* * NOTES: * * REVISIONS: * jwa 09FEB92 creation * pcy21Apr93: OS2 FE merge * pcy08Apr94: Trim size, use static iterators, dead code removal * srt21Jun96: Added named shared event type semaphores * mwh27Jan97: add this pointer to semaphore name in default ctor, needed * to help with semaphores being used in a DLL and a client * to a DLL. The DLL and the client each get their own copy * of SemKey, but the memory addresses will be unique */ #include "cdefine.h"
#if (C_OS & C_NT)
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "err.h"
#include "apcsemnt.h"
INT SemKey = 0;
// The semaphore is created as unnamed and shared
ApcSemaphore::ApcSemaphore(VOID) : Semaphore() { SetObjectStatus(ErrNO_ERROR); // unnamed semaphore, shared and
TCHAR cBuffer[128];
// add use of this pointer in the name - the memory address will be
// unique throughout this process, including any DLL's that are mapped
// in. This ocurred because if a DLL uses ApcSemaphore, and a client
// of the DLL also uses ApcSemaphore they each have their own copy of
// SemKey, meaning it is possible, and likely that when the DLL makes
// use of this CTOR, and the client makes use of this CTOR that they
// will map to the same name, therefore you will get two ApcSemaphore
// objects that both reference the same event. By adding the this
// pointer each event should be unique
_stprintf( cBuffer, _TEXT("%ld%ld_%d_%ld"), GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId(), SemKey, (INT_PTR)this);
SemKey++; SemHand=CreateEvent((LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, TRUE, // Manual Reset
FALSE, // Initial State
cBuffer); if(!SemHand){ SetObjectStatus(ErrSEM_CREATE_FAILED); } }
ApcSemaphore::ApcSemaphore(TCHAR * cBuffer) //named shared event
{ SemHand=CreateEvent((LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, FALSE, // Manual Reset
FALSE, // Initial State
cBuffer); if(!SemHand){ SetObjectStatus(ErrSEM_CREATE_FAILED); } }
ApcSemaphore::~ApcSemaphore() { CloseHandle(SemHand); }
INT ApcSemaphore::Post(VOID) { INT err = ErrNO_ERROR; if(!SetEvent(SemHand)) err= ErrSEM_GENERAL_ERROR;
return err; }
INT ApcSemaphore::Clear(VOID) { INT err = ErrNO_ERROR; if(!ResetEvent(SemHand)) err = ErrSEM_GENERAL_ERROR; return err; }
INT ApcSemaphore::IsPosted(VOID) { // Could also call TimedWait(0)
INT ret = ErrSEM_BLOCK_NG; DWORD waitresult = WaitForSingleObject(SemHand,(DWORD)0); if(waitresult == WAIT_TIMEOUT) ret = ErrNO_ERROR; return ret; }
// Wait for sem to be posted
// ulTimeout: 0 - Don't wait at all
// <0 - Wait forever (same as Wait())
// >0 - Wait for ulTimeout milliseconds
INT ApcSemaphore::TimedWait(LONG ulTimeout) { INT err; DWORD time_out = (ulTimeout < 0) ? INFINITE : ulTimeout;
DWORD waitresult=WaitForSingleObject(SemHand,time_out); if(waitresult == 0){ err = ErrNO_ERROR; } else if (waitresult == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { err = ErrSEM_TIMED_OUT; } else { err = ErrSEM_GENERAL_ERROR; }
return err; }