Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the code for querying HID report packets.
Kernel & user mode
Revision History:
Aug-96 : created by Kenneth Ray
#define NT_SUCCESS(Status) ((NTSTATUS)(Status) >= 0)
#include <wtypes.h>
#include "hidsdi.h"
#include "hidparse.h"
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HidP_GetCaps)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HidP_GetButtonCaps)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HidP_GetValueCaps)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HidP_MaxUsageListLength)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HidP_InitializeReportForID)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HidP_GetExtendedAttributes)
#define PAGED_CODE()
#if DBG
typedef UCHAR KIRQL; KIRQL KeGetCurrentIrql(); #define APC_LEVEL 0x1
#define ASSERT( exp ) \
if (!(exp)) RtlAssert( #exp, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL )
#define PAGED_CODE() \
if (KeGetCurrentIrql() > APC_LEVEL) { \ HidP_KdPrint(2, ( "EX: Pageable code called at IRQL %d\n", KeGetCurrentIrql() )); \ ASSERT(FALSE); \ } #else // DBG
#define ASSERT(x)
#endif // DBG
#define ASSERT(x)
#define CHECK_PPD(_x_) \
ULONG HidP_ExtractData ( IN USHORT ByteOffset, IN USHORT BitOffset, IN USHORT BitLength, IN PUCHAR Report ) /*++
Routine Description: Given a HID report a byte offset, bit offset and bitlength extract the bits from the report in little endian BIT order. --*/ { ULONG inspect = 0; USHORT tmpByte = 0; USHORT tmpBit = 0;
// Start with the high bits and work our way down.
// Little endian (by bit)
// Byte 2 |Byte 1 |Byte 0
// 765432107654321076543210 (bits)
// Get low byte first. (need the higher bits)
// Offset is from bit zero.
tmpByte = (ByteOffset << 3) + BitOffset + BitLength; tmpBit = tmpByte & 7; tmpByte >>= 3;
if (BitLength < tmpBit) { inspect = (UCHAR) Report [tmpByte] & ((1 << tmpBit) - 1); inspect >>= BitOffset; return inspect; }
if (tmpBit) { // Not Byte alligned!
inspect = (UCHAR) Report [tmpByte] & ((1 << tmpBit) - 1); BitLength -= tmpBit; } tmpByte--;
while (BitLength >= 8) { inspect <<= 8; inspect |= (UCHAR) Report[tmpByte]; BitLength -= 8; tmpByte--; }
if (BitLength) { inspect <<= BitLength; inspect |= (UCHAR) ( (Report [tmpByte] >> (8 - BitLength)) & ((1 << BitLength) - 1)); } return inspect; }
void HidP_InsertData ( IN USHORT ByteOffset, IN USHORT BitOffset, IN USHORT BitLength, // Length of the value set in bits.
IN OUT PUCHAR Report, IN ULONG Value ) /*++
Routine Description: Given a HID report a byte offset, bit offset and bitlength set those bits in little endian BIT order to the value provided. --*/ { ULONG mask; ULONG tmpBit; //
// Little endian (by bit)
// Byte 2 |Byte 1 |Byte 0
// 765432107654321076543210 (bits)
// Get low byte first. (need the higher bits)
// Offset is from bit zero.
tmpBit = BitLength + BitOffset; if (tmpBit < 8) { mask = (1 << tmpBit) - (1 << BitOffset); Report [ByteOffset] &= ~mask; Report [ByteOffset] |= (UCHAR) ((Value << BitOffset) & mask); return; }
if (BitOffset) { // Not byte aligned, deal with the last partial byte.
Report [ByteOffset] &= ((1 << BitOffset) - 1); // Zap upper bits
Report [ByteOffset] |= (UCHAR) (Value << BitOffset); BitLength -= (8 - BitOffset); Value >>= (8 - BitOffset); ByteOffset++; }
while (BitLength >= 8) { Report [ByteOffset] = (UCHAR) Value; Value >>= 8; BitLength -= 8; ByteOffset++; }
if (BitLength) { Report [ByteOffset] &= ((UCHAR) 0 - (UCHAR) (1 << BitLength)); // Zap lower bits.
Report [ByteOffset] |= (Value & ((1 << BitLength) - 1)); } }
HidP_DeleteArrayEntry ( IN ULONG BitPos, IN USHORT BitLength, // Length of the value set in bits.
IN USHORT ReportCount, IN ULONG Value, // Value to delete.
IN OUT PUCHAR Report ) /*++
Routine Description: Given a HID report a byte offset, bit offset and bitlength remove that data item from the report, by shifting all data items left until the last item finally setting that one to zero. In otherwards clear the given entry from the hid array.
NOTE: If there are two such values set we only eliminate the first one. --*/ { ULONG tmpValue; ULONG localBitPos; // for debugging only. Compiler should kill this line.
ULONG localRemaining; ULONG nextBitPos;
localBitPos = BitPos; tmpValue = 0; localRemaining = ReportCount;
ASSERT (0 < ReportCount); ASSERT (0 != Value);
// Find the data.
while (0 < localRemaining) { tmpValue = HidP_ExtractData ((USHORT) (localBitPos >> 3), (USHORT) (localBitPos & 7), BitLength, Report);
if (Value == tmpValue) { break; }
localBitPos += BitLength; localRemaining--; }
if (Value != tmpValue) { return HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED; }
while (1 < localRemaining) { nextBitPos = localBitPos + BitLength;
tmpValue = HidP_ExtractData ((USHORT) (nextBitPos >> 3), (USHORT) (nextBitPos & 7), BitLength, Report);
HidP_InsertData ((USHORT) (localBitPos >> 3), (USHORT) (localBitPos & 7), BitLength, Report, tmpValue);
localBitPos = nextBitPos; localRemaining--; }
HidP_InsertData ((USHORT) (localBitPos >> 3), (USHORT) (localBitPos & 7), BitLength, Report, 0);
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetCaps ( IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, OUT PHIDP_CAPS Capabilities ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see Hidpi.h for routine description
Notes: --*/ { ULONG i; HIDP_CHANNEL_DESC * data;
PAGED_CODE(); CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
RtlZeroMemory (Capabilities, sizeof(HIDP_CAPS));
Capabilities->UsagePage = PreparsedData->UsagePage; Capabilities->Usage = PreparsedData->Usage; Capabilities->InputReportByteLength = PreparsedData->Input.ByteLen; Capabilities->OutputReportByteLength = PreparsedData->Output.ByteLen; Capabilities->FeatureReportByteLength = PreparsedData->Feature.ByteLen;
// Reserved fields go here
Capabilities->NumberLinkCollectionNodes = PreparsedData->LinkCollectionArrayLength;
Capabilities->NumberInputButtonCaps = 0; Capabilities->NumberInputValueCaps = 0; Capabilities->NumberOutputButtonCaps = 0; Capabilities->NumberOutputValueCaps = 0; Capabilities->NumberFeatureButtonCaps = 0; Capabilities->NumberFeatureValueCaps = 0;
i=PreparsedData->Input.Offset; data = &PreparsedData->Data[i]; Capabilities->NumberInputDataIndices = 0; for (; i < PreparsedData->Input.Index; i++, data++) { if (data->IsButton) { Capabilities->NumberInputButtonCaps++; } else { Capabilities->NumberInputValueCaps++; } Capabilities->NumberInputDataIndices += data->Range.DataIndexMax - data->Range.DataIndexMin + 1; }
i=PreparsedData->Output.Offset; data = &PreparsedData->Data[i]; Capabilities->NumberOutputDataIndices = 0; for (; i < PreparsedData->Output.Index; i++, data++) { if (data->IsButton) { Capabilities->NumberOutputButtonCaps++; } else { Capabilities->NumberOutputValueCaps++; }
Capabilities->NumberOutputDataIndices += data->Range.DataIndexMax - data->Range.DataIndexMin + 1; }
i=PreparsedData->Feature.Offset; data = &PreparsedData->Data[i]; Capabilities->NumberFeatureDataIndices = 0; for (; i < PreparsedData->Feature.Index; i++, data++) { if (data->IsButton) { Capabilities->NumberFeatureButtonCaps++; } else { Capabilities->NumberFeatureValueCaps++; }
Capabilities->NumberFeatureDataIndices += data->Range.DataIndexMax - data->Range.DataIndexMin + 1; }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes ( OUT PHIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE LinkCollectionNodes, IN OUT PULONG LinkCollectionNodesLength, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see Hidpi.h for routine description
PAGED_CODE(); CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
if (*LinkCollectionNodesLength < PreparsedData->LinkCollectionArrayLength) { length = *LinkCollectionNodesLength; status = HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } else { length = PreparsedData->LinkCollectionArrayLength; } *LinkCollectionNodesLength = PreparsedData->LinkCollectionArrayLength;
nodeArray = (PHIDP_PRIVATE_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE) (PreparsedData->RawBytes + PreparsedData->LinkCollectionArrayOffset);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++, LinkCollectionNodes++, nodeArray++ ) { // *LinkCollectionNodes = *nodeArray;
LinkCollectionNodes->LinkUsage = nodeArray->LinkUsage; LinkCollectionNodes->LinkUsagePage = nodeArray->LinkUsagePage; LinkCollectionNodes->Parent = nodeArray->Parent; LinkCollectionNodes->NumberOfChildren = nodeArray->NumberOfChildren; LinkCollectionNodes->NextSibling = nodeArray->NextSibling; LinkCollectionNodes->FirstChild = nodeArray->FirstChild; LinkCollectionNodes->CollectionType = nodeArray->CollectionType; LinkCollectionNodes->IsAlias = nodeArray->IsAlias;
} return status; }
#undef HidP_GetButtonCaps
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetButtonCaps ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, OUT PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS ButtonCaps, IN OUT PUSHORT ButtonCapsLength, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see Hidpi.h for routine description
Notes: --*/ { return HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps (ReportType, 0, 0, 0, ButtonCaps, ButtonCapsLength, PreparsedData); }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, // Optional (0 => ignore)
IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional (0 => ignore)
IN USAGE Usage, // Optional (0 => ignore)
Routine Description: Please see Hidpi.h for routine description
PAGED_CODE(); CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break;
case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break;
case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break;
for (i = iof->Offset, j = 0; i < iof->Index ; i++) { channel = &PreparsedData->Data[i]; if ((channel->IsButton) && ((!UsagePage || (UsagePage == channel->UsagePage)) && (!LinkCollection || (LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection) || ((HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT == LinkCollection) && (0 == channel->LinkCollection))) && (!Usage || ((channel->Range.UsageMin <= Usage) && (Usage <= channel->Range.UsageMax))))) { status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
if (j < *ButtonCapsLength) { ButtonCaps[j].UsagePage = channel->UsagePage; ButtonCaps[j].LinkCollection = channel->LinkCollection; ButtonCaps[j].LinkUsagePage = channel->LinkUsagePage; ButtonCaps[j].LinkUsage = channel->LinkUsage; ButtonCaps[j].IsRange = (BOOLEAN) channel->IsRange; ButtonCaps[j].IsStringRange = (BOOLEAN) channel->IsStringRange; ButtonCaps[j].IsDesignatorRange=(BOOLEAN)channel->IsDesignatorRange; ButtonCaps[j].ReportID = channel->ReportID; ButtonCaps[j].BitField = (USHORT) channel->BitField; ButtonCaps[j].IsAbsolute = (BOOLEAN) channel->IsAbsolute; ButtonCaps[j].IsAlias = (BOOLEAN) channel->IsAlias; // if (channel->IsRange)
// {
ButtonCaps[j].Range.UsageMin = channel->Range.UsageMin; ButtonCaps[j].Range.UsageMax = channel->Range.UsageMax; ButtonCaps[j].Range.DataIndexMin = channel->Range.DataIndexMin; ButtonCaps[j].Range.DataIndexMax = channel->Range.DataIndexMax; // } else
// {
// ButtonCaps[j].NotRange.Usage = channel->NotRange.Usage;
// }
// if (channel->IsStringRange)
// {
ButtonCaps[j].Range.StringMin = channel->Range.StringMin; ButtonCaps[j].Range.StringMax = channel->Range.StringMax; // } else
// {
// ButtonCaps[j].NotRange.StringIndex
// = channel->NotRange.StringIndex;
// }
// if (channel->IsDesignatorRange)
// {
ButtonCaps[j].Range.DesignatorMin = channel->Range.DesignatorMin; ButtonCaps[j].Range.DesignatorMax = channel->Range.DesignatorMax; // } else
// {
// ButtonCaps[j].NotRange.DesignatorIndex
// = channel->NotRange.DesignatorIndex;
// }
} else { status = HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } j++; } } *ButtonCapsLength = j; return status; }
#undef HidP_GetValueCaps
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetValueCaps ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, OUT PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS ValueCaps, IN OUT PUSHORT ValueCapsLength, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see Hidpi.h for routine description
Notes: --*/ { return HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps (ReportType, 0, 0, 0, ValueCaps, ValueCapsLength, PreparsedData); }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, // Optional (0 => ignore)
IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional (0 => ignore)
IN USAGE Usage, // Optional (0 => ignore)
Routine Description: Please see Hidpi.h for routine description
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData); PAGED_CODE ();
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break;
case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break;
case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break;
for (i = iof->Offset, j = 0; i < iof->Index ; i++) { channel = &PreparsedData->Data[i]; if ((!channel->IsButton) && ((!UsagePage || (UsagePage == channel->UsagePage)) && (!LinkCollection || (LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection) || ((HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT == LinkCollection) && (0 == channel->LinkCollection))) && (!Usage || ((channel->Range.UsageMin <= Usage) && (Usage <= channel->Range.UsageMax))))) { status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
if (j < *ValueCapsLength) { ValueCaps[j].UsagePage = channel->UsagePage; ValueCaps[j].LinkCollection = channel->LinkCollection; ValueCaps[j].LinkUsagePage = channel->LinkUsagePage; ValueCaps[j].LinkUsage = channel->LinkUsage; ValueCaps[j].IsRange = (BOOLEAN) channel->IsRange; ValueCaps[j].IsStringRange = (BOOLEAN) channel->IsStringRange; ValueCaps[j].IsDesignatorRange =(BOOLEAN)channel->IsDesignatorRange; ValueCaps[j].ReportID = channel->ReportID; ValueCaps[j].BitField = (USHORT) channel->BitField; ValueCaps[j].BitSize = channel->ReportSize; ValueCaps[j].IsAbsolute = (BOOLEAN) channel->IsAbsolute; ValueCaps[j].HasNull = channel->Data.HasNull; ValueCaps[j].Units = channel->Units; ValueCaps[j].UnitsExp = channel->UnitExp; ValueCaps[j].LogicalMin = channel->Data.LogicalMin; ValueCaps[j].LogicalMax = channel->Data.LogicalMax; ValueCaps[j].PhysicalMin = channel->Data.PhysicalMin; ValueCaps[j].PhysicalMax = channel->Data.PhysicalMax; ValueCaps[j].IsAlias = (BOOLEAN) channel->IsAlias; // if (channel->IsRange)
// {
ValueCaps[j].Range.UsageMin = channel->Range.UsageMin; ValueCaps[j].Range.UsageMax = channel->Range.UsageMax; ValueCaps[j].Range.DataIndexMin = channel->Range.DataIndexMin; ValueCaps[j].Range.DataIndexMax = channel->Range.DataIndexMax; // } else
// {
// ValueCaps[j].NotRange.Usage = channel->NotRange.Usage;
// }
// if (channel->IsStringRange)
// {
ValueCaps[j].Range.StringMin = channel->Range.StringMin; ValueCaps[j].Range.StringMax = channel->Range.StringMax; // } else
// {
// ValueCaps[j].NotRange.StringIndex
// = channel->NotRange.StringIndex;
// }
// if (channel->IsDesignatorRange)
// {
ValueCaps[j].Range.DesignatorMin = channel->Range.DesignatorMin; ValueCaps[j].Range.DesignatorMax = channel->Range.DesignatorMax; // } else
// {
// ValueCaps[j].NotRange.DesignatorIndex
// = channel->NotRange.DesignatorIndex;
// }
ValueCaps[j].ReportCount = (channel->IsRange) ? 1 : channel->ReportCount;
} else { status = HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } j++; } } *ValueCapsLength = j; return status; }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetExtendedAttributes ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USHORT DataIndex, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, OUT PHIDP_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES Attributes, IN OUT PULONG LengthAttributes ) /*++
Routine Description:
Please See hidpi.h for description.
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset, channel = PreparsedData->Data; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++, channel++) {
if ((channel->Range.DataIndexMin <= DataIndex) && (DataIndex <= channel->Range.DataIndexMax)) {
RtlZeroMemory (Attributes, *LengthAttributes); RtlZeroMemory (&buffer, sizeof (buffer));
// Set the fixed parameters
buffer.NumGlobalUnknowns = (UCHAR) channel->NumGlobalUnknowns; // buffer.GlobalUnknowns = channel->GlobalUnknowns;
// Set the length
actualLen = FIELD_OFFSET (HIDP_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES, Data) + (buffer.NumGlobalUnknowns * sizeof(HIDP_UNKNOWN_TOKEN));
// Copy over the fixed paramters
copyLen = MIN (*LengthAttributes, sizeof (buffer)); RtlCopyMemory (Attributes, &buffer, copyLen);
// Copy over the data.
copyLen = MIN (*LengthAttributes, actualLen) - FIELD_OFFSET (HIDP_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES, Data);
if (copyLen && copyLen <= (MIN(*LengthAttributes, actualLen))) { RtlCopyMemory ((PVOID) Attributes->Data, (PVOID) channel->GlobalUnknowns, copyLen); }
if (*LengthAttributes < actualLen) { status = HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } else { status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
break; } }
return status; }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_InitializeReportForID ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN UCHAR ReportID, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
Please See hidpi.h for description.
--*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; ULONG channelIndex = 0; ULONG reportBitIndex = 0; ULONG nullMask = 0; LONG nullValue = 0; ULONG i;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
RtlZeroMemory (Report, ReportLength); // Set the report ID for this report
Report[0] = ReportID;
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset, channel = PreparsedData->Data; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++, channel++) { //
// Walk the list of channels looking for fields that need initialization
if (channel->ReportID != ReportID) { continue; } status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
if ((channel->IsButton) || (channel->IsConst) || (channel->IsAlias)) { //
// Buttons are initialized to zero
// Constants cannot be set
// Aliases are referenced by their first entries
continue; }
if (channel->Data.HasNull) {
if (32 == channel->ReportSize) { nullMask = -1; } else { nullMask = (1 << channel->ReportSize) - 1; } //
// Note logical values are always unsigned.
// (Not to be confused with physical values which are signed.)
if (channel->Data.LogicalMax < channel->Data.LogicalMin) { //
// This is really an error. I'm not sure what I should do here.
nullValue = 0;
} else { nullValue = (channel->Data.LogicalMin - 1) & nullMask; }
if ((channel->Data.LogicalMin <= nullValue) && (nullValue <= channel->Data.LogicalMax)) { //
// Now what?
nullValue = 0; }
} else { //
// I don't know what I should do in this case: the device has no
// reported nul state.
// For now let's just leave it zero
nullValue = 0; }
if (0 == nullValue) { //
// Nothing to do on this pass
continue; }
if (channel->IsRange) { for (i = 0, reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + (channel->BitOffset);
i < channel->ReportCount;
i++, reportBitIndex += channel->ReportSize) { //
// Set all the fields in the range
HidP_InsertData ((USHORT) (reportBitIndex >> 3), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report, nullValue); } } else {
HidP_InsertData (channel->ByteOffset, channel->BitOffset, channel->ReportSize, Report, nullValue); } } return status; }
USAGE HidP_Index2Usage ( PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC Channels, ULONG Index ) /*++
Routine Description: Given an array of channels convert an index (the likes of which you might find in an array field of a HID report) into a usage value. --*/ { USHORT len; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC startChannel = Channels; USAGE usageMin; USAGE usageMax;
if (!Index) { return 0; }
while (Channels->MoreChannels) { // The channels are listed in reverse order.
Channels++; }
while (Index) { if (Channels->IsRange) { usageMin = Channels->Range.UsageMin; usageMin = (usageMin ? usageMin : 1); // Index is 1 based (an index of zero is no usage at all)
// But a UsageMin of zero means that UsageMin is exclusive.
// That means that if the index is 1 and UsageMin is non-zero,
// than this function should return UsageMin
usageMax = Channels->Range.UsageMax; len = (usageMax + 1) - usageMin; // ^^^ Usage Max is inclusive.
if (Index <= len) { return ((USAGE) Index) + usageMin - 1; } else { Index -= len; } } else if (1 == Index) { return Channels->NotRange.Usage; } else { Index--; }
if (startChannel != Channels) { Channels--; continue; } return 0; } return 0; }
ULONG HidP_Usage2Index ( PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC Channels, USAGE Usage ) /*++
Routine Description: Given an usage convert it into an index suitable for placement into an array main item. --*/ { PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC startChannel; ULONG index = 0; USAGE UsageMin; USAGE UsageMax;
startChannel = Channels;
while (Channels->MoreChannels) { Channels++; }
for (; startChannel <= Channels; Channels--) { if (Channels->IsRange) { UsageMin = Channels->Range.UsageMin; UsageMin = (UsageMin ? UsageMin : 1); // Index is 1 based (an index of zero is no usage at all)
// But a UsageMin of zero means that UsageMin is exclusive.
// That means that if the index is 1 and UsageMin is non-zero,
// than this function should return UsageMin
UsageMax = Channels->Range.UsageMax; if ((UsageMin <= Usage) && (Usage <= UsageMax)) { return (index + 1 + Usage - UsageMin); } index += 1 + (UsageMax - UsageMin); } else { index++; if (Usage == Channels->NotRange.Usage) { return index; } } } return 0; }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_SetUsages ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, IN PUSAGE UsageList, IN OUT PULONG UsageLength, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Please See hidpi.h for description.
Notes: --*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG usageIndex = 0;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
for (usageIndex = 0; usageIndex < *UsageLength; usageIndex++) {
if (0 == UsageList [usageIndex]) { continue; }
status = HidP_SetUnsetOneUsage (iof, UsagePage, LinkCollection, UsageList [usageIndex], PreparsedData, Report, TRUE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { break; } } *UsageLength = usageIndex; return status; }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_UnsetUsages ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, IN PUSAGE UsageList, IN OUT PULONG UsageLength, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Please See hidpi.h for description.
Notes: --*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG usageIndex = 0;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
for (usageIndex = 0; usageIndex < *UsageLength; usageIndex++) {
if (0 == UsageList [usageIndex]) { continue; }
status = HidP_SetUnsetOneUsage (iof, UsagePage, LinkCollection, UsageList [usageIndex], PreparsedData, Report, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { break; } } *UsageLength = usageIndex; return status; }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_SetUnsetOneUsage ( struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * IOF, USAGE UsagePage, USHORT LinkCollection, USAGE Usage, PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, PCHAR Report, BOOLEAN Set ) /*++
Routine Description: Perform the work of SetUsage one usage at a time. Yes this is slow but it works.
Notes: This function assumes the report length has already been verified. --*/ { PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel = 0; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC priChannel = 0; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC firstChannel = 0; // the channel where the array starts
ULONG channelIndex = 0; ULONG reportByteIndex = 0; ULONG inspect = 0; USHORT reportBitIndex = 0; BOOLEAN wrongReportID = FALSE; BOOLEAN noArraySpace = FALSE; BOOLEAN notPressed = FALSE; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
for (channelIndex = IOF->Offset; channelIndex < IOF->Index; channelIndex++) { channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex); if (priChannel) { if (!priChannel->MoreChannels) { firstChannel = channel; } } else { firstChannel = channel; } priChannel = channel;
if ((!channel->IsButton) || (channel->UsagePage != UsagePage)) { continue; }
// If LinkCollection is zero we will not filter by link collections
// If channel->LinkCollection is zero this is the root collection.
// Therefore if LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection then this is OK
if ((!LinkCollection) || (LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection) || ((HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT == LinkCollection) && (0 == channel->LinkCollection))) { ;
} else { continue; }
if ( ((channel->IsRange) && (channel->Range.UsageMin <= Usage) && (Usage <= channel->Range.UsageMax)) || ((!channel->IsRange) && (channel->NotRange.Usage == Usage))) { //
// Test the report ID to see if it is compatible.
if ((0 != Report[0]) && (channel->ReportID != (UCHAR) Report[0])) { //
// Distinguish between the errors HIDP_USAGE_NOT_FOUND and
wrongReportID = TRUE; continue; }
Report[0] = (CHAR) channel->ReportID; //
// Set the report ID for this report
if (1 == channel->ReportSize) { reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset + (USHORT) (Usage - channel->Range.UsageMin);
if (Set) { Report [reportBitIndex >> 3] |= (1 << (reportBitIndex & 7)); } else if (Report [reportBitIndex >> 3] & (1 << (reportBitIndex & 7))) { Report [reportBitIndex >> 3] &= ~(1 << (reportBitIndex & 7)); } else { return HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED; }
return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (Set) { // usage array
for (reportBitIndex = channel->BitOffset; reportBitIndex < (channel->BitOffset + channel->BitLength); reportBitIndex += channel->ReportSize) {
inspect = HidP_ExtractData ( (USHORT) ((reportBitIndex >> 3) + channel->ByteOffset), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report);
if (inspect) { //
// Distinguish between errors HIDP_USAGE_NOT_FOUND and
noArraySpace = TRUE; continue; }
inspect = HidP_Usage2Index (firstChannel, Usage); if (!inspect) { //
// Gads! We should NEVER get here!
// We already know that the given usage falls into the
// current channel, so it should translate into an index.
HidP_InsertData ( (USHORT) ((reportBitIndex >> 3) + channel->ByteOffset), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report, inspect); return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } // If we got to this point then there was no room to add this
// usage into the given array. However there might be another
// array later into which the given usage might fit. Let's continue
// looking.
while (channel->MoreChannels) { // Skip by all the additional channels that describe this
// same data field.
channelIndex++; channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex); } priChannel = channel;
} else { // Set a Usage Array
inspect = HidP_Usage2Index (firstChannel, Usage);
reportBitIndex += channel->ByteOffset << 3; status = HidP_DeleteArrayEntry (reportBitIndex, channel->ReportSize, channel->ReportCount, inspect, Report);
if (HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED == status) { notPressed = TRUE; continue; }
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { return status; } else { ASSERT (0 == status); } } // end byte aray
} } if (wrongReportID) { return HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID; } if (notPressed) { return HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED; } if (noArraySpace) { return HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } return HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND; }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetUsagesEx ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
OUT PUSAGE_AND_PAGE ButtonList, IN OUT ULONG * UsageLength, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see hidpi.h for description.
--*/ { return HidP_GetUsages (ReportType, 0, LinkCollection, (PUSAGE) ButtonList, UsageLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetUsages ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, OUT USAGE * UsageList, IN OUT ULONG * UsageLength, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see hidpi.h for description.
Notes: --*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; USHORT channelIndex = 0; USHORT usageListIndex = 0; USHORT reportBitIndex = 0; USHORT tmpBitIndex; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG data = 0; USHORT inspect = 0; BOOLEAN wrongReportID = FALSE; BOOLEAN found = FALSE; PUSAGE_AND_PAGE usageAndPage = (PUSAGE_AND_PAGE) UsageList;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
memset (UsageList, '\0', *UsageLength * sizeof (USAGE));
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++){ channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex); if ((!channel->IsButton) || ((UsagePage) && (channel->UsagePage != UsagePage))) {
continue; }
// If LinkCollection is zero we will not filter by link collections
// If channel->LinkCollection is zero this is the root collection.
// Therefore if LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection then this is OK
if ((!LinkCollection) || (LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection) || ((HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT == LinkCollection) && (0 == channel->LinkCollection))) { ;
} else { continue; }
// Test the report ID to see if it is compatible.
if ((0 != Report[0]) && (channel->ReportID != (UCHAR) Report[0])) { // Distinguish between the errors HIDP_USAGE_NOT_FOUND and
wrongReportID = TRUE; continue; }
found = TRUE;
if (1 == channel->ReportSize) { // A bitfield
// Little endian (by bit)
// Byte 2 |Byte 1 |Byte 0
// 765432107654321076543210 (bits)
// Get low byte first. (need the higher bits)
// Offset is from bit zero.
for (reportBitIndex = channel->BitOffset; reportBitIndex < (channel->BitLength + channel->BitOffset); reportBitIndex++) { // Check it one bit at a time.
tmpBitIndex = reportBitIndex + (channel->ByteOffset << 3); inspect = Report [tmpBitIndex >> 3] & (1 << (tmpBitIndex & 7)); tmpBitIndex = reportBitIndex - channel->BitOffset; if (inspect) { if (channel->IsRange) { inspect = channel->Range.UsageMin + tmpBitIndex; } else { inspect = channel->NotRange.Usage; }
if (usageListIndex < *UsageLength) { if (0 == UsagePage) { usageAndPage[usageListIndex].UsagePage = channel->UsagePage; usageAndPage[usageListIndex].Usage = inspect; } else { UsageList[usageListIndex] = inspect; } } usageListIndex++; } } continue; }
for (reportBitIndex = channel->BitOffset; reportBitIndex < (channel->BitOffset + channel->BitLength); reportBitIndex += channel->ReportSize) { // an array of usages.
data = HidP_ExtractData ( (USHORT) ((reportBitIndex >> 3) + channel->ByteOffset), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report);
if (data) { inspect = HidP_Index2Usage (channel, data); if (!inspect) { // We found an invalid index. I'm not quite sure what
// we should do with it. But lets just ignore it since
// we cannot convert it into a real usage.
continue; } if (usageListIndex < *UsageLength) { if (0 == UsagePage) { usageAndPage[usageListIndex].UsagePage = channel->UsagePage; usageAndPage[usageListIndex].Usage = inspect; } else { UsageList[usageListIndex] = inspect; } } usageListIndex++; } }
while (channel->MoreChannels) { // Skip by all the additional channels that describe this
// same data field.
channelIndex++; channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex); }
} // end for channel
if (*UsageLength < usageListIndex) { status = HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
*UsageLength = usageListIndex; if (!found) { if (wrongReportID) { status = HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID; } else { status = HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND; } }
return status; }
ULONG __stdcall HidP_MaxUsageListLength ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see hidpi.h for description.
Notes: --*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; USHORT channelIndex = 0; ULONG len = 0;
if ((HIDP_PREPARSED_DATA_SIGNATURE1 != PreparsedData->Signature1) && (HIDP_PREPARSED_DATA_SIGNATURE2 != PreparsedData->Signature2)) { return 0; }
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return 0; }
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++){ channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex); if (channel->IsButton && ((!UsagePage) || (channel->UsagePage == UsagePage))) {
// How many buttons can show up in this device?
// If this is a bitmap then the max number of buttons is the length
// aka the count, if this is an array then the max number of buttons
// is the number of array positions aka the count.
len += channel->ReportCount; } } return len; }
ULONG __stdcall HidP_MaxDataListLength ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see hidpi.h for description.
Notes: --*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; USHORT channelIndex = 0; ULONG len = 0;
if ((HIDP_PREPARSED_DATA_SIGNATURE1 != PreparsedData->Signature1) && (HIDP_PREPARSED_DATA_SIGNATURE2 != PreparsedData->Signature2)) { return 0; }
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return 0; }
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++){ channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex);
if (channel->IsButton) { // How many buttons can show up in this device?
// If this is a bitmap then the max number of buttons is the length
// aka the count, if this is an array then the max number of buttons
// is the number of array positions aka the count.
len += channel->ReportCount; } else if (channel->IsRange) { len += channel->ReportCount; } else { len += 1; } } return len; }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_SetUsageValue ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
IN USAGE Usage, IN ULONG UsageValue, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see hidpi.h for description
--*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; ULONG channelIndex = 0; ULONG reportBitIndex = 0; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOLEAN wrongReportID = FALSE;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++) { channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex);
if ((channel->IsButton) || (channel->UsagePage != UsagePage)) { continue; }
// If LinkCollection is zero we will not filter by link collections
// If channel->LinkCollection is zero this is the root collection.
// Therefore if LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection then this is OK
if ((!LinkCollection) || (LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection) || ((HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT == LinkCollection) && (0 == channel->LinkCollection))) { ;
} else { continue; }
if (channel->IsRange) { if ((channel->Range.UsageMin <= Usage) && (Usage <= channel->Range.UsageMax)) {
reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset + ( (Usage - channel->Range.UsageMin) * channel->ReportSize); } else { continue; } } else { if (channel->NotRange.Usage == Usage) { reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset; } else { continue; } } // Test the report ID to see if it is compatible.
if ((0 != Report[0]) && (channel->ReportID != (UCHAR) Report[0])) { // Distinguish between the errors HIDP_USAGE_NOT_FOUND and
wrongReportID = TRUE; continue; } Report[0] = (CHAR) channel->ReportID; // Set the report ID for this report
HidP_InsertData ((USHORT) (reportBitIndex >> 3), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report, UsageValue);
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_SetUsageValueArray ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
IN USAGE Usage, OUT PCHAR UsageValue, IN USHORT UsageValueByteLength, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see hidpi.h for description
--*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; ULONG channelIndex = 0; ULONG reportBitIndex; ULONG i,j; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOLEAN wrongReportID = FALSE;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++){ channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex);
if ((channel->IsButton) || (channel->UsagePage != UsagePage)) { continue; }
// If LinkCollection is zero we will not filter by link collections
// If channel->LinkCollection is zero this is the root collection.
// Therefore if LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection then this is OK
if ((!LinkCollection) || (LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection) || ((HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT == LinkCollection) && (0 == channel->LinkCollection))) { ;
} else { continue; }
if (channel->IsRange) { if ((channel->Range.UsageMin <= Usage) && (Usage <= channel->Range.UsageMax)) { return HIDP_STATUS_NOT_VALUE_ARRAY; } else { continue; } } else { if (channel->NotRange.Usage == Usage) { if (1 == channel->ReportCount) { return HIDP_STATUS_NOT_VALUE_ARRAY; } reportBitIndex =(channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset; } else { continue; } }
// Test the report ID to see if it is compatible.
if ((0 != Report[0]) && (channel->ReportID != (UCHAR) Report[0])) { // Distinguish between the errors HIDP_USAGE_NOT_FOUND and
wrongReportID = TRUE; continue; } Report[0] = (CHAR) channel->ReportID; // Set the report ID for this report
if ((UsageValueByteLength * 8) < (channel->ReportCount * channel->ReportSize)) { return HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
if (0 == (channel->ReportSize % 8)) { //
// set the data the easy way: one byte at a time.
for (i = 0; i < channel->ReportCount; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (UCHAR) (channel->ReportSize / 8); j++) { HidP_InsertData ((USHORT) (reportBitIndex >> 3), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), 8, Report, *UsageValue); reportBitIndex += 8; UsageValue++; } } } else { //
// Do it the hard way: one bit at a time.
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_SetScaledUsageValue ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
IN USAGE Usage, IN LONG UsageValue, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see hidpi.h for description
--*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; ULONG channelIndex = 0; ULONG reportBitIndex = 0; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND; LONG logicalMin, logicalMax; LONG physicalMin, physicalMax; LONG value; BOOLEAN wrongReportID = FALSE;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++) { channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex);
if ((channel->IsButton) || (channel->UsagePage != UsagePage)) { continue; }
// If LinkCollection is zero we will not filter by link collections
// If channel->LinkCollection is zero this is the root collection.
// Therefore if LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection then this is OK
if ((!LinkCollection) || (LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection) || ((HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT == LinkCollection) && (0 == channel->LinkCollection))) { ;
} else { continue; }
if (channel->IsRange) { if ((channel->Range.UsageMin <= Usage) && (Usage <= channel->Range.UsageMax)) {
reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset + ( (Usage - channel->Range.UsageMin) * channel->ReportSize); } else { continue; } } else { if (channel->NotRange.Usage == Usage) { reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset; } else { continue; } } // Test the report ID to see if it is compatible.
if ((0 != Report[0]) && (channel->ReportID != (UCHAR) Report[0])) { // Distinguish between the errors HIDP_USAGE_NOT_FOUND and
wrongReportID = TRUE; continue; } Report[0] = (CHAR) channel->ReportID; // Set the report ID for this report
logicalMin = channel->Data.LogicalMin; logicalMax = channel->Data.LogicalMax; physicalMin = channel->Data.PhysicalMin; physicalMax = channel->Data.PhysicalMax;
// The code path here is ALWAYS the same, we should test it once
// and then use some sort of switch statement to do the calculation.
if ((0 == physicalMin) && (0 == physicalMax) && (logicalMin != logicalMax)) { //
// The device did not set the physical min and max values
if ((logicalMin <= UsageValue) && (UsageValue <= logicalMax)) { value = UsageValue;
// fix the sign bit
// I should store away the sign bit somewhere so I don't
// have to calculate it all the time.
if (value & 0x80000000) { value |= (1 << (channel->ReportSize - 1)); } else { value &= ((1 << (channel->ReportSize - 1)) - 1); } } else { if (channel->Data.HasNull) { value = (1 << (channel->ReportSize - 1));// Most negitive value
status = HIDP_STATUS_NULL; } else { return HIDP_STATUS_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE; } }
} else { //
// The device has physical descriptors.
if ((logicalMax <= logicalMin) || (physicalMax <= physicalMin)) { return HIDP_STATUS_BAD_LOG_PHY_VALUES; }
if ((physicalMin <= UsageValue) && (UsageValue <= physicalMax)) { value = logicalMin + ((UsageValue - physicalMin) * (logicalMax - logicalMin + 1) / (physicalMax - physicalMin + 1)); } else { if (channel->Data.HasNull) { value = (1 << (channel->ReportSize - 1));// Most negitive value
status = HIDP_STATUS_NULL; } else { return HIDP_STATUS_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE; } } } HidP_InsertData ((USHORT) (reportBitIndex >> 3), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report, (ULONG) value);
return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (wrongReportID) { return HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID; } return status; }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetUsageValue ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
IN USAGE Usage, OUT PULONG UsageValue, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see hidpi.h for description
--*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; ULONG channelIndex = 0; ULONG reportBitIndex = 0; ULONG reportByteIndex = 0; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG inspect = 0; BOOLEAN wrongReportID = FALSE;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++) { channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex);
if ((channel->IsButton) || (channel->UsagePage != UsagePage)) { continue; }
// If LinkCollection is zero we will not filter by link collections
// If channel->LinkCollection is zero this is the root collection.
// Therefore if LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection then this is OK
if ((!LinkCollection) || (LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection) || ((HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT == LinkCollection) && (0 == channel->LinkCollection))) { ;
} else { continue; }
if (channel->IsRange) {
if ((channel->Range.UsageMin <= Usage) && (Usage <= channel->Range.UsageMax)) { reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset + ( (Usage - channel->Range.UsageMin) * channel->ReportSize); } else { continue; } } else { if (channel->NotRange.Usage == Usage) { reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset; } else { continue; } }
// Test the report ID to see if it is compatible.
if ((0 != Report[0]) && (channel->ReportID != (UCHAR) Report[0])) { // Distinguish between the errors HIDP_USAGE_NOT_FOUND and
wrongReportID = TRUE; continue; }
inspect = HidP_ExtractData ((USHORT) (reportBitIndex >> 3), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report);
*UsageValue = inspect; return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (wrongReportID) { return HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID; } return HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND; }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetUsageValueArray ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
IN USAGE Usage, OUT PCHAR UsageValue, IN USHORT UsageValueByteLength, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see hidpi.h for description
--*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; ULONG channelIndex = 0; ULONG reportBitIndex; ULONG i,j; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG inspect = 0; BOOLEAN wrongReportID = FALSE;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++){ channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex);
if ((channel->IsButton) || (channel->UsagePage != UsagePage)) { continue; }
// If LinkCollection is zero we will not filter by link collections
// If channel->LinkCollection is zero this is the root collection.
// Therefore if LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection then this is OK
if ((!LinkCollection) || (LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection) || ((HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT == LinkCollection) && (0 == channel->LinkCollection))) { ;
} else { continue; }
if (channel->IsRange) { if ((channel->Range.UsageMin <= Usage) && (Usage <= channel->Range.UsageMax)) {
return HIDP_STATUS_NOT_VALUE_ARRAY; } else { continue; } } else { if (channel->NotRange.Usage == Usage) { if (1 == channel->ReportCount) { return HIDP_STATUS_NOT_VALUE_ARRAY; } reportBitIndex =(channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset; } else { continue; } }
// Test the report ID to see if it is compatible.
if ((0 != Report[0]) && (channel->ReportID != (UCHAR) Report[0])) { // Distinguish between the errors HIDP_USAGE_NOT_FOUND and
wrongReportID = TRUE; continue; }
if ((UsageValueByteLength * 8) < (channel->ReportCount * channel->ReportSize)) { return HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
if (0 == (channel->ReportSize % 8)) { //
// Retrieve the data the easy way
for (i = 0; i < channel->ReportCount; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (USHORT) (channel->ReportSize / 8); j++) { *UsageValue = (CHAR) HidP_ExtractData ( (USHORT) (reportBitIndex >> 3), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), 8, Report); reportBitIndex += 8; UsageValue++; } } } else { //
// Do it the hard way
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetScaledUsageValue ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
IN USAGE Usage, OUT PLONG UsageValue, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see hidpi.h for description
--*/ { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; ULONG channelIndex = 0; ULONG reportBitIndex = 0; ULONG reportByteIndex = 0; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG inspect = 0; LONG logicalMin, logicalMax; LONG physicalMin, physicalMax; LONG value; BOOLEAN wrongReportID = FALSE;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++) { channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex);
if ((channel->IsButton) || (channel->UsagePage != UsagePage)) { continue; }
// If LinkCollection is zero we will not filter by link collections
// If channel->LinkCollection is zero this is the root collection.
// Therefore if LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection then this is OK
if ((!LinkCollection) || (LinkCollection == channel->LinkCollection) || ((HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT == LinkCollection) && (0 == channel->LinkCollection))) { ;
} else { continue; }
if (channel->IsRange) { if ((channel->Range.UsageMin <= Usage) && (Usage <= channel->Range.UsageMax)) { reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset + ( (Usage - channel->Range.UsageMin) * channel->ReportSize); } else { continue; } } else { if (channel->NotRange.Usage == Usage) { reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset; } else { continue; } }
// Test the report ID to see if it is compatible.
if ((0 != Report[0]) && (channel->ReportID != (UCHAR) Report[0])) { // Distinguish between the errors HIDP_USAGE_NOT_FOUND and
wrongReportID = TRUE; continue; }
logicalMin = channel->Data.LogicalMin; logicalMax = channel->Data.LogicalMax; physicalMin = channel->Data.PhysicalMin; physicalMax = channel->Data.PhysicalMax;
inspect = HidP_ExtractData ((USHORT) (reportBitIndex >> 3), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report);
// Sign extend the value;
// Find the top most bit of the field.
// (logical and with 1 shifted by bit length minus one)
// based on that, set the upper most bits.
value = (LONG) (inspect | ((inspect & (1 << (channel->ReportSize - 1))) ? ((~(1 << (channel->ReportSize - 1))) + 1) : 0));
// the code path here is ALWAYS the same, we should test it once
// and then use some sort of switch statement to do the calculation.
if ((0 == physicalMin) && (0 == physicalMax) && (logicalMin != logicalMax)) { //
// The Device did not set the physical Min and Max Values
*UsageValue = value;
} else if ((logicalMax <= logicalMin) || (physicalMax <= physicalMin)) { *UsageValue = 0; return HIDP_STATUS_BAD_LOG_PHY_VALUES;
} else { // the Min and Max are both inclusive.
// The value is in range
// *UsageValue = physicalMin + (((value - logicalMin) *
// (physicalMax - physicalMin)) /
// (logicalMax - logicalMin));
// not enough accuracy.
*UsageValue = physicalMin + (LONG)(((LONGLONG)(value - logicalMin) * (LONGLONG)(physicalMax - physicalMin)) / (LONGLONG)(logicalMax - logicalMin)); }
if ((logicalMin <= value) && (value <= logicalMax)) { return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
} else { // The value is not in range
*UsageValue = 0;
if (channel->Data.HasNull) { return HIDP_STATUS_NULL; } else { return HIDP_STATUS_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE; } }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_SetOneData ( struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * Iof, IN PHIDP_DATA Data, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN OUT PCHAR Report ) /*++
Routine Description: Please see hidpi.h for description
--*/ { PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; ULONG inspect; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; USHORT channelIndex = 0; USHORT dataListIndex = 0; USHORT reportBitIndex; BOOLEAN wrongReportID = FALSE; BOOLEAN noArraySpace = FALSE; BOOLEAN notPressed = FALSE;
for (channelIndex = Iof->Offset; channelIndex < Iof->Index; channelIndex++){ channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex);
if ((channel->Range.DataIndexMin <= Data->DataIndex) && (Data->DataIndex <= channel->Range.DataIndexMax)) {
if ((!channel->IsRange) && (1 != channel->ReportCount)) { //
// This value array. We cannot access this here.
// Test the report ID to see if it is compatible.
if (0 != Report[0]) { if (channel->ReportID != (UCHAR) Report[0]) { wrongReportID = TRUE; continue; } } else { Report[0] = (CHAR) channel->ReportID; }
if (channel->IsButton) {
if (1 == channel->ReportSize) { // A bitfield
// Little endian (by bit)
// Byte 2 |Byte 1 |Byte 0
// 765432107654321076543210 (bits)
// Get low byte first. (need the higher bits)
// Offset is from bit zero.
reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset + (USHORT) (Data->DataIndex - channel->Range.DataIndexMin);
if (Data->On) { Report [reportBitIndex >> 3] |= (1 << (reportBitIndex & 7)); } else if (Report [reportBitIndex >> 3] & (1 << (reportBitIndex & 7))) {
Report [reportBitIndex >> 3] &= ~(1 << (reportBitIndex & 7)); } else { return HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED; }
// Not a bit field
// an array of usages then.
// Are we clearing a usage from this array?
if (FALSE == Data->On) { //
// NB Wizard Time (tm)
// We know that data indices are assigned consecutively
// for every control, and that the array channels
// are reversed in the channel array.
// inspect is the index (1 based not zero based) into the
// channel array.
// Skip to the last channel that describes this same data
// fild;
while (channel->MoreChannels) { channelIndex++; channel++; } inspect = Data->DataIndex - channel->Range.DataIndexMin + 1;
if (0 == channel->Range.UsageMin) { inspect--; }
// Clear the value of inspect which is the usage translated
// to the index in the array.
reportBitIndex = channel->BitOffset + (channel->ByteOffset << 3);
status = HidP_DeleteArrayEntry (reportBitIndex, channel->ReportSize, channel->ReportCount, inspect, Report);
if (HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED == status) { notPressed = TRUE; continue; }
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { return status; } else { ASSERT (0 == status); } }
// We are clearly setting a usage into an array.
for (reportBitIndex = channel->BitOffset; reportBitIndex < (channel->BitOffset + channel->BitLength); reportBitIndex += channel->ReportSize) { // Search for an empty entry in this array
inspect = (USHORT) HidP_ExtractData ( (USHORT) ((reportBitIndex >> 3) + channel->ByteOffset), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report);
if (inspect) { //
// Distinguish between errors HIDP_INDEX_NOT_FOUND and
noArraySpace = TRUE; continue; }
// NB Wizard Time (tm)
// We know that data indices are assigned consecutively
// for every control, and that the array channels
// are reversed in the channel array.
// inspect is the index (1 based not zero based) into the
// channel array.
// Skip to the last channel that describes this same data
// fild;
while (channel->MoreChannels) { channelIndex++; channel++; } inspect = Data->DataIndex - channel->Range.DataIndexMin + 1;
if (0 == channel->Range.UsageMin) { inspect--; }
HidP_InsertData ( (USHORT) ((reportBitIndex >> 3) + channel->ByteOffset), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report, inspect); return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } // end of search for entry
continue; }
// Not a button therefore a value.
reportBitIndex = (channel->ByteOffset << 3) + channel->BitOffset + ( (Data->DataIndex - channel->Range.DataIndexMin) * channel->ReportSize);
HidP_InsertData ((USHORT) (reportBitIndex >> 3), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report, Data->RawValue);
} // end matched data index
} // end for loop
if (wrongReportID) { return HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID; } if (notPressed) { return HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED; } if (noArraySpace) { return HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } return HIDP_STATUS_DATA_INDEX_NOT_FOUND; }
NTSTATUS HidP_SetData ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN PHIDP_DATA DataList, IN OUT PULONG DataLength, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) { ULONG dataIndex; NTSTATUS status; struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < *DataLength; dataIndex++, DataList++) { status = HidP_SetOneData (iof, DataList, PreparsedData, Report);
if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { break; } } *DataLength = dataIndex; return status; }
NTSTATUS __stdcall HidP_GetData ( IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, OUT PHIDP_DATA DataList, IN OUT PULONG DataLength, IN PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength ) { struct _CHANNEL_REPORT_HEADER * iof; PHIDP_CHANNEL_DESC channel; ULONG inspect; USHORT channelIndex = 0; USHORT dataListIndex = 0; USHORT reportBitIndex; USHORT tmpBitIndex; USHORT tmpDataIndex; NTSTATUS status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
CHECK_PPD (PreparsedData);
switch (ReportType) { case HidP_Input: iof = &PreparsedData->Input; break; case HidP_Output: iof = &PreparsedData->Output; break; case HidP_Feature: iof = &PreparsedData->Feature; break; default: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; }
if ((USHORT) ReportLength != iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; }
if (0 == iof->ByteLen) { return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
for (channelIndex = iof->Offset; channelIndex < iof->Index; channelIndex++) { channel = (PreparsedData->Data + channelIndex);
if ((!channel->IsRange) && (1 != channel->ReportCount)) { //
// This value array. We cannot access this here.
continue; }
// Test the report ID to see if it is compatible.
if ((0 != Report[0]) && (channel->ReportID != (UCHAR) Report[0])) { continue; }
if (channel->IsButton) { if (1 == channel->ReportSize) { // A bitfield
// Little endian (by bit)
// Byte 2 |Byte 1 |Byte 0
// 765432107654321076543210 (bits)
// Get low byte first. (need the higher bits)
// Offset is from bit zero.
for (reportBitIndex = channel->BitOffset; reportBitIndex < (channel->BitLength + channel->BitOffset); reportBitIndex++) { // Check it one bit at a time.
tmpBitIndex = reportBitIndex + (channel->ByteOffset << 3); inspect = Report [tmpBitIndex >> 3] & (1 << (tmpBitIndex & 7)); tmpBitIndex = reportBitIndex - channel->BitOffset; if (inspect) { if (channel->IsRange) { inspect = channel->Range.DataIndexMin + tmpBitIndex; } else { inspect = channel->NotRange.DataIndex; }
if (dataListIndex < *DataLength) { DataList[dataListIndex].On = TRUE; DataList[dataListIndex].DataIndex = (USHORT)inspect; } dataListIndex++; } } continue; }
// Not a bit field
// an array of usages.
for (reportBitIndex = channel->BitOffset; reportBitIndex < (channel->BitOffset + channel->BitLength); reportBitIndex += channel->ReportSize) {
inspect = (USHORT) HidP_ExtractData ( (USHORT) ((reportBitIndex >> 3) + channel->ByteOffset), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report);
if (inspect) { //
// NB Wizard Time (tm)
// We know that data indices are assigned consecutively
// for every control, and that the array channels
// are reversed in the channel array.
// inspect is the index (1 based not zero based) into the
// channel array.
if (0 == inspect) { continue; }
// Skip to the last channel that describes this same data
// fild;
while (channel->MoreChannels) { channelIndex++; channel++; } inspect += channel->Range.DataIndexMin - 1; if (0 == channel->Range.UsageMin) { inspect++; }
if (dataListIndex < *DataLength) { DataList [dataListIndex].On = TRUE; DataList [dataListIndex].DataIndex = (USHORT) inspect; } dataListIndex++; } } continue; } //
// Not a button so therefore a value.
for (reportBitIndex = channel->BitOffset, tmpDataIndex = 0; reportBitIndex < (channel->BitOffset + channel->BitLength); reportBitIndex += channel->ReportSize, tmpDataIndex++) {
inspect = HidP_ExtractData ( (USHORT) ((reportBitIndex >> 3) + channel->ByteOffset), (USHORT) (reportBitIndex & 7), channel->ReportSize, Report);
if (dataListIndex < *DataLength) {
ASSERT(tmpDataIndex + channel->Range.DataIndexMin <= channel->Range.DataIndexMax); DataList [dataListIndex].RawValue = inspect; DataList [dataListIndex].DataIndex = channel->Range.DataIndexMin + tmpDataIndex; } dataListIndex++; } }
if (*DataLength < dataListIndex) { status = HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
*DataLength = dataListIndex;
return status; }