* * wdmaud32.c * * 32-bit specific interfaces for WDMAUD * * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 All Rights Reserved. * * History * 5-12-97 - Noel Cross (NoelC) * ***************************************************************************/
#include "wdmdrv.h"
HANDLE ghCallbacks = NULL; PCALLBACKS gpCallbacks = NULL;
HANDLE ghDevice = NULL;
// gpszDeviceInterfacePath is a pointer to the device interface string
// that represents wdmaud.sys to this driver.
LPWSTR gpszDeviceInterfacePath = NULL;
BOOL wdmaudCritSecInit; CRITICAL_SECTION wdmaudCritSec; static TCHAR gszCallbacks[] = TEXT("Global\\WDMAUD_Callbacks");
extern HANDLE mixercallbackevent; extern HANDLE mixerhardwarecallbackevent; extern HANDLE mixercallbackthread;
DWORD waveThread(LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo); DWORD midThread(LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo);
DWORD sndTranslateStatus();
Dynalinking setupapi
BOOL Init_SetupAPI(); BOOL End_SetupAPI();
BOOL dl_SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet );
BOOL dl_SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA DeviceInterfaceData, PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA_W DeviceInterfaceDetailData, DWORD DeviceInterfaceDetailDataSize, PDWORD RequiredSize, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData );
BOOL dl_SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, CONST GUID *InterfaceClassGuid, DWORD MemberIndex, PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA DeviceInterfaceData );
HDEVINFO dl_SetupDiGetClassDevs( CONST GUID *ClassGuid, PCWSTR Enumerator, HWND hwndParent, DWORD Flags );
Setting up SetupAPI Dynalink...
BOOL Init_SetupAPI( void ) { if(NULL != saInfo.hInstSetupAPI) { return TRUE; }
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_SETUP, ("Loading SetupAPI!!!") ); saInfo.hInstSetupAPI = LoadLibrary(TEXT("setupapi.dll"));
if(NULL == saInfo.hInstSetupAPI) { return FALSE; }
saInfo.pfnDestroyDeviceInfoList = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(saInfo.hInstSetupAPI, "SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList"); saInfo.pfnGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(saInfo.hInstSetupAPI, "SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW"); saInfo.pfnEnumDeviceInterfaces = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(saInfo.hInstSetupAPI, "SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces"); saInfo.pfnGetClassDevsW = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(saInfo.hInstSetupAPI, "SetupDiGetClassDevsW");
if ((NULL == saInfo.pfnDestroyDeviceInfoList) || (NULL == saInfo.pfnGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW) || (NULL == saInfo.pfnEnumDeviceInterfaces) || (NULL == saInfo.pfnGetClassDevsW)) { FreeLibrary(saInfo.hInstSetupAPI); ZeroMemory(&saInfo, sizeof(saInfo)); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL End_SetupAPI( void ) { HINSTANCE hInst;
hInst = saInfo.hInstSetupAPI;
if(NULL == hInst) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("SetupAPI not dynalinked") ); return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory(&saInfo, sizeof(saInfo)); FreeLibrary(hInst);
return TRUE; }
BOOL dl_SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet ) { if (NULL == saInfo.hInstSetupAPI) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("SetupAPI not dynalinked") ); return FALSE; }
return (saInfo.pfnDestroyDeviceInfoList)(DeviceInfoSet); }
BOOL dl_SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA DeviceInterfaceData, PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA_W DeviceInterfaceDetailData, DWORD DeviceInterfaceDetailDataSize, PDWORD RequiredSize, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData ) { if (NULL == saInfo.hInstSetupAPI) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("SetupAPI not dynalinked") ); return FALSE; }
return (saInfo.pfnGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW)(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInterfaceData, DeviceInterfaceDetailData, DeviceInterfaceDetailDataSize, RequiredSize, DeviceInfoData); }
BOOL dl_SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, CONST GUID *InterfaceClassGuid, DWORD MemberIndex, PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA DeviceInterfaceData ) { if (NULL == saInfo.hInstSetupAPI) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("SetupAPI not dynalinked") ); return FALSE; }
return (saInfo.pfnEnumDeviceInterfaces)(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, InterfaceClassGuid, MemberIndex, DeviceInterfaceData); }
HDEVINFO dl_SetupDiGetClassDevs( CONST GUID *ClassGuid, PCWSTR Enumerator, HWND hwndParent, DWORD Flags ) { if (NULL == saInfo.hInstSetupAPI) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("SetupAPI not dynalinked") ); return FALSE; }
return (saInfo.pfnGetClassDevsW)(ClassGuid, Enumerator, hwndParent, Flags); }
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR BuildSecurityDescriptor( DWORD AccessMask ) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSd; PSID pSidSystem; PSID pSidEveryone; PACL pDacl; ULONG cbDacl; BOOL fSuccess; BOOL f;
fSuccess = FALSE;
pSd = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH); if (pSd) { if (InitializeSecurityDescriptor(pSd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) { if (AllocateAndInitializeSid(&AuthorityNt, 1, SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSidSystem)) { DPFASSERT(IsValidSid(pSidSystem)); if (AllocateAndInitializeSid(&AuthorityWorld, 1, SECURITY_WORLD_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSidEveryone)) { DPFASSERT(IsValidSid(pSidEveryone)); cbDacl = sizeof(ACL) + 2 * (sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(DWORD)) + GetLengthSid(pSidSystem) + GetLengthSid(pSidEveryone);
pDacl = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cbDacl); if (pDacl) { if (InitializeAcl(pDacl, cbDacl, ACL_REVISION)) { if (AddAccessAllowedAce(pDacl, ACL_REVISION, GENERIC_ALL, pSidSystem)) { if (AddAccessAllowedAce(pDacl, ACL_REVISION, AccessMask, pSidEveryone)) { if (SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSd, TRUE, pDacl, FALSE)) { fSuccess = TRUE; } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("BuildSD: SetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed")); } } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("BuildSD: AddAccessAlloweAce for Everyone failed")); } } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("BuildSD: AddAccessAllowedAce for System failed")); } } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("BuildSD: InitializeAcl failed")); }
if (!fSuccess) { f = HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pDacl); DPFASSERT(f); } } FreeSid(pSidEveryone); } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("BuildSD: AllocateAndInitizeSid failed for Everyone")); } FreeSid(pSidSystem); } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("BuildSD: AllocateAndInitizeSid failed for System")); } } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("BuildSD: InitializeSecurityDescriptor failed")); }
if (!fSuccess) { f = HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pSd); DPFASSERT(f); } }
return fSuccess ? pSd : NULL; }
void DestroySecurityDescriptor( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSd ) { PACL pDacl; BOOL fDaclPresent; BOOL fDaclDefaulted; BOOL f;
if (GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSd, &fDaclPresent, &pDacl, &fDaclDefaulted)) { if (fDaclPresent) { f = HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pDacl); DPFASSERT(f); } } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("DestroySD: GetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed")); }
f = HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pSd); DPFASSERT(f);
return; }
@api BOOL | DllEntryPoint | This procedure is called whenever a process attaches or detaches from the DLL.
@rdesc The return value is TRUE if the initialisation completed ok, FALSE if not.
**************************************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI DllEntryPoint( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved ) { BOOL bRet;
if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hinstDLL);
bRet = LibMain((HANDLE)hinstDLL, 0, NULL); } else { if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_ALL, ("Ending") ); DrvEnd(); }
bRet = TRUE; }
return bRet; }
@api BOOL | DrvInit | Driver initialization takes place here.
@rdesc The return value is TRUE if the initialisation completed ok, FALSE if not.
BOOL DrvInit( ) { if (NULL == ghDevice) { ghDevice = wdmaOpenKernelDevice();
if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == ghDevice) { ghDevice = NULL; return 0L; } }
if(NULL == gpCallbacks) { if(NULL == (gpCallbacks = wdmaGetCallbacks())) { gpCallbacks = wdmaCreateCallbacks(); } }
try { wdmaudCritSecInit = FALSE; InitializeCriticalSection(&wdmaudCritSec); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return 0L; }
wdmaudCritSecInit = TRUE;
return ( 1L ) ; }
PCALLBACKS wdmaGetCallbacks( ) { PCALLBACKS pCallbacks = NULL;
if(NULL == gpCallbacks) { ghCallbacks = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE, FALSE, gszCallbacks); if(NULL != ghCallbacks) { pCallbacks = MapViewOfFile(ghCallbacks, FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, sizeof(CALLBACKS)); if(NULL == pCallbacks) { CloseHandle(ghCallbacks); ghCallbacks = NULL; } } } return (pCallbacks); }
pSdCallbacks = BuildSecurityDescriptor(FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE);
if(NULL == pSdCallbacks) { return (NULL); }
saCallbacks.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); saCallbacks.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSdCallbacks; saCallbacks.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
ghCallbacks = CreateFileMapping(GetCurrentProcess(), &saCallbacks, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(CALLBACKS), gszCallbacks);
if(NULL == ghCallbacks) { return (NULL); }
pCallbacks = (PCALLBACKS) MapViewOfFile(ghCallbacks, FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, sizeof(CALLBACKS)); if(NULL == pCallbacks) { CloseHandle(ghCallbacks); ghCallbacks = NULL; return (NULL); }
pCallbacks->GlobalIndex = 0; return (pCallbacks); }
This routine is the one that grovels setup API looking for the device path for wdmaud.sys. Once it is found, we allocate a global block of memory to store it in. When we call CreateFile, we use this string. */ LPWSTR wdmaGetGlobalDeviceInterfaceViaSetupAPI( ) { LPWSTR pszInterfacePath = NULL; HDEVINFO hDeviceInfoSet = NULL; SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA DeviceInterfaceData; PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA pDeviceInterfaceDetailData = NULL; BOOL fResult; DWORD dwSize; GUID guidWDMAUD = KSCATEGORY_WDMAUD;
// Because setupapi is such a pig, we must dynaload it in order to keep it from slowing
// down all processes.
if (!Init_SetupAPI()) return NULL;
// Open the device information set
if((!hDeviceInfoSet) || (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDeviceInfoSet)) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("Can't open device info set (%lu)", GetLastError()) ); fResult = FALSE; } else { fResult = TRUE; }
if (fResult) { //
// Get the first interface in the set
DeviceInterfaceData.cbSize = sizeof(DeviceInterfaceData); fResult = dl_SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(hDeviceInfoSet, NULL, &guidWDMAUD, 0, &DeviceInterfaceData); if(!fResult) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("No interfaces matching KSCATEGORY_WDMAUD exist") ); } }
// Get the interface's path
if (fResult) { fResult = dl_SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(hDeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInterfaceData, NULL, 0, &dwSize, NULL); //
// because SetupApi reverses their logic here
if(fResult || ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != GetLastError()) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("Can't get interface detail size (%lu)", GetLastError())); fResult = FALSE; } else { fResult = TRUE; }
if (fResult) { pDeviceInterfaceDetailData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) GlobalAllocPtr( GPTR, dwSize ); if (NULL == pDeviceInterfaceDetailData) { fResult = FALSE; } }
if (fResult) { pDeviceInterfaceDetailData->cbSize = sizeof(*pDeviceInterfaceDetailData); fResult = dl_SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(hDeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInterfaceData, pDeviceInterfaceDetailData, dwSize, NULL, NULL); if (!fResult) { GlobalFreePtr(pDeviceInterfaceDetailData); DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("Can't get device interface detail (%lu)", GetLastError()) ); } }
if (fResult) { //
// Here, we have the Device Interface name. Let's allocate a block
// of memory to hold it and save it for later.
DPFASSERT(NULL == gpszDeviceInterfacePath); gpszDeviceInterfacePath = (LPWSTR) GlobalAllocPtr( GPTR, sizeof(WCHAR)*(lstrlenW(pDeviceInterfaceDetailData->DevicePath) + 1)); if (NULL == gpszDeviceInterfacePath) { fResult = FALSE; } else { //
// We now store the device interface name.
lstrcpyW(gpszDeviceInterfacePath, pDeviceInterfaceDetailData->DevicePath); }
GlobalFreePtr(pDeviceInterfaceDetailData); } }
if((hDeviceInfoSet) && (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hDeviceInfoSet)) { dl_SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDeviceInfoSet); }
return gpszDeviceInterfacePath; }
We should be able to remove wdmaGetDeviceInterface and call wdmaGetGlobalDeviceInterfaceViaSetupAPI directly. wdmaGetDeviceInterface only gets the cached string. */ HANDLE wdmaOpenKernelDevice( ) { HANDLE hDevice = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if( NULL == gpszDeviceInterfacePath ) { wdmaGetGlobalDeviceInterfaceViaSetupAPI(); } if (gpszDeviceInterfacePath) { // Open the interface
if((!hDevice) || (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDevice)) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("CreateFile failed to open %S with error %lu", gpszDeviceInterfacePath, GetLastError()) ); } } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SETUP, ("wdmaOpenKernelDevice failed with NULL pathname" )); }
return hDevice; }
@api void | DrvEnd | Driver cleanup takes place here.
@rdesc The return value is TRUE if the initialisation completed ok, FALSE if not.
**************************************************************************/ VOID DrvEnd() { if (gpszDeviceInterfacePath) { GlobalFreePtr(gpszDeviceInterfacePath); gpszDeviceInterfacePath = NULL; }
if (NULL != ghDevice) { CloseHandle(ghDevice); ghDevice = NULL; } if (NULL != gpCallbacks) { UnmapViewOfFile(gpCallbacks); gpCallbacks = NULL; }
if (NULL != ghCallbacks) { CloseHandle(ghCallbacks); ghCallbacks = NULL; }
if (wdmaudCritSecInit) { wdmaudCritSecInit=FALSE; DeleteCriticalSection(&wdmaudCritSec); }
if( NULL != mixercallbackevent ) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_ALL,("freeing mixercallbackevent") ); CloseHandle(mixercallbackevent); mixercallbackevent=NULL; }
if( NULL != mixerhardwarecallbackevent ) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_ALL,("freeing mixerhardwarecallbackevent") ); CloseHandle(mixerhardwarecallbackevent); mixerhardwarecallbackevent=NULL; }
if( NULL != mixercallbackthread ) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_ALL,("freeing mixercallbackthread") ); CloseHandle(mixercallbackthread); mixercallbackthread=NULL; }
return; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api DWORD | wdmaudGetDevCaps | This function returns the device capabilities * of a WDM driver. * * @parm DWORD | id | Device id * * @parm UINT | DeviceType | type of device * * @parm LPBYTE | lpCaps | Far pointer to a WAVEOUTCAPS structure to * receive the information. * * @parm DWORD | dwSize | Size of the WAVEOUTCAPS structure. * * @rdesc MMSYS.. return code ***************************************************************************/ MMRESULT FAR wdmaudGetDevCaps ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, MDEVICECAPSEX FAR* pdc ) { if (pdc->cbSize == 0) return MMSYSERR_NOERROR;
// Make sure that we don't take the critical section
// in wdmaudIoControl
DeviceInfo->OpenDone = 0;
// Inject a tag into the devcaps to signify that it is
// Unicode
return wdmaudIoControl(DeviceInfo, pdc->cbSize, pdc->pCaps, IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_CAPABILITIES); }
@api void | wdmaudIoControl | Proxies requests for information to and from wdmaud.sys. This routine is synchronous.
@rdesc The return value is TRUE if the initialisation completed ok, FALSE if not.
**************************************************************************/ /*
Note: wdmaudIoControl calls wdmaud.sys through the DeviceIoControl routine. Take note that if wdmaud.sys returns an error, like STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER or STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES the output buffer will not get filled! DeviceIoControl will only fill that buffer on STATUS_SUCCESS.
Why is this important to know? Well, wdmaud.sys takes advantage of this in order to return specific error codes. In other words, in order for wdmaud.sys to return MIXERR_INVALCONTROL it returns STATUS_SUCCESS with the mmr value of the DeviceInfo structure set to MIXERR_INVALCONTROL.
*/ MMRESULT FAR wdmaudIoControl ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, DWORD dwSize, PVOID pData, ULONG IoCode ) { BOOL fResult; MMRESULT mmr; OVERLAPPED ov; ULONG cbDeviceInfo; ULONG cbReturned;
RtlZeroMemory( &ov, sizeof( OVERLAPPED ) ); if (NULL == (ov.hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ))) MMRRETURN( MMSYSERR_NOMEM );
// Only take the critical section if there is an open
// wave handle. This is to ensure that the lpWaveQueue
// is not modified during the ioctl. Without this
// protection the copy at the end of the DeviceIoControl
// could copy an old DeviceInfo that is not in sync
// with the current DeviceInfo.
if ( (DeviceInfo->DeviceType != MixerDevice) && (DeviceInfo->DeviceType != AuxDevice) && (DeviceInfo->OpenDone == 1) ) CRITENTER ;
// Wrap the data buffer around the device context.
DeviceInfo->DataBuffer = pData; DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize = dwSize;
// Since we are not letting the OS do the user-to-kernel
// space mapping, we will have to do the mapping ourselves
// for writes to data buffers in wdmaud.sys.
cbDeviceInfo = sizeof(*DeviceInfo) + (lstrlenW(DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface) * sizeof(WCHAR));
fResult = DeviceIoControl( ghDevice, IoCode, DeviceInfo, cbDeviceInfo, DeviceInfo, sizeof(*DeviceInfo), &cbReturned, &ov ); if (!fResult) { if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError()) { WaitForSingleObject( ov.hEvent, INFINITE ); }
mmr = sndTranslateStatus(); } else { mmr = MMSYSERR_NOERROR; }
if ( (DeviceInfo->DeviceType != MixerDevice) && (DeviceInfo->DeviceType != AuxDevice) && (DeviceInfo->OpenDone == 1) ) CRITLEAVE ;
CloseHandle( ov.hEvent );
MMRRETURN( mmr ); }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api void | sndTranslateStatus | This function translates an NT status * code into a multimedia error code as far as possible. * * @parm NTSTATUS | Status | The NT base operating system return status. * * @rdesc The multimedia error code. ***************************************************************************/ DWORD sndTranslateStatus() { #if DBG
UINT n; switch (n=GetLastError()) { #else
switch (GetLastError()) { #endif
default: DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_DEVICEIO, ("sndTranslateStatus: LastError = %d", n)); return MMSYSERR_ERROR; } }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api MMRESULT | wdmaudSubmitWaveHeader | Pass a new buffer to the Auxiliary * thread for a wave device. * * @parm LPWAVEALLOC | DeviceInfo | The data associated with the logical wave * device. * * @parm LPWAVEHDR | pHdr | Pointer to a wave buffer * * @rdesc A MMSYS... type return code for the application. * * @comm The buffer flags are set and the buffer is passed to the auxiliary * device task for processing. ***************************************************************************/ MMRESULT wdmaudSubmitWaveHeader ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, LPWAVEHDR pHdr ) { LPDEVICEINFO WaveHeaderDeviceInfo; PWAVEPREPAREDATA pWavePrepareData; ULONG cbRead; ULONG cbWritten; ULONG cbDeviceInfo; BOOL fResult; MMRESULT mmr;
WaveHeaderDeviceInfo = GlobalAllocDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface); if (!WaveHeaderDeviceInfo) { MMRRETURN( MMSYSERR_NOMEM ); }
// Catch the case when an application doesn't prepare headers correctly
if (!pHdr->reserved) { //
// This should never happen! wdmaudSubmitWaveHeader is called from
// waveWrite which is called from handling the WIDM_ADDBUFFER and
// WODM_WRITE messages. On both of these messages, we check that
// the header has been prepared!
DPF(DL_ERROR|FA_SYNC,("Unprepared header!") ); GlobalFreeDeviceInfo( WaveHeaderDeviceInfo ); return MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; } //
// Free later in the callback routine
pWavePrepareData = (PWAVEPREPAREDATA)pHdr->reserved; pWavePrepareData->pdi = WaveHeaderDeviceInfo;
cbDeviceInfo = sizeof(*WaveHeaderDeviceInfo) + (lstrlenW(WaveHeaderDeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //
// Fill the wave header's deviceinfo structure
WaveHeaderDeviceInfo->DeviceType = DeviceInfo->DeviceType; WaveHeaderDeviceInfo->DeviceNumber = DeviceInfo->DeviceNumber; WaveHeaderDeviceInfo->DeviceHandle = DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle; WaveHeaderDeviceInfo->DataBuffer = pHdr; WaveHeaderDeviceInfo->DataBufferSize = sizeof( WAVEHDR );
if (WaveInDevice == DeviceInfo->DeviceType) { fResult = DeviceIoControl(ghDevice, IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_READ_PIN, WaveHeaderDeviceInfo, cbDeviceInfo, WaveHeaderDeviceInfo, sizeof(*WaveHeaderDeviceInfo), &cbWritten, pWavePrepareData->pOverlapped);
} else // WaveOutDevice
{ fResult = DeviceIoControl(ghDevice, IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_WRITE_PIN, WaveHeaderDeviceInfo, cbDeviceInfo, WaveHeaderDeviceInfo, sizeof(*WaveHeaderDeviceInfo), &cbRead, pWavePrepareData->pOverlapped); }
mmr = sndTranslateStatus();
if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR == mmr) { mmr = wdmaudCreateCompletionThread ( DeviceInfo ); }
return mmr; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api DWORD | wdmaudSubmitMidiOutHeader | Synchronously process a midi output * buffer. * * @rdesc A MMSYS... type return code for the application. ***************************************************************************/ MMRESULT FAR wdmaudSubmitMidiOutHeader ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, LPMIDIHDR pHdr ) { BOOL fResult; MMRESULT mmr; OVERLAPPED ov; ULONG cbReturned; ULONG cbDeviceInfo;
RtlZeroMemory( &ov, sizeof( OVERLAPPED ) ); if (NULL == (ov.hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ))) return FALSE;
cbDeviceInfo = sizeof(*DeviceInfo) + (lstrlenW(DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //
// Wrap the data buffer around the device context.
DeviceInfo->DataBuffer = pHdr; DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize = sizeof( MIDIHDR );
// Since we are not letting the OS do the user-to-kernel
// space mapping, we will have to do the mapping ourselves
// for writes to data buffers in wdmaud.sys.
fResult = DeviceIoControl( ghDevice, IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_WRITE_LONGDATA, DeviceInfo, cbDeviceInfo, DeviceInfo, sizeof(*DeviceInfo), &cbReturned, &ov ); if (!fResult) { if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError()) { WaitForSingleObject( ov.hEvent, INFINITE ); mmr = MMSYSERR_NOERROR; } else { mmr = sndTranslateStatus(); } } else { mmr = MMSYSERR_NOERROR; }
CloseHandle( ov.hEvent );
MMRRETURN( mmr ); }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api MMRESULT | wdmaudGetMidiData | Pass a buffer down to * wdmaud.sys to be filled in with KSMUSICFORMAT data. * * @parm LPDEVICEINFO | DeviceInfo | The data associated with the logical * device. * * @rdesc A MMSYS... type return code for the application. ***************************************************************************/ MMRESULT wdmaudGetMidiData ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, LPMIDIDATALISTENTRY pOldMidiDataListEntry ) { LPDEVICEINFO MidiDataDeviceInfo; ULONG cbWritten; ULONG cbDeviceInfo; LPMIDIDATALISTENTRY pMidiDataListEntry; LPMIDIDATALISTENTRY pTemp; MMRESULT mmr;
// Don't need to allocate another buffer and create another
// event if we can reuse the old one
if (pOldMidiDataListEntry) { //
// Make sure to pull it off the front of the queue
// before adding again
CRITENTER ; DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiDataQueue = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiDataQueue->lpNext; CRITLEAVE ;
pMidiDataListEntry = pOldMidiDataListEntry; // RtlZeroMemory( &pMidiDataListEntry->MidiData, sizeof(MIDIDATA) );
// ResetEvent( ((LPOVERLAPPED)(pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped))->hEvent );
} else { //
// Allocate a buffer to receive the music data
pMidiDataListEntry = (LPMIDIDATALISTENTRY) GlobalAllocPtr( GPTR, sizeof(MIDIDATALISTENTRY)); if (NULL == pMidiDataListEntry) { MMRRETURN( MMSYSERR_NOMEM ); } #ifdef DEBUG
pMidiDataListEntry->MidiDataDeviceInfo = GlobalAllocDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface); if (!pMidiDataListEntry->MidiDataDeviceInfo) { GlobalFreePtr(pMidiDataListEntry); MMRRETURN( MMSYSERR_NOMEM ); }
// Initialize music data structure
pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped = (LPOVERLAPPED)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof( OVERLAPPED )); if (NULL == pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped) { GlobalFreePtr(pMidiDataListEntry->MidiDataDeviceInfo ); GlobalFreePtr(pMidiDataListEntry); MMRRETURN( MMSYSERR_NOMEM ); }
RtlZeroMemory( pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped, sizeof( OVERLAPPED ) );
if (NULL == ( ((LPOVERLAPPED)(pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped))->hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ))) { HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped); GlobalFreePtr(pMidiDataListEntry->MidiDataDeviceInfo ); GlobalFreePtr(pMidiDataListEntry); MMRRETURN( MMSYSERR_NOMEM ); } }
// Cauterize the next pointer for new and old list entries
pMidiDataListEntry->lpNext = NULL;
// Add music data structure to a queue
if (!DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiDataQueue) { DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiDataQueue = pMidiDataListEntry; pTemp = NULL; #ifdef UNDER_NT
if( (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue) && (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue != (HANDLE)FOURTYTHREE) && (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue != (HANDLE)FOURTYTWO) ) { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_MIDI,("SetEvent on hevtQueue") ); SetEvent( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue ); } #endif
} else { for (pTemp = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiDataQueue; pTemp->lpNext != NULL; pTemp = pTemp->lpNext);
pTemp->lpNext = pMidiDataListEntry; }
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_MIDI, ("MidiData submitted: pMidiDataListEntry = 0x%08lx", pMidiDataListEntry) );
MidiDataDeviceInfo = pMidiDataListEntry->MidiDataDeviceInfo;
cbDeviceInfo = sizeof(*MidiDataDeviceInfo) + (lstrlenW(MidiDataDeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface) * sizeof(WCHAR));
// Wrap the data buffer around the device context.
MidiDataDeviceInfo->DeviceType = DeviceInfo->DeviceType; MidiDataDeviceInfo->DeviceNumber = DeviceInfo->DeviceNumber; MidiDataDeviceInfo->DataBuffer = &pMidiDataListEntry->MidiData; MidiDataDeviceInfo->DataBufferSize = sizeof( MIDIDATA );
// Send this buffer down to wdmaud.sys to fill in data
DeviceIoControl(ghDevice, IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_READ_PIN, MidiDataDeviceInfo, cbDeviceInfo, MidiDataDeviceInfo, sizeof(*MidiDataDeviceInfo), &cbWritten, pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped);
mmr = sndTranslateStatus();
// Make sure that the completion thread is running
if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR == mmr) { mmr = wdmaudCreateCompletionThread ( DeviceInfo ); } else { // Unlink...
CloseHandle( ((LPOVERLAPPED)(pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped))->hEvent ); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped); GlobalFreePtr( MidiDataDeviceInfo ); GlobalFreePtr( pMidiDataListEntry );
if (pTemp) { pTemp->lpNext = NULL; } else { DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiDataQueue = NULL; } }
MMRRETURN( mmr ); }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api MMRESULT | wdmaudCreateCompletionThread | * * @rdesc A MMSYS... type return code for the application. * ***************************************************************************/
MMRESULT wdmaudCreateCompletionThread ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE fpThreadRoutine;
DPFASSERT(DeviceInfo->DeviceType == WaveOutDevice || DeviceInfo->DeviceType == WaveInDevice || DeviceInfo->DeviceType == MidiInDevice);
// Thread already created so...forget about it.
if (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fThreadRunning) { ISVALIDDEVICESTATE(DeviceInfo->DeviceState,TRUE); return MMSYSERR_NOERROR; }
// Pick which thread routine we want to create
if (WaveInDevice == DeviceInfo->DeviceType || WaveOutDevice == DeviceInfo->DeviceType) { fpThreadRoutine = (PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)waveThread; } else if (MidiInDevice == DeviceInfo->DeviceType) { fpThreadRoutine = (PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)midThread; } else { MMRRETURN( MMSYSERR_ERROR ); }
// Is there a problem with hThread? Well, here is where it gets set
// to a non-zero value. Basically, during this creation process, we
// look to see if there is already a work item scheduled on this thread. if
// not, we create one and schedule it.
// But, between the point where we check this value and the point where it
// gets set
if (NULL == DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hThread) { #ifdef DEBUG
if( (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue != NULL) && (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue != (HANDLE)FOURTYTHREE) && (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue != (HANDLE)FOURTYTWO) ) { DPF(DL_ERROR|FA_ALL,("hevtQueue getting overwritten! %08X",DeviceInfo) ); } #endif
DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue = CreateEvent( NULL, // no security
FALSE, // auto reset
FALSE, // initially not signalled
NULL ); // unnamed
#ifdef DEBUG
if( (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtExitThread != NULL) && (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtExitThread != (HANDLE)FOURTYEIGHT) ) { DPF(DL_ERROR|FA_ALL,("hevtExitThread getting overwritten %08X",DeviceInfo) ); } #endif
DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtExitThread = CreateEvent( NULL, // no security
FALSE, // auto reset
FALSE, // initially not signalled
NULL ); // unnamed
DPFASSERT(NULL == DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hThread);
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_SYNC,("Creating Completion Thread") );
DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hThread = CreateThread( NULL, // no security
0, // default stack
(PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) fpThreadRoutine, (PVOID) DeviceInfo, // parameter
0, // default create flags
&DeviceInfo->DeviceState->dwThreadId ); // container for
// thread id
// TODO: I need to wait for the thread to actually start
// before I can move on
if (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hThread) SetThreadPriority(DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);
if (NULL == DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hThread) { if (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue) { CloseHandle( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue ); DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue = NULL; CloseHandle( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtExitThread ); DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtExitThread = NULL; } MMRRETURN( MMSYSERR_ERROR ); }
InterlockedExchange( (LPLONG)&DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fThreadRunning, TRUE );
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api MMRESULT | wdmaudDestroyCompletionThread | * * @rdesc A MMSYS... type return code for the application. * ***************************************************************************/
MMRESULT wdmaudDestroyCompletionThread ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { MMRESULT mmr;
if( (mmr=IsValidDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { MMRRETURN( mmr ); }
CRITENTER; if( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hThread ) { ISVALIDDEVICESTATE(DeviceInfo->DeviceState,FALSE); InterlockedExchange( (LPLONG)&DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fExit, TRUE ); //
// If the thread handling the completion notifications, waveThread and
// midThread have completed, then hevtQueue will be invalid. We don't
// want to call SetEvent with invalid info. Also, if the thread has
// completed, then we know that hevtExitThread will have been signaled and
// fThreadRunning will be FALSE.
if( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fThreadRunning ) { ISVALIDDEVICESTATE(DeviceInfo->DeviceState,TRUE); SetEvent( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue ); }
// Ok, here we're going to wait until that routine below, waveThread
// completes and signals us.
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_SYNC, ("DestroyThread: Waiting for thread to go away") ); WaitForSingleObject( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtExitThread, INFINITE ); DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_SYNC, ("DestroyThread: Done waiting for thread to go away") );
CRITENTER; CloseHandle( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hThread ); DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hThread = NULL;
CloseHandle( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtExitThread ); DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtExitThread = (HANDLE)FOURTYEIGHT; //NULL;
InterlockedExchange( (LPLONG)&DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fExit, FALSE );
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api DWORD | waveThread | * ***************************************************************************/
DWORD waveThread ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { BOOL fDone; LPWAVEHDR pWaveHdr; MMRESULT mmr;
// Keep looping until all notifications are posted...
fDone = FALSE; while (!fDone ) { fDone = FALSE; CRITENTER ;
if(pWaveHdr = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpWaveQueue) { PWAVEPREPAREDATA pWavePrepareData; HANDLE hEvent;
if( (mmr=IsValidWaveHeader(pWaveHdr)) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { pWavePrepareData = (PWAVEPREPAREDATA)pWaveHdr->reserved;
if( (mmr=IsValidPrepareWaveHeader(pWavePrepareData)) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { hEvent = pWavePrepareData->pOverlapped->hEvent;
CRITLEAVE ; WaitForSingleObject( hEvent, INFINITE ); CRITENTER ;
// Validate that our data is still intact
if( ( (mmr=IsValidDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo)) ==MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) && ( (mmr=IsValidDeviceState(DeviceInfo->DeviceState,TRUE)) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) ) { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_WAVE, ("Calling waveCompleteHeader") );
waveCompleteHeader(DeviceInfo); } else { //
// Problem: Major structures have changed. How can we complete
// this header? The only thing I can think of here is to
// terminate the thread.
goto Terminate_waveThread; } } else { //
// Problem: reserved field that contains the Prepare data info
// is corrupt, thus we will not have a valid hEvent to wait on.
// remove this header and go on to the next.
DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpWaveQueue = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpWaveQueue->lpNext; } } else { //
// Problem: Our header is corrupt. We can't possibly wait on this
// because we'll never get signaled! thus we will not have a valid
// hEvent to wait on. Remove this header and go on to the next.
DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpWaveQueue = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpWaveQueue->lpNext; } CRITLEAVE ; } else { // fDone = TRUE;
if (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fRunning) { wdmaudIoControl(DeviceInfo, 0, NULL, DeviceInfo->DeviceType == WaveOutDevice ? IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_PAUSE : IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_STOP); InterlockedExchange( (LPLONG)&DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fRunning, FALSE ); }
WaitForSingleObject( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue, INFINITE );
// We could have been here for two reasons 1) the thread got starved
// ie. the header list went empty or 2) we're done with the headers.
// Only when we're done do we really want to exit this thread.
if( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fExit ) { fDone = TRUE; } } }
CloseHandle( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue ); DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue = (HANDLE)FOURTYTWO; // WAS NULL
InterlockedExchange( (LPLONG)&DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fThreadRunning, FALSE ); SetEvent( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtExitThread );
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_WAVE, ("waveThread: Closing") );
Terminate_waveThread: CRITLEAVE; return 0; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api DWORD | midThread | * ***************************************************************************/
DWORD midThread ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { BOOL fDone; LPMIDIDATALISTENTRY pMidiDataListEntry; int i; MMRESULT mmr;
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_MIDI, ("Entering") );
// Keep looping until all notifications are posted...
fDone = FALSE; while (!fDone) { CRITENTER ;
if (pMidiDataListEntry = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiDataQueue) { HANDLE hEvent;
if( (mmr=IsValidMidiDataListEntry(pMidiDataListEntry)) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { hEvent = ((LPOVERLAPPED)(pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped))->hEvent;
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_MIDI, ("Waiting on pMidiDataListEntry = 0x%08lx", pMidiDataListEntry) );
CRITLEAVE ; WaitForSingleObject( hEvent, INFINITE ); CRITENTER ;
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_MIDI, ("Completed pMidiDataListEntry = 0x%08lx", pMidiDataListEntry) );
if( ((mmr=IsValidDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo)) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR) && ((mmr=IsValidDeviceState(DeviceInfo->DeviceState,TRUE)) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) ) { //
// Parse and callback clients
wdmaudParseMidiData(DeviceInfo, pMidiDataListEntry);
if (DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fExit || !DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fRunning) { //
// Unlink from queue and free memory
wdmaudFreeMidiData(DeviceInfo, pMidiDataListEntry); } else { //
// Reuse this buffer to read Midi data
wdmaudGetMidiData(DeviceInfo, pMidiDataListEntry); } } else { //
// Problem: Our major structure is bad. There is nothing that
// we can do, exit and hope for the best.
goto Terminate_midThread; } } else { //
// Problem: the pMidiDataListEntry is invalid. We can't use it
// so we simply move on to the next one and hope for the best.
DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiDataQueue = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiDataQueue->lpNext; } CRITLEAVE ; } else {
fDone = TRUE;
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_MIDI, ("Waiting for signal to kill thread") ); WaitForSingleObject( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue, INFINITE ); DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_MIDI, ("Done waiting for signal to kill thread") ); } }
CloseHandle( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue ); DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtQueue = (HANDLE)FOURTYTHREE; //NULL;
InterlockedExchange( (LPLONG)&DeviceInfo->DeviceState->fThreadRunning, FALSE ); SetEvent( DeviceInfo->DeviceState->hevtExitThread );
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_MIDI, ("Closing") );
Terminate_midThread: CRITLEAVE; return 0; }
BOOL IsMidiDataDiscontinuous ( PKSSTREAM_HEADER pHeader ) { DPFASSERT(pHeader);
// Check the OptionFlags for the end of the midi stream
ULONG GetStreamHeaderSize ( PKSSTREAM_HEADER pHeader ) { DPFASSERT(pHeader);
// Check the OptionFlags for the end of the midi stream
return (pHeader->DataUsed); }
BOOL IsSysExData ( LPBYTE MusicData ) { DPFASSERT(MusicData);
return ( IS_SYSEX(*MusicData) || IS_EOX(*MusicData) || IS_DATA_BYTE(*MusicData) ); }
BOOL IsEndofSysEx ( LPBYTE MusicData ) { DPFASSERT(MusicData);
return IS_EOX(*(MusicData)); }
void wdmaudParseSysExData ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, LPMIDIDATA pMidiData, BOOL MidiDataDiscontinuous ) { BOOL fCompleteSysEx = FALSE; LPMIDIHDR pMidiInHdr; PKSMUSICFORMAT MusicFormat; ULONG MusicDataLeft; LPBYTE MusicData; ULONG RunningTimeMs; ULONG DataCopySize; ULONG HeaderFreeSpace; ULONG MusicFormatDataLeft; ULONG MusicFormatDataPosition = 0;
// Easier to use locals
MusicFormat = (PKSMUSICFORMAT)&pMidiData->MusicFormat; MusicData = (LPBYTE)pMidiData->MusicData; MusicDataLeft = pMidiData->StreamHeader.DataUsed; RunningTimeMs = 0;
if ( MidiDataDiscontinuous || IsEndofSysEx(MusicData + MusicFormat->ByteCount - 1) ) { fCompleteSysEx = TRUE; }
while (MusicDataLeft || MidiDataDiscontinuous) { //
// update the running time for this Music Format header
if (MusicFormat->ByteCount == 0) { RunningTimeMs = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->LastTimeMs; } else { RunningTimeMs += MusicFormat->TimeDeltaMs; DeviceInfo->DeviceState->LastTimeMs = RunningTimeMs; }
// Get the next header from the queue
pMidiInHdr = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiInQueue;
while (pMidiInHdr && MusicFormatDataPosition <= MusicFormat->ByteCount) {
HeaderFreeSpace = pMidiInHdr->dwBufferLength - pMidiInHdr->dwBytesRecorded;
MusicFormatDataLeft = MusicFormat->ByteCount - MusicFormatDataPosition;
// Compute the size of the copy
DataCopySize = min(HeaderFreeSpace,MusicFormatDataLeft);
// Fill this, baby
if (DataCopySize) { RtlCopyMemory(pMidiInHdr->lpData + pMidiInHdr->dwBytesRecorded, MusicData + MusicFormatDataPosition, DataCopySize); }
// update the number of bytes recorded
pMidiInHdr->dwBytesRecorded += DataCopySize; MusicFormatDataPosition += DataCopySize;
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_RECORD, ("Record SysEx: %d(%d) Data=0x%08lx", DataCopySize, pMidiInHdr->dwBytesRecorded, *MusicData) );
// If the buffer is full or end-of-sysex byte is received,
// the buffer is marked as 'done' and it's owner is called back.
if ( (fCompleteSysEx && pMidiInHdr->dwBytesRecorded && (MusicFormatDataPosition == MusicFormat->ByteCount) ) // copied whole SysEx
|| (pMidiInHdr->dwBufferLength == pMidiInHdr->dwBytesRecorded) ) // filled entire buffer
if (MidiDataDiscontinuous) { midiInCompleteHeader(DeviceInfo, RunningTimeMs, MIM_LONGERROR); } else { midiInCompleteHeader(DeviceInfo, RunningTimeMs, MIM_LONGDATA); }
// Grab the next header to fill, if it exists
pMidiInHdr = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiInQueue; }
// Break out of loop when all of the data is copied
if (MusicFormatDataPosition == MusicFormat->ByteCount) { break; }
// in the middle of a sysex and we still
// have room left in the header
} // while we have more headers and data to copy
// don't continue messin' with this irp
if (MidiDataDiscontinuous) { break; }
MusicDataLeft -= sizeof(KSMUSICFORMAT) + ((MusicFormat->ByteCount + 3) & ~3); MusicFormat = (PKSMUSICFORMAT)(MusicData + ((MusicFormat->ByteCount + 3) & ~3)); MusicData = (LPBYTE)(MusicFormat + 1);
} // while IrpDataLeft
return; }
void wdmaudParseShortMidiData ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, LPMIDIDATA pMidiData, BOOL MidiDataDiscontinuous ) { BOOL fCompleteSysEx = FALSE; LPMIDIHDR pMidiInHdr; PKSMUSICFORMAT MusicFormat; ULONG MusicDataLeft; LPBYTE MusicData; ULONG RunningTimeMs; ULONG DataCopySize; ULONG HeaderFreeSpace; ULONG MusicFormatDataLeft; ULONG MusicFormatDataPosition = 0;
// Easier to use locals
MusicFormat = (PKSMUSICFORMAT)&pMidiData->MusicFormat; MusicData = (LPBYTE)pMidiData->MusicData; MusicDataLeft = pMidiData->StreamHeader.DataUsed; RunningTimeMs = 0;
while (MusicDataLeft || MidiDataDiscontinuous) { //
// update the running time for this Music Format header
if (MusicFormat->ByteCount == 0) { RunningTimeMs = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->LastTimeMs; } else { RunningTimeMs += MusicFormat->TimeDeltaMs; DeviceInfo->DeviceState->LastTimeMs = RunningTimeMs; }
// Non-used bytes should be zero'ed out
midiCallback(DeviceInfo, MIM_DATA, *((LPDWORD)MusicData), RunningTimeMs);
// don't continue messin' with this irp
if (MidiDataDiscontinuous) { break; }
MusicDataLeft -= sizeof(KSMUSICFORMAT) + ((MusicFormat->ByteCount + 3) & ~3); MusicFormat = (PKSMUSICFORMAT)(MusicData + ((MusicFormat->ByteCount + 3) & ~3)); MusicData = (LPBYTE)(MusicFormat + 1);
} // while IrpDataLeft
return; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api VOID | wdmaudParseMidiData | This routine takes the MIDI data retrieved * from kernel mode and calls back the application with the long or short * messages packed in the buffer. * * @parm LPDEVICEINFO | DeviceInfo | The data associated with the logical midi * device. * * @comm The buffer flags are set and the buffer is passed to the auxiliary * device task for processing. ****************************************************************************/ void wdmaudParseMidiData ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, LPMIDIDATALISTENTRY pMidiDataListEntry ) { BOOL MidiDataDiscontinuous; ULONG DataRemaining; ULONG BytesUsed; MMRESULT mmr;
if( (mmr=IsValidMidiDataListEntry(pMidiDataListEntry)) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { DataRemaining = GetStreamHeaderSize(&pMidiDataListEntry->MidiData.StreamHeader);
MidiDataDiscontinuous = IsMidiDataDiscontinuous(&pMidiDataListEntry->MidiData.StreamHeader);
if ( IsSysExData((LPBYTE)pMidiDataListEntry->MidiData.MusicData) ) { wdmaudParseSysExData(DeviceInfo, &pMidiDataListEntry->MidiData, MidiDataDiscontinuous); } else { // Must be short messages
wdmaudParseShortMidiData(DeviceInfo, &pMidiDataListEntry->MidiData, MidiDataDiscontinuous); } } }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api VOID | wdmaudFreeMidiData | This routine unlinks and free the MIDI * data structure pointed to on input. * * @parm LPDEVICEINFO | DeviceInfo | The data associated with the logical midi * device. * * @parm LPMIDIDATA | pMidiData | The data buffer to be cleaned up * ****************************************************************************/ void wdmaudFreeMidiData ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, LPMIDIDATALISTENTRY pMidiDataListEntry ) { //
// Advance the head of the queue
DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiDataQueue = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiDataQueue->lpNext;
// Free all associated data members
CloseHandle( ((LPOVERLAPPED)(pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped))->hEvent ); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pMidiDataListEntry->pOverlapped ); GlobalFreeDeviceInfo( pMidiDataListEntry->MidiDataDeviceInfo ); GlobalFreePtr( pMidiDataListEntry );
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api MMRESULT | wdmaudFreeMidiQ | * ***************************************************************************/ MMRESULT wdmaudFreeMidiQ ( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { LPMIDIHDR pHdr; LPMIDIHDR pTemp;
DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_MIDI, ("entering") );
// Grab the head of the MIDI In queue and iterate through
// completing the headers
pHdr = DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiInQueue;
DeviceInfo->DeviceState->lpMidiInQueue = NULL ; // mark the queue as empty
while (pHdr) { pTemp = pHdr->lpNext;
pHdr->dwFlags &= ~MHDR_INQUEUE ; pHdr->dwFlags |= MHDR_DONE ; pHdr->dwBytesRecorded = 0;
// Invoke the callback function
midiCallback(DeviceInfo, MIM_LONGDATA, (DWORD_PTR)pHdr, DeviceInfo->DeviceState->LastTimeMs); // NOTE: This is not precise, but there is no way to
// know what the kernel time is without defining
// a new interface just for this.
pHdr = pTemp; }