does a screen-to-screen blt of a list of rectangles. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMmCopyBlt( // Type FNCOPY
PDEV* ppdev, LONG c, // Can't be zero
RECTL* prcl, // Array of relative coordinates destination rectangles
ULONG rop4, // rop4
POINTL* pptlSrc, // Original unclipped source point
RECTL* prclDst) // Original unclipped destination rectangle
{ LONG dx; LONG dy; // Add delta to destination to get source
LONG cx; LONG cy; // Size of current rectangle - 1
BYTE* pjMmBase = ppdev->pjMmBase;
ASSERTDD(c > 0, "Can't handle zero rectangles"); ASSERTDD(((rop4 & 0xff00) >> 8) == (rop4 & 0xff), "Expect only a rop2");
IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 2); MM_FRGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, SRC_DISPLAY_MEMORY | gaulHwMixFromRop2[rop4 & 0xf]); MM_PIX_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, ALL_ONES);
dx = pptlSrc->x - prclDst->left; dy = pptlSrc->y - prclDst->top;
// The accelerator may not be as fast at doing right-to-left copies, so
// only do them when the rectangles truly overlap:
if (!OVERLAP(prclDst, pptlSrc)) goto Top_Down_Left_To_Right;
if (prclDst->top <= pptlSrc->y) { if (prclDst->left <= pptlSrc->x) {
do { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 7);
cx = prcl->right - prcl->left - 1; MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cx); MM_DEST_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left); MM_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left + dx);
cy = prcl->bottom - prcl->top - 1; MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cy); MM_DEST_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top); MM_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top + dy);
} while (--c != 0); } else { do { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 7);
cx = prcl->right - prcl->left - 1; MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cx); MM_DEST_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left + cx); MM_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left + cx + dx);
cy = prcl->bottom - prcl->top - 1; MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cy); MM_DEST_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top); MM_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top + dy);
} while (--c != 0); } } else { if (prclDst->left <= pptlSrc->x) { do { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 7);
cx = prcl->right - prcl->left - 1; MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cx); MM_DEST_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left); MM_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left + dx);
cy = prcl->bottom - prcl->top - 1; MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cy); MM_DEST_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top + cy); MM_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top + cy + dy);
} while (--c != 0); } else { do { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 7);
cx = prcl->right - prcl->left - 1; MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cx); MM_DEST_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left + cx); MM_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left + cx + dx);
cy = prcl->bottom - prcl->top - 1; MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, cy); MM_DEST_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top + cy); MM_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top + cy + dy);
} while (--c != 0); } } }
* VOID vMmCopyTransparent * * Does a screen-to-screen blt of a list of rectangles using a source * colorkey for transparency. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMmCopyTransparent( // Type FNCOPYTRANSPARENT
PDEV* ppdev, LONG c, // Can't be zero
RECTL* prcl, // Array of relative coordinates destination rectangles
POINTL* pptlSrc, // Original unclipped source point
RECTL* prclDst, // Original unclipped destination rectangle
ULONG iColor) { LONG dx; LONG dy; // Add delta to destination to get source
BYTE* pjMmBase = ppdev->pjMmBase;
ASSERTDD(c > 0, "Can't handle zero rectangles");
// Note that we don't have to worry about overlapping blts, since GDI
// will never allow those down to us.
dx = pptlSrc->x - prclDst->left; dy = pptlSrc->y - prclDst->top;
IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 4); MM_COLOR_CMP(ppdev, pjMmBase, iColor); MM_MULTIFUNC_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, ppdev->ulMiscState | MULT_MISC_COLOR_COMPARE); MM_FRGD_MIX(ppdev, pjMmBase, SRC_DISPLAY_MEMORY | OVERPAINT); MM_PIX_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, ALL_ONES);
while (TRUE) { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 7); MM_CUR_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left + dx); MM_CUR_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top + dy); MM_DEST_X(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->left); MM_DEST_Y(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->top); MM_MAJ_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->right - prcl->left - 1); MM_MIN_AXIS_PCNT(ppdev, pjMmBase, prcl->bottom - prcl->top - 1); MM_CMD(ppdev, pjMmBase, BITBLT | DRAW | DIR_TYPE_XY | WRITE | DRAWING_DIR_TBLRXM);
if (--c == 0) { IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 1); MM_MULTIFUNC_CNTL(ppdev, pjMmBase, ppdev->ulMiscState); return; }
prcl++; } }