using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Principal; using Microsoft.Interop.Security.AzRoles; using System.Xml; using System.Threading;
namespace AzCSharpTest { /// <summary>
/// Summary description for Class1.
/// </summary>
class AzTestEntry { /// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
[MTAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { // if asked for or wrong syntax, do the usage
if (args.Length < 2 || args.Length > 3 || args[0] == "?" || args[0] == "/?") { DoUsage(); return; }
Console.WriteLine("This C# program tests AzRoles managed wrapper"); try { // we will read the XML data file for the test
XmlDocument xmlTestDataDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlDocument xmlBaseStoreDoc = new XmlDocument();
if (xmlTestDataDoc == null || xmlBaseStoreDoc == null) { Exception exp = new Exception("Can't create XML documents. Testing aborted."); throw exp;
} //
// test data file is the first argument, and the base store
// XML document is the second parameter
xmlTestDataDoc.Load(args[0]); xmlBaseStoreDoc.Load(args[1]);
AzTestMode tm = AzTestMode.PrintAll; if (args.Length == 3) { //
// this may not be a valid string for numbers we can accept
// will throw in that case
tm = (AzTestMode)(Convert.ToInt32(args[2])); }
Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Test data and base XML AzRole Store are loaded successfully.");
CAzRolesTest azTest = new CAzRolesTest(xmlTestDataDoc, xmlBaseStoreDoc);
azTest.TestAzRoles(tm); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception occurs " + e.Message + "\r\n" + e.StackTrace); } finally { GC.Collect(); } }
static void DoUsage() { Console.WriteLine("To use AzCSharpTest, use the following command:"); Console.WriteLine("");
Console.WriteLine("AzCSharpTest.exe TestInstructionFile BaseXMLStoreURL [EchoMode]");
Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Where"); Console.WriteLine(" TestInstructionFile is the XML file describing how to test."); Console.WriteLine(" BaseXMLStoreURL is the XML on which this test will be based on."); Console.WriteLine(" Optional EchoMode is default to 5, and can be one of the following values:"); Console.WriteLine(" 1 for echoing error messages only,"); Console.WriteLine(" 2 for echoing warning messages only,"); Console.WriteLine(" 3 for echoing informational messages only,"); Console.WriteLine(" 4 for echoing success messages only,"); Console.WriteLine(" 5 for echoing all messages."); }
enum AzTestMode { PrintFailure = 1, PrintWarning = 2, PrintMessage = 3, PrintSuccess = 4, PrintAll = 5 }
enum AzTestMethod { PutProp = 1, GetProp = 2, ExeMethod = 3 }
enum AzTestResult { Success = 1, Failure = 2, Warning = 3, Message = 4 }
enum AzTestCase { Create = 1, Open = 2, AccessCheck = 3 }
// this is the object that our main routine creates to start the test.
// Call TestAzRoles to do the start testing.
// This class also has a call back for test results (TestResult)
class CAzRolesTest { private int m_iFailureCount; private int m_iSuccessCount; private int m_iWarningCount; private AzTestMode m_TestMode = AzTestMode.PrintFailure; private XmlDocument m_docTestData; private XmlDocument m_docBaseStoreDoc;
// Our object needs to know two XML document, the first one
// being the testing instruction XML, and the second one being the
// data store (which is exactly an AzRoles XML store). Our test
// usually consists of three steps:
// (1) create a copy of this XML store (second parameter);
// (2) open the newly created store (by our test) and compare the results
// (3) Do access check test.
// The whole test is not hard coded, instead, it is driven by the
// testing instruction XML (first parameter). See samples for
// the schema of this xml file.
public CAzRolesTest(XmlDocument xmlTestData, XmlDocument xmlStore) { m_docTestData = xmlTestData; m_docBaseStoreDoc = xmlStore;
m_iSuccessCount = 0; m_iFailureCount = 0; m_iWarningCount = 0; }
// determines if the given result needs to be echoed to the console
private bool NeedEcho(AzTestResult atr) { if (m_TestMode == AzTestMode.PrintAll) return true;
if (atr == AzTestResult.Success) return (m_TestMode == AzTestMode.PrintSuccess); else if (atr == AzTestResult.Failure) return (m_TestMode == AzTestMode.PrintFailure); else if (atr == AzTestResult.Warning) return (m_TestMode == AzTestMode.PrintWarning); else if (atr == AzTestResult.Message) return (m_TestMode == AzTestMode.PrintMessage); else return true; }
// callback for test result
public void TestResult(AzTestResult atr, string strMsg) { bool bNeedEcho = NeedEcho(atr);
string strFinalMsg = ""; if (atr == AzTestResult.Success) { if (bNeedEcho) strFinalMsg = "---Success--- " + strMsg; m_iSuccessCount++; } else if (atr == AzTestResult.Warning) { if (bNeedEcho) strFinalMsg = "---Warning--- " + strMsg; m_iWarningCount++; } else if (atr == AzTestResult.Message) { if (bNeedEcho) strFinalMsg = "-----FYI----- " + strMsg; } else { if (bNeedEcho) strFinalMsg = "***Failure*** " + strMsg; m_iFailureCount++; }
if (bNeedEcho) { Console.WriteLine(strFinalMsg); } }
// retrive the given named attribute as a integer
private int GetIntAttribute(XmlNode xNode, string strAttrName, int defIfMissing) { XmlNode xAttriNode = xNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem(strAttrName); if (xAttriNode != null) return Convert.ToInt32(xAttriNode.Value); else return defIfMissing; }
// this function kicks out the testing
public void TestAzRoles(AzTestMode tm) { m_TestMode = tm; try { // we know that we only have one AzAuthorizationStore node on an AzRoles XML store.
XmlNode xStoreAdmin = m_docBaseStoreDoc.SelectSingleNode("AzAdminManager");
// The root of our test instruction XML file is CSharpTestData
XmlNode xTestRoot = m_docTestData.SelectSingleNode("CSharpTestData");
// we might be creating a new store and use it for get property test or
// access check test
AzAuthorizationStoreClass azStoreNew = null;
// We must do a create first. There is a single (so far) element called
// AzAdminCreate, which decides how to create this target new store.
// The most important attribute of this node is Url, which is the target
// AzRoels store's url. If this URL points to an AD store, this test
// will create an AD store.
XmlNode xAdminNode = xTestRoot.SelectSingleNode("AzAdminCreate");
CAzTestAzStore.OnTestResult onResult = new CAzTest.OnTestResult(this.TestResult);
string strUrl = null; if (xAdminNode != null) { // The flag used to initialize the new store we need to create
int flagAzCreate = GetIntAttribute(xAdminNode, "CreateFlag", 0);
// Whether a new store will be created or not. We must eventually support
// exporting data only, not a brand new store. Currently, we only tested
// creating a new store.
bool bCreateStore = Convert.ToBoolean(CAzTest.GetAttribute(xAdminNode, "CreateStore", true));
// Get the new store's URL and create a brand new one
azStoreNew = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass(); strUrl = CAzTest.GetAttribute(xAdminNode, "Url", true); CAzTestAzStore.CreateTargetStore(strUrl, bCreateStore, flagAzCreate, ref azStoreNew);
// Hook up the callback
CAzTestAzStore TestAzStore = new CAzTestAzStore(azStoreNew, onResult, AzTestCase.Create);
// Test the creation
TestAzStore.StartTest(xStoreAdmin, xStoreAdmin);
// resolve the link properties
TestAzStore.UpdateLinkProperties(xStoreAdmin, xStoreAdmin); }
// now do the open test. Right now, we don't use any attribute. The mere existence
// of this element signals that we want to conduct a store wise verification of the
// newly put data in the new store
XmlNodeList xList = m_docTestData.GetElementsByTagName("AzAdminOpen"); if (xList != null) { foreach (XmlNode n in xList) { DoOpenACTest(azStoreNew, onResult, AzTestCase.Open, xStoreAdmin, n); } }
// Do access check test.
xList = m_docTestData.GetElementsByTagName("AzAdminTest");
if (xList != null) { foreach (XmlNode n in xList) { DoOpenACTest(azStoreNew, onResult, AzTestCase.AccessCheck, xStoreAdmin, n); } } } catch (Exception e) { TestResult(AzTestResult.Failure, e.Message + e.StackTrace); } finally { Console.WriteLine("");
Console.WriteLine("Test completed with {0} successes.", m_iSuccessCount); Console.WriteLine("Test completed with {0} warnings.", m_iWarningCount); Console.WriteLine("Test completed with {0} errors.", m_iFailureCount); } }
private void DoOpenACTest(AzAuthorizationStoreClass azStore, CAzTestAzStore.OnTestResult onResult, AzTestCase atc, XmlNode xStoreAdmin, XmlNode xTestNode) { object obReserved = null;
// if this node doesn't have a Url attribute, then it means that
// we are going to use the newly created store.
// Ultimately, we want to support the Open phase to optionally use it's own URL.
// But the problem that XML eats insignificant white characters make our
// straightforward string comparision fail in those cases where insignificant
// white characters are eaten by XML.
string strUrl = null;
// We don't support the open testing to support its own URL at this time
if (atc == AzTestCase.AccessCheck) { strUrl = CAzTest.GetAttribute(xTestNode, "Url", false); }
AzAuthorizationStoreClass azStoreOpen = null; if (strUrl != null) { azStoreOpen = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass(); azStoreOpen.Initialize(0, strUrl, obReserved); } else { azStoreOpen = azStore;// if no Url attribute, then we must use the given one
} if (azStoreOpen == null) { Exception eNoAdmin = new Exception("No AzAuthorizationStore to do open test"); throw eNoAdmin; } CAzTestAzStore TestAzStore = new CAzTestAzStore(azStoreOpen, onResult, atc); if (atc == AzTestCase.Open) TestAzStore.StartTest(null, xStoreAdmin); else if (atc == AzTestCase.AccessCheck) TestAzStore.StartTest(null, xTestNode); else { Exception e = new Exception("DoOpenACTest called with invalid AzTestCase parameter"); throw e; } }
struct PropIDAndName { public PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS id, string name) { ID = id; strName = name; } public tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS ID; public string strName; }
// This is the base interface of our test objects. Since our COM objects
// do not have a common interface base, we have to invent a new interface
// which all our test objects (one for each of our objects) implements
// For example, even the simple GetProperty/SetProperty must be done this
// way because our IAzXXX do not share a common base interface unless we
// will use Invoke to call a method, which is way too complicated.
interface IAzTest { // this is to kick out the creation (put) and open (get) tests
void StartTest(XmlNode xNodeAdmin, XmlNode xNode);
// this is to kick out the access check test
void TestAccessCheck(XmlNode xNode);
// Link properties must be done after the creation is complete
void UpdateLinkProperties(XmlNode xAdminNode, XmlNode xNode);
// for echo purposes
string GetObjectTypeName(); string GetObjectName(); void SendWarning(string msg); void SendMessage(string msg, bool bCritical); void SendTestResult(AzTestMethod atm, bool bSuccess, string strObjType, string strObjName, string strAttr, string strValue, string msg);
// Some properties of our objects are saved as attributes of the node.
// But others are saved as sub-elements. This creates a problem for us
// to do a good OO design. We ask each object to return its own IDs and
// Names of such properties
PropIDAndName[] GetPropSubnodesIDAndNames(); PropIDAndName[] GetPropAttributeIDAndNames();
// Different IAzXXX objects have different sets of objects they can contain
// This returns all objects names of such children objects.
string[] GetChildObjectNames();
// Set/Get Property must go through each individual object instead of using
// polymorphism.
void SetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID, string strValue); object GetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID); bool FindProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS propID, string strValue);
// Although each or our IAzXXX object has a Submit method, they are not polymorphic
// I certainly wish C# has templates as C++ does.
void Submit(int i);
// Again, in order for us to do most repeatitive work in the base, each test
// object must tell us what children test object it can create/open.
IAzTest GetTestObjectByName(string strEleName, string strObjName, bool bCreateNew); }
// Most of the functionality of our testing objects are implemented by this base object
// For each IAzXXX, we have a CAzTestXXX class that does the testing for that IAzXXX object.
// All these CAzTestXXX are derived from CAzTest base class.
abstract class CAzTest : IAzTest { // for call back
protected OnTestResult m_resultCallback; public delegate void OnTestResult(AzTestResult atr, string strMsg);
// this is our test case (create, open, or access check)
protected AzTestCase m_atcCase;
// constructor.
public CAzTest(OnTestResult resultCallback, AzTestCase testCase) { m_resultCallback = resultCallback; m_atcCase = testCase; }
// some XML helpers
public static string GetSubElementAttribute(XmlNode nAC, string strSubNodeName, string strAttribName, bool bThrowIfMissing) { try { XmlNode appNode = nAC.SelectSingleNode(strSubNodeName); return appNode.Attributes[strAttribName].Value; } catch (Exception e) { if (bThrowIfMissing) { Exception Exp = new Exception("Missing " + strSubNodeName + " node or " + strAttribName + " attribute for access check.\r\n" + e.StackTrace); throw Exp; } else { return null; } } }
public static string GetAttribute(XmlNode nAC, string strAttribName, bool bThrowIfMissing) { try { return nAC.Attributes[strAttribName].Value; } catch (Exception e) { if (bThrowIfMissing) { Exception eExp = new Exception("Node " + nAC.Name + " is missing attribute " + strAttribName + "\r\n" + e.StackTrace); throw eExp; } else { return null; } } }
// This is a helper to walk through the XML dom tree to find a
// particular node with the given guid attribute.
// *******Warning*******
// The algorithm is pretty lazy and slow. When we evolve this
// program into a released tool, we need to pay attention
// to this kind of slow algorithm and use something faster
// *******Warning*******
protected string FindObjectNameByGuid(XmlNode xFindRootNode, string strGuid) { string strName = null;
// see if any immediate child has a matching guid.
foreach (XmlNode n in xFindRootNode.ChildNodes) { if (n.Attributes == null) continue;
XmlNode attrNode = n.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Guid"); if (attrNode != null && attrNode.Value.ToUpper() == strGuid.ToUpper()) { //
// we found it, but don't assume that the name is there
if (n.Attributes["Name"] != null) strName = n.Attributes["Name"].Value; if (strName == null) { //
// this is a serious error
Exception e = new Exception("CAzTest.FindNameByBuid no name for " + strGuid); throw e; }
return strName; } else { //
// no match, then do the recursive search
strName = FindObjectNameByGuid(n, strGuid); if (strName != null) { break; } } }
return strName; }
// all of our GetProperty functions will return object. But we only
// has three different possible values: string, int, and boolean.
// This function tests if the object is equal to the string representation
// of the value.
protected bool ObjectEqualToStringValue(object ob, string strVal) { System.Type t = ob.GetType(); if (t == System.Type.GetType("System.String")) { string strUpperVal = strVal.ToUpper(); string strUpperGet = ob.ToString().ToUpper(); return ((strUpperVal.Length == 0 && strUpperGet.Length == 0) || (strUpperVal == strUpperGet)); } else if (t == System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")) { int iVal = Convert.ToInt32(strVal); return (iVal == (int)ob); } else if (t == System.Type.GetType("System.Boolean")) { bool b = Convert.ToBoolean(strVal); return (b == (bool)ob); } return false; }
// For echoing purposes. Sub classes should not implement them.
public void SendWarning(string msg) { m_resultCallback(AzTestResult.Warning, msg); }
public void SendMessage(string msg, bool bCritical) { AzTestResult atr = AzTestResult.Message; if (bCritical) atr = AzTestResult.Failure; m_resultCallback(atr, msg); }
public void SendTestResult(AzTestMethod atm, bool bSuccess, string strObjType, string strObjName, string strAttr, string strValue, string strReason) { string message; string strMethod;
if (atm == AzTestMethod.PutProp) { strMethod = " Setting (" + strAttr + ") to (" + strValue + ") on " + strObjName + "\r\n"; } else if (atm == AzTestMethod.GetProp) { strMethod = " Getting (" + strAttr + ") as (" + strValue + ") on " + strObjName + "\r\n"; } else { strMethod = " Executing " + strAttr + " on " + strObjName + "\r\n"; }
if (bSuccess) { message = "The following operation on " + strObjType + " has succeeded:\r\n" + strMethod; } else { message = "The following operation on " + strObjType + " has failed:\r\n" + strMethod; message += " Reason: " + strReason; } m_resultCallback((bSuccess ? AzTestResult.Success : AzTestResult.Failure), message); }
// We expect some sub classes to override these implementations.
// But other leaf objects don't need to, and we provide convenient
// implementation for them. Note, we will return null and the caller
// should expect that.
virtual public string[] GetChildObjectNames() { return null; }
virtual public IAzTest GetTestObjectByName(string strEleName, string strObjName, bool bCreateNew) { return null; }
// sub class must implement these functions. We don't know hot to implement them.
public abstract string GetObjectTypeName(); public abstract string GetObjectName(); public abstract void Submit(int i); public abstract void SetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID, string strValue); public abstract object GetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID);
// Some of our properties returned from GetProperty will be arrays. While
// the test can only give one string value a time, we need to walk through
// the entire array to seek a match.
// Aslo, GroupType attribute of a app group object records string value "LdapQuery"
// but we will get 1 for "LdapQuery" group type when calling GetProperty
public virtual bool FindProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS propID, string strValue) { object obValue = GetProperty(propID); if (obValue != null) { System.Type t = obValue.GetType();
// if not an array, then do straightforward comparison
if (!t.IsArray) { if (propID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_TYPE) { strValue = (strValue == "LdapQuery") ? "1" : "0"; } return ObjectEqualToStringValue(obValue, strValue); } else { // compare with each element until we found a match
Array ar = obValue as Array; foreach (object ob in ar) { if (ObjectEqualToStringValue(ob, strValue)) return true; } return false; } } return false; }
public virtual PropIDAndName[] GetLinkIDAndNames() { return null; }
public virtual PropIDAndName[] GetPropSubnodesIDAndNames() { return null; } public virtual PropIDAndName[] GetPropAttributeIDAndNames() { return null; }
virtual public void StartTest(XmlNode xNodeAdmin, XmlNode xNode) { if (m_atcCase == AzTestCase.Create) { TestCreateOpen(xNodeAdmin, xNode, true); } else if (m_atcCase == AzTestCase.Open) { TestCreateOpen(xNodeAdmin, xNode, false); } else // access check
{ TestAccessCheck(xNode); } }
virtual public void TestAccessCheck(XmlNode xNode) { ; // only admin manager knows how to conduct an access check
protected void TestCreateOpen(XmlNode xNodeAdmin, XmlNode xNode, bool bCreate) { // create all properties based on the data file's attributes
AzTestMethod atmPutGet = bCreate ? AzTestMethod.PutProp : AzTestMethod.GetProp;
bool bDoneSomething = false; PropIDAndName[] IdsAndNames = GetPropAttributeIDAndNames(); if (IdsAndNames != null) { foreach (PropIDAndName IdName in IdsAndNames) { string strValue = ""; try { // we allow the attribute to be missing. So, don't throw if can't find it
strValue = GetAttribute(xNode, IdName.strName, false); if (strValue != null) { if (bCreate) { SetProperty(IdName.ID, strValue); bDoneSomething = true; } else { if (!FindProperty(IdName.ID, strValue)) { string strMsg = "Property " + IdName.strName + " with value " + strValue + " is missing"; Exception mismatchExp = new Exception(strMsg); throw mismatchExp; } } SendTestResult(atmPutGet, true, GetObjectTypeName(), GetObjectName(), IdName.strName, strValue, ""); } else { SendMessage("The following attribute " + IdName.strName + " is missing on " + GetObjectName(), false); } } catch (Exception eSet) { SendTestResult(atmPutGet, false, GetObjectTypeName(), GetObjectName(), IdName.strName, strValue, eSet.Message + "\r\n" + eSet.StackTrace); } } }
if (bCreate) { if (bDoneSomething) Submit(0);
bDoneSomething = false; }
// Get information regarding subnodes that are implemented as subnodes
IdsAndNames = GetPropSubnodesIDAndNames(); if (IdsAndNames != null) { foreach (PropIDAndName IdName in IdsAndNames) { // since now we know the subnodes' name, we can select all
// and do the creation
XmlNodeList xList = xNode.SelectNodes(IdName.strName); foreach (XmlNode n in xList) { try { if (bCreate) { SetProperty(IdName.ID, n.InnerText); bDoneSomething = true; } else { if (!FindProperty(IdName.ID, n.InnerText)) { string strMsg = "Property " + IdName.strName + " with value " + n.InnerText + " is missing."; Exception mismatchExp = new Exception(strMsg); throw mismatchExp; } }
SendTestResult(atmPutGet, true, GetObjectTypeName(), GetObjectName(), IdName.strName, n.InnerText, ""); } catch (Exception eSet) { SendTestResult(atmPutGet, false, GetObjectTypeName(), GetObjectName(), IdName.strName, n.InnerText, eSet.Message + "\r\n" + eSet.StackTrace); } } } } if (bCreate && bDoneSomething) Submit(0);
// now do the recursive
string[] strSubObjects = GetChildObjectNames();
if (strSubObjects != null) { foreach (string subElementName in strSubObjects) { XmlNodeList xList = xNode.SelectNodes(subElementName); foreach (XmlNode n in xList) { // true -> we will throw if Name attribute is missing because
// we can't create sub object without names
string NewObjName = GetAttribute(n, "Name", true);
// true -> we will create a new object
IAzTest azSubObj = null; try { azSubObj = GetTestObjectByName(subElementName, NewObjName, bCreate); } catch (Exception e) { // this shouldn't happen
SendMessage("Failed while calling GetTestObjectByName with type =<" + subElementName + "> and name=<" + NewObjName + ">\r\n" + e.Message, true); }
if (azSubObj != null) { azSubObj.StartTest(xNodeAdmin, n); bDoneSomething = true; } } }
if (bCreate) Submit(0); }
virtual public void UpdateLinkProperties(XmlNode xAdminNode, XmlNode xNode) {
bool bDoneSomething = false; PropIDAndName[] IdsAndNames = GetLinkIDAndNames();
if (IdsAndNames != null) { foreach (PropIDAndName IdName in IdsAndNames) { // To resolve linking properties, we need to use
// the guid to lookup the name and set the attribute by name
XmlNodeList xList = xNode.SelectNodes(IdName.strName); foreach (XmlNode n in xList) { string strLinkName = FindObjectNameByGuid(xAdminNode, n.InnerText); try { SetProperty(IdName.ID, strLinkName); bDoneSomething = true; SendTestResult(AzTestMethod.PutProp, true, GetObjectTypeName(), GetObjectName(), IdName.strName, strLinkName, ""); } catch (Exception eSet) { SendTestResult(AzTestMethod.PutProp, false, GetObjectTypeName(), GetObjectName(), IdName.strName, strLinkName, eSet.Message + "\r\n" + eSet.StackTrace); } } } }
// if we have updated some links, then commit them
if (bDoneSomething) Submit(0);
// for each children, ask them to do a link update
string[] strSubObjects = GetChildObjectNames(); if (strSubObjects != null) { string strSubEleName; foreach (string strSubEleTagName in strSubObjects) { XmlNodeList xList = xNode.SelectNodes(strSubEleTagName); foreach (XmlNode n in xList) { // if must have a name for us to continue
strSubEleName = GetAttribute(n, "Name", true); try { IAzTest subObj = GetTestObjectByName(strSubEleTagName, strSubEleName, false); subObj.UpdateLinkProperties(xAdminNode, n); } catch (Exception e) { SendMessage("Failed while calling GetTestObjectByName with type =<" + strSubEleTagName + "> and name=<" + strSubEleName + ">\r\n" + e.Message, true); } } } } } }
class CAzTestAzStore : CAzTest { IAzAuthorizationStore m_store;
static string[] m_strChildSubNodes = {"AzApplication", "AzApplicationGroup"};
public CAzTestAzStore(IAzAuthorizationStore store, OnTestResult cb, AzTestCase atc) : base(cb, atc) { m_store = store; }
public override string GetObjectTypeName() { return "AzAuthorizationStore"; } public override string GetObjectName() { return "AzStore"; }
public override PropIDAndName[] GetPropAttributeIDAndNames() { return AttrIDsNames; }
public override string[] GetChildObjectNames() { return m_strChildSubNodes; } public override void Submit(int i) { object ob = null; m_store.Submit(i, ob); } public override void SetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID, string strVal) { object obReserved = null; m_store.SetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), strVal, obReserved); }
public override object GetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID) { object obReserved = null; return m_store.GetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), obReserved); }
public override IAzTest GetTestObjectByName(string strEleName, string strObjName, bool bCreate) { object obReserved = null; IAzTest testObj = null; if (strEleName == "AzApplication") { // create a task object
IAzApplication app = null; if (bCreate) app = m_store.CreateApplication(strObjName, obReserved); else app = m_store.OpenApplication(strObjName, obReserved);
testObj = new CAzTestApplication(app, m_resultCallback, m_atcCase); } else if (strEleName == "AzApplicationGroup") { IAzApplicationGroup AzAppGroup = null; if (bCreate) AzAppGroup = m_store.CreateApplicationGroup(strObjName, obReserved); else AzAppGroup = m_store.OpenApplicationGroup(strObjName, obReserved);
testObj = new CAzTestAppGroup(AzAppGroup, m_resultCallback, m_atcCase); }
return testObj; }
public static void CreateTargetStore(string strUrl, bool bCreateNewStore, int iCreateFlag, ref AzAuthorizationStoreClass azStoreOut) { object obReserved = null; AzAuthorizationStoreClass azStore = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass();
// 1 means create store. So, by adding 1, we mean to create the store.
// This may fail, and in that case we will just
// delete it. We will create it and not just manage only. So, we will hard code the
// flag as 1 for otherwise, AzRoles won't allow us to do access check
int iNewStoreCreateFlag = bCreateNewStore ? iCreate + iCreateFlag : iCreateFlag;
try { azStore.Initialize(iNewStoreCreateFlag, strUrl, obReserved); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("AzAuthorizationStore created at " + strUrl); } catch (COMException) { try { //
// we will assume that there is already this store and thus
// we will delete it. AZ_ADMIN_FLAG_MANAGE_STORE_ONLY doesn't need auditing priv
azStore = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass(); azStore.Initialize(iManage, strUrl, obReserved); azStore.Delete(obReserved); azStore = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass();
azStore.Initialize(iNewStoreCreateFlag, strUrl, obReserved); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("AzAuthorizationStore created " + strUrl); } catch (Exception doubleExp) { //
// we don't know what is really going on, so re-throw
throw doubleExp; } }
azStoreOut = azStore; }
public override void TestAccessCheck(XmlNode xNode) { //
// We should support the testing of those prop/methods that XML store don't support
/* XmlNodeList acList = xNode.SelectNodes("TestMethod"); foreach (XmlNode n in acList) { CAzTestAccessCheck ac = new CAzTestAccessCheck(m_resultCallback); ac.DoAccessCheck(m_store, n); } */
XmlNodeList acList = xNode.SelectNodes("AccessCheck"); foreach (XmlNode n in acList) { CAzTestAccessCheck ac = new CAzTestAccessCheck(m_resultCallback); ac.DoAccessCheck(m_store, n); } }
} class CAzTestAppGroup : CAzTest { private IAzApplicationGroup m_appGroup;
static PropIDAndName[] AttrIDsNames = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_APPLICATION_DATA, "ApplicationData"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_DESCRIPTION, "Description"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_TYPE, "GroupType")};
static PropIDAndName[] SubnodesProp = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_LDAP_QUERY, "LdapQuery"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_MEMBERS, "Member"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_NON_MEMBERS, "NonMember")};
static PropIDAndName[] LinkIDsNames = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_APP_MEMBERS, "AppMemberLink"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_APP_NON_MEMBERS, "AppNonMemberLink")};
public CAzTestAppGroup(IAzApplicationGroup appGp, OnTestResult cb, AzTestCase atc) : base(cb, atc) { m_appGroup = appGp; }
public override string GetObjectTypeName() { return "AzApplicationGroup"; } public override string GetObjectName() { return m_appGroup.Name; } public override PropIDAndName[] GetPropAttributeIDAndNames() { return AttrIDsNames; } public override PropIDAndName[] GetPropSubnodesIDAndNames() { return SubnodesProp; } public override PropIDAndName[] GetLinkIDAndNames() { return LinkIDsNames; }
public override void Submit(int i) { object ob = null; m_appGroup.Submit(i, ob); } public override void SetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID, string strVal) { object obReserved = null; if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_APP_MEMBERS) { m_appGroup.AddAppMember(strVal, obReserved); } else if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_APP_NON_MEMBERS) { m_appGroup.AddAppNonMember(strVal, obReserved); } else if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_MEMBERS) { m_appGroup.AddMember(strVal, obReserved); } else if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_NON_MEMBERS) { m_appGroup.AddNonMember(strVal, obReserved); } else if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_LDAP_QUERY) { m_appGroup.LdapQuery = strVal; } else { // group type property is an odd baby. While we see in the store
// a string "LdapQuery", we translate it in cache 1 and we have
// to use the numeric value to set.
if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_GROUP_TYPE) { if (strVal == "LdapQuery") { strVal = "1"; } else { strVal = "0"; } } m_appGroup.SetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), strVal, obReserved); } }
public override object GetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID) { object obReserved = null; return m_appGroup.GetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), obReserved); } }
class CAzTestApplication : CAzTest { private IAzApplication m_app;
string[] ChildSubNodes = {"AzTask", "AzOperation", "AzScope", "AzRole", "AzApplicationGroup"};
public CAzTestApplication(IAzApplication app, CAzTestAzStore.OnTestResult cb, AzTestCase atc) : base(cb, atc) { m_app = app; }
public override string GetObjectTypeName() { return "AzApplication"; } public override string GetObjectName() { return m_app.Name; } public override PropIDAndName[] GetPropAttributeIDAndNames() { return AttrIDsNames; } public override string[] GetChildObjectNames() { return ChildSubNodes; } public override void Submit(int i) { object ob = null; m_app.Submit(i, ob); } public override void SetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID, string strVal) { object obReserved = null; m_app.SetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), strVal, obReserved); }
public override object GetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID) { object obReserved = null; return m_app.GetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), obReserved); }
public override IAzTest GetTestObjectByName(string strEleName, string strObjName, bool bCreate) { object obReserved = null; IAzTest testObj = null; if (strEleName == "AzTask") { // create a task object
IAzTask task = null; if (bCreate) task = m_app.CreateTask(strObjName, obReserved); else task = m_app.OpenTask(strObjName, obReserved);
testObj = new CAzTestTask(task, m_resultCallback, m_atcCase); } else if (strEleName == "AzOperation") { IAzOperation op = null; if (bCreate) op = m_app.CreateOperation(strObjName, obReserved); else op = m_app.OpenOperation(strObjName, obReserved);
testObj = new CAzTestOperation(op, m_resultCallback, m_atcCase); } else if (strEleName == "AzScope") { IAzScope AzScope = null; if (bCreate) AzScope = m_app.CreateScope(strObjName, obReserved); else AzScope = m_app.OpenScope(strObjName, obReserved);
testObj = new CAzTestScope(AzScope, m_resultCallback, m_atcCase); } else if (strEleName == "AzRole") { IAzRole AzRole = null; if (bCreate) AzRole = m_app.CreateRole(strObjName, obReserved); else AzRole = m_app.OpenRole(strObjName, obReserved);
testObj = new CAzTestRole(AzRole, m_resultCallback, m_atcCase); } else if (strEleName == "AzApplicationGroup") { IAzApplicationGroup AzAppGroup = null; if (bCreate) AzAppGroup = m_app.CreateApplicationGroup(strObjName, obReserved); else AzAppGroup = m_app.OpenApplicationGroup(strObjName, obReserved);
testObj = new CAzTestAppGroup(AzAppGroup, m_resultCallback, m_atcCase); }
return testObj; } }
class CAzTestTask : CAzTest { private IAzTask m_task;
static PropIDAndName[] AttrSubNodes = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_APPLICATION_DATA, "ApplicationData"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_DESCRIPTION, "Description"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_TASK_IS_ROLE_DEFINITION, "RoleDefinition"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_TASK_BIZRULE_IMPORTED_PATH, "BizRuleImportedPath")};
static PropIDAndName[] PropSubNodes = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_TASK_BIZRULE_LANGUAGE, "BizRuleLanguage"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_TASK_BIZRULE, "BizRule")};
static PropIDAndName[] LinkIDsNames = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_TASK_TASKS, "TaskLink"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_TASK_OPERATIONS, "OperationLink")};
public CAzTestTask(IAzTask task, OnTestResult cb, AzTestCase atc) : base(cb, atc) { m_task = task; }
public override string GetObjectTypeName() { return "AzTask"; } public override string GetObjectName() { return m_task.Name; }
public override PropIDAndName[] GetPropAttributeIDAndNames() { return AttrSubNodes; }
public override PropIDAndName[] GetPropSubnodesIDAndNames() { return PropSubNodes; }
public override PropIDAndName[] GetLinkIDAndNames() { return LinkIDsNames; }
public override void Submit(int i) { object ob = null; m_task.Submit(i, ob); }
public override void SetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID, string strVal) { object obReserved = null; if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_TASK_OPERATIONS) { m_task.AddOperation(strVal, obReserved); } else if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_TASK_TASKS) { m_task.AddTask(strVal, obReserved); } else { m_task.SetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), strVal, obReserved); } }
public override object GetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID) { object obReserved = null; return m_task.GetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), obReserved); } }
class CAzTestOperation : CAzTest { private IAzOperation m_op;
static PropIDAndName[] AttrSubNodes = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_APPLICATION_DATA, "ApplicationData"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_DESCRIPTION, "Description")}; static PropIDAndName[] PropSubNodes = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_OPERATION_ID, "OperationID")};
public CAzTestOperation(IAzOperation op, OnTestResult cb, AzTestCase atc) : base(cb, atc) { m_op = op; }
public override string GetObjectTypeName() { return "AzOpearation"; } public override string GetObjectName() { return m_op.Name; } public override PropIDAndName[] GetPropSubnodesIDAndNames() { return PropSubNodes; } public override PropIDAndName[] GetPropAttributeIDAndNames() { return AttrSubNodes; } public override void Submit(int i) { object ob = null; m_op.Submit(i, ob); } public override void SetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID, string strVal) { object obReserved = null; m_op.SetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), strVal, obReserved); }
public override object GetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID) { object obReserved = null; return m_op.GetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), obReserved); }
class CAzTestScope : CAzTest { private IAzScope m_scope;
static PropIDAndName[] AttrSubNodes = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_APPLICATION_DATA, "ApplicationData"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_DESCRIPTION, "Description")};
string[] ChildSubNodes = {"AzTask", "AzApplicationGroup", "AzRole"};
public CAzTestScope(IAzScope scope, CAzTestAzStore.OnTestResult cb, AzTestCase atc) : base(cb, atc) { m_scope = scope; }
public override string GetObjectName() { return m_scope.Name; }
public override string GetObjectTypeName() { return "AzScope"; } public override PropIDAndName[] GetPropAttributeIDAndNames() { return AttrSubNodes; }
public override string[] GetChildObjectNames() { return ChildSubNodes; } public override void SetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID, string strVal) { object obReserved = null; m_scope.SetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), strVal, obReserved); }
public override object GetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID) { object obReserved = null; return m_scope.GetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), obReserved); }
public override void Submit(int i) { object ob = null; m_scope.Submit(i, ob); }
public override IAzTest GetTestObjectByName(string strEleName, string strObjName, bool bCreate) { object obReserved = null; IAzTest testObj = null; if (strEleName == "AzTask") { // create a task object
IAzTask task = null; if (bCreate) task = m_scope.CreateTask(strObjName, obReserved); else task = m_scope.OpenTask(strObjName, obReserved);
testObj = new CAzTestTask(task, m_resultCallback, m_atcCase); } else if (strEleName == "AzRole") { IAzRole AzRole = null; if (bCreate) AzRole = m_scope.CreateRole(strObjName, obReserved); else AzRole = m_scope.OpenRole(strObjName, obReserved);
testObj = new CAzTestRole(AzRole, m_resultCallback, m_atcCase); } else if (strEleName == "AzApplicationGroup") { IAzApplicationGroup AzAppGroup = null; if (bCreate) AzAppGroup = m_scope.CreateApplicationGroup(strObjName, obReserved); else AzAppGroup = m_scope.OpenApplicationGroup(strObjName, obReserved);
testObj = new CAzTestAppGroup(AzAppGroup, m_resultCallback, m_atcCase); }
return testObj; } }
class CAzTestRole : CAzTest { private IAzRole m_role;
static PropIDAndName[] AttrSubNodes = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_APPLICATION_DATA, "ApplicationData"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_DESCRIPTION, "Description")}; static PropIDAndName[] PropSubNodes = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_ROLE_MEMBERS, "Member")};
static PropIDAndName[] LinkIDsNames = {new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_ROLE_APP_MEMBERS, "AppMemberLink"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_ROLE_TASKS, "TaskLink"), new PropIDAndName(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_ROLE_OPERATIONS, "OperationLink")};
public CAzTestRole(IAzRole role, CAzTestAzStore.OnTestResult cb, AzTestCase atc) : base(cb, atc) { m_role = role; }
public override string GetObjectName() { return m_role.Name; }
public override string GetObjectTypeName() { return "AzRole"; }
public override PropIDAndName[] GetPropAttributeIDAndNames() { return AttrSubNodes; } public override PropIDAndName[] GetPropSubnodesIDAndNames() { return PropSubNodes; }
public override PropIDAndName[] GetLinkIDAndNames() { return LinkIDsNames; }
public override void Submit(int i) { object ob = null; m_role.Submit(i, ob); }
public override void SetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID, string strVal) { object obReserved = null; if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_ROLE_APP_MEMBERS) { m_role.AddAppMember(strVal, obReserved); } else if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_ROLE_TASKS) { m_role.AddTask(strVal, obReserved); } else if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_ROLE_OPERATIONS) { m_role.AddOperation(strVal, obReserved); } else if (PropID == tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_PROP_ROLE_MEMBERS) { m_role.AddMember(strVal, obReserved); } else { m_role.SetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), strVal, obReserved); } }
public override object GetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID) { object obReserved = null; return m_role.GetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(PropID), obReserved); } }
class CAzTestAccessCheck : CAzTest { public CAzTestAccessCheck(OnTestResult cb) : base(cb, AzTestCase.AccessCheck) { }
public override string GetObjectName() { return null; }
public override string GetObjectTypeName() { return null; }
public override void SetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS id, string strval) { ;// do nothing
public override object GetProperty(tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS PropID) { return null; }
public override void Submit(int i) { ;// do nothing
private object[] GatherAttributes(XmlNode xNode, string strSubEleName, string strAttriName, bool bIsValue) { int iCount = 0; XmlNodeList nList = null;
if (xNode != null) { nList = xNode.SelectNodes(strSubEleName); if (nList != null) { iCount = nList.Count; } }
object[] oAllAttributes = new object[iCount];
for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bool bIsInt = false; if (bIsValue) { // if this attribute is a value (instead of name), then we need
// to look for the IsInteger attribute and see what the value is
// Also, don't throw if this attribute is missing - default to string value
string strIsInt = GetAttribute(nList[i], "IsInteger", false); if (strIsInt != null) { bIsInt = Convert.ToBoolean(strIsInt); } } if (bIsInt) { oAllAttributes[i] = Convert.ToInt32(GetAttribute(nList[i], strAttriName, true)); } else { oAllAttributes[i] = GetAttribute(nList[i], strAttriName, true); } } return oAllAttributes; }
public void DoAccessCheck(IAzAuthorizationStore azStore, XmlNode nAC) { string strApp = ""; string strUser = "";
try { // Each access check must be done against one single application. We must have
// this element, otherwise, we throw.
strApp = GetSubElementAttribute(nAC, "App", "Name", true);
// this attribute tells us if the expected result of the access check is
// deny or grant access
bool bExpectSuccess = Convert.ToBoolean(GetAttribute(nAC, "ExpectedResult", true));
// gather all scope names from the <Scopes> element.
XmlNode nTemp = nAC.SelectSingleNode("Scopes"); object[] oScopes = GatherAttributes(nTemp, "Scope", "Name", false);
// give some meaningful feedback
SendMessage("Conducting access check for " + strApp, false);
// we will use this thread's context to check. We can design the test instruction
// to determine if we should use name to initialize the client context. For now,
// we simply use the name as feedback information
object obReserved = null; IAzApplication app = azStore.OpenApplication(strApp, obReserved);
// see if we have Account attribute. If yes, we will use name to create
// the client context. Otherwise, we will use the thread token
IAzClientContext clientContext = null; strUser = GetAttribute(nAC, "Account", false); string strDomain = GetAttribute(nAC, "Domain", false); if (strUser == null) { WindowsIdentity identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); strUser = identity.Name; SendMessage("Current user is: " + strUser, false); clientContext = app.InitializeClientContextFromToken(0, obReserved); } else { clientContext = app.InitializeClientContextFromName(strUser, strDomain, obReserved); }
// fill in the access check parameter
nTemp = nAC.SelectSingleNode("Parameters");
object[] oNames = GatherAttributes(nTemp, "Parameter", "Name", false);
// true -> this attribute is a value attribute, so we need to check
// the type of the value.
object[] oValues = GatherAttributes(nTemp, "Parameter", "Value", true);
// populate the Op IDs
nTemp = nAC.SelectSingleNode("Operations");
object[] oOperations = GatherAttributes(nTemp, "OpID", "ID", true);
object[] oOther = new object[1]; oOther[0] = obReserved;
object[] results = (object[])clientContext.AccessCheck( strApp, oScopes, oOperations, oNames, oValues, null, null, null);
bool bAuthorized = true; foreach(int i in results) { if ( i != 0 ) { bAuthorized = false; break; } } // if the access check resutl matches our expectation, we consider it a success
bool bSucceed = (bAuthorized && bExpectSuccess || !bAuthorized && !bExpectSuccess);
string strExpected = bSucceed ? "AS EXPECTED." : "NOT AS EXPECTED."; Console.WriteLine(""); if (bAuthorized) { SendMessage("Client " + strUser + " is authorized - " + strExpected, false); } else { SendMessage("Client " + strUser + " is not authorized - " + strExpected, false); }
SendTestResult(AzTestMethod.ExeMethod, bSucceed, "AccessCheck", strUser, strApp, "", ""); } catch (Exception e) { SendTestResult(AzTestMethod.ExeMethod, false, "AccessCheck", strUser, strApp, "", e.Message + "\r\n" + e.StackTrace); }
} }