// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2001
// File: parserutil.cpp
// Contents: Helpful functions for manipulating and validating
// generic command line arguments
// History: 07-Sep-2000 JeffJon Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "iostream.h"
// Function: GetPasswdStr
// Synopsis: Reads a password string from stdin without echoing the keystrokes
// Arguments: [buf - OUT] : buffer to put string in
// [buflen - IN] : size of the buffer
// [&len - OUT] : length of the string placed into the buffer
// Returns: DWORD : 0 or ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if user typed too much.
// Buffer contents are only valid on 0 return.
// History: 07-Sep-2000 JeffJon Created
#define CR 0xD
#define BACKSPACE 0x8
DWORD GetPasswdStr(LPTSTR buf, DWORD buflen, PDWORD len) { TCHAR ch; TCHAR *bufPtr = buf; DWORD c; int err; DWORD mode;
buflen -= 1; /* make space for null terminator */ *len = 0; /* GP fault probe (a la API's) */ GetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), &mode); SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), (~(ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT|ENABLE_LINE_INPUT)) & mode);
while (TRUE) { err = ReadConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), &ch, 1, &c, 0); if (!err || c != 1) ch = 0xffff;
if ((ch == CR) || (ch == 0xffff)) /* end of the line */ break;
if (ch == BACKSPACE) { /* back up one or two */ /*
* IF bufPtr == buf then the next two lines are * a no op. */ if (bufPtr != buf) { bufPtr--; (*len)--; } } else { *bufPtr = ch;
if (*len < buflen) bufPtr++ ; /* don't overflow buf */ (*len)++; /* always increment len */ } }
SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), mode); *bufPtr = TEXT('\0'); /* null terminate the string */ putwchar(TEXT('\n'));
return ((*len <= buflen) ? 0 : ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); }
// Function: ValidatePassword
// Synopsis: Password validation function called by parser
// Arguments: [pArg - IN] : pointer argument structure which contains
// the value to be validated
// Returns: DWORD : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if the argument record or
// the value it contains is not valid
// ERROR_SUCCESS if everything succeeded and it is a
// valid password
// Otherwise it is an error condition returned from
// GetPasswdStr
// History: 07-Sep-2000 JeffJon Created
DWORD ValidatePassword(PVOID pArg, UINT IdStr) { PARG_RECORD pRec = (PARG_RECORD)pArg; if(!pRec || !pRec->strValue) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if(wcscmp(pRec->strValue, L"*") != 0 ) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
CComBSTR sbstrPrompt; if(sbstrPrompt.LoadString(::GetModuleHandle(NULL),IdStr)) { DisplayOutput(sbstrPrompt); } else DisplayOutput(L"Enter Password\n"); WCHAR buffer[MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH]; DWORD len = 0; DWORD dwErr = GetPasswdStr(buffer,MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH,&len); if(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwErr; LocalFree(pRec->strValue); pRec->strValue = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR,sizeof(WCHAR)*(len+1)); if(!pRec->strValue) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; else { wcscpy(pRec->strValue,buffer); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
// Function: ValidateAdminPassword
// Synopsis: Password validation function called by parser for Admin
// Arguments: [pArg - IN] : pointer argument structure which contains
// the value to be validated
// Returns: DWORD : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if the argument record or
// the value it contains is not valid
// ERROR_SUCCESS if everything succeeded and it is a
// valid password
// History: 07-Sep-2000 Hiteshr Created
DWORD ValidateAdminPassword(PVOID pArg) { return ValidatePassword(pArg,IDS_ADMIN_PASSWORD_PROMPT); }
// Function: ValidateUserPassword
// Synopsis: Password validation function called by parser for Admin
// Arguments: [pArg - IN] : pointer argument structure which contains
// the value to be validated
// Returns: DWORD : Same as ValidatePassword
// History: 07-Sep-2000 Hiteshr Created
DWORD ValidateUserPassword(PVOID pArg) { return ValidatePassword(pArg, IDS_USER_PASSWORD_PROMPT); }
// Function: ValidateYesNo
// Synopsis: Password validation function called by parser for Admin
// Arguments: [pArg - IN] : pointer argument structure which contains
// the value to be validated
// Returns: DWORD : Same as ValidatePassword
// History: 07-Sep-2000 Hiteshr Created
DWORD ValidateYesNo(PVOID pArg) { PARG_RECORD pRec = (PARG_RECORD)pArg; if(!pRec || !pRec->strValue) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
CComBSTR sbstrYes; CComBSTR sbstrNo; CComBSTR sbstrInput;
if(!sbstrYes.LoadString(::GetModuleHandle(NULL),IDS_YES)) { return ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND; } if(!sbstrNo.LoadString(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), IDS_NO)) { return ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND; } sbstrYes.ToLower(); sbstrNo.ToLower(); sbstrInput = pRec->strValue; sbstrInput.ToLower(); if( sbstrInput == sbstrYes ) { LocalFree(pRec->strValue); pRec->bValue = TRUE; } else if( sbstrInput == sbstrNo ) { LocalFree(pRec->strValue); pRec->bValue = FALSE; } else return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// Have to set this to bool or else
// FreeCmd will try to free the string
// which AVs when the bool is true
pRec->fType = ARG_TYPE_BOOL; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Function: ValidateNever
// Synopsis: Password validation function called by parser for Admin
// Verifies the value contains digits or "NEVER"
// Arguments: [pArg - IN] : pointer argument structure which contains
// the value to be validated
// Returns: DWORD : Same as ValidatePassword
// History: 07-Sep-2000 JeffJon Created
if (pRec->fType == ARG_TYPE_STR) { CComBSTR sbstrInput; sbstrInput = pRec->strValue; if( _wcsicmp(sbstrInput, g_bstrNever) ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Function: ValidateGroupScope
// Synopsis: Makes sure that the value following the -scope switch is one
// of (l/g/u)
// Arguments: [pArg - IN] : pointer argument structure which contains
// the value to be validated
// Returns: DWORD : Same as ValidatePassword
// History: 18-Sep-2000 JeffJon Created
DWORD ValidateGroupScope(PVOID pArg) { DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; PARG_RECORD pRec = (PARG_RECORD)pArg; if(!pRec || !pRec->strValue) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
CComBSTR sbstrInput; sbstrInput = pRec->strValue; sbstrInput.ToLower(); if(sbstrInput == _T("l") || sbstrInput == _T("g") || sbstrInput == _T("u")) { dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return dwReturn; }
// Function: ParseNullSeparatedString
// Synopsis: Parses a '\0' separated list that ends in "\0\0" into a string
// array
// Arguments: [psz - IN] : '\0' separated string to be parsed
// [pszArr - OUT] : the array to receive the parsed strings
// [pnArrEntries - OUT] : the number of strings parsed from the list
// Returns:
// History: 18-Sep-2000 JeffJon Created
void ParseNullSeparatedString(PTSTR psz, PTSTR** ppszArr, UINT* pnArrEntries) { //
// Verify parameters
if (!psz || !ppszArr || !pnArrEntries) { ASSERT(psz); ASSERT(ppszArr); ASSERT(pnArrEntries);
return; }
// Count the number of strings
UINT nCount = 0; PTSTR pszTemp = psz; while (true) { if (pszTemp[0] == _T('\0') && pszTemp[1] == _T('\0')) { nCount++; break; } else if (pszTemp[0] == _T('\0') && pszTemp[1] != _T('\0')) { nCount++; pszTemp++; } else { pszTemp++; } }
*pnArrEntries = nCount;
// Allocate the array
*ppszArr = (PTSTR*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, nCount * sizeof(PTSTR)); if (*ppszArr) { //
// Copy the string pointers into the array
UINT nIdx = 0; pszTemp = psz; (*ppszArr)[nIdx] = pszTemp; nIdx++;
while (true) { if (pszTemp[0] == _T('\0') && pszTemp[1] == _T('\0')) { break; } else if (pszTemp[0] == _T('\0') && pszTemp[1] != _T('\0')) { (*ppszArr)[nIdx] = &(pszTemp[1]); nIdx++; pszTemp++; } else { pszTemp++; } } } }