Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Power handling
Kernel mode only
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
#define WMI_WAIT_WAKE 0
#define WMI_SEL_SUSP 0
// WMI System Call back functions
NTSTATUS HidpIrpMajorSystemControl ( IN PHIDCLASS_DEVICE_EXTENSION HidClassExtension, IN PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description
We have just received a System Control IRP.
Assume that this is a WMI IRP and call into the WMI system library and let it handle this IRP for us.
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; SYSCTL_IRP_DISPOSITION disposition;
if (HidClassExtension->isClientPdo) {
status = WmiSystemControl(&HidClassExtension->pdoExt.WmiLibInfo, HidClassExtension->pdoExt.pdo, Irp, &disposition);
} else { status = WmiSystemControl(&HidClassExtension->fdoExt.WmiLibInfo, HidClassExtension->fdoExt.fdo, Irp, &disposition); }
switch(disposition) { case IrpProcessed: //
// This irp has been processed and may be completed or pending.
case IrpNotCompleted: //
// This irp has not been completed, but has been fully processed.
// we will complete it now
IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); break;
case IrpForward: case IrpNotWmi: //
// This irp is either not a WMI irp or is a WMI irp targetted
// at a device lower in the stack.
status = HidpIrpMajorDefault(HidClassExtension, Irp); break;
default: //
// We really should never get here, but if we do just forward....
ASSERT(FALSE); status = HidpIrpMajorDefault(HidClassExtension, Irp); break; }
return status; }
VOID HidpRemoteWakeComplete( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN UCHAR MinorFunction, IN POWER_STATE PowerState, IN PVOID Context, IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus ) /*++
Routine Description: Catch the Wait wake Irp on its way back.
Return Value:
--*/ { PDO_EXTENSION *pdoExt = Context; POWER_STATE powerState; NTSTATUS status; PHIDCLASS_WORK_ITEM_DATA itemData;
ASSERT (MinorFunction == IRP_MN_WAIT_WAKE); //
// PowerState.SystemState is undefined when the WW irp has been completed
// ASSERT (PowerState.SystemState == PowerSystemWorking);
InterlockedExchangePointer(&pdoExt->remoteWakeIrp, NULL);
switch (IoStatus->Status) { case STATUS_SUCCESS: DBGVERBOSE(("HidClass: Remote Wake irp was completed successfully.\n"));
// We do not need to request a set power to power up the device, since
// hidclass does this for us.
/* powerState.DeviceState = PowerDeviceD0;
status = PoRequestPowerIrp( pdoExt->PDO, IRP_MN_SET_POWER, powerState, NULL, NULL, NULL);*/
// We do not notify the system that a user is present because:
// 1 Win9x doesn't do this and we must maintain compatibility with it
// 2 The USB PIX4 motherboards sends a wait wake event every time the
// machine wakes up, no matter if this device woke the machine or not
// If we incorrectly notify the system a user is present, the following
// will occur:
// 1 The monitor will be turned on
// 2 We will prevent the machine from transitioning from standby
// (to PowerSystemWorking) to hibernate
// If a user is truly present, we will receive input in the service
// callback and we will notify the system at that time.
// PoSetSystemState (ES_USER_PRESENT);
if (pdoExt->remoteWakeEnabled) { //
// We cannot call CreateWaitWake from this completion routine,
// as it is a paged function.
itemData = (PHIDCLASS_WORK_ITEM_DATA) ExAllocatePool (NonPagedPool, sizeof (HIDCLASS_WORK_ITEM_DATA));
if (NULL != itemData) { itemData->Item = IoAllocateWorkItem(pdoExt->pdo); if (itemData->Item == NULL) { ExFreePool(itemData); DBGWARN (("Failed alloc work item -> no WW Irp.")); } else { itemData->PdoExt = pdoExt; itemData->Irp = NULL; status = IoAcquireRemoveLock (&pdoExt->removeLock, itemData); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { IoQueueWorkItem (itemData->Item, HidpCreateRemoteWakeIrpWorker, DelayedWorkQueue, itemData); } else { //
// The device has been removed
IoFreeWorkItem (itemData->Item); ExFreePool (itemData); } } } else { //
// Well, we dropped the WaitWake.
DBGWARN (("Failed alloc pool -> no WW Irp."));
} }
// fall through to the break
// We get a remove. We will not (obviously) send another wait wake
// This status code will be returned if the device is put into a power state
// in which we cannot wake the machine (hibernate is a good example). When
// the device power state is returned to D0, we will attempt to rearm wait wake
// We failed the Irp because we already had one queued, or a lower driver in
// the stack failed it. Either way, don't do anything.
// Somehow someway we got two WWs down to the lower stack.
// Let's just don't worry about it.
default: //
// Something went wrong, disable the wait wake.
KdPrint(("KBDCLASS: wait wake irp failed with %x\n", IoStatus->Status)); HidpToggleRemoteWake (pdoExt, FALSE); }
BOOLEAN HidpCheckRemoteWakeEnabled( IN PDO_EXTENSION *PdoExt ) { KIRQL irql; BOOLEAN enabled;
KeAcquireSpinLock (&PdoExt->remoteWakeSpinLock, &irql); enabled = PdoExt->remoteWakeEnabled; KeReleaseSpinLock (&PdoExt->remoteWakeSpinLock, irql);
return enabled; }
void HidpCreateRemoteWakeIrpWorker ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PHIDCLASS_WORK_ITEM_DATA ItemData ) { PAGED_CODE ();
HidpCreateRemoteWakeIrp (ItemData->PdoExt); IoReleaseRemoveLock (&ItemData->PdoExt->removeLock, ItemData); IoFreeWorkItem(ItemData->Item); ExFreePool (ItemData); }
BOOLEAN HidpCreateRemoteWakeIrp ( IN PDO_EXTENSION *PdoExt ) /*++
Routine Description: Catch the Wait wake Irp on its way back.
Return Value:
--*/ { POWER_STATE powerState; BOOLEAN success = TRUE; NTSTATUS status; PIRP remoteWakeIrp;
powerState.SystemState = PdoExt->deviceFdoExt->fdoExt.deviceCapabilities.SystemWake; status = PoRequestPowerIrp (PdoExt->pdo, IRP_MN_WAIT_WAKE, powerState, HidpRemoteWakeComplete, PdoExt, &PdoExt->remoteWakeIrp);
if (status != STATUS_PENDING) { success = FALSE; }
return success; }
VOID HidpToggleRemoteWakeWorker( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PHIDCLASS_WORK_ITEM_DATA ItemData ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { PDO_EXTENSION *pdoExt; PIRP remoteWakeIrp = NULL; KIRQL irql; BOOLEAN wwState = ItemData->RemoteWakeState ? TRUE : FALSE; BOOLEAN toggled = FALSE;
// Can't be paged b/c we are using spin locks
pdoExt = ItemData->PdoExt;
KeAcquireSpinLock (&pdoExt->remoteWakeSpinLock, &irql);
if (wwState != pdoExt->remoteWakeEnabled) { toggled = TRUE; if (pdoExt->remoteWakeEnabled) { remoteWakeIrp = (PIRP) InterlockedExchangePointer (&pdoExt->remoteWakeIrp, NULL); } pdoExt->remoteWakeEnabled = wwState; }
KeReleaseSpinLock (&pdoExt->remoteWakeSpinLock, irql);
if (toggled) { UNICODE_STRING strEnable; HANDLE devInstRegKey; ULONG tmp = wwState;
// write the value out to the registry
if ((NT_SUCCESS(IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey (pdoExt->pdo, PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DEVICE, STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL, &devInstRegKey)))) { RtlInitUnicodeString (&strEnable, HIDCLASS_REMOTE_WAKE_ENABLE);
ZwSetValueKey (devInstRegKey, &strEnable, 0, REG_DWORD, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
ZwClose (devInstRegKey); } }
if (toggled && wwState) { //
// wwState is our new state, so WW was just turned on
HidpCreateRemoteWakeIrp (pdoExt); }
// If we have an IRP, then WW has been toggled off, otherwise, if toggled is
// TRUE, we need to save this in the reg and, perhaps, send down a new WW irp
if (remoteWakeIrp) { IoCancelIrp (remoteWakeIrp); }
IoReleaseRemoveLock (&pdoExt->removeLock, HidpToggleRemoteWakeWorker); IoFreeWorkItem (ItemData->Item); ExFreePool (ItemData); }
NTSTATUS HidpToggleRemoteWake( PDO_EXTENSION *PdoExt, BOOLEAN RemoteWakeState ) { NTSTATUS status; PHIDCLASS_WORK_ITEM_DATA itemData;
status = IoAcquireRemoveLock (&PdoExt->removeLock, HidpToggleRemoteWakeWorker); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { //
// Device has gone away, just silently exit
return status; }
itemData = (PHIDCLASS_WORK_ITEM_DATA) ALLOCATEPOOL(NonPagedPool, sizeof(HIDCLASS_WORK_ITEM_DATA)); if (itemData) { itemData->Item = IoAllocateWorkItem(PdoExt->pdo); if (itemData->Item == NULL) { IoReleaseRemoveLock (&PdoExt->removeLock, HidpToggleRemoteWakeWorker); } else { itemData->PdoExt = PdoExt; itemData->RemoteWakeState = RemoteWakeState;
if (KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL) { //
// We are safely at PASSIVE_LEVEL, call callback directly to perform
// this operation immediately.
HidpToggleRemoteWakeWorker (PdoExt->pdo, itemData);
} else { //
// We are not at PASSIVE_LEVEL, so queue a workitem to handle this
// at a later time.
IoQueueWorkItem (itemData->Item, HidpToggleRemoteWakeWorker, DelayedWorkQueue, itemData); } } } else { IoReleaseRemoveLock (&PdoExt->removeLock, HidpToggleRemoteWakeWorker); }
VOID HidpToggleSelSuspWorker( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIO_WORKITEM WorkItem ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { FDO_EXTENSION *fdoExt; UNICODE_STRING strEnable; HANDLE devInstRegKey; ULONG tmp;
fdoExt = &((PHIDCLASS_DEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension)->fdoExt;
// write the value out to the registry
tmp = fdoExt->idleEnabled ? TRUE : FALSE;
if ((NT_SUCCESS(IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey (fdoExt->collectionPdoExtensions[0]->hidExt.PhysicalDeviceObject, PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DEVICE, STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL, &devInstRegKey)))) {
RtlInitUnicodeString (&strEnable, HIDCLASS_SELECTIVE_SUSPEND_ON);
ZwSetValueKey (devInstRegKey, &strEnable, 0, REG_DWORD, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
ZwClose (devInstRegKey); }
IoFreeWorkItem (WorkItem);
NTSTATUS HidpToggleSelSusp( FDO_EXTENSION *FdoExt, BOOLEAN SelSuspEnable ) { PIO_WORKITEM workItem; BOOLEAN oldState; KIRQL oldIrql;
KeAcquireSpinLock(&FdoExt->idleSpinLock, &oldIrql); oldState = FdoExt->idleEnabled; FdoExt->idleEnabled = SelSuspEnable;
KeReleaseSpinLock(&FdoExt->idleSpinLock, oldIrql);
if (oldState != SelSuspEnable) {
if (!SelSuspEnable) { HidpCancelIdleNotification(FdoExt, FALSE); } else { HidpStartIdleTimeout(FdoExt, FALSE); } workItem = IoAllocateWorkItem(FdoExt->fdo);
if(workItem) {
if (KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL) {
// We are safely at PASSIVE_LEVEL, call callback directly to perform
// this operation immediately.
HidpToggleSelSuspWorker (FdoExt->fdo, workItem); } else { //
// We are not at PASSIVE_LEVEL, so queue a workitem to handle this
// at a later time.
IoQueueWorkItem (workItem, HidpToggleSelSuspWorker, DelayedWorkQueue, workItem);
} } }
NTSTATUS HidpSetWmiDataItem( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN ULONG GuidIndex, IN ULONG InstanceIndex, IN ULONG DataItemId, IN ULONG BufferSize, IN PUCHAR Buffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is a callback into the driver to set for the contents of a data block. When the driver has finished filling the data block it must call ClassWmiCompleteRequest to complete the irp. The driver can return STATUS_PENDING if the irp cannot be completed immediately.
DeviceObject is the device whose data block is being queried
Irp is the Irp that makes this request
GuidIndex is the index into the list of guids provided when the device registered
InstanceIndex is the index that denotes which instance of the data block is being queried.
DataItemId has the id of the data item being set
BufferSize has the size of the data item passed
Buffer has the new values for the data item
Return Value:
--*/ { PHIDCLASS_DEVICE_EXTENSION classExt; NTSTATUS status; ULONG size = 0;
classExt = (PHIDCLASS_DEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; if (classExt->isClientPdo) { switch(GuidIndex) { case WMI_WAIT_WAKE:
size = sizeof(BOOLEAN);
if (BufferSize < size) { status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; break; } else if ((1 != DataItemId) || (0 != InstanceIndex)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break; }
status = HidpToggleRemoteWake (&classExt->pdoExt, *(PBOOLEAN) Buffer); break;
default: status = STATUS_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUND; }
} else { switch(GuidIndex) { case WMI_SEL_SUSP:
size = sizeof(BOOLEAN);
if (BufferSize < size) { status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; break; } else if ((1 != DataItemId) || (0 != InstanceIndex)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break; }
status = HidpToggleSelSusp (&classExt->fdoExt, *(PBOOLEAN) Buffer); break;
default: status = STATUS_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUND; }
status = WmiCompleteRequest (DeviceObject, Irp, status, size, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
return status; }
NTSTATUS HidpSetWmiDataBlock( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN ULONG GuidIndex, IN ULONG InstanceIndex, IN ULONG BufferSize, IN PUCHAR Buffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is a callback into the driver to set the contents of a data block. When the driver has finished filling the data block it must call ClassWmiCompleteRequest to complete the irp. The driver can return STATUS_PENDING if the irp cannot be completed immediately.
DeviceObject is the device whose data block is being queried
Irp is the Irp that makes this request
GuidIndex is the index into the list of guids provided when the device registered
InstanceIndex is the index that denotes which instance of the data block is being queried.
BufferSize has the size of the data block passed
Buffer has the new values for the data block
Return Value:
--*/ { PHIDCLASS_DEVICE_EXTENSION classExt; NTSTATUS status; ULONG size = 0;
classExt = (PHIDCLASS_DEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
if (classExt->isClientPdo) { switch(GuidIndex) { case WMI_WAIT_WAKE:
size = sizeof(BOOLEAN);
if (BufferSize < size) { status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; break; } else if (0 != InstanceIndex) { status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break; }
status = HidpToggleRemoteWake (&classExt->pdoExt, *(PBOOLEAN) Buffer); break;
default: status = STATUS_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUND; }
} else {
switch(GuidIndex) { case WMI_SEL_SUSP:
size = sizeof(BOOLEAN);
if (BufferSize < size) { status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; break; } else if (0 != InstanceIndex) { status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break; }
status = HidpToggleSelSusp (&classExt->fdoExt, *(PBOOLEAN) Buffer); break;
default: status = STATUS_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUND; }
status = WmiCompleteRequest (DeviceObject, Irp, status, size, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
return status; }
NTSTATUS HidpQueryWmiDataBlock( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN ULONG GuidIndex, IN ULONG InstanceIndex, IN ULONG InstanceCount, IN OUT PULONG InstanceLengthArray, IN ULONG OutBufferSize, OUT PUCHAR Buffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is a callback into the driver to query for the contents of a data block. When the driver has finished filling the data block it must call ClassWmiCompleteRequest to complete the irp. The driver can return STATUS_PENDING if the irp cannot be completed immediately.
DeviceObject is the device whose data block is being queried
Irp is the Irp that makes this request
GuidIndex is the index into the list of guids provided when the device registered
InstanceIndex is the index that denotes which instance of the data block is being queried.
InstanceCount is the number of instnaces expected to be returned for the data block.
InstanceLengthArray is a pointer to an array of ULONG that returns the lengths of each instance of the data block. If this is NULL then there was not enough space in the output buffer to fufill the request so the irp should be completed with the buffer needed.
BufferAvail on has the maximum size available to write the data block.
Buffer on return is filled with the returned data block
Return Value:
--*/ { PHIDCLASS_DEVICE_EXTENSION classExt; NTSTATUS status; ULONG size = 0;
classExt = (PHIDCLASS_DEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
if (classExt->isClientPdo) { switch(GuidIndex) { case WMI_WAIT_WAKE:
// Only registers 1 instance for this guid
if ((0 != InstanceIndex) || (1 != InstanceCount)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break; } size = sizeof(BOOLEAN);
if (OutBufferSize < size) { status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; break; }
*(PBOOLEAN) Buffer = classExt->pdoExt.remoteWakeEnabled; *InstanceLengthArray = size; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break;
default: status = STATUS_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUND; }
} else {
switch(GuidIndex) { case WMI_SEL_SUSP:
// Only registers 1 instance for this guid
if ((0 != InstanceIndex) || (1 != InstanceCount)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break; } size = sizeof(BOOLEAN);
if (OutBufferSize < size) { status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; break; }
*(PBOOLEAN) Buffer = classExt->fdoExt.idleEnabled; *InstanceLengthArray = size; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break;
default: status = STATUS_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUND; }
status = WmiCompleteRequest (DeviceObject, Irp, status, size, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
return status;
Routine Description:
This routine is a callback into the driver to retrieve information about the guids being registered.
Implementations of this routine may be in paged memory
DeviceObject is the device whose registration information is needed
*RegFlags returns with a set of flags that describe all of the guids being registered for this device. If the device wants enable and disable collection callbacks before receiving queries for the registered guids then it should return the WMIREG_FLAG_EXPENSIVE flag. Also the returned flags may specify WMIREG_FLAG_INSTANCE_PDO in which case the instance name is determined from the PDO associated with the device object. Note that the PDO must have an associated devnode. If WMIREG_FLAG_INSTANCE_PDO is not set then Name must return a unique name for the device. These flags are ORed into the flags specified by the GUIDREGINFO for each guid.
InstanceName returns with the instance name for the guids if WMIREG_FLAG_INSTANCE_PDO is not set in the returned *RegFlags. The caller will call ExFreePool with the buffer returned.
*RegistryPath returns with the registry path of the driver. This is required
*MofResourceName returns with the name of the MOF resource attached to the binary file. If the driver does not have a mof resource attached then this can be returned as NULL.
*Pdo returns with the device object for the PDO associated with this device if the WMIREG_FLAG_INSTANCE_PDO flag is retured in *RegFlags.
Return Value:
--*/ {
classExt = (PHIDCLASS_DEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
if (classExt->isClientPdo) { hidDriverExtension = (PHIDCLASS_DRIVER_EXTENSION) RefDriverExt(classExt->pdoExt.pdo->DriverObject); ASSERT(hidDriverExtension);
*RegFlags = WMIREG_FLAG_INSTANCE_PDO; *RegistryPath = &hidDriverExtension->RegistryPath; *Pdo = classExt->pdoExt.pdo;
DerefDriverExt(classExt->pdoExt.pdo->DriverObject); } else { hidDriverExtension = classExt->fdoExt.driverExt; ASSERT(hidDriverExtension);
*RegFlags = WMIREG_FLAG_INSTANCE_PDO; *RegistryPath = &hidDriverExtension->RegistryPath; *Pdo = classExt->hidExt.PhysicalDeviceObject; } return STATUS_SUCCESS;