#ifndef __AUDIT__
#define __AUDIT__
AUDIT.H is a machine-generated file, created by MAKEAUDIT.EXE. This file need not be checked into your project, though it will need to be generated in order to create a testaudit instrumented binary. This file is included only by testaudit.cpp, only when a testaudit build is made.
A testaudit build should always be a clean build, in order to ensure that the current auditing information is built into the binary.
AUDITDATA AuditData[] = {
// Searching dlg.cpp
// Searching krdlg.cpp
{9, L"krdlg.cpp @ 90 : DLL Attach"} // Searching maindlg.cpp
,{41, L"maindlg.cpp @ 263 : Multiple *Session creds"} ,{32, L"maindlg.cpp @ 266 : Keymgr: *Session cred in cred list"} ,{33, L"maindlg.cpp @ 294 : Keymgr: Passport cred in cred list"} ,{34, L"maindlg.cpp @ 312 : Keymgr: Password cred in cred list"} ,{35, L"maindlg.cpp @ 321 : Keymgr: Certificate cred in cred list"} ,{30, L"maindlg.cpp @ 380 : Keymgr: Large number of credentials > 100"} ,{31, L"maindlg.cpp @ 381 : Keymgr: No saved credentials - list empty"} ,{36, L"maindlg.cpp @ 388 : Keymgr: Personal SKU or credman disabled"} ,{37, L"maindlg.cpp @ 496 : Keymgr: Delete a credential"} ,{42, L"maindlg.cpp @ 535 : Delete session cred"} ,{38, L"maindlg.cpp @ 736 : Keymgr: Attempt edit a RAS cred"} ,{39, L"maindlg.cpp @ 750 : Keymgr: Attempt edit a passport cred"} ,{40, L"maindlg.cpp @ 759 : Keymgr: Launch passport website for Passport cred edit"} ,{15, L"maindlg.cpp @ 947 : Keymgr: Main dialog OnHelpInfo"} // Searching editdlg.cpp
,{1, L"editdlg.cpp @ 158 : Keymgr: Edit - Password cred edit"} ,{2, L"editdlg.cpp @ 163 : keymgr: Edit - Certificate cred edit"} ,{3, L"editdlg.cpp @ 206 : Keymgr: Edit - Show description on prop dialog"} ,{12, L"editdlg.cpp @ 225 : Keymgr: Edit - Show properties of non-enterprise persist cred"} ,{13, L"editdlg.cpp @ 231 : Keymgr: Edit - Show properties of enterprise persist cred"} ,{18, L"editdlg.cpp @ 243 : Keymgr: Edit - Show properties of session cred"} ,{19, L"editdlg.cpp @ 249 : Keymgr: Edit - Show properties of non-session cred"} ,{5, L"editdlg.cpp @ 386 : Keymgr: Edit - Add dialog OnHelpInfo"} ,{4, L"editdlg.cpp @ 579 : Keymgr: Edit - OnOK for add/prop dialog"} ,{21, L"editdlg.cpp @ 613 : Keymgr: Edit - Saving a cred preserving the old psw (rename)"} ,{20, L"editdlg.cpp @ 617 : Keymgr: Edit - Saving a cred while not preserving the old password"} ,{7, L"editdlg.cpp @ 694 : Keymgr: Edit - OnOK - deleting old cred (type changed)"} ,{8, L"editdlg.cpp @ 700 : Keymgr: Edit - OnOK - renaming current cred, same type"} ,{16, L"editdlg.cpp @ 718 : Keymgr: Edit - Saving password cred"} ,{17, L"editdlg.cpp @ 719 : Keymgr: Edit - Saving certificate cred"} ,{10, L"editdlg.cpp @ 734 : Keymgr: Edit - Changing password on the domain for the cred"} ,{11, L"editdlg.cpp @ 755 : Keymgr: Edit - Add/Edit failed: Show error message box to user"} // Searching chgpsw.cpp
// Searching keymgr.cpp
// Searching wizard.cpp
,{65, L"wizard.cpp @ 344 : Wizard: Password length > 25 chars"} ,{54, L"wizard.cpp @ 484 : Wizard: Both - Exactly one removeable drive"} ,{53, L"wizard.cpp @ 610 : Wizard: Both - no removeable drives"} ,{52, L"wizard.cpp @ 611 : Wizard: Both - more than 1 removeable drive"} ,{58, L"wizard.cpp @ 813 : Wizard: Restore - Set account password"} ,{50, L"wizard.cpp @ 874 : Wizard: Save - generating recovery data"} ,{51, L"wizard.cpp @ 911 : Wizard: Save - write failed (disk full?)"} ,{55, L"wizard.cpp @ 919 : Wizard: Save - write to disk OK"} ,{59, L"wizard.cpp @ 1178 : Wizard: Both - Drive select page"} ,{60, L"wizard.cpp @ 1181 : Wizard: Restore - drive select"} ,{61, L"wizard.cpp @ 1261 : Wizard: Save - back from enter old psw page"} ,{62, L"wizard.cpp @ 1708 : Wizard: Restore - BACK from enter new psw data page"} ,{63, L"wizard.cpp @ 1940 : Wizard: Save - Show from nusrmgr.cpl"} ,{64, L"wizard.cpp @ 2028 : Wizard: Restore - show restore wizard from nusrmgr.cpl"} ,{56, L"wizard.cpp @ 2174 : Wizard: Save - show from msgina"} ,{57, L"wizard.cpp @ 2203 : Wizard: Restore - Show from msgina"} // Searching diskio.cpp
,{70, L"diskio.cpp @ 216 : Wizard: Save - Unformatted disk in the drive"} ,{72, L"diskio.cpp @ 261 : Wizard: Restore - disk present"} ,{73, L"diskio.cpp @ 302 : Wizard: Restore - wrong disk (file not found)"} ,{74, L"diskio.cpp @ 307 : Wizard: Restore - bad disk"} ,{71, L"diskio.cpp @ 314 : Wizard: Restore - no disk"} ,{75, L"diskio.cpp @ 363 : Wizard: Save - open output file"} ,{76, L"diskio.cpp @ 385 : Wizard: Save - file already exists"} // Searching pswutil.cpp
// Searching keymgr.rc
}; #define CHECKPOINTCOUNT (sizeof(AuditData) / sizeof(AUDITDATA))