Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the RpcXlate code to handle the NetConfigSet API.
John Rogers (JohnRo) 21-Oct-1991
Portable to any flat, 32-bit environment. (Uses Win32 typedefs.) Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
Revision History:
21-Oct-1992 JohnRo Created for RAID 9357: server mgr: can't add to alerts list on downlevel. 24-Nov-1992 JohnRo RAID 3578: Lan Server 2.0 returns NERR_InternalError for this API.
// These must be included first:
#include <windef.h> // IN, DWORD, etc.
#include <lmcons.h> // LM20_ equates, NET_API_STATUS, etc.
// These may be included in any order:
#include <apinums.h> // API_ equates.
#include <lmconfig.h> // LPCONFIG_INFO_0, etc.
#include <lmerr.h> // NO_ERROR, NERR_, and ERROR_ equates.
#include <netdebug.h> // NetpKdPrint(()), FORMAT_ equates, etc.
#include <prefix.h> // PREFIX_ equates.
#include <remdef.h> // REM16_, REM32_, REMSmb_ equates.
#include <rx.h> // RxRemoteApi().
#include <rxpdebug.h> // IF_DEBUG().
#include <rxconfig.h> // My prototype.
#include <tstr.h> // STRSIZE().
NET_API_STATUS RxNetConfigSet ( IN LPTSTR UncServerName, IN LPTSTR Reserved1 OPTIONAL, IN LPTSTR Component, IN DWORD Level, IN DWORD Reserved2, IN LPBYTE Buf, IN DWORD Reserved3 ) /*++
Routine Description:
RxNetConfigSet performs the same function as NetConfigSet, except that the server name is known to refer to a downlevel server.
(Same as NetConfigSet, except UncServerName must not be null, and must not refer to the local computer.)
Return Value:
(Same as NetConfigSet.)
{ NET_API_STATUS ApiStatus; LPCONFIG_INFO_0 ConfigStruct = (LPVOID) Buf; DWORD BufferSize;
// Error check DLL stub and the app.
NetpAssert(UncServerName != NULL); if (Component == NULL) { ApiStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; } if (Level != 0) { ApiStatus = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } if ( (ConfigStruct->cfgi0_key) == NULL ) { ApiStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; }
// RFirth says we should be paranoid and make sure MBZ (must be zero)
// parameters really are. OK with me. --JR
if (Reserved1 != NULL) { ApiStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; } else if (Reserved2 != 0) { ApiStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; } else if (Reserved3 != 0) { ApiStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; }
IF_DEBUG(CONFIG) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxNetConfigSet: starting, server=" FORMAT_LPTSTR ", component=" FORMAT_LPTSTR ".\n", UncServerName, Component )); }
// Compute buffer size.
BufferSize = sizeof(CONFIG_INFO_0) + STRSIZE( ConfigStruct->cfgi0_key ); if ( (ConfigStruct->cfgi0_data) != NULL ) { BufferSize += STRSIZE( ConfigStruct->cfgi0_data ); }
// Actually remote the API, using the already converted data.
ApiStatus = RxRemoteApi( API_WConfigSet, // API number
UncServerName, // Required, with \\name.
REMSmb_NetConfigSet_P, // parm desc
REM16_configset_info_0, // data desc 16
REM32_configset_info_0, // data desc 32
REMSmb_configset_info_0, // data desc SMB
NULL, // no aux data desc 16
NULL, // no aux data desc 32
NULL, // no aux data desc SMB
0, // Flags: normal
// rest of API's arguments, in 32-bit LM 2.x format:
// parm desc is "zzWWsTD"
Reserved1, // z
Component, // z
Level, // W
Reserved2, // W
Buf, // s
BufferSize, // T
Reserved3 ); // D
// IBM LAN Server 2.0 returns NERR_InternalError. Change this to
// something more descriptive.
if (ApiStatus == NERR_InternalError) { ApiStatus = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return (ApiStatus);
} // RxNetConfigSet