// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// File: cprops.hxx
// Contents:
// History: 06-16-96 yihsins Created.
typedef struct _dispproperty{ LPWSTR szPropertyName; // Property name
typedef struct _property{ LPWSTR szPropertyName; // Property name
LDAPOBJECTARRAY ldapObjectArray; // An array of LDAP Objects ( values )
DWORD dwFlags; // Status of the value
DWORD dwSyntaxId; // LDAP Syntax Id
typedef struct _savingentry{ LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; LPWSTR entryData; }SAVINGENTRY, *PSAVINGENTRY;
#define PROPERTY_NAME(pProperty) pProperty->szPropertyName
#define PROPERTY_LDAPOBJECTARRAY(pProperty) pProperty->ldapObjectArray
#define PROPERTY_SYNTAX(pProperty) pProperty->dwSyntaxId
#define PROPERTY_FLAGS(pProperty) pProperty->dwFlags
// A test to see if a returned property entry actually has data.
#define PROPERTY_EMPTY(pProperty) \
(((pProperty)->ldapObjectArray.pLdapObjects) == NULL) #define INDEX_EMPTY(dwIndex) PROPERTY_EMPTY(_pProperties + (dwIndex))
#define PROPERTY_ADD 2
#define PROPERTY_DELETED(pProperty) \
((pProperty)->dwFlags == PROPERTY_DELETE) #define PROP_DELETED(dwIndex) PROPERTY_DELETED(_pProperties + (dwIndex))
// This is used to tag the flags value so that we can make sure we
// use the correct seInfo when the SD has been updated.
#define INVALID_SE_VALUE 0xffffffff
class CPropertyCache : public IPropertyCache {
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: addproperty( LPWSTR szPropertyName );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: updateproperty( LPWSTR szPropertyName, DWORD dwSyntaxId, LDAPOBJECTARRAY ldapObjectArray, BOOL fExplicit ); //
// This one will automatically add to cace as needed.
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: putpropertyext( LPWSTR szPropertyName, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwSyntaxId, LDAPOBJECTARRAY ldapObjectArray );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: findproperty( LPWSTR szPropertyName, PDWORD pdwIndex );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: deleteproperty( DWORD dwIndex );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: getproperty( LPWSTR szPropertyName, PDWORD pdwSyntaxId, PDWORD pwStatusFlag, LDAPOBJECTARRAY *pLdapObjectArray );
// This should not be there but to force compile
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: getproperty( DWORD dwIndex, LDAPOBJECTARRAY *pLdapObjectArray );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: unboundgetproperty( LPWSTR szPropertyName, PDWORD pdwSyntaxId, PDWORD pdwStatusFlag, LDAPOBJECTARRAY *pLdapObjectArray );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: putproperty( LPWSTR szPropertyName, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwSyntaxId, LDAPOBJECTARRAY ldapObjectArray );
// Helper for Umi functionality.
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: GetPropertyNames(UMI_PROPERTY_VALUES **ppUmiPropVals);
CPropertyCache:: CPropertyCache();
CPropertyCache:: ~CPropertyCache();
static HRESULT CPropertyCache:: createpropertycache( CCoreADsObject *pCoreADsObject, IGetAttributeSyntax *pGetAttributeSyntax, CPropertyCache FAR * FAR * ppPropertyCache );
// PropCache needs the credentials, server and port no
// to work properly on dynaminc dispid calls
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: SetObjInformation( CCredentials* pCredentials, LPWSTR pszServerName, DWORD dwPortNo ); VOID CPropertyCache:: flushpropertycache();
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: unmarshallproperty( LPWSTR szPropertyName, PADSLDP pLdapHandle, LDAPMessage *entry, DWORD dwSyntaxId, BOOL fExplicit, BOOL * pfRangeRetrieval = NULL );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: LDAPUnMarshallProperties( LPWSTR pszServerPath, PADSLDP pLdapHandle, LDAPMessage *ldapmsg, BOOL fExplicit, CCredentials& Credentials );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: LDAPUnMarshallProperties2( LPWSTR pszServerPath, PADSLDP pLdapHandle, LDAPMessage *ldapmsg, BOOL fExplicit, CCredentials& Credentials, BOOL * pfRangeRetrieval );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: LDAPUnMarshallProperties3( LPWSTR pszServerPath, PADSLDP pLdapHandle, LDAPMessage *ldapmsg, BOOL fExplicit, DWORD dwDefaultSyntaxID, CCredentials& Credentials );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: LDAPUnMarshallPropertyAs( LPWSTR pszServerPath, PADSLDP pLdapHandle, LDAPMessage *ldapmsg, LPWSTR szPropertyName, DWORD dwSyntaxId, BOOL fExplicit, CCredentials& Credentials );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: LDAPUnMarshallPropertiesAs( LPWSTR pszServerPath, PADSLDP pLdapHandle, LDAPMessage *ldapmsg, DWORD dwSyntaxId, BOOL fExplicit, CCredentials& Credentials );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: LDAPMarshallProperties( LDAPModW ***aMods, PBOOL pfNTSecDes, SECURITY_INFORMATION *pSeInfo );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: LDAPMarshallProperties2( LDAPModW ***aMods, DWORD *pdwNumOfMods );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: ClearMarshalledProperties( VOID ); HRESULT CPropertyCache:: ClearAllPropertyFlags( VOID );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: ClearPropertyFlag( LPWSTR szPropertyName );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: SetPropertyFlag( LPWSTR szPropertyName, DWORD dwFlag );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: GetPropertyFlag( LPWSTR szPropertyName, DWORD* pdwFlag );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: IsPropertyUpdated( LPWSTR szPropertyName, BOOL *pfUpdated );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: unboundgetproperty( DWORD dwIndex, PDWORD pdwSyntaxId, PDWORD pdwStatusFlag, LDAPOBJECTARRAY *pLdapObjectArray ); void CPropertyCache:: reset_propindex( ); //
// All methods which use the _dwCurrentIndex attribute must check that the
// index is valid using this test and ONLY then proceed
BOOL CPropertyCache:: index_valid( );
BOOL CPropertyCache:: index_valid( DWORD dwIndex );
LPWSTR CPropertyCache:: get_PropName( DWORD dwIndex );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: skip_propindex( DWORD dwElements );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: get_PropertyCount( PDWORD pdwMaxProperties );
DWORD CPropertyCache:: get_CurrentIndex( );
LPWSTR CPropertyCache:: get_CurrentPropName( );
void setGetInfoFlag();
// Returns the status of the GetInfo flag. TRUE indicates that GetInfo
// has been performed and FALSE indicates that GetInfo has not yet been
// called on this object.
BOOL getGetInfoFlag() { return _fGetInfoDone; }
// The following three are for dynamic dispid's, so they shouldn't
// return any ADSI return values.
HRESULT locateproperty( LPWSTR szPropertyName, PDWORD pdwIndex );
// Because of the IPropertyCache interface, we need to get
// rid of it
HRESULT getproperty( DWORD dwIndex, VARIANT *pVarResult, CCredentials &Credentials );
HRESULT putproperty( DWORD dwIndex, VARIANT varValue );
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: DispatchFindProperty( LPWSTR szPropertyName, PDWORD pdwIndex );
// No longer private
// This is the "real" putproperty, called by the other two.
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: putproperty( DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwSyntaxId, LDAPOBJECTARRAY ldapObjectArray );
// add entry to the GlobalListSavingEntries, the entries are the properties requested in GetInfoEx
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: AddSavingEntry( LPWSTR propertyName );
// compare the property with the entries in the list to determine whether we will go on wire again
BOOL CPropertyCache:: FindSavingEntry( LPWSTR propertyName );
// delete the entry in the GlobalListSavingEntries, so after a SetInfo, we will have a fresh start
HRESULT CPropertyCache:: DeleteSavingEntry();
HRESULT getproperty( DWORD dwIndex, PDWORD dwStatusFlag, VARIANT *pVarResult, CCredentials &Credentials );
DWORD _dwMaxProperties; PPROPERTY _pProperties; DWORD _cb;
DWORD _dwCurrentIndex;
DWORD _dwDispMaxProperties; PDISPPROPERTY _pDispProperties; DWORD _cbDisp;
CCoreADsObject *_pCoreADsObject; IGetAttributeSyntax *_pGetAttributeSyntax; BOOL _fGetInfoDone; CCredentials* _pCredentials; LPWSTR _pszServerName; DWORD _dwPort;
LIST_ENTRY _ListSavingEntries; };
// In-lined methods of CPropertyCache
inline BOOL CPropertyCache:: index_valid( ) { //
// NOTE: - _dwCurrentIndex is of type DWORD which is unsigned long.
// - _dwMaxProperties -1 is also of type unsigned long (so
// if _dwMaxProperites = 0, _dwMaxproperties -1 = 0xffffff)
// - comparision checking must taken the above into account
// for proper checking
if ( (_dwMaxProperties==0) || (_dwCurrentIndex >_dwMaxProperties-1) ) return(FALSE); else return(TRUE); }
inline BOOL CPropertyCache:: index_valid( DWORD dwIndex ) {
// NOTE: - _dwIndex is of type DWORD which is unsigned long.
// - _dwMaxProperties -1 is also of type unsigned long (so
// if _dwMaxProperites = 0, _dwMaxproperties -1 = 0xffffff)
// - comparision checking must taken the above into account
// for proper checking
if ( (_dwMaxProperties==0) || (dwIndex >_dwMaxProperties-1) ) return(FALSE); else return(TRUE);