Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WMI functions for DNSCMD
Jeff Westhead (jwesth) November 2000
Revision History:
#include "dnsclip.h"
#include "dnsc_wmi.h"
if ( !g_UseWmi ) \ { \ ASSERT( g_UseWmi ); \ printf( "Internal error: WMI is not enabled!\n" ); \ return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; \ }
#define HRES_TO_STATUS( hres ) ( hres )
#define DNS_WMI_TIMEOUT 20000 // timeout in msecs
L" "
#define MYTEXT2(str) L##str
#define MYTEXT(str) MYTEXT2(str)
#define wmiRelease( pWmiObject ) \
if ( pWmiObject ) \ { \ pWmiObject->Release(); \ pWmiObject = NULL; \ }
// Globals
IWbemServices * g_pIWbemServices = NULL;
// Static functions
static DNS_STATUS getEnumerator( IN PSTR pszZoneName, OUT IEnumWbemClassObject ** ppEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieves WMI object enumerator. The caller must call Release on the enum object when done.
pszZoneName - zone name or NULL for server object
ppEnum - ptr to ptr to WMI enumerator
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR wsz[ 1024 ]; BSTR bstrWQL = NULL; BSTR bstrQuery = NULL; HRESULT hres = 0;
if ( pszZoneName ) { status = StringCchPrintfW( wsz, sizeofarray( wsz ), L"select * from MicrosoftDNS_Zone where Name='%S'", pszZoneName ); } else { status = StringCchPrintfW( wsz, sizeofarray( wsz ), L"select * from MicrosoftDNS_Server" ); } if ( FAILED( status ) ) { return status; } bstrWQL = SysAllocString( L"WQL" ); bstrQuery = SysAllocString( wsz ); if ( !bstrWQL || !bstrQuery ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
hres = g_pIWbemServices->ExecQuery( bstrWQL, bstrQuery, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, ppEnum ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { status = hres; goto Done; }
SysFreeString( bstrWQL ); SysFreeString( bstrQuery );
return status; } // getEnumerator
static DNS_STATUS getRelpath( IN IWbemClassObject * pObj, OUT VARIANT * pVar ) /*++
Routine Description:
Loads a VARIANT with the WMI __RELPATH of the object.
pObj - object to retrieve relpath for
pVar - ptr to variant - caller must VariantClear() it later
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
if ( pObj == NULL || pVar == NULL ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { VariantClear( pVar ); HRESULT hres = pObj->Get( DNS_WMI_RELPATH, 0, pVar, NULL, NULL ); status = hres; } return status; } // getRelpath
static DNS_STATUS getNextObjectInEnum( IN IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum, OUT IWbemClassObject ** ppObj, IN bool fPrintRelpath = TRUE ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieves WMI object enumerator. The caller must call Release on the class object.
When there are no more objects to enumerate this function will return a NULL pObj and ERROR_SUCCESS.
pszZoneName - zone name or NULL for server object
ppEnum - ptr to ptr to WMI enumerator
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG returnedCount = 0; HRESULT hres = 0;
if ( !pEnum || !ppObj ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
hres = pEnum->Next( DNS_WMI_TIMEOUT, 1, // requested instance count
ppObj, &returnedCount ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { status = ERROR_SUCCESS; *ppObj = NULL; }
if ( *ppObj && fPrintRelpath ) { //
// Print RELPATH for this object.
status = getRelpath( *ppObj, &var ); if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "%S\n", V_BSTR( &var ) ); } else { printf( "WMI error 0x%08X getting RELPATH\n", hres ); } VariantClear( &var ); }
return status; } // getNextObjectInEnum
static SAFEARRAY * createSafeArrayForIpList( IN DWORD dwIpCount, IN PIP_ADDRESS pIpList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates a SAFEARRAY of strings representing a list of IP addresses.
pIpList - array of IP address DWORDs
dwIpCount - number of elements in pIpList
Return Value:
Safe array on success or NULL or failure.
--*/ { if ( !pIpList ) { return NULL; }
SAFEARRAYBOUND sabound = { dwIpCount, 0 }; SAFEARRAY * psa = SafeArrayCreate( VT_BSTR, 1, &sabound ); for ( ULONG i = 0; i < dwIpCount; ++i ) { PWSTR pwsz = ( PWSTR ) Dns_NameCopyAllocate( inet_ntoa( *( struct in_addr * ) &pIpList[ i ] ), 0, DnsCharSetUtf8, DnsCharSetUnicode ); BSTR bstr = SysAllocString( pwsz ); if ( FAILED( SafeArrayPutElement( psa, ( PLONG ) &i, bstr ) ) ) { SafeArrayDestroy( psa ); psa = NULL; } SysFreeString( bstr ); FREE_HEAP( pwsz ); } return psa; }
static SAFEARRAY * createSafeArrayForIpArray( IN PIP_ARRAY pIpArray ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates a SAFEARRAY of strings representing the IP addresses in pIpArray.
pIpArray - IP array to create string SAFEARRAY for
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { if ( !pIpArray ) { return NULL; } return createSafeArrayForIpList( pIpArray->AddrCount, pIpArray->AddrArray ); }
PWCHAR valueToString( CIMTYPE dwType, VARIANT *pValue, WCHAR **pbuf ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert VARIANT to string. Stole this code from WMI\Samples\VC\UtilLib.
dwType - value CIMTYPE
pValue - value to convert to string
**pbuf - ptr to allocated string buffer - caller must free() it
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { #define BLOCKSIZE ( 32 * sizeof( WCHAR ) )
#define CVTBUFSIZE ( 309 + 40 )
DWORD iTotBufSize, iLen; WCHAR *vbuf = NULL; WCHAR *buf = NULL; WCHAR lbuf[BLOCKSIZE]; switch (pValue->vt) { case VT_EMPTY: buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty>"); break; case VT_NULL: buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<null>"); break; case VT_BOOL: { VARIANT_BOOL b = pValue->boolVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; if (!b) { wcscpy(buf, L"FALSE"); } else { wcscpy(buf, L"TRUE"); } break; } case VT_I1: { char b = pValue->bVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; if (b >= 32) { swprintf(buf, L"'%c' (%hd, 0x%hX)", b, (signed char)b, b); } else { swprintf(buf, L"%hd (0x%hX)", (signed char)b, b); } break; } case VT_UI1: { unsigned char b = pValue->bVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; if (b >= 32) { swprintf(buf, L"'%c' (%hu, 0x%hX)", b, (unsigned char)b, b); } else { swprintf(buf, L"%hu (0x%hX)", (unsigned char)b, b); } break; } case VT_I2: { SHORT i = pValue->iVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; swprintf(buf, L"%hd (0x%hX)", i, i); break; } case VT_UI2: { USHORT i = pValue->uiVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; swprintf(buf, L"%hu (0x%hX)", i, i); break; } case VT_I4: { LONG l = pValue->lVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; swprintf(buf, L"%d (0x%X)", l, l); break; } case VT_UI4: { ULONG l = pValue->ulVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; swprintf(buf, L"%u (0x%X)", l, l); break; } case VT_R4: { float f = pValue->fltVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(CVTBUFSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; swprintf(buf, L"%10.4f", f); break; } case VT_R8: { double d = pValue->dblVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(CVTBUFSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; swprintf(buf, L"%10.4f", d); break; } case VT_BSTR: { if (dwType == CIM_SINT64) { // a little redundant, but it makes me feel better
LPWSTR pWStr = pValue->bstrVal; __int64 l = _wtoi64(pWStr); buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; swprintf(buf, L"%I64d", l); } else if (dwType == CIM_UINT64) { // a little redundant, but it makes me feel better
LPWSTR pWStr = pValue->bstrVal; __int64 l = _wtoi64(pWStr); buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; swprintf(buf, L"%I64u", l); } else // string, datetime, reference
{ LPWSTR pWStr = pValue->bstrVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((wcslen(pWStr) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR) + (2 * sizeof(WCHAR))); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; swprintf(buf, L"%wS", pWStr); } break; } case VT_BOOL|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L""); for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; } VARIANT_BOOL v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); if (v) { wcscat(buf, L"TRUE"); } else { wcscat(buf, L"FALSE"); } } break; } case VT_I1|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L""); WCHAR *pos = buf; DWORD len; BYTE *pbstr; SafeArrayAccessData(pVec, (void HUGEP* FAR*)&pbstr); for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscpy(pos, L","); pos += 1; } else { bFirst = FALSE; } char v; // SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v);
v = pbstr[i]; if (v < 32) { len = swprintf(lbuf, L"%hd (0x%X)", v, v); } else { len = swprintf(lbuf, L"'%c' %hd (0x%X)", v, v, v); } wcscpy(pos, lbuf); pos += len; } SafeArrayUnaccessData(pVec); break; } case VT_UI1|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L""); WCHAR *pos = buf; DWORD len; BYTE *pbstr; SafeArrayAccessData(pVec, (void HUGEP* FAR*)&pbstr); for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscpy(pos, L","); pos += 1; } else { bFirst = FALSE; } unsigned char v; // SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v);
v = pbstr[i]; if (v < 32) { len = swprintf(lbuf, L"%hu (0x%X)", v, v); } else { len = swprintf(lbuf, L"'%c' %hu (0x%X)", v, v, v); } wcscpy(pos, lbuf); pos += len; } SafeArrayUnaccessData(pVec); break; } case VT_I2|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L""); for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; } SHORT v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); swprintf(lbuf, L"%hd", v); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } break; } case VT_UI2|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L""); for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; } USHORT v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); swprintf(lbuf, L"%hu", v); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } break; } case VT_I4|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L""); for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; } LONG v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); _ltow(v, lbuf, 10); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } break; } case VT_UI4|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L""); for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; } ULONG v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); _ultow(v, lbuf, 10); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } break; } case CIM_REAL32|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * (CVTBUFSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR))); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L""); for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; } FLOAT v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); swprintf(lbuf, L"%10.4f", v); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } break; } case CIM_REAL64|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * (CVTBUFSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR))); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L""); for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; } double v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); swprintf(lbuf, L"%10.4f", v); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } break; } case VT_BSTR|VT_ARRAY: { if (dwType == (CIM_UINT64|VT_ARRAY)) { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L""); for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; } BSTR v = NULL; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); swprintf(lbuf, L"%I64u", _wtoi64(v)); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } } else if (dwType == (CIM_SINT64|VT_ARRAY)) { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L""); for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; } BSTR v = NULL; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); swprintf(lbuf, L"%I64d", _wtoi64(v)); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } } else // string, datetime, reference
{ SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; DWORD iNeed; DWORD iVSize; DWORD iCurBufSize; SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); break; } iTotBufSize = (iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(iTotBufSize); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; buf[0] = L'\0'; iCurBufSize = 0; iVSize = BLOCKSIZE; vbuf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !vbuf ) goto AllocFailed; for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { BSTR v = NULL; WCHAR * newbuf = NULL;
SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); iLen = (wcslen(v) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (iLen > iVSize) { newbuf = (WCHAR *)realloc(vbuf, iLen + sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( !newbuf ) goto AllocFailed; vbuf = newbuf; iVSize = iLen; } // String size + (quotes + comma + null)
iNeed = (swprintf(vbuf, L"%wS", v) + 4) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (iNeed + iCurBufSize > iTotBufSize) { iTotBufSize += (iNeed * 2); // Room enough for 2 more entries
newbuf = (WCHAR *)realloc(buf, iTotBufSize); if ( !newbuf ) goto AllocFailed; buf = newbuf; } wcscat(buf, L"\""); wcscat(buf, vbuf); if (i + 1 <= iUBound) { wcscat(buf, L"\","); } else { wcscat(buf, L"\""); } iCurBufSize += iNeed; SysFreeString(v); } } break; } default: { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if ( !buf ) goto AllocFailed; wcscpy(buf, L"<conversion error>"); break; } } AllocFailed:
if ( vbuf ) { free( vbuf ); }
*pbuf = buf; return buf; } // valueToString
DNS_STATUS printWmiObjectProperties( IWbemClassObject * pObj ) { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hres = 0; SAFEARRAY * pNames = NULL; BSTR bstrPropName = NULL; VARIANT var; BSTR bstrCimType = SysAllocString( L"CIMTYPE" ); PWSTR pwszVal = NULL;
if ( !bstrCimType ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
VariantClear( &var );
// Get the RELPATH for this object.
status = getRelpath( pObj, &var ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Done; } printf( "%S\n\n", V_BSTR( &var ) );
// Enumerate all properties of this object.
hres = pObj->GetNames( NULL, // qualifier
&pNames ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; } ASSERT( pNames );
long lowerBound; long upperBound; SafeArrayGetLBound( pNames, 1, &lowerBound ); SafeArrayGetUBound( pNames, 1, &upperBound );
for ( long i = lowerBound; i <= upperBound; ++i ) { //
// Print the name and type of this property value.
hres = SafeArrayGetElement( pNames, &i, &bstrPropName ); if ( !SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( hres ) ); continue; }
IWbemQualifierSet * pQualSet = NULL; hres = pObj->GetPropertyQualifierSet( bstrPropName, &pQualSet ); if ( !SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( hres ) ); continue; }
VariantClear( &var ); pQualSet->Get( bstrCimType, 0, &var, NULL ); if ( !SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( hres ) ); continue; }
int padlen = 30 - wcslen( bstrPropName ) - wcslen( V_BSTR( &var ) ); printf( "%S (%S) %.*S = ", bstrPropName, V_BSTR( &var ), padlen > 0 ? padlen : 0, DNS_WMI_BLANK_STRING );
// Print the property value.
VariantClear( &var ); CIMTYPE cimType = 0; hres = pObj->Get( bstrPropName, 0, &var, &cimType, NULL ); if ( !SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( hres ) ); continue; }
printf( "%S\n", valueToString( cimType, &var, &pwszVal ) ); free( pwszVal ); pwszVal = NULL; }
free( pwszVal ); SysFreeString( bstrCimType ); SafeArrayDestroy( pNames );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && FAILED( hres ) ) { status = HRES_TO_STATUS( hres ); }
return status; } // printWmiObjectProperties
// External functions
DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_Initialize( IN PWSTR pwszServerName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Setup mod buffer for max count of items.
pwszServerName -- IP address or name of target server
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { static const char * fn = "DnscmdWmi_Initialize";
DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hres = 0; IWbemLocator * pIWbemLocator = NULL; BSTR bstrNamespace = NULL; IWbemServices * pIWbemServices = NULL; WCHAR wsz[ 1024 ];
// Initialize COM.
if ( FAILED( hres = CoInitialize( NULL ) ) ) { printf( "%s: CoInitialize returned 0x%08X\n", fn, hres ); goto Done; }
// Initialize security.
hres = CoInitializeSecurity( NULL, // permissions
-1, // auth service count
NULL, // auth services
NULL, // reserved
0, // capabilities
0 ); // reserved
if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { printf( "%s: CoInitializeSecurity() returned 0x%08X\n", fn, hres ); goto Done; }
// Create instance of WbemLocator interface.
hres = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WbemLocator, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, ( LPVOID * ) &pIWbemLocator ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { printf( "%s: CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WbemLocator ) returned 0x%08X\n", fn, hres ); goto Done; }
// Connect to MicrosoftDNS namespace on server.
wsprintfW( wsz, L"\\\\%s\\%s", pwszServerName, DNS_WMI_NAMESPACE ); bstrNamespace = SysAllocString( wsz ); if ( !bstrNamespace ) { ASSERT( bstrNamespace ); status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; } hres = pIWbemLocator->ConnectServer( bstrNamespace, NULL, // user id
NULL, // password
NULL, // locale
0, // security flags
NULL, // domain
NULL, // context
&pIWbemServices ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { printf( "%s: ConnectServer( %S ) returned 0x%08X\n", fn, DNS_WMI_NAMESPACE, hres ); goto Done; }
if ( !pIWbemServices ) { ASSERT( pIWbemServices ); status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
// Set security.
hres = CoSetProxyBlanket( pIWbemServices, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, // principal name
EOAC_NONE ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { printf( "%s: CoSetProxyBlanket() returned 0x%08X\n", fn, hres ); goto Done; }
// Cleanup and return.
Done: SysFreeString( bstrNamespace );
if ( pIWbemLocator ) { pIWbemLocator->Release(); }
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && FAILED( hres ) ) { status = HRES_TO_STATUS( hres ); }
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { g_pIWbemServices = pIWbemServices; }
return status; } // DnscmdWmi_Initialize
DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_Free( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Close WMI session and free globals.
Return Value:
--*/ { DBG_FN( "DnscmdWmi_Free" )
if ( g_pIWbemServices ) { g_pIWbemServices->Release(); g_pIWbemServices = NULL; }
return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // DnscmdWmi_Free
DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_ProcessDnssrvQuery( IN PSTR pszZoneName, IN PCSTR pszQuery ) /*++
Routine Description:
Perform query.
pszZoneName -- zone name or NULL for server level query
pszQuery -- query name
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BSTR bstrClassName = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pObj = NULL; ULONG returnedCount = 1;
// Get WMI object.
status = getEnumerator( pszZoneName, &pEnum ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Done; }
status = getNextObjectInEnum( pEnum, &pObj ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS || !pObj ) { goto Done; }
printWmiObjectProperties( pObj );
// Cleanup and return.
SysFreeString( bstrClassName );
if ( pObj ) { pObj->Release(); }
if ( pEnum ) { pEnum->Release(); } return status; } // DnscmdWmi_ProcessDnssrvQuery
DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_ProcessEnumZones( IN DWORD dwFilter ) /*++
Routine Description:
Enumerate zones.
dwFilter -- filter
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BSTR bstrClassName = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pObj = NULL; HRESULT hres = 0; ULONG returnedCount = 1;
// Create zone enumerator.
bstrClassName = SysAllocString( L"MicrosoftDNS_Zone" ); if ( !bstrClassName ) { ASSERT( bstrClassName ); status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
hres = g_pIWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( bstrClassName, 0, // flags
NULL, // context
&pEnum ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; } ASSERT( pEnum );
// Enumerate zones.
while ( returnedCount == 1 ) { VARIANT val; CIMTYPE cimtype = 0; PWSTR pwszVal = NULL;
VariantInit( &val );
status = getNextObjectInEnum( pEnum, &pObj, FALSE ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS || !pObj ) { goto Done; }
// Print properties for this zone.
#define CHECK_HRES( hresult, propname ) \
if ( FAILED( hresult ) ) \ { \ printf( "\n\nWMI error 0x%08X reading property %S!\n", \ hresult, propname ); \ goto Done; \ }
hres = pObj->Get( L"Name", 0, &val, &cimtype, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"Name" ); printf( " %-29S", valueToString( cimtype, &val, &pwszVal ) ); free( pwszVal ); VariantClear( &val );
hres = pObj->Get( L"ZoneType", 0, &val, &cimtype, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"ZoneType" ); ASSERT( val.vt == VT_I4 ); printf( "%3d ", val.lVal ); VariantClear( &val );
hres = pObj->Get( L"DsIntegrated", 0, &val, &cimtype, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"DsIntegrated" ); ASSERT( val.vt == VT_BOOL ); printf( "%-4S ", val.boolVal ? L"DS" : L"file" ); VariantClear( &val );
hres = pObj->Get( L"Reverse", 0, &val, &cimtype, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"Reverse" ); ASSERT( val.vt == VT_BOOL ); printf( "%-3S ", val.boolVal ? L"Rev" : L"" ); VariantClear( &val );
hres = pObj->Get( L"AutoCreated", 0, &val, &cimtype, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"AutoCreated" ); ASSERT( val.vt == VT_BOOL ); printf( "%-4S ", val.boolVal ? L"Auto" : L"" ); VariantClear( &val );
hres = pObj->Get( L"AllowUpdate", 0, &val, &cimtype, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"AllowUpdate" ); ASSERT( val.vt == VT_BOOL ); printf( "Up=%d ", val.boolVal ? 1 : 0 ); VariantClear( &val );
hres = pObj->Get( L"Aging", 0, &val, &cimtype, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"Aging" ); ASSERT( val.vt == VT_BOOL ); printf( "%-5S ", val.boolVal ? L"Aging" : L"" ); VariantClear( &val );
hres = pObj->Get( L"Paused", 0, &val, &cimtype, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"Paused" ); ASSERT( val.vt == VT_BOOL ); printf( "%-6S ", val.boolVal ? L"Paused" : L"" ); VariantClear( &val );
hres = pObj->Get( L"Shutdown", 0, &val, &cimtype, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"Shutdown" ); ASSERT( val.vt == VT_BOOL ); printf( "%-6S", val.boolVal ? L"Shutdn" : L"" ); VariantClear( &val );
printf( "\n\n" ); }
// Cleanup and return.
SysFreeString( bstrClassName );
if ( pObj ) { pObj->Release(); }
if ( pEnum ) { pEnum->Release(); } if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && FAILED( hres ) ) { status = HRES_TO_STATUS( hres ); }
return status; } // DnscmdWmi_ProcessEnumZones
DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_ProcessZoneInfo( IN LPSTR pszZone ) /*++
Routine Description:
Enumerate zones.
dwFilter -- filter
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; IWbemClassObject * pObj = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; ULONG returnedCount = 1; WCHAR wsz[ 1024 ];
// Get WMI object.
status = getEnumerator( pszZone, &pEnum ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Done; }
status = getNextObjectInEnum( pEnum, &pObj, FALSE ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS || !pObj ) { goto Done; }
printWmiObjectProperties( pObj );
// Cleanup and return.
if ( pObj ) { pObj->Release(); }
if ( pEnum ) { pEnum->Release(); } return status; } // DnscmdWmi_ProcessZoneInfo
DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_ProcessEnumRecords( IN LPSTR pszZone, IN LPSTR pszNode, IN BOOL fDetail, IN DWORD dwFlags ) /*++
Routine Description:
Enumerate Records.
pszZone -- zone name
pszNode -- name of root node to at which to enumerate records
fDetail -- print summary or full detail
dwFlags -- search flags
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BSTR bstrWQL = NULL; BSTR bstrQuery = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pObj = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; HRESULT hres = 0; ULONG returnedCount = 1; WCHAR wsz[ 1024 ];
// Query for zone.
if ( pszNode == NULL || strcmp( pszNode, "@" ) == 0 ) { wsprintfW( wsz, L"select * from MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord " L"where ContainerName='%S'", pszZone ); } else { wsprintfW( wsz, L"select * from MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord " L"where DomainName='%S'", pszNode ); } bstrWQL = SysAllocString( L"WQL" ); bstrQuery = SysAllocString( wsz ); if ( !bstrWQL || !bstrQuery ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
hres = g_pIWbemServices->ExecQuery( bstrWQL, bstrQuery, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pEnum ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; } ASSERT( pEnum );
// Dump results.
while ( 1 ) { status = getNextObjectInEnum( pEnum, &pObj ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS || !pObj ) { break; }
if ( fDetail ) { printWmiObjectProperties( pObj ); } else { VARIANT val; CIMTYPE cimtype = 0; PWSTR pwszVal = NULL;
VariantInit( &val ); hres = pObj->Get( L"TextRepresentation", 0, &val, &cimtype, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"TextRepresentation" ); printf( "%S", valueToString( cimtype, &val, &pwszVal ) ); free( pwszVal ); VariantClear( &val );
printf( "\n" ); } }
// Cleanup and return.
SysFreeString( bstrWQL ); SysFreeString( bstrQuery );
if ( pObj ) { pObj->Release(); }
if ( pEnum ) { pEnum->Release(); } if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && FAILED( hres ) ) { status = HRES_TO_STATUS( hres ); }
return status; } // DnscmdWmi_ProcessEnumRecords
DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_ResetProperty( IN LPSTR pszZone, IN LPSTR pszProperty, IN DWORD cimType, IN PVOID value ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reset a server or zone property.
pszZone -- zone name - NULL for server property
pszProperty -- name of property to set
cimType -- variant type of the property, use one of: VT_I4 - DWORD VT_BSTR - string ? - IP list
value -- new value for property, interpreted based on cimtype: VT_I4 - cast pointer directly DWORD VT_BSTR - pointer to UTF-8 string ? - pointer to IP list
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BSTR bstrWQL = NULL; BSTR bstrQuery = NULL; BSTR bstrPropName = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pObj = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; HRESULT hres = 0; ULONG returnedCount = 1; WCHAR wsz[ 1024 ]; PWSTR pwszPropertyName = NULL; PWSTR pwszPropertyValue = NULL;
// Get WMI object.
status = getEnumerator( pszZone, &pEnum ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Done; }
status = getNextObjectInEnum( pEnum, &pObj ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS || !pObj ) { goto Done; }
// Print the object's RELPATH (warm fuzzy).
status = getRelpath( pObj, &var ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Done; } printf( "%S\n\n", V_BSTR( &var) );
// Set the property.
pwszPropertyName = ( PWSTR ) Dns_NameCopyAllocate( pszProperty, 0, DnsCharSetUtf8, DnsCharSetUnicode ); bstrPropName = SysAllocString( pwszPropertyName );
VariantClear( &var );
switch ( cimType ) { case VT_BSTR: pwszPropertyValue = ( PWSTR ) Dns_NameCopyAllocate( ( PCHAR ) value, 0, DnsCharSetUtf8, DnsCharSetUnicode ); V_VT( &var ) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR( &var ) = pwszPropertyValue; break;
case PRIVATE_VT_IPARRAY: { SAFEARRAY * psa = createSafeArrayForIpArray( ( PIP_ARRAY ) value ); V_VT( &var ) = VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR; V_ARRAY( &var ) = psa; break; }
default: // Assume this is DWORD property.
V_VT( &var ) = VT_I4; V_I4( &var ) = ( DWORD ) ( DWORD_PTR ) value; break; }
hres = pObj->Put( bstrPropName, 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var ); if ( !SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { printf( "WMI: unable to Put property error=0x%08X\n", hres ); goto Done; }
// Commit the change back to WMI.
hres = g_pIWbemServices->PutInstance( pObj, 0, NULL, NULL ); if ( !SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { printf( "WMI: unable to commit property error=0x%08X\n", hres ); goto Done; } //
// Cleanup and return.
FREE_HEAP( pwszPropertyName ); FREE_HEAP( pwszPropertyValue ); SysFreeString( bstrPropName );
if ( pObj ) { pObj->Release(); }
if ( pEnum ) { pEnum->Release(); } if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && FAILED( hres ) ) { status = HRES_TO_STATUS( hres ); }
return status; } // DnscmdWmi_ResetDwordProperty
Routine Description:
Reset server level forwarders.
cForwarders -- number of forwarder IP addresses
aipForwarders -- array of forwarder IP addresses
dwForwardTimeout -- timeout
fSlave -- slave flag
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_ProcessResetForwarders( IN DWORD cForwarders, IN PIP_ADDRESS aipForwarders, IN DWORD dwForwardTimeout, IN DWORD fSlave ) { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pObj = NULL; SAFEARRAY * psa = NULL; HRESULT hres = 0; VARIANT var;
VariantInit( &var );
// Get WMI object for server.
status = getEnumerator( NULL, &pEnum ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Done; }
status = getNextObjectInEnum( pEnum, &pObj ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS || !pObj ) { goto Done; }
// Set up parameters.
psa = createSafeArrayForIpList( cForwarders, aipForwarders ); if ( !psa ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; } V_VT( &var ) = VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR; V_ARRAY( &var ) = psa; hres = pObj->Put( MYTEXT( DNS_REGKEY_FORWARDERS ), 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var ); if ( !SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { printf( "WMI: unable to Put property %S error=0x%08X\n", MYTEXT( DNS_REGKEY_FORWARDERS ), hres ); goto Done; }
V_VT( &var ) = VT_I4; V_I4( &var ) = dwForwardTimeout; hres = pObj->Put( MYTEXT( DNS_REGKEY_FORWARD_TIMEOUT ), 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var ); if ( !SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { printf( "WMI: unable to Put property %S error=0x%08X\n", MYTEXT( DNS_REGKEY_FORWARD_TIMEOUT ), hres ); goto Done; }
V_VT( &var ) = VT_BOOL; V_BOOL( &var ) = ( VARIANT_BOOL ) fSlave; hres = pObj->Put( MYTEXT( DNS_REGKEY_SLAVE ), 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var ); if ( !SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { printf( "WMI: unable to Put property %S error=0x%08X\n", MYTEXT( DNS_REGKEY_SLAVE ), hres ); goto Done; }
// Commit the change back to WMI.
hres = g_pIWbemServices->PutInstance( pObj, 0, NULL, NULL ); if ( !SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { printf( "WMI: unable to commit property error=0x%08X\n", hres ); goto Done; } //
// Cleanup and return.
if ( pObj ) { pObj->Release(); } if ( pEnum ) { pEnum->Release(); } VariantClear( &var );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && FAILED( hres ) ) { status = hres; }
return status; }
Routine Description:
Send generic operation to server.
pszZone -- zone name or NULL for server level operation
pszOperation -- string identifying operation
dwTypeId -- DNS RPC data type of data at pvData
pvData -- DNS RPC data in DNS RPC union format
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_ProcessDnssrvOperation( IN LPSTR pszZoneName, IN LPSTR pszOperation, IN DWORD dwTypeId, IN PVOID pvData ) { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hres = 0; IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pObj = NULL; SAFEARRAY * psa = NULL; PWSTR pwszOperation = NULL; VARIANT var;
VariantInit( &var );
// Get WMI object.
status = getEnumerator( pszZoneName, &pEnum ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Done; }
status = getNextObjectInEnum( pEnum, &pObj ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS || !pObj ) { goto Done; }
// Process operation.
pwszOperation = ( PWSTR ) Dns_NameCopyAllocate( pszOperation, 0, DnsCharSetUtf8, DnsCharSetUnicode ); if ( !pwszOperation ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
if ( _stricmp( pszOperation, DNS_REGKEY_ZONE_MASTERS ) == 0 || _stricmp( pszOperation, DNS_REGKEY_ZONE_LOCAL_MASTERS ) == 0 ) { //
// For these properties do a simple Put operation by converting
// the DNS RPC data into VARIANT format and calling Put.
switch ( dwTypeId ) { case DNSSRV_TYPEID_IPARRAY: { PIP_ARRAY pip = ( PIP_ARRAY ) pvData;
psa = createSafeArrayForIpList( pip ? pip->AddrCount : 0, pip ? pip->AddrArray : NULL ); if ( !psa ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; } V_VT( &var ) = VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR; V_ARRAY( &var ) = psa; hres = pObj->Put( pwszOperation, 0, &var, 0 ); break; }
default: status = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; }
// Commit the Put operation.
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { hres = g_pIWbemServices->PutInstance( pObj, 0, NULL, NULL ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { printf( "WMI: unable to commit property %s error=0x%08X\n", pszOperation, hres ); goto Done; } } } else if ( _stricmp( pszOperation, DNSSRV_OP_ZONE_DELETE ) == 0 || _stricmp( pszOperation, DNSSRV_OP_ZONE_DELETE_FROM_DS ) == 0 ) { //
// Delete the zone.
VARIANT relpath;
status = getRelpath( pObj, &relpath ); if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hres = g_pIWbemServices->DeleteInstance( V_BSTR( &relpath ), 0, NULL, NULL ); } VariantClear( &relpath ); } else { status = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// Cleanup and return.
if ( psa ) { SafeArrayDestroy( psa ); } if ( pwszOperation ) { FREE_HEAP( pwszOperation ); } if ( pObj ) { pObj->Release(); } if ( pEnum ) { pEnum->Release(); } VariantClear( &var );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && FAILED( hres ) ) { status = hres; }
return status; } // DnscmdWmi_ProcessDnssrvOperation
DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_ProcessRecordAdd( IN LPSTR pszZoneName, IN LPSTR pszNodeName, IN PDNS_RPC_RECORD prrRpc, IN DWORD Argc, IN LPSTR * Argv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add or delete a resource record. This function will take of the necessary some data from the RPC record and some from the argument list.
pszZoneName -- zone name
pszNodeName -- name of property to set
prrRpc -- RPC record
Argc -- count of arguments used to create RPC record
Argv -- arguments used to create RPC record
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PWSTR pwszZoneName = NULL; PWSTR pwszArgs = NULL; PWSTR pwszCurrent; IWbemClassObject * pClassObj = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pServerObj = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pInSig = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pOutSig = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pInParams = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; HRESULT hres = 0; BSTR bstrClassName; BSTR bstrMethodName; VARIANT var; int len; int i; DNSCMD_CHECK_WMI_ENABLED();
// Allocate and initialize various stuff.
VariantInit( &var );
bstrClassName = SysAllocString( L"MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord" ); bstrMethodName = SysAllocString( L"CreateInstanceFromTextRepresentation" ); if ( !bstrClassName || !bstrMethodName ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
pwszZoneName = ( PWSTR ) Dns_NameCopyAllocate( pszZoneName, 0, DnsCharSetUtf8, DnsCharSetUnicode ); if ( !pwszZoneName ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
// Get WMI class object for Resource Record class.
hres = g_pIWbemServices->GetObject( bstrClassName, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE, NULL, &pClassObj, NULL ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; } ASSERT( pClassObj );
// Get WMI object for server.
status = getEnumerator( NULL, &pEnum ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Done; } ASSERT( pEnum );
status = getNextObjectInEnum( pEnum, &pServerObj ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Done; } ASSERT( pServerObj );
// Get WMI method signature for CreateInstanceFromTextRepresentation.
hres = pClassObj->GetMethod( bstrMethodName, 0, &pInSig, &pOutSig ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; } if ( pInSig == NULL ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
// Create an instance of the method input parameters.
hres = pInSig->SpawnInstance( 0, &pInParams ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; } ASSERT( pInParams );
// Collect the arguments into one big string
// -> owner name
// -> record class
// -> record type
// -> Argv array (space separated)
len = Argc * 2 + // for spaces
30 + // for record type
strlen( pszNodeName ); for ( i = 0; i < ( int ) Argc; ++i ) { len += strlen( Argv[ i ] ); } pwszCurrent = pwszArgs = new WCHAR [ len * sizeof( WCHAR ) ]; if ( !pwszArgs ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
for ( i = -3; i < ( int ) Argc; ++i ) { CHAR szBuff[ 40 ]; PSTR psz; if ( i == -3 ) { psz = pszNodeName; } else if ( i == -2 ) { psz = "IN"; } else if ( i == -1 ) { psz = Dns_RecordStringForType( prrRpc->wType ); } else { psz = Argv[ i ]; }
PWSTR pwsz = ( PWSTR ) Dns_NameCopyAllocate( psz, 0, DnsCharSetUtf8, DnsCharSetUnicode ); if ( !pwsz ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
if ( pwszCurrent != pwszArgs ) { wcscpy( pwszCurrent++, L" " ); } wcscpy( pwszCurrent, pwsz ); pwszCurrent += wcslen( pwsz ); }
// Set method input parameters.
getRelpath( pServerObj, &var ); hres = pInParams->Put( L"DnsServerName", 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var );
V_VT( &var ) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR( &var ) = SysAllocString( pwszZoneName ); hres = pInParams->Put( L"ContainerName", 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var );
V_VT( &var ) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR( &var ) = SysAllocString( pwszArgs ); hres = pInParams->Put( L"TextRepresentation", 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var );
// Execute the method (finally!)
hres = g_pIWbemServices->ExecMethod( bstrClassName, bstrMethodName, 0, // flags
NULL, // context
pInParams, // input params
NULL, // output params
NULL ); // call result
if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; }
// Cleanup and return.
VariantClear( &var ); FREE_HEAP( pwszZoneName ); delete [] pwszArgs; SysFreeString( bstrMethodName ); SysFreeString( bstrClassName ); wmiRelease( pEnum ); wmiRelease( pClassObj ); wmiRelease( pServerObj ); wmiRelease( pInSig ); wmiRelease( pOutSig ); wmiRelease( pInParams );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && FAILED( hres ) ) { status = HRES_TO_STATUS( hres ); } return status; } // DnscmdWmi_ProcessRecordAdd
DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_GetStatistics( IN DWORD dwStatId ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieves and dumps all statistics matching the dwStatId mask.
dwStatId -- statistic filter
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR wsz[ 1024 ]; BSTR bstrWQL = NULL; BSTR bstrQuery = NULL; HRESULT hres = 0; IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pObj = NULL;
// Execute query for statistics.
wsprintfW( wsz, L"select * from MicrosoftDNS_Statistic" );
bstrWQL = SysAllocString( L"WQL" ); bstrQuery = SysAllocString( wsz ); if ( !bstrWQL || !bstrQuery ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
hres = g_pIWbemServices->ExecQuery( bstrWQL, bstrQuery, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pEnum ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { status = hres; goto Done; }
// Dump query results.
VARIANT varLastColl; VariantInit( &varLastColl );
while ( 1 ) { status = getNextObjectInEnum( pEnum, &pObj, FALSE ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS || !pObj ) { break; }
CIMTYPE cimColl = 0; CIMTYPE cimName = 0; CIMTYPE cimValue = 0; CIMTYPE cimStringValue = 0;
VARIANT varColl; VARIANT varName; VARIANT varValue; VARIANT varStringValue; VariantInit( &varColl ); VariantInit( &varName ); VariantInit( &varValue ); VariantInit( &varStringValue );
hres = pObj->Get( L"CollectionName", 0, &varColl, &cimColl, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"CollectionName" ); hres = pObj->Get( L"Name", 0, &varName, &cimName, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"Name" ); hres = pObj->Get( L"Value", 0, &varValue, &cimValue, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"Value" ); hres = pObj->Get( L"StringValue", 0, &varStringValue, &cimValue, NULL ); CHECK_HRES( hres, L"StringValue" );
if ( V_VT( &varLastColl ) == VT_EMPTY || wcscmp( V_BSTR( &varLastColl ), V_BSTR( &varColl ) ) != 0 ) { //
// Entering new collection. NOTE: this assumes that stats
// are ordered by collection. Probably not a great assumption
// but it works for now.
printf( "\n%S:\n", V_BSTR( &varColl ) ); hres = VariantCopy( &varLastColl, &varColl ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; } }
printf( " %-35S = ", V_BSTR( &varName ) );
if ( V_VT( &varValue ) != VT_NULL ) { printf( "%lu", V_UI4( &varValue ) ); // printf( "%lu (0x%08X)", V_UI4( &varValue ), V_UI4( &varValue ) );
} else if ( V_VT( &varStringValue ) == VT_BSTR ) { printf( "%S", V_BSTR( &varStringValue ) ); } else { printf( "invalid value!" ); } printf( "\n" );
VariantClear( &varColl ); VariantClear( &varName ); VariantClear( &varValue ); VariantClear( &varStringValue ); } VariantClear( &varLastColl );
// Cleanup and return
SysFreeString( bstrWQL ); SysFreeString( bstrQuery ); if ( pEnum ) { pEnum->Release(); } if ( pObj ) { pObj->Release(); }
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && FAILED( hres ) ) { status = HRES_TO_STATUS( hres ); } return status; }
DNS_STATUS DnscmdWmi_ProcessResetZoneSecondaries( IN LPSTR pszZoneName, IN DWORD fSecureSecondaries, IN DWORD cSecondaries, IN PIP_ADDRESS aipSecondaries, IN DWORD fNotifyLevel, IN DWORD cNotify, IN PIP_ADDRESS aipNotify ) /*++
Routine Description:
Send "zone reset secondaries" command to the server to reset the zone secondary and notify list parameters.
pszZoneName -- zone name
fSecureSecondaries -- secondary directive (ZONE_SECSECURE_XXX)
cSecondaries -- count of IP addresses in aipSecondaries
aipSecondaries -- secondary server IP address array
fNotifyLevel -- notify directive (ZONE_NOTIFY_XXX)
cNotify -- count of IP addresses in aipNotify
aipNotify -- notify server IP address array
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BSTR bstrClassName; BSTR bstrMethodName; PWSTR pwszZoneName = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pObj = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pClassObj = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pInSig = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pOutSig = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pInParams = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; VARIANT var; HRESULT hres; SAFEARRAY * psa; DNSCMD_CHECK_WMI_ENABLED();
// Allocate and initialize various stuff.
VariantInit( &var );
bstrClassName = SysAllocString( L"MicrosoftDNS_Zone" ); bstrMethodName = SysAllocString( L"ResetSecondaries" ); if ( !bstrClassName || !bstrMethodName ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
// Get WMI class object for the Zone class.
hres = g_pIWbemServices->GetObject( bstrClassName, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE, NULL, &pClassObj, NULL ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; } ASSERT( pClassObj );
// Get WMI object for specified zone.
status = getEnumerator( pszZoneName, &pEnum ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Done; }
status = getNextObjectInEnum( pEnum, &pObj ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS || !pObj ) { goto Done; }
// Get WMI method signature for ResetSecondaries.
hres = pClassObj->GetMethod( bstrMethodName, 0, &pInSig, &pOutSig ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; } if ( pInSig == NULL ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
// Create an instance of the method input parameters.
hres = pInSig->SpawnInstance( 0, &pInParams ); if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; } ASSERT( pInParams );
// Set method input parameters.
printWmiObjectProperties( pInParams );
{ BSTR b = NULL; pInParams->GetObjectText( 0, &b ); printf( "\nObjectText:\n%S\n", b ); }
VariantClear( &var );
{ BSTR bstr = SysAllocString( L"SecureSecondaries" ); V_VT( &var ) = VT_UI4; V_UI4( &var ) = fSecureSecondaries; hres = pInParams->Put( bstr, 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var ); }
#if 0
V_VT( &var ) = VT_UI4; V_UI4( &var ) = fSecureSecondaries; hres = pInParams->Put( L"SecureSecondaries", 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var ); #endif
V_VT( &var ) = VT_UI4; V_UI4( &var ) = fNotifyLevel; hres = pInParams->Put( L"Notify", 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var );
psa = createSafeArrayForIpList( cSecondaries, aipSecondaries ); if ( !psa ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; } V_VT( &var ) = VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR; V_ARRAY( &var ) = psa; hres = pInParams->Put( L"SecondaryServers", 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var );
psa = createSafeArrayForIpList( cNotify, aipNotify ); if ( !psa ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; } V_VT( &var ) = VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR; V_ARRAY( &var ) = psa; hres = pInParams->Put( L"NotifyServers", 0, &var, 0 ); VariantClear( &var );
// Execute the method.
hres = g_pIWbemServices->ExecMethod( bstrClassName, bstrMethodName, 0, // flags
NULL, // context
pInParams, // input params
NULL, // output params
NULL ); // call result
if ( FAILED( hres ) ) { goto Done; }
// Cleanup and return.
VariantClear( &var ); FREE_HEAP( pwszZoneName ); SysFreeString( bstrMethodName ); SysFreeString( bstrClassName ); wmiRelease( pEnum ); wmiRelease( pClassObj ); wmiRelease( pInSig ); wmiRelease( pOutSig ); wmiRelease( pInParams );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && FAILED( hres ) ) { status = HRES_TO_STATUS( hres ); } return status; } // DnscmdWmi_ProcessResetZoneSecondaries
// End dnsc_wmi.c