Microsoft Windows
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 2001
Module Name:
Common includes and definitions to be used in netdom5
--*/ #ifndef __NETDOM_H__
#define __NETDOM_H__
#include <netdom5.h>
extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance;
#define FLAG_ON(flag,bits) ((flag) & (bits))
#define LOG_VERBOSE( __x__ ) { if ( Verbose ) { NetDompDisplayMessage __x__ ; } }
#define ERROR_VERBOSE( __error__) { if ( Verbose && __error__ != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { \
NetDompDisplayErrorMessage( __error__); } } #if DBG == 1
#define DBG_VERBOSE( __x__ ) { if ( Verbose ) { printf __x__ ;} }
#define CHECK_WIN32(err, cmd) \
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != err) \ { \ if (Verbose) \ { \ printf("Error %d at line %d in file %s\n", err, __LINE__, __FILE__); \ } \ cmd; \ } #else
#define DBG_VERBOSE( __x__ )
#define CHECK_WIN32(err, cmd) \
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != err) \ { \ cmd; \ } #endif
#define NETDOM_STR_LEN 64
extern BOOL Verbose;
typedef struct _ND5_AUTH_INFO { PWSTR User; PWSTR Password; PWSTR pwzUserWoDomain; PWSTR pwzUsersDomain;
typedef struct _ND5_TRUST_INFO {
PWSTR Server; PUNICODE_STRING DomainName; PUNICODE_STRING FlatName; PUNICODE_STRING ForestName; PSID Sid; LSA_HANDLE LsaHandle; // LSA Policy handle
LSA_HANDLE TrustHandle; // TDO handle
ULONG Flags; BOOL Uplevel; BOOL Connected; PVOID BlobToFree; BOOL fWasDownlevel;
bool CmdFlagOn(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs, NETDOM_ARG_ENUM eArgIndex);
DWORD NetDompGetTrustDirection( IN PND5_TRUST_INFO TrustingInfo, IN PND5_TRUST_INFO TrustedInfo, IN OUT PDWORD Direction );
// From ndutil.cxx
DWORD NetDompValidateSecondaryArguments(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs, NETDOM_ARG_ENUM eFirstValidParam, ...);
DWORD NetDompGetUserAndPasswordForOperation(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs, NETDOM_ARG_ENUM eUserType, PWSTR DefaultDomain, PND5_AUTH_INFO AuthIdent);
VOID NetDompFreeAuthIdent( IN PND5_AUTH_INFO AuthIdent );
DWORD NetDompGetDomainForOperation(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs, PWSTR Server OPTIONAL, BOOL CanDefaultToCurrent, PWSTR *DomainName);
DWORD NetDompGetArgumentString(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs, NETDOM_ARG_ENUM eArgToGet, PWSTR *ArgString);
BOOL NetDompGetArgumentBoolean(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs, NETDOM_ARG_ENUM eArgToGet);
DWORD NetDompControlService( IN PWSTR Server, IN PWSTR Service, IN DWORD ServiceOptions );
DWORD NetDompRestartAsRequired(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs, PWSTR Machine, PWSTR User, DWORD PreliminaryStatus, DWORD MsgID);
DWORD NetDompCheckDomainMembership( IN PWSTR Server, IN PND5_AUTH_INFO AuthInfo, IN BOOL EstablishSessionIfRequried, IN OUT BOOL * DomainMember );
DWORD NetDompGenerateRandomPassword( IN PWSTR Buffer, IN ULONG Length );
BOOL NetDompGetUserConfirmation( IN DWORD PromptResId, IN PWSTR pwzName );
DWORD EnablePrivilege( PCWSTR PrivilegeName ); //
// From netdom5.cxx
VOID DisplayExpertHelp(NETDOM_ARG_ENUM HelpOp);
VOID NetDompDisplayMessage( IN DWORD MessageId, ... );
VOID NetDompDisplayMessageAndError( IN DWORD MessageId, IN DWORD Error, IN PCWSTR String );
VOID NetDompDisplayUnexpectedParameter( IN PWSTR UnexpectedParameter );
VOID NetDompDisplayErrorMessage( IN DWORD Error );
// From join.cxx
DWORD NetDompHandleAdd(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs);
DWORD NetDompHandleRemove(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs);
DWORD NetDompHandleJoin(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs, BOOL AllowMove);
DWORD NetDompHandleMove(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs);
DWORD NetDompHandleReset(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs);
DWORD NetDompHandleResetPwd(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs);
DWORD NetDompHandleVerify(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs);
DWORD NetDompVerifyServerSC( IN PWSTR Domain, IN PWSTR Server, IN PND5_AUTH_INFO AuthInfo, IN ULONG OkMessageId, IN ULONG FailedMessageId );
DWORD NetDompResetServerSC( IN PWSTR Domain, IN PWSTR Server, IN PWSTR DomainController, OPTIONAL IN PND5_AUTH_INFO AuthInfo, IN ULONG OkMessageId, IN ULONG FailedMessageId );
// From trust.cxx
DWORD NetDompHandleTrust(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs);
DWORD NetDompTrustGetDomInfo( IN PWSTR Domain, IN PWSTR DomainController OPTIONAL, IN PND5_AUTH_INFO AuthInfo, IN OUT PND5_TRUST_INFO TrustInfo, IN BOOL ManageTrust, IN BOOL Force, IN BOOL fUseNullSession );
VOID NetDompFreeDomInfo( IN OUT PND5_TRUST_INFO TrustInfo );
DWORD NetDompVerifyTrust( IN PND5_TRUST_INFO TrustingInfo, IN PND5_TRUST_INFO TrustedInfo, BOOL fShowResults );
DWORD NetDompResetTrustPasswords( IN PWSTR TrustingDomain, IN PWSTR TrustedDomain, IN PND5_AUTH_INFO TrustingCreds, IN PND5_AUTH_INFO TrustedCreds );
DWORD NetDompSetMitTrustPW( IN PWSTR TrustingDomain, IN PWSTR TrustedDomain, IN PND5_AUTH_INFO TrustingCreds, IN PND5_AUTH_INFO TrustedCreds, IN PWSTR pwzNewTrustPW );
DWORD NetDompIsParentChild( IN PND5_TRUST_INFO pFirstDomainInfo, IN PND5_TRUST_INFO pSecondDomainName, OUT BOOL * pfParentChild );
// From query.cxx
DWORD NetDompHandleQuery(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs);
// From time.cxx
DWORD NetDompHandleTime(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs);
// From rename.cxx
DWORD NetDompHandleMoveNT4BDC(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs);
DWORD NetDompHandleRenameComputer(ARG_RECORD * rgNetDomArgs);
// From ldap.cxx
DWORD NetDompLdapBind( IN LPWSTR DC, IN LPWSTR Domain, IN LPWSTR User, IN LPWSTR Password, IN ULONG BindType, OUT PLDAP *Ldap );
DWORD NetDompLdapUnbind( IN PLDAP Ldap );
DWORD NetDompLdapReadOneAttribute( IN PLDAP Ldap, IN PWSTR ObjectPath, IN PWSTR Attribute, OUT PWSTR *ReadAttribute );
BOOL IsLocalMachine(PCWSTR pwzMachine);
DWORD NetDompJoinDownlevel( IN PWSTR Server, IN PWSTR Account, IN PWSTR Password, IN PWSTR Dc, IN ULONG DcFlags, IN BOOL AllowMove );
DWORD NetDompManageGroupMembership( IN PWSTR Server, IN PSID DomainSid, IN BOOL Delete );
DWORD NetDompManageMachineSecret( IN LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle, IN LPWSTR lpPassword, IN INT fControl );
#endif //ifndef __NETDOM_H__