// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2001.
// File: cmdkey: cmdkey.cpp
// Contents: Main & command modules
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 07-09-01 georgema Created
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wincred.h>
#include <wincrui.h>
#include "command.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "consmsg.h"
#include "switches.h"
#ifdef VERBOSE
WCHAR szdbg[500]; // scratch char buffer for verbose output
GLOBAL VARIABLES, mostly argument parsing results
int returnvalue = 0;
// Switch flag model characters
// Define an array of character models and constants for the index into the array
// for each
WCHAR rgcS[] = {L"agld?rups"}; // referenced also in command.cpp
#define SWADD 0
#define SWGENERIC 1
#define SWLIST 2
#define SWDELETE 3
#define SWHELP 4
#define SWSESSION 5
#define SWUSER 6
#define SWPASSWORD 7
#define SWCARD 8
// variables for these to avoid repeated function calls into the parser
BOOL fAdd = FALSE; BOOL fSession = FALSE; BOOL fCard = FALSE; BOOL fGeneric = FALSE; BOOL fDelete = FALSE; BOOL fList = FALSE; BOOL fUser = FALSE; BOOL fNew = FALSE; // sets true for any cred-creating switch (asg)
WCHAR SessionTarget[]={L"*Session"};
// temp buffer used for composing output strings involving a marshalled username
WCHAR szUsername[CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; // 513 wchars
Conversion routines from enumerated values to their string equivalents
String values are held in an array of 63 character max strings
#define SBUFSIZE 64
#define TYPECOUNT 5
#define MAPTYPE(x) (x >= TYPECOUNT ? 0 : x)
#define PERTYPE(x) (x>=PERSISTCOUNT ? 0 : x)
// Preload some strings from the application resources into arrays to be used by the
// application. These strings describe some enumerated DWORD values.
BOOL AppInit(void) { // Allocate 2K WCHAR buffer to be used for string composition
if (NULL == szOut) { szOut = (WCHAR *) malloc((STRINGMAXLEN + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == szOut) return FALSE; }
// Preload string from resources into buffers allocated on the stack as an array
// Total array size is 9 x 65 WCHARs = 1190 bytes
wcsncpy(TString[0],ComposeString(MSG_TYPE0),SBUFSIZE); TString[0][SBUFSIZE] = 0; wcsncpy(TString[1],ComposeString(MSG_TYPE1),SBUFSIZE); TString[1][SBUFSIZE] = 0; wcsncpy(TString[2],ComposeString(MSG_TYPE2),SBUFSIZE); TString[2][SBUFSIZE] = 0; wcsncpy(TString[3],ComposeString(MSG_TYPE3),SBUFSIZE); TString[3][SBUFSIZE] = 0; wcsncpy(TString[4],ComposeString(MSG_TYPE4),SBUFSIZE); TString[4][SBUFSIZE] = 0; wcsncpy(PString[0],ComposeString(MSG_PERSIST0),SBUFSIZE); PString[0][SBUFSIZE] = 0; wcsncpy(PString[1],ComposeString(MSG_PERSIST1),SBUFSIZE); PString[1][SBUFSIZE] = 0; wcsncpy(PString[2],ComposeString(MSG_PERSIST2),SBUFSIZE); PString[2][SBUFSIZE] = 0; wcsncpy(PString[3],ComposeString(MSG_PERSIST3),SBUFSIZE); PString[3][SBUFSIZE] = 0; if (PString[3][0] == 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
WCHAR *TypeString(DWORD dwType) { return TString[MAPTYPE(dwType)]; }
WCHAR *PerString(DWORD dwType) { return PString[PERTYPE(dwType)]; }
Get operating modes (Code stolen from Credui:: CredUIApiInit()
********************************************************************/ #define MODEPERSONAL 1
#define MODESAFE 2
#define MODEDC 4
DWORD GetOSMode(void) { DWORD dwMode = 0; // Check for Personal SKU:
versionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof OSVERSIONINFOEXW;
if (GetVersionEx(reinterpret_cast<OSVERSIONINFOW *>(&versionInfo))) { if ((versionInfo.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) && (versionInfo.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL)) dwMode |= MODEPERSONAL; if (versionInfo.wProductType == VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER) dwMode |= MODEDC; }
// Check for safe mode:
HKEY key;
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SafeBoot\\Option", 0, KEY_READ, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegQueryValueEx( key, L"OptionValue", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwMode |= MODESAFE; }
RegCloseKey(key); } #ifdef VERBOSE
if (dwMode & MODEPERSONAL) OutputDebugString(L"CMDKEY: OS MODE - PERSONAL\n"); if (dwMode & MODEDC) OutputDebugString(L"CMDKEY: OS MODE - DOMAIN CONTROLLER\n"); if (dwMode & MODESAFE) OutputDebugString(L"CMDKEY: OS MODE - SAFE BOOT\n"); #endif
return dwMode; }
Get allowable persistence value for the current logon session taken from keymgr: krdlg.cpp
********************************************************************/ DWORD GetPersistenceOptions(DWORD dwPType) {
bResult = CredGetSessionTypes(dwCount,&i[0]); if (!bResult) { return CRED_PERSIST_NONE; }
return i[dwPType]; }
DWORD DoAdd(INT argc, char **argv) { // Add a credential to the keyring.
// Note that the *Session credential is created in this routine, as well, though it uses
// a different command line switch than /a.
// For the *Session credential, the persistence is changed to session persistence, and
// the targetname is always "*Session". When the targetname appears on the command
// line UI, however, it is replaced by "<dialup session>" to mimic the behavior of keymgr.
// these buffers needed if we have to prompt
WCHAR szUser[CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; // 513 wchars
WCHAR szPass[CREDUI_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH + 1]; // 257 wchars
CREDENTIAL stCred; DWORD Persist; WCHAR *pT = NULL; // targetname pointer
BOOL fP = FALSE; // password switch present
BOOL fS = FALSE; // smartcard if /C
szUser[0] = 0; szPass[0] = 0;
IsPersonal = (GetOSMode() & MODEPERSONAL); // Get default persistence value
if (IsPersonal) { if (fSession) Persist = CRED_PERSIST_SESSION; else Persist = GetPersistenceOptions(CRED_TYPE_GENERIC); } else { Persist = GetPersistenceOptions(CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD); }
// Error if no saves allowed and not on personal
// In personal, error of add operation unless session flag present
if ( (CRED_PERSIST_NONE== Persist) || (IsPersonal & (!(fSession || fGeneric))) ) { PrintString(MSG_CANNOTADD); StompCommandLine(argc,argv); return -1; // special value -1 will suppress default error message generation
if (fGeneric) { pT = CLPtr(SWGENERIC); } else { pT = CLPtr(SWADD); // default targetname - may be overridden by generic or session switches
#ifdef VERBOSE
// Some logging for debug purposes
if (pT) swprintf(szdbg,L"CMDKEY: Target = %s\n",pT); else swprintf(szdbg,L"CMDKEY: Target = NULL\n"); OutputDebugString(szdbg); if (pU) swprintf(szdbg,L"CMDKEY: User = %s\n",pU); else swprintf(szdbg,L"CMDKEY: User is NULL\n"); OutputDebugString(szdbg); #endif
// Original username - may be modified by prompting
if (pU) { wcsncpy(szUser,pU,CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH); szUser[CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH] = 0; } // Override target name for prompting purposes
ZeroMemory((void *)&stCred, sizeof(CREDENTIAL));
// Prompting block - enter if password or smartcard switch on the commandline
if (CLFlag(SWPASSWORD) || fCard) { if ((pP) && (!fCard)) { stCred.CredentialBlobSize = wcslen(pP) * sizeof(WCHAR); stCred.CredentialBlob = (BYTE *)pP; } else { // prompt using credui command line mode
OutputDebugString(L"CMDKEY: CredUI prompt failed\n"); #endif
dwErr = GetLastError(); // dont need to stomp the cmdline, since the psw wasnt on it
return dwErr; } else { stCred.CredentialBlobSize = wcslen(szPass) * sizeof(WCHAR); stCred.CredentialBlob = (BYTE *)szPass; }
} }
stCred.Persist = Persist; stCred.TargetName = pT; stCred.UserName = szUser; stCred.Type = CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD;
// Override type and or persistence as necessary
// Override the targetname only in the case of a *Session cred
// Note that generic takes precedence over smartcard
if (fCard) { stCred.Type = CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE; } if (fGeneric) { stCred.Type = CRED_TYPE_GENERIC; } if (!CredWrite((PCREDENTIAL)&stCred,0)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); } else PrintString(MSG_ADDOK);
StompCommandLine(argc,argv); SecureZeroMemory(szPass,sizeof(szPass));
return dwErr; }
// List the creds currently on the keyring. Unlike keymgr, show generic creds as well, though
// they cannot be created with cmdkey in this version.
// NOTE: Generic creds will be created using the /g switch in lieu of /a, just as *Session creds
// are created by /s in lieu of /a.
DWORD DoList(void) { PCREDENTIALW *pstC; DWORD dwCount = 0; WCHAR sz[500]; WCHAR *pL = CLPtr(SWLIST); if (pL) { szArg[0] = pL; PrintString(MSG_LISTFOR); } else PrintString(MSG_LIST); if (CredEnumerateW(pL,0,&dwCount,&pstC)) { for (DWORD i=0;i<dwCount;i++) { //Print target: targetname
// type: type string
// username: username from cred
// blank line
PrintString(MSG_TARGETPREAMBLE); if (!_wcsicmp(pstC[i]->TargetName,SessionTarget)) { //swprintf(sz,L"Dialup Session Credential\n");
PrintString(MSG_DIALUP); PutStdout(L"\n"); } else { PutStdout(pstC[i]->TargetName); PutStdout(L"\n"); } szArg[0] = TypeString(pstC[i]->Type); PrintString(MSG_LISTTYPE);
// if the username is NULL, don't show it. This will happen with incomplete RAS
// creds that have not been filled in by Kerberos yet.
if ((pstC[i]->UserName != NULL) && (wcslen(pstC[i]->UserName) != 0)) {
// UnMarshallUserName will do so only if it is marshalled. Otherwise will leave it alone
szArg[0] = UnMarshallUserName(pstC[i]->UserName); PrintString(MSG_LISTNAME);
PutStdout(PerString(pstC[i]->Persist)); } if (pstC) CredFree(pstC); } if (0 == dwCount) { PrintString(MSG_LISTNONE); } return NO_ERROR; }
// Delete a cred named using the /d switch, or if the /s switch is used, the *Session cred.
DWORD DoDelete(void) { BOOL fOK = FALSE; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; DWORD dwErr = -1; DWORD dw2; WCHAR *pD = CLPtr(SWDELETE); // get args from cmd line
// /d:targetname
#ifdef VERBOSE
if (pD) swprintf(szdbg,L"CMDKEY: Target = %s\n",pD); else swprintf(szdbg,L"CMDKEY: Target = NULL\n"); OutputDebugString(szdbg); #endif
if (fSession) { pD = SessionTarget; }
// remove all creds with this target name
// Any successful delete is success. If no success...
// Failure returned is the last failure found by any attempt, excluding parameter faults
fOK = CredDelete(pD,CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD,0); if (!fOK) { dw2 = GetLastError(); if ((dwErr != NO_ERROR) && (dw2 != ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)) dwErr = dw2; } else dwErr = NO_ERROR; fOK = CredDelete(pD,CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD,0); if (!fOK) { dw2 = GetLastError(); if ((dwErr != NO_ERROR) && (dw2 != ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)) dwErr = dw2; } else dwErr = NO_ERROR; fOK = CredDelete(pD,CRED_TYPE_GENERIC,0); if (!fOK) { dw2 = GetLastError(); if ((dwErr != NO_ERROR) && (dw2 != ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)) dwErr = dw2; } else dwErr = NO_ERROR; fOK = CredDelete(pD,CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE,0); if (!fOK) { dw2 = GetLastError(); if ((dwErr != NO_ERROR) && (dw2 != ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)) dwErr = dw2; } else dwErr = NO_ERROR; if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { PrintString(MSG_DELETEOK); } return dwErr; }
Command dispatcher and error handling
// Perform the switched command, and display the error returned by GetLastError() if the error
// is both nonzero and not -1.
void DoCmdKey(INT argc,char **argv) { DWORD dwErr = 0; if (fAdd) { dwErr = DoAdd(argc,argv); } else if (fDelete) { dwErr = DoDelete(); } else if (fList) { dwErr = DoList(); } // Common residual error handler
if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { returnvalue = 1; if (dwErr != -1) { void *pv = NULL; PrintString(MSG_PREAMBLE); if (0 != FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0,dwErr,0,(LPTSTR)&pv,500,NULL)) { PutStdout((WCHAR *)pv); LocalFree(pv); } } } }
// show usage string
void Usage(BOOL fBad) { if (fBad) PrintString(MSG_BADCOMMAND); else PrintString(MSG_CREATES); PrintString(MSG_USAGE); return; }
Entry point - argument parsing, validation and call to dispatcher
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { INT iArgs = 0; // arg count
BOOL fError = FALSE; // command line error detected
// load needed strings - fail if failed
if (!AppInit()) { // catastrophic exit
if (szOut) free(szOut); return 1; }
//CLInit allocates memory - you must exit via CLUnInit once this call succeeds
if (!CLInit(VALIDSWITCHES,rgcS)) return 1; CLSetMaxPrincipalSwitch(SWDELETE);
// Parse the command line - fail on duplicated switch
if (!CLParse()) { PrintString(MSG_DUPLICATE); returnvalue = 1; goto bail; }
// Two ways to get help - no args at all
if (1 == CLTokens()) { Usage(0); returnvalue = 1; goto bail; }
// Explicit call for help via /?
if (CLFlag(SWHELP)) { Usage(0); returnvalue = 1; goto bail; }
// Detect extraneous switches - bail if found
#ifdef PICKY
if (CLExtra()) { Usage(1); returnvalue = 1; goto bail; } #endif
// Set variables
fAdd = CLFlag(SWADD); fCard = CLFlag(SWCARD); fDelete = CLFlag(SWDELETE); fGeneric = CLFlag(SWGENERIC); fList = CLFlag(SWLIST); fSession = CLFlag(SWSESSION); fUser = CLFlag(SWUSER);
// Command line has been parsed - now look for interactions and missing necessities
// You have to be doing something - test for no principal command
if (CLGetPrincipalSwitch() < 0) { // firstcommand value will still be -1 - handled by default below
fError = TRUE; }
// Weed out illegal combinations, missing arguments to switches where required
if (!fError && fAdd) { // need a name arg for this one in its native form
if (!CLPtr(SWADD)) fError = TRUE; // no contradictory switches
if (fDelete || fList || fGeneric || fSession ) fError = TRUE; } if (!fError && fDelete) { //need a name arg unless the session switch is on the line
if ((!fSession) &&(!CLPtr(SWDELETE))) fError = TRUE; //disallow target arg with session switch - success is ambiguous
if ((fSession) && (CLPtr(SWDELETE))) fError = TRUE; // no contradictory switches
if (fAdd || fList || fGeneric || fUser ) fError = TRUE; } if (!fError && fList) { // no contradictory switches
if (fDelete || fAdd || fGeneric ||fUser || fSession) fError = TRUE; }
// The generic flag replaces the add flag, using a different cred type.
// Do not allow it with the Add flag, and insist on a command argument
if (!fError && fGeneric) { if (!CLPtr(SWGENERIC)) fError = TRUE; // no contradictory switches
if (fAdd) fError = TRUE; // generic cred is an add operation
if (!fError) fAdd = TRUE; }
// Display help for what we think is the operation the user attempted
// First announce that parameters were bad, then show help
if (fError) { PrintString(MSG_BADCOMMAND); switch(CLGetPrincipalSwitch()) { case SWADD: PrintString(MSG_USAGEA); break; case SWGENERIC: PrintString(MSG_USAGEG); break; case SWLIST: PrintString(MSG_USAGEL); break; case SWDELETE: PrintString(MSG_USAGED); break; default: PrintString(MSG_USAGE); break; } goto bail; }
// Must specify a user for any add operation
// If the smartcard switch is supplied, the username may be absent
if (fAdd) { if ((!CLPtr(SWUSER)) && (!fCard)) { PrintString(MSG_NOUSER); returnvalue = 1; goto bail; } } DoCmdKey(argc,argv); // Execute the command action
bail: CLUnInit(); if (NULL != szOut) free(szOut); return returnvalue; }