Copyright (c) 1991-92 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains NetStatistics APIs: RxNetStatisticsGet
Richard Firth (rfirth) 20-May-1991
Win-32/flat address space
Revision History:
20-May-1991 RFirth Created 13-Sep-1991 JohnRo Made changes suggested by PC-LINT. 25-Sep-1991 JohnRo Fixed MIPS build problems. 01-Apr-1992 JohnRo Use NetApiBufferAllocate() instead of private version.
#include "downlevl.h"
#include <rxstats.h>
#include <lmstats.h>
#include <lmsvc.h>
NET_API_STATUS RxNetStatisticsGet( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR ServiceName, IN DWORD Level, IN DWORD Options, OUT LPBYTE* Buffer )
Routine Description:
Retrieves statistics from a designated service running at a down-level server. Currently, the only services recognised are: SERVER WORKSTATION
ServerName - Where to run the API ServiceName - Pointer to string designating service to get stats for Level - At which to get info. Allowable levels are: 0 Options - Flags. Currently defined bits are: 0 Clear Statistics 1-31 Reserved. MBZ Buffer - Pointer to pointer to returned buffer containing stats
Return Value:
NET_API_STATUS Success - NERR_Success Failure - ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ServiceName was not "WORKSTATION" or "SERVER"
{ LPDESC pDesc16, pDesc32, pDescSmb; LPBYTE bufptr; DWORD buflen, total_avail; NET_API_STATUS rc;
*Buffer = NULL;
// If there are any other options set other than the CLEAR bit, return an
// error - we may allow extra options in NT, but down-level only knows
// about this one
// get the data descriptor strings and size of the returned buffer based
// on the service name string. If statistics for new services are made
// available then this code must be extended to use the correct, new,
// descriptor strings. Hence we return an error here if the string is not
// recognised, although it may be valid under NT
if (!STRCMP(ServiceName, (LPTSTR) SERVICE_SERVER)) { pDesc16 = REM16_stat_server_0; pDesc32 = REM32_stat_server_0; pDescSmb = REMSmb_stat_server_0; buflen = sizeof(STAT_SERVER_0); ServiceName = SERVICE_LM20_SERVER; } else if (!STRCMP(ServiceName, (LPTSTR) SERVICE_WORKSTATION)) { pDesc16 = REM16_stat_workstation_0; pDesc32 = REM32_stat_workstation_0; pDescSmb = REMSmb_stat_workstation_0; buflen = sizeof(STAT_WORKSTATION_0); ServiceName = SERVICE_LM20_WORKSTATION; } else { return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// standard retrieve buffer from down-level server type of thing: alloc
// buffer, do RxRemoteApi call, return buffer or throw away if error
if (rc = NetApiBufferAllocate(buflen, (LPVOID *) &bufptr)) { return rc; } rc = RxRemoteApi(API_WStatisticsGet2, // API #
ServerName, // where to do it
REM16_NetStatisticsGet2_P, // parameter string
pDesc16, // 16-bit data descriptor
pDesc32, // 32-bit data descriptor
pDescSmb, // SMB data descriptor
NULL, NULL, NULL, // no aux structures
FALSE, // user must be logged on
ServiceName, // first API parameter after ServerName
0, // Level MBZ
Options, // whatever caller supplied
bufptr, // locally allocated stats buffer
buflen, // size of stats buffer
&total_avail // not used on 32-bit side
); if (rc) { (void) NetApiBufferFree(bufptr); } else { *Buffer = bufptr; } return rc; }