Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
The header file for the ADL language parser / printer
t-eugenz - August 2000
User mode only.
Revision History:
Created - August 2000
#include "pch.h"
#include "adlinterface.h"
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <stack>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
// Forward declarations
class AdlToken; class AdlLexer; class AdlTree; class AdlStatement;
struct AdlCompareStruct /*++
Struct: AdlCompareStruct Description: STL requires custom key comparisons for containers to be supplied in such a struct. --*/
{ bool operator()(IN const PSID pSid1, IN const PSID pSid2) const;
bool operator()(IN const WCHAR * sz1, IN const WCHAR * sz2) const; };
class AdlStatement /*++
Class: AdlStatement Description: This class contains a description of a DACL on an object, using the ADL language. An instance of this class can be constructed from an ACL or from a string statement in the ADL language. Once constructed, an ACL or a string statement in the ADL language can be output by an instance of this class. Base Classes: none Friend Classes: AdlLexer --*/ { //
// Friend classes necessary to access the garbage collection functionality,
// and for parsing ADL
friend class AdlLexer;
// Initializes the AdlStatement
AdlStatement(IN const PADL_PARSER_CONTROL pControl) { _bReady = FALSE; _tokError = NULL; _pControl = pControl; ValidateParserControl(); }
// Destructor, frees tokens created by this and other classes
// Reads in the ADL statement in the input string
void ReadFromString(IN const WCHAR *szInput);
// Creates an ADL statement equivalent to the given DACL
void ReadFromDacl(IN const PACL pDacl);
// Prints the AdlStatement as a statement in the ADL language,
// appending it to the allocated STL wstring pSz
void WriteToString(OUT wstring *pSz);
// Writes the ADL statement to a new DACL and returns the pointer to
// the new DACL in *ppDacl
void WriteToDacl(OUT PACL *ppDacl);
// Gets the error string token, if any (depends on error code)
const AdlToken * GetErrorToken() { return _tokError; }
// This should be used to free any memory allocated by this class
static void FreeMemory(PVOID pMem) { delete[] (PBYTE) pMem; }
// AdlStatement throws exceptions of this type on any error
// Some of the errors will make the offending token available
// through GetErrorToken()
typedef enum { ERROR_NO_ERROR = 0,
// Internal errors which shoul not occur
// Errors due to the system the code is running on
// Possible error due to network problems
// If the ADL_PARSER_CONTROL is invalid, this is thrown
// Unknown ACE type encountered in DACL, no token supplied
// User tried to specify impersonation as "user1 as user2"
// Not currently supported
// User error, no token supplied, quote with no closing quote
// The user's statement was not in the ADL language (grammar error)
// For this error, the offending token is supplied, though
// the mistake may have happened before that token and was
// accepted by the grammar
// User input-related errors
// For these errors, the offending token is supplied
// User was not found by LSA lookup
// Permission string was not one of those listed in the parser control
// Username contained invalid characters
// Domain name contained invalid characters
// Invalid inheritance specified. Not currently used, since
// object type errors are caught at the grammar level
// Other errors with no token supplied
// A SID in an ACE was not found and mapped to a name by the LSA lookup
// An access mask was encountered in an ACE that could not be
// expressed by the user-specified permission mapping
// The ACL cannot be expressed in ADL. This means that, for some access
// mask bit and set of inheritance flags, there exists a DENY ACE in the
// ACL with the given bit set in its mask and with the given flags such
// that either there is no ALLOW ACE which also has this bit set and has
// the same inheritance flags further down in the ACL, or another
// ACE with DIFFERENT inheritance flags and the same bit set follows
// this DENY ace. For more information, see the ADL conversion
// algorithm.
// User attempted an output operation on AdlStatement without
// first successfully inputting data from either a string or an ACL
// Internal representation of an ADL statement
list<AdlTree *> _lTree; // A set of parsed ADL statements, as AdlTree's
list<AdlTree *>::iterator _iter; // Iterator for the above set
stack<AdlToken *> _AllocatedTokens; // Tokens to be garbage collected
const AdlToken * _tokError;
BOOL _bReady;
// Goes through the list of AdlTrees, collects a list of all usernames
// used, and makes a single LSA call to look up all SIDs, inserting the
// PSIDs into the map by the (unique) token pointer.
void ConvertNamesToSids( IN OUT map<const AdlToken *, PSID> * mapTokSid );
// Goes throw the DACL, collects a lost of all SIDs used, and makes a
// single LSA call to look up all names, inserting the looked up
// names into the provided map as AdlTokens, which are garbage-
// collected when the AdlStatement is deleted
void ConvertSidsToNames( IN const PACL pDacl, IN OUT map<const PSID, const AdlToken *> * mapSidsNames );
// Reads a DACL, and constructs an ADL statement from it
void ConvertFromDacl( IN const PACL pDacl );
// Returns the access mask corresponding to the given right name
ACCESS_MASK MapTokenToMask( IN const AdlToken * tokPermission );
// Fills in a list ofr const WCHAR *'s matching the passed in access
// mask, using the preference order given in the grammar
void MapMaskToStrings(IN ACCESS_MASK amMask, IN OUT list<WCHAR *> *pList ) const;
// Cleans up all of the AdlTrees and all tokens
void Cleanup();
// Parses a string in the ADL language
// This function is generated by YACC from the ADL grammar
int ParseAdl(IN const WCHAR *szInput);
// Returns the current AdlTree, this is used by the ADL parser to create
// an ADL statement, one tree at a time
AdlTree * Cur();
// Creates a new AdlTree and pushes it onto the top of the list
// Used by the ADL parser once the end of a single ADL statement is reached
void Next();
// If the last added AdlTree is empty, remove it
// Used by the ADL parser, since it adds an AdlTree at the end
// of a production instead of the beginning (YACC problem)
void PopEmpty();
// This is used to validate passed in ADL_PARSER_CONTROL structure
// referenced by this class
void ValidateParserControl();
// Used to set the error-causing string
void SetErrorToken(const AdlToken *tokError) { _tokError = tokError; } //
// Adds a token pointer to be deleted when the AdlStatement is deleted
void AddToken(IN AdlToken *tok); };
class AdlLexer /*++
Class: AdlLexer Description: This class is the lexer for the ADL language. It allows the ADL parser to retrieve tokens from an input string, one token at a time. Base Classes: none Friend Classes: none --*/ {
const WCHAR *_input; // The input string
DWORD _position; // Current position in the input string
DWORD _start; // Start of current token in the buffer
DWORD _tokCount; // Number of tokens so far retrieved
// Pointer to the AdlStatement instance which created this AdlLexer
// instance, for token garbage collection
AdlStatement *_adlStat;
// Pointer to the ADL_LANGUAGE_SPEC structure defining the language to
// be parsed
// Mapping of special characters to character codes
// Special characters are assigned codes above WCHAR max
map<WCHAR, DWORD> _mapCharCode;
// Mapping from wstring to identify special tokens
map<const WCHAR *, DWORD, AdlCompareStruct> _mapStringToken;
// Iterators used by NextToken, this way they are only allocated once
map<WCHAR, DWORD>::iterator _iterEnd; map<WCHAR, DWORD>::iterator _iter;
// Constructs a lexer for an input string
// NextToken() can then be called
AdlLexer(IN const WCHAR *input, IN OUT AdlStatement *adlStat, IN const PADL_LANGUAGE_SPEC pLang);
// Retrieves the next token from the input string
// Returns 0 for the token type when the end of the string
// is reached, as the YACC-generated parser requires.
// A pointer to a new token instance containing the token
// string, row, col, etc, is stored in *value
DWORD NextToken(OUT AdlToken **value); };
class AdlToken /*++
Class: AdlToken Description: This class contains the relevant information for a token. It is used in parsing ADL. Base Classes: none Friend Classes: none --*/ { private:
DWORD _begin; // Start position in the buffer
DWORD _end; // End position in the buffer
wstring _value; // String value of token
// This allows for collapsing multi-part tokens
// such as [email protected] into a single
// token by the parser after the individual subparts
// are verified
wstring _optValue; public:
// Constructor for a single-part token
AdlToken(IN const WCHAR *value, IN DWORD begin, IN DWORD end ) { _value.append(value); _begin = begin; _end = end; } //
// Constructor for a multi-part token
AdlToken(IN const WCHAR *value, IN const WCHAR *optValue, IN DWORD begin, IN DWORD end ) { _value.append(value); _optValue.append(optValue); _begin = begin; _end = end; }
// Accessors
DWORD GetStart() const { return _begin; } DWORD GetEnd() const { return _end; }
const WCHAR * GetValue() const { return _value.c_str(); }
const WCHAR * GetOptValue() const { return (_optValue.empty() ? NULL : _optValue.c_str()); } };
class AdlTree /*++
Class: AdlTree Description: This class contains the parsed information from a single ADL substatement, still in string form. The inheritance information is converted to a mask. The names contained are not necessarily valid however. Base Classes: none Friend Classes: none --*/ { private:
list<const AdlToken *> _lpTokPrincipals; list<const AdlToken *> _lpTokExPrincipals; list<const AdlToken *> _lpTokPermissions;
DWORD _dwInheritFlags;
// Default to inherit-only, since "this object" must be specified
// to clear that bit
AdlTree() { _dwInheritFlags = INHERIT_ONLY_ACE; } //
// This outputs the ADL statement to stdout
// Later to go to a string
void PrintAdl(wstring *pSz, PADL_PARSER_CONTROL pControl);
// Accessors/mutators
// The Add*/Set* mutators are used by the YACC-generated AdlParse()
// function to store information as it is parsed, adding the tokens
// to the correct places in the AdlTree
void AddPrincipal(IN const AdlToken * pTokPrincipal) { _lpTokPrincipals.push_back(pTokPrincipal); }
void AddExPrincipal(IN const AdlToken * pTokPrincipal) { _lpTokExPrincipals.push_back(pTokPrincipal); }
void AddPermission(IN const AdlToken * pTokPermission) { _lpTokPermissions.push_back(pTokPermission); }
// Accessors used by AdlStat conversion functions
list<const AdlToken *> * GetPrincipals() { return &_lpTokPrincipals; }
list<const AdlToken *> * GetExPrincipals() { return &_lpTokExPrincipals; }
list<const AdlToken *> * GetPermissions() { return &_lpTokPermissions; }
// Set/unset/get inheritance flags
void SetFlags(DWORD dwFlags) { _dwInheritFlags |= dwFlags; }
void UnsetFlags(DWORD dwFlags) { _dwInheritFlags &= (~dwFlags); }
void OverwriteFlags(DWORD dwFlags) { _dwInheritFlags = dwFlags; }
DWORD GetFlags() { return _dwInheritFlags; }