Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@echo off setlocal
if CMDEXTVERSION 1 goto cmdok echo. echo This script requires CMD version 4.0 or better with echo CMD extensions version 1 enabled. goto end
:cmdok echo ******************************* echo * Active Directory Build Install Script * echo ******************************* echo. echo This script sets up a setup directory for echo the build for the local platform and echo installs the build on the local machine.
rem Check that necessary vars are around
if defined _NTDRIVE goto ntroot set _NTDRIVE=d: set WARNING=1 echo. echo WARNING: _NTDRIVE is not set, using %_NTDRIVE%
:ntroot if defined _NTROOT goto ntdone set _NTROOT=\nt if not defined WARNING echo. echo WARNING: _NTROOT is not set, using %_NTROOT%
:ntdone set ADS_DIR=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\private\oleds set SETUP_ROOT=%ADS_DIR%\setup
rem Identify Platform directory based on PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE rem default is win95
set ISWIN95= if not "%1" == "" goto paramgiven goto noparamgiven :paramgiven set ISFORCED=1 if /i "%1" == "win95" goto setwin95 if /i "%1" == "i386" goto x86 if /i "%1" == "mips" goto mips if /i "%1" == "alpha" goto alpha if /i "%1" == "ppc" goto ppc :noparamgiven set ISFORCED= if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" goto x86 if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "MIPS" goto mips if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "ALPHA" goto alpha if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "PPC" goto ppc :setwin95 set PLATFORM=win95 set ISWIN95=1 goto next
:x86 set PLATFORM=i386 goto next :mips set PLATFORM=mips goto next :alpha set PLATFORM=alpha goto next :ppc set PLATFORM=ppc goto next
:next echo. echo Setup Root is: %SETUP_ROOT% echo PLATFORM is: %PLATFORM% echo. echo If this is incorrect, press echo CTRL-C/CTRL-Break to abort. echo Otherwise, just pause
rem rem make platform-specific setup dir if it does not already exist rem
echo. echo *** Copy all the dlls ***
if defined ISWIN95 goto copywin95
call :copylib activeds.dll call :copylib adsnt.dll call :copylib adsnw.dll call :copylib adsnds.dll call :copylib nwapi32.dll call :copylib adsldp.dll call :copylib adsldpc.dll call :copylib wldap32.dll
goto copytlbs
:copywin95 call :copyads router\win95\obj\i386\activeds.dll call :copyads winnt\win95\obj\i386\adsnt.dll
:copytlbs echo. echo *** Now copy all the tlbs ***
call :copyads types\activeds.tlb
:runinf echo. echo *** Now copy install script ***
call :copysetup activeds.inf call :copysetup adsprb.txt echo @echo Active Directory Version: ??? > %SETUP_ROOT%\%PLATFORM%\adsver.bat
if defined ISWIN95 goto runinf2 call :copysetup setup.cmd
:runinf2 rem rem call ole db install routine rem
call adoinst.cmd
if defined ISFORCED goto end echo. echo *** About to initiate INF script *** if "%ERRORCOUNT%" == "0" goto runinf3 echo There was/were %ERRORCOUNT% ERROR(S). echo If you wish to abort due to errors, echo Press CTRL-C/CTRL-Break. echo Otherwise, just :runinf3 pause
if defined ISWIN95 goto win95 rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %SETUP_ROOT%\%PLATFORM%\activeds.inf, DefaultInstall goto end
:win95 RunDll setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection Uninstall 132 %SETUP_ROOT%\%PLATFORM%\activeds.inf goto end
REM REM Subroutines: REM
:copylib set SOURCE=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\public\sdk\lib\%PLATFORM%\%1 set DEST=%SETUP_ROOT%\%PLATFORM%\. goto copygeneric
:copyads set SOURCE=%ADS_DIR%\%1 set DEST=%SETUP_ROOT%\%PLATFORM%\. goto copygeneric
:copysetup set SOURCE=%SETUP_ROOT%\%1 set DEST=%SETUP_ROOT%\%PLATFORM%\. goto copygeneric
:copygeneric copy %SOURCE% %DEST% > NUL if errorlevel 1 goto copyerror echo Copied %SOURCE% echo to %DEST% goto :EOF
:copyerror echo ERROR: Cannot copy %SOURCE% echo to %DEST% set /A ERRORCOUNT=%ERRORCOUNT%+1 goto :EOF
:end endlocal