Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /********************************************************************/
  2. /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/
  3. /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1987-1990 **/
  4. /********************************************************************/
  5. #ifndef _MSRV_INCLUDED
  6. #define _MSRV_INCLUDED
  7. #include <nt.h> // for ntrtl.h
  8. #include <ntrtl.h> // DbgPrint prototypes
  9. #include <nturtl.h> // needed for windows.h when I have nt.h
  10. #define WINMM_H
  11. #include <windows.h> // ExitThread prototype
  12. #include <lmcons.h>
  13. #include <lmerr.h>
  14. #include <nb30.h> // NetBios Prototypes and constants
  15. #include <winsta.h> // Winstation functions (for HYDRA)
  16. #include "heap.h"
  17. #ifdef LINT
  18. #define near
  19. #define far
  20. #define void int
  21. #endif // LINT
  22. #define clearncb(x) memset((char *)x,'\0',sizeof(NCB))
  23. //
  24. // Constant definitions
  25. //
  26. #define BUFLEN 200 // Length of NCB_BUF
  27. #define TXTMAX 128 // Maximum bytes of text per block
  28. #define MAXHEAD 80 // Maximum message header length
  29. #define MAXEND 60 // Maximum message end length
  30. #define MAXGRPMSGLEN 128 // Max domain message length
  31. #define MAX_SIZMESSBUF 62000 // The max size for the message buffer
  32. #define MIN_SIZMESSBUF 512 // The min size for the message buffer
  33. #define MSNGR_MAX_NETS MAX_LANA // The maximum number of nets the messenger
  34. // can handle. (Currently 12)
  35. #define TIME_BUF_SIZE 128 // Size of the buffer to hold the message time
  37. //
  38. // Messaging name end bytes
  39. //
  40. #define NAME_LOCAL_END '\003' // 16th byte in local NCB name
  41. //
  42. // Messenger Thread Manager States (used as return codes)
  43. //
  44. #define UPDATE_ONLY 0 // no change in state - just send current status.
  45. #define STARTING 1 // the messenger is initializing.
  46. #define RUNNING 2 // initialization completed normally - now running
  47. #define STOPPING 3 // uninstall pending
  48. #define STOPPED 4 // uninstalled
  49. //
  50. // Forced Shutdown PendingCodes
  51. //
  52. #define PENDING TRUE
  53. #define IMMEDIATE FALSE
  54. //
  55. // Message transfer states
  56. //
  57. #define MESSTART 0 // Message start state
  58. #define MESSTOP 1 // Message stop state
  59. #define MESCONT 2 // Message continued state
  60. #define MESERR 3 // Message error state
  61. //
  62. // Alert Size
  63. //
  65. //
  66. // Special Session Id = -1 (used to indicate that the message has to be broadcast to every session)
  67. //
  68. #define EVERYBODY_SESSION_ID -1
  69. // Structure definitions
  70. //
  71. // ncb worker function type
  72. //
  73. typedef VOID (*PNCBIFCN) (
  74. DWORD NetIndex, // Network Index
  75. DWORD NcbIndex, // Network Control Block Index
  76. CHAR RetVal // value returned by net bios
  77. );
  79. typedef struct _NCB_STATUS {
  80. int this_immediate;
  81. int last_immediate;
  82. unsigned char this_final;
  83. unsigned char last_final;
  84. unsigned char rep_count;
  85. unsigned char align; // *ALIGNMENT*
  87. // structure used for keeping the session id list for each alias
  88. typedef struct _MSG_SESSION_ID_ITEM
  89. {
  90. LIST_ENTRY List;
  91. ULONG SessionId;
  92. }
  94. // Per NCB Information
  95. typedef struct _NCB_DATA {
  96. DWORD MsgPtr;
  97. LPNCBIFCN IFunc;
  98. NCB_STATUS Status;
  99. NCB Ncb; // Structure passed to Netbios
  100. CHAR Buffer[BUFLEN];
  101. CHAR Name[NCBNAMSZ + 4];
  102. CHAR Fname[NCBNAMSZ + 4];
  103. SHORT mgid;
  104. CHAR State;
  105. UCHAR NameFlags;
  106. UCHAR NameNum;
  107. LIST_ENTRY SessionList;
  108. UCHAR Pad[3];
  109. } NCB_DATA, *PNCB_DATA;
  110. // Per Network Information
  111. typedef struct _NET_DATA {
  112. ULONG NumNcbs;
  113. PNCB_DATA *NcbList;
  114. UCHAR net_lana_num;
  115. UCHAR Pad[3];
  116. } NET_DATA, *PNET_DATA;
  117. // Global Information
  118. typedef struct _GLOBAL_DATA
  119. {
  120. ULONG NumNets;
  121. DWORD LogStatus;
  122. DWORD BufSize;
  123. PNET_DATA NetData;
  124. PCHAR Buffer;
  126. extern GLOBAL_DATA GlobalData;
  127. #define NCB_INIT_ENTRIES 16 // Initial number of NCB allocated per network
  128. // For Multi-user systems, we allow up to 256 NCBs per network
  129. #define NCB_MAX_ENTRIES 256 // Maximum number of NCBs per network
  130. #define SESSION_MAX 256
  131. //
  132. // Name Flag definitions
  133. //
  134. #define NFNEW 0x01 // New name
  135. #define NFDEL 0x02 // Name deleted
  136. #define NFFOR 0x04 // Messages forwarded
  137. // #define NFFWDNAME 0x10 // Forward-name
  138. #define NFMACHNAME 0x20 // Machine name (undeletable)
  139. #define NFLOCK 0x40 // Name entry locked
  140. #define NFDEL_PENDING 0x80 // Delete name issued but not complete*/
  141. //
  142. // The messenger mailslot for domain messaging
  143. //
  144. #define MESSNGR_MS_NAME "\\\\.\\mailslot\\messngr"
  145. //
  146. // Structure and macro definitions
  147. //
  148. #ifdef INULL // If heap structures defined
  149. //
  150. // Multi-block message header
  151. //
  152. typedef struct {
  153. HEAPHDR mbb_hp; // Heap block header
  154. DWORD mbb_next; // Link to next message
  155. SYSTEMTIME mbb_bigtime; // Date of message
  156. DWORD mbb_btext; // Link to last text block
  157. DWORD mbb_ftext; // Link to first text block
  158. DWORD mbb_state; // State flag
  159. }MBB;
  160. #define MBB_CODE(x) HP_FLAG((x).mbb_hp)
  161. #define MBB_NEXT(x) (x).mbb_next
  162. #define MBB_BIGTIME(x) (x).mbb_bigtime
  163. #define MBB_BTEXT(x) (x).mbb_btext
  164. #define MBB_FTEXT(x) (x).mbb_ftext
  165. #define MBB_STATE(x) (x).mbb_state
  166. #define MBBPTR(x) ((MBB far *) &heap[(x)])
  167. //
  168. // Multi-block message text
  169. //
  170. typedef struct {
  171. HEAPHDR mbt_hp; // Heap block header
  172. DWORD mbt_next; // Link to next block (offset)
  173. DWORD mbt_bytecount; // *ALIGNMENT2*
  174. }MBT, *PMBT, *LPMBT;
  175. #define MBT_CODE(x) HP_FLAG((x).mbt_hp)
  176. #define MBT_NEXT(x) (x).mbt_next
  177. #define MBT_COUNT(x) (x).mbt_bytecount // *ALIGNMENT2*
  178. #define MBTPTR(x) ((LPMBT) &heap[(x)])
  179. #endif // INULL - End heap access macros
  180. //
  181. // A one session/name status structure
  182. //
  183. typedef struct _MSG_SESSION_STATUS{
  184. SESSION_HEADER SessHead;
  187. //
  188. // Shared data access macros
  189. //
  190. #define GETNCBDATA(n, x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]
  191. #define GETNCB(n, x) &GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->Ncb
  192. #define GETNETLANANUM(n) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].net_lana_num
  194. #define GETNETDATA(n) &GlobalData.NetData[(n)]
  195. #define SD_NUMNETS() GlobalData.NumNets
  196. #define SD_NAMEFLAGS(n, x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->NameFlags
  197. #define SD_NAMENUMS(n, x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->NameNum
  198. #define SD_NAMES(n, x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->Name
  199. #define SD_BUFLEN() GlobalData.BufSize
  200. #define SD_MESLOG() GlobalData.LogStatus
  201. #define SD_MESPTR(n, x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->MsgPtr
  202. #define SD_BUFFER() GlobalData.Buffer
  203. #define SD_SIDLIST(n,x) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NcbList[(x)]->SessionList
  204. #define NCBMAX(n) GlobalData.NetData[(n)].NumNcbs
  205. //
  206. // No. of repeated consectutive NCB errors required to abort the
  207. // message server.
  208. //
  209. #define SHUTDOWN_THRESHOLD 10
  210. //
  211. // Database Lock requests for the MsgDatabaseLock function.
  212. //
  213. typedef enum _MSG_LOCK_REQUEST
  214. {
  219. }
  221. //
  222. // Macros to deregister a thread pool item and close
  223. // a handle once and only once
  224. //
  225. #define DEREGISTER_WORK_ITEM(g_hWorkItem) \
  226. { \
  227. HANDLE hTemp = InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_hWorkItem, NULL); \
  228. \
  229. if (hTemp != NULL) \
  230. { \
  231. NTSTATUS Status = RtlDeregisterWait(hTemp); \
  232. \
  233. if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) \
  234. { \
  235. MSG_LOG2(ERROR, \
  236. "RtlDeregisterWait on %p failed %x\n", \
  237. hTemp, \
  238. Status); \
  239. } \
  240. } \
  241. }
  242. #define CLOSE_HANDLE(HandleToClose, InvalidHandleValue) \
  243. { \
  244. HANDLE hTemp = InterlockedExchangePointer(&HandleToClose, InvalidHandleValue); \
  245. \
  246. if (hTemp != InvalidHandleValue) \
  247. { \
  248. CloseHandle(hTemp); \
  249. } \
  250. }
  251. //
  252. // global variables
  253. //
  254. extern BOOL g_IsTerminalServer;
  255. // WinStationQueryInformationW
  257. HANDLE hServer,
  258. ULONG SessionId,
  259. WINSTATIONINFOCLASS WinStationInformationClass,
  260. PVOID pWinStationInformation,
  261. ULONG WinStationInformationLength,
  262. PULONG pReturnLength
  263. );
  264. extern PWINSTATION_QUERY_INFORMATION gpfnWinStationQueryInformation;
  265. // WinStationSendMessageW
  267. HANDLE hServer,
  268. ULONG SessionId,
  269. LPWSTR pTitle,
  270. ULONG TitleLength,
  271. LPWSTR pMessage,
  272. ULONG MessageLength,
  273. ULONG Style,
  274. ULONG Timeout,
  275. PULONG pResponse,
  276. BOOLEAN DoNotWait
  277. );
  278. extern PWINSTATION_SEND_MESSAGE gpfnWinStationSendMessage;
  279. // WinStationFreeMemory
  281. PVOID pBuffer
  282. );
  283. extern PWINSTATION_FREE_MEMORY gpfnWinStationFreeMemory;
  284. // WinStationEnumerateW
  286. HANDLE hServer,
  287. PLOGONIDW *ppLogonId,
  288. PULONG pEntries
  289. );
  290. extern PWINSTATION_ENUMERATE gpfnWinStationEnumerate;
  291. //
  292. // Function Prototypes
  293. //
  294. DWORD
  295. GetMsgrState(
  296. VOID
  297. );
  298. VOID
  299. MsgrBlockStateChange(
  300. VOID
  301. );
  302. VOID
  303. MsgrUnblockStateChange(
  304. VOID
  305. );
  307. MsgAddName(
  308. LPTSTR Name,
  309. ULONG SessionId
  310. );
  311. VOID
  312. MsgAddUserNames(
  313. VOID
  314. );
  315. VOID
  316. MsgAddAlreadyLoggedOnUserNames(
  317. VOID
  318. );
  319. DWORD
  320. MsgBeginForcedShutdown(
  321. IN BOOL PendingCode,
  322. IN DWORD ExitCode
  323. );
  324. BOOL
  325. MsgDatabaseLock(
  326. IN MSG_LOCK_REQUEST request,
  327. IN LPSTR idString
  328. );
  329. BOOL
  330. MsgConfigurationLock(
  331. IN MSG_LOCK_REQUEST request,
  332. IN LPSTR idString
  333. );
  335. MsgInitCriticalSection(
  337. );
  339. MsgInitResource(
  340. PRTL_RESOURCE pResource
  341. );
  342. DWORD
  343. MsgDisplayInit(
  344. VOID
  345. );
  346. BOOL
  347. MsgDisplayQueueAdd(
  348. IN LPSTR pMsgBuffer,
  349. IN DWORD MsgSize,
  350. IN ULONG SessionId,
  351. IN SYSTEMTIME BigTime
  352. );
  353. VOID
  354. MsgDisplayThreadWakeup(
  355. VOID
  356. );
  357. VOID
  358. MsgDisplayEnd(
  359. VOID
  360. );
  362. MsgInitializeMsgr(
  363. IN DWORD argc,
  364. IN LPTSTR *argv
  365. );
  367. MsgrInitializeMsgrInternal1(
  368. void
  369. );
  371. MsgrInitializeMsgrInternal2(
  372. void
  373. );
  375. MsgNewName(
  376. IN DWORD neti,
  377. IN DWORD ncbi
  378. );
  379. VOID
  380. MsgrShutdown(
  381. );
  382. VOID
  383. MsgThreadWakeup(
  384. VOID
  385. );
  386. VOID
  387. MsgStatusInit(
  388. VOID
  389. );
  390. DWORD
  391. MsgStatusUpdate(
  392. IN DWORD NewState
  393. );
  394. VOID
  395. MsgThreadCloseAll(
  396. VOID
  397. );
  398. DWORD
  399. MsgThreadManagerInit(
  400. VOID
  401. );
  403. MsgInit_NetBios(
  404. VOID
  405. );
  406. BOOL
  407. MsgServeNCBs(
  408. DWORD net // Which network am I serving?
  409. );
  410. VOID
  411. MsgServeNameReqs(
  412. IN DWORD net
  413. );
  414. VOID
  415. MsgReadGroupMailslot(
  416. VOID
  417. );
  419. MsgServeGroupMailslot(
  420. VOID
  421. );
  423. MsgFmtNcbName(
  424. OUT PCHAR DestBuf,
  425. IN LPTSTR Name,
  426. IN DWORD Type);
  427. DWORD
  428. Msghdrprint(
  429. int action, // Where to log the header to.
  430. LPSTR from, // Name of sender
  431. LPSTR to, // Name of recipient
  432. SYSTEMTIME bigtime, // Bigtime of message
  433. HANDLE file_handle // Output file handle*/
  434. );
  435. DWORD
  436. Msglogmbb(
  437. LPSTR from, // Name of sender
  438. LPSTR to, // Name of recipient
  439. DWORD net, // Which network ?
  440. DWORD ncbi // Network Control Block index
  441. );
  442. UCHAR
  443. Msglogmbe(
  444. DWORD state, // Final state of message
  445. DWORD net, // Which network?
  446. DWORD ncbi // Network Control Block index
  447. );
  448. DWORD
  449. Msglogmbt(
  450. LPSTR text, // Text of message
  451. DWORD net, // Which network?
  452. DWORD ncbi // Network Control Block index
  453. );
  454. DWORD
  455. Msglogsbm(
  456. LPSTR from, // Name of sender
  457. LPSTR to, // Name of recipient
  458. LPSTR text, // Text of message
  459. ULONG SessionId // Session Id
  460. );
  461. VOID
  462. Msgmbmfree(
  463. DWORD mesi
  464. );
  465. DWORD
  466. Msgmbmprint(
  467. int action,
  468. DWORD mesi,
  469. HANDLE file_handle,
  470. LPDWORD pdwAlertFlag
  471. );
  472. DWORD
  473. MsgrCtrlHandler(
  474. IN DWORD dwControl,
  475. IN DWORD dwEventType,
  476. IN LPVOID lpEventData,
  477. IN LPVOID lpContext
  478. );
  479. UCHAR
  480. Msgsendncb(
  481. PNCB NcbPtr,
  482. DWORD neti
  483. );
  484. int
  485. Msgsmbcheck(
  486. LPBYTE buffer,
  487. USHORT size,
  488. UCHAR func,
  489. int parms,
  490. LPSTR fields
  491. );
  493. MsgStartListen(
  494. DWORD net,
  495. DWORD ncbi
  496. );
  497. DWORD
  498. Msgtxtprint(
  499. int action, // Alert, File, or Alert and file
  500. LPSTR text, // Pointer to text
  501. DWORD length, // Length of text
  502. HANDLE file_handle // Log file handle
  503. );
  505. MsgInitSupportSeg(
  506. VOID
  507. );
  508. VOID
  509. MsgFreeSupportSeg(
  510. VOID
  511. );
  512. VOID
  513. MsgFreeSharedData(
  514. VOID
  515. );
  516. BOOL
  517. MsgCreateWakeupSems(
  518. DWORD NumNets
  519. );
  520. BOOL
  521. MsgCreateWakeupEvent(
  522. void
  523. );
  524. VOID
  525. MsgCloseWakeupSems(
  526. VOID
  527. );
  528. VOID
  529. MsgCloseWakeupEvent(
  530. VOID
  531. );
  533. MsgInitGroupSupport(
  534. DWORD iGrpMailslotWakeupSem
  535. );
  536. VOID
  537. MsgGrpThreadShutdown(
  538. VOID
  539. );
  540. DWORD
  541. MsgGetNumNets(
  542. VOID
  543. );
  545. MultiUserInitMessage(
  546. VOID
  547. );
  548. VOID
  549. MsgArrivalBeep(
  550. ULONG SessionId
  551. );
  552. INT
  553. DisplayMessage(
  554. LPWSTR pMessage,
  555. LPWSTR pTitle,
  556. ULONG SessionId
  557. );
  559. MsgGetClientSessionId(
  560. OUT PULONG pSessionId
  561. );
  562. VOID
  563. MsgNetEventCompletion(
  564. PVOID pvContext, // This passed in as context.
  565. BOOLEAN fWaitStatus
  566. );
  567. #endif // MSRV_INCLUDED