// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 2001
// File: timebomb.c
// -- Add these lines after the #include's in the file that handles DriverEntry:
// #ifdef TIME_BOMB
// #include "..\..\inc\timebomb.c"
// #endif
// -- Add the following lines to the beginning of DriverEntry:
// #ifdef TIME_BOMB
// if (HasEvaluationTimeExpired()) {
// }
// #endif
// -- If you want to override the default expiration value of 31 days after
// compile, define the constant DAYS_UNTIL_EXPIRATION before you include
// timebomb.c
// -- Add -DTIME_BOMB to the $(C_DEFINES) line in the sources file. If you haven't
// already done so, you may also want to add -DDEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUGLVL_TERSE.
// -- "Cleanly" recompile your binary with 'build -cZ'
// -- NOTE: This uses the __DATE__ preprocessor directive which inserts a _very_
// clear-text string into the binary which is easily modifiable with a
// hex editor. Suggestions on making this more secure are welcome.
#if !defined(_KSDEBUG_)
#include <ksdebug.h>
#define DAYS_UNTIL_EXPIRATION 31 // default
typedef enum { Jan=1, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec } MONTH;
MONTH GetMonthFromDateString ( char *_BuildDate_ ) { MONTH BuildMonth = (MONTH)0;
switch (_BuildDate_[0]) { case 'A': if (_BuildDate_[1] == 'u') { BuildMonth = Aug; } else { BuildMonth = Apr; } break; case 'D': BuildMonth = Dec; break; case 'F': BuildMonth = Feb; break; case 'J': if (_BuildDate_[1] == 'u') { if (_BuildDate_[2] == 'l') { BuildMonth = Jul; } else { BuildMonth = Jun; } } else { BuildMonth = Jan; } break; case 'M': if (_BuildDate_[2] == 'r') { BuildMonth = Mar; } else { BuildMonth = May; } break; case 'N': BuildMonth = Nov; break; case 'O': BuildMonth = Oct; break; case 'S': BuildMonth = Sep; break; default: ASSERT(0); break; }
return BuildMonth; }
BOOL HasEvaluationTimeExpired() { // Get the time that this file was compiled
char _BuildDate_[] = __DATE__; CSHORT BuildYear, BuildMonth, BuildDay, ThousandsDigit, HundredsDigit, TensDigit, Digit; ULONG BuildDays, CurrentDays; LARGE_INTEGER CurrentSystemTime; TIME_FIELDS CurrentSystemTimeFields;
// Convert _BuildDate_ into something a little more palatable
// TRACE(TL_PNP_WARNING,("Driver Build Date: %s",_BuildDate_));
BuildMonth = GetMonthFromDateString(_BuildDate_);
// Compensate for a ' ' in the tens digit
if ( (_BuildDate_[4] >= '0') && (_BuildDate_[4] <= '9') ) { TensDigit = _BuildDate_[4] - '0'; } else { TensDigit = 0; } Digit = _BuildDate_[5] - '0'; BuildDay = (TensDigit * 10) + Digit;
ThousandsDigit = _BuildDate_[7] - '0'; HundredsDigit = _BuildDate_[8] - '0'; TensDigit = _BuildDate_[9] - '0'; Digit = _BuildDate_[10] - '0'; BuildYear = (ThousandsDigit * 1000) + (HundredsDigit * 100) + (TensDigit * 10) + Digit;
// Get the current system time and convert to local time
KeQuerySystemTime( &CurrentSystemTime ); // returns GMT
RtlTimeToTimeFields( &CurrentSystemTime, &CurrentSystemTimeFields );
// For now, only let this binary float for 31 days
BuildDays = (BuildYear * 365) + (BuildMonth * 31) + BuildDay; CurrentDays = (CurrentSystemTimeFields.Year * 365) + (CurrentSystemTimeFields.Month * 31) + CurrentSystemTimeFields.Day;
// TRACE(TL_PNP_WARNING, ("CurrentDays: %d BuildDays: %d",CurrentDays, BuildDays) );
if (CurrentDays > BuildDays + DAYS_UNTIL_EXPIRATION) { // TRACE(TL_PNP_WARNING, ("Evaluation period expired!") );
return TRUE; } else { // TRACE(TL_PNP_WARNING, ("Evaluation days left: %d", (BuildDays + 31) - CurrentDays) );
return FALSE; } }