@rem = ' @goto endofperl ';
$USAGE = " Usage: $0 NTFRS_log_file
search the logfile(s) for the strings marking the start of each of the main FRS threads. These can be header lines for known threads or startup threads. Extract the thread ID and output a findstr command that will search the log file for all records associated with the given thread.
The thread output file names are:
First : First thread at process create Shutdown : Shutdown thread FrsDs : Directory service polling SndCs : Packet send command server DelCs : Delay command server OutLog : Outbound log processor ReplicaCs : Replica command server JRNL : NTFS Journal record processor DBCs : Database command server JrnlRead : NTFS Journal read thread COAccept : Change Order Accept processor ChgOrdRetryCS : Change order retry command server Wait : Wait command server FetchCs : Stage file fetch command server StageCs : Stage file generation command server
die $USAGE unless @ARGV;
$InFile = "";
while (<>) {
if ($InFile ne $ARGV) { $InFile = $ARGV; #printf("- - - - - %s - - - - -\n\n", $InFile); } $ThId = ""; chop; s/ //g;
($func, $thrd, $line, $sev, $hr, $min, $sec, $H, $ThName, $ThId) = split(/:/, $_);
# # capture config parameters # if (m/<DbgPrintThreadIds/ && ($ThId ne "")) { if ($Thhash{$ThName} eq "") { $Thhash{$ThName} = $ThId; # printf("%s\n", $_); } }
if (m/<ThSupCreateThread/) { ($ThName) = $ThName =~ m{Startingthread(.*)};
if ($ThName ne "") { ($ThId) = $ThId =~ m{Id(.*)\(}; if ($ThId ne "") { $StartThr{$ThName} .= "$ThId: "; # printf("%s\n", $_); printf("%s\n", $StartThr{$ThName}); } } }
foreach $param (sort keys(%Thhash)) {
printf("findstr -c:\"%s:\" %%\* \> %s.thr\n", $Thhash{$param}, $param); $flist .= "$param.thr "; }
foreach $param (sort keys(%StartThr)) {
printf("findstr \"%s\" %%\* \> %s-2.thr\n", $StartThr{$param}, $param); $flist .= "$param-2.thr "; }
print STDERR "start list $flist\n";
#:H: Known thread IDs - #:H: First : 2812 #:H: Shutdown : 1300 #:H: FrsDs : 2936 #:H: SndCs : 1592 #:H: DelCs : 820 #:H: OutLog : 2812 #:H: ReplicaCs : 2216 #:H: JRNL : 2852 #:H: DBCs : 2892 #:H: JrnlRead : 1436 #:H: COAccept : 2800 #:H: ChgOrdRetryCS : 3016 #:H: ThCs: Wait on threads. : 704 #:H: Wait : 2580 #:H: StageCs : 2308 #:H: FetchCs : 692
#Thread start messages look like #:S: Starting thread ReplicaCs: Id 3036 (00000bdc) #:S: Starting thread SndCs: Id 2992 (00000bb0) #:S: Starting thread SndCs: Id 1212 (000004bc)
__END__ :endofperl @perl %0.cmd %* @goto QUIT