/********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1987-1990 **/ /********************************************************************/
#include <nt.h> // for ntrtl.h
#include <ntrtl.h> // DbgPrint prototypes
#include <nturtl.h> // needed for windows.h when I have nt.h
#define WINMM_H
#include <windows.h> // ExitThread prototype
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmerr.h>
#include <nb30.h> // NetBios Prototypes and constants
#include <winsta.h> // Winstation functions (for HYDRA)
#include "heap.h"
#ifdef LINT
#define near
#define far
#define void int
#endif // LINT
#define clearncb(x) memset((char *)x,'\0',sizeof(NCB))
// Constant definitions
#define BUFLEN 200 // Length of NCB_BUF
#define TXTMAX 128 // Maximum bytes of text per block
#define MAXHEAD 80 // Maximum message header length
#define MAXEND 60 // Maximum message end length
#define MAXGRPMSGLEN 128 // Max domain message length
#define MAX_SIZMESSBUF 62000 // The max size for the message buffer
#define MIN_SIZMESSBUF 512 // The min size for the message buffer
#define MSNGR_MAX_NETS MAX_LANA // The maximum number of nets the messenger
// can handle. (Currently 12)
#define TIME_BUF_SIZE 128 // Size of the buffer to hold the message time
// Messaging name end bytes
#define NAME_LOCAL_END '\003' // 16th byte in local NCB name
// Messenger Thread Manager States (used as return codes)
#define UPDATE_ONLY 0 // no change in state - just send current status.
#define STARTING 1 // the messenger is initializing.
#define RUNNING 2 // initialization completed normally - now running
#define STOPPING 3 // uninstall pending
#define STOPPED 4 // uninstalled
// Forced Shutdown PendingCodes
// Message transfer states
#define MESSTART 0 // Message start state
#define MESSTOP 1 // Message stop state
#define MESCONT 2 // Message continued state
#define MESERR 3 // Message error state
// Alert Size
// Special Session Id = -1 (used to indicate that the message has to be broadcast to every session)
// Structure definitions
// ncb worker function type
typedef VOID (*PNCBIFCN) ( DWORD NetIndex, // Network Index
DWORD NcbIndex, // Network Control Block Index
CHAR RetVal // value returned by net bios
typedef struct _NCB_STATUS { int this_immediate; int last_immediate; unsigned char this_final; unsigned char last_final; unsigned char rep_count; unsigned char align; // *ALIGNMENT*
// structure used for keeping the session id list for each alias
// Per NCB Information
typedef struct _NCB_DATA { DWORD MsgPtr; LPNCBIFCN IFunc; NCB_STATUS Status; NCB Ncb; // Structure passed to Netbios
CHAR Buffer[BUFLEN]; CHAR Name[NCBNAMSZ + 4]; CHAR Fname[NCBNAMSZ + 4]; SHORT mgid; CHAR State; UCHAR NameFlags; UCHAR NameNum; LIST_ENTRY SessionList; UCHAR Pad[3]; } NCB_DATA, *PNCB_DATA;
// Per Network Information
typedef struct _NET_DATA { ULONG NumNcbs; PNCB_DATA *NcbList; UCHAR net_lana_num; UCHAR Pad[3]; } NET_DATA, *PNET_DATA;
// Global Information
typedef struct _GLOBAL_DATA { ULONG NumNets; DWORD LogStatus; DWORD BufSize; PNET_DATA NetData; PCHAR Buffer; } GLOBAL_DATA, *PGLOBAL_DATA;
extern GLOBAL_DATA GlobalData;
#define NCB_INIT_ENTRIES 16 // Initial number of NCB allocated per network
// For Multi-user systems, we allow up to 256 NCBs per network
#define NCB_MAX_ENTRIES 256 // Maximum number of NCBs per network
#define SESSION_MAX 256
// Name Flag definitions
#define NFNEW 0x01 // New name
#define NFDEL 0x02 // Name deleted
#define NFFOR 0x04 // Messages forwarded
// #define NFFWDNAME 0x10 // Forward-name
#define NFMACHNAME 0x20 // Machine name (undeletable)
#define NFLOCK 0x40 // Name entry locked
#define NFDEL_PENDING 0x80 // Delete name issued but not complete*/
// The messenger mailslot for domain messaging
#define MESSNGR_MS_NAME "\\\\.\\mailslot\\messngr"
// Structure and macro definitions
#ifdef INULL // If heap structures defined
// Multi-block message header
typedef struct { HEAPHDR mbb_hp; // Heap block header
DWORD mbb_next; // Link to next message
SYSTEMTIME mbb_bigtime; // Date of message
DWORD mbb_btext; // Link to last text block
DWORD mbb_ftext; // Link to first text block
DWORD mbb_state; // State flag
#define MBB_CODE(x) HP_FLAG((x).mbb_hp)
#define MBB_NEXT(x) (x).mbb_next
#define MBB_BIGTIME(x) (x).mbb_bigtime
#define MBB_BTEXT(x) (x).mbb_btext
#define MBB_FTEXT(x) (x).mbb_ftext
#define MBB_STATE(x) (x).mbb_state
#define MBBPTR(x) ((MBB far *) &heap[(x)])
// Multi-block message text
typedef struct { HEAPHDR mbt_hp; // Heap block header
DWORD mbt_next; // Link to next block (offset)
DWORD mbt_bytecount; // *ALIGNMENT2*
#define MBT_CODE(x) HP_FLAG((x).mbt_hp)
#define MBT_NEXT(x) (x).mbt_next
#define MBT_COUNT(x) (x).mbt_bytecount // *ALIGNMENT2*
#define MBTPTR(x) ((LPMBT) &heap[(x)])
#endif // INULL - End heap access macros
// A one session/name status structure
// Shared data access macros
#define GETNCBDATA(n, x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]
#define GETNCB(n, x) &GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->Ncb
#define GETNETLANANUM(n) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].net_lana_num
#define GETNETDATA(n) &GlobalData.NetData[(n)]
#define SD_NUMNETS() GlobalData.NumNets
#define SD_NAMEFLAGS(n, x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->NameFlags
#define SD_NAMENUMS(n, x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->NameNum
#define SD_NAMES(n, x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->Name
#define SD_BUFLEN() GlobalData.BufSize
#define SD_MESLOG() GlobalData.LogStatus
#define SD_MESPTR(n, x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->MsgPtr
#define SD_BUFFER() GlobalData.Buffer
#define SD_SIDLIST(n,x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->SessionList
#define NCBMAX(n) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NumNcbs
// No. of repeated consectutive NCB errors required to abort the
// message server.
// Database Lock requests for the MsgDatabaseLock function.
// Macros to deregister a thread pool item and close
// a handle once and only once
#define DEREGISTER_WORK_ITEM(g_hWorkItem) \
{ \ HANDLE hTemp = InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_hWorkItem, NULL); \ \ if (hTemp != NULL) \ { \ NTSTATUS Status = RtlDeregisterWait(hTemp); \ \ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) \ { \ MSG_LOG2(ERROR, \ "RtlDeregisterWait on %p failed %x\n", \ hTemp, \ Status); \ } \ } \ }
#define CLOSE_HANDLE(HandleToClose, InvalidHandleValue) \
{ \ HANDLE hTemp = InterlockedExchangePointer(&HandleToClose, InvalidHandleValue); \ \ if (hTemp != InvalidHandleValue) \ { \ CloseHandle(hTemp); \ } \ }
// global variables
extern BOOL g_IsTerminalServer;
// WinStationQueryInformationW
typedef BOOLEAN (*PWINSTATION_QUERY_INFORMATION) ( HANDLE hServer, ULONG SessionId, WINSTATIONINFOCLASS WinStationInformationClass, PVOID pWinStationInformation, ULONG WinStationInformationLength, PULONG pReturnLength );
extern PWINSTATION_QUERY_INFORMATION gpfnWinStationQueryInformation;
// WinStationSendMessageW
typedef BOOLEAN (*PWINSTATION_SEND_MESSAGE) ( HANDLE hServer, ULONG SessionId, LPWSTR pTitle, ULONG TitleLength, LPWSTR pMessage, ULONG MessageLength, ULONG Style, ULONG Timeout, PULONG pResponse, BOOLEAN DoNotWait ); extern PWINSTATION_SEND_MESSAGE gpfnWinStationSendMessage;
// WinStationFreeMemory
typedef BOOLEAN (*PWINSTATION_FREE_MEMORY) ( PVOID pBuffer ); extern PWINSTATION_FREE_MEMORY gpfnWinStationFreeMemory;
// WinStationEnumerateW
typedef BOOLEAN (*PWINSTATION_ENUMERATE) ( HANDLE hServer, PLOGONIDW *ppLogonId, PULONG pEntries ); extern PWINSTATION_ENUMERATE gpfnWinStationEnumerate;
// Function Prototypes
DWORD GetMsgrState( VOID );
VOID MsgrBlockStateChange( VOID );
VOID MsgrUnblockStateChange( VOID );
NET_API_STATUS MsgAddName( LPTSTR Name, ULONG SessionId );
VOID MsgAddUserNames( VOID );
VOID MsgAddAlreadyLoggedOnUserNames( VOID );
DWORD MsgBeginForcedShutdown( IN BOOL PendingCode, IN DWORD ExitCode );
BOOL MsgDatabaseLock( IN MSG_LOCK_REQUEST request, IN LPSTR idString );
BOOL MsgConfigurationLock( IN MSG_LOCK_REQUEST request, IN LPSTR idString );
NTSTATUS MsgInitCriticalSection( PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION pCritsec );
NTSTATUS MsgInitResource( PRTL_RESOURCE pResource );
DWORD MsgDisplayInit( VOID );
BOOL MsgDisplayQueueAdd( IN LPSTR pMsgBuffer, IN DWORD MsgSize, IN ULONG SessionId, IN SYSTEMTIME BigTime );
VOID MsgDisplayThreadWakeup( VOID );
VOID MsgDisplayEnd( VOID );
NET_API_STATUS MsgInitializeMsgr( IN DWORD argc, IN LPTSTR *argv );
NET_API_STATUS MsgrInitializeMsgrInternal1( void );
NET_API_STATUS MsgrInitializeMsgrInternal2( void );
NET_API_STATUS MsgNewName( IN DWORD neti, IN DWORD ncbi );
VOID MsgrShutdown( );
VOID MsgThreadWakeup( VOID );
VOID MsgStatusInit( VOID );
DWORD MsgStatusUpdate( IN DWORD NewState );
VOID MsgThreadCloseAll( VOID );
DWORD MsgThreadManagerInit( VOID );
BOOL MsgServeNCBs( DWORD net // Which network am I serving?
VOID MsgServeNameReqs( IN DWORD net );
VOID MsgReadGroupMailslot( VOID );
NET_API_STATUS MsgServeGroupMailslot( VOID );
DWORD Msghdrprint( int action, // Where to log the header to.
LPSTR from, // Name of sender
LPSTR to, // Name of recipient
SYSTEMTIME bigtime, // Bigtime of message
HANDLE file_handle // Output file handle*/
DWORD Msglogmbb( LPSTR from, // Name of sender
LPSTR to, // Name of recipient
DWORD net, // Which network ?
DWORD ncbi // Network Control Block index
UCHAR Msglogmbe( DWORD state, // Final state of message
DWORD net, // Which network?
DWORD ncbi // Network Control Block index
DWORD Msglogmbt( LPSTR text, // Text of message
DWORD net, // Which network?
DWORD ncbi // Network Control Block index
DWORD Msglogsbm( LPSTR from, // Name of sender
LPSTR to, // Name of recipient
LPSTR text, // Text of message
ULONG SessionId // Session Id
VOID Msgmbmfree( DWORD mesi );
DWORD Msgmbmprint( int action, DWORD mesi, HANDLE file_handle, LPDWORD pdwAlertFlag );
DWORD MsgrCtrlHandler( IN DWORD dwControl, IN DWORD dwEventType, IN LPVOID lpEventData, IN LPVOID lpContext );
UCHAR Msgsendncb( PNCB NcbPtr, DWORD neti );
int Msgsmbcheck( LPBYTE buffer, USHORT size, UCHAR func, int parms, LPSTR fields );
NET_API_STATUS MsgStartListen( DWORD net, DWORD ncbi );
DWORD Msgtxtprint( int action, // Alert, File, or Alert and file
LPSTR text, // Pointer to text
DWORD length, // Length of text
HANDLE file_handle // Log file handle
NET_API_STATUS MsgInitSupportSeg( VOID );
VOID MsgFreeSupportSeg( VOID );
VOID MsgFreeSharedData( VOID );
BOOL MsgCreateWakeupSems( DWORD NumNets );
BOOL MsgCreateWakeupEvent( void );
VOID MsgCloseWakeupSems( VOID );
VOID MsgCloseWakeupEvent( VOID );
NET_API_STATUS MsgInitGroupSupport( DWORD iGrpMailslotWakeupSem );
VOID MsgGrpThreadShutdown( VOID );
DWORD MsgGetNumNets( VOID );
NET_API_STATUS MultiUserInitMessage( VOID );
VOID MsgArrivalBeep( ULONG SessionId );
INT DisplayMessage( LPWSTR pMessage, LPWSTR pTitle, ULONG SessionId );
NET_API_STATUS MsgGetClientSessionId( OUT PULONG pSessionId );
VOID MsgNetEventCompletion( PVOID pvContext, // This passed in as context.
BOOLEAN fWaitStatus );