// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995
// File: cenumdom.cxx
// Contents: LDAP Object Enumeration Code
// CLDAPGenObjectEnum::CLDAPGenObjectEnum()
// CLDAPGenObjectEnum::CLDAPGenObjectEnum
// History:
#include "ldap.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
HRESULT BuildLDAPFilterArray( VARIANT vFilter, LPTSTR *ppszFilter );
// Function: CLDAPEnumVariant::Create
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pCollection]
// [ppEnumVariant]
// Returns: HRESULT
// Modifies:
// History: 01-30-95 krishnag Created.
HRESULT CLDAPGenObjectEnum::Create( CLDAPGenObjectEnum FAR* FAR* ppenumvariant, BSTR ADsPath, PADSLDP pLdapHandle, IADs *pADs, VARIANT vFilter, CCredentials& Credentials, DWORD dwOptReferral, DWORD dwPageSize ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CLDAPGenObjectEnum FAR* penumvariant = NULL; TCHAR *pszLDAPServer = NULL; DWORD dwModificationTime = 0L; DWORD dwNumberOfEntries = 0L; LPTSTR aStrings[2]; DWORD dwPort = 0; WCHAR **aValues = NULL; int nCount = 0; DWORD totalCount = 0; DWORD dwcEntriesReturned = 0;
PLDAPControl pPagedControl = NULL; LDAPControl referralControl = { LDAP_CONTROL_REFERRALS_W, { sizeof( DWORD ), (PCHAR) &dwOptReferral }, TRUE };
PLDAPControl clientControls[2] = { &referralControl, NULL };
PLDAPControl serverControls[2] = {NULL, NULL}; PLDAPControl *serverReturnedControls = NULL;
penumvariant = new CLDAPGenObjectEnum(); if (!penumvariant) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); }
hr = ADsAllocString( ADsPath, &penumvariant->_ADsPath); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
penumvariant->_dwOptReferral = dwOptReferral; penumvariant->_dwPageSize = dwPageSize;
hr = BuildLDAPFilterArray( vFilter, &penumvariant->_pszFilter );
if ( FAILED(hr) || !penumvariant->_pszFilter ) // this might happen when vFilter is empty
{ hr = S_OK; penumvariant->_pszFilter = AllocADsStr(TEXT("(objectClass=*)"));
if ( penumvariant->_pszFilter == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } }
penumvariant->_Credentials = Credentials;
hr = BuildLDAPPathFromADsPath2( ADsPath, &pszLDAPServer, &penumvariant->_pszLDAPDn, &dwPort ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
penumvariant->_pLdapHandle = pLdapHandle;
// Need to AddRef since we are storing the ld that is owned by the object
pADs->AddRef(); penumvariant->_pADs = pADs;
aStrings[0] = TEXT("objectClass"); aStrings[1] = NULL;
// Check if paged search control is supported; if so, we will use it.
hr = ReadPagingSupportedAttr( pszLDAPServer, &penumvariant->_fPagedSearch, Credentials, dwPort ) ;
if (penumvariant->_fPagedSearch) {
// In this case we wont to use the ldap paging API
// wrapper rather than use cookies directly.
hr = LdapSearchInitPage( penumvariant->_pLdapHandle, penumvariant->_pszLDAPDn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, penumvariant->_pszFilter, aStrings, 0, NULL, clientControls, 0, 0, NULL, &penumvariant->_phPagedSearch );
if (FAILED(hr) || (penumvariant->_phPagedSearch == NULL)) { //
// Some error in setting up the paged control, default to non
// paged search.
penumvariant->_fPagedSearch = FALSE; } }
if (!penumvariant->_fPagedSearch) {
hr = LdapSearchExtS( penumvariant->_pLdapHandle, penumvariant->_pszLDAPDn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, penumvariant->_pszFilter, aStrings, 0, NULL, clientControls, NULL, 0, &penumvariant->_res );
// Error out only if there are no entries returned.
dwcEntriesReturned = LdapCountEntries( penumvariant->_pLdapHandle, penumvariant->_res );
if (FAILED(hr) && !dwcEntriesReturned) {
} // if not do the paged search case
else {
if (penumvariant->_fPagedSearch) {
// Get the first page full of results.
hr = LdapGetNextPageS( penumvariant->_pLdapHandle, penumvariant->_phPagedSearch, NULL, penumvariant->_dwPageSize, &totalCount, &penumvariant->_res );
penumvariant->_fLastPage = TRUE; goto error;
} else if ((hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DS_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED)) && totalCount != 0) {
penumvariant->_fLastPage = TRUE; hr = S_OK;
BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } } // the paged search case
if ( pszLDAPServer ) FreeADsStr( pszLDAPServer);
if (pPagedControl) { LdapControlFree(pPagedControl); }
if (serverReturnedControls) { LdapControlsFree(serverReturnedControls); }
if (FAILED(hr) && !dwcEntriesReturned) {
if (penumvariant) delete penumvariant;
*ppenumvariant = NULL;
} else {
// entries successfully retrieved from server, return them
// to client even if error and let client decide
*ppenumvariant = penumvariant; }
CLDAPGenObjectEnum::CLDAPGenObjectEnum(): _ADsPath(NULL), _fAllEntriesReturned(FALSE), _fPagedSearch(FALSE), _fLastPage(FALSE), _dwOptReferral(LDAP_CHASE_EXTERNAL_REFERRALS), _pszFilter(NULL), _pszLDAPDn(NULL), _phPagedSearch(NULL)
{ _pObjList = NULL;
_pLdapHandle = NULL; _pADs = NULL;
_res = NULL; _entry = NULL; }
CLDAPGenObjectEnum::~CLDAPGenObjectEnum() { if ( _res ) LdapMsgFree( _res );
if (_pszFilter) { FreeADsMem(_pszFilter); }
if (_pszLDAPDn) { FreeADsMem(_pszLDAPDn); }
if (_fPagedSearch) { LdapSearchAbandonPage(_pLdapHandle, _phPagedSearch);
if ( _pADs ) _pADs->Release();
if ( _ADsPath ) ADsFreeString( _ADsPath );
if ( _pObjList ) delete _pObjList;
_pLdapHandle = NULL; _phPagedSearch = NULL;
HRESULT CLDAPGenObjectEnum::EnumGenericObjects( ULONG cElements, VARIANT FAR* pvar, ULONG FAR* pcElementFetched ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IDispatch *pDispatch = NULL; DWORD i = 0; BOOL fRepeat = FALSE; DWORD dwFailureCount = 0; DWORD dwPermitFailure = 1000;
while (i < cElements) {
hr = GetGenObject(&pDispatch); if (hr == S_FALSE) { break; } else if (FAILED(hr)) { //
// Got an error while retrieving the object, ignore the
// error and continue with the next object.
// If continuously getting error more than dwPermitFailure,
// make the return value S_FALSE, leave the loop.
if (fRepeat) { dwFailureCount++; if(dwFailureCount > dwPermitFailure) { hr = S_FALSE; break; } } else { fRepeat = TRUE; dwFailureCount = 1; } hr = S_OK; continue; }
if (fRepeat) { fRepeat = FALSE; }
VariantInit(&pvar[i]); pvar[i].vt = VT_DISPATCH; pvar[i].pdispVal = pDispatch; (*pcElementFetched)++; i++; }
return(hr); }
HRESULT CLDAPGenObjectEnum::GetGenObject( IDispatch ** ppDispatch ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPTSTR pszObjectName = NULL; TCHAR **aValues = NULL; int nCount = 0; DWORD totalCount = 0; TCHAR szADsClassName[64]; LPWSTR aStrings[2] = {TEXT("objectClass"), NULL};
BOOL fGCNameSpace = FALSE;
PLDAPControl pPagedControl = NULL; PLDAPControl serverControls[2] = {NULL, NULL}; PLDAPControl *serverReturnedControls = NULL;
LDAPControl referralControl = { LDAP_CONTROL_REFERRALS_W, { sizeof( DWORD ), (PCHAR) &_dwOptReferral }, TRUE };
PLDAPControl clientControls[2] = { &referralControl, NULL };
OBJECTINFO ObjectInfoLocal;
memset(&ObjectInfoLocal, 0, sizeof(OBJECTINFO));
*ppDispatch = NULL;
if ( _fAllEntriesReturned ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto error; }
if ( _entry == NULL ) hr = LdapFirstEntry( _pLdapHandle, _res, &_entry ); else hr = LdapNextEntry( _pLdapHandle, _entry, &_entry );
if (FAILED(hr) ) {
_fAllEntriesReturned = TRUE;
BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } else if ( _entry == NULL ) {
if (!_fPagedSearch || _fLastPage) { // reached the end of enumeration
hr = S_FALSE; _fAllEntriesReturned = TRUE; goto error; } else { // more pages are remaining
// release this page
if (_res) { LdapMsgFree( _res ); _res = NULL; }
// Get the next page of results
// Get the first page full of results.
hr = LdapGetNextPageS( _pLdapHandle, _phPagedSearch, NULL, _dwPageSize, &totalCount, &_res );
_fLastPage = TRUE; hr = S_FALSE; goto error;
hr = LdapFirstEntry(_pLdapHandle, _res, &_entry );
if (FAILED(hr) ) {
_fAllEntriesReturned = TRUE;
BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } else if ( (_entry == NULL) ) { // reached the end of enumeration
hr = S_FALSE; _fAllEntriesReturned = TRUE; goto error; } } }
hr = LdapGetDn( _pLdapHandle, _entry, &pszObjectName );
if (FAILED(hr) ) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); }
hr = LdapGetValues( _pLdapHandle, _entry, TEXT("objectClass"), &aValues, &nCount );
if ( nCount == 0 ) { // This object exists but does not contain objectClass attribute
// which is required for all DS objects. Hence, ignore the object
// and return error.
// Now send back the current object
{ CLexer Lexer; hr = Lexer.InitializePath(pszObjectName); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = InitObjectInfo(pszObjectName, &ObjectInfoLocal); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = PathName(&Lexer, &ObjectInfoLocal); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if (ObjectInfoLocal.ComponentArray[0].szValue == NULL) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr=E_ADS_BAD_PATHNAME); } DWORD len;
len = wcslen(ObjectInfoLocal.ComponentArray[0].szComponent) + wcslen(ObjectInfoLocal.ComponentArray[0].szValue) + 1; // For equal to sign
pszObjectName[len] = '\0';
// We form the ADsPath to the parent by taking the _ADsPath of this
// object (which is the parent ADsPath), chopping off the DN portion,
// and attaching the parent DN portion of the object retrieved. This
// is so that the enumerated child objects get a proper parent ADsPath
// even if the parent object was bound using a GUID.
hr = BuildLDAPPathFromADsPath2( _ADsPath, &pszLDAPServer, &pszLDAPDn, &dwPort ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// _ADsPath could not be NULL
if(!_wcsnicmp(L"GC:", _ADsPath, wcslen(L"GC:"))) { fGCNameSpace = TRUE; }
if (ObjectInfoLocal.NumComponents > 1) { //
// pszObjectName[0 ... len] = object name (e.g., "CN=child")
// pszObjectName[len+1 ....] = parent name (e.g., "OU=parent, DC=....")
hr = BuildADsPathFromLDAPPath2( (pszLDAPServer ? TRUE : FALSE), fGCNameSpace ? L"GC:" : L"LDAP:", pszLDAPServer, dwPort, &(pszObjectName[len+1]), &pszADsPathParent ); } else { //
// If the count is zero or less, then the objectName will
// need to be created with a parent path of NULL. In this case
// pszObjectName[len+1] is not necessarily valid. This is
// espescially true when we have a defaultNamingContext
// that is NULL or no defaultNamingContext with an object
// directly underneath it (say dn is just o=testObject.
hr = BuildADsPathFromLDAPPath2( (pszLDAPServer ? TRUE : FALSE), fGCNameSpace ? L"GC:" : L"LDAP:", pszLDAPServer, dwPort, NULL, &pszADsPathParent );
hr = CLDAPGenObject::CreateGenericObject( pszADsPathParent, pszObjectName, aValues, nCount, _Credentials, ADS_OBJECT_BOUND, IID_IDispatch, (void **) ppDispatch ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if ( pszObjectName ) LdapMemFree( pszObjectName );
if ( aValues ) LdapValueFree( aValues );
if (pPagedControl) { LdapControlFree(pPagedControl); }
if (serverReturnedControls) { LdapControlsFree(serverReturnedControls); }
if (pszADsPathParent) { FreeADsMem(pszADsPathParent); }
if (pszLDAPServer) { FreeADsMem(pszLDAPServer); }
if (pszLDAPDn) { FreeADsMem(pszLDAPDn); }
// Function: CLDAPGenObjectEnum::Next
// Synopsis: Returns cElements number of requested NetOle objects in the
// array supplied in pvar.
// Arguments: [cElements] -- The number of elements requested by client
// [pvar] -- ptr to array of VARIANTs to for return objects
// [pcElementFetched] -- if non-NULL, then number of elements
// -- actually returned is placed here
// Returns: HRESULT -- S_OK if number of elements requested are returned
// -- S_FALSE if number of elements is < requested
// Modifies:
// History: 11-3-95 krishnag Created.
STDMETHODIMP CLDAPGenObjectEnum::Next( ULONG cElements, VARIANT FAR* pvar, ULONG FAR* pcElementFetched ) { ULONG cElementFetched = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
hr = EnumGenericObjects( cElements, pvar, &cElementFetched );
if (pcElementFetched) { *pcElementFetched = cElementFetched; } RRETURN_EXP_IF_ERR(hr); }
HRESULT BuildLDAPFilterArray( VARIANT var, LPTSTR *ppszFilter ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG dwSLBound = 0; LONG dwSUBound = 0; VARIANT v; LONG i; LONG dwBracketCount = 0; DWORD dwFilterBufLen = 0; DWORD dwCurrentFilterLen = 0; LPTSTR pszFilter = NULL, pszTempFilter = NULL;
*ppszFilter = NULL;
if(!(V_VT(&var) == (VT_VARIANT|VT_ARRAY))) { RRETURN(E_FAIL); }
// Check that there is only one dimension in this array
if ((V_ARRAY(&var))->cDims != 1) { hr = E_FAIL; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } //
// Check that there is at least one element in this array
if ((V_ARRAY(&var))->rgsabound[0].cElements == 0){ hr = E_FAIL; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); }
// We know that this is a valid single dimension array
hr = SafeArrayGetLBound(V_ARRAY(&var), 1, (long FAR *)&dwSLBound ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = SafeArrayGetUBound(V_ARRAY(&var), 1, (long FAR *)&dwSUBound ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
dwCurrentFilterLen = 0; dwFilterBufLen = FILTER_BUFFER_LEN;
pszFilter = (LPTSTR) AllocADsMem( (dwFilterBufLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( pszFilter == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); }
for (i = dwSLBound; i <= dwSUBound; i++) {
VariantInit(&v); hr = SafeArrayGetElement(V_ARRAY(&var), (long FAR *)&i, &v ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// The last length below is the string length of
// "(| (objectClass=))" which is 18.
while ( dwCurrentFilterLen + _tcslen(V_BSTR(&v)) + 18 > dwFilterBufLen) { pszTempFilter = (LPTSTR) ReallocADsMem( pszFilter, (dwFilterBufLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), (dwFilterBufLen*2 + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( pszTempFilter == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); }
pszFilter = pszTempFilter; dwFilterBufLen *= 2; }
if ( i == dwSUBound ) { _tcscat( pszFilter, TEXT("(objectClass=")); } else { dwBracketCount++; _tcscat( pszFilter, TEXT("(| (objectClass=")); }
_tcscat( pszFilter, V_BSTR(&v)); _tcscat( pszFilter, TEXT(")")); dwCurrentFilterLen = _tcslen(pszFilter);
VariantClear(&v); }
for ( i = 0; i < dwBracketCount; i++ ) _tcscat( pszFilter, TEXT(")"));
*ppszFilter = pszFilter;
if ( pszFilter != NULL) FreeADsMem( pszFilter );
RRETURN(hr); }