#include "ldapc.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
ADS_LDP BindCache ; DWORD BindCacheCount = 0 ; CRITICAL_SECTION BindCacheCritSect ; LUID ReservedLuid = { 0, 0 } ;
// Wait for 1000ms * 60 * minutes
#define RETIRE_HANDLE (1000 * 60 * 5)
// Return the LUID for current credentials. Note we only use LUID. In theory
// it may be better to use SourceName as well as identifier but the former
// doesnt seem to always return the same string.
DWORD BindCacheGetLuid(LUID *Luid, LUID *ModifiedId) { HANDLE TokenHandle = NULL ; TOKEN_STATISTICS TokenInformation ; DWORD ReturnLength ;
// Try thread first. If fail, try process.
if (!OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &TokenHandle)) {
if (!OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &TokenHandle)) {
return(GetLastError()) ; } }
// Get the TokenSource info.
if (!GetTokenInformation( TokenHandle, TokenStatistics, &TokenInformation, sizeof(TokenInformation), &ReturnLength)) {
CloseHandle(TokenHandle) ; return(GetLastError()) ; }
*Luid = TokenInformation.AuthenticationId ; *ModifiedId = TokenInformation.ModifiedId;
CloseHandle(TokenHandle) ; return(NO_ERROR) ; }
// Initializes a cache entry
DWORD BindCacheAllocEntry(ADS_LDP **ppCacheEntry) {
ADS_LDP *pCacheEntry ;
*ppCacheEntry = NULL ;
if (!(pCacheEntry = (PADS_LDP)AllocADsMem(sizeof(ADS_LDP)))) {
return(GetLastError()) ; }
pCacheEntry->RefCount = 0; pCacheEntry->Flags = 0; pCacheEntry->List.Flink = NULL ; pCacheEntry->List.Blink = NULL ;
pCacheEntry->ReferralEntries = NULL ; pCacheEntry->nReferralEntries = 0 ; pCacheEntry->fKeepAround = FALSE;
*ppCacheEntry = pCacheEntry ; return NO_ERROR ; }
// Invalidates a cache entry so it will not be used.
VOID BindCacheInvalidateEntry(ADS_LDP *pCacheEntry) { pCacheEntry->Flags |= LDP_CACHE_INVALID ; }
// !!!WARNING!!! Make sure you hold the bindcache critsect
// when calling this function.
VOID CommonRemoveEntry(ADS_LDP *pCacheEntry, LIST_ENTRY *DeleteReferralList) {
for (DWORD i=0; i < pCacheEntry->nReferralEntries; i++) {
if (BindCacheDerefHelper( pCacheEntry->ReferralEntries[i], DeleteReferralList) == 0 ) { InsertTailList( DeleteReferralList, &(pCacheEntry->ReferralEntries[i])->ReferralList ); } }
// Cleanup the entry
--BindCacheCount ;
(void) FreeADsMem(pCacheEntry->Server) ; pCacheEntry->Server = NULL ;
delete pCacheEntry->pCredentials; pCacheEntry->pCredentials = NULL;
if (pCacheEntry->ReferralEntries) { FreeADsMem(pCacheEntry->ReferralEntries); } RemoveEntryList(&pCacheEntry->List) ;
return; }
#if 0
VOID BindCacheCleanTimedOutEntries() { DWORD dwCurrTick = 0; DWORD dwLastTick = 0; BOOL fRemoved = FALSE; ADS_LDP *ldRemove = NULL;
PADS_LDP pEntry = (PADS_LDP) BindCache.List.Flink ;
// Loop thru looking for match. A match is defined as:
// servername & LUID matches, and it is NOT invalid.
while (pEntry != &BindCache) {
// See if this one is keepAround entry that is old
if (pEntry->RefCount == 0) {
// GetCurrent tick and see if we need to del the entry
dwCurrTick = GetTickCount(); dwLastTick = pEntry->dwLastUsed;
if ((dwLastTick == 0) || ((dwLastTick <= dwCurrTick) && ((dwCurrTick - dwLastTick) > RETIRE_HANDLE)) || ((dwLastTick > dwCurrTick) && ((dwCurrTick + (((DWORD)(-1)) - dwLastTick)) > RETIRE_HANDLE))) {
// Entry needs to be removed.
CommonRemoveEntry(pEntry); fRemoved = TRUE; } } // refCount == 0
if (fRemoved) { LdapUnbind(pEntry); ldRemove = pEntry; }
pEntry = (PADS_LDP)pEntry->List.Flink ;
if (ldRemove) { FreeADsMem(ldRemove); ldRemove = NULL; } }
LEAVE_BIND_CRITSECT(); return; } #endif
// Lookup an entry in the cache. Does not take into account timeouts.
// Increments ref count if found.
PADS_LDP BindCacheLookup( LPWSTR Address, LUID Luid, LUID ModifiedId, CCredentials& Credentials, DWORD dwPort ) { DWORD i ; BOOLEAN fLUIDMatch;
PADS_LDP pEntry = (PADS_LDP) BindCache.List.Flink ;
// Loop thru looking for match. A match is defined as:
// servername & LUID matches, and it is NOT invalid.
while (pEntry != &BindCache) {
if ((pEntry->Server != NULL) && !(pEntry->Flags & LDP_CACHE_INVALID) && (_wcsicmp(pEntry->Server, Address) == 0) && pEntry->PortNumber == dwPort) {
// If either credential (the cached one or the user-supplied
// one) is default, we must test to make sure thread token
// is identical before re-using
if (!AreCredentialsExplicit(pEntry->pCredentials) || !AreCredentialsExplicit(&Credentials)) {
if ((memcmp(&Luid,&(pEntry->Luid),sizeof(Luid))==0) && ((memcmp(&ModifiedId, &(pEntry->ModifiedId), sizeof(Luid)) == 0) || (memcmp(&ModifiedId, &ReservedLuid, sizeof(Luid)) == 0))) { // tokens match
fLUIDMatch = TRUE; } } else { // both are explicit credentials --> skip the test
fLUIDMatch = TRUE; }
if (fLUIDMatch) {
if ((*(pEntry->pCredentials) == Credentials) || CanCredentialsBeReused(pEntry->pCredentials, &Credentials)) { ++pEntry->RefCount ;
LEAVE_BIND_CRITSECT() ; return(pEntry) ; }
} }
pEntry = (PADS_LDP)pEntry->List.Flink ; }
// Before we leave clean out stale entries
return NULL ; }
// Checks if credentials are explicit (both username and password
// are non-NULL)
BOOL AreCredentialsExplicit( CCredentials *pCredentials ) { PWSTR pszUser = NULL; PWSTR pszPwd = NULL; HRESULT hr; BOOL rc = FALSE;
hr = pCredentials->GetUserName(&pszUser); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = pCredentials->GetPassword(&pszPwd); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if (pszPwd && (pszPwd[0] != L'\0') && pszUser && (pszUser[0] != L'\0')) { rc = TRUE; }
if (pszUser) { FreeADsStr(pszUser); }
if (pszPwd) { SecureZeroMemory(pszPwd, wcslen(pszPwd)*sizeof(WCHAR)); FreeADsStr(pszPwd); }
return rc; }
// Check if credentials can be reused. They can be reused if username and
// non-ignored auth flags match and incoming credentials thesame password.
// Ignored auth flags are those defined by
// BIND_CACHE_IGNORED_FLAGS as not to be used in considering whether to
// reuse a connection.
BOOL CanCredentialsBeReused( CCredentials *pCachedCreds, CCredentials *pIncomingCreds ) { PWSTR pszIncomingUser = NULL; PWSTR pszIncomingPwd = NULL; PWSTR pszCachedUser = NULL; PWSTR pszCachedPwd = NULL; HRESULT hr; BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Test that the non-ignored auth flags match.
// We need to be smart and reuse the credentials based on the flags.
if ( (~BIND_CACHE_IGNORED_FLAGS & pCachedCreds->GetAuthFlags()) != (~BIND_CACHE_IGNORED_FLAGS & pIncomingCreds->GetAuthFlags())) { return FALSE; }
// Get the user names
hr = pCachedCreds->GetUserName(&pszCachedUser); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = pIncomingCreds->GetUserName(&pszIncomingUser); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Get the password
hr = pIncomingCreds->GetPassword(&pszIncomingPwd); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = pCachedCreds->GetPassword(&pszCachedPwd); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); //
// Only when both username and password match, will we reuse the connection handle
if (((pszCachedUser && pszIncomingUser && wcscmp(pszCachedUser, pszIncomingUser) == 0) || (!pszCachedUser && !pszIncomingUser)) && ((pszCachedPwd && pszIncomingPwd && wcscmp(pszCachedPwd, pszIncomingPwd) == 0) || (!pszCachedPwd && !pszIncomingPwd))) { rc = TRUE; } error: if (pszCachedUser) { FreeADsStr(pszCachedUser); } if (pszIncomingUser) { FreeADsStr(pszIncomingUser); } if (pszCachedPwd) { SecureZeroMemory(pszCachedPwd, wcslen(pszCachedPwd)*sizeof(WCHAR)); FreeADsStr(pszCachedPwd); } if (pszIncomingPwd) { SecureZeroMemory(pszIncomingPwd, wcslen(pszIncomingPwd)*sizeof(WCHAR)); FreeADsStr(pszIncomingPwd); }
return rc; }
// Lookup an entry in the cache based on the Ldap Handle
// DOES NOT Increment ref count
PADS_LDP GetCacheEntry(PLDAP pLdap) {
PADS_LDP pEntry = (PADS_LDP) BindCache.List.Flink ;
// Loop thru looking for match. A match is defined as:
// servername & LUID matches, and it is NOT invalid.
while (pEntry != &BindCache) {
if (pEntry->LdapHandle == pLdap) {
LEAVE_BIND_CRITSECT() ; return(pEntry) ; }
pEntry = (PADS_LDP)pEntry->List.Flink ; }
// Add entry to cache
DWORD BindCacheAdd( LPWSTR Address, LUID Luid, LUID ModifiedId, CCredentials& Credentials, DWORD dwPort, PADS_LDP pCacheEntry) {
if (BindCacheCount > MAX_BIND_CACHE_SIZE) {
// If exceed limit, just dont put in cache. Since we leave the
// RefCount & the Links unset, the deref will simply note that
// this entry is not in cache and allow it to be freed.
// We limit cache so that if someone leaks handles we dont over
// time end up traversing this huge linked list.
LPWSTR pServer = (LPWSTR) AllocADsMem( (wcslen(Address)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) ;
if (!pServer) {
LEAVE_BIND_CRITSECT() ; return(GetLastError()) ; }
CCredentials * pCredentials = new CCredentials(Credentials);
if (!pCredentials) {
LEAVE_BIND_CRITSECT(); return(GetLastError()); }
// setup the data
wcscpy(pServer,Address) ;
pCacheEntry->pCredentials = pCredentials; pCacheEntry->PortNumber = dwPort; pCacheEntry->Server = pServer ; pCacheEntry->RefCount = 1 ; pCacheEntry->Luid = Luid ; pCacheEntry->ModifiedId = ModifiedId;
// insert into list
InsertHeadList(&BindCache.List, &pCacheEntry->List) ; ++BindCacheCount ; LEAVE_BIND_CRITSECT() ;
return NO_ERROR ; }
// Bump up the reference count of the particular cache entry
// Returns the final ref count or zero if not there.
BOOL BindCacheAddRef(ADS_LDP *pCacheEntry) {
DWORD dwCount = 0;
if ((pCacheEntry->List.Flink == NULL) && (pCacheEntry->List.Blink == NULL) && (pCacheEntry->RefCount == NULL)) {
// this is one of them entries that has no LUID.
// ie. it never got into the cache.
LEAVE_BIND_CRITSECT() ; return(0) ; }
ADsAssert(pCacheEntry->List.Flink) ; ADsAssert(pCacheEntry->RefCount > 0) ;
pCacheEntry->RefCount++ ;
// Save info onto stack variable as we are going
// to leave the critsect before we exit.
dwCount = pCacheEntry->RefCount;
return(dwCount) ; }
// Adds a referral entry of pNewEntry to pPrimaryEntry. Increments the reference
// count of pPrimaryEntry if succesful.
BOOL AddReferralLink( PADS_LDP pPrimaryEntry, PADS_LDP pNewEntry ) { ENTER_BIND_CRITSECT() ;
if (!pPrimaryEntry) { goto error; } if (!pPrimaryEntry->ReferralEntries) { pPrimaryEntry->ReferralEntries = (PADS_LDP *) AllocADsMem( sizeof(PADS_LDP) * MAX_REFERRAL_ENTRIES);
if (!pPrimaryEntry->ReferralEntries) { goto error; } pPrimaryEntry->nReferralEntries = 0; }
if (pPrimaryEntry->nReferralEntries >= MAX_REFERRAL_ENTRIES) { //
// We won't remember more than this
goto error; }
pPrimaryEntry->ReferralEntries[pPrimaryEntry->nReferralEntries] = pNewEntry;
if (!BindCacheAddRef(pNewEntry)) { goto error; }
pPrimaryEntry->nReferralEntries++; LEAVE_BIND_CRITSECT() ; return TRUE;
DWORD BindCacheDeref(ADS_LDP *pCacheEntry) {
DWORD dwCount = 0; LIST_ENTRY DeleteReferralList; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PADS_LDP EntryInfo;
dwCount = BindCacheDerefHelper(pCacheEntry, &DeleteReferralList);
// Delete the cached entries
while (!IsListEmpty (&DeleteReferralList)) {
pEntry = RemoveHeadList (&DeleteReferralList); EntryInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, ADS_LDP, ReferralList);
FreeADsMem(EntryInfo); }
return dwCount; }
// Dereference an entry in the cache. Removes if ref count is zero.
// Returns the final ref count or zero if not there. If zero, caller
// should close the handle.
DWORD BindCacheDerefHelper(ADS_LDP *pCacheEntry, LIST_ENTRY * DeleteReferralList) {
if ((pCacheEntry->List.Flink == NULL) && (pCacheEntry->List.Blink == NULL) && (pCacheEntry->RefCount == NULL)) {
// this is one of them entries that has no LUID.
// ie. it never got into the cache.
LEAVE_BIND_CRITSECT() ; return(0) ; }
ADsAssert(pCacheEntry->List.Flink) ; ADsAssert(pCacheEntry->RefCount > 0) ;
// Dereference by one. If result is non zero, just return.
--pCacheEntry->RefCount ;
if (pCacheEntry->RefCount) {
// Use a stack variable for this value as
// we call return outside the critsect.
dwCount = pCacheEntry->RefCount;
return(dwCount); }
// Before clearing the entry away verify that
// we do not need to KeepAround this one.
if (pCacheEntry->fKeepAround) { //
// Set the timer on this entry and leave.
pCacheEntry->dwLastUsed = GetTickCount(); LEAVE_BIND_CRITSECT() ;
} else {
// Now that this entry is going away, deref all the referred entries.
CommonRemoveEntry(pCacheEntry, DeleteReferralList); LEAVE_BIND_CRITSECT() ;
// Look for any other entries that need to be cleaned out
return 0 ; }
VOID BindCacheInit( VOID ) { InitializeListHead(&BindCache.List) ; }
VOID BindCacheCleanup( VOID ) { PADS_LDP pEntry = (PADS_LDP) BindCache.List.Flink ;
while (pEntry != &BindCache) {
PADS_LDP pNext = (PADS_LDP) pEntry->List.Flink;
(void) FreeADsMem(pEntry->Server) ;
pEntry->Server = NULL ;
if (pEntry->ReferralEntries) { FreeADsMem(pEntry->ReferralEntries); }
RemoveEntryList(&pEntry->List) ;
pEntry = pNext; } }
// Mark handle so that we keep it even after the object count
// has hit zero and remove only after a x mins of zero count.
HRESULT LdapcKeepHandleAround(ADS_LDP *ld) {
ld->fKeepAround = TRUE;
return S_OK; }